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tv   Bolevoi porog  NTV  August 25, 2024 12:45am-2:10am MSK

12:45 am
the first ones pull on, this is how we'll relax, listen, and how is this, well, this, how is this ventilation, okay, now, now, now we'll do it, now, please, now, now, let it suit you at all, what are you kidding, i won't wear this, it still smells like a goat, a goat, maybe you, seryoga, you can, well, in my opinion, with your tits you'll fit in, listen, and so now, and you immediately apologize to her, that's it, well, just apologize, okay , that's it, your interests, well, guys, are you going to attack me like this all the way, and you with so you're going to sail somewhere, seryozha, i congratulate you, guys, it's impossible, thank you , goodbye, bye, boosya, uh, where are you going, i 'll ask where you're going, uh, you and i won't sail together, we'll take another instructor, sorry, you'll take another one, yeah, well, here, here, here, here, call, here are all the numbers for 300 km around, and i...
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i'll recommend, i'll say, good guys, call here, and we'll rent everything, we'll rent everything , we'll sail quietly, but on our own, and then i'll fish out your corpses, yeah, goodbye, okay, okay, that's enough, stop, wait, wait, wait, wait, okay, we've joked, okay, we've joked, we've joked, okay, that's enough , we've agreed, gray, understand, that's not how it's done here, we've agreed, that means we've agreed, there can't be any downtime during the season. or what about you, what about you? maybe he wanted to throw it at me? can i go, come on, let's go, damn it, seryozha, let's go faster, let's cut across the field and onto the highway, that 's okay, seryozha, he doesn't care at all, everything is fine with him, we'll sort everything out, this is dreampest on ntv. only the best are here,
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12:48 am
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12:52 am
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dumped this lacquer, be much better yourself. definitely safe, don't worry, hundreds of people float here every year, and you are sure that we'll manage, i personally can't do anything at all, no, well you can do something, seryozha, seryozha has illusions that he can do something, guys, who, only us and prirudu, we're going to the best places in altai now, mikhail, we believe in you, you'll reach the base in a week, i don't have any dissatisfied people here, where do they go,
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be sure to put it on, otherwise you never know what's on the river, some tree or stone? okay, okay, okay, guys, i'm serious, be careful,
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it's very visual, very. yes, that's how it is, come on, take a photo of me, come on sometime brutal, but somehow cool, listen, you make me look like batman.
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so he goes and films, film me, lift me up, give me your head, i'm the king of the mountain, come on, guys, stop it, come on, really, what kind of kindergarten is this, what kind of kindergarten, what did you eat
12:57 am
? what's that fork there? come on, you don't care which way you swim. hey, stop, don't turn there. yeah, it's not us, it's us being carried away by the current, guys, it looks like it's fun there. what's that? okay, guys, here comes the extreme. are you all buttoned up? busya, put your helmet on, put your helmet on, i'm telling you, do you hear me, come on. and here fasten. come on, guys, come on, row, come on, come on, come on, command old man, one, op, come on, come on, come on, you're not rowing, don't row, i'm telling you, what, where, who rows, gerush, who's on your side, you row, that's right, yes, come on, come on, come on, row from here, to hell, this way, that way, let's fasten.
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1:00 am
seryoga, cut? all our things, more, i can't! guys, hold him, here he is our radimy,
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come on, with a ser, he'll float away now, do you hear, poima, paima, paima, come on, here, stand, catch up, here we go, here we go, to these, where, caught, caught b... look, the pistols are intact, imagine, give me, step aside, oh, everything is calm here, come on, oh, my suitcase, well , everything is wet, yeah, look, daddy's guitar seems to be intact, so, yeah, everything worked out, come on, don't freak out,
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everything is fine, everyone is alive, alive, yeah, well, everything worked out. heat in your fucking backpack, well , everything is fine, well, tanya, what are you doing, and if you broke your head, you would be just as happy, let me help you, here it is, damn, the devil is wet, oh, what kind of jewelry is this? no, it's just a wedding ring, yeah, yeah screw it, he's been carrying it around with him for half a year already, he 's still waiting for a romantic moment, he even took it with him to germany, then rёsh, get up, i
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took it with me on purpose. what, marry me, seryozha, what are you, an idiot, marry me, vstandarts, what are you, what do you mean, what do you mean? bro, yes i am, yes i am in shock, screw it after that, damn, stop, you already refused the man,
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get it. a gift for your birthday, a box of adrenaline, maybe you don't need it, where are you going, everything would be fine, it would be better if they were imprisoned or taken into the army, of course, after all okay, yeah, you just sat there and laughed when i asked, don't push me, you're internet stars now, so you need to leave moscow for a month. i wasn't actually planning on going anywhere, so it's a great idea that i 'm organizing, how much is possible, maybe we will, a wedding night in swank, chic, what a night, what
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a wedding with such a, quiet, quiet, quiet, what, irresponsible, almost killed us all, by the way, i'm pregnant, what 's serious, or what? why didn't you tell me about this before? or maybe i don't know if my child needs such a father or not, i haven't decided yet, then there is. you decided to go jump on the rapids, but you didn't decide to leave the child, right, i'm still irresponsible.
