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tv   Rossiiskaya diplomatiya  NTV  August 24, 2024 7:00am-8:00am MSK

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secret society tongmanhui, which began to fight against manchu rule, he put forward the idea of ​​nationalism, democracy, people's welfare, in 1911 he managed to raise a successful uprising, before it there were several unsuccessful uprisings, in 11, the uprising was successful and this whole house of cards called the qing empire. it collapsed very quickly. during the civil war , china, already weakened by the opium warriors, the boxer rebellion, the general economic and political devastation, becomes so fragile that literally splits into several unequal parts. the provinces of the south declare themselves a republic, mongolia decides to be free, and tibet independent. military conflicts begin to consume the country. in response , the chinese national party appears. this is an outstanding
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chinese statesman, he is a relative of sunitsen, this leader of the revolution, they were married to sisters, naturally, that they were together, they were together fighting for control over neighboring regions of china, they together: created this party gomendang, which was created sunitsen, and then it was led by chenkaishi, chenkaishi is a professional military man, he graduated from the japanese military school in china, and he graduated - in moscow he studied at the military academy, he became the head of the military school in ampu, which was created with soviet money with soviet participation -
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soviet advisers and then he launched a very successful offensive against these very generals-militarists and practically half of china he brought under his control. in the twenties, young soviet russia itself was just beginning to recover from the consequences the first world war and the civil war, still decides to help the revolutionary movement in china. vladimir lenin sends soviet military specialists weapons and gold to china, and in 1921 the communist party of china appears. the communist party of china arose on the wave of the national liberation movement and under the influence of the great october socialist revolution. in fact , the soviet government supported all national liberation movements, including in china. the same chiang kai-shek, who headed commandant, he...
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the bloodiest events took place in shanghai. back in march 1927 , the communists seized power in the city. this act was not coordinated with chiang kai-shek, who decided to take advantage of the shanghai events in order to break with the left wing of his party. chiang kai-shek negotiated with dusheng and other leaders of the green gang, a criminal group operating in shanghai. he agreed with them to prepare an attack on the communists. and so on april 9. chiang kai-shek accused
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the communists of destabilizing the situation. on the morning of april 12, the purge of shanghai began with the forces of criminals and the army of gominden. at the signal of the ship's siren, the gangsters attacked the strongholds of the communists and disarmed the workers' militia. as a result of the massacre, from 4 to 5.00 people died. the next day, the city's population organized a demonstration, protesting against the actions of chaikanshi and his allies. the soldiers of the kuominteng opened fire on the demonstration. after these events, shanghai finally came under the control of chiang kai-shek's forces. a wave of executions of communists swept across the country. these events are included as the shanghai massacre of 1927. in a few days, half of the communist parties of china were effectively liquidated, and soviet specialists were declared spies and sent back to the ussr. well, only the soviet weapons and money were kept by the guomindang. the civil war,
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the confrontation between the guomindeng and the communists, is growing in china with renewed vigor. in 1927, about 400,000 people fell victim to punitive measures directed against the communists of china. the communists fled to the southern villages of china to hide from the republican chiang kai-shek's government. there , the communist party representatives introduced their agitation among the peasants. by the beginning of the thirties of the twentieth century, the total area of ​​territories occupied by the chinese communists amounted to 1/4 of the entire country. the overwhelming majority of communist territories were controlled by the young revolutionary
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. chen kai-shek gave the order to pursue a policy of non-resistance to the japanese army. and the gomendang people did not like this at all, they decided to drive the communists out of these areas with the help of western advisers, and they did, here is the famous great campaign under the leadership of autzduna, this was precisely the flight of the communists from this, from this
