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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-8  NTV  August 26, 2024 5:40am-6:30am MSK

5:40 am
comrade colonel, are we going to provide it? that's it, comrade colonel, come on, citizen, who are you going to, the boss, what boss, boss? there are many, that 's right, there are many bosses, but no one to work, i'm going to the most important one, at the moment i'm the most important one, what's your issue, show me your documents, look at them, these are your documents, real and movable property, these are photo evidence, what photo evidence?
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they've set up a public toilet, that's right, a toilet, you see, i don't see anything worthy of attention, how come you don't see it, how come, well, look more closely, well, turd, who am i, no, not you, there is a pile of dog excrement on the steps of my salon, the crimes began six months ago from the very opening, one old witch, by the way, a former professor, you know, a lady with a dog.
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"well, and if she is mad, how could i not get mad with you, you need to go to the district police officer, oh so, i have been and more than once, he says that if you run after every mongrel, there will not be enough time, i want to complain about him to the boss, there is no boss, the boss it will be only tomorrow, and tomorrow this saboteur with his movable property will shit under my door." workers,
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okay, i'll leave, but i'll come back and sedor, the district police officer's tachilin, pasha, you, cherdyntsev, they're complaining about you here, goats, so my peach, you need to go to the first aid station, record the bites inflicted to the court, to the court, mommy, well maybe we don't need to, let the old lady live, no, i won't leave it like this, you might get infected, they'll cut off your leg, mommy, and if i cut it off, what, you won't love me, well if the leg is still okay, as long as something they didn't cut off anything more substantial, georgyevich, great, are you dressed up, from the headquarters, a general's meeting, mister colonel... but
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i'm still only comrade major, well then you'll be a colonel, i have an eye, a votrapaz, i 'm terribly sorry, i have business with you , there's a corpse in your case, what do you need? well, you know, we don't work without a corpse, as they say, if there's a body, there'll be a case, you'll get a corpse, you'll wait, cop mafia, isidor, let's go look for the truth elsewhere, woman, wait, what was that, well, kolya, i didn't expect that from you, you're just like... in a daze sid, a bad example of an infector, let's go, give them a corpse, what kind of hints are you? by the way, i have a beauty salon, not some kind of gangster den, and i don't even have a roof now, mommy, well, am i not your roof, well, what kind of roof are you, you are my umbrella, from the bad weather in the house, everything that i have to do myself, and
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sidorushka, well, maybe you should go to her, give her the last chinese warning, yes, i already warned her today, but will you again? once, now i, hello, girls, choruses, how is it, i am trusted with the territory, i spotted the antichrist, who are the crosses draw on the door, ran away while i was going down, didn't notice, boy, if i had caught him, well, i would have had a talk, well, is that a thing, dirtying the walls, and not a thing, i'll catch him, we'll have a talk, that's right, well done, or maybe he's timurovets, you don't know, and in the yard big dogs are pestering her baby, okay, thank you for helping the investigation, don't be bored, the service is calling, bye, all the best, goodbye, so girls, you say, the first letter is m. what are you
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eavesdropping on? i look, the door is dirty, well dirty, what does it matter to you, the boys were fooling around, and i forget to wash it, district police officer tachilin, do you live at sorokin's, i don't know you, i'm registered here, i'm her daughter, something happened, a complaint was filed against your mother, or rather against her dog, i wanted to talk, he doesn't answer, and i 'm worried myself, the phone isn't answering, i asked for time off from work, she's already had a heart attack, the baby isn't responding. baby, baby, mommy, you 're not feeling well, mommy, mommy, you're not feeling well, give me mine,
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hold on, she'll never feel bad again, what? what are you going to give her? well, presumably she died from a blow, with a blunt heavy object to the head, what time is it? after the autopsy, it's difficult with the elderly, you can make a mistake, but most likely it's morning, maybe evening, yeah. and was the dog poisoned? most likely the dog was strangled, what monsters, how could such a small dog bother them. oh, kolya, you know how such little ones yap, maybe it was just annoying, well, it's your business to draw conclusions, our business is facts. well, yes, kolya, well
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, call the local police officer, what is he messing around with there? throw your head back. blow your nose, don't be shy. plotnikova's beauties, they've both gotten on my nerves, sorokin's dog every morning in front of the establishment piled up, piled up, piled up, the dog is two inches taller than a potty, yes, the dog is incomprehensible, a mix of a lapdog, it is not clear what with, the yard is a terrier, but her ambitions are instead of a toilet she has a beauty salon, and
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what could i do, i talked to both of them, one, i have walked here all my life, the second, she scares away my clients, in my opinion, at this... did they take her away? yes, hello, we need to talk.
