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tv   Chelovek bez proshlogo  NTV  August 22, 2024 2:50am-3:50am MSK

2:50 am
it's too late, the subscriber is not in the network coverage area, forever, great, corpse, they didn't bring the svizhachok from the milk mill, what should they have? unidentified persons, as a result of a shootout, oh, four corpses, what kind of a handsome man is that, they just brought it, you're a rodeo-goer, borisych, what are we waiting for, we're working, we're working.
2:51 am
look how love came in, you want to do it on purpose
2:52 am
, it won't work, what did you decide to taste, borisovich, you morons, he's alive, get him to intensive care quickly, what are you talking about? senior investigator asokina, oh, hi, semelych, great, don't bring yourself to say good morning, yeah, i haven't seen such a massacre for a long time, a bunch of corpses, nothing is clear, everything as you like.
2:53 am
"i like a warm blanket and tea with lemon, they already found out who was so unlucky, yeah, one security guard from mukmolny, two visitors with a pskov registration passport, one employee of the investigative committee, and how did he end up here, who the hell knows, ask him, it must have been some kind of operation, by the way, there were two of them, one in the hospital, and there are also survivors, yes, a local, he was also sent to the hospital."
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ours, oh-oh, how young, yeah, that's how it happens, i would go to the movies with a girl in the evening, would have stayed alive, how do you know that he was going anywhere at all, especially with a girl, kiss on a volcano, romantic comedy, i wouldn't take a friend to see such a movie, and you, excuse me, who are we, excuse me, i always forget, the investigative committee, senior investigator osokin, i understand, excuse me, but you can't come here, what do you mean you can't, this is my plant, here you are, please, gentlemen journalists, film, here, film, they won't let me onto the territory of my own enterprise, serviceman, let this comrade through, colonel sovuk, what am i obliged to do.
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by what right, colonel, did your people break into my plant and kill five people, four, one of them an fsk employee, but four is not enough for you, mister tarasov, and you can go half a ton lower, the colonel has information that there were drugs here , that's how, where are they, show us, we'll find out everything, then we'll show you, so, what did you do wrong , friend? now you don't know how to get out of this situation, mister tarasov, no one is going to get out of this situation in front of you, and they don't have to in front of me, you're in another place you will explain yourself, and i will provide you with this,
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take it off, take it off, my friends, take it off, a serious man, you can understand him, how can i talk to your employee, well, to the one who survived, like his captain vrosikh, yes-yes-yes, to stay alive in such a meat grinder, that's happiness, so where is he, you say, sashka's death, on your conscience, it's only your fault, no one else's, i understand. "you see, my neighbor in the country has a goat, she also understands everything, but she constantly eats my tomatoes, so you, yesterday you were also mooing, i understand, i understand, why the hell are you there some of them went, the informant gave a tip, so
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we went there to check, checked, checked, i, ask, come in, come in, captain, comrade colonel, captain groshev has arrived as per your order, well done for coming and not showing up, well report, well come on, captain, tell comrade colonel how it happened that so many people died, and not...
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decide to go, go, captain, but think carefully what is more important to you, to cover up the informant or to punish those who are guilty of sashka's death, yes sir, go and today go to his... drivers and tell them under what you sent their son to death by such a law, it's an order,
3:00 am
why did you go to the plant? you can't show up there, you don't understand who to send me, son, you, that's enough, i trusted you once already, now... who knows how long we'll have to deal with it. sharon, we have a problem. it looks like one of the launchers managed to get away. well, we have a lot on our plate now, the only thing missing is a war with obskovy. so we need to solve the problem. any news from romanov? no, he's disappeared into thin air. so we need to. be on the ground, my guys
3:01 am
combed the entire city overnight, not a romanov, not a van, he should have prepared everything in advance, and what if he drove the van into the garage, the money, loaded it with drugs and hello, forget your name, but that's nonsense, all this in... he'll add more, we've finished talking, the cargo needs to be found urgently, yesterday, too much is tied to it, send people, let them dig the earth, personally go round all the traffic police posts, give me some money, surely someone... at least saw something, the van couldn't have just disappeared, veniam andreevich, phone number
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puskoyich, do it, carefully, drink, i want to drink, well... "i see the beating of a thought in the review, otherwise he was lying there not looking like himself, so, come on, come on, come on, well done, my head doesn't hurt, no, it's just a little dizzy, uh-huh, let's work, there's nothing to do , you can hang around here doing nothing, you can raise your hands, higher, higher, romanov, come on!" let's work, well done, and now with your index finger to the tip of your nose, come
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on, great, it's good that romanov decided to give the grannies a reason to gossip after all, promised to take me with him, he got into trouble all by himself, well tell me what happened to you, i thought you'd tell me. why are you calling me formal? don't you remember me? no, i don't remember anything at all. we'll sort out the troubles, the main thing is that the business doesn't stand idle, as far as our reserves last, for about two weeks, and you think, i think. i have a habit of thinking about what
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musa will do now when he finds out about yesterday's shooting, personally, in his place, i would have stopped deliveries altogether until better times, for so many years we've been trying so hard to establish contacts with the regions, now that we're draining the market to competitors, maybe i should understand not... anything can happen, well, talk to him, explain how this situation is, i'll talk, son, with this pskovite needs to close the issue, people are already working.
