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tv   Pyos-5  NTV  August 23, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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damn, sixth floor, sixth, forward, forward, to me. police station, hello, say hello, son-in-law, we can take him, he's a nasty guy, get him,
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you bastard, hold on, where? please run down, hands behind your head, quickly, watch out, well done , fly, well done, close, close, sit, well done, hands back, ouch, that hurts, yeah, that snake, almost took my eye off, max, don't worry, you're not in danger, you already have a dog leash, thank you, talyan, now i 'm calm about my future, max, don't worry, scars adorn a man, yeah, well, how am i doing for you i like this one, i like you. give me a mirror, come on,
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you can tear yourself away, what are you saying, look, he's looking, and he's, he's having fun too, you 're having fun, yeah, that's it, fly, next time you'll take the hysterics, and i'll see how you do it. that this is a turning point in your career, and this is your god, glory to him, good luck!
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now, ladies and gentlemen, the culmination of our show, meet our angel, angela!
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why are you so indignant? sit down, it's for you after all, look, the shampoo, tuzik bought you. it will give your hair softness, shine, silkiness, a unique aroma, for a long time will save you from unexpected za, from unwanted, wipe yourself, yes, lyush, what are you talking about, we are in full combat readiness, soft,
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silky, send me the address, let's go to work with clean wool. overdose, show business, everyone will be there, the concentration of synthetic cocaine is many times higher than critical, yeah, the mucous membrane is not damaged, there are no traces of an injection, the girl is not a drug addict, maybe she miscalculated, decided to indulge and, but you're right, she miscalculated, that's it. i feel sorry for her, young, beautiful, i say, a strange aroma, you have new perfume, will you examine it the victim's apartment, look at her dressing table, i don't use perfume at work, so it's from her, and why doesn't
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the dog react ? don't touch anything, i'm working, where else would you get a job besides the police? by the way, i was offered a job as a model, my appearance allows it, well, someone has to advertise pills for dementia, yes, someone for dementia, someone for hemorrhoids, someone for impotence, that's not my profile. not sour, what's the matter, open up immediately.
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attention, attention, on the first, second , count off, surround the criminal. stand kamtan did not make, oh, how you screwed up, idiot, well come on, well come on, well
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fresh zheshlya, come on, come on, you 're missing him for the second time, what's wrong with you? what again? i 'm taking pictures of snails, it's not because of your snails that my whole back of my head is splitting. well, what, it's my fault that i suddenly needed to go to the toilet and in general i don't fight on the points. oops, why did i find this? were you supposed to show me this? is this what i 'm thinking about? you don't even know what you're thinking about? i know everything, show business, sex, drugs, carvalo, he look, look at that mug of hers lover, ears sticking out, pig eyes and in general it is not clear what gender it is, male, and why did you decide so, it is written, and he also has
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a beard, exactly, oh well, yes, male, and how does it open, oh, i checked, the drug is the same that killed the model, oh yeah, and i was saying, what kind of perfume do you have, do you like it, yeah, there are such fragrances that women go crazy about, i really hope it is... of them, i hope, maybe we will get down to business, again recognized as the best by independent experts, free sberbank credit card forever, apply right now, it's easier to buy an apartment with t-bank, apply for a mortgage
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apply for a debit card with 35% cashback, for everything most important - gazprombank. back, this is more familiar to me, and against back and joint pain, declofinac gel akas. somehow not enough. it's not about quantity, it's about concentration. the gel contains the maximum concentration of the active substance, penetrates well to the point of pain and inflammation. gel diclofenac acas, behind a healthy back, as behind a stone wall. i have the same, wow, wildberries, wildberries, such different families, but everyone is preparing for autumn in one place, sat down with honors, the whole day on my feet my back gets tired, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, sports on a daily basis, but how to protect joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix, artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just one
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capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. yur, could you teach pixel to bring something useful? rubles, or what? rubles are brought to us by the vtb debit card. cashback up to 25% in rubles. choose the desired cashback categories. and you get plus one category for transferring vtb from other banks. top up every month? build auto-top-up, conveniently free, pixel will not miss its own, this is our family, vtb, everything will work out, what are the names of everyday products at low prices, goods in great demand, buy on ozon, pencils with eraser bik for 24 rubles 67 kopecks. the adoptive mother told her that her biological mother had left her to freeze on a bench in winter, i was found on a bench in december wrapped in blankets so that they could... take me away, they put an ad in the local newspaper, in ulyanovskaya, and the answer came that
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you can take her, i don’t need her. half a century later, the daughter decided to find out the truth about her birth, she didn’t want to find her biological mother, of course, how to find out if i have brothers or a sister, but is her biological mother alive, yes, i went to an orphanage, there is a refusal written that she has no opportunity to raise me, how would i... i calculated by years she is 77 years old, will she be able to answer all the questions of the abandoned daughter? she wanted to take her, he said that she gave birth to a daughter, marina, for a year, he says, he gave it away, because... six people lived a step away they i open the envelope dna today at 16:45 on ntv.
