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tv   Nevskii  NTV  August 23, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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"i want to hear your voice, um, what can i say, you know everything about me, no, i just missed you so much, if your husband suddenly didn't exist, you would stay with me forever, no, i would know that it..." you did, only with you can i feel like who i am, a murderer, you're leaving, i have to go, i hurt you, no, it's just time. the key, how do i close
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the door? take it, let it stay with you, can you not go? no, i have to do what i have to. yes, i have a feeling that i will never see you again. well, remember, words never always for other people.
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and we also went to liverpool, grandpa found some cool cafe where the beatles used to perform, yeah, grandma looks at him like, do you like the beatles or something, and he's like, well, that was for you, like grandma, oh well, it's normal, though she complains about her blood pressure. it's weird, she never
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told me about that. and what about dad, did you ever make up? yeah, we didn't really fight, we just see each other very rarely. and haven't you ever thought about living together again, no? sasha, your dad and i have different lives now. and there's just no point in talking about talk about it. "i'd like to meet him, i don't know if he'll make it, you 've only come for a week, mom, i want to see him, you've really grown up, yeah, pasha, hi, yeah, you had a good flight." so
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we're going together, now to our place, sashka is really interested in when you'll arrive, well, give him the phone, what's the problem that i can't. talk to you, great, welcome back, of course, see you, i'll pick you up in about three hours, rest, rest for now, yeah, see you later. no, it didn't work out unexpectedly, i'm afraid, i heard footsteps, i saw you at the beginning of the path, before you hid in the bushes, then
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i was hiding in vain, no, not in vain, you were hiding well, someone else would not have noticed you, the a is afraid of you, i got an a straight up, yeah, why are you smirking? you can do a lot of things, i taught you everything i knew, it's just a few strokes, little things, but i saved this for the last lesson, i wonder when it will be, yeah right now, imagine that you are attacked with a knife, what will you do, i'll engage in hand-to-hand combat, that's right, fighter, oh-oh, sorry, sorry, sergei borisovich, everything is fine. "this is not for you, steam, now we'll continue, sergey borisovich, well , maybe we'll try to find doctors, maybe
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something can be done so that i survive, but it's unlikely, remember, a weapon can be anything." a pen, a pack of cigarettes, a mobile phone, or even a credit card, and if you give in to pity or other emotions they will kill you, remember this, fighter, if the parents had called the police right away, it would have been easier of course, yes, they could have tried to take them when the ransom was handed over, wait, and the ransom was already paid for the boy, yesterday, i didn't know, markin's team came this morning, as soon as the kidnapped man's father contacted him, 3 days have passed since the kidnapping, the father brought them the ransom yesterday, they promised to let the boy go, but they didn't, we checked the geolocation using the mobile phone numbers, found the address, in general, in this house on the fourth floor an apartment is rented out by the day, strange passengers live there for 3 days, the windows face the other side, but let's hope that
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the guy is there, so the apartment's plan is like this, we go in, we distribute ourselves among the rooms, i'm holding perimeters, okay, there's no second exit, no, there's no balcony either, so they won't leave, okay. so, are we ready? okay, go ahead, guys, open up, police. forward, forward, here, here, your division,
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hello, there are no suspects in the apartment, the hostage is dead. why are semenchuk and semenov still alive, it's not that easy, you have 2 days, maximum, to complete the task , i don't hear an answer, got it, but what's the problem? i don't see the point in eliminating them, the group is disbanded. who could semenchuk and semenchuk bother anyway? maybe we should stop shooting at each other altogether in a friend? they can be arrested at any moment, and through them the fsb will be on you and me. are you ready to hang around in a colony for the rest of your life? got it, the order will be carried out. open
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jardín gold. enjoy its rich. aroma and soft taste. jardín gold - a special pleasure to feel. our life is divided into two parts, when we are small and want to grow up, when we are already adults. and want to return to childhood, this is a place where both are possible, i dream of flying into space, cleaning up all the trash there, who littered in space? well, who, who are the astronauts? how old are you? all years old, are you already better than the voice of the earth? yes, 40 feet, 30 rolls, do you draw zero anywhere? i 'll show you, master, how to make money? fate zigzagged, brother, fortune. threw you out, do you feel how the air is heated with excitement, of course, i want to give you
