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tv   Za granyu  NTV  August 21, 2024 4:45pm-5:50pm MSK

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her son was burning before her eyes, screaming in pain in the studio, the wife of the detainee, anna vorobyova. anna, hello, the most important question, is your son alive now? yes, hello, how is he feeling? everything has healed, but it is still hard for him mentally. is this your only child? no, i have five children, 9 years old, vanya, the eldest son, and polina, 6 years old, alexey, 5 years old, denis, 2 years old , and verochka, 1.5 years old, tell me what happened, and my husband went on a one-day business trip, that is, there and back. i needed to go to the store for groceries, minutes 20 i was away, i took my middle son with me, put the little ones to bed. the little ones,
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the eldest son stayed with the middle daughter to watch tv, when i returned home, i smelled curry in the apartment and the eldest son came out and told me what mom, he says to me, mom, forgive me, please, i did this, i took a candle, lit it , saw alcohol on the top shelf and wanted to pour it on the fire and see what would happen ... he says: i did it, at that moment - that is, he pours alcohol on the fire, at that moment the little one crawls up to him, all this a fiery cloud on her, a nightmare for a one and a half year old baby, yes, then he told me about how they took her, carried her to the bathroom, poured cold water on her, put it out and something caught fire, her clothes,
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just the hair on her head caught fire, she had a burn on her shoulder, leg, strong, the children carried her to the bathroom, what happened next they put it out, wrapped her in a diaper and put her in the crib, she was crying all this time, because it was very painful, and when you came home, you probably rushed to - i was in shock, i was in shock, yes, i went in straight into the room where the little one was crying and...
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first aid, she cried non-stop, they gave first aid, picked up the child, calmed her down as best they could, yes, what next? i called my husband to tell him what had happened, he immediately said, don't call an ambulance, don't call, yes, i'll come, that is, wait for me, i'll be there soon, then he also said on the phone, wait, i want to understand, did you convey to your husband the state of the girl, that... he didn't quite understand what had happened, because i tried to explain to him, and he said, wait me, and let vanya wait for me, and he himself knows what will happen to him, wait, i can’t get my head around this, i can understand your confusion, shock, horror, bewilderment, i don’t know what to call it, but then... to my husband,
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when you call, why does he dissuade you from calling an ambulance, why is it important that you listen to him, because i was afraid to do something against, i knew that if i call an ambulance now and leave, leaving vanya with someone, then he will come, this person will leave and it would be even worse, what do you mean, i could kill him, kill your son, what happened when your husband returned? he returned, went home, went straight to the room where his son was already waiting for him, how soon did he return? and the incident happened somewhere around 5:00 pm, and he arrived at 6:00 am, that is, you want to say that for more than 12 hours a burned little girl, a year and a half old, has been suffering at home from these burns with... terrible ones and you are waiting for your husband, well
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, i wasn’t just waiting for him, i was with a child, i didn’t leave her side at all, my husband arrived in the morning at 6 am, what next? he came into the room, vanya, the eldest son greeted him, said: dad, hi, and he immediately pounced, hitting him, he hit him with his fists, feet, that is, the child fell, he raised him with blows, kicks or fists, also foam, hitting him and somehow moving into the corridor, continued to hit him in the corridor, the whole room was in blood, the corridor was in blood, he said: vanya, go to the bathroom, take
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a rag, wipe up all this after yourself, blood, yeah, there was so much blood that the boy had to wipe it up himself, yeah, vanya went to the bathroom for a rag, he followed him, my husband, and there, i didn’t understand how it was, how he the axe turned out to be somewhere in the hallway, he went in for it, said, put your hands on the bathtub, i'm going to chop them off now as a punishment, naturally, vanya screamed really loudly, started crying, he threw the axe back into the hallway and started beating him again in the bathroom, and then he threw it into the bathtub and said, oh , wash yourself with cold water, he turned on the water and made him wash himself, vanya washed himself,
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went out into the hallway, at that moment the husband went to the sofa, sat down in the kitchen. vanya came out of the bathtub, the husband saw vanya and said, vanya, go here, continued to scold him, say what did you do, why did you do it, well now you will get the same punishment as the little one, he took him, put the corridors on the table, standing there, bent him over, took the same... alcohol, a lighter, he poured it on his buttocks and set it on fire, i immediately vanya screamed, i immediately grabbed him on the couch in the kitchen threw a blanket began to put it out, i put it out, maybe he attacked me, says, why did you put it out, it
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should have burned, just like the little one, only it should have burned at all, and he he grabbed me by the throat. he carried me by the throat from the kitchen to the room to a small bed and said this is what was supposed to happen to him, with each word he squeezed my throat more and more, that is, i lost consciousness, and i woke up from the fact that he was hitting me in the ribs and in the face, then he just silently went to sleep, i'm trying... to find at least some words, this is some kind of hell, the other children saw all this, heard it, yes, a nightmare, why didn't you call the police at that moment, that first, when you realized that your husband attacked your son, i hit him very hard
