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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-8  NTV  August 22, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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again, yes, your phone number was not found, yes , i'll try, listen, i'm exhausted already, is there anything on this internet other than porn at all, and because you do everything wrong, so the phone, used, to look for, well, here you go, look, which one do you need, well , so that you can call on it, hello, solovit listening. lazarev, vasily lvovich, born in 1961, vice-president of trade credit bank, order, well yes, the weapon was not found, shot in the head, it looks like the killer was waiting for him here, if he had been watching, he would have shot in the back, and what about lazarev, lived somewhere nearby, yes, right in this house, they met him here, there are witnesses, they haven't found him yet.
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okay, guys, maybe someone noticed how the killer waited for lazarev? kir, look for witnesses, give me some more, go to your place of residence, georgyevich, that's it, get to work, yes, comrade major, yeah, no, he doesn't want to deal with this, he says that these are not his problems, but mine. i have to solve them myself, yeah, wait a minute, it was probably him who came, yeah, remember, my husband, he 'll show up, right now, hello, and lieutenant parakhnya, petrograd rvd, tell me, and this lazarev's apartment? yes, he will be later, and you?
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i am his wife. what, did something happen? can i go out? what happened? was your husband killed? he was killed. maybe someone threatened him? i don't know, i wasn't interested, we were going to divorce him, that is, i wanted to divorce him, we were like strangers, even though we lived under the same roof, tell me, has his behavior changed lately? was he nervous, no, we didn't
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notice anything, i didn't notice anything like that, okay, and who could benefit from his death? me, no, a competitor, maybe, why did he then he went without security, how so? and vadim, which vadim? he has one? a security guard and a driver, there was no vadim, strange, strange, do you have this vadim's phone number, it's too bad there are no witnesses, okay, we should talk to this security guard, vadim, do you think he's involved, right? well, for your
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information, kira, if a bodyguard is absent during an assassination attempt on his client, then in nine cases out of ten it's not just a coincidence, so we'll have to work a little more, okay, kir, you stay here, draw up a report, and we'll visit this bodyguard, let's go, here, then, slava, i'll talk to him, and you be ready. yes, hello, major solovets, quiet, quieter, the child is sleeping, we wanted something, we're looking for vadim kryukov, i'm vadim kryukov, vasili lazarev's bodyguard, yes, did something happen to him?
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he was killed 3 hours ago, why today, when i... damn, where were you at that time? yes, at home, i was at home, my son was recently born, you understand how it happened, well, they shot him near the entrance, it's three steps from the restaurant to the house, and what restaurant? it's called uzhen uzhone, somewhere around three.
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and it turns out i lost my job, my sympathies, we checked, vadim kryukov's wife gave birth 4 days ago, on the day of the murder she was discharged from the hospital, so in our case the bodyguard has nothing to do with it, yes, apparently so, then slava, go to the restaurant where the murdered man dined, find out who he met with, when he left, kolya, and you and kirill to the bank, so far no versions are excluded. good day, where can we find the president of the bank, shogalev, i don't know, in kushavel, he's probably on a mini-vacation, well who instead of him, rudin, the first vice president, show him, a minute, yeah, krudin from the police,
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yeah, come in, office five, thank you, that way. as you understand, the murder looks like a contract killing, so i'd like to know if lazrev had any conflicts in business recently, but no, you see, vasya was involved in strategic planning, analysis of economic indicators, the general concept of the bank's development, in other words, he worked with papers and numbers. what kind of conflicts could there be? and could this murder be connected with the activities of your bank as a whole? i can't imagine how. vasya was engaged exclusively in intellectual work, i deal with conflicts. and even now, thank god, it's not 1993,
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back then every day was like our last. i'd get into the car and think, is it going to explode now, or will they shoot me with a kalashnikov. we slept for 4 hours, no, now everything has become very quiet, all issues are resolved through the courts, and he had conflicts of a personal nature, lazarev didn't share with you, no, i don't know about that, although maybe this paratrooper, what paratrooper, one guy was bothering vasya, either a paratrooper or a special forces guy. one morning he even got into his office, scared him, of course, threatened vasya, said, you won't live, and didn't call the police, but no, what did he want? our head of security sorted things out with this paratrooper, talk to