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i saw her in the morning from the window walking with her baby. what time was it? yes, about 6:00. so early and you were not sleeping? oh, my dears. before ours, insomnia, later, maybe someone heard a dog barking, yes, she barked all the time, well, we without attention, she kept a dog instead of an alarm. this is her second one already, she used to have a german shepherd, and it happened, a german shepherd lives a long time, yes, now it is expensive, yes, it used to, and yes , she bathed in cream, in chocolate, and when lev markovich died, so it remained in pubs, lev markovich, who is this, yes, her late husband, he used to be in charge of the marxism department, he was a good man, yeah, and then he burned his ticket on tv and began teaching religion at the same institute, not bad either, tell me, her apartment was privatized, and what's the difference,
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privatized, not privatized, everything is for the poor, my daughter will get it, it is written here, that is , you didn’t notice anything suspicious either in the morning or during the day, this whole life seems suspicious to me now, yeah, that’s for sure, and maybe someone took the things away, stolen, someone else’s car, no, no, i didn’t see, yes, i didn’t see. i didn’t see either, i saw, you didn’t see either, no, and are we always sitting here on a bench, but we need to read the press, watch the culture channel, thank you, you helped us a lot, she could have opened it to strangers, no, she didn’t open it to strangers, we called her yesterday, agreed that i would come today, bring the product, i bought everything she asked for, so i came, tell me, were there any valuables in the apartment, gold, money? yes, there were, make a list,
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well, maybe not today. okay, there was a painting, aivazovsky, an original, antique candlesticks. and, there in the bank, she had money. she had her own bank, she didn’t trust savings banks. and how much? it’s hard to say. “she didn’t trust me either, she saved up all her life, but there was definitely 120,000 for the funeral, no, or maybe put it somewhere forgot, started to forget a lot of things sclerosis, yesterday she asked me to buy potatoes, and she herself, why do i need so much seed, do you have change"? a large plot, yes , what a big one, 10 acres, but she
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bought everything with a reserve, a blockade survivor, you know, who survived the blockade, why so much tea, sugar in the cereal, worms started up, yes, two buckets would be enough for our plot, there will be a laugh here, and she, you know, kept asking us to go to the dacha to plant, my husband and i always have no time... no time, and now it's late june, there is still something in the kitchen how much for food, scattered on the floor so that it would sprout, and this is so that the eyes of the potato would open in the sun, baby, potato, open your eyes, little eyes, look at our little pebble, you know, so to me... my mother sang in childhood, but her eyes closed,
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calm down. listen, what is this that you have at the vegetable base? if it decided to dry, then potatoes are dried in the fall after harvesting, and if last year's potatoes are left in the light, they turn green and produce a poisonous substance called salanine, you can get poisoned, you need to know wax growers and grain growers, so maybe this seed, you hold it the other way around to the light, so that the parents would curse, maybe it really got caught in the rain, suffered, poured out to dry, well , what is so important or what? any detail can be important, listen, does the old lady have an appetite? three bags, no less, i wouldn't be surprised by this, because my grandmother, also
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a blockade survivor, like sorokina, she had a chest, matches, kilograms of salt, sugar, boxes of stew, soap, well, she was afraid of hunger, but this is not only for blockade survivors, in general for old people, fear of the zigzags of our history in the liver ingrained, the owner of the salon must be checked, although it is unlikely that this is revenge for the dog's pranks, we will proceed from who really benefits from death. so there is no need to think about it, i think the daughters, am i not right? yes, they were in terrible quarrel, sorokin did not like her son-in-law, did not talk to him for 5 years, then after his death it turns out to be the daughter's apartment. solving the housing issue, and what , she does not have her own place? they rent with her husband and son, although sorokin's grandmother with a character was registered. so, what do we have? it means, gold wedding rings, earrings, jewelry, savings in the amount of 120,000 rubles, called by grandmothers, funeral, stone clocks, icons,