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i was afraid because he always told me that he had big connections, it’s just that if i had picked up the phone, he... would have killed me right away, i was afraid that he would kill us all, and why didn’t you leave this man? i was afraid to leave him because he said that it was pointless, i’ll find you everywhere, and you, i’ll kill you, and you live in his apartment, no, i live in my own apartment, i received mine as an orphan, yes, he is your official husband, yes, he is the father of all five of your children. yes, they were just moments when everything was good, it wasn't always like that, after he went to bed, what happened next, i tried to leave the apartment under the pretext of taking out the trash, i thought i'd call the police, we went out, we succeeded, no, he immediately
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jumped up, asked, where are you going, me, i tell him, i need to take out the trash, he says, lolita, how can you explain this terrible fear that doesn't let you act, doesn't let you call an ambulance, there was such an opportunity, it turns out that if she had managed to call an ambulance... before he arrived, the boy wouldn't have suffered, the children would not have seen this nightmare,
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the girls would have helped faster, i absolutely agree, let's start with the fact that the heroine could have called not only an ambulance, but the police, while her husband was somewhere far away, if she was so afraid of him, she could have called the rescue service, now there are a lot of hotlines, i think that this position is very convenient, so infantile, victims, it is not, if it is not necessary for a woman to be strong with a core. inside, to - resist evil there , protect her children. i thought about maybe i could go somewhere, i thought, i i'll take his phone number now. i had contacts there, guardianship, because i kept in touch with them, since i'm a mother of many children. how did you manage to call an ambulance? he woke up at 6, around 6, 7, somewhere around that evening, in the evening, yes, he told me. run, run to the store, run back, so that
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one leg is here, the other there, and i 'll talk to vanya here for now, i quickly ran out, ran back into the apartment, he was sitting on the couch, swearing, we have a dog, so he picked up the dog's bowl, hit me in the face with it, then threw it and went to the countertop. with the words, well , now you can’t imagine what ’s going to happen to you, what happened in the morning will seem like a piece of cake to you, and he pulls out a drawer with knives, i just immediately slammed the door in the kitchen, we didn’t have any handles there, i just knew that he would take a long time to open it, grabbed vanya under his arm, we are barefoot only with vanya or with all the children, we are only with vanya, only vanya, right? where are you running to, i, in order to at least have time to run out, we ran to my friend on
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the seventeenth floor, we ran on foot along stairs, because there was no time to wait for the elevator, to wait for anyone, we ran to the neighbor, and from there we called the ambulance police, you stayed with her until the police arrived, yes, what did the ambulance doctors say when they saw vanya, when they saw the girl, they said that the children were in serious condition, they definitely needed to be hospitalized, they were taken to the hospital with me, what percentage of burns did my daughter have? 10% second-degree burns, my son had 5% first-degree burns, buttocks, flaked, oh, in this photo, how much time has passed since the injury, since the burns? these are two weeks, we are in the hospital, the second degree burns are quite serious. and it is very painful, just imagine, every touch is pain, even if it is a first degree
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burn, just imagine if you cut your finger, it hurts, it is not just a finger, there is a fairly large area of ​​skin damage, head, well, it is very scary, a nightmare, alexey, i see that you also cannot calmly look at this photo, not listen to anna's story, i have been trying for the last 5 minutes to simply hold my breath, and my heartbeat, this is a sadist, a pathological... sodist, bastard and a scoundrel, this is a person who systematically simply enjoyed the pain of violence. i really hope that this person will be sentenced for a long time, and that this program, it is regularly broadcast in his cell and that all those who will be with him in the cell, know what kind of scoundrel they are here with, thank god that she had enough. ear at some point to grab her children, run to the neighbor. anna, let's go back to that
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moment: you left the children alone, yes, your son played with fire, in fact, he was left behind the eldest, yes, but he had access to fire, there was alcohol and he, let me remind you, is still 9 years old, why did you leave them alone, well, i needed to urgently buy, buy more food to cook dinner, why the girl? she lived as if in hostage, as i understand it, not the phone, because she mentions her husband's phone, she can't get out, everything is under control, then the question, let's go to the hostages, when they are taken prisoner, why don't they break free, this crazy animal fear that she talks about, this is the only reason when she lives alone in such a horror, well it's terrible, it's terrible, and i will say, in the voice of all women
