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tv   Utro  NTV  August 22, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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site, ryazan poet, sing, wish you morning, the best, next in the program, listen to the chronicle of the emergency, take a ride in a cast-iron bath with the first broadcast on ntv program emergency in the studio valery gavrilovskaya. in the lepetsk region, hundreds of vacationers, gims employees, police officers witnessed unusually exciting fishing. battles between two boats developed right on the water, races, dangerous turns, attempts to board, threats - quote, to take away and bury. and much more.
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lipetsk region according to witnesses consumed a lot of strong drink like rum, first seized the pensioners' boat, then beat them up. the victims tried to escape by water when they were promised, quote: to be taken away and buried in the yushensko area.
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zaton. the raiders rushed in pursuit. having reached the boat, they jumped into it and began to throw all the things, documents and phones overboard. obviously, so that there would be no opportunity to call for help. it's good that eyewitnesses did this, thanks to them , gims police officers appeared at the reservoir. climb over to me, you are the owner guns, i own a gun, i'll come to you now. detained alexander laptiv, director of a construction company, law enforcement officers found a gun with him, which the man, as if by chance, in order to cover his tracks, tried to throw away water. according to alexander glumov, the son of one of the victims, the cause of the conflict was that his father and his friend were in the wrong place at the wrong time. they were standing at the point, fishing, the attackers, caught on a snag in the depths, did not want to tear off the bait, at that moment , as if the father and his friend were sailing up on a boat, they saw that a boat was approaching their point, they started calling them names in a swear word and said that this was our place, as if to get out of here, father alexander has a broken nose. his friend
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has a concussion and also a broken nose, now the elderly fishermen are being prepared to be discharged from the hospital, as for the robbers, they will most likely not be punished, the victims decided to withdraw their statement from the police, apparently, they managed to settle the conflict on the shore, the guy climbed into the bathtub and was deprived of his driver's license, it sounds incredible, yes, but that's exactly how it was, look, it's just a bathtub on a tow truck, the tow truck driver is scratching his head, isn't it funny for you to take it into the bathtub, they won't call sukorova for you, it's really a bathtub with a motor, and a toilet that will drive up, it's just a bathtub on a tow truck and it would be fine to the apartment, but then you'll get a fine in the parking lot, we'll roll back, however, a day ago. look, he's not afraid, he's going fine, and
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you're scared, he'll flip over, nothing, he won't flip over, oh, brake, oh, well, okay, igor, no, i didn't think there was dirt there, but it went, it went through the dirt, a bathtub, an suv, how many, we figured out guys, am i going? i've been driving 50 km and they haven't even installed a speedometer yet, the whole village is already gasping, the tractor driver, what a thing that flew by and what kind of performance characteristics are those, fifty cents, it's just fine , it's going so well for the bath, the main thing is that the water doesn't go out, yes, let's go, let's go, let's go
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. the bath was rattling all night, i'll start it, everyone was having fun in the bath, as i'm lying in the bath. an administrative case was filed against the driver under part two of article 1226 of the code of administrative offenses of the russian federation, failure of drivers to comply with the requirement to passing a medical examination for intoxication. that's it, sat in the bathtub and lost his license. well, just look at this
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picture. it's just a bathtub on a tow truck. well, yes, it's funny and a sin. the last journey, yes, we're seeing off the bathtub. so. you've orphaned a masterpiece of auto plumbing, everything's a bathtub, please pay attention, forgive me, they took away my bathtub, the best for today, at 20:00, my favorite tv series nevsky, don't bury yourself ahead of time, watch today's episodes, there's work for architects, i need your help, and what should i do now, to the right? who should i i want, hands, so that i can see, you are now on your own, hand him over to me, you will stay to live, handing over your own is somehow not like a punk, or something, nevsky, i even wonder who
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will shoot first, and if i am today at 20:00 on ntv. about the weather for today in the far east in the center of attention of course is a powerful cyclone, capable of very dangerous actions. today the bad weather will reach its apogee in primorye, there will be everything, heavy rains, thunderstorms, storm winds, and the result in the form of flooding is inevitable. the flood will not pass by khabarovsk krai, a little later islands and everywhere where there is bad weather, a drop in temperatures, it will also affect the amur region, but there is less precipitation there. at baikal, it is still sunny up to 28. another cyclone is going there tomorrow. so far in the irkutsk region, they will pass through the south of the krasnoyarsk region today, western siberia, the temperature will remain quite comfortable, from 22 to 25 °. in the urals, too, it is still rainy and cool, but the weather will definitely improve, it is coming together with an anticyclone, from the european territory, and here today is the triumph of summer, in the center of the sun
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and up to +27, a real wal of flowers sounds in the soul and involuntarily pulls to the wedge to tchaikovsky, a beautiful park, estate, music, the weather calls there not only. today, but on the weekend. tomorrow a front with rains will arrive, then again it will be sunny and warm. the main rains with thunderstorms the cyclone will pour in the northwest and begins today for the smolensk region beyond the denenety. in the south, tomorrow there is also a high probability of rain, but for now most cities are on the sunny side and everyone is on the hot side. at the black sea resorts about thirty, in the steppes under 40. in st. petersburg today the maximum is +22, thunderstorms in moscow without precipitation and +26. the morning continues, the best, we go on a chase along the main road, write down useful tips from sergey malozyomov, discuss the transformation of your home,
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the chase of a motorcyclist, in the zabaikalsky krai, the racer crashed into a cow, running away from the police, the driver and passenger. died, now their parents want to hold the police accountable, they called me, said that your son crashed on a motorcycle. ruslan malyshkin and nikolay shilkovnikov died in an accident with a cow. fleeing on a motorcycle from the police. the traffic cops chased them, chased them, crashed, arrived there to the scene of the accident with her husband, he had already been taken to the hospital, and the deceased driver was lying on the... on the highway. that evening ruslan visited his parents on the way home he met a friend nikolai. friends decided to ride a motorcycle. unfortunately, he did not have a license, he was going to study for a license. look, these are the last seconds of the motorcyclist's life. at great speed with
