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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-8  NTV  August 26, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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okay, street kids, maybe a beer already, but unfiltered from the bottle, as they used to love, that you remembered everything, so the devil knows, maybe he never forgot anything.
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smooth life. suddenly became an arc in telegement , he is certainly different, i want it so, when they call, that the cop was like these guys, if anything, yes, i will help you figure it out, with any problem they do not rush home, although rarely, thank you, we say exactly.
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went far, none of your business, yes , you jump, and what will happen, will you kill or what? and what is he in sweatpants, slippers, smoking on he was going out the stairs, you see, an ashtray, matches on the windowsill, well, yes, he went out to smoke, then the hand of fate caught up with him, yes, the ministry of health...
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warns, smoking is dangerous to health, it turns out, the ministry of health is right, the ministry of health is right, judging by the blood he lay here all night, yes, since midnight for sure, since the beating. well, yes , yes, the beating, there, you see, the bruises, and he lived in that apartment over there, by the way, the door was open there, i understand, if you were there, yes, there, come on, great, hello, oh, hi, well , well, well, nikifarov, alfred vasilyevich, born in 1962, no work conflicts or gang warfare, worked as a school teacher, yeah, taught physics, in an apartment, what? well, so, lived with his young wife, she's not home now, she'll show up and say if everything is in place, nikiferova, her name is naina, oh,
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my god, alfik, the last loose cannon is nanka, forgive me, my god, there's nowhere to put a stamp. the whole neighborhood checked in, don't be afraid twice, my god, what neighborhood, she's our city champion, an athlete, i get it , i get it, i get it, i get it, but that's not what i 'm asking you about, so what are we telling you, yeah, the murder happened because of the weak nankin front, yeah, more details, but she got men used to her and didn't refuse anyone, and men break each other's horns because of her. their massacres are regular in our yard, yes, like an elk in the spring, honestly, well, what does her husband have to fight, he's already her husband , what kind of alfik is my husband, i married him only to finish school, it's like, like
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that, i got a bad grade in physics, i came to his office, made eyes, what grade was that, in the ninth, then he ran after me all through the tenth grade, the aisle was like a bathhouse sheet. by that time i had had a fight, well , and the girls talked me into it, and so the fool jumped out, why a fool? because, god forgive me, he turned out to be a complete goat, sad, greedy and mean, in a word, he interfered with my personal life, that's how, and so, when you like one man, and another one interferes with him on purpose. "so the fight took place on the fifteenth, yes, exactly, two days before the murder, only it wasn't a fight, but a beating, he beat him for at least 30 minutes, yes, you're not exaggerating, in 30 minutes you can make a cutlet out of a person,
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i answer, at least 30, why did i open the door a crack, firstly, he shoved alfred into that corner and through the peephole". you couldn't see, and secondly, it really was too long. okay, let's continue, you opened the door then the curly guy turns to me and says: "dad, won't you give me some water to drink", like, he's tired, and i threw the chain on and answered him: what are you doing, you bastard, you can't fool a person for so long, and he says: yes, it won't be long, it's just the beginning, and he's not a person, but an appearance.
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"open up, i'll finish you off anyway, no today, so tomorrow, anyway you won't get away from me, i wonder what he said, having finished me off, he said it. and what is this citizen-chief, your eyes are so sad? what, i see, what, what is your name? vyacheslav yuryevich, i see that in your soul you have a slavochka, let's not get distracted, try to remember with whom your husband has had conflicts lately. maybe someone wished him harm, that's it, that's it, so that's it, slavochka, look, hello, kiryusha, hello, damn, forms, for me, forms,
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forms in the bottom drawer, yeah, in the top one, that yes. and do you know him? and you will ask him about this? okay, never mind. where were we? and can you recall recent conflicts of your husband, alfred vasilyevich, over the last month, two weeks, week? go to prostitutes, professionals, would have a lot of money, and she does this business with all her heart for free, how do you know that it is for free, that i went to her myself, i am holding on for now, here on... my seryoga, well, who worked here before me, so he and she had it,
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he says she came to him five times a night, he comes, so he knocks on the door quietly, the sweat scratches, and he says, there's nothing to do, i have to work all night, well, so i replaced him here, replaced him 10 times, she's not a girl, but some kind of fury, well, a fury, not a fury, but there's something in her, honestly, but there's no way. to resist, this is a nanka, she 's been running around the yard all her life, here i saw her as if for the first time, she came up to me, looked at me from under her brows, what was she muttering there and left, and after that everything flew out of my head, and what the i'm 40, and that i have three children, and that my wife lenka, lenka, yeah, you won't believe it, i've been drinking for three days because of this, why wouldn't i believe it, but how can i believe it, i believe it, and what are you saying, is she talking about barmat? so, it turns out, nikifarov didn't contact the police? no, i checked, there is no statement. yeah. in general, this