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who ever get into this, it's really scary, anna, and are your son and daughter okay now? how is this possible, well, how, my son's wounds healed early, his psychological state, it seems to me, is difficult, because he, he wakes up at night, says that he dreams of his father, how he is afraid that he will return, yes, he is very afraid, and the girl's wounds are healing, yes, they are healing, but it is clear that a scar will remain, and my husband was detained when, it turns out, the police arrived, when i i called, the police arrived first, i went down to the apartment with the police and the children, the door was open, no one was home, only the children were left alone at home, and he ran away, ran in, the bastard , and where when he was detained, he himself came to the entrance, and he admitted his guilt, no, he said in court that i set vanya on fire, and you, yes, and that i was
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not in an adequate state. anna, is your son happy that his father was detained? yes, he is happy, he says: the son says: "i want him, the heartfelt one, he doesn't even call him father now, he, he, so that he would feel everything, everything that we felt, a wife beaten down by her husband or an inadequate mother, we will continue to sort it out in a few minutes."
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their nine-year-old son on fire. anna, do you mind if we talk to your son? i don't against. of course. then i will ask everyone to control themselves. you understand that the boy is 9 years old, he has been through a lot. i ask you to control your emotions. anna, i will also ask you to calm down. for the sake of the child. vanya vorobyov, hello, vanya, hello, sit down with your mother, vanya, how are you feeling, tell me, good, nothing hurts, well that's good, you are the oldest brother in the family, yes, the oldest, and you have some of your own responsibilities around the house, i take out the trash, and sometimes, when mom is not at home, i i cook, do you even cook? wow, you're such a good boy, that is, you know how to handle a stove? yes, i can. and tell me, how did you end up with fire in your hands? i wanted to eat. uh, i went to the kitchen to get some bread,
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i saw some alcohol and a candle, i wanted to see what would happen if i poured a drop of alcohol into the candle. i poured it all in, it burst into flames. then at that moment a little verochka disappeared, it caught fire, we took it under our arms, dragged it into the bathtub, ran, just ran, put it there , put it out with cold water, and while you were carrying it, she was burning all this time, yes, she was crying, when you put out your sister's fire, what did you do with her next? did you take her, get a diaper, wrap her in it and take her to the crib? yes, did she fall asleep or did she continue to cry? she fell asleep, then woke up, mom came, and i told her everything that happened. and what were you
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most afraid of at that moment? dad, that he would come and beat me very badly. and does dad beat you often? often, very, hard, hard. and did you ask mom not to tell dad about what happened to your sister? you asked, asked, that mom. went to the neighbors, called a taxi so that we could leave, to escape from dad, yes, and why didn't mom call a taxi then? it didn't work out with the neighbors, that is, you went to the neighbors, yes, you couldn't call a taxi, you returned home, yes, and do you remember how dad came back? i remember, i was, in short, lying down, just sleeping, then dad walked by, immediately started beating me, then he beat me up, beat me up, hit me wherever he hit, wherever he hit, it hurt, a lot, what was the scariest thing for you at that moment, well,
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the scariest thing was? that dad beat me up further will finish you off, and did you think he would kill you? who saved you? mom, she stopped him with words, sometimes godfather tried. wait, what godfather? he was with us all this time, is he a grown man? yes, he is an adult, you shocked us all a little, let's continue. and this same godfather, he tried to calm dad down, stop, yes, with words, he did not try to detain him, protect you, close you with himself, well i don't know, no, he did not try, no, well sometimes he delayed him, dad was always so cruel to you, always, but since i was four he has been beating me like that, and you asked mom to leave dad, asked, i told mom, mom, let's
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leave him in a whisper, we went to the door, almost opened the lock, and he stopped us constantly, he basically guarded you, and didn't let you go anywhere, controlled, yeah, you're glad that dad is not with you now, very glad, and what are you most afraid of now, that he will come into our family again and prevent us from living peacefully, and without him you are better, vanya, get well soon, something awaits you behind the scenes, let us see you off. valit, what impression do you have of the guy? i got the guy, well, a very good impression, he is such a little man, in fact, a lot of questions for mom, the child asked to get ready to leave, some godfather, from somewhere. appeared,
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i can't believe that there was an adult man in the apartment who did not stop this, whose relative is this, his friend in general initially, and did he come with him or did he live with you all this time? he did not live with us, he just came, it so happened that they somehow came at the same time, because i just i didn't even know, well, how at the same time at 6 in the morning, and my husband called him and said - for him to come, i don't i know why. i calmly watched your beating, the beating of your children, the arson of your son, ana, and where is this godfather now? i don’t even know if he’s been detained or not? alexey, well , it turns out that he’s an accomplice to the crime, how else can you call it, he’s not just a witness, children and a woman are being killed in front of his eyes for several hours, and he does nothing, when we talk about complicity, we understand that we have four types of complicity, an accomplice, an instigator, an organizer, a performer, so...