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a medal from the russian book of records, a miracle with arseny popov, you should help me, and not sneer, and i'm scaring you, and i'm scaring you, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, you're super, new season, from september 1 at 20:20 on ntv. what were you doing 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, can help on apeppt, it promotes the restoration of memory and attention, on apeppt, so that the head works, what are the names of everyday goods at low prices, goods in great demand, buy on ozon, office paper sveta kopi for 289 rubles. you take a mortgage, only mine, already made two repairs, yes they seem to be generally mortgage free, i will miss this, approved? so simple that you don't need to persuade, repair, moving, and
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most importantly mortgage from sberbank on domclick, domclick, don't wait, live, sinntek oil with gard moth technology increases engine life, syint is always a smart choice, buy a big combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions in a delicious point 72 installment plan plus 24% cashback on everything, red evolution multimark. 4,990 plus a column as a gift, plus installments without overpayments. autumn is coming, go to ozon for bright transformations, choose your trends for autumn, a new stylish season awaits you on ozon. with a credit card you can and even more. apply for a credit card in vtb, in vtb, everything will work out. sale, where did you buy it? megamarket, school style. choose buy. with convenient delivery by clicking on the megamarket. megamarket, school style. are you
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serious? what for? what to make your way in life? do you think this will help him? exactly, these are communication skills. well, why did you cram so many languages, and dancing, let's have chess instead. chess? sending a child into the future, it is important to give him the most necessary things. growth points, quantoriums, it-cubes, modern knowledge on the latest equipment, even in the most u... national project education, hello, great, you why are you so happy, yes i'm up all night again today, how i got to the gym, i don't remember, i don't think i even got out of bed. listen, i don't understand how you do it, i 've already started to forget how it happens, maybe i should also buy something, what's it called,
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prostatrikum, i remembered, and remember, it's better to try once than to hear 100 times that you think it works, what are you saying, i don't think, i know, you're dark, of course, i'm now my wife, you know how, and what's there, how to take it, call, everything is simple there, they'll explain everything to you in detail when you order, yes, darling, i understand, i'm flying, that's it, i'm off, keep it for yourself, try it, you'll thank me later, okay, i 'll think about it, i'll probably buy it too, what's there to think about, call, be sure to order it, remember, it's better to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new gold prostatrikom. prostatrikum gold. prostatrikum gold is a modern complex based on natural
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components, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women - for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatrikum gold. no one should be disappointed. ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeiting and overpayments. call to order on the manufacturer's free line to get a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry, women, hurry to try prostatrikum gold. central television. new season, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. what are we going to see? a detective or an action movie? new season of your favorite series. can i make the kisses myself? as josephus flavey said, fate cannot be changed, even if you foresaw it. dmitry polomarchuk. yes, i will never have a quiet and peaceful life. andrey gulner,
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go to bed. alexander sayutalin, let him turn around. he will dig his own hole, anton vasiliev, do you want a new war, nevsky, new season, our profession consists of catching up and running away, soon natv, hello, vit, it's me, listen, a request, could you look at our cases on kidnapping, the uniformity of execution, the connection between the victims. well, maybe something in common can be traced, come on, i'm waiting for a call, thank you, listen, will you treat me to tea, and then i can't warm up from the street, of course, sit down,
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maybe we'll watch a cartoon, dad, are you laughing, no, well, a thriller means a thriller? but i'll get a cartoon, i'll watch it, you definitely won't eat, i'm on duty, the correct answer. well, how do you live there , to be honest, or what happened to mom, but the thing is that nothing happens to me, i have
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a grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, grandfather, school and so on every day, well, wait, what about friends? you have a girlfriend, i have no one, dad, take me away from there, please, i don't i can be there, sasha, you know, the situation is like this now, what a situation, a difficult one, they just dumped me abroad, you probably don't need me anymore, yes, listen to me, please, mom and i love you very much. mom has a serious business, your life could be in danger, and you really better stay away from all this, from everything or from you, i don't believe it, what are your dangers, you just want to get rid of me, where are you going to the toilet, and i have security , don't worry.