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a passenger, he flies down the street, followed by a chase, a second, and the motorcycle crashes into a cow. later it was established that the driver was drunk. yes, they found there alcohol. blood in his nikolai, the driver nikolai died on the spot, the passenger ruslan died in the hospital four days later. their relatives believe that the police are to blame for this. if he runs away, let him run away, and if you, the passenger behind, had no right to speed, and the inspectors are sure that they are within their rights, they killed the boys, well, let them add some brains, well, who will not say this to their mother, what is he with his son, she no longer has, the relatives of the deceased are trying to get the police to be held accountable, but everywhere they were refused, there is no ban on the pursuit of motorcyclists in any law, they are the same participants. with the opening of the motorcycle season
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, motorcycle battalions go out on the road, mobile, maneuverable, powerful, now the moscow traffic police and the ministry of internal affairs have such bikes that the average motorcyclist would envy. experienced motorcyclists know that it is useless to compete with them, novice racers try to run away, mostly without a license, and the factory one, what i have. well, this is some kind of nonsense, it is not necessary, you read the internet, forums, chocolates, gunki e are already very few, in basically, it passes, well, on small, so to speak, scooters, yes it happens, yes, it happens, but rarely, uh, is there a receipt for it, no, i'm 17 years old, sorry, the first time, i got caught, maybe the first, the last. in regions where many traffic cameras are installed, inspectors
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have not been chasing motorcyclists for a long time. at all briefings, at events, of course, certain instructions are given so as not to endanger, not road users in general, if there is a license plate, why chase it, and if not, we will find the ability to squeeze him without chasing him, he will still arrive somewhere. bikers in respectable motorcycle clubs. before each season, they teach newcomers politeness. this story that traffic police officers do not chase motorcycles, it remained somewhere far in the nineties. if you were reprimanded, you must stop, because the consequences can be completely fatal. ruslan malyshkin, the deceased passenger of the motorcycle, did not have to ride with a drunk, and the driver nikolai shilkovnikov from zabaikalsky krai was only threatened with a fine, but they paid life. how hard is it, in our section
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, the question from the viewers is a winner for absolutely everyone, we get interesting topics from you, you learn something new, that's the question i'll answer today. anastasia mayboroda from moscow writes: please tell us about the collagen supplement? i've heard that it's good for joints, nails and... is that true? you should never expect that if you eat a lot of collagen, that you will experience the joy of finding it directly in your tissues. after all, science has revealed that if you want to be as brave, as your enemy, you need to eat his heart. seriously, eating offal, meat or fish will certainly not be superfluous, they contain a lot of proteins, which, having broken down in the digestive system into amino acids... will become the building material for the synthesis of our own collagen, it is not even necessary to lean on
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jellied meat or rich bone broth, which contain a lot of gelatin, this is the same collagen, only destroyed by heat treatment, the most effective way is to eat correctly and varied, because in addition to protein, for the synthesis of your collagen, you need, for example, vitamin c. by the way, i wonder how things are with vegetarians who get only vegetable protein from food and no co... the neapolitan race is 37, she hasn't eaten meat since childhood, seafood, all dairy, and my favorite foods are salads, yes, zucchini, i love buckwheat, i love vegan pizza, and but in general, yes , sprouted and fried lentils, cosmetologist oksana chashchina checked the skin condition of the race and found problems, the skin is flabby, the skin is flabby, the skin. of course, there are signs of changes in the upper layers of the skin, the skin is quite
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sensitive, there are changes in pigmentation. it is difficult to say whether this is due to a lack of collagen. the cause may be heredity, nutritional and skin care flaws. rasa admitted that she does not particularly monitor the amount of protein, often experiences stress and eats sweets, which, as cosmetologists know well, greatly affects the condition of the skin. the main thing that interests us now is that plant foods contain all the building blocks needed to build collagen. and in general, a well-chosen, varied vegetarian diet, can... be healthy, this has long been confirmed by the world's leading dietetic associations. glycine, lysine and proline are very common amino acids, they are present in both plant and animal proteins, the body can collect from them everything it needs. in this situation, you just do not need to deny yourself protein, for example, in this situation you need to give yourself enough energy. collagen supplements
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most likely do not work. they can help, perhaps, people who eat very little. protein to some skinny ever-losing-weight bloggers, how can you slow down the age-related decline in collagen levels? the authors of the studies recommend not smoking, reducing the amount of alcohol and sugar, using sunscreen, not overeating, consuming enough vegetables and fruits , and moving more. all of these are long-known principles of a healthy lifestyle that will protect you from many other problems. hello, this is dachny otvet and me, victoria panina. our heroes, the efarovs, are originally from the chuvashi, they honor their traditions and culture, they even brought the log house from there, and made the platbands local chuvash master. here we met for the first time on the foundation, there we had a kung, there we grilled shashlik, chairs, and we
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easily accommodate 20 people, yeah, the main thing is that it is not brown. yes, if different shades of red, if there is little brown and little red, the heroes' wishes are the law for us. dachny otvet continues the remodeling of the efarovs' living room. chandeliers with balls of milky glass are called bolla piccolo. in italian - a small bubble. erzubi backlighting is already in place. the diode strip was laid above the floor and under the ceiling. on one from the floating walls we attach hanging shelves, one with a niche for... a tv, another for books, dishes or souvenirs, we close it with glass doors, there is also a backlight inside, the diagonal of the tv is 127 cm, we hide the remote control in a cover to protect it from moisture and dirt, we complement the windows with roller blinds, they do not require special care, they are not afraid of wet cleaning, they are fixed at the bottom with magnets, here
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is the sofa, it is corner, the total length. as we promised, about 7 m. in the corner there is a display case for dishes with glass doors and backlighting for each shelf. three-meter bergen table compactly nestled against the wall. next to this oak giant, the chairs on thin legs look almost ephemeral. we have the location of the table, the heroes wanted a huge table where a large number of people could be accommodated, it was like that, the heroes' wishes are a law for us, that 's how, of course, that's why we got a huge table, the table intersects with the log somewhere, yes-yes-yes, yes, in color, yes, in temperature, in the movement of the pattern, despite
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the fact that this oak is on a white wall, thereby, as if tying. we take out a column that fits perfectly into the interior is like an autumn landscape, that same drop of red, just a little bit, an apple branch - greetings from the garden outside the window, and a benjamin ficus - a miniature winter garden in the room.