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chinese soviet republic, to where they could flee, in the situation of foreign occupation, while the japanese were developing manchuria, april 5... the communists chose the first option. the large and friendly kirkorov family. there is a voice, wonderful children. father, alive and well, home, friends. songs, profession, my grandchildren, my wife, this is my wealth, this is nothing else i want, the dream role of evgeny shirikov, in childhood i had a motivating story, how all boys probably have rock balbo, so i set a goal for myself, i want the same, and irina kostrova is 101 years old, it's time
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officially began the sino-japanese war, which lasted 8 years. by 1937, the only route linking beijing with the part of china that was still controlled by the kuomintang was the lugaotsiao bridge. since the end of june 1937, japanese troops, numbering several hundred, were stationed at the western end. and the kuomintang forces were quartered in the fortress city of wan ping. at dawn on july 7, the japanese command informed the forces kuomintang that a japanese soldier was missing and presumably taken hostage. that evening, the commander of the kuomintang army was given an ultimatum demanding that the japanese army be allowed to enter the city within an hour to search for the soldier. otherwise, the city was to be shelled. at midnight on july 8, japanese artillery began. the city, and tanks and infantry entered the bridge. kuomintang troops advanced to meet them,
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approximately a thousand people stopped the japanese advance. however, already on august 8, as a result of internal conflicts in the command, gomildan, japanese troops entered beijing without resistance. some historians believe that this was a japanese provocation. the first diplomatic document to be signed by the chinese after the start of japanese aggression will be a non-aggression treaty with the soviet union. on august 21 , 1937, chinese foreign minister wang chonghui and soviet ambassador dmitry bogomolov will sign it in nanjing. it was to this city that the chinese government would be hastily evacuated away from the advancing japanese. but they would not negotiate with communist mao zedong, with his implacable enemy, the leader of the kuomintang, chiang kai-shek. we prepared and signed
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a non-aggression pact very quickly. literally in a few weeks. chinese soldiers arrived in moscow and, together with ours, developed a list of weapons. and already in the fall, through sendzyan, chinese, our central asia, caravans with weapons went. the most important thing we did then for the chinese. we and... helped in those most difficult days, weeks of the war, when there was a diplomatic blockade, when the japanese had a predominance in technology, and we helped. chiang kai-shek and his government were to hold out and not capitulate, although there were leaders of the gomidan around chiang kai-shek who demanded capitulation and joining the war with the communists. he hesitated. and it was soviet aid that helped china to hold out
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and ensure its place among the victorious powers. in the winner, a place in the permanent security council, and, in general , the status of a great power. the pinnacle of stalin's relations with chiang kai-shek will be the treaty of friendship and alliance for a period of 30 years, signed on august 14, 1945. this is the first international legal document that reflects the new status of the chinese republic as one of the victorious countries in world war ii. well, with the end of world war ii. the civil war in the celestial empire does not subside. chiang kai-shek is not ready to part with power, even though they are gradually suffering defeat from the communists. the kuomintang is helped by the usa, the chinese communists are helped by the ussr. for several years, the civil war has been going on with varying success. the opposing sides seize provinces from each other and
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lose millions of soldiers in the process. stalin supported both... kai-shek and mauzedong. mao zedong was given captured japanese weapons that we captured in manchuria. eh, some areas occupied by our troops were partially transferred, were transferred to the communists, but this did not help the communists very much, because in 1946, when the civil war began, the communists suffered very serious defeats, and even these yanan caves were captured by the kuomintang. and through secret channels, proposals were passed to maladzun to escape to the territory of the soviet union. union, but gradually the communists began to gain the upper hand, and due to military art, due to the fact that the local population was very disappointed in the corruption of the chengkai
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regime, well, you know, it was like the end, the end of the dynasty and... and the main successes of the chinese red army began to be achieved in forty-eighth, forty-ninth year, at this time, in fact, not only were battles taking place, but there was a massive transition of gomedan troops to the side of the communist party, for example, beijing in march of forty-ninth year passed into the hands of the communists without a single shot being fired, forcing the yenza, which was considered as the future border between the two chinas, yes , the westerners wanted.