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nowhere, we arrived, the security guard said that the client was staying, gave me money and i left, that's it, exactly. you're not lying, why should i lie, so don't make a sound, right now, quietly, sit! kostya, kostya, i 'm calling at his request, what's wrong with him, he's wounded, he's unconscious, he asked me to tell you to come for him, just quickly, where, who are you, i saw him on the road by accident, i'm not glad i contacted him anymore, i thought he was sick, and there was blood,
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what's the address, the address? yes, igor, you're lucky, if the bullet had gone a millimeter to the left, but like this just retrograde amnesia, just, the bullet pierced the hard shell, then the soft shell and presses on the arachnoid, and through it presses on the cortex, so remove it? no, if we touch the bullet, you will die, yeah, and if we leave it, i will live, only without a name and without memory, memory can return fragmentarily, a familiar smell, a sound, a trinket, by the way, your things, they are in
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the morgue, where? the doctor mixed up with the soon, i'll tell the head doctor, otherwise the orderlies there are so cunning, they will steal everything, wait, i mean, wait, what happened, you care about me so much, we were friends, said hello. i'll be back soon.
3:08 am
good afternoon, captain groshev, investigative committee, senior investigator osokin, can we talk, you could have called, i came to you myself, come on, what are you doing without me , you have enough to worry about, i won't keep you for long, just a couple of questions, well, ask, ask, you know, something's not working out for me, well, let's assume that there were drugs in the warehouse, let's assume? what do you think i'm lying about, god be with you, no way, well, where did those unfortunate drugs go, and their novels on the van was full, i tried to detain him, but he got away, and romanov - this is the head of the security service, wow, yeah, so it turns out they had everything set up at the production level, something like that, tell me, what do you
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think, why haven't they found this van or romanov yet? because it was a setup, they set me up, that's it, forgive me, please, and how did they set you up, they leaked the information on purpose to ruin the deal to steal drugs, that's it, and what did you say your informant's name was? it's noble that you don't want to set him up, but you know, i would be in your place, now think more about yourself, article 286 of the criminal code, abuse of office, with the use of weapons for up to 10 years, i know, thank you, i apologize, yes, i'm listening, romanov was found, he's in the hospital, in the hospital, in
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which one, the tenth, great, you have everything for me, right? yeah, thank you very much, see you soon , hi, oh, our dead man is back. i need to get my things, hey, man, hey, what have you done, have you lost your mind or something, hey, man, man, man, your mother, he finished him off after all,
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yeah, who are you? an adventurer, he galloped off to the morgue,
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independent. okay, don't swear, just i wanted it as quickly as possible. i told you, i'll do it myself. you're in trouble. give me your hand. listen, if this is a sleeping pill, then don't, a. he's already giving orders, clench your fist, it's a stimulant, you need to inject it twice a day, otherwise you'll lose consciousness, you may not wake up, in 5 minutes you'll feel a surge of strength, but that doesn't mean anything, you have to lie down, we agreed , yeah, and here i set the time after which you need to give the injections, i understand, yeah. rest, alena, you were told that you're beautiful, you, no, i'll tell you later, yeah.
3:13 am
wait, i'll be right there. it's open, come in,
3:14 am
kostya, he's here, here, come in. kostya will leave here
3:15 am
. investigative committee, senior investigator osokina. hello, we've sent all the polyps pulled from the wounded to your forensic experts. we're having a fruitful day today, aren't we? unfortunately. tell me, the one they brought from the flour mill, can i talk to him? it won't work. he's in serious condition and unconscious. what a pity. and here's the second one. where did they bring him from?