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one dead model, this is an accident, and two - a pattern, do you think a double murder?
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i don't think so, i say, today. but you feel what gary, i work with difficulty, by the way, gary, did you remember the name of the olikalone you use, i can't remember, i was accidentally doused with it, okay, you don't want to say it, don't say it, so, well, everything is clear, usual? suicide disguised as an accident, yeah, explain, igor, why would a young, handsome, successful man commit suicide? so, i'll explain for the stupid: apparently, it was brigitte barda who felt that i was already approaching, well, here's the result, stupid, in general, as always, oh my god, no need, blah-blah, slender
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news, i even think, beautiful, study better. i wish i had, while i live, igor, don't scare my mirror, if it cracks now, get out of here, the picture is identical, the blood of the deceased is the same drug in a lethal dose, so i don't understand, did she break, or did she still have an overdose, but... at the time of the accident she was already dead. or maybe the models didn't suspect anything, and took it for ordinary cocaine? an accident, in general, maybe the models thought it was ordinary cocaine, but the one who gave it to them knew everything for sure, so it's murder, lesh, yes, a printout, last message from bridget's phone, white
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chinese - is it certain death, looks like a threat, well, or a warning, like stay away? from this guy, i'm right, hello, tell me, please, did you find out the name of the cologne from maximov, i'm working on it, and what is this? this is lemonidov, a coffin, oh, my god, women go crazy about this, that's when they have this aquiline nose, it looks better like some kind of wart, what do you do at work, do you at least know anything about this white chinese guy, i don't know who this two are, it's shameful, the man is connected with two
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murders, and you chew gum on your nose, yeah, no-no, it's not him, this one is completely unclear, what gender and orientation, no, well, he's definitely not chinese, we checked all the numbers from which bridget was called, among her contacts there is a certain roman, a man with a pronounced oriental appearance, yeah, he was charged with pimping , of course, he doesn't look like a chinese at all, but he may be somehow connected with him, for pimping, yeah, great, i suggest we penetrate his nest right away. i'm even ready for self-sacrifice, i'll rent a room in a hotel, invite a model, well, and there as it will fit, only you need to pick out a more respectable outfit.
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would you like a wine list? do you have wine in the cards? are served, i prefer to bottle, shut up, shut up, excuse me, don't be stupid, come on, bring it, red, white, both, and don't you want to brighten up your loneliness in the company of two swedish students?
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idiot, when i received the captain of a long-distance voyage on my own yacht, offer the girls a drink, blockhead, so what? now also a bottle, well welcome to
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our modest little nest, get ready, get things together, i'll tush you, i'll tweak you, don't you want it, girls, chu-chu, i'm chachu for you... oh, what beauty, oh, what mice, yes, these are muscles, ah, this is silicone, yes, this is strength, no, i have it natural, my body is like a cutlet, i'm feeling hot, me, i'm now, don't take off your jacket, the microphone will see, oh, what? and i'm cold, girls, and what are these my headphones, that you wanted
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to record us, oh, you've perverted it, such an undercover, so you're a cop, yes, yes, where, leggings , where are you, come on, come on, torture me, wet me, hello, rom, come here, we have problems, well, come on even harder, romka, help me, well, why are you looking at me, i don't know in what he's in the room, you're our dog, you look for it, huh? oh, romka, hi, you can't hit me by my appearance, roma, i get it, at least our hearing is fine,
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lyosha, we're going to your place upstairs, we don't want to pay for pleasure, yeah, yeah, they have to pay me for, roma, it's a cop, roma, it's a cop, roma, where are you? everything's fine, where's - where's
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the second one, i'll give you the nit, don't give up, catch until the end, then we'll swap, you 're a pimp, roman, i'm not a pimp. i'm a fighter for women's rights, and you're the last one who called this bridget, to warn and say that she was fired, why? nothing to engage in amateur activities and sell cocaine, and where did she get it from? not from me, i don’t do such crap, yeah, suzanne probably supplied it, she’s a real bitch, no, hands, come here, no, don’t ask me
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. lyok spin, wait, quietly, when we finish, let’s go to the vet, oh, sago, you don’t have to be flexible, unlike your oh, sago, bend the osago to suit yourself on, arrange it for as long as you want, for a year or a month, in just 3 minutes, flexible osago...