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him, yeah, his name is andrey simakin, he tried to get a job as a security guard with us, a guy with no brains at all, he served in the special forces, he'd been to hot spots, he came to us for an interview right away. he started giving advice, you need two there put, here three, cameras, ficameras, infrared rays, as if he came to get a job in my place, and why didn't they take him? no, of course, a completely inadequate person, we don't need people like him, and why did he threaten lazarev, it was simakin who wanted to become lazarev's personal bodyguard, ran after him for two weeks, convinced him that a better specialist than him could not be found, and lazar kept refusing and refusing, simakin got offended, made his way to lazar's office, well, to prove to lazarev that without him he was absolutely defenseless, and do you have his coordinates? yes, he filled out a questionnaire, here it is, here it is, i
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forgot it or something, call, where did you forget it? here it is, hello, i am captain of the smoke, and this is. we need to ask you a few questions, questions, yes, come in, yeah, where were you yesterday? from 3 to 6 pm at home, what 's the matter, and can anyone confirm this, perhaps the dorogany, but otherwise no one, and you know vasily lazarev, yes, people like this lazarev sit in their offices and think that they are safe, i hope you have a different opinion on this matter, killed laz. well, he was not my client, so this murder doesn't
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concern me, do you have a weapon in your house, yes, that means lazarev was shot, did i understand correctly, you'll have to come with us to the station. no problem, and i'm the prime suspect, so lie down, lie down, both of you, already... is it really a training,
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oh-oh-oh, like children, a catch, well done! hello, hello, lenechka, tell me, did you work yesterday? yes, i worked yesterday. yeah, and do you by any chance remember this person? yes, you know, he was sitting at the fourth table. was he alone? no, there was an older person with him. he also had such a the bow tie was like an opera singer's. yeah. what, were they just having dinner? no, it was more like a business meeting, they were going through papers and their laptop was right on the table. yeah, thanks, len,
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you helped me a lot. yeah. so, guys, i've put semakina on the wanted list, we need to go to the military registration and enlistment office. who's going? what do you mean, why go? do you need information? yeah, we 'll do that right now without leaving the office. well, that's the advice of the wind. special forces of the ministry of defense simakin andrey viktorovich, retired captain, served in hot spots, has five combat professions, including piloting fighter jets, and such a rambo goes to simple chepovtsy, yeah, so, he left the army in 2003 after a severe concussion, yeah, a respectable client, here, here georgyevich, learn how to search on the internet, got it, yeah, and where is simakin hiding, well, look on the internet, maybe it was in vain that you put him on the wanted list? very funny, on the day of the murder, your husband was meeting with someone in a restaurant, do you know who? no, he
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didn't tell me anything about it, well, it was an elderly man who wears a bow tie, and so on this is his father, he is a lawyer, yeah, you need the address, yeah, listen, semakin's mother has a dacha outside the city, we need to go check, maybe he is there, let the local police officer check, why should we go, what kind of police officer, semakin is a serious guy, we need to do it ourselves. do you think we can handle such a serious guy who can kill four people with a toothpick? well, if we can't handle it , we'll pull up the cathedral, oh, that changes things nicely, great, borya, great, great, well, what 's up, go and find out, it's fine, goodbye, excuse me, come in, lev yakolevich. yes, hello, hello, captain volkov, criminal investigation department, it was me who called you, sit down,
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please, thank you, did you want to know something, well yes, we are looking for your son's killer, i will try to help you, tell me, on the day of the murder you and vasily had a meeting, yes, about or just about, he and marina decided to get a divorce, i... helped vasya correctly draw up the documents, get a divorce, in case of divorce their property would be divided 5050, no, you know, when they got married, it became fashionable to enter into a marriage contract, in case of divorce all the property would go to you. understood, and a will? you didn't have a will, he didn't think he was going to die for the next 20 years. it turns out that lazarev's wife
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had a marriage contract, according to which in the event of a divorce marina would get nothing. and lazar was discussing the details of the divorce with his father on the day of the murder, so you want to say that in the event of death she gets everything, and in the event of a divorce nothing. well, i don't know, we have a clear suspect. you said that no versions are excluded. well, what do you think we should do? well, it would be nice to go to rushka put it? no, we don't have any extra people, no serious grounds. let's see, i'll try, you look, are you sure that this is, uh-huh, well he couldn't make a handle, well what's the matter, oh, it's simpler, kira, well, who knew, come on, you go here and there.
