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tv   Pyos-5  NTV  August 26, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm MSK

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your dog was meowing, listen, i really heard it, like you, you're not meowing, you're still here, i didn't get it, so i 'm not in a hurry, lyosha, i have a day off tomorrow, no, you're in a hurry to go home and sleep on the couch alone, yeah, i totally forgot, it's time for me to sleep alone, thank you very much, lyosha, yeah, i haven't told you this in so long, yeah, yeah, it's probably time, you bastard, lyosha, bye, link, thank you, bye, maybe now you'll take care of my wounds, and you're also sleeping on the couch alone today, why? well, maybe this will stop your jealousy attacks.
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no more drugs, ever, only alcohol.
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why are you looking at me, you don't drink coffee, only for people, got it, what is this, tell me, whose is this, have you decided to be on the outside and on the inside now, huh? stop, fuck, i need
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to make a sweater out of you, well, when you kick the bucket, at least your memory will remain, i don't know, i'll hang you on the wall, come here, we'll scratch each other, then i'll take you away. are you ashamed or something? yes, doc student and yes, angelsmi, wait, wait, vacant, well, tell me at least once that you someone was born among us, not died, and you can't make me happy, no, no, no, no, don't even tell me, this, just send me a text message, i won't remember it anyway, send me the address , that's it, soon. let's go, let's say bye-bye, i don't
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understand, are you stuck, or something, where? aren't you strong enough to even bark? you know who to practice your talents on in the evening, we'll finish with the examination now and we can take the body, no, this is too much, well, lemonitov, this is too much, kiss the best detective in town, investigate a homeless person's showdown, thank you igor, you're talking about me, i hope, but what does this have to do with you, well, what does it have to do with it?
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the hit was deliberate, as was the control shot to the head, well, yes, who needs it, who needs to run over a homeless person with a car, igor, and you saw a homeless person with a kalashnikov a long time ago, and he stole it, from whom, from his comrades, comrades, from a homeless shelter, probably, well, there are some , yeah, yeah, stop, give it, give
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it, give it, give it, run, run, i'll show you a master class, you'll all still shit your pants, what do you need, we're with the police. will you tell me something about your friend who was killed next door or not? there's a weirdo in your friend, listen, you haven't gotten a knitted hat for a long time, and you're sleeping on a suit, please forgive my friend, he just
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got up on the wrong side of the bed and started with the wrong phrase, it happens, here's for moral damages. that'll do, i can grab a bottle, well, you don't have a bottle, rip it off, enjoy your meal, forgive me for bothering you, but where is the one about the murdered man, at least give it to me, the one who was finished off, he recently showed up, he was a stranger, he didn't sign up for the group, he slept separately, and where did he sleep, over there in the corner, well, for the requiem, come on?
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so, is it you, lesha, who got into a fight, in you're digging in the trash, by the way, i'm no worse than you, i just think lenka won't scold you, no, look, our homeless guy is getting richer, cigars. i'll tell you more, he still has a car, and maybe he even lived in it, no, lyoshenka, he still has an apartment, what kind of homeless guy is he now, suddenly he's not registered there, option, petty, gentlemen, hello,
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do you by any chance have a smoke, the swill you got was really strong, will you treat me, help yourself. i beg you, that's it, excuse me, thank you, well, basically, it's cool, ah... but be careful, suddenly it's also strong, allow me, i saw the devil, zavoristye again. recognized as the best by independent experts, free credit savings card forever,
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open a free sber-business card, connect to the sberbusiness loyalty program. thank you. and get 10% cashback bonuses for card purchases. sberbusiness. for a successful rich beautiful widow, a new romance ended in a painful death. my mother had a fractured skull, the bones of the skull went straight into the brain, she swallowed. oh, he beat her from behind with a barbell. the beauty queen and mother of two children was found in one of her st. petersburg apartments. mom did not answer the phone, grandfather decided to come to her, saw a pool of blood on the floor across the entire corridor, that even the parquet was swollen. the woman's lover was detained, the man who called himself a businessman from germany turned out to have served time a criminal. they were together for about 2 years,
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his mother only said good things about him. after this whole situation, it turned out that. in the 2000s, he was already in prison for murder, for which he beat his lover with a dumbbell, maybe he was in a state of passion, maybe she said something to him, once we were relaxing in a club, he said, if you leave me, i will kill you, this is beyond the pale, today at 16:45 on ntv. zakharov's car is here, which means he is in the office. watch the main entrance, i will watch the spare, yes, boss, and this is something else, behind the bush, that they didn't recognize me, and i was being cocky, i
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was being cocky, that i was the best. the best self-camouflager in the world, now you're justifying the name of the gnezdilovs, zakharov is coming , we're standing, well, don't show up for now, losers, and i'll quietly follow him, a nest on wheels, stay put, don't interfere. what, lyosha, lyosha, i'll just get it, come on.
