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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  August 23, 2024 2:55am-3:26am MSK

2:55 am
well, i'm giving it to a good person, pasha, so i 'll leave it as a gift, and in my office there's cold vodka, lard with garlic, cucumbers, and let's go, let's go, sasha, i'm free, dates, oh, we'll set the table now and sit with you, pasha, like the good old days, thank you. we don't need you here.
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had a great time, ask, a hidden camera agency, is engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities, the head of the agency, a retired lieutenant colonel,
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this is my assistant olga. sergey, very nice. hello. sergey, explain, where did this girl come from? you see, i work a lot, and, as they say, to keep from going crazy, i have to switch from time to time. how? in different ways. let's be honest. i have a rented apartment that my wife doesn't know about. well, so that we could meet there with the guys. have a look, drink some beer, and let's be honest, meet some girls, and how do you explain your absence to your wife? i say, some urgent business trip ahead to the apartment, so you and the girl agreed in advance, like on the internet, i look at the photo, she seems like such a nice girl, invited her to have a rest, i see she doesn't mind, well i wrote the address, we agreed on a time. that's it, the girl came to you and what
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next, we drank to our acquaintance, well that's it, a failure, i don't remember anything, apparently something slipped into my drink, i woke up in the middle of the night because the phone rang, i rummaged through my pockets, empty, my briefcase is empty, everything was often taken out, damn it, a lot of things were missing, 150 grand, credit cards, a watch, a ring. well and documents, contracts, estimates, projects, i i went there straight after work, you didn't think to contact the police, what kind of police, if my wife finds out, write about a couple, you know, i'm bankrupt without these documents, so please help me find this maya or whatever her real name is, i 'll negotiate with her myself, god bless the money, the main thing is the documents, they are very important to me, okay, i think we can help you, although in general... olya, yes, i
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understand everything perfectly, i feel disgusted myself, we 'll call you when there are results, good luck, goodbye, goodbye, well, guys, go, and his wife probably loves him, pities him, takes care that he doesn't overwork himself, god forbid, olya, he's our client, and we won't discuss him, that's it, that's it. i just wanted to say, hey, what happened, machki, tooth! so, come on, get going and go to the dentist, how to knock me out, well, we'll manage somehow , pavlik and i will work for now, in short, i'm free until tomorrow, and i don't want to hear about the tooth anymore, it's really tugging at me, come on, come on, pasha, i'm ready to...
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oh, i love this business, well, come on, then start with our client's online correspondence and this mysterious girl maya, find out who she is, let me know right away, i obey. i obey. well, how am i in the new version? excellent. "if i hadn't known that you were waiting here, i would have driven past, how's the tooth? is the tooth okay, where are we going? we're going to visit a girl that pasha figured out yesterday. how did you find her already? pasha found this magician's page on a social network, here it is, yeah, i immediately remember that
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the page is fake, the profile is temporary, and maya is of course a pseudonym, i identified the user by the asshole, it turned out to be alina foralova, a muscovite. years old, and that this is alina from imagines herself? doesn't look like a swindler or a thief, let alone a femme fatale. well, why are we going there then? and we've already arrived. here's this house. ol, your task is to conduct reconnaissance, install the equipment, first entrance, apartment 16. go ahead. to be honest, i doubt that this is alina. was at our client's, why is that, look for yourself, these are different people, you're still young, pash, a woman is like a snake, easily changes skin and adapts to any environment, cinderella will be by the stove, the queen at the ball, a fairy tale i read, watched a movie, it's not bad already, so
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let's see how our olim are doing, hello, i'm from the management company, we 're inspecting housing before major repairs, can i come through, please come through, yeah. thank you, and tell me, are there any leaks, cracks in the windows, well , any complaints, no complaints, well, i still need to see, because you never know what can happen, well, okay, see for yourself, i just have meat frying, i'll run away quickly, good, you're lucky, as if on cue, yes, you got a trusting girl, the wiring was changed a long time ago, years three years ago, when we were doing the repairs, finish up and leave. well, i've looked at everything, everything 's fine, thank you, bye, goodbye, oh my god,
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it's already evening, 7:00 we're sitting here, only we're sitting here, and the gray mouse is sitting at home, i just didn't want to distract you. and meanwhile our mouse is going somewhere, by the way, look how she looks, wow, what a troublemaker mouse, well now it's your turn to go out, she's leaving the house, i'll finally get going, i wonder. "boss, she's in a hurry, can you see us, yes, olya, just don't lag behind,
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so, pay attention, this is an sms, i'm here, how agreed. i'm waiting impatiently, yeah, someone's waiting for us, and we're in a hurry, a text message came from anatoly zenkov, in a couple of minutes i'll be able to tell you who it is, olya, wait for me, i'll be there now, yeah, yeah, let's go, otherwise they'll leave.