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1950 , hainan island will be taken under control, but the communists are not allowed to recapture taiwan and they will finally be finished off there by the spring by american warships cruising in the strait. beijing is not yet ready to get involved in an open conflict with the united states, mao zedong's soldiers will enter tibet only by the end of 1950. our life is divided into two parts, when we are... small and want to grow up, when we are already adults and want to return to childhood, this is a place where both are possible , i dream of flying into space, cleaning up all the trash there, who littered in space, well, who, who astronaut, how old are you? seven, 7 years old, and you are already the best voice on earth, yes, 40 fouettes, 30 rolls, you never
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tender, you are tender, my heart hurts, suffers moychas, you are my space, you are always with me. 2:50 on ntv. on october 1, 1949, mount zedong proclaims the creation of the people's
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republic of china and the very next day. the soviet union is the first country in the world to recognize this republic and establish diplomatic relations with it. the threat from the west is obvious to both china and the soviet union. and it is also obvious that the treaty concluded in forty-five with chengkai-shek must be renegotiated. the world is changing rapidly, the korean war is about to begin. and so in december 1949, on an armored train from mala leaves beijing for moscow. on december 16 , 1949, the train carrying the head of the prc mao zedong to moscow approached the yaroslavsky railway station. he was met at the station by vyacheslav molotov, nikolai bulganin, mikhail menshikov and andrei gromeka. mazedong immediately gave a short speech in which he recalled the long-standing friendship and cooperation between the two great countries. and a week later, on december 21, at a ceremonial
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meeting dedicated to stalin's anniversary, which was held in the bolshoi theater, mao zedong sat at a table set up on the stage next to stalin. and on january 2, 1950, stalin sends molotov and mikayan to mao zedong. the envoys announce to the chinese guest the ussr's consent to conclude a new soviet-chinese treaty. mao will stay in moscow for two whole months, until february 17 , 1950. all this time he lives at stalin's dacha. they often meet and have long conversations, unhurriedly, building bridges. the new treaty is signed by the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs andrei vyshinsky and zhou enlai. stalin and mao stand behind and watch the signing with satisfaction. the most important difference the 1950 sino-soviet treaty signed by stalin and audzedun, from
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a similar treaty. moscow now sees beijing as its main ally in asia, in the face of possible western expansion. over the course of several years, china is given all rights to the cer and naval bases in port arthur and dalny. moscow also equips these bases free of charge and sends military and civilian specialists. beijing is given a preferential loan of 300 million dollars to purchase materials and
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equipment. what the ussr wanted to get from the 1950 treaty is evident from the fact that what the ussr did to implement this treaty. stalin saw very well with what incredible fortitude the chinese fought against the colonial forces in world war ii. and he desperately needed such a steadfast ally, but not a poor and hungry one, but an industrially developed one. it was on the industrial development of china that the ussr placed its bets. thousands of soviet specialists went to china, a five-year plan was drawn up, more than 50 large industrial enterprises were immediately built with an emphasis on heavy industry and mechanical engineering. there were
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soviet model. education, public administration, health care systems, everything right down to art were created, soviet specialists worked everywhere, and thousands of chinese went to the ussr to study. a radical turn in relations between the soviet union and china occurred in the cold summer of 1953. that year, joseph stalin passed away, holding on to... the authoritarian figures of stalin and mao, and having lost one of the pillars, the ardent friendship between the countries cooled rapidly. on the day of the funeral of the soviet leader, mao zedong, as a sign of respect, orders to hang stalin's portrait on tianan square, above the entrance to the famous forbidden city, for 24 hours. today , his own portrait hangs there. of course, mauzdun grieved, since he saw stalin
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as his... teacher, and sometimes in correspondence he even called him master, he was very grateful to stalin for his support during the years of their stay in these yanai caves. during the civil war, these were the years of the first development. on september 28, 1954, the soviet delegation on two il-14 planes went to china to celebration of the fifth anniversary of the prc. at the airport in beijing, the soviet delegation was given a ceremonial welcome, attended by almost all the top leaders, except mao zedong himself. this is for khrushchev, a modest reception at mao's, where they only treated.