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that's it, use my cover, it seems like a bush is following us. a bush can't drive on its own along the road, check it out. oops, max, max, i think they've exposed me, that's it, i'm escaping the chase.
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no one, he, burn the car, let's go, get away from bushes, i mean from the car, the police, so what, well what, get rid of him.
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he repeats after me, imagine. well, at least pay more attention, that i'm no worse, well done, well done, get up, and what do you want from me anyway, quiet, my lawyer is coming now, oh-oh, i'm a lawyer, i eat packs for breakfast, the phantom of the opera, he's not here, come on... fuck you, you bastard, or else you'll strangle him, igor, it's fun you have a kindergarten for morons here, this morning your employee was shot, moser.
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what's the signature, whose signature? the killer, nicknamed parabelo, or so you know him, yes, it turns out, maybe give me his phone number, why bother, give me his address right away and you can go home. okay, don't take it as impudence, maybe you know the customer, i don't know this one, i don't know him yet, he killed my man without permission, without permission, don't leave the city, go home. he 's still watching, i wonder how the dog got into the car so quickly? it's just that he's the world champion in straight hair, lyosha, oh, and i'm just calling you, yeah,
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and i'm not taking myself into account, for sure, i'll throw it off, it's because i hid so fucking well, and what they didn't find me, moreover, igor, i still haven't found you. max, max, open up, come on max, i can't open up from the inside myself, max, he'll definitely come here, and where will he go, lyosha, sooner or later. that this isn't an ambush, this is some kind of surveillance, i
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noticed your cop mugs a kilometer away, apsa, two, i wasn't scared, and what did you do, i'm warming up before the rain, before hide-and-seek, come on, show us some class, come on? so you know, no one except gnezdilov knows how to hide, like me, what? i'm afraid that gnezdilov might ruin something, don't be afraid, lyosha. eh, hello, what kind of idiotic jokes are these? max, lyosha,
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pay attention to the screen, i see, i see. who's the customer? if i tell you, i'll be free to go. no , well, lyosha, you can come out. the sniper
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's working. hide. i'd like to kill. if there were three corpses, i think they were shooting. he... the roof. eh, eh, or stop. or just stand here. i'll look in the car. come on, are the keys to the apartment or something. eh, guests come in the morning. that's smart. it's not morning yet, but we'll go in anyway. igor. call the hearse. eh, huh?
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wow, that's interesting. the girls are dancing. eh, now. it's clear why he has such a nickname, yes, lyosh, it's a whole museum, oh, what do you think, why do these killers shoot at each other, i don't know, lyosh, we'll figure it out somehow , why did they run away, how did they run with this, maximo, bastard, cattle, scum, khandykhukh, igor, you wanted to say something, and svays has control, and what does that mean, in german, welcome, and do you know, igor? with
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your screams you scared the suspect to death, well, i was scared too, i almost shit myself there, and almost, now, now the floor is given to the people, they helped us get out, what nonsense, solgazin, so where is igor's bathroom, there? igor, oh, wow, igor, i made a mistake, lesha, look what you're telling me, that this is the next victim, maybe the numbers on the back,
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well, wait. that's it, igor, wear it, it seems to me, this is parabeluma's grandfather, the helmet told you, yeah, don't mix it up at sea, oh well. what are you doing, i'll crush you, an attack by an employee, not good, igor filippov, come on, don't be offended, you're a new person, you've only been in moscow for a short time, you don't know our realities, vitaly kishchenko, he thinks he outplayed me, he thinks i have no moves, cretin, lukeria ilyashenko, who are you, mr. sub, ivan kolesnikov, i work within the legal framework.