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kov, no education, no job either, he has a rich wife, tatyana, who has her own modeling agency, well, i understand. why did he rush into these yards, they shortened the road, so i don't see them at all, wait, wait, there's someone lying there, this, i recognized him from the photo, it looks like without... look, this is a trace of
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an electric shock, if there is no car, then alina drove away in it, or maybe he wanted to rape her, she defended herself, it's unlikely, if he had pestered her, she would have knocked him out in the car and ran away, we need to call an ambulance, yes, of course, pavlik, do you hear me, look for zenkov's car using the cameras on the roads, i'm afraid we can't do anything more today. good morning, hello, it's kind, it depends on the person, we let you go to bed yesterday, and pashka spent the whole night looking for zenkova's car, which was already quite unkind, but the car was still not found, well, it was recorded by a camera once the traffic police are leaving the city, driving...
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chief, there's a woman on the ramp, i think she's waiting for alina, only the problem is, i won't be able to get close, there will be a picture, but probably no sound, nothing, pavlik will try to connect via phone alina, got it, working on it.
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"this is a voluntary contribution, so take it, however much you don't mind, i don't mind, well, i have to run, if anything, i hope i won't need it anymore, good luck, what do you say, pasha, well, first of all, i established that the woman who was meeting with alina now is the wife of anatoly zenkov, to whom we yesterday "they called an ambulance...", you are right as always, so i have already checked the last contacts of both. so, on the eve of the meeting with alina,
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anatoly zenkov, as our client, also arranged a date with a girl named liliya on social networks. look, well, yes, now i see the resemblance to alina. moreover, the ip address from which lili wrote to anatoly points to the office where alina works. alina returned to the office, what about you, something is becoming clear, zenkov also took the bait on social networks. pasha, what about his wife? pay attention to screen. tatyana zenkova, also through social networks, visited the closed group solidarity several times, which offers help to women in trouble. excellent work, pavlik. to begin with, we will introduce our agent into this group. i can even guess who it will be, right, you guess, now you go home, come up with a legend, and
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under the guise of a woman in trouble, you contact the group solidarity, that's what i like, real work, au, what is it, you went to the dentist, went, and even put a filling, yeah, there are just some flies here, bit, bit, that's it, off i go , bye, i'll tell you a secret, our olya is terrified of dentists, yeah, how do you know, she herself? admitted in a moment of weakness, well, well , good morning, hello, great day, today, yeah, yeah, good day, i hope news too, yeah, i made up a legend, sent a request to join the group,
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they registered me right away, i immediately wrote that i had very big problems and i needed help, alina answered me, she's there with her name, and what did she answer? she asked me to describe in more detail the situation i was in, well, i wasn't lazy here, i wrote a whole novel about how my husband was abusing me, beating me up, but not giving me a divorce, but i was wondering where i could get a husband now if alina decided to test me, he was already here, yes-yes-yes-yes, i'm here, here i am, hi, hello, great, i'm ready to play husband during the day, at night, in everyday life, in fasting!
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it's still unknown, hello, yes, yes, yes, i, i wrote to you, i really need your help, i i just can't stand it anymore, thank you, yes, of course i can, thank you, yes, alina called, great, she made an appointment for me at lunchtime in the park, in the same place where she met with tatyana, i so... understand, the show is starting, and you are olga, yes, and you are alina, i read what you sent, this is really a disaster and it's good that you decided to fight it, you will help, from you i will need his contact information and a photo, his home address, work address, the route he usually takes, is it clear why all this?
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ol, you see, many people contact the group, but in reality i do everything alone. i have my own methods, but it's better for you not to know about them, so i'll send a photo to your phone, home address, work address too, and where he hangs out, i 'd like to know myself, although there is one place where he sings, and then, what then i know, don't think about it, i'll do everything so that i never dare to raise my hand against you again, that's it, i need to run, when the connections, okay, thank you. well done, everything was believable. hello, egor, well, everything is going according to plan, today you follow the planned route, and most importantly, stop by uncle vasya's bar, you can have a beer there, but not much. mikhalich, i'll work it off as it should be. and doesn't it bother you that
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my fake husband has been drinking beer in a tavern for an hour already. he works us off with his conscience, according to the approved plan, i'm afraid he might relax too much, oh, a fly bit him again, or maybe not, phantom pains, you know, yes, like when they pull out a tooth, but the pain remains, oh yeah, you said you have a filling there, well, that means it hurts under the filling, i sympathize, look, he came out, a young man, yes, you can to disturb you, yes, of course, madam, i am at your service, i am already worried about my tormentor husband, but she will not kill him
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in the end, although it is true that it is harsh. listen, listen, you goat, i know everything about you, do you hear, but what have i done, you have made a doormat out of your wife and wipe your feet on her, who are you, your death, did not know that quietly, quietly, quietly, in the evening, you will come home, ask for forgiveness from the wife and will not approach her again for another step, understand? understood, in the morning you will get up, go to the registry office and you will divorce her, at eight in the morning, yes, yes, yes, and most importantly the main thing is, get this into your head, if you ever lay a finger on her. i'll bury you, eat, yeah, and why can't you just leave her like that, lie down, think, so what, we need to go and untie her,