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welcome home, what beauty, i'm totally stoked, how beautiful, that this is a room, cool, and also the backlight, look at that chair, there are no curtains. okay listen, there are no words, i like everything, i left the trinkets, and they arranged them, by the way, rom, you were talking about the backlight, it's one color... no, here's the remote control, you can adjust it, god, how beautiful, in general, how soft it is, let's do it too, how beautiful it is, blue, i
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told you, i told you, and i felt, like our room is also an upgrade at the same time , well, it's awesome, there's more space because there's no closet, and the sofa is so huge, you can all lie down here together, i'll sleep here, i don't know anything, or rather i know everything, it's an understatement to say that it's cool. it's just the bomb, it's stylish, it's modern, environmentally friendly, a mirror, a log, and it's all arranged like that, it's all backlit, awesome, a very interesting solution with mirrors, since i am into yoga and stand on nails, i will do different asenas look at myself in the mirror, and the dog will be, the dog will run, bark everywhere, yes, yes, our... life is divided into two parts: when we are small and want to grow up, when we are already adults and want to return to childhood. this is a place where both are possible.
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i dream of flying into space, cleaning up all the trash there. and in space - who littered? well, who, who? astronauts? how old are you? 7, 7 years old, and you are already the best voice of the earth? yes, 40 foot, 30 rolley, do you draw a zero anywhere? i 'll show you the mastic. do you feel how the air is tense with excitement, of course, i want to give you a medal from the russian book of records, a miracle with arseny popov, you should help me, and not giggle evilly, and i'm scaring you, and i 'm scaring you, on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. and a super new season from september 1, 2020 on ntv. magnet. maxido stratella ice cream in a bucket. 299,999. magnet - the price is what you need. and this is what
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credit card debts are. i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts on one kholva conveniently pay off 24 months. and do not forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment techniques. i pressed something and it itself, she herself, feminine gender, liran meat grinder for 9,990, liran, we make comfort accessible, register your car in the avito auto garage and get a chance to win a new car. avito auto garage. here are spare parts for your car.
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pyaterochki and perekrestok baltika 8 non-alcoholic, impeccable wheat, but only you can reveal its taste to the fullest. shake the bottle before filling glass to the end all the facets of the refreshing taste will be revealed. truly baltika 8 non-alcoholic, reveal the taste of wheat, with bref there is an easier way. bref is light water, for the cleanliness of the toilet freshness with each flush. bref at a super price. hurry to buy in the stores of your city. troxivozin experts know everything about varicose veins. troxaktiv and helitroxyvosin tablets against heaviness and pain in the legs. tablets help to strengthen the capillary veins from the inside, and gels fight varicose veins from the outside. troxaktiv traxivosim. expert view on treatment varicose veins, order medicine with discounts on 72.2
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up to 50% on children's products when buying the main expert on technology sportmaster sidki car you can do without autoteka. scanning vision, at least bought, and who does not have superpowers, there is autoteka and a complete history of the car on twenty criteria, calmer, buy with autoteka on avito auto. it seems that in childhood everything happens as if by magic, you can pay, payment, but instead of a wand there can be a card, and for magic ... always someone is standing looking after carefully, now there is enough cashback for ice cream, apply for a junior card from tank, with it the child will not be left
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without money, further together. t bank, it is the only one, again profitable, not again, every day, profitable on price tags, so low price, neli chocolate 1099, pyaterochka helps out, vinarus choice of millions for varicose veins, vinarus can help on 1 2 3, one tablet in the morning, two components, three actions, vinarrus, simple as 1 2 3, one mistress accuses another of cheating on their common lover with her own husband dmitry. when she and alisher lived together, she also went to her ex-husband. scandals because of doubts that i am raising children who are not my own, finally the question: who is the biological father of little misha? can you say with certainty that this is alisher's son? well, most likely yes, all except mikhail five, these are mine for sure. the boy's mother assures that she gave birth to her sixth son from alisher's lover, but her rival insists that this is not so. alisherchik.
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considers himself misha's father? no, and he tells me the opposite: mikhail dmitrievich or mikhail alisherovich? i got pregnant at that moment i was with you, was with me, was with dima. and now i'm expecting my seventh child. are you pregnant? and from whom this time? i open the envelope. dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. watch further. morning, the best. we will conduct an inspection with our. consumer protection, we have the right to receive legal advice, we take care of our beloved apartment, we will go to the united arab emirates, we will eat something delicious with federico arnaldi. many girls know that if a friend praises your monochromatic makeup, you should not just hurry and rejoice. perhaps this is not
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a flourishing, but... about the weight of this monochromatic makeup, but judging by the rise in sales of lipsticks, blush, eyeshadow , russian women have been putting on makeup with enthusiasm lately, and experts explain this simply: the fair half is making up for lost time last year, when there was simply no point in putting on beauty, walks were either with the dog or just to the trash, but cosmetologists remind that now it is especially important to check... expiration dates of cosmetics, yes, mascara, blush, powder have them too there is, and since last year turned out to be black for cosmetics sellers, lipstick is not buckwheat, now the windows are full of disguised expired goods, how to recognize it, should you overpay for luxury cosmetics or budget ones are no worse in quality, what
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was discovered in the most... orthodox icons crosses stamped by chinese craftsmen, and such sets are sold at every step in jerusalem, they supposedly contain holy soil, in fact it is dust from the sides of chinese roads. olive tree - hand-made from the holy land. what is it great, huh? and where are we now? in the holy land for traders, well, the land, for businessmen, yes, all holy, i don't know, well yes, we are the holy land for businessmen, it says
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olive tree, in fact. chinese maple, the same thing happens with cosmetics, it occupies the largest areas in this shopping center, but you can't buy it retail, you can only choose a sample or order a batch. lipsticks from ten rubles, nail polishes from 15, eyeshadow palettes from thirty, and if the seller allows photography and video shooting, then the quality is tolerable, however, some shop windows have a logo for a reason, photography is prohibited. in some you can't take pictures, for example, like here, yes, but uphoto, which means that the shadows that are sold here, perhaps, were made like this, they filled the molds with bare hands and tamped them down with cardboard on a dirty table, and lipstick in a basement that needs cosmetic repairs was poured into molds on a box like this. underground cosmetics from china mainly get to russia by truck via the highway through kazakhstan, so
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there is no room to put boxes of counterfeit goods in the customs warehouse near samara, and after all, statistics, only 1% of all counterfeit goods are detained, due to the popularity of foreign marketplaces that bring goods from china to russia, the number of parcels increases many times, and therefore ... copies of lipsticks, foundation creams, eyeshadows of expensive brands, bought for a couple of hundred rubles on a chinese site, confirms the quality of chinese cosmetics can really be excellent, i find analogues in budget cosmetics, analogues in luxury, now