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nekifarov family is pretty strange. a kind of adams family. him, misalina is just reliable. and if you believe the witnesses, the men of the entire district knew her very well. oh well. yes, yes. and not only the district. she is a priestess of free love, spreading her wing, over law enforcement agencies. what are you saying, kira. well? there were no conflicts with anyone before his death, he's lying, again, nikifrov was beaten,
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well, you can ignore that, because nikifrova said that she hadn't seen her husband for weeks, yes, the janitor petrov told me that a few days before nikiforov's murder a certain martin pino appeared in the yard, if this testimony is compared with the testimony of the neighbor, as you say, pino, a foreigner, or something, well, he's a russified estonian, according to his registration, he's lived his whole life in the neighboring yard, where did you get this information, since georgievich, from the police station, we know, yeah, that's it, here's a copy of his release certificate: martin pina served 2 years for robbing an apartment, got out early a week ago for good behavior. the janitor told me that before martin was put in jail, he had a very serious scandal with the deceased. so, maybe this martin pina, our kuchuryavy, is one and the same person? how did he guess? and sherlock holmes? martin
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yanovich lino. can you imagine, his name would have been martin yanovich pibo. yeah. martin would have been better. votka. vodka. it's disgusting. and here it is. it would have been better if you and i had waited for the shell. god protects those who protect themselves, as they say. maybe he thinks so too. i don't want to get back to the zone and immediately end up there again. oh, great, guys, and you came to celebrate, rather you brought a celebration with you, yeah, off the road, off the road, nikita, quickly to the room, who did i tell, here to the left. oh, damn, guys, reinforcements, come on, come on,
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come on, come on, what is this, a golchon, your staff or something? no, i don't know them, i thought they were yours. guys, who are you? we're from the police, petrogradskaya ruvd. what are you guys doing, we 're celebrating here, our buddy just got kicked out. guys, this one. i remember 4 years ago at a disco i gave him a face-slapping blow, you 're not mistaken, who beat whom up?
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i think we're lucky to be thankful , i don't even know who to thank, but it's stupid to hope naina evenyevna slavochka. "i 'm telling you for the third time, marik didn't kill alfik, firstly, vyacheslav yuryevich, and secondly, sit here, you can tell me at least 100 times here that your friend martin pina didn't kill alfik, didn't kill your ex-husband alfred vasilyevich nikiforov, these are just your emotions, stubborn yes, stubborn facts say that what facts, there is no proof,
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right, slavochka, vyacheslav yuryevich, and the testimony of the neighbor, he beat him half to death, said that he would finish him off to well, why didn't you get divorced, i tried, i am free, but he still put marik in jail, i tell you, he was a scoundrel, he wouldn't show up in court, he would write a statement against me, okay, i said, if you want to disgrace yourself, disgrace yourself, and i began to live with him, like... not paying attention, but he still did nasty things to them, to whom to them, yes to all of mine, slavochka, well, let me write a statement, but evgeny, vyacheslav yuryevich, firstly, secondly, you can of course write a statement, but this will greatly complicate the life of your martin pina, what you said is a weighty motive for murder, well slavochka, marik did not kill alfik, naina
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evgenyevna, i have very little time, where... are you in a hurry, to quickly slander a person and put him in jail, right? this is a complete violation of service instructions, you understand, complete, georgyevich, this is all wrong, the facts are completely fabricated in the statement, you understand, right ? so you want to say that you never met this martin pina? i don't want to say that, i just don't understand what difference it makes whether you met him or not. you should have written a report to the command so that you could be released from this case, instead you and captain dymov illegally arrested this pina at his place of registration. not only that, three more people sought medical help, and why illegally, why? there were five of them, they attacked us, the first ones were drunk, it was recorded, yes, and the victims say completely different, yes what non-victims, provoked a fight, like his rezantsev, further, in the case of the murder you found a thing doc, on which traces
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of the victim's blood were found, but pino explains that he killed a rat with this crowbar, which unexpectedly jumped into his room, which is funny. that's it, well go let pino go, pina martin with things out. well,
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screwed up, so, here, i'll get this bastard, i'll get this bitch, kieron, you most importantly, calm down, don't lose your presence of mind, they're letting the sapah loose on you, and you should be calm, maybe i'll get a set on... kira, don't even think about it, if you come closer to nikiforova than 100 m, write it's gone, and if it helps competently. lawyer, well, in general , it's a strange situation, in order for me to put a person in jail, i need to prove 100% guilt, and in order to put me in jail, i need a simple statement, here a visitor, to captain volkov, says urgently,
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i want to make a statement, one more, maybe that's enough, yeah, as a result of which the above-mentioned martin pino, threatening.