11:28 am
why did you hide the truth about it for years? and what about your baby? what was the accident? what happened to him? what is sergey belogolovtsev grateful to his wife for? i taught your children to love you, what did he not dare to admit to his sons? i have very good children, they are much better than me. sergey belogolovtsev and his million-dollar secret. if you are jealous of a person you do not trust, what is there to live with? tomorrow at 21:50 on ntv. miracle, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous. you need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treat. new. afabazol retard with a gradual release of the active substance allows you to take just one tablet per day. afabazol - anxiety can and should be treated. megamarket, buy t-shirts.
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we buy t-shirts here, we often. always comes back to take care of loved ones, a deposit in banks dom rf with a rate of 19% per annum cashback 10% on the card. artneo, just one capsule per day to protect the joints of the spine. where can i find one? some people just need a reliable one. it is important for me that the bed is also stylish. collections beds bedding ato scones with
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a discount of up to 70%. ozone: sdom school worries, school sale on ozone. poco tablet for 25,999. women's shoes both for 1,419. set of alt notebooks for 199. sergey belogolovtsev, a secret for a million. tomorrow at 21:50 on ntv. carbon deposits on metal, grease on plastic, dirt on sneakers. enough. universal cleaning paste - just brilliant. from leamax. you will defeat dirt on white leather sneakers simply and quickly. clean solidified grease from a plastic kettle and the metal surface of a toaster. return a new look stainless steel products. simply shine will easily clean the seams between the drip tiles to cope with a very neglected stove. enamel - cast iron grate and aluminum burners. the paste does not smell, does not harm the skin of your hands, does not spoil the surface will make everything in
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surfaces, call and order fixpro three in one from leamax, black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us right now and order fixpro three in one at a court price of 399 rubles. leamax - shopping with a plus. call by phone or order on our website the stars have aligned. new season. sunday at 21:20 on ntv. our life is divided into two parts: when we are small and want to grow up, when we are already adults and want to return to childhood. this is a place where both are possible. i dream of flying into space, cleaning up all the mo. who made a mess in space? who, who? cosmonauts? how old are you? 7, 7 years old? are you already better than the voice of the earth? yes, 40 feet, 30 rolls, do you ever draw a zero? i'll show you
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, master, how to make money? fate, zigzagged, brother, farton, bartanula, and do you feel how the air is tense with excitement? of course, i want to present. you have a medal from the russian book of records, a miracle with arseny popov, you should help me, and not snicker maliciously, and i'm scaring you, and i'm scaring you, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, don't drag me, yeah, you see domnikov, or who else, hello, oh,
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ah, ah, alive, girl, girl, wake up, girl, girl. white chinese, certain death, who is a chinese, where can i find one? this is not a person, wow, yeah, what are you doing to yourself, go ahead, the concentration of cocaine in the girl's blood is off the charts, cool.
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to straighten out, i have a plan, don't say right away that you're a man, well, i won't right away, uh-huh, learn how to work,
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yeah, yeah, come in! hello, doctor, hello, i'm here to see you, sit down, wow, yeah, tell me, have you always? what did you look like? no, no, but i'd like to build on this success, then do you want to have such a nose and such lips forever? well yes, grandfathers like an eagle tiller, well i mean a profile, it's strange, usually they ask me on the contrary to reduce, so to speak, as you said, a tiller, doctor, these are weak cowards, i would like a little bit of a bite.
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and you anzhelika and bridzhitka, well models, well you know, i don't remember, you know, i had so many of them, oh, doctor, and how many did i have, and gatra, and freida, and roman with some dude, then limonida joined in, listen, what are we going to put off, that's what, you'll drink, like this, here, well then undress. doctor, i just
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can't undress completely, no, i can take everything off, except for my hat and jacket, i immediately realized that you are a criminal, a doctor, a self-mutilator, just don't tell anyone about this. this is a doctor-patient confidentiality, the police will arrive soon, let's get him to the operating room quickly, i don't understand, what kind of nonsense is this? preoperative, dalin, everything zanna came
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to, the doctors allowed me to talk to her, i don't understand, len, why are you calling him and not me, thank you, why did you hang up, what is this such, these are all questions, lyosh, yes, then the answer is no, that we need to go, to the one who came to her senses and knows, something broke through to throw out, and what about gnezdilov, he was the best? a policeman, and now he is also the most handsome, it was you who saved my life, such, you remember our last meeting, you were talking about a white chinese, he is not a person, he is a drug, yeah. it was from him that i felt sick, who was exposing? one plastic
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surgeon, we all had plastic surgery with him and under the guise of painkillers, he imperceptibly put us on drugs, hands up, you are addressed, woke up, well that's great, that's great, the instrument is just ready, i didn't like your mug from the start, you freak, well, will you die from sudden cardiac arrest during the operation and no one will suspect anything, well no, no need, i'd rather not remain ugly, i refuse the operation, and it's too late, my dear, it's too late, it's time for you to go to the cutting room, i won't tell anyone that you're a maniac, oh, do you hear, do you hear? that killer dog is approaching you, i'll listen to him myself
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, the autopsy will show, i'll show you now the autopsy, i'll open up now, i'll show you now you, stand, klizhma, you're under arrest, tie him up, he's gone crazy, i showed him. i won't run in, don't move, very soon on ntv the new eighth season of our favorite will begin. you're super, and the number eight, as you know, is a symbol of infinity, infinitely talented children, in the eighth season, you're super, from september 1 at 20:20 on ntv, central television, new season, tomorrow at 19:00 on
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month. it is more profitable with prime in sberbank. hello, life on call. new season september 1. on kion. if anything, we can in the evening. if anything. it will work out, if anything, we will swim, these are symptoms of prostatitis, langitaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue helps to eliminate the effects of prostatitis, langedaza against prostatitis, what are the names of the products on every day at low prices, goods in great demand, buy nazon, office paper photocopy for 289 rubles. there are many children's cards, the most profitable one is one, free.