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well, it seems like they haven't been here for a month or two.
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yeah, quiet, both of them, both of them, calm down, calm down, both of them, guns on the ground, on the ground, i said , weapons, weapons on the ground, i said, oops, well done, well done, listen carefully, i didn't kill your lazarev, i didn't kill him, i,
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calm down, i'm leaving now, do you understand me, i... no one will get hurt, neither you nor me, got it , got it, nod, both of you, well done, you got it, i 'm leaving, calm down, no one will get hurt, i 'm leaving, i think that's too much, too much, it 's you again, what do i owe you, i'm in a hurry, and i won't keep you long? i just wanted to clarify something about the marriage contract. do you mean that my husband's death is much more advantageous to me than a divorce. i assure you, i have my arms and legs, and my head is in place too. i would have supported myself somehow. or do you think i'm completely helpless? no, rather the opposite. it's nice to think so. that's
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that's it. bye, yeah. go get that car, just don't show yourself, whatever you say, our simakin is weird, his scum is interrogating him, yeah, take a better look at this, they confiscated it during the arrest. well, he takes it, yeah, just look closely, it's a toy. yeah, it's just very well made, the second gun is exactly the same, wait, i don't understand something, you could have shot him, is he crazy, are you
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going to answer my questions, i've answered you 30 times, let me repeat it again, don't want to do it the easy way, you're looking at twenty, you you know, where were you the day before yesterday, i 'm asking you, i was at home the day before yesterday, at home. you don't want it the easy way, it'll be the hard way, you're sick, why are you coming at us with toy guns, you have no brains, you have no brains, i didn't kill your lazarev, where is my lawyer? will you have a lawyer, i 'm asking you for the last time now, where were you the day before yesterday? okay, i'll tell you, the day before yesterday i was on a mission in the jungle in cambodia, your mother,
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kera, come out for a minute. "listen, i found out something about our captain, what? it turns out that simakin has been in registered at a mental hospital. i didn't get it, but he's a psychopath, a hysterical type, constantly in a borderline state between a normal person and mental illness, that is, from the outside he always seems adequate, in fact, well, yes. you could say so, in general, he read a lot of books, watched a lot of movies, imagined himself as some kind of rambo, he never served in the army, and what about the hot spot, i don't know yet, in general, we
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found his mother, she says that on the day of the murder he was with her the whole time, and that's it witnesses, and this, as you understand, is alebi, great, chipydale, take the handcuffs off him, okay? "just sit quietly, or i'll give you a hard time, i'll put you in a cell with great pleasure, made sure that i didn't touch your lazarev, okay, okay, i'm not offended, guys, but can i come to you, where, you know, i 'm just a bummer from work, you need me, right?"
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so his mother came, let her go, i'm waiting for you in my office, and for you to explain to me how we did this... kira found him, there, naturally, they haven't heard of simaki for the first time, yeah, he hacked the server, entered my data there, well, and sites of this kind are not monitored very much, so
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no one noticed the falsifications, in general, i did it in order to make my crap even more credible, yes, as a result , we believed in this crap, so, kira, after this you suggest that i trust the internet, where any fool from the street can become a superman, georgievich, well, anything can happen, okay, connect me with volkov. he is now working on the second version, there is also a second one, you need to come, serve, defend your country, many new directions have appeared in the army, i am engaged, there are a lot of young people, guys come, they are interested, they study, they want to work, now basically the war is like this, with the help of drones, a son or husband performs tasks, that is , there are no questions at all, people help out, that is, the state provides everything possible, now people.