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silverware, a painting, presumably by aivazovsky, old books, and bed linen disappeared from the apartment. i wonder who could have needed the old simples? they probably wrapped the stolen items in them so that they wouldn't rattle. didn't you notice one peculiarity of this robbery? you noticed that all the things were small-sized, neither the samsung tv nor the antique armchair were stolen. oh, and a chest of drawers of some sort loudovic. and what conclusion can be drawn from this? well, what, small things are easier to remove unnoticed. well, on the other hand, it is easier. but not to notice at all, that's strange, hello, hello, what do you want? i want to see the owner of this establishment, victoria pavlovna, from the police, my police
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will protect me. of course, you are talking about my complaint about the lady with the dog, you can say so, we are watching the basements now, we are afraid of terrorist attacks, it is scary to live without terrorists, to kill without shame and conscience, because weapons in hand, well, our old lady was hit on the head with a candelabra, and if she had a weapon, if she knew from the cold that she could get bullets from flo, maybe she wouldn't have gone for it, just give our people a weapon, they'll shoot each other when drunk, worse than... in america, well , i actually have a hard time imagining a drunk old lady with a gun in her hands, the lock was knocked down again, well, homeless people, great, and in the morning i 've been checking all the attics and basements, suddenly where the stolen things are hidden, it happens,
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you're quick, so what if it's empty, the locks are intact, all my secret locks aren't torn off. almost ate him, the dog almost bit his leg , sidor warned her so many times, they bit him off, but stop it, i saw this dog, frankly speaking, not a bull terrier, small, but angry like its owner, and isidor, who is he to you, my
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assistant, a security guard, a security guard, my friend, so what? isidor, i can look at your documents, we have nothing to hide, thank you, show me, because some here do not believe that you were bitten all over. when was the last time you saw the owner of the dog that caused you so much inconvenience? i don’t remember, yesterday, on wednesday, you don’t remember, mommy, in
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tuesday, yeah, she was killed on tuesday, okay, and under what circumstances did you see her? circumstances, well, what happened to you and madam? lay in wait for her near the salon, mommy asked me to take photos for evidence, what time? so early, mommy, you're so cruel, you woke me up at 6 in the morning, she was deliberately walking her dog while everyone was still asleep, well, tell me. but he didn't find her when you rang the doorbell, did the dog bark? well, why are you silent, did she bark or not , did she bark, doesn't bark, that means she's not home, didn't
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bark, okay, sidor vasilyevich, you'll have to come to our department and give evidence, and excuse me, come in and make me some tea. listen, he's always like this when you're completely, he doesn't look much like a security guard, a bodyguard, especially my body 's keeper, he loves me, he loves me, i'm just collecting information for now, gobble it up, don't be modest,
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no, i thought it wasn't working, let's do it again, yeah, sorokin's crosses appeared back in march, her daughter erased them, and she didn't get around to washing her hands, and of the other apartments marked with crosses, only one was robbed, by forcing the door open, without any sweat, then throw your brains out to strain, just kids fooling around, we also wrote codes when we were kids, we distorted the language, piya, pidupi, domashni pi, i'll go home, well, okay, thanks to this house, we'll go to another one, although wait, and in the yard