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the cosmetics industry has developed so much, you can find a more interesting texture than in luxury. today dasha is experimenting again: she will paint one half of her face with foundation and eyeshadow and lipstick from prestigious western brands, and the other half with their cheap fakes from china. if you look at the packaging, they are almost identical, they copied it, only the font is different on the back. we have already found out that there is a risk of buying expired creams, eyeshadows, lipsticks, alas, even in large chain stores. the bigger problem is the use of expired products. there are really strict requirements for labeling: products must have a composition, ingredients. therefore, cosmetologists advise checking such stickers with expiration dates on a special cosmetic calculator and
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that in stores as in markets it is quite easy to stumble upon an outright fake. in moscow , there is a format of perfume and cosmetic stores that sell fakes , including, that is, they often mix goods. this is not a store that only sells fakes. according to experts , you should be especially careful when choosing lipstick, foundation, mascara, as according to statistics, they are counterfeited more often in general, counterfeit traders are not so strongly tied to categories, not so strongly tied to brands, what is in demand,
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what people are ready to buy, is usually counterfeited, they follow trends, they counterfeit more and more new units of products every year, or online sales are about 30%, but blogger-makeup artist dasha is not afraid to buy. sewn chinese cosmetics and test them on herself, among the counterfeits it is rare, but there are unique samples of even higher quality than the original, the girl assures, here is the left side of the face, she paints branded cream, shadows, lipstick for several thousand rubles, on the right one applies cheap copies for a couple of hundred, but a penny foundation makeup artist rejects it as soon as he opens the tube, smells like rubber, a separate foundation, it is very thick. here is the original cream that is easily smeared and does not leave streaks on the face, i did not expect that there would be such a big difference, branded shadows also win over their penny double, they are easily shaded,
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it is much more difficult to work with a fake, when you apply from a chinese palette in layers, a hole is simply formed and the shadows just fly off, i take this dark color, i just can't apply it, all that's left is to ... paint my lips, i'm scared, i'm scared to apply it to my lips, that's where the makeup artist recognizes the fake as the winner, this is what the original looks like, this is what the fake looks like, they turned out to be completely different in color, and the color is more interesting, and it goes on better, but experts still categorically advise against conducting such experiments, testing for toxic substances showed that in mascara and foundation bought at the market, the amount of... dangerous microorganisms that live on dirty hands, in dust and in soil, increased, a greater number of mesophilic microorganisms were detected. in general, the expression on the face is written - it's not just about emotions. the skin
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is one of the most important barriers that protect the internal structures of the body and tells everyone around how thoughtfully a person takes care of himself. marina velikova, lawyer. today we will talk about what advertising is, where should we complain about endless advertising calls to our phone? let's turn to the law, what does it say? u we have a federal law on advertising, article 18. this article states that the distribution of advertising over telecommunications networks, including telephone networks, without the prior consent of the subscriber to receive advertising messages is not permitted, that is , in order to receive advertising messages, you must give written consent to this, and advertising is considered distributed without the prior consent of the subscriber, if the distributor of the advertising does not prove that such consent was received from you, also
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the distributor of advertising is obliged to immediately stop distributing advertising to the subscriber if he receives a written request from him to stop such calls. also, the federal law on advertising prohibits automatic dialing and automatic mailing of advertising. what should we do in this case, where should we complain about advertising calls? well, the first thing you should do is contact your. communications, very often when concluding an agreement with a communications operator for a telephone number, we put a tick that we agree to receive advertising calls, if you have given such consent, then you have the right to demand in writing from the telecom operator to cancel such consent, if after cancellation of such consent from the telecom operator advertising calls still continue to come to your address and even ad blockers do not help, which are usually now ... installed by all telecom operators, the only thing you can do is
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to contact the federal antimonopoly service, go to the website, there is a special form for filing a complaint about such calls, in this complaint you must indicate your last name, first name, patronymic or the name of the legal entity, if advertising calls are received by your organization, you must also indicate the name of the distributor of advertising, but if you do not know, you must indicate the number from which you were called with advertising. you must also provide facts that indicate a violation of the law on advertising, this is in particular the method, date, time of distribution of advertising, well, and you must also indicate what you want to demand that the federal antimonopoly service do in relation to the distributor of advertising, also a copy of your contract with the telecom operator, as well as details of your telephone calls, which will show that indeed at such and such a time... on such and such a date , telephone calls with advertising were received on your telephone number,
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keep in mind that in 2024 the state duma will consider in the second reading a federal law on toughening penalties for distributors advertising without the subscriber's consent, fines will be increased to one million rubles. as soon as this bill is adopted, we will definitely tell you about it, if you still have questions, send them to our email address remember that you have: the right to know your rights. hello, this is an apartment issue and i am oksana kozyreva. the petrov family has a good tradition: every saturday, parents with children have breakfast to our program. at first , natalya and mikhail watched the episodes just to dream. when their own appeared square meters, tried
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to implement some ideas themselves, and then wrote to us. well, are big changes waiting for your kitchen, let's discuss how you want it to look, what dreams you have, desires, well, i want to see it all white, flying, such, just so that there is air. i also like it when there is a white shade, such light, creates, but i am pleased when there are some inclusions of something so bright, but so natural. there, i don't know, flowers, there, i don't know, an autumn forest, for example, well, what do our young people think, andrey, here you are whatever you want, i also want white, but not too monochromatic, and i would also like a beautiful kitchen, for example, draw flowers there or houses or something else. the housing issue takes on the remodeling of an eleven-meter kitchen.
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we glue the metal guides with sealing tape, fix them to the walls, sew up the structure with gypsum fiber sheets in two layers, add a 3d drawing to the interior, this is an optical illusion, a play of imagination. we hang the door, it is glossy, lined with durable acrylate, a glass insert made of triplex in in any case, safe, when installing the trim. we do without fasteners. we proceed to assembling the kitchen set. the body is made of chipboard, the facade is made of acrylic plastic. they are reliably protected from fading, so they will remain white and shiny for a long time. the work surface, apron, and middle tier of cabinets are exactly like wooden ones, but in fact they are lined with artificial veneer.