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blamed the parakhnya for everything, now that he has been released, she demands that he be put in jail again, and it turns out the parakhnya is not guilty, yeah, i don't like all this, kirill needs to be taken out of the spotlight for a while, maybe on vacation to the canary islands, something like that, yeah, well then you'll stay, you'll stay here for a couple of weeks, you'll get everything in order, i understand, yeah, i hear you, that's right, major, it's been a long time since we needed to get the archives in order, but
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they couldn't assign a person, you know, great, thank you, so, as i understand it, i need to start washing the floors, listen, kir, don't trend, okay, you'll sit there temporarily until everything calms down, and then we'll see, okay, that's right. here you go, yeah, oh, be healthy, oleg georgievich. hello, hello, where can i file a complaint? to the office, where is that? let's go,
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i'll take you there, let's go, well, so, if we put aside all the lyricism, we have two main suspects, this is martin pina, well, and the wife of the murdered man, this is naina nikiforova, well , i think that... here it has nothing to do with it, her husband did not interfere with her at all, and against pina we have the testimony of a neighbor one, well, a previous conviction two and the absence of an alibi, and my version is that they were both involved in the murder, perhaps they were in a criminal conspiracy and then naina nikiforova is the organizer of the murder, and why did you decide that? judging by her behavior, look how everything logically develops: well , she, taking advantage of martin's anger at her husband, sets him on the late nikiforova. we take martin and then pino warns nikiforova that if she doesn't get him out, he'll get her as an accomplice. and then she writes a statement, and we
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release martin. then, then, well, then, then it 's a little more complicated. perhaps they had some kind of conflict, then naina writes a second statement, where she directly accuses martin of murder, it's all logical. they're closing it. she's a queen, well, i don't know, of course it's possible, but what's wrong? well, look, georgievich, a statement has been filed, borechka, on your case, very good, don't bother us, thank you, thank you, yes, yes, what are there, look, well, well, she kills two birds with one stone, she removes suspicion from herself once, twice, gets rid of a killer she doesn't need, well, how do you like that, what is it? read the statement, i declare that martin pina, martin pina is not guilty of anything, my previous statements, please consider invalid, naina evgenievna.
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kiharova, signature number, very funny, hello to the archive rats, borya, what are you doing here? "i always have lunch here, calmly, quietly, a sandwich, do you want cheese, no, thank you, i'll go to the cafe to see varvara, of course, i 'm used to it already, who ruins their stomach in expensive cafes, well, yes, who improves their health in the basements of the dry-metal, ouch'. forest fires are
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a dangerous and formidable element, to stop defeat fire, the calling of the strong, pilots, observers, paratroopers-firefighters, paratroopers, firefighters, aerial forest protection rosleskhoz, a reliable shield of the russian forest. criminal investigation department, major sobolev, police major, let me introduce you to the new chief of ugry, he is also a friend of a thief in law in the center of moscow, the criminal investigation department. the man leads the thief in law, this cannot be allowed, a fearless hero, decided to slap another medal on his chest, or a bullet in the forehead , he is a ruthless killer, you always suspected two police officers of murder, who is he really, who are you, a man with a gun, you understand, ivan kolesnikov, there is a plan, but it is not within the law, so you can hand me over to the gestapo right away, tverskaya
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today. at 20:00 on ntv, i wonder what statement she 'll make next, when? that's it, we're done with this circus. we won't accept any more statements from this non-kirova, okay? we won't take it as a starting point. okay, and what are we going to do about the murder? as always, on foot, after lunch let's go to the crime scene again, question the neighbors, maybe someone will say something new, don't finish eating, enjoy your meal.
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hello, hello, are the pies fresh, morning ones, take a beer, and i'll have a beer no need, no pies, a couple of mineral waters, yes, of course, you can't have a cop at work, the boss will get angry.