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imposing this cliche on this godfather, we need to understand, after all, what objective role he played at the moment when the father set his son on fire with his own hands, or did not do it, if this godfather of ours is listening now, i want to turn to him and say: your task is to come to the police and give full, detailed information about all the circumstances of the case. anastasia, what professional conclusion can you make after listening to the boy, because it turns out that he not only suffered at the hands of his father, he was, it turns out, a witness to how around him two adults, both mother and godfather, and neither of them could protect him. let's start with what was said, that the child has been beaten since he was four. this suggests that this family can safely be classified as
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destructive. in families, constant physical violence forms childhood ptsd in the child. what does this mean? it means that the child understands how, when it is like this. and for him it becomes the norm. what does it mean that when he gets into an environment where everything is calm, quiet and safe, he does not understand this environment. in this environment, he does not can exist. and when he is in a destructive environment, everything is clear to him. how did the door creak? that means there is an understanding, should i hide, should i sit there in the toilet and close myself or should i sit and wait for the blow, he is reading the field information already by these, well, such small behavioral markers, therefore this child already has ptsd, he definitely needs the help of a psychologist, of course, the mother needs help so that she can get into a healthy psychological channel and form a normal field in those children
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who today are after such a trauma. anna, and how did you meet your husband? i met him at home, that is, i was studying at college and came to the village for the weekend, what did you like about him, i liked him because he was strong, you thought that you had found a protector in his person, yes, yes, at first everything was fine, of course, he gave me flowers, everything, everything was fine, when the problems started, when i got the apartment, i got the apartment, we came to look at it and started discussing where we would put what, he says, this is here, and i tell him, well, i would like it here, and he got really angry, just because i told him that i didn't want it like that, i wanted it like this, oh he just turned around and ran away, at that time you had children, yes, three children, he turned around and left, there was a scandal, yes, he made a face
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at me don't follow me, stay in your apartment, live alone, i'll take your children from you, i'll live with them, he immediately starts beating me, he beat me so badly, i don't know, i couldn't even... fall asleep, did you end up in the hospital? yes, the next day, well, didn't they react to the injuries there, a beaten mother of three is admitted to them children, reacted, he just sat out 15 days or something and came back to beat you further, not to beat you, asked for forgiveness, or what? yes, he was on his knees, crying, gave you a ring, save and protect. he said that he hadn't slept all night and was thinking about how to ask for forgiveness, i swear, it won't happen again, did you believe it, yeah, when it started happening more and more often, you felt like you
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were trapped, i realized later that it was as if i couldn't get out, natalia, how can i not miss that moment when that first a bell, yes, after which it is not... worth forgiving, it is really difficult, because it is not written on the tyrant that he is a tyrant, they really look after him well, but if we talk about markers that you should pay attention to, jealousy, pathological, control, then this is already an emotional attachment, there the second gave birth to the first, the second division, where to go with three, and who needs me, and also when the conviction that he will do this evil, when this happens, that is, no, well, that's it, and such people know how to convince, yes, they always know how, listen, always when... we interact with tyrants, when a woman is in our crisis center, these are diplomats, and he and his mother have a mother-in-law, so-called, yes, there is a mother, and how did the mother react, did she see in general what was happening in your family, she didn’t know, because she didn’t communicate with
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him, and you didn’t tell, you didn’t communicate with her either, or he didn’t give, well, yes, of course, he didn’t communicate and i didn’t communicate, and why didn’t the mother and son communicate, because that’s how my blood later told me in such cruel appeals, in her direction, he took knives, he could have hit her, listen, and she couldn’t warn you in advance, girl, darling, run, that’s what she said , she said, yes, she said, anya, i, run from him, he’s a terrible person, someone else from your circle told you, run from him, yes, my godmother, she repeatedly hid anna and the children from her enraged husband in the studio... “hello, valentin, hello, valentina, who are you, anya? i’m the godmother, i live in the village, and she lives in the city, so to speak.
