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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 23, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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[000:00:18;00] temporary concrete shelters are being installed in kursk to protect against shelling, in the border areas, our military destroyed dozens of pieces of equipment belonging to the militants in a day. gave formal consent and made promises. kamla haris officially became a candidate for us president. drug import substitution in russia the first domestic drug for spinal muscular atrophy appeared. about the main thing at this minute in the ilyarovtsev studio. hello. more than 200 tourists were evacuated from the rescue dombai due to a strong fire in teberdinsky national park. the fire broke out in one of
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the gorges. there, wildflowers and dead wood caught fire. the wind quickly spread the flames over a large area. now the area of ​​the fire reaches 7 hectares, this is data from the republican ministry of emergency situations. the huge territory is shrouded in thick smoke. rescuers say there is no threat to populated areas , about 7 km to the nearest dombay. a temporary accommodation point has been set up there. more than 200 people are extinguishing the fire. the authorities do not rule out that in the near future they will connect aviation to fight the fire. the cherkessia krachai prosecutor's office has launched an investigation into the fire. the department. how the requirements for fire prevention and control, as well as for protecting the population, were observed. in the border areas of the kursk region, our military repelled new attacks in the ssu. the ministry of defense presented footage of the destruction of combat vehicles of nationalists. with the help of the lancet drone, our soldiers hit an enemy tank. a direct hit was confirmed by objective control footage. artillerymen are actively working. in the border areas, they equipped
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fortified firing positions. cannon crews destroy manpower and equipment from a distance of tens of kilometers, drone operators help to direct artillery. despite the successes of our military, the enemy is increasingly still putting up fierce resistance, firing, among other things, with the help of long-range western systems. this is forcing residents to evacuate from border areas. according to the authorities, 133,000 people have already been forced to leave their homes. for them , in just one day, the ministry of emergency situations delivered more than 240 tons of humanitarian aid to the region. svyatoslav in gordin about how the region lives in the conditions of the counter-terrorist operation. in kursk , temporary shelters are being installed at public transport stops, outwardly similar to sections of a panel house. reinforced concrete structures should protect people on the streets in times of danger. these shelters do not replace permanent shelters. they may be needed for only a few minutes.
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so what if there is somewhere to run? in time, people will get used to these gray boxes, will also be installed in the city of kurchatov, today the locations are being determined installations, and 10 shelters are planned to be installed on the territory of the city of zheleznogorsk, we turn over on our side, yes , but the leg remains somewhere there. what is tactical medicine, how to help yourself and another person, how to use protective equipment? free classes for everyone are held at the kursk red cross base in a white tent on the street. everyone
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who came to our seminar. they all have the opportunity to see and try to do it themselves, so that if something happens, god forbid, they know what and how this help can be provided. tactical medicine is a section of military medicine, and is often needed in combat, when there are a few seconds after an injury to stop the bleeding, to provide first aid before the doctors arrive. civilians sign up for these classes, even with children. this can be useful in any case in life, because well, everyday injuries are also different, you need to be able to orient yourself somehow to provide some kind of help. meanwhile, nizhny novgorod collected 20 tons of humanitarian aid for the kursk region, household appliances, clothing, shoes and definitely medicines. everything that is needed for both residents of the border areas of the region and for the fighters. the collection of aid does not stop, as long as there is such a need, we will collect it and send it to the kursk residents, and this can be done to our local
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party branch by bringing it. it is engaged in sorting humanitarian aid for kursk. you can make your contribution, and even if your name is not written somewhere, but you feel your involvement in the victory, in the fact that you will help a person. hundreds of volunteers from different regions came to kursk region, risking, they take people out of dangerous border areas, deliver thermal imagers, copters, medicines to the military, bring bread, water, clothes to temporary accommodation points. some guys, members of the youth team. wing of the people's front in their regions put their loved ones before the fact to go help us in kursk. on the spot, they are already learning new skills. today, activists of the volunteer company bo brotherhood and young guard united russia stopped by to
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visit our friend, our brother, and brought humanitarian aid. generators, food, clothes, medicines - the most necessary things are brought to the fighters at the front lines in the kursk region by volunteers. in the coming days, humanitarian aid will arrive in the region, sent from chuvashia, yakutsk, dnepr, reconnaissance drones helped to detect american communication systems, the attack was carried out with the help of fpv drones. the actions of the operators help not only to inflict damage on the enemy, but also save the lives of russian