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are you going with me? go, don't worry, i'm here i'll wait. listen, grisha, what if, for example, we approach it from the other side, let's say the kidnappers had their own man in the police. then we need to check everyone who had access to these cases. sorry. yes, i understand, it's so interesting already, yes, all the teenagers studied abroad, well, of course, for a fee, they all recently returned to st. petersburg, and some of them flew, and without relatives, that's it, thank you, you see, i won't rust after you, well, well, i told you that
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this should connect them, i wonder how they were identified, well... probably the kidnappers there must be a man of our own at the airport, we need to work through the border guards and customs, yes, it's very funny, who will allow you to do this, let markin negotiate, let him, well , what about the connection between the kidnappers and the police, is there someone to call, i beg you, this is all up in the air , let's catch them and shake them out, who is behind them, if anyone is behind them, yeah, listen , bro, what are we getting into there, come on? san! what, what happened, where is my son, i don't know, i
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was waiting, then a blow from behind, someone on the head, i don't remember what next? yeah, pash, hi, that's it, there will be news, call, you too, come on, what's where, grisha, wait. got it, come on, semyonov's son was kidnapped, oh well, i want a drink, give it to me. my dad is a policeman, do you know what he'll do to you? and the documents for
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the shooting facility, please, send them to me by email, no, not tomorrow, i need them today, what do you mean you'll try? i don't understand, just a minute. yulia martynovna, the police have come to see you, i checked his documents, let him come in, i'll call you back, come in, yeah, thank you, hello, good evening, yulia martynovna, i need to talk to you about your son, what happened, we don't know all the details yet, but where is he, most likely he was kidnapped, we think that... in the near future the kidnappers will contact you and make some demands, most likely they will talk
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about ransom, yulia martynovna, yulia martynovna, what should i do? well, honestly, i would advise you to fulfill these demands. semenov, why didn't you call me, why didn't you tell me anything, i will find him, i promise you, do you hear me? yul,
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a loan with cashback from sper is even more opportunities, the amount is up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the app and get monthly cashback in sberbank bonuses, thanks, damn! and what, you didn't tell yulia anything? what's the point? well, actually, she's the mother of your child, she has the right, so don't lecture me, andrey, okay, sorry, ugh, let's repeat what we know about this gang, in fact, we don't know anything, but we work, i know how they work here, andrey, calm down, damn it, i 'll find them myself, i'll find them, and you 'll never find them again.
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yes, cash out, i don't know how you're going to do it, i need at least a million, that's it, why is it taking so long? i tried to find out through my channels where sasha is, it took some time, did you find out anything, only that this is not the first kidnapping in the last month, and
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those who... were kidnapped, they were returned, they are alive, in different ways, but i hope sasha will be okay, oh my god, i would give everything in the world just to get him back safe and sound, my people are working on it, and where is the head of security? he will arrive soon, by the way, it was you who recommended him to me, and his employee did not protect my son, i will figure it out, he will figure it out.
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where were you? what? not what, but where were you? your client's son was kidnapped, is that your fault? what does that have to do with it? and considering that your employee didn't protect him, and he's now in the hospital with a concussion, i'm just looking out for him. why are you picking on me? i told you right away, head of security, this isn't my area of ​​expertise, which means you'll be working in your area of ​​expertise now, looking for these scumbags, you work for me, you forgot, you're following my orders, picking on chernitsyna is picking on me, and i still need her, so even if the whole city turns upside down turn it over, but find me these freaks, got it, the guy shouldn't suffer, and the freaks, i don't want to hear about them anymore, and let them die a long and painful death.
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you can make yourself comfortable, but keep in mind, 2 hours, there will be a meeting here, but that's in 3 hours, so you need to work faster, here are the lists of passengers who flew on the same plane as alexander semenov, and on other flights? they sent you the names of the kidnapped teenagers and the dates they arrived in st. petersburg by email, this case is under special control, and your management promised assistance, we are assisting, but it will take some time, yes, i also need data on all the crew members, on those flights the teenagers were flying, quickly, please, since i have so little time, so.