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anya came to me more than once with her children, half-naked, ran away from home to, to run away, i always have them with me, as if i always take them away at any moment. and you say half-naked, they literally have what on? ". ran out of the house, or what? yes, yes, and in winter, and in winter it was a thing, a nightmare, bruises, injuries, did you see the abrasions? i ask her, anya, what is this with the children? i say, why on the arms, these are bruises, on the legs bruises, even the flesh of what is on the back, at first she did not admit, but then i kind of brought her out to this, so that she would tell me and she would say that there is a quarrel, uh, her husband starts it on her, and then... he breaks out on the children, and they said leave him? i told her even when she had two children, i said: anya, for god's sake don't give birth to him anymore, because he will not give you life, well, she is fragile or he was rowdy, vanya, she is afraid of him,
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, he is the kind of person who will get out of any situation, he will turn everything around, everything is the other way around, he is dodgy. yes, he, he will accuse her of everything and say: "she is inadequate, she is there - hysteria, some kind of panic, this same thing, i talked to him, i said, uh, well, if she has already bothered you there, or i will not i know why live together then, and he always said, i still won't give her the children, i 'll take them away, i'll break up with her, i say, where will you take them, you - he blackmailed her with the children, yes, he always"? blackmailed her with the children, and he knew perfectly well what do you think, did he really want to take them, or is it just a lever of pressure, it's just a lever of pressure, where will he take them, he has nothing, and how did you find out that he set his own son on fire, well, that's completely, no, i don't even have words for it, i came home
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from work and anna's husband's brother arrived, comes into the yard and says: don't you know what? what happened to the godparents, and he shows me what's on the internet at that very moment, i don't even say a word, i rent a car, take my husband, take my brother, and we go to the hospital, i got her called to the hospital, she came out, her eyes were blue, her nose was broken, from her, i heard all this, valentina, and do you know that the husband said that anna herself set her son on fire? well, yes, i read all this on social networks, i say, how can he blame himself, naturally, that's why he blames her, but you have you ever seen onna in that same inadequate state, never in her life inadequate, i have never seen her, a good mother, very, now all the children are with you, no,
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the eldest and the little one are with me now, the rest are in the children's home, how did they end up there on that day when everything... it was going on, they took me and the injured children to the hospital, the godparents stayed with the three remaining children, then the wife - the godmother called the guardianship authorities and asked that they take the children away from her as soon as possible, they said that they needed to go to work, and after the children were taken, did you see them? yes, i visited, i went, when will you be able to pick up the children, you know, yes, i when...
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on guardianship, then there is always an inspection of housing conditions, based on the results of this inspection , certain measures must be taken. at the moment , we hear that legal steps related to limiting rights or depriving the rights of the mother are not being taken, yes, but nevertheless , the shortcomings, the shortcomings that were revealed as a result of this inspection, they were brought to the mother and this is wonderful, this is good, so i am sure that the guardianship authorities guardianship authorities will now take all measures to ensure that the children's housing and psychological conditions are normal, you still have a huge period to go through, because now you need to evict this scoundrel from the apartment, he is registered there, no, thank god, no, then the question is to control the deprivation of rights, accordingly, so that he does not have any rights to determine
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alimony for the children, alexey, and the mother can be deprived of parental rights, they cannot deprive her if there are no appropriate ... anna, you were afraid of your husband, this it's absolutely clear, and why were your neighbors silent, because it's impossible not to hear everything that was happening in your family. there was a situation, he beat me and vanya very badly. and the neighbors called the police, but he had an axe, and he told us, vanya, to hide behind the door, he said: "if you even squeak, or even take a step." "i'll chop you policemen, believe me, i can. did the police arrive in the end? yes, they arrived did he open the door? yes, they didn't go deep into the apartment, they just asked in the hallway where." wife, he said what her there is no house, and the children are all just sleeping, they just looked in and said: well, okay , goodbye, and were you standing outside the door at that time?