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fighters in... enemy areas. targets for the crews of the vostok group russian scouts pick up special tasks in battle when the grad approaches. specifically, our tasks were to prevent the approach of reserves, equipment, we held back the rear areas so that the enemy could not even help approach. and it seems to me that you coped with this successfully. you don't have to rest for long after the battle. the coordinates of the targets come to the marines of the pacific fleet several times a day, the grad has just left its shelter, the crew is preparing to leave for combat work, in a package of 40 high-explosive rocket-propelled grenades, which are capable of reaching the enemy at
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a distance of up to 20 km. after firing the shells , the most dangerous stage of the grad crew's work begins, the response to massive fire comes in a variety of forms, from drones to large-caliber mines. you still have to maneuver, well, so that ... there, for example , some bird flies or a disposable one, you have to leave, recently they worked, it turns out, they arrived, aimed, worked, they started to leave, they started to work on us, everything started to work and we quickly i gas on you left, according to the fighters, the key qualities on the front lines are experience calm, but luck won't hurt, the commander always has a talisman on his chest, this toy was sent to us for the new year , i think. children, children from the moscow school, well , they sent us a whole bag, so we are like talismans for ourselves, each took it, guarded it, protected it, well, here you believe in everything, that's it, that the main task of the mlrs crews remains
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to cover their infantry, thanks to the work of such calculations, fighters of the center group liberated several settlements at once in the avdeevka direction, tanks and motorized riflemen helped to take enemy strongholds artillery, the russian military managed to advance much further than planned, my company had to take some points, yes, that is , the guys took them, consolidated themselves and went even further, that is, to help the others, such tactics allow the stormtroopers to attack ukrainian positions from three sides at once, nevertheless , the advance of russian troops is largely ensured not only by infantry, but also by artillery, and success depends on how well they work on the front line. pavel rybalchenko from telekompaniya ntv from the donetsk people's republic. kamala haris has officially led the democrats in their march on the white house, becoming a candidate for us president. she gave her formal consent at the party convention in chicago. haris
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gave a forty-minute speech and made a lot of promises, sometimes quite contradictory , for example, she stated that she would unconditionally support israel, but at the same time promised the palestinians the right to self-determination. in her programmatic speech, haris spoke about the tasks that the new leader will have to solve, at this time outside the united center stadium, where haris performed, a large-scale protest action gathered. the main question. to fix when she becomes the head of state, she has not fixed in 3 and a half years as vice president. inflation, stratification of society, flows of illegal immigrants, growth of crime, problems with infrastructure, involvement in foreign policy adventures, including israel and ukraine, in all these areas in recent years things have only worsened, and for another 4 years to watch the country deteriorate demonstrators do not want, so what questions
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could answer? will not lower prices at the grocery store or at
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the gas station, but harris chose the only right path for herself, knowing full well that her administration had little to brag about, she talked more about how wonderful america would be if she became president. in this election, our nation has an opportunity to forge a new path forward, not as members of any party or faction, but as americans. i promise to be the president of all americans. exactly the same thing her boss, president biden, said on stage more than once in the last election, with nothing has changed since then. america is still split into two camps, only life has become much more expensive. trump was right there. she said to pave a new path forward, but she had 3 years, she did nothing, only harm. harris opposed the republican in absentia, telling what a terrible future awaits
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the country if he wins the election. trump came to arizona during the day to the southern border of the united states and once again reminded who is to blame. she was responsible for the border, suddenly she says that she was not a border king. do you know why? she says that? because nowhere in the world is there a border with holes like this, which millions and millions of criminals cross. but at the democratic convention
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, any horror stories about the opponent could be told, they believed everything, after the multi-colored balls were thrown into the hall, and kamela harris collected all possible applause, it turned out that the story with biyons' speech, most likely, was made up by the democrats specifically so that as many viewers as possible would watch the finale and, as a result, harris's speech, otherwise many would watch it it was simply impossible to drag it in. alexey vesilovsky, maxim zaichenko, ntv, usa. in russia, they are increasing the production volume of a drug for the most complex genetic disease spinal muscular atrophy. the new drug lantasense was registered this spring and has already been included in the list of vital and essential drugs. lantasense is a russian analogue of the expensive western drug spinraza, it is not inferior to it in quality, but is cheaper. this means that more patients will be able to receive the necessary therapy. svetlana gordeeva met with someone who is already. domestic means save, so i feel