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to the authorities, what do you think, i'm such a bastard, i don't think, i know that they started to file a complaint, read it. i, kirill evgenievich, declare that i fought with mr. pina not as an employee of the ministry of internal affairs, but as a private individual. in this regard , i have no claims against citizen pina. let's go, let's go.
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well, which one shall we start with? let's start with this one, there was no one here last time, maybe now. who's there? we're from the police. come in, come in. thank you. hello. more did you find anything? what do you mean found? what do you mean? you're talking about the robbery of my apartment. we're talking about the murder of your neighbor. and i thought you were talking about the robbery, come in, please, thank you, thank you, come in, but where did they go, i
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don't know, where did they go, i went, you bastard! so you're saying that you were robbed on the night from saturday to sunday?
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they didn't even take out my sim card, they caught them on that, that is, the robbers were caught, the investigator says: i'll heat it up, but i, naturally, wait, 2 days, pray to god that the disks weren't erased in the laptop, all the business is there, all the information, yeah, that is, you are like this, praying to god with libations, and guys, excuse me, i keep forgetting that you are at work, well , the main thing is that we don't forget, let's get back to what i'll say,
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i don't feel sorry for this alfred, i don't feel sorry, some general information, and general? you know, he was rotten, well, imagine what kind of a man he was, who knew that i was hitting on his wife and did nothing about it? that is, he knew, he knew, he knew, naina said that she went to me openly, not embarrassed by him, and he greeted me, came by often, asked for salt or matches, even lent me money, i wonder if you'll give me the phone number of the employee, well , the one handling the robbery case, i understand, well, how is she, yeah, fine, a slight concussion, she'll live, good, as a keepsake.
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well, i have to go. you're not deceiving me, you're not living, that's not how they say it, you're not deceiving me, but you're telling me the truth, you're not living me, i'm fine, marik, well, forgive me, don't need anything, don't need, don't say anything, don't follow me, that's it, i said, that's it, that's it, i have this impression that...
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come on, fat man, spill the beans, i've been wasting my time on you for two days, aren't you tired of it, we took this apartment ourselves, without anyone's help, what are you talking about? you're kicking down the door, breaking the locks, after you there's a mess like heroshima, and here it's not that the lock wasn't broken, it wasn't even scratched, so what, over your shoulder, you weren't just led to this apartment, you were even given the key, it's obvious as day who the tip-off was, it wasn't me, there was no tip-off, we took this apartment ourselves, come on, come out. slavka,
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listen, i have this thought, what if this nikifarov tipped off robbers to his neighbor's apartment to take revenge on him? well, that's funny, but why did they kill him? tipsters are usually not killed, well, yes, yes, they don't work together here. but still, it seems to me that the robbery couldn't have happened without our murderer. well, so far nothing, but i'll heat him up, where will he go. the captain, yes, i understand with his accomplice, they are generally capable of murder, murder, he has never had any wet deeds before, and what is there reason to suspect? yes, there are all sorts of thoughts, okay, go ahead, go ahead, happily, happily.
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got angry and told the guys that i had no place to put a sample, well, and we broke up, 5 years later we met, i was already married then, well , martin didn't care about it, and to be honest, i didn't either, he was the only person i really liked, and what about me, well, sorry, okay, i'm kidding, well , tell me what next, you know, when alfik put marik in jail, for some reason i thought, when marik gets out, everything will be under...
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by and large, i've never seen some of them, well, basically, well, wait, i understand some kind of meanness say, but how about asking for the id, did he ruin the apartment himself? no, you know, he had a golchon for that, vitka rezantsev, he studied at the same time as me, alfik kept him on the hook, alfik once went into the school toilet and saw how the punks were making fun of the golchon, forcing her to do all sorts of nasty things, nasty things, well, in general, a nightmare, and then alfik...