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don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. explosion of the northern streams. the west is looking for a scapegoat, what's wrong with the version of american journalists, as if the sabotage in the north sea was organized at a drunken party at the former commander-in-chief zaluzhny's, what truth are american investigators hiding and who are they doing with this they want to cover it up with an investigation. bad weather in the house, how scammers sold larisa dolina's apartment, will the people's artist of russia be able to get her home back? or at least her money, this will be your central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. miracle, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. giving away movies and music for paying for mobile communications is normal. that's why we give away sbermobile. yes, i want
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to mayor sobolev, and i had a sniper working in the yard, louise was wounded, run here, i will have to unite with my main enemy, i need something so serious, for which he you can grab, like you, for example, with drug trafficking always acts under the work. schemes, if something is turned out, they will not think about him, my farms. for the sake of victory over the common enemy. yelitin, in comparison with him, like a pike. leplandi is rich, sonichen is very dangerous. why don't you want to contact the specialists from the department? because you can't contact them with all the questions. tverskaya, new season, premiere, soon on ntv. sit down, drink some water, or better yet, eat, you need strength, i don't want to eat, i have to force myself, because you are nervous, nothing will change, and it won't help sasha, what should i
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do, do nothing, you have a great head of security, he's solving the problem, we just have to wait, i'm waiting and waiting. no, why haven't they called me yet? they could have called my number a long time ago and demanded a ransom. god, why did they kidnap sasha? and why did you decide that the kidnapping was connected to you, your business? and who else? i'm a mother, i have money that i can pay for my son. and your ex-husband, he's a cop, he... he has nothing, and he 'll never be able to pay the ransom. and if these people don't need money, they need something else, something that your ex-husband has.
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pasha, so what, did they call you? no, i didn't either. listen, talk to me, please, listen to me first, promise me that you'll do everything they ask you to, do you hear me, promise, please. i promise, try to get some sleep, okay, thank you, as i understand it, no one called yulia either, so much time has passed, why don't they... run away , no demands, and kundryakov, that
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kundryakov is working. yes, hi, i found out, hi, your son is with me, how are you, what do you want, scum, you are too emotional, semenchuk did not teach you how to manage emotions, what do you want, the same as you, so that your son stays alive. "show him to me,
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i have to see him, okay, great, zan, do you hear, i'll get you out, don't be afraid, i'm convinced, at least take off the tape, bastard, he 's not feeling well, you see, the sooner you get to you, i'm listening, without semenchuk, fulfill my request, the sooner your son choose either semenchuk or his son.
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"i need to leave urgently, what is some news, we'll be in touch, well, i see, you have something found out, pasha, don't go anywhere alone, do you hear, that is, the stewardess herself spoke to him, yes , she asked about his parents, come in, and what else, thank you, you helped us a lot. you wanted to talk to razlepina, i'm still needed, no, thank you, yeah, veronica, sit down, please, yeah, do i understand correctly that you were a flight attendant on flight su-384, which arrived yesterday morning from london, yeah, well, and also on flights from munich, rome, new york. 18 november 11 and 3, yeah, yeah,
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do the names semenov, kunitsky, lapina mean anything to you, sverko, no, these were teenagers flying business class on these flights, yeah, i contacted the passengers who were flying next to them and they confirmed that you talked. well, where are they flying from, what are they doing abroad, what are their parents doing, well, this is basic politeness in working with business class passengers, we maintain a conversation if the passengers want it, and these were children, alone without their parents, but in all these cases, you were the one initiating the conversation, no, i don’t remember, veronica, yeah, yeah, and are you
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aware that all these teenagers were kidnapped, three of them have already been killed, how killed, that is, the fact that they were kidnapped, did not surprise you.
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oh no, no, i can't die, not today, an architect must always be prepared
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to die, a musician stole my son, said that he would give him up if i killed semenchuk, well , you will kill me, you will kill semenchuk, but what does my son have to do with it? a musician will kill him, from what number did the musician call you? why do you need it? try to help, give me the number, once in afghanistan, i had to shoot a kid about 13 years old, he tried to blow up ours soldier, i had to choose between him or our fighters, so... i still don't dream about this guy. maybe he will stop now. do what you have to do. listen, i need your
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help. you are violating orders. you cannot call me during the day. i need to check one number by geolocation. without this, i will not be able to carry out your instructions. send it, we will stage it as a suicide, i heard everything, pasha. i was waiting for ladygin, and you came, sergei borisovich, put it on, do it quickly, shoot me in the temple, then put the gun in my hand, we will remove the silencer, i would not shoot with a silencer, i will not
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kill you, sergey borisovich, i don't have much time left, pasha, save your son. put on gloves, one shot, come on, i will not do this, where could the musician hide your son, there is a version, i have no idea, i have the number he called from, i could request geolocation, but mikhailov will find out about it, he will contact the musician, then us, i only have a screenshot, i took it when i was talking to the musician on a video link, what is this, i don't know, some kind of inscription, it is a saying of an ancient greek,
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xenophon, weapons equalize the weak and the strong, do you know where this place is, during the times of the union, we had a training... base where they drilled a group of architects and a group of musicians, we called it a meat grinder, it was a shooting range in the basement, pasha, these sayings were everywhere there, let's go, well, what did you ask, i did, there's a dude liven and his brother, his younger brother cherok, both are subs, now they're lying in the fire trap, pepper, what are you loading me with, yes, it seems they have a boy. i talked to the guys, this liven and cherok have already been exposed three times in this case in the last month, hmm, let's go, yeah.