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the epicenter. bad weather primorye. shocks in the form of floods and flooding will be from heavy rains, and a storm wind. also restless in khabarovsk krai, the temperature is lower, in khabarovsk +23. tomorrow even less, at baikal so far 25-27 sunny. in siberia today it is especially rainy in vinka, in the south of krasnoyarsk krai, in omsk, tyumen regions, the temperature will remain within 22-25. in the urals mostly no higher than twenty. also in some places heavy rains in the south, but tomorrow will be better. an anticyclone from the european territory promises to help. in the middle zone, and in the north, the sun is warmer than expected. only in the northwest another cyclone again spoils everything with its heavy rains and thunderstorms. in the south it rains only in places, at the black sea about thirty, and the further from the coast, the stronger the heat. in st. petersburg today +22, thunderstorm showers, mask without precipitation and +26.
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yes, interesting, the girls are dancing. after all, they went, yeah. "hello, criminal investigation department, hello, just now men and women came in, you know them, the man mark roizman
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from the third apartment, and the woman, and the woman periodically comes here, for a long time, about half a year, i see, thank you, yeah." well, i brought certificates, mark roizman, a major businessman, is engaged, only after his death in the investment business, was not prosecuted, met marina about a year ago at a corporate party, since then they were often seen together, i learned this from one of roizman's companions, i heard this roizman is considered one of the richest people in st. petersburg, well, yes, then men, everything is clear. marina with such a lover without her husband's money is not bad, well, okay, we are releasing the version of lazarev's wife, what other options, gergivich, i thought here, if
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this lazarev had no conflicts in the present, let's look for them in the past, yeah, go on, well, this rudin , their vice president, was the first to tell us that they used to live and wait for them to be killed. so maybe they did something serious in the past, for which lazarev has now paid? yeah, no, samurai, i don't think so, why? well, if they had done something, rudin would have certainly remembered, that's why he didn't remember what they did, one of my friends, who once signed in banking, told me that this rudin, by order of in the mid-nineties he ruined small offices, he got them hooked on loans, and then suddenly demanded everything.
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was the result of a penetrating wound to the left eye, class with a sharp object similar to a fountain pen, who was the last to enter the office of the motherland, pyotr yatskevich, president of the modern bank, he had an appointment at 10 am, and have you seen him before, no? how long was he here? no more than 10 minutes. left a business card. here. yeah. thank you. here he is entering
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the bank building. he knew, the bastard, that they would film him. yeah. and here he is already in front of rudin's office. what did he say? he has an appointment. they let him through, he's already leaving the office, yeah, what is he saying? he said that... don't bother him for a while, and of course you didn't bother him, you're working off your salary, well, who knew, nobody ever knows anything, so let's see this security guard, yeah, we'll make a composite sketch, do it.
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would you like to ask how things are going? yeah, and i liked your car, it takes off well, what do you need? my money, it's my money, you understand, mine, i don't have more than five in cash pieces, yeah, in the accounts, on these cards 1020. "let's agree like this, i'll tell you, all pimku, who do you
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take me for, you have at least a million in your accounts, and you want to buy me off with a lousy twenty, or do you think that i don't know that you can manage a bank account online, you want to take everything?" well, you took everything from me, well, what kind of website do you have, otherwise i don't feel like looking for it, well, naturally, no modern bank exists, the business card is fake, the passport of which he showed to the security guard is fake, the photo is pasted on there, the real vich lives on grazhdansky prospekt, lost his passport 2 months ago, great guys, hello, what are you doing here, did i start working on a case?