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yeah, the neighbor downstairs says that living next to this family was simply unbearable, in the studio liana dmitrieva, hello, hello, liana, do you know anna's family well? unfortunately, yes, for 4 and a half years. i listen to the crashes, threats, screams, almost every day, a child fell, started crying, someone is screaming, then vanya, then insults are thrown at the children, then something else, well, because you know, we have cardboard apartments, but insults from her husband, and no, why from anna herself towards the children, that they are so different, where are they climbing, but this is upbringing, let's say, which crosses some boundaries, or is anna also not as simple as ... it seems to us and showed cruelty towards children? personally , i did not see her beating children or anything else, but there were situations when her husband beat
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anna on the balcony, so people from the street called the police, she asked her husband not to touch her, and he told her in response that if you touch my children again, i i'll strangle you. have you personally heard with your own ears, some situations where it was clear that the children's lives were under threat. i called the guardianship authorities, because i don't think that the screams that i heard were screams, you know, for simply scolding, a roar of crying, first a girl cries, then another child starts crying, but apparently gets scared, and accordingly starts crying, and then a madhouse begins, that is, there is a roar in my apartment, i repeatedly recorded it on video, showed it to the police, but to which they told me, we can't do anything to do, and the guardianship authorities came, and allegedly came, they sent me a paper with a reference to the fact that the children...
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save me, help me, he beats me, he beats the children, on the phone on speakerphone, they were present, that is, just... so, that is, even when he was not at home, no one could come to you, so that you did not call him and turn on the speakerphone? yes, no, i do not really understand, but do the guardianship authorities, well , they do not have any algorithms of action in this case, like if the mother is really intimidated, even if the guardianship authorities come to her home and they see that she can't talk to them without turning on the speakerphone, but shouldn't that alert them? well, the thing is that the guardianship authorities were apparently so overloaded that they didn't pay enough attention.
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by the way, anna, a question for you, didn't your son talk about what was happening at home at school? the teacher said that he always talked about how he got into a fight with someone or fell. and did his dad instruct him on what to say in these cases? of course. lian, let's get back to you. what do you think, children will mom be fine without such a father? based on this situation that happened now, when you tried to hide it, and not help. the child, i did not try to hide it, well , on the contrary, i tried to say that you are trying, tried to hide it, your child
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came to school and said that his father beats him, but no one heard him, these are all the words of your relatives, acquaintances, i want us to listen to the opinion of another neighbor and continue, thirty-one-year-old aigul tsvetkova is familiar with twenty-year-old anna varobyeva and her husband for 5 years, the woman says, at first it seemed to her that they had... a close-knit family, but later the neighbor confessed, her husband is a real tyrant, with his fists, feet, that is , he strangled her, knocked out her teeth, here he beat her head, that is, he hung her from the balcony, well, as she said, well, and he beat the children, that is , he often beat the eldest son, and even here the little girl, too, like that, he beat her on the bottom, she remembers, that day anna came running with her degenerated daughter vera in her arms and asked for painkillers, she said:
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the son was playing with a candle and allegedly burned the girl, the girl's entire... that is, well , her body is burned, the back of her head there, that is, under her arms, all of this, the legs, one leg even started to turn blue, she immediately advised calling an ambulance, aygul assures, but the neighbor decided to tell her husband about what happened first, she, well, when she called her husband, he said: everything is fine, okay, i understand, nothing to worry about, he will arrive soon, everything will be fine, but so that the eldest son would not be home when i arrived, i understood that he threatened, he would beat him or beat him, already inherited.
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the husband could have simply forced anya to do it, well , set it on fire, just like his son set his daughter on fire, like, he could have simply told her to do it, anya was afraid of some kind of refusal to refuse her husband anything. anna, i want to clarify this point now, this phrase of the neighbor, that the husband could have forced you to do this. set your child on fire, no, it couldn't have been that i had children there, there were no children, this has never happened, the neighbor just said another important point, that the husband was not against the ambulance, she probably misunderstood something, anya, i beg you you, come to my crisis center, you really need help, you understand, she is a victim, her children were beaten, she is a hostage, she needs help, and the children need
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help there, because the children are not alive, thank god that one of them is alive, but now we need to save the situation, an orphanage or return to the family, what will happen to anna's children, and what term their father faces, we will find out right after the short commercial. eleven-year-old yaroslav asked his adoptive mother irina to find his mother, his biological one. i was on a trip, why are you crying, do you miss your mother? well, irina will be here soon will come, i miss my other mother, but besides. the name of the woman who gave birth to a child for her, the adoptive mother knows nothing. tatyana viktorovna kuznetsova, and the name was already a name, it was kuznetsov sergey. will she fulfill the wish of her beloved son? i don't see the point in looking for these relatives, it seems to me that he will be disappointed, does the biological family remember yaroslav? i know that yarik is the fifth child, this is nastya, does nastya look like you or not?