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let's go, thank you, mikhal ulich, this is extreme, "olya, it would be good for you to talk to ilina again today, in a home environment, i
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'm sorry that i'm here so late, in the middle of the night, yes, i rarely let anyone in, i rarely give out my address to anyone, you called, i realized that you're not feeling well, so come in and have some tea, thank you very much, boss, it's unfair." so am i i can't sleep, and no one is offering me cake, it makes you fat, look, listen, you open the cake for now, i'll bring you a knife now, okay, listen, i don't know what you did to my husband, can you imagine, he came, said tomorrow we'll go to the registry office to get a divorce, packed his things and left." true, alina, i have nothing to pay yet, oh, i don't help for money, of course, some wealthy ladies make contributions, i don't take anything for myself, i usually help
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those who are in need. tell me, why did you start doing this at all? you know, i once suffered from male cruelty myself, i got out married to someone like yours, well, and got beaten. not so much that there was no living place, and then he threw you out on the street without a penny, how did you endure it, i don’t know, endured, you know, ulya, i then realized that there are hundreds of people like me, those who need help, created a group on a social network, you, you are just some kind of amazing, ali, olya, come on, well, anyone can do it, well , if there was a desire, you know, what is left for me today, what is the only thing you... what to do in the apartment? well, actually, we weren’t planning on spending the night, that ’s what female solidarity means, thank you for
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you understand everything, please, well, it wasn't just that i stayed overnight while alina was in the shower, i searched the apartment, but i wanted to find the client's things, these very important documents of his, and i didn't find anything, so we need to wrap this up already, call the client and let him sort it out himself... how is he going to sort it out with her in an interesting way? by the way, i don't trust this kotov at all, and it seems to me that we are putting alina in danger. alina is an adult and must now decide for herself whether to give the documents to kotov or answer to the law, which she has already broken more than once. but she didn't break it for the sake of profit, you know, let her say thank you that we don't hand her over to the police. yes, sergey, hello. anyway, the deed is done, we found her, the results have come to the mail, you're welcome, boss, and you don't have any painkillers, my head
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is splitting, my head is splitting, aren't you tired of it, are you going to gasp or get your teeth treated, i treated, i treated, i saw how you treated? pavlik sent me a recording from a street video camera, how you walk around the dentist's office for an hour, and then run from there with such square eyes, well pasha, i'll remember this, in short, tomorrow morning i'm going to the dentist with you , i'll make sure you don't run away, okay? well, now i'm calm about your tooth, your endless "oikani" won't distract us anymore. it's not scary at all, and do you know why? because there was a man nearby, oh, how i miss this, boss, well, i'm still worried
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about alina. ol, without starting, we closed this topic, boss, well, please, well, i called her several times, she doesn't answer, maybe, let's ask pasha to check if she's home or not, because we left a camera and a microphone there. hi, colleagues, by the way, i didn't turn off the camera just in case, and i can say that alina hasn't been home since yesterday. pasha, you were silent, how could you be silent, boss, i don't like this. clay, sit down, he's not answering. pasha, check the signal to see where our client is now. one second. judging by
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the signal, the client is in his rented apartment. it seems i shouldn't have listened to you, i admit. pasha, send me the address, we'll go to him, call there too egor with a shell, i'm afraid it will be hot. alina is there, we need to know for sure. the guys are checking now. i connected to the client's laptop, there is a picture. can you see it? yeah, i'm already looking. listen here, creature. i'll cut you into small pieces and take you out in bags , where are the documents, well, nothing else, i gave it to your wife, she started talking, well done, olya, alina is in the apartment, hurry up, yeah, let's go in, eh,
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hello, what do you need now, chocolate? yeah, hands behind your head against the wall, that's it, peace, hello, although no, sit down, think, alina, alina, well, everything is fine, it's over, well tell me, what? "hello, what does this mean, this creature robbed me, i got a rifle, for assault and kidnapping, a good article is looming, for five years, no less, well, let's go, so you're a detective, yes, that's my job, and aline, i have to tell you something important, the police won't charge you
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, and you'll get nothing." does not threaten, because they found out that the thing you took from kotov is with his wife. and what was in those documents for which he is ready was to kill me? the thing is that kotov was going to bankrupt his wife's company, prepared the documents for this, and naturally, was very afraid that they would fall into her hands, when this happened, he simply lost his temper, because she could have left him without anything at all after the divorce or put him in prison, that is, i was just a pawn in this game. you know, from the very first...
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call me anytime, thank you, thank you, boss, do you understand what's going on? it seems that this is the beginning of a great female friendship, and such things happen, who knows, who knows. igor, forgive me, but what's so sad, i'm back, i'm back,


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