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the mezzanine in color and material exactly copies the lower tier. we decorate another wall with a wood-like panel, install all the necessary equipment. we attach track lights to the ceiling. they are rotatable, the direction of light can be changed. above the future table we attach light bean pendants. literally translated, glowing beans. they are made of natural oak covered with oil.
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they were developed by russian designer katerina kopytina. the lamps in the beans are in the form of large balls, the color from them is soft and warm. the dining table will please our heroes first of all with its large size, the tabletop is durable and safe, with rounded corners, finally, we add color accents to the interior, plastic chairs chair with beech legs. in the same cheerful tones, a portrait gallery. ta-ta-tara.
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so beautiful, look at the floor, wow, come on, open it, wow, wow! wow, really cool, very beautiful, well, will you gather here with your family more often, what do you think, of course, with such a big table, there will still be room here, there was very little space, here somehow there was less space, yes, we didn’t even really fit the whole family at the table, look here, you can also seat guests here, friends, your friend from the very...
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we’ll cook marguga, morguga - this is traditional emirati dish, since emirati cuisine is not quite so, let's say, rich, yes, the food is very simple, everything is very simple, very tasty, that is, without any, just tasty, for me it is enough, yes, you need to cut the onion into cubes, big cubes, not small, yes, the miraci love everything big, nothing small should be, we first need to pour. it's like butter or it's not from milk, it's from lard, from fat, fat, fat, oops, yellow color, yes, wow,
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dietary cuisine in general, here, yes, chopped you can throw the onion straight into the pan and we take a large chicken breast fillet. we cut it into pieces, okay, we cut it, well , tell me how you came here, how i came here everyone was surprised, because i came here without any english at all, i am also one of those who are surprised, yes, but i wanted to - like, work in some other country, that is, travel, in general, since my, my education is tourism, no, well, how can you work in tourism in a foreign country, where everyone only speaks english, and wait a second, i didn't work in... they continue to move, we move too, so here comes the chicken, what next? so, then we
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- cut the tomatoes, here you go, also in large cubes, yes, in large cubes, that's it with the tomatoes, i'll throw it there, we throw it there, yes, then spices, so here we see cumin, turmeric, and this is probably hot pepper or paprika, this is black pepper, this is salt. this is garlic with ginger, ginger, mixed, yes, this is a warehouse of usefulness, here in one spoon all the viruses, microbes are killed, so, then i'll add a spoonful, a spoonful of each, yes, and a spoonful of interesting notes from victoria, in the summer no one walks the streets here at all, summer is like winter for us, for example, yes, when you go out, you are cold, yes, here you go out, you are hot, that is, in the summer everyone finds... everything, this is powerful, summer here is like in russia, winter, we stir our mixture, victoria, you smell what, and oh, it is
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very tasty, we add water and leave it to stew, it all has to stew, so water is added there, in general, magrura is eaten with rice, they can even use it as a gravy for rice, while our dish is stewing, let's work on the dough, its own specific recipe, so it's just flour and just water, what do we do with this dough? first we need to make it all into a circle, yes, we need to cut all these circles into squares, like this you cut them, and for us it's cooking or a geometry lesson, two in one, because it's very, very important these molds, the dough turns out to be flour, water mixed everything is necessary.
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victoria, in the emirada, as they say bon appetitu, often they don't say bon appetite, they say bismillah, it's with god, bismillah, well, then, you know, it reminds me a lot of lagman, only simpler and thicker, generally very tasty, i really like it when you really...
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igor filippov. vanya, don't be offended, you're a new person, you haven't given it to moscow, you don't know our realities. vitaly kishchenko. he thinks he outplayed me. he thinks i have no moves . cretin. lukerya ilyashenko. who are you, mister sobonov? ivan kolesnikov. i work within the legal framework. a little stretched, of course, but still within the framework. tverskaya. from monday at 20:00. on ntv. miracle, premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. two
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bikhita at a bargain price, only in tasty point. if anything, we can in the evening. if anything, it won't work. if anything, we'll go swimming. these are symptoms of prostatitis. langitaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis. langidaza against prostatitis. sovito work, easy to find. your place, there are a lot of vacancies, and i just chose the best, the sweetest, and at work i only think about work, salary, and i don't worry about the rest, but i specifically i was looking for a place like this, where you can remain yourself, i found suitable vacancies on avit about work, you will find not just a job, but your place, pentalgin, a remedy for different types of pain, pentalgen works against pain, wherever it is, regardless of ...
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the same, beris, such different families, but everyone is preparing for autumn in one place, sat with honors, polyoxidonium against flu and urbi, polyoxidonium - treatment, prevention of viral infections, results of the week, new season, on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. find out your credit rating on the site compare or in application, it's free, keep your credit history under control. compare is on your side. need money? tired of looking for a loan that will be approved? compare simplifies this task. we have checked the offers and collected them in one place. just choose an mfi and submit an application. the money will be immediately transferred to the card. take a loan on the website or in the compare mobile application. still thinking about the ideal home? it's time to switch to domclick to
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buy an apartment in a new building or secondary market or build your own house with a mortgage. on domclick. everyone will find housing for themselves. there are many reasons to choose osaga on the website or in the application compare. but one, the most important. we have already checked the price with insurance companies, which means we know where to find a cheaper policy. nine out of ten clients stay with us after the purchase. try it yourself. compare. osaga is cheaper. miracle, premiere on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. about the weather for today in the far east in the center of attention of course is a powerful cyclone, capable of very dangerous actions. today the bad weather will reach its apogee in primorye, there will be everything, heavy rains, thunderstorms, storm winds, and the result in the form of flooding inevitable. the flood will not pass by khabarovsk krai, a little later the islands and everywhere where there is bad weather, a drop in temperatures, it will also affect the amur region, but there is less precipitation, in
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baikal it is still sunny up to 28, another cyclone is going there. tomorrow without rain for now in the irkutsk region, today they will pass through the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, western siberia, the temperature will remain quite comfortable, from 22 to 25 °. in the urals, too, there are still rains and it is cool, but the weather will definitely improve, it is coming together with an anticyclone from the european territory, and here today triumph of summer, in the center of the sun and up to +27, just a wal of flowers sounds to the soul and involuntarily pulls to the wedge to tchaikovsky, a beautiful park, estate, music weather. calls there not only today, but on the weekend. tomorrow a front with rains will fly by, then again it will be sunny and warm. the main rain with thunderstorms the cyclone will pour in the northwest and begins today beyond the smolensk region. in the south, tomorrow there is also a greater probability of rain, while most cities are on the sunny side and everyone is on the hot side. at the black sea resorts about thirty, in the steppes under 40. in st. petersburg today the maximum is +22, thunderstorms, in
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moscow no precipitation and +26. see more. morning, the best. let's talk about health with your doctor, cook a delicious dish with yulia vysotskaya. get acquainted with the news from the world of technology. let's chat one day with a famous person. if the twentieth century, according to the unofficial classification, was the century of cardiovascular diseases, then the twenty-first, according to forecasts of the world health organization, will be the century of allergies. up to 35% of the population suffers from allergic reactions, including to food products. what is a food allergy and how is it different from food intolerance? is it possible to get rid of it?