3:16 am
well, 3 minutes, two questions, i'm afraid he won't be able to answer any of them, he has retrograde amnesia, it's something with memory, that's right, he doesn't even remember his own name, hmm, how convenient, but excuse me, no-no, it's me with... still tell me when i can talk to him, it all depends on his condition, maybe tomorrow, tomorrow, well , let's hope that tomorrow he will remember at least something, tomorrow, tomorrow,
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who are you, romanov igor ivanovich, born in 1976, city of arzamas, yesterday you live.
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3:19 am
but you could press the button in the ward what 's the matter, but you see, i would like to ask you to get some kind of hat, a headband cover the cap, why do you need a cap? yes , you see, it's chilly outside now, and i'm afraid i'll catch a cold on the wound, the doctor will scold, street, what street, you're on bed rest, nadezhda vasilievna , i really need it, just show me where the back door is, and i'll quietly leave and quietly return, and no one will know about it, it will be our
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little secret, definitely not for long, a man's word, i don't remember anything about myself, but that i'm a man is for sure, okay, good afternoon, and i keep thinking, where? can you find such a busy person, i mean? well, in i mean, you know how to present information correctly and competently, then your journalist brothers, no matter how they consult, do not check, and then they start to get offended that they are supposedly being offended, but i think you shouldn't lie , then no one will offend her, i agree with me,
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well... something like that, well, it's very good that we understand each other, and it's even better if all the information concerning me, we will agree together before publication... to avoid accidents, yes, in principle, this is possible, well, it's very good, you have a bite, come on, come on!
3:22 am
hello. "i wanted, in general, sasha and i, alexander and i were there together, it's all my fault, and sasha is a good boy, darling, darling, my mother and i don't have long left, and you..."
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3:24 am
we haven't looked in for a long time, as usual, well, at my age, apparently. is it too late to change your habit? dad, son, son, my dear little man, what's this? dad, are we going to play now? we will, go.
3:25 am
dad, are you kicking us out? what are you doing, what are you doing, dania, i know how much i love you, you are like that, and i love mom very much, very much, you are for me, so, that's it, go home, shit, come on, pasha, the main thing is that he's alive, what's the point that he 's alive if his memory is gone, the doctors say his memory may or may not recover, very convenient, he took away
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six million dollars' worth of drugs and forgot, well done, nothing to say, he didn't shoot himself in the temple on purpose, oh misha, i don't know. i don't know, my dear, things like that happen in life, until you turn a person's guts inside out, when in life you don't understand what's inside him, inside out, good evening, something doesn't look right, are there any new ones, we they found the van, well, 15 km from the city of vrushcha , well, there's nothing there, no goods, no money. okay, calm down, guys,
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romanov is our last chance, so while he's in intensive care, before the cops have time to put guards there. send people there immediately, so that not a single mouse, not a single leader slips in there without our knowledge.
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3:30 am
where's your heat, yeah, well, be patient, we'll go home now, you'll rest there, yeah, come on, we've made it, classics,
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problems? look, the tire's flat, why don't you buy yourself an electric one? 10 seconds and ready, a bit expensive, your wife told you that, oh well, now stand in the middle of the road and pump up your butt muscle, oh well, everything 's fine, at least you'll warm up in the same place, tell me,
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if i go left here, i'll go out onto aviatsionnaya, and after the second. immediately right to proletarskaya, around the circle, the second exit, yeah, thanks, let's go!
3:33 am
hello, it's me, we're here at the hospital, and romanov 's not here, what do you mean he's not here, it looks like the client has recovered, he's gone lazy, take him to his apartment, and quickly, got it.
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3:35 am
igor, igor, quiet, quiet, quiet. marinka, don't be angry, little exits, relax,
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anna sergeyevna, you know how happy she will be, how many times have you promised her to come, well... it will be better for everyone, and i will feel calmer, i don't feel calm with you, yes, i am a bad wife, a lousy mother, marin, well, it's all because of romanov, what does romanov have to do with it, marinka, what's the problem then, i have problems at work, that's all, it's important for me to know that you are safe. and you and i, what will happen to me, i'll finish my business and take you, really, really, just take care of yourself, please, do you know how much we love you, how?