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a little stretched, of course, but still within the framework. tverskaya. today at 20:00 on ntv. nevsky, new season, coming soon to ntv. and why did you give tsypkin a 30% cashback, but not me? well , when you bought the phone, there was no such promotion. and who is tsypkin? they didn't even recognize you. but i have cashback. but they recognized me. 30% cashback smartphones of all brands in mts ecosystem stores. smartphones are for mts. what are the names of everyday products at low prices prices. goods in great demand. buy on ozon. svetokopi office paper for 289 rubles. yura, could you teach pixel to bring something useful? rubles, or what? vtb debit card brings us rubles. cashback up to 25% in rubles.
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can't cope without me anyway, thanks to camouflage and contraception, you'll never see me. yes, yes, yes, by the way, about that, where are you anyway, what are you saying, speak louder, i can't hear you, something is buzzing in your head, and this is buzzing in mine, thank god.
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sent a photo of the car, please run the number, yeah, already in progress, a little faster, don't pressure me, don't pressure me, the car is registered to klimov konstantin, this is the banker you 're following, listen, is there a gps tracker on it by any chance, right now, and you're lucky today, huh. well, let's talk, who placed the order on me?
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i'll ask again, who placed the order on me? we are infinitely humane people, but there's a limit to everything. for starters, we'll... your kneecaps, and if that doesn't help you, we'll drill something else. well, freaks, goten morgen, mines in klyar, what does that mean? it means, surrender, in french, sub-police. where did these homeless people come from? throw him out from here. and i'm not a bum, i'm a sub-police. wait, don't turn me around impolitely , turn me towards this naked one, towards that one. well, shall we continue? no need! i beg your pardon. this is torture, and you could at least hang a sign,
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i'm walking around looking for you, is this a public thoroughfare , throw this one out of here, my dear, i'll probably stand. listen, we can come to an agreement, okay, we're not criminals, we just did your job, this guy is a hired killer, he wanted to kill me, let's do it this way, either you tell everything now, or here guys, oh my god, you oh my god, they'll continue the circle, softened hands, sore legs, how good, that's good, circle, i'll tell you, here are the homeless and the parabel, you
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killed, why do i need this, there was no order for them, and i don't work for free, you had an order for me, everyone had one, the customer arranged an auction, whoever kills the banker will get the money, i wonder, girls, the beach, that is, because of him the killer arranged the massacre, well yes, he cleaned it up with the parabel, and someone else cleaned it up, and you, and i no, no, people, give me a break, people, thank you, the person who ordered it, no one knows, listen, leave me with him for 5 minutes, then you'll take what's left of him, well
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, the main thing is that you can put the handcuffs on something, everything, yeah, wait, i 'll tell you everything, i'll hand everyone over, but not here, only in exchange for security guarantees, look how he kills people, it's not scary, here comes the crunch, untie him, oh, hello,
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warming up my ass, no, only mine, here the detainee is traveling with us, come on, i won't go with him, but i will, you won't go either, what's the matter, are you scared or does it smell like there's some kind of problem, but he refuses to go, no, well there is also a hearse, you yourself said that it is too early for you, we agreed on security guarantees, no problem. "my car is armored, ride in it, well , go ahead, blow, come on, thank you, come on faster, move away, dog, climb, you, take your feet off, wait, so i don't understand, are we meeting in vodele or somewhere, do you have any other options, a resident since childhood." the moscow region is tormented by the question of why she is not at all
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like her relatives? i was always darker, had a different temperament, she was often told that she was of a different nationality, the mother of a woman fears that 42 years ago her child was switched, she gave birth and did not see, because i was blind, it turns out that if after the birth they brought you another child, you would not suspect anything, of course not, here the woman's daughter admits that the grandmother simply does not want to admit to betrayal, could yours in that case? this question, maybe they simply switched a dead child with an abandoned one, could it be that maria simply has a different father? this question is not even considered, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv, what are you
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task, take a loan on the website or in the mobile application compare. this is a meeting place on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear, let's understand what's going on, this is a conspiracy, of course this is a conspiracy, we have an expert on cats, you are some kind of damn wrong, a greedy rooster pecked us, what guys, back up, that's how it turns out relations with the west, has the west really rotted, what happened in the world that all these people stopped. shy. meeting place, new season. every time kamela harris shakes hands with joe biden, she actually checks his pulse to be surprised upset that he is still. alive today at 2:00 pm on ntv. that's it,
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you can take it out, bankers. darin, maximov, how did it go? everything is in order, now the main thing is that everything starts to laugh. the death of a banker, yes, the journalist on television has already been informed, well then everything is according to plan, leonidov is with you, no, well in a safe place,
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yeah, great, so he won't look for adventures even if he wants to, wait a second, lyosha, i didn't want to, honestly, lenka will make me, patience now, my friend, yes, and what, didn't sdilov interfere with my operation? no, listen, do you even know how amazing it is, how unusual it is when no one is in the way, listen, you could have checked him on the cameras, but of course i don't care, the dog is worried.