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khrushchev is not comparable to the great revolutionary mao. in china, khrushchev and diplomats visited port arthur and the city of dalny. an attempt to preserve port arthur as a joint. the death of the brave in 1904 and 1945. as a result of the visit , a large package of agreements was signed. at informal negotiations, khrushchev and man agreed on the equal status of both countries in the international labor and communist movement and the division of labor, according to which china was entrusted. as a response to the treaty on taiwan. in essence, the mutual security of the united states and the gomendang
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new document is beijing's first step toward cooperation with the soviet union on the world stage, whose momentum is still in effect. but that's all. the next step toward rapprochement had to wait three decades. his visits and knew that he was not a very respected person, and he saw, obviously in khrushchev, a traitor to the cause of the fight against
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imperialism, and already under khrushchev the policy of peaceful coexistence began, which ultimately led the soviet union to collapse, so mao zedong was largely right. and i think that he saw khrushchev as an unpleasant person to communicate with, since he had such manners of a not very well-mannered person, let's say, that is, in general, he treated khrushchev negatively, of course, with notes of contempt. from july 31 to august 3, 1958, nikita khrushchev makes an official visit to china, hoping to overcome the growing contradictions. kootzedong convinces his soviet counterpart at the talks that the ussr and china together can effectively resist the usa, calling them a paper tiger. he also for the first time raises the issue of transferring soviet nuclear
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technology to china. khrushchev says that he must consult with the presidium of the supreme soviet, but promises not to leave china in trouble. the following year, in 1959, khrushchev goes to china again, but... this time he is given an even colder reception, and it is not possible to reach an agreement, then the ussr includes economic measures. by the summer of the sixties, trade turnover between the countries falls, deliveries of soviet technology and equipment to chinese industry are reduced, which leads to the failure of the great leap forward policy. the great leap forward is, i would say, dizziness from success. soviet aid and in general this accelerated return of china after the civil war was so successful that maozedong began to think that it was possible to plan a breakthrough instead of the five-year plans
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that were typical for the soviet yes, economy, he proposed a ten-year plan: to increase steel production sixfold, agricultural production, that's one, that was a big leap, well , it's known that china has leaped, but not forward, but backward, this economic failure, it caused, uh. sharp criticism in the leadership of china, members of the politburo began to openly criticize mao zedong, discontent arose among the party cadres, there was a need to suppress this discontent, then the cultural revolution was unleashed, and china for 10 years, for another 10 years, plunged into chaos, which ended only after mao zedong's death. in 1959 , liu shauqi, mao's closest ally, replaced man as chairman. liu
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publicly supported the great leap forward policy, but over time he began to doubt tung's policies, especially after the economic failures of 1960 to 1962. liu shauqi had been one of the most prominent communists even during the yan'an period. he was perhaps the most intelligent of the chinese leaders, at first he was a loyal follower of mao zedong and the fact that he lived to the forty-ninth year speaks about it, because mausdun all these years of sitting in caves, he liquidated all the dissatisfied, those who looked askance, and but then when he became the chairman of the prc, that is , the president, maod zaun decided that he could become - the center of the assembly of anti...