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i don't give a damn about them in the morning, tell me, everything is clear came later, she's ready now, are you stupid or something, she's coming to you, she's coming to you, what?
3:38 am
come on, stop, i say, screw the second one, hold them there, well, we're in trouble, alyoshka, or maybe not, that 's hot. "nobody saw that we missed him, nobody, well, and i, brother, too,
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let's go, let's go, let's go, they've declared war on skovitch, they're demanding a meeting, in the nineties not a single naughty girl could come to school, should i make any claims, don't they understand who they're dealing with?" well, they exploded, guys, so you enlighten the children, so they know who to shove and who to tuck in my tail in front of, maybe it's better if i come to an agreement, but i'll figure it out myself somehow, you said it yourself, war is no good for us now, you can't let this thing slide, well, we can drag it out, you 're sure you can handle it, i came to an agreement with them first, i'll come to an agreement now. okay, you'll ensure security, if anything happens , you'll be responsible with your head, of course, i don't mind, i
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'll be responsible with my head, your job is such that according to romanov, you put people near his house, he shows up, we'll take him right away, i hate waiting and catching up, and is there anything from musa, no, for now, but i feel like it will.
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3:42 am
i'm very sorry, but a dry branch would have killed the whole tree, you see, captain, how it happens in life, i wanted to show off. prove
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to everyone that you're cooler than a coward's balls, as a result, as a result, i did my job, they're wrong, if someone who does nothing else gets in trouble, your mistakes are expensive, the whole department is in shit, now your snitch is dead, yeah, that means i'm right, someone is deliberately leaking information to me,
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you're free, cable weapon, hand it over to the armory, id on the table, alive, pasha, my advice to you, keep your temper , cooperate with the investigator as if he were your real mother and father all rolled into one, got it, about father and mother, didn't get it, poison domovskiy, let me go, go, little orphan.
3:45 am
you know, for me medicine is such a dark forest, well, for example, a tooth hurts, yes, you take a pill and that's it, it would seem that the tooth hurts, but the pills are in the stomach, the energy drink dissolves, gets into the blood, and through the blood the brain, yeah, no, for my mom, i understand, you know, the soul whispers all the time magic. take at least the novel, it would seem, a hole in the head, yes, but he got up, went, where, why, it is not clear, they told me here that he needs to constantly inject some kind of doping, stimulants, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, of course, stimulants, stimulants, an injection every 12 hours, and if you do not inject, a drop in strength loss
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of consciousness, that's it, what happens, it means, he left at night, now morning, the poor guy is lying somewhere, unconscious, does not remember anything, yes, and where do you think he went, he does not have the slightest understanding, well, yes, yes, yes, of course, of course, no, i just thought, maybe he became younger with you, although of course it's nonsense, you should have told me everything at once, tell me, this... drug that he needs to be injected, it is a drug of special storage and strict accountability, the medical department has a special journal where a record is kept of who prescribed it, who injected it, who was injected, you are interested in this, you are literally reading my thoughts, tell me, well, this does happen, well, unaccounted for, there are several ampoules or
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boxes, it doesn't happen, at least... you, do you want to ask something else, or can i go to work? sorry, sorry, i didn't want to keep you for long, you helped me a lot, thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye! a beautiful woman, a knowledgeable doctor, i don't think she's involved in all this business, but keep an eye on her, maybe she'll be a little smarter than a beautiful woman should be, or, on the contrary, stupider, yes. hello, you'll have a spark, sanka cut off, he doesn't give a damn, and what does he care, he's alive, well
3:48 am
, thanks, yes, pash, don't pay attention, the guys are all on edge, well they loved sashka, you know everything, well, it's clear, they'll get over it, apologize, by the way, did you already know? that the guy was found, well , the one who was storing all the drugs, where he was in the hospital, ran away last night, what wait, wait, and sokin is listening, it's a groshev, we need to meet, urgently.
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that he's still alive? and i almost forgot about you, come on, get out, i understand, to the toilet, and why are you in wet pants? who ordered me? who
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ordered me? i don't ask the customers, but do you have a phone number? he's calling, he's calling, are you picking up the phone now, you say that the order is completed, you make an appointment with him, got it, got it, come on, yes, yes, i did everything as agreed. with the voice, with the voice everything is fine, your comrade is very nimble.


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