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we will talk about this with a doctor, allergist, immunologist, anna strykanova. good morning, the program your doctor is on air, and here we talk about the right medicine with the right doctors. hello, anna vyacheslavna. today i would like to talk to you about such a pressing. very problem as food allergies and intolerance to certain foods, what is called food intolerance, allergies and intolerance, is it the same thing, or are they different things, yeah, and what is one and what is the other, food allergy is a pathological reaction to any food with the participation of immune mechanisms, intolerance is a pathological reaction to... to food without the participation of immune mechanisms, whether the immune system affects or not is a fundamental sign: allergy, does immunity or intolerance affect, but in any case this food is not allowed, with food allergy
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most often the food is not allowed for some period of time at all, even a little, even a minimum amount of the product, and in case of food intolerance, a person can eat a certain dose of the product, even should eat. and over time he can even increase the amount of this food. food allergy, what is it, how does it manifest itself? here is the first thing, the manifestations, they can be absolutely different, well, the most common are skin rashes, this is discomfort in the abdomen, stool disturbance, but there can also be swelling, yes, there can be swelling of the lips, face, there can be some life-threatening conditions, such as angel edema, what used to be called. yes, the reaction occurs from a few
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seconds to two hours, if these are acute allergic reactions, and swelling, which occurs a longer time after eating food, they are not associated with food allergies, they are associated with other conditions at... milk is a product that can cause both a food allergy to milk proteins, and milk , due to the sugar it contains, lactose , can cause lactase deficiency, the same patient can have both
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an allergy to milk and lactase deficiency deficiency, if it is only an allergy to milk, then dairy products are excluded in any form, but if it is lactase deficiency, then a person can eat products without... lactose or a small amount of milk or other dairy products he can consume without any symptoms. question: if we are talking about a food allergy, yeah, is this an irreversible loss of this product for life, or can we come up with something to return to consuming this product? yeah, well it depends on what product the person is allergic to and how pronounced are his symptoms, and if these are some acute life-threatening symptoms. then the period of exclusion of this product is longer than if the symptoms are not very pronounced and also from the type of product itself, for example, many outgrow allergies to eggs, to milk, here is
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an allergy to fish, to nuts, to peanuts, it usually persists for life, and people cannot eat these products, if such a food allergy occurs, how to treat it, or simply exclude this product and do not need to be treated, just do not eat fish everything or... are there any ways to cure it, there, i don't know, to do something with it? well, the main thing, as you already said, is to exclude this product from the diet, elimination, yes, and there is also work in the world, it is being done, and in order to conduct oral immunotherapy with products, that is , give a small amount of the product to a person, his immune system gets used to this product in the future he can eat it, and there is such work on peanuts on... milk, and a very interesting fact is that even treatment with muffins, that is, they took adult children, in studies, and they were given exactly muffins according to a certain recipe, where there was milk protein
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in the form of dry milk, so the children ate these muffins and over time they began to calmly consume dairy products, that is, they can even treat muffins, of course, from food allergies, and are there any tests that can answer the question, are there any? they should only be prescribed by a specialist doctor , taking into account the anamnesis, taking into account the characteristics of the patient, but there are also tests that absolutely do not reflect the presence of a person food allergies or food intolerances, but are nevertheless prescribed, these are tests for igg4, this is a fashionable analysis, yes, yes, yes, this is a traffic light, yellow-red such and such thick conclusions come. zones, these tests
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are not used in the diagnosis of food allergies, food intolerances, in routine clinical practice and should not be prescribed by general practitioners. these tests are sometimes used in some studies to determine tolerance within the framework of some project, but just come to laboratory and publish. and it is not advisable, it is not necessary, it is harmful. many thanks anna vyacheslavovna, the topic is really endless, the topic is not very, it is very relevant, it is very important to go to professional doctors here who know this problem, know it from the point of view of evidence-based medicine, which is extremely important and will not experiment with unnecessary tests, they can really help to choose those products that really do not cause allergies. which
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is more or less well tolerated, and the treatment that can also prevent exacerbation or god forbid, some kind of reaction or some complications. thank you very much, i want to wish everyone good health and see you soon. chicken wings, it seems to me, are loved by absolutely everyone, well, because it is such a dish. it is great for company, it is great to make for the family, and for a holiday or just to cook it every day, today i will make, for example, this marinade: i have two tablespoons of honey combined, right now, you see, in a bowl i will right now combine everything-everything-everything here, a teaspoon paprika, this is sweet paprika, not spicy, two tablespoons of soy sauce,
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two tablespoons of olive oil, a little salt, just a little bit, because soy sauce is salty, a little chili pepper, because my paprika is sweet, a little tomato paste, a heaped teaspoon, in general, tomato paste with soy sauce work wonders and mustard. this is the grainy moheev, it is sweet, moderately spicy, it is ideal for creating such a base, for example, for salad dressing, or to serve it with some kind of ham, some kind of meat delicacies and add it to the sauce like this, it behaves simply flawlessly, because it sets off the other ingredients, we combine them, we can leave them to marinate for a while, but in principle, they are so
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tender, soft and delicate that they don’t need much time for marinating, you can, if we are in a hurry, immediately prepare a form like this, baking paper and send it all into the form, in general, i will say honestly, it is ideal food for a picnic, for some summer gatherings on the terrace, on veranda. any side dish is good with them, you can cook something from young potatoes, you can make some vegetables, some salad, rice, but in my opinion, pasta is the best for such a story. so, the temperature in the oven is 190 °, they bake quickly, 30-35 minutes , everything will be ready, they are so fragile and tender. god, how is this. delicious, you
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know, moreover, i want to tell you, here we have an interesting, it seems to me, such a disposition, or how to say it correctly, we have this hot appetizer, they so fragrant, they are so, look, ah, golden, caramel, juicy, tender, i put them out, very, you know, that i don’t want to lose a drop of this sauce, so i’ll even leave them like this: here on baking paper, it seems to me, it also looks very appetizing, the only thing is, of course, i really want some greenery, but also... and for color, and for aroma, for example, let’s take some mint together with this dark basil, look how beautiful, chop it, even better tear it, like