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there is some kind of gang of juvenile hooligans, the residents did not complain much, except maybe about the loud music, there have been no complaints about beatings lately, they beat up one good guy, extorted money, only he does not say, who can tell, and this guy is not by any chance from the apartment with crosses, yeah. seventeenth nine crosses, there, where there are six crosses, some the kid lives there, he's the pride of the area, a champion of youth chess, a great guy, a decent family, grandparents, moms, dads, the whole package, then everything is clear, what is clear to you, when i was dealing with minors, in their colonies for the young, the laws are even stricter than in the adult zone, if something is not his way, he sits down on his bed, brushes his teeth, other small stuff, they put the guilty one on crosses, that's what they call a screw-up, you get nine
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crosses, you get punished, each colony has its own hassle, so it's unlikely that this is a tip-off, just beats up good guys, not like them, this one from the thirty-fifth was involved, i think not, well anyway, maybe his buddies were in jail. or maybe both and they are raising him, they are pointing him to apartments, senior mentors have taught him, anything is possible, i need to talk to this daughter of the deceased, only carefully after the funeral, i will talk, she seems to trust me, i will try to be tactful, i am counting on you, okay, come on, it is nice to do business with you, forgive me, can i have some coffee at that table, they denied that they came on the day murders of sorokina, and especially since
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no one saw this isidor, and they very easily confessed to it, i didn’t even force them, and sorokina’s daughter and her husband most likely have nothing to do with it either, zotov, well, sorokina’s son-in-law is characterized positively at work, was not involved, well, there are some minor problems with this case, but who doesn’t have them? where did the neighbor say that he had problems with his mother-in-law. kolya, and who doesn’t have problems with his mother-in-law? well, let’s say he hit his mother-in-law on the head with a candlestick during a quarrel. why kill a dog, why rob? all the same, everything is for him and his daughter will get it, there are no other heirs. yes, they took too much to simulate a robbery. i understand the money, but why bother with the painting, especially since it's yours anyway. it turns out we have nothing concrete. the guys can't leave me alone with one thought: how did they take out the junk, why didn't anyone notice anything? oh, the weather,
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amazing, i'd like to go out into the countryside with a fishing rod now, but we 're like autumners, pure shit, with what kind of fishing rod, oops, oh my god, oh my sunshine, thank you, hello, hello, hello, hello, come with us, let's remember mom, but it's awkward, we seem to be strangers, pashenka, how can you be a stranger, you found her, and you helped her get a hearse for less, let's go, please, we're inviting your friend, let's go, we've cooked a lot, few people have come, mom will be offended, yeah, yeah, the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of heaven,
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let everyone get a drink, oh, she was not an easy person, well , mom was a heavy one, forgive me for everything, and me, and if something was wrong, it was my accident. help yourself, friends, help yourself, please tell her to say something kind about her, never, oh, oh, oh, my god, my god, everything hurts, everything hurts, oh my god, oh, oh, my god, oh my god, thank you,
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what is this? oh my god, we'll probably go, and that's your goal, he loved my grandma so much i'm going, yes honey, may, don't smoke, you promised, i won't, the last thing, he doesn't smoke like the other boys, he even got beaten up for it, otherwise he would have lived and lived with his grandma, so he lived with his grandma, just a week during spring break, she was happier and he... under metal, and then they had to take him away, there are some thugs in the yard, can you show me those thugs? i'm not a snitch, oh, he's not snitch, oh, kitty, you're my kitty, get out of here, get out of the kitchen, you have no business passively smoking among adults, yes, it was kolka from the thirty-fifth with his friend, they probably
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beat him up, no matter. let's move here, i 'll twist their tails. vera vasilievna, do you need potatoes? i have my own, i bought a sack on the cheap. it was the very day i was killed. where did you buy it? in the yard, from a car, from a gazelle. listen, gal, can you sell this to tanya with a tin can? they didn't get any.