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why did you hide the truth about him for years, and what about your baby?
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mine looked at the info on tomorrow's flight from milan. yeah. the girl is flying business class. 15 years without ordaks. our option? yeah. why is your phone turned off? i don't know, it's dead. what happened? yes, you said that they will stay alive. just don't make a fool of yourself build.
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the first one to respond will stay alive. yeah, we're already there, where are you? come on, the cathedral will be here soon. there are two more, we can't wait
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any longer. i heard shots. let's go. wait, wait, maybe we'll wait for the heavy ones. semyonov's son might be there, you and i will go in, and you cover from the outside, where is the guy, tell me, i don't know, he's not with us, do you hear, tikhas, let's warm up the woman, she's definitely getting going, no, i don't know, no need, police, everyone stay where you are, another one waved out the window, everyone is alive, i told you to hold the perimeter, damn, you're alive,
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where is the kidnapped guy, i don't know, but these guys also asked if they tortured him, if he knew, he would have said, well really, we haven't kidnapped anyone else, is there anyone else in the house, no, we, i really don't know who you're talking about, i don't know who that is, he left, the bastard, well, hello, meat grinder, it's been a while since we 've seen each other.
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quiet, don't yell, i'll rip off the tape now, it'll hurt a little, ready, yeah. who are you? a man who wanted to live his life completely differently.
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sasha, you're alive, which means semyonov didn't kill you after all, i'll have to shoot you both, no wait, give me the belt. dad, sanya,
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san, dad, that's it, that's it. it's all over, go away, let's go, take your son away, i can handle it.
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"son, believe me, this is a forced measure, i really want you to stay here, but it's impossible, you can see for yourself now, but maybe i'll be able to get away to you for the new year holidays, do you hear? sasha, right now there can be no talk of you coming back here anytime soon." and i don't want to go back to her, i understand, after what you 've been through, it's not because of this, i just have nowhere to go back to, there's no need for you, i don't understand you,
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i mean that our family is no more, how can it be no more, well you have me, dad, we love you very much, we cherish you, sashka, what are you saying? these are just words, i want us to have a family, like before, i will not return until you and dad are together, the snow will fall, nothing will be visible at all, yeah, in the spring, when it melts, suddenly someone will find it, what then? well, we still have to live until spring, sergey borisovich, well, let's make you fake documents, you will go to israel, i don't know, to germany, they say, medicine there
9:02 pm
good, pasha, shut up, ah, well, let the earth be your ear. well, now i'm really alone. and what about me, but you 're not an architect yet, you've yet to become one, you decide, i can do everything, i still have to learn, you 'll become an architect when you understand that you don't need teachers anymore
9:03 pm
. here's maxim denisovich, you asked to print it out, yes, all the way, thank you. yes, hello, good evening, yes, goretsky is bothering you, well, i found something, yes, no, it's... a telephone conversation, such things only
9:04 pm
in person, in person. okay, i'll put everything on a flash drive then i'll drop you off and give you a ride. hey, car enthusiast, are you asleep or something? lenya, great, great! lie down, lie down,
9:05 pm
you wanted to rest, rest, yes, i had to take a bullet to get some sleep, it happens, pasha's son was found, he was found himself, how is it, semyonov called and said that sasha came home, everything is fine with him, he already flew to london. so what happened? i don't know myself. i mean, well, you ask pasha, that is.


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