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dad, what time is it, it will still be okay,
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uncle kolya won't let you down, dad, my brother owes me a rough life, and you're lyokha. stop, it's not allowed, i'm driving, stop, i need to take a leak, you're out of the car, you're out, you're free, lyokha. your mother, hammer, dad, what are you doing, to hell, for example, and what do you want, to go to court? get out, i'm leaving with you, and
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what if we die in the city? if we die, we'll die together, what did you think, son, that i'd ring you up let's go, please, our family, lyokha, let's go. lyosha, what are you doing here? nothing, we're jumping around, an escape, now we'll all sit down, come on, it's okay , everything will be fine, like that time at the border, he said to transfer the cargo, in the end there were two corpses, maybe they thought it all out well, pashka just freaked out, yeah, but why did you ask me to sit down? i asked, i got me out, you'll sit it out in kazakhstan, and why should i run around all my life then, the noise will die down,
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we'll do the paperwork, you'll come back, you're used to everyone dancing to your tune while you're still alive, right? dad, a helicopter, lyokha, come on, 20 seconds, come on, come on! everything is fine, son, we made it in time
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, we won't go far like this . we need to join the tourists, but where are you going to get them here?
1:11 am
bro? listen, bro, you won't burn out, you're fine, maybe you need help, well , guys, right on topic, now we'll all get acquainted.
1:12 am
this is tanya, hello, lyosha, so what, guys, what should we do? guys, yes, my friend got a little carried away, our situation is not that critical, seryoga, well, you asked for help, we agreed, we'll raft together, we'll show you a couple of tricks, it'll be fun, len, are you afraid of us or something? seryoga, what's going on, where are these people from? kirill, tell them something already, okay? seryozha, i think we can come to an amicable agreement. what a good knife , i'll give it to you later, what do we have here, and what does this increase protein synthesis and prevent,
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what is it? to maintain mass, without muscles, or something? seryozha, you could gather some more firewood, okay? let's make a fire. seryozha, they won't leave us alive. what do you mean, why? well, use your brain, the slens can rape us in the end, do you understand that? we need to escape from them now. the boat is not visible from the parking lot, we are washing the slens
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dishes. you go to the toilet, come to us. let's get out of here, we just need to wait for that jerk to leave, he'll notice us, that's it, we'll wash the dishes, okay? can i help you with something? thanks, we'll manage on our own. what's going on? go, go, kiryusha, go.
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lesha, let's go together, what are you doing, come on, no guys, no option but to row, well, row, come on, just forward,
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come on, come on! they'll catch us anyway, they 'll put us down, why the hell should i cut him down at all, let's go into the forest, stop, say, calm down, what am i doing in the forest, let's run, stop, stop, that's it, that's it, we'll
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negotiate, wait, wait, i'll sort everything out, but you haven't sorted anything out, wait, wait, i told you, wait, op, op, stop, stop, let's talk, do you hear me, stand still. we'll contact the locals with the cops, why are you going to catch up with us, do you have any choice, an offer, i don't know, they've turned into the forest, we need to go to goodwill, come here, i
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'll kill you now, bitch, they're going to kill them now, they're going to kill us all now, and if not, if you want, stay, i mean, i don't see. seryoga, come out, otherwise we 're going to finish off your friends now, look, you're clever, that means there are people nearby, here's the path, go ahead!
1:19 am
premiere, russian boy vanga, who everyone is talking about now.
1:20 am
sobulevo was suspected of killing two police officers, who is he really, who are you with a gun, you understand, ivan kolesnikov, there is a plan, but it is not within the law, so you can immediately hand me over to the gestapo, tverskaya from monday at 20:00 on ntv.