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it was free for you through connections, who did you bring? major semenov, central district police, there is no place for a single person in the system, if you are going to continue in the same spirit, you better leave, i have become a victim of police brutality. froze, they will let me go, anyway, you will sit down, and you will sit down for a long time. nevsky, today at 22:20 on ntv. you are super, new season from september 1 at 20:20 on ntv. one purchase, two cashbacks. choose partners by benefit on the website and get double cashback bonuses. when paying with a misber card in the golden apple, emvidio,
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6:15 am
morning, i, tatyana ermilova, will tell you about the weather on the last monday of august. in the far east , kamchatka is freed from nenasti and there it will be up to +20. the south of the mainland will have to endure heavy rains for another day. tomorrow they will weaken and it will warm up to +25. on the contrary, at baikal, today it is quiet and after a cold night the air will warm up to almost +30, tomorrow there will be rain, thunderstorms and a cold snap. the same fate awaits the irkutsk region, a cyclone is approaching it, which today will pass with thunderstorms across the territory from krasnoyarsk to novosibirsk, and here it is no higher than twenty. but the urals are preparing not for autumn, but for summer. today there is still rain in places about tomorrow it will be warmer and sunny. this is a greeting from the anticyclone from the european part. in its central regions they remind us of august only cool nights, but soon they will become warmer. and during the day today in the following days the air intends to warm up to +30° and no
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rain. they will burst in together with the scandinavian cyclone. to the north, in the northwest the wind will increase and there will be more clouds, but there will be no rain. and everywhere, too, it will be warmer than usual. in arkhangelsk and pskov -24. in the south by ... no precipitation during the day, in moscow sunny and hot + 27:29.
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do not load in batches, like potatoes, what is there to plant for, oh, the loss of someone else's property, yes, they used to draw crosses with chalk, now i'm coming from a wake, i see them cutting with a knife, you think you don't know what that means, so we'll charge you with group beating, for biting the police captain, how did we know he was a police captain, and that ordinary citizens can be bitten, yes , we already told you silently yes, that's it,
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yes, georgievich, yeah, okay, i'll take a taxi, bye, uh-huh, listen, i need to go to the station, uh-huh, you can handle it yourself, if i have time, i'll also file a report at the station, come on, yeah, take a bag of potatoes, he asked, glory to him, two bags lucky, suddenly little. one potato, two potatoes, and in russian, once a potato, two potatoes, there was such an oscar-winning american film, so our contribution to the common fund, okay, that's how we work, we can't say words in simplicity, well, let me introduce you to expert kalinin, you know, this is viktor podkopaev, an operative from the neighboring district and an expert, sverdlov, sverdlov, very nice, well, what about it?
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okay, shut up, yeah, so, well, here's a couple, this is the voronensky variety, early, rare, such potatoes are only found in one district of belarus. i conducted, and the database from which the potatoes were sold, by
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it was a technical matter to find this data, our guys calculated it with an invoice, we were lucky, of course, that they brought it only to one base, well, yes, it would be good for us to conduct an examination, georgievich, don’t doubt it, the similarity is visible to the eye, yes, no, conduct an examination anyway , okay, we’ll do it, so, we’ll do it quickly, we ’re free, yes, thank you, comrade kalinin and comrade overthrew. “bye, guys, bye, goodbye, be healthy, well, now everything matches, and what matches for you, georgievich, can you explain, you know, i’ve been wondering from the very beginning at first it seemed strange that the deceased had so many potatoes, she bought them, but why so many, maybe if you are right, a blockade survivor, she is afraid of hunger, she is stocking up beyond measure, then i thought, why aren't the potatoes on the balcony, it's cooler there, they won't turn green, well , i thought that she didn't have time, she let traders into the apartment, well, with the price, they probably
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tempted her, that's right, georgyevich, at the wake it turned out that that morning there was a gazelle with potatoes, cheap ones, so she opened the apartment to the murderers, let them in under the guise of traders, it turns out that they killed the old woman, they poured out the potatoes, the loot into sacks and screwed them off, that's what you grab on the lita, yes, and at the wake the neighbor said, they didn't sell the potatoes to someone, but they themselves had a full car. and why did they take this particular apartment? and what is a random hit? well , i don't know that, but while you were shaking down the salons, i started calling my colleagues, i got in touch with viktor, the neighbors had two similar cases, on the potatoes we...