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11:47 am
announces a casting for the main role in the series about the famous mukhtar. we are waiting for four-legged actors on august 27 at the moscow international film week. to find out more, scan the qr code or visit the website. take a weapon carefully do not climb.
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well, what do you want from me? am i an ordinary doctor? no, doctor, you're a serial killer, i'm just a regular cop. here, yeah, leave me alone, what is this? ugh, my god, this is more like a weapon of mass destruction. sick, stop, i'm not sick. i'm a cop, i don't look like it, because i'm fucking handsome,
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you guys, i said, get away from me, i'm from the police, i'm a killer, and i'm a ballerina, the best in my weight class, you bearded bastard, i 'll show you how to be a ballerina now. doctor, what about the oath, do no harm, and it won't harm you to put a couple more holes in your head, what did you bring, he'll need it, later in the cell,
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got it, oh! it didn't work, no, you'll get mad if you get together. he's pretending,
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he shot the column, he missed, and you missed too, and if anything , come in, we treat short-sighted policemen without waiting in line, and lyosha, max, listen. i want to buy something in the perfume shop, lyosha, it's not very convenient for me to talk now, you hear me, i've heard you say more than once, your adicalon was high, hello, excuse me, could you shoot a little quieter, unfortunately, i can't help you, okay, come on, bye, yeah, got you, yeah, there's no way out of here,
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open up! now we'll smoke you out like a hamster from a hole, set it on fire, let me vgulap, pozhik,
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and igor, how are you, you won't wait, until yes, it won't last long, it won't last long, it's already much better, come on, oh, bastards, calm down, here! no one will dress you, calm down, on the pain , calm down, on you bastard, these are koloby, a control shot to the head, well done, these are all the options. trulya,
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wow, hit, wow, missed, i hate dokhtorishki, stop, you're fighters, you
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swore an oath to gypsocrates, now we'll do u... everything will be fine, give yourself a shot, mad dog, don't i'll give in, tru-la-la, what will you do, he was a policeman, you know how to do artificial respiration, go ahead. paramedics, no, well, i have no words left, there are only ones left, monations, igor.
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i've never killed anyone before today, wait a second, what about the white chinese for the model? what, i, i just replaced the expensive cocaine with a cheap fake, i called the girls to warn them, but, but it was too late, apparently, i can't save you. i've just been correcting nature's mistakes all my life, i'm not a criminal, i'm sick, can you breathe? escolops, i'll get you
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i'll dismember you with my own hands when i get my flexibility back. i'll bring a sledgehammer. are you crazy? he's almost in unesco, he was nesting here, i like edea, i like her too, let's put you in front of the... department to please these pigeons, give me a mirror, i want to look at myself in memory, buckle up, i'm going in the wrong direction, i'm going you.
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i figured out the scent that max used, why? you said you like it when men smell like that, right? well, apparently. the scent still depends on the owner, and what suits maksimov is not very good for you, what is this smell, is it the smell of victories coming from me, wow, wow, what? i've gotten out of the habit of victories, lyosha, oh yeah, you caught the sewer criminals, and i thought women liked it when a man smelled of adventure, well, perhaps the best
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smell for a man is a clean body, oh, i can't arrange that today, only tomorrow, that's it, the clean body is gone. and who did this to you? you, apparently, when they carved him out of cement, didn't cut everything off, they carved you out, and i just scared those idiots from the beauty clinic, they beat you the other way around, for free, they gave me a light one plastic, and this is not the end of the gremanids,
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attentiveness, op, and amazing, and so even better, yeah, i'll take you and throw you to hell. i'll go work as a model, by the way, they've already even offered me to work as a mannequin, true, pathetic, you couldn't say it better, igor, that's it.


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