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this, look, in such large pieces, in general, this is the kind of food that seems good to me, even when it cools down, it doesn’t immediately go away from the heat, it’s nice. now , anyone who can play the guitar can feel like a real rock star, thanks to the digital tremola system, which was created by an inventor from australia. the innovation is that the device is attached to the instrument without reworking it, it’s simply glued on together with its processor, it allows you to produce a variety of effects, usually uncharacteristic for amateurs, shimmers, dives and other guitar gadgets. making computers a thousand times faster will allow in the future an invention by russian scientists from skoltech. as part of an international team, they have created an unusually effective optical switch that
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will replace electronic transistors in computers of the future and will operate with photons, not electrons. the operating speed is a trillion operations per second, while the device consumes little energy and does not require special cooling. there is still a long way to go from observing the effect in the laboratory before developing real all-optical coprocessors, but we are optimistic. rockets for launching satellites will soon be unnecessary. the creators of the throwing system for delivering cargo into orbit are confident of this. such a test launch complex was successfully tested, although many details were not reported, at the cosmodrome in the state of new mexico. the idea is to spin the launch vehicle to the required speed in a giant electric drum, then it will fly to orbit without any rocket. according to the authors' calculations, the system will make launches 10 times cheaper, there is no talk yet about sending people into space in this way. in canada, a robot was created
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that gives intramuscular injections, and it does not need a needle for this. the device is designed for mass vaccination, it includes a module. personality and a compartment for storing the drug. when the patient is registered, the robot looks at his arm using lidar sensors and cameras, chooses the best place for the injection and makes it, shooting a thin but strong stream, without inserting a needle. there is no information about pain reported, but the tester in the presentation video did not even move when it all happened. the creators expect that in real practice such robots will appear in two years will allow to further increase the rate of vaccination. and without new expenses on medical personnel. a company from china claims that it has created the world's first truly wireless hair dryer. it does not need an outlet, but can work from a battery, because it does not waste extra energy, like a regular hair dryer , heating the surrounding air. there is no
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hot spiral here, but much more energy-saving principle of infrared heater. hair dryer emits heat rays similar to the sun, and they are also selected by length. waves, so that they are absorbed not by hair, but by water droplets on them, according to the creators, it turns out even better for health and beauty, not to mention convenience. one morning on ntv, i am sergey mayorov, hello, people's artist of the country stanislav andreevich lyubshin turned 90 this year, a respectable age, but the actor says that he does not ...
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about the great and beloved artist, the story of mikhail lomova. to trim the noble gray hair and stretch the joints, a long-standing and obligatory ritual of stanislav lyubshin before going on stage. i was once baptized as a child, before going on stage, i take this very seriously, because i am very nervous when i am left alone, i do not know what will happen to me there, i value myself with a cross, it helps me. gentlemen, soon the third bell, let's begin! the third bell in the theater for the audience is the last reminder that the performance ... begins. the third bell for the actors is a call to the beginning of the action, to retreat
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nowhere. the third bell - gentlemen - a performance by the moscow art theatre about provincial actors living out their days in an orphanage. how many symbols and subtexts there are in this third bell. do you remember the day you first found yourself in the theatre? i went, then it was called the theatre of transport, then it became known as the gogol theatre, there was a children's fairy tale, and i was a child, i had big boots with metal studs from my uncle who was at the front, i was sitting somewhere in the centre of the hall, the play was like this, if you go straight it's bad, to the left it's even worse, to the right it's completely over, i sat like a child, falsely, nothing... in life happens, everything is wrong, i am my nature, i could not stand it, i stood up and fishing with these
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same ones left, all stung, looked after me. stanislav lyubshin began his career as a dramatic actor in sovremennik, continued at the taganka theater, then at the yermolova theater, then at the theater on malaya bronnaya, but did not stay anywhere for long, only in 1980, already being a people's artist of the rsfsr. lyubshin opened the door to the moscow art theater, where in 53 years he played fifty bright roles in plays that have become classics: tartuve, the cherry orchard, boris godunov, three sisters, cyrano de bergerac, the precipice, the seagull. if you were asked to write a play that best told about your life, what would you write? i would ask to take a vacation, for a few years, go far away, close, well, of course, the door, i would leave it open so that they would bring something, and we would write like that,
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with such greed, maybe we would write something, what genre would it be, from life about life, my life, i would make a title, or you dreamed of me, and what do you dream of, how i worked as a guard in a kindergarten, i had to chase away rooks that were pecking strawberries, since it was state property, that i was not weak. can the warbler eat? of course, i will chase them away, have breakfast, go there, not here, i
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win there, this is the kind of dream that still merges, how i eat state strawberries, in difficult times, since in our country they are always difficult, such names are dreamed of, the daily journey from the theater to home - an hour in the passenger seat of a service car. temporarily talking on the phone and silently reflecting on the distant past. the vladykino district in the north of the capital, today a classic residential area, once a village near moscow with cowsheds and potato fields. stanislav lyubshin spent his childhood here. the actor's father andrei worked as an agronomist, his mother antonina worked on a farm. our women had already organized a ram circle before the war. mom was very beautiful, she was given roles in this self-de. very beautiful women, heroines, yes, heroines in plays in our country, they should always be with the hero
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kissing, father was involved in a music club, stole on the mandalina, when the most difficult scene was approaching for father, when some groom had to kiss mother, he just went out on stage, sat on the mandalina , the international was played, from the audience they shouted andrey, you are bothering us, and he ... continued to play, well , the worst one began at night, aren't you ashamed, tonya kissing some groom, it's not me, it's the one who is a woman, whom i play, i see you, what we see in the morning, father is sitting, balbert is chained, buttons, paints, he sits like chipaev in all white, that means ring, shirt and paints a picture, we stick to it like that, dad, what are you painting? the rooks have arrived, and we already have three paintings hanging,
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dad, we have some, here they have arrived again, so it's already the fourth performance, he was worried. the great patriotic war brought drastic changes to the peaceful life of the villagers, the head of the family went to the front, the mother was left alone, raising three children, the eldest slavka had to work on an equal basis with adults, plough and sow, rebuilding the country, we had an aircraft factory nearby, where planes were assembled and planes went straight to the front, the germans tried to get into the railway in this very aircraft factory, when...