1:21 am
i'll watch it now, damn, open the door, people, please help, we need help, open up people, people, what are the doors here and help us, we need help, there are four people behind us, criminals, somehow call the police, look at his connections, he hasn't worked for a long time, go away,
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run away, i say, run away, dania, i won't run without you, she left, she said,
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that's it, guys, you've run enough, come out,
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1:26 am
it's easier to take the gun, police, drop the gun, drop the gun, what police, hands, what police, raise your hands, hands, stay where you are, stay where you are
1:27 am
, you bastard, bastard, hit me with your body, make a fuss but i don't care, you don't care who will sit for you, i'm going to sit again but go away! fool, i'm going to get my father, it's getting dark already, tomorrow we'll go and decide, your mother, what a bastard, you're the bastard yourself, what did you say, it was me, the bastard,
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i just killed a man, or maybe we took you hostage, quiet, quiet, be quiet,
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lyosha, lyosha, bring her some water, she hasn't put anything in her mouth for a long time. you think i don't understand what happened just now, that i killed a man, but i've never laid a finger on anyone in my life, and i know what your dad and brother will do to me this morning, they won't forgive me, that's clear, but
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she has nothing to do with it, at least let her live a little, okay? it's my fault, she's going to have a baby, she's pregnant, lyosha, feed her at least a little, she's pregnant, do you hear me, let her go, let her go. wait, go away, go away, don't come back, go away, go away, he heard, they're going to kill you, we
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live here, you understand, go away, go away, the sun is coming soon, go away, you can't be here, go away, to the center, to the center, to the police, how long is it to go, it's far, 4 days on foot, we need to save them, give me a gun, at least, give me a gun, but here, go away faster, seryozha, shanya, here, stay, i'll go alone, seryozha, we need to go, we need to save them, you'll kill them by morning. fuck it, as long as it's on the river it'll be faster, there's a boat, i got off, they'll kill you, why aren't you going anywhere?
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you're not going anywhere seryozha balam senga barala kemeni olarga taper bar balam. dad, well, have you found us, found us, haven't met us, listen, dad. that bastard and uncle kolya killed us, we got there late, everything was already there, somewhere
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in the village he was lying guarding them in a barn, they had to be shot down on the spot. listen, listen, why do you need to kill us, we haven't done anything, why do you, why do you need a tear, who 's the first, then you, no, you have kind eyes. okay, okay, you'll kill us, but, but, please, only before dawn, let us say goodbye, only before dawn, please,
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only until dawn, vladimir, i beg you, kiryusha, listen, i can see, i can see, he's not ready to score, do you hear, well, kiril, what can i even say, maybe he's a believer, kiril, why are you crying, why are you silent?
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1:36 am
who did this, the local. i'm sick of this, where are you going? stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, brake, brake, stop, dad, calm down, calm down, go away, alexey, i say, calm down, what are you doing, hooray, enough, enough blood, slow down, slow down, stop, stop, i'll kill you, now, stop, i'll kill you, i'll kill you. stop, that's it, quiet, he's right, he's right, bash, i was baptized.
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lyosha, give me your hand, come, come, come to me, now, now we'll sort everything out, now we'll sort everything out, let's go, shut up, shut up, let's go, now i need an ear, now i need a first aid kit , give me the tent, come on. that's it, quiet, that's it, quiet, quiet, quiet, do you hear, quiet, quiet, quiet, basha, yours, we have something to talk about.
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don't blab too much, don't anger your father, thank you, and where are you going, yours? even we didn't expect this from seryozha. pasha is waiting.
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execution, i remembered how the first time they threw us into the fray, everyone was shooting, everyone was screaming , those who ran still didn't understand. chekhov, get lost, everyone survived, who was huddled close to the beha, they all died, no one opened the hatch, so, so, now, now, everything that became, he already
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smashed. you're sick, stop!
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gun, move away, lesh, go, lesh, move away, lesh , what are you doing, collect the cartridges, lesh, almost the gun, you, what are you doing, mekatey gun,
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put it down, pash, cartridges, get them out, huh? get the cartridges out of the backpack. to the side, both of you, kirikha, the cartridges are in the tent, look, put everything in the bag to the side, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, what are you doing, leaving the stag without cartridges, there are meters roll 300 around the corner, stab one, point the other. run, yeah, i put it here, come on, come on, i already spent 2 years in prison because of this, they staged an escape, thank you, now you want
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life in prison for everyone, you won’t make it to the border, i’m doing this for you, stand still. i have a stash on the cat, right now.
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stand, raise your hands, raise your hands, freaks, i say, let’s go with the guns, where’s ours? they’re all right, put the gun down, where am i, they say, they left with alexey, put the gun down, and you stayed to finish us off, what’s too painful, my
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brother isn’t enough for you, why are you backing away, shoot!