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policy aimed at supporting small entrepreneurs. mao regarded this as an encroachment on his own role in the party. this became the reason for the beginning of the cultural revolution in the sixty-fifth year, the victims of which were approximately 100 million people, from of whom about one and a half million were killed. under the pretext of opposing a possible restoration of capitalism, mao zedong decided to deal with the enko-thinkers, to whom he, in particular, included the intelligentsia. in may of 1966
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, a new youth organization, hongwei bin, appeared in china. hongwei bin, the red guard. these are the young people who actually carried out the cultural revolution. they were told that it was necessary to liquidate all enemies, the chairman, the communist system. and they had them. to the rice fields. the hongwei and bin played their
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role in the diplomatic standoff with the soviet union. the conflict was triggered by an incident in moscow. on january 25 , 1967, more than seventy chinese students staged an unauthorized protest on red square. a scuffle ensued, during which several students received minor bruises. however, according to the chinese version, they died. several people, what looked like a clear provocation, newspapers in the prc would rewrite and distribute for the sake of further attacks on the ussr. the heroes of the scuffle at the kremlin delivered to beijing by plane, where they are personally met by the leaders of the communist party. the guys were very worried about how they would be received at home, whether they would be written down as spies or on some other bad lists, they decided to distinguish themselves, somehow earn points, so they...
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the soviet union in beijing is blocked by crowds of angry hongwoibings, demanding to pay for the beaten chinese students. in turn, the chinese foreign ministry reacts to these events with lightning speed. a rupture in relations is possible, war is possible. the soviet embassy was actually under siege by detachments red guards. dozens of loudspeakers were installed around the perimeter of the building complex, broadcasting practically around the clock and preventing diplomats from sleeping. all night long, protesters shouted anti-soviet slogans, shining spotlights into
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the windows of the embassy employees' apartments. another form of psychological pressure was the demonstration of fake coffins and various. depicting soviet revisionists, the aggressively minded crowd then burned these scarecrows, these actions were not amateurish, everything was well organized, the embassy cars were pasted over leaflets, such a disgrace that nothing could be seen through the windshield, it was necessary to enter the mission territory blindly, the protesters themselves also prevented cars from entering and exiting the embassy, ​​the diplomats expected the embassy to be destroyed, several bullets were fired towards the building, once the hongaibins even broke out onto the territory of the department and tried to cause a pogrom, but were soon driven out by the chinese military guarding the embassy. after 3 weeks of siege, when the situation became critical, the diplomats had to evacuate to moscow. honva and the bins were aimed at provocations, the evacuation
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turned into a real special operation. the street that leads to the embassy was called the street of the fight against soviet revisionism. the embassy was blocked by these crowds of hongvins and a decision was made to evacuate women and children, but even getting out of the embassy was very difficult, diplomats from other embassies came to the aid of the soviet diplomats and not necessarily only from socialist countries, they created a living corridor along which our women and children walked, but even there they were pestered, spat on, beaten. the cultural revolution in china lasted for another 10 years. as a result, mau dealt with his main opponents, members of the communist party liu shauqi and deng xiaopn. in 688 , mao zedong gave the order to arrest liu shauqi, a convinced and almost the only supporter of developing relations with the soviet union in the chinese government. this was a signal
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to moscow. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. biden speaks to his country. don't miss central television's special report straight from behind the scenes the main political event of this week, it will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. miracle, premiere,
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liran makes comfort available not for the first time since antonina rents out her cozy apartment on avito real estate, so she knows how everything will spin.
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or a bullet in the forehead, he is a ruthless killer, sodulyov was suspected of killing two police officers, who is he really, who are you anyway with a gun, it's clear to you, ivan kolesnikov, there is a plan, but it is not within the law, so you can immediately hand me over to the gestapo, tverskaya from monday at 20:00 on ntv. by the end of the sixties, at the height of the reign.
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the night from march 1 to 2, 1969, damansky island on the ussuri river, which is 200 km from khabarovsk. more than 70 armed chinese soldiers take up positions on the high bank. at 10:40 a.m., a soviet border detachment led by a senior officer.
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the chinese got the hint that we would go all the way and rolled up this provocation. in china , it was naturally presented as a great victory, and is still being presented as a great victory in the chinese museum on damascus island, where soviet people and russian people are not allowed, and there it is being presented, but in our country... it was naturally presented as the heroism of soviet border guards. september 11, 1969 in beijing
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premier of the state council of the people's republic of china zhou enlai and chairman of the council of ministers of the soviet union, alexei kosygin, conclude a truce, which de facto recognizes damansky as chinese territory, and on october 20 an agreement is reached to revise the soviet-chinese border, but even despite the most difficult period in relations, the soviet union supports china in its desire to take a seat in the un. since 1945 , a representative of the republic of china, that is, the kuomintang government, has sat in the un.