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after graduating, he decided to retrain as an artist and without much effort entered the shchepkin theatre school. the appearance and life experience of young lyupshin won over the venerable teachers. while still a student, he began acting in films. he made his debut in the lyrical film story by marlen khutsiv , ilyech's outpost, but stanislav andreevich gained all-union fame with the film shield and sword. the filming of this epic took place in germany and became real.
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you had fascism put up banners in the dungeon where there used to be a concentration camp we are filming the germans order. exactly at 3 o'clock the filming ends, we film two takes, they turn off the lights, he says: excuse me, why are the lights out, give me the lights, no, we can't, we have a norm, what is your norm, well , we have a union, the next day, he films, let's say, the whole filming day from 10 to 10 pm, he at 11:00 am, he says, thank you, the filming is over, the germans started running, oh my god, you have to, and i filmed everything. no, we can't, how can they not pay us, well, comrade, yours trade unions, why your trade unions, and workers are not finished, then they each time, you may still want to shoot, yes, that's how he turned, regardless of the side where we were, stanislav lyubshin's partner in that, now legendary project, became alla
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demidova, when in different cities to work on these films, we had a team operator. sound engineer actor we played football in krakow and they took demidova's ball she was sitting there in this bowl at the very top never had anything like that at football but she came she's sick she's sitting there tas was an artist i won't name his name he was catching with both hands and feet and he missed eight we 're terrified we're losing suddenly alla devidova runs away from there runs here one imagine flies in sees the ball for the first time. such a leader, we were stunned when he scores a goal against those same poles, and we rushed like that, we scored 10 goals, won, but thanks to this is what patriotism is, inspired us into battle led, for the health of angelika, for you, angel, great people, great stories to stanislav andreevich
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lyubshinu, we'll be back tomorrow morning, i'm sergey mayorov, see you on ntv, happily. the best for today, beyond. floors are collapsing under him and furniture is breaking. he was sitting on a wicker chair, at one point the leg, the chair broke and i fell to the floor, he's afraid of getting stuck in the shower stall, he hasn't fit in the bathtub for a long time. i carry not just one, but two people. at 26, a young man weighing 238 kg continues to eat for five. my diet is uncontrolled, it's always buns, snacks, soda. we 've tried everything, i don't want to lose my son, a bouquet from shashlik, love is in every piece, is he gaining weight specifically to spite his parents, i was not irritated, i continued to eat to spite them, dim, what did i do wrong, if i had been strictly limited then, maybe i would not be like this and would not be sitting
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here now, at this age people are already giving birth to their children, and you are still a child, you are a big child, this is beyond the pale. today at 16:45 on ntv. sergey belogolovtsev has been joking on stage for 30 years. the great russian writer. we were the first.
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hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in in our country, we have no barriers, it doesn't peck, in
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the old courtyard without luck in any way, here is an arc , it brings luck, it pecks, pecks, pecks, take an arc for luck. i pressed something and it itself, she herself, feminine gender, missorubka liran for 9.990, liran we make comfort accessible, trimedat can eliminate the cause of pain and discomfort in the abdomen, i act specifically spasm or impaired motility. trimidat, feel life, not pain in the abdomen, is based on the history of tea richard, your majesty, it is impeccable, so noble. you know, about who is everyone talking about now? on this chilly day all the talk is about tea, incomparable,
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me or richard, both of you, richard, royal tea, include bright color with hair care, persistent cream paint palette gives rich color, triple care system, restores, moisturizes, nourishes hair from the inside, no gray hair, palette. number one in coloring: buy a large combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions in a delicious point, what's the secret, you have to find out, there is a goal, doshirak broth is prepared in a traditional way method, it's all about fermentation, doshirek broth, if anything, we can in the evening, if anything, it won't work, if anything, we'll swim, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. kidaza against prostatitis. favorite brands on wildberries. oha is fashionable, beautiful, comfortable and stylish. shoes for any occasion from everyday walks to holiday
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parties. your confidence in every step with oshd. check out the sale with honors. moscow coffee shop on poi, taste, pleasure. i love, i recommend. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? revmoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmofli. movement without pain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take revmoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid. revmoflexalar, painless movement, in any weather. and now about the weather today in the far east, in the epicenter of bad weather primorye. shocks in the form of floods and flooding will be from the heaviest rains, and also
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a storm wind. also restless in the khabarovsk territory, the temperature is lower, in khabarovsk +23, tomorrow even less, at baikal so far 25-27 sunny. in siberia, today it is especially rainy in venki, in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, in the omsk, tyumen regions, the temperature will remain within 22-25. in the urals, mostly no higher than twenty, also in places heavy rains in the south, but tomorrow will be better. an anticyclone from the european territory promises to help. in the middle zone, yes in the north it is sunny and warmer than expected. only in the northwest another cyclone again spoils everything with its heavy rains and thunderstorms. in the south it rains only in places, at the black sea it is about thirty, and the further from the coast, the hotter it is. in st. petersburg today it is +22, thunderstorms, mask without precipitation and +26.
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find destroy the time of day does not matter. the latest data on the situation in the border area of ​​the kurdish region. a symbol of unity and cohesion. in russia they celebrate the day of the state flag, and what? in fact means tricolor, and also whether you are on the right path, comrades, the main thing from the visit to moldova of german chancellor olaf scholz. this is the program today in the studio dmitry zavoysty. hello. we start with news from the bryansk region, where a new attempt by ukrainian sabotage groups to break into russian territory was thwarted. the head of the region wrote about this in his telegram channel. as reported by alexander bagamas, the day before.


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