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great, everything is fine, i do not feel any negativity, the first russian medicine for sma - spinal muscular atrophy is now responsible for alexey's well-being and health. probably, everyone already knows that this is a hereditary disease in which motor neurons are destroyed, muscles weaken over time, sometimes so much that a person cannot swallow or even breathe, let alone walk, i am 38 years old, as if i walked since childhood, maybe ... i got tired quickly, gradually the disease progressed, some actions that are available to ordinary people became more difficult for me, that is, well, i could no longer run, i could hardly walk. several years ago , i had to give up long walks, but alexey is not going to give up, he leads an active life, drives a car, travels with his family, has traveled to many countries on his scooter. and he hopes that lanthesens, that's the name of the medicine, will stop the progression of the disease. the disease progresses, well, quite slowly, but
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every year you feel worse, and there will be an effect, well, probably not a quick one either. i'm waiting, at least in a year i'll feel better somehow, the first four injections in 2 months, and then once every 4 months this injection must be taken for the rest of my life, you can slow it down with medications, there are only three of them in the whole world: the first popular one is ersen, which is known to everyone under the trade name spinraza. spinraza is produced in europe and one injection, their patient needs several per year, costs more than 5 million rubles. several years ago, russian scientists began working on their formula for... sinersen, this summer a domestic analogue of spinraza appeared. generium scientists conducted comparative studies in comparison with the original drug and reliably proved the identity of the active substance, impurity profile and
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physicochemical and biological properties, and thus proved that the active substance is completely identical. in the effectiveness of the russian generic. doubt the circle of goodness foundation, it was the one that purchased spinraza for children with spinal muscular atrophy. we saw and heard those presentations of scientific studies, confirmation of the effectiveness and identity of the technological, chemically identical reproduced drug convince us that this drug is a full-fledged copy, reproduced analogue of the drug on finner. and this means that now the treatment of adult russians sosma. if we talk about pricing, it is not determined by the fantasies of manufacturers or letters of appeal, there is a methodology approved by the government, it assumes that if the drug belongs to
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rare diseases and the produced methods of chemistry and chemical synthesis, then the gap should be at least 25%. expensive, but still cheaper than spinraza, given that the regions are obliged to purchase lantesens for adult patients, the savings will be significant, the krugdobra foundation will continue to provide children with a life-saving drug. svetlana gordeeva, evgenia robakov, alena antonova, nikolai lavrukhin, oleg gorkov, ntv. a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the first world war has opened in the kaliningrad region. this is the central event traditional royal days, which are held in memory of the public service
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of representatives of the imperial. a huge wave, a huge scale of public charity, because the funds that flowed in to help wounded soldiers, to their employment, treatment and so on, they were grandiose, the royal days will last until august 25 in the program of the historical festival, where they will show the life of a military camp, a hospital and headquarters of the early 20th century, as well as a lecture hall and a cinema. now the floor of my colleague, valery gavrilovsky, host of the program emergency. lera, what's going on
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today? ilya, today's story is about a resourceful, but deprived of female attention taxi driver from dagestan. timur kishmiev came up with a way to make it so that. women in huge numbers sent him candid photos, but not a single victim of deception guessed that she was sending the pictures to a man. the ladies shared with each other the results of plastic surgeries to increase, reduce, and lift their breasts. taxi driver timur joined this chat, only under a female name, what he had not seen during this time, but how he was exposed and what will happen to him now, watch the issue. ilya, daler, thank you, this is not only in the program emergency after. a short break, that 's all for now, go to, see you there. "pash, look, what magic, get a debit card with 35% cashback on
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for 349, get ready for school right away. on ntv the program emergency in the studio valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live. hello. a very resourceful taxi driver was exposed in dagestan, timur keshmeev, who has some incredible attraction to women's breasts, found his own way of viewing candid photos with women's. how was he exposed and what responsibility is threatened for such views? i found out. the least the senders of these piquant photos could imagine, to whom in fact they are demonstrating the charming result of plastic surgery in private correspondence. in


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