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dun was a breakthrough moment for the prc, this meant international recognition, which the people's republic of china had been consistently and methodically pursuing for a very long time, accordingly mao zedong saw in this another prospect of pulling the blanket of the leader of the socialist bloc of the world itself, in fact, the competition between the ussr and china began, and china in this competition came out, including the usa, or rather the united states of america came out. they began to try to cooperate with china separately, nevertheless, why did the soviet union support china, and it seems to me that the answer to this question is obvious, because the soviet union kept up appearances and could not - being the leader of the socialist bloc, and voting against the entry of another socialist country into the un, it would have been illogical, unreasonable and would have gone
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against the logic of the first state among the socialist countries. at the turn of the seventies and eighties , the future architect of the chinese reforms, deng xiaoping, came to the actual leadership of china. but there was no immediate turn towards normalizing relations with moscow . deng xiaoping was also repressed during the cultural revolution. now he is busy trying to quickly abandon its legacy and turn the country away from its soviet friends and toward the west. deng xiping is restoring.
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and offered him to create a global anti-german front. this offer was eventually accepted and china was given markets, sources of finance, sources of technology in exchange for going over to the west, and this is one of the reasons why china has achieved such success in 40 years. and china's transition to the western camp is one of
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the reasons why the soviet union fell. the soviet union had to fight on two fronts after this, on the western, on the eastern, prepare for war, build bams, wage wars, make colossal defense expenditures. after the death of leonid brezhnev in 1982, general secretaries in the kremlin replaced each other rather quickly, and after the short reign of dropov and the equally short reign of konstantin chernenko. it seems that the chinese topic falls out of the sphere of soviet interests altogether. the symbolic exchange of students will resume in 1984, in 1986 both countries will withdraw their troops from the border, open a consulate and organize large-scale trade and industrial exhibitions in moscow and beijing. in december 1988, at
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negotiations between the foreign ministers of the ussr and china, a decision is made. to reduce the number of soviet troops on the soviet-chinese border, in addition, the soviet contingent is withdrawn from the mongolian people's republic, and the districts of the region are reoriented to ... to the japanese threat, and not to the chinese. all this prepares the ground for gorbachev's visit to beijing in may 1989. during this visit, the final decisions will be made. soviet-chinese interstate relations were normalized, relations between the cpsu and the communist party of china. gorbachev sought to change the foreign policy of the soviet union by rapprochement with the west and the east, and he began to prepare for the normalization of relations. preparations began for gorbachev's visit to beijing, in which i participated
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while working in the ideological department of the central committee of the cpsu. the visit took place, the goal of the visit was formally achieved, relations were restored, but some kind of qualitative rapprochement, a frank conversation did not... happen, because by the time gorbachev arrived , student demonstrations were already in full swing on the square, at the end of the first day of my stay at the embassy there was a closed meeting in which i participated, and gorbachev already then said, some people told me that i needed to go the chinese way, this way leads to ninh square, i don’t want to have on my red square what is now on the square, this following...
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hello, you are welcomed by the information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today in the studio dmitry zavoisti. help residents of the kursk region, victims of the attacks of the ukrainian armed forces, continue to arrive from all over russia. over the past 24 hours, more than 240 tons of humanitarian aid have been delivered to the region, they are being distributed among dozens of temporary accommodation points. evacuated by kuryan, in total more than 130,000 of them are helping at all levels, from volunteers to the heads of the country's government. how the kursk region is coping with the consequences of the nationalist attack. in a report by alexandra tankeh. dressing gowns, she and her husband tried to leave in their car, but a civilian vehicle was fired upon by ukrainian drones.


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