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you've pissed me off, honestly, you're crazy, borya, come on, step aside, we've made a composite sketch, put up a stand, let's hang it up, well done , what are you going fishing for, what did he say, look, look, what is this, a list of people posing a threat to vasily lazarev, well, read it, this moron came by. have you pissed me off, come on, marina
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mikhailovna, wife, lazarev levich, father, prolov sergey yuryevich, banker, polilov leonid vladimirovich, banker, banker, banker, oh, look, sokolov, andrey yuryevich, maniac, tuchkov, alexander vladimirovich, maniac, buzanov, aleksandrevich, lazarev's neighbor with an angry pitbull, let's go, well, let's go have lunch, in general, guys, take this list. photofit, interview everyone who is connected with straight credit bank, start with lazarev's wife first of all, you don't think that the case, look, these access keys to accounts have one drawback, they are absolutely impossible to remember, especially if with... not one but six, you have to write everything down, here
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she, you... are you going to kill me? 26 64, that lazarev rudin i will kill, i decided right away. they were always your lackeys, oh, you are richer than i thought, what to do with you, actually at first i wanted to take all the money, and cripple you, well, to make life more fun,
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listen, the internet is a good thing, huh? do you recognize this person? a very familiar face, i have definitely seen him somewhere, but where? well, try to remember, it is important, maybe he reminds me of some actor, maybe this will help you, look at this list. "suspects, i'm in first place, well don't pay attention to that, read on, that's right, it's frolov, sergey, he 's here, only when i last
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saw him, he didn't look so brutal, frallov sergey yuryevich, banker, excuse me for your clothes." you know, after the party i didn't have time to go shopping, and my wife threw out all my clothes, for some reason, as well as me. frolov, sergey yuryevich, from 1993 to 1995, chairman of the board of directors of the bank. according to this position. moved criminal structures for money laundering, under the leadership of frolov worked rudin and lazarev. in the summer of ninety- five, operational data appeared that frolov was looking for an executor to commit a contract killing, the victim was supposed to be the president of a competing bank. under the guise of a killer
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, an operative made a deal with him, that's another thing. at the trial against ralov , both of his former subordinates, rudin and lazarev, testified. they turned him in, it turns out. well, not quite, i also made inquiries here. the police received operational information from shchogolev, who is now the director. well, yes, then he held a modest position, the head of the private lending department. and that frolov has already left? six months ago. yeah, so if rudin and lazarev are dead, that leaves shchogolev. yeah. well, where is this vitya walking, huh? that's it. and chess is the best game. i 'm telling you for sure that chess, yeah, develops the brain, that's how it is, that his door, probably, poor thing, guys, wait, i'm with you, ugh, what are you doing here, are you sick or something, what are you doing here, what is it not clear, i'm trying to work, clean up, are you still
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trying to work here, are you crazy or something, go home , come on, what's not clear, of course, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, okay, don't get anything, if you want to help us, stay here, hide that thing in the bushes and cover us from the streets, don't go up there under any circumstances, that's the conversation, that's what i got, that's what i'm listening to , boy, but my husband, that's it, that's it, that's it, come on, guys, i got it, i didn't have enough good clothes in prison, however, there were a lot of other things, well... we'll say goodbye, well, and the bankers' entrance live, they can't fix it, but he's not here, he's probably skiing in courchevel, they said, then he chose the most suitable time, who? georgy shchogolev lives here,
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this is the criminal investigation department, police, open up, captain dymov, we need georgylev. it's you, no, brother nikolay, gosha is in austria, i 'm looking after the cat, yeah, but we can go out, no, go out, let's go out quickly, i can't, went out into the corridor, it's better if you come to us, just without any sudden movements, put your weapons on the floor, slowly. kladikira,
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get your handcuffs and go to the radiator, she's alive! together one pair, so that i could hear the click, go, slowly, take out the keys and throw them to me, man , what are you doing, why make things worse in your situation, let's calm down, what's my situation, 10 years ago i looked younger than you, and now i'm an old man, 10 years in prison because of me?
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there is no method of work, oh, that's what i came for, guys, you're not offended, but i decided to leave
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the police, no-no, no hard feelings, old man, so what do you want to be, a spy, are you crazy, who's going to take me there, no, i 'll write a script for computer games, that's cool too, just don't run, 7:45, okay, "i have to go, well, come on, if you have any problems, call, i'll help you with the question, definitely, definitely, that's it, come on, bye, come on, don't get sick, bye, here's georgievich, and you say why the internet is needed, look, well, now we'll type your name, a word, oleg georgievich, georgi, geevich, come on, here, look, there's even a link, right?" " so yeah, sylovets, oleg georgievich, ryazan poet-chistushnik official website, ryazan
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poet, we wish you the very best morning, next in the program, listen to the chronicle of the emergency incidents, let's ride in a cast-iron bathtub with the first transmission, on ntv, the program emergency incident in the studio valery gavrilovskaya. in the lepetskaya region, hundreds of vacationers, gims employees , police officers, battles between two... witnessed the unusually exciting fishing.


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