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we'll catch up now. let's rest a bit, i'll go on, and you do as you wish, there's a village nearby, you can come back.
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let me help you, no need.
1:48 am
do you want to? why did you have to go to the limit, i escaped from prison, you were in prison, yeah, for what? pasha! we're in prison, he hasn't reformed, he
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's a little bit of this after chechnya, yeah, i noticed, cuckoo, well dad, he asked, i went, well they decided to get me out, they got me out, yeah, they got to you, yeah. that is, you sat down for your brother, it hurt, forgive me, i didn't mean to.
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every day, a feat. i took everything i needed. stop, i'll shoot. who are you? quiet, i'm a doctor, we need urgent medical care.
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give me your hand, try to make sure he doesn't go anywhere, i'll be there soon, i'll find and prove it, i work to the result, i'm not going to live by your rules, i don't harm innocent people, do what you have to and come what may, we'll have to act impromptu, they're performing a feat.
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kira, run, hey, run, i say, what, run, hey, what, what, come on, you're like here, yeah, run after us, who, yeah, who, who, pasha, come on, come on here, run, please, faster, well, faster! run, run, come on, come on, calm down, calm down, he's helping us, yeah, len, let's go, let's go, let's go, lena,
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1:55 am
wait, wait, guys, wait, now we'll go around to the river, back, you'll go, i'll catch up with you downstream, what are you doing, take the ammo, how's it going, normal, normal, normal, come on , more, come on, come on, come on, run, run, run, go , come on, come on, lyosh, they won't kill you, please,
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guys, guys, wait, wait, where are you running, don't you understand, they're sick, they'll kill him now, we have to help you now they'll bury him with him, let's run, are you an idiot, we'll all die without him, yeah lena, let's go, where, with whom, with you or something, and you 'll protect me, that's it. stop, stop, old man, that's how you did it, yeah, that's how you did it, kiriuzh , brother, come on, put the gun down, don't be stupid, come on,
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don't be stupid, put the gun down, it's all your fault, you, why the hell did you even run, huh? you killed him, well, is that not enough for you, not enough for you, quiet, kiriuzh, quiet, let's go at your school friend, you're sick, we came back for you to save you, we risked our lives, it's all because of your schizophrenia, we don't have time, let's go.
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1:59 am
and did you hear, they killed, they lyosh, they killed lyosh, is it you? this is a test, it's all your fault, it's all your fault, i told you.
2:00 am
tosh, why are you lying down? you're tired, come on, rest,
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lyosh, it's so hard for you to lie down, it's uncomfortable, come here. that's it, that's it, that's it, brother, to brother, why are you always bickering, at least here, at least sit here together, and i'll go and catch these, well then go home, right?
2:02 am
damn, i can't see, the fucking river, come on, come on, i can already hear it. "i gave you a minute, and you how long have you been running? it's time for lesha and me to go, and i 'll tell you something else, what about lesha, he 's sitting there, waiting for me, what scared you, i won't kill you, hey, stop, that's what we needed, put down the gun, let them go, do you hear, kiriuzh, he's crazy, shoot, shoot, she 's lying." lesha is waiting for me, why put down the gun , that's it, put down the gun, come here.
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"that's it, that's it, seryozha will save you from a cruel death now, otherwise i 'll shoot him first, then him, and
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i'll bring you to the anthill, this will take a very long time"? whoever runs, i'll bring them wounded, it will be even worse, so, come on, seryozha, kill them, otherwise they'll suffer, maybe for a day, maybe two, or if you want, here's a stone, well, here's a stone from your handy one or there's a second gun there. you're jabbering, come on, come on, come on, don't be shy, and i'll admire you, i'll count to two, one, no, no, now, now, now, now, well, now, now, now, seryozha, seryozha,
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seryozha, what are you doing, seryozha, nothing, come on, come on! seryozha, once with a stone, it doesn't hurt, bang that's it. now! seryozha, no need, turn away! lyukha, ah! and take the head,
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the head,
2:07 am
hello, yes, mom, everyone's alive, yes, alive, yes, hello, mom, what, mom, what's going on, what, i took the phone.
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they'll break your teeth,
2:09 am
who are you, a rat. what is this? your boss has an important business meeting today, you'll record it. it's dangerous. "sugar, my sweet, you haven't forgotten who got you into tarasov's business, but if they
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find out about this, they'll kill me, it will be sad, but i'll have to take the risk." "who called? no idea.


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