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how did it go, i completed the order, is everyone already trumpeting on tv that he's chopping off benky? so it's time to pay up and run off in different directions side, why did you drag this scarecrow here? and i thought, we can pass him off as a killer, put a gun in this clown's hand, finish him off and all in the end in the water, hmm, good idea, we can buy time, oops, oops, it's your blunder, until you clean up you won't get the money. max,
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max, aggressively minded people are following me, i think they see me, the beach is probably broken, zoshmi, it's going to be a little loud now, calm down, boss, delivery service, who are you, come on... you made an order, well, well, the banker is ready, i here's the bill, you said that you got rid of the banker, he's lying, i don't know which of you is lying, but whoever survives will get the money, yeah, i'm dead, i'm off, take this guy in the hat alive or dead. don't let him get away, what's wrong
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with him, he's probably crazy, damn, got caught, apparently violent, who are you, what difference does it make to you, it's history in the world. you'll regret this, get in line, my dear, let's shoot him, i just said, take him alive, you'll get him.
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who are you working for? chupe, a private entrepreneur, and i thought i got rid of everyone competitors, no, well, you're taller, you're the only one left, where are you, well, shoot, have you gone crazy, or what, cartridges, dear, i congratulate you, yeah, can you take your well-deserved prize? well, let's go, the monkey is ready, so you're trash, ugh, i preferred
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a policeman or a touch major. in extreme cases, well, then i give up, well, come on , i used to do karate, i'll show you my favorite move, is it really deadly, wow, deadly for whom?
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i already said it, i don't care, i 'll drag it in my teeth, oh, you can think of it, i've done it 100 times
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i've already done it, better help me get out of here, oh, get out of here, i can handle it without you, oh, stuck , don't put it on, there's no point in rejoicing, musa, policeman, the banker is dead, and you have nothing on me, it's a shame to upset you here, the banker is alive, it was a setup, and did you figure it out?
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unfortunately, it's a bit late, yeah, listen, let 's do it this way, you let me go, and i'll hand over all the killers i know, if you don't hand them over, why didn't i take the ammo ? what are you going to hit? no, i want to thank you. i wonder what this is, what is this? well, because you didn't let leonidov under the field,
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of course, always, please, but you also don't forget that... and what man is he trying for you? well, i like him the way he is, i don't want to be afraid that my husband will be killed, like it happened with you, lenochka, we have a problem with... it was completely different, that's it, that 's it. hands up, oh, got scared, didn't notice me, magician, sorcerer, wizard, it's because i'm a master at hiding until the panda, listen, igor,
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can you hide so that i'll look for you, a year and a half, easy, just give me a wave get out, they stuck me in the very bottom, rip me off, please, you say, i'm not on this topic, of course, but i know some masters, they 'll do it with pleasure, yeah, you 've thought of something, what do you mean, sign, bitch!
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oy, oy, what are you talking about, what do you think, are we going to eat raw meat? you're not hannibals, you're men, well, give me some, no, no!
1:00 pm
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