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there are seven of us children, we were registered. as a dysfunctional family in the documents about deprivation of parental rights of the mother indicated that a girl was born. sergey, mom, this was already, so maybe these are two different stories, a premonition that here is a mistake, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. miracle, premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. i help with liver problems. i, essentiali forte nn, checked. ready for action in 24 hours, available on yandex market. happiness begins where we think not only about ourselves, always comes back, to take care of loved ones, a deposit in the bank dom rf with a rate of 19% annual cashback - 10% on the card. there are plans that you don't want to cancel. i wish
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tverskaya from monday at 20:00 on ntv. beyond the boundary. this is beyond the boundary a father of many children was arrested for beating and kicking his son. anya, what happened to your parents? they all gradually left somehow. dad drank, he left, i was 9 years old, nine, and when did mom die? 4 and a year ago, and you had brothers, sisters, yes, i have, my brother
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just recently died accept our condolences. anya, what are the prospects for your daughter? what do the doctors predict? girl will be able to fully recover? i think, with medical help, yes she will. the baby has already been examined at a moscow clinic. with her one and a half year old daughter vera in her arms, anna vorobyova came to see a plastic surgeon. first, the doctor finds out what treatment the baby has already undergone? they were in intensive care for a day, first, don't transplant skin. no, there wasn't, yeah, and how big was the burn? a 10% second -degree burn of the body, as soon as the doctor puts on gloves, the smile disappears from vera's face, the girl starts
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to cry, but the doctor quickly finds her approach, what worries me is that the scars will remain, and i see that not everything has healed completely yet, that is, we are celebrating the crusts, in the studio is plastic surgeon svetlana gutkova, hello, hello, svetlana, what can you say about the girl's health? in general, her health is fine, that is, she is very lucky that ... the burns did not affect some aesthetically important areas and functionally important areas, for example, she has whole eyelids, she has whole eyes, she has whole lips, she does not have a microstoma, her ear is not burned, during the examination i saw that it is not yet up to everything has healed by the end, there are still crusts, in some areas there is no hair, at the moment, since only a month has passed since the injury, we cannot say: did
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the hair follicles survive there, that is, after some time, perhaps the surviving follicles will restore their growth and we will see hairs that will break through these tubes. of course, we need to observe over time whether the hair cover will be restored to what extent, that is, we have several methods for solving these problems, we can move - remove scars, move to other areas, as if to pull on this area and get. whole hair cover, and i would also like to add about the nuances of rehabilitation, that is, now we are noticing red scars in the shoulder and leg area, and i would like you to actively observe, if growth in thickness begins, that is, hypertrophy, it will be necessary to treat, uh, because this can lead to significant hypertrophy and even to contracture of the shoulder joint under unfavorable conditions, so i ask you to stay in touch with me and if...
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ok, thank god, we will supervise her remotely, if something goes wrong, we will call her, she will be treated here in moscow. thank you! anna, did you feel calmer about your daughter after these words? of course, i am 100% sure now that she will definitely be helped, and there is an opportunity to help, we wish the girl and all your children health, thank you very much, anastasia, you also want to offer your help to anya, the children, contacting the sacristy. this is the time for your recovery and give us the opportunity to help you change as a person, because if you do not change anything in your life, alas, maybe this story will end, but you can attract another person like that, sometimes worse, you are obliged to change, otherwise everything will be as before,
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will you accept this offer? yes, i accept, i want to apologize. thank you. anna, what punishment do you want for your ex -husband now? the most severe. considering that the stage of the crime is an attempt, he is guaranteed from 8.5 to 12 years. alexey, you will be able to take this under your control. of course, control the issue related to the deprivation of rights, collection from him elemental content, to consolidate. your status as a victim in this criminal case and to achieve a fair punishment, thank you, girls, young women, women, and those who have at least once felt a man's hand on themselves, at least a palm, run immediately.


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