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i interrogated them one by one, famin was stubborn, and shilov cracked, their cousin taught them this cross, famin, sashka, yeah, nickname at his name is sergei, nickname fama, as i understood it, he was still a minor, and then two more stints in the zone, robbery with serious crimes, and shilov swore that they were not informers, yeah, or maybe the kid was ripped off, and they were informers in fact, and fama pinned the old man, the one who tipped him off was... who had been in the apartment, and the boys were unlikely to have been in the old woman's house, wait, i finally got him to confess, well, he confessed, sashka bragged that his brother would take him into his brigade if he would supply the addresses of rich old men, but the crosses are not connected with robbery, here i believe shilov one hundred percent, in sorokin's apartment they were, when her grandson lived there on vacation, they put him on crosses,
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sasha simply bragged later that he would rent out these mansions, there's no reason for an old woman to have so much stuff, but i let shilov go, started to put pressure on sasha. but i'll be only glad if you replace our guys at the base, well, we'll have a drink, oh, another conversation, conversation. well, the workers, where did they hire such people, they load for 2 minutes, then rest for an hour, a woman would feel sorry for them, her head is splitting after a banquet, yeah, there are only alcoholics around, suddenly they don't come today, no
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caw, you've already cawed one corpse. they'll arrive, that means tomorrow we'll sit in ambush, it'll be fun with you, but i can't tomorrow, i have a plot of land, after all, how many acres, a lot, someone's driving, but not a gazelle, a sable, got it, oh, hi, great, great, how's it going, how's it going?
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let's go, old man, help me out, have a smoke, no, come on, help me out, brother, come on, no, he doesn't smoke, come on, look for him. famin, what about you, man, the police have their hands bald, drive, stop, shoot at the wheels, get out of here, stand, stand, hold this one,
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alive, alive, alive. what's taking so long? it wouldn't start, i see. this is for the filthy cops, and this is for our comrade, you're lucky you're a filthy shooter, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten up,
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bon'ka, get up, pasha, hold on, hold on, hold on, well, how will he live, so be careful, we're not loading a sack of potatoes, that's right , not a sack of potatoes, pasha, come on, save your strength, we'll visit you, your little pile , come on, come on, dear, with those idiots i called, the car broke down again, why mess around with them, load everything up with the potatoes, yeah, come on, yeah, get moving, wait, captain, and now tell me, my hearty friend, who after all, he's a tip-off guy at the pensioner's apartment, and what difference does it make to you,
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come on, listen, he's asking you politely, so answer, yeah, or is it impolite to ask you, this is his brother, sashka, shut your mouth, pelmeni, quiet, that's thieves' honor, yes thieves' romance, the boy didn't rat you out, he should have kept quiet like a partisan, and you freaks are ruining his life, you could say you've already ruined it, and for what, what's the dog for, what did she do, she barked so loudly, you're about to... start barking yourself, bitch, it's all him , he's the one who taught the dog, he's the one who invented it back in the zone, in the zone, okay, load, my ears are already hurting, and i can't drink now, so. well, you disguised yourself, you couldn't find another place, oh, georgyevich, again in your jacket, like a potato in its jacket, a potato in its jacket
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retains all its vitamins, georgievich, very nice to meet you, so, did you accidentally show up with material evidence, there's a ton of this material evidence, oh, svetochka, forgive me, please, forgive me, come on, i'm not from the izmol institute for noble maidens, you're my attending nurse, svet, well, how about... penetrating wound of soft tissue of the forearm, compatible with life, oh, our man, eh, unite the potato, we should put up a monument to it in its skin, i'm for it, and i'm for it, thanks to this potato, they got such a thing going, and i, they put up the letters yo, they also put up a processed cheese, and they also put up a chizhik-plyzhik, who bought it at fontanka, they also put up a monument, and how is the potato worse, especially since it's in its skin, i give,
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we wish you the best morning, next in the program. we clarify the details of the emergency. we learn the alphabet of gestures together with the first program. on ntv the program emergency in valery's studio gavrilovskaya. moscow police dog handlers and forensic experts have revealed the secrets of solving high-profile crimes and admitted that sometimes the lion's share of victories belongs not to them at all, but to their four-legged partners. the last seconds of freedom of a suspect in a robbery attack on a store, according to a training scenario, the criminal tries to escape in a car and makes a fatal mistake. caused a fuss, this is about her.

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