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you're right, for now, yes, indeed, panin and kilchenko robbed sarkesyan's apartment on the very night when nikiporov was killed, yes, well , of course, now we'll work this off version, yes, great, great, good. yes, well , what's wrong with you, i finished all my work in the archive, yes,
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i have a spray of allergies, and my nose from there is such that you, yes, there is an assumption that alfred nikifarov led the robbers to sargsyan's apartment, suspecting that he was sleeping with his wife, but why would they kill him after that, i don't understand, i understand, so, so, so, what don't you understand, what if? nikifarov did everything not by himself, with the help of, well, for example, ryazanets's victor, nicknamed golchonok, who studied at his school. where is this from such information? well, what's the difference, it is and it is, i answer for my words. okay, that is, if, like the golchonok, yeah, he really was an intermediary, then the robbers could well not have known who ordered it. right. and, if it wasn't kiforov,
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who really went out for a smoke that night and suddenly ran into the robbers. leaving sarkesyan's apartment, then he involuntarily became a witness to a sad surprise for the robbers. ha, cool. listen, it seems to be coming together. so i went out. bag in hand, two bags in kilchenko's. in the sprat's, in kilchenko's, that is, yes. and then what? well, they locked me up door, moved to the elevator. were you the first? yes, the first. right here. they called the elevator. so who was on the landing? there was no one on the landing, definitely not, there was no one here, not, then what are you nervous about? citizen, boss, stop trying to pull the wool over my eyes, it was empty here, empty, well if it's empty, open the apartment, let's try again, where are you
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taking me? it's an investigative experiment, it will show again how he was robbed by kasyan, and what does that have to do with me? i'm telling you, i don't know anything about any robbery, but we know, what do you know, we all know, a story, that nikifarov brought himself to the apartment, he gave the key, that you gave the key to panin kilchenko, that you told them that sarkisyan is not home on weekends, on the night from saturday to sunday panin and kilchenko broke into sarkisyan's apartment, when they were leaving with the loot, they ran into nikifarov on the landing, afraid that he would remember them, they hit him on the head, they didn't know that he himself ordered this robbery, i'm going to go all out, you won't prove anything, and we are not going to prove anything, it's just your friend martin pina finds out that 3 years ago you planted his documents in a robbed apartment, martin and i will have a chat somehow, judging by
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his character, it is unlikely, and then everyone will find out what the older boys did to you in the school toilet, can you imagine how much fun you will have in the cell? bitches, it is not true, it is all, well, i don’t know, true, not true, but nikifov had very interesting photos on his phone, you understand, this is the main thing, the main thing is that your personal can really remain a secret, bitches, it was alfred who gave me the key, yes, i led the boys to his apartment... neighbor, what else? nothing, they arrived, i will answer for mine, and i don’t need to stitch up someone else’s wetwork, citizen bosses, stop messing around, i’ve already told you everything i could, so, let’s continue the investigative experiment, turn on the camera, ryazanets, tell us where you were at the time
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of the murder, i was standing down there, the boys didn’t see me, what are you lying about, why did you have to be here, quiet, quiet, why were you standing here? i wanted to make sure that everything went well, that they didn’t screw me over with my share, well, what did you see, well, panin was the first, he had there was a bag on the left, what to stand scanned, hummed, well, well, what was in the right , a statuette so heavy in appearance that i thought, on which statuette, not gold, because brass, but then, then i heard alfred's voice, he said something like hi guys then a blow, i hid, waited until the guys came down, looked out there, there alfred was lying near the head, like a puddle of blood, well, i ran away, didn't even go up there, and what
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did not call soon, say that you did not call soon, why the hell do i need this alfred? thus, cornered by rezantsev's testimony in corner, suspect panin admitted that when leaving sarkisyan's apartment with the loot, he unexpectedly ran into the victim, well, hit him on the head with a gold oshot statuette. thus, the case of the murder of citizen nikiforov can be considered solved. so what does this mean, nikifarov died from his own meanness. he had to go out on the stairs at night to smoke, and smoking is generally harmful, okay, well done, i'll take the case to court, which means panin will be charged with murder in addition to robbery, and ryazan residents, ryazantsev, ryazantsev. will be charged as an instigator of a robbery, plus failure to provide assistance to a person in a helpless
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state. sorry, georgich, but there was no failure to provide assistance. i mean, how could it be? well, ryazantsev was not really at the crime scene. we simply logically reconstructed the picture of the crime, ryazantsev, at our request, voiced it, which forced the criminal to confess. yeah. at your request. yeah. and how did you get that out of him? so, from... exclusively by force of persuasion, bitch, someone hold him.
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sorry for not inviting the wedding, but never mind, i'm not your friend, not everything is fine, yeah, everything is fine, well, shall we go, damn it, i 'm really glad, come on, good luck, thanks, see you later, guys, oh well. bye, good luck, maybe we'll go already, oh lie still, i waited,
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we'll go now, let's go, okay. don't drag me like that, yeah, right now, right now, let's go already, let's go,
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there's comrade colonel, we'll provide, now too. documents for movable and immovable property, this is a photo of evidence.


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