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tv   Za granyu  NTV  August 26, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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me forever tbank - it is the only one, one purchase, and two cashbacks, choose partners by benefit on the website and get double cashback bonuses, when paying with a misbera card in the golden apple, emvidio, lenta, scooter, megamarket and other partners, more profitable with a subscription sberim. zagra! the winner of the beauty contest, the mother of two children lay for almost a day with a fractured skull, choking on her own blood, it was not possible to save the woman, in the studio is the daughter of the murdered alina mironova. alina, please accept our condolences, we all sympathize very much your grief, thank you, how are you feeling? i feel a little better now, but it 's awful. since you saw mom alive,
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the last time i saw mom alive was at her man's birthday party on july 27, we all went on a boat ride together, ate pizza, sushi, everything was great, as usual, fun, but then i went to the country with my boyfriend, my younger brother went to grandma's, and mom went home with her boyfriend, the next morning mom was gone, who was the first to know about the tragedy? my grandfather, mom didn't answer the phone, everyone got worried, grandpa decided to come to her apartment, when he came in, he saw mom on the floor without clothes in a pool of blood, at first he thought she was dead, started running around the neighbors, calling everyone, screaming, no one opened the door for him, later it soon turned out that she was in a coma, she was alive at that time, yes, she was unconscious, with very serious injuries, a nightmare, when... grandpa
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came to your mom's apartment, was the apartment open? no, it was locked from the outside, grandpa had his keys, he opened it, went in and saw his daughter in such a state. in what was your mother lying in the room? my mother was lying in the hallway right by the door. when i entered the apartment, my grandfather arrived, called, when my grandmother, my boyfriend and i entered the apartment, i didn't see my mother, only a huge blood stain, all over the hallway... even the parquet floor was swollen and can't be washed off now, and what did your grandfather say? my mother was lying on her back, and her head was turned away, according to my grandfather, the blood was only coming from her head, there were no injuries on her body, later the doctors said that her man had a goal to kill her, that he hit her from behind with a dumbbell bar, not with his hands, a nightmare, and how quickly your grandfather called an ambulance when he discovered your mother's body, you said: he started running
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around the neighbors, he called an ambulance, then ran to the neighbors, because at first he thought that that was it, she was already dead, what is this, and how did he manage to understand that she was alive, still, when the doctors arrived, they checked her pulse, they said that it was weak, but there, and that she was just, well, in a daze, she lay in that state for about a day, my brother knows about that happened to mom, unfortunately, yes, how old is he, eight? my paternal grandmother told him and told him in great detail, i don't know why she did it, because my mom's mom and i suggested saying that mom fell, hit herself, but we didn't have time, how does he feel, how did he react to it? he still doesn't believe it, he goes to a psychologist , the psychologist says that for now it's difficult at all, he will always wait for mom, and also this funeral was held in a closed coffin, that
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is, he didn't even see mom, and even i can't i still can't believe she's gone, but tell me, is it known how long mom lay there without help, well, according to the neighbors, screams were heard somewhere around 10:00 in the morning, and grandpa came at 10:11 the next day, well, about a day, and what injuries did your mom have? my mom had a fractured skull where it connects to the neck, on one of her... her eye vessels were torn there, her jaw and ear were crushed, that is, the doctors said that even if she managed to come out of the coma, she would never be the same again. and is it known how many blows he inflicted on her? somewhere five or six, that is, she had already fallen, was unconscious, he continued to beat her. horror, how long did the doctors fight for your mother's life? 4 days. for 3 days the condition was consistently bad, on the fourth day it began to worsen, and on the evening of august 1 my mother died. do you know what
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actions the doctors took? yes, the doctors sort of transferred her to a ventilator, because due to the fact that she lay for a very long time, she developed blood poisoning. the lung began to deflate, that is, blood got into her lung, into the lung, she swallowed her own blood, oh, alexey, what does the presence of blood in the lungs indicate, these were such strong blows, strong blows, yes, a fractured skull, there, the spine, a rupture of internal organs, everything gets inside, the bones of the brain, the bones of the skull went straight into the brain, what a nightmare, and was there a chance of survival with such injuries? it is practically unrealistic, yes, there are people who survive for a very long time, they lie unconscious, in a coma, connected to a machine, to an artificial one, there breathing, but the person is already insane, it will already be painful, it is very, very serious, when with
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head injuries are associated with such, alina, are you sure that the guilty one is mom's cohabitant, yes, i'm absolutely sure of that, because i think if they were robbers... they wouldn't have been able to close the door from the outside, also, when he left, he stole her things, he stole a tablet, a phone, car keys, car documents, but the gold and mom's money didn't disappear, it's strange, i think he just did it and just went home, also when i came, i saw degreaser in the trash can , wiped traces of blood on the sofa, that is, maybe maybe he hit her and... carried this vulture somewhere around the apartment, do you think he was also trying to cover up some traces? yes, maybe he was trying to erase his fingerprints? he could stage, say, an accident, yes, that we were accidentally walking, something happened, she slipped, got out of the shower and hit herself, yes, as a result of which
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such injuries occurred, he took actions, aimed at hiding the traces of the crime and talking about the fact that the crime was, well, let's say, less... serious, or maybe he really tried to stage a robbery, since he took the bag for something killed, maybe, but then the question arises, why close the door, for what purposes, if you stage a robbery, yes, the people who came, took everything out of the apartment, carefully cleaned up, closed the door and left, that is, well, taking into account that there are victims, but i don’t believe in this, most likely no, he already understood what happened, and accordingly, he began to save himself and perform certain actions so that...
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here specifically there was some kind of conflict in my understanding, that's how i think, something enraged him, and he really spontaneously, he realized that he wanted to do it, he knows where the dumbbells are, he went up to her, applied the obstructions that just led to such a fatal outcome. alina, but really the day before nothing foreshadowed trouble, they did not quarrel, did not conflict, no at all, it was just a shock for all of us, because ... they were together somewhere around 2 years throughout this time mom said only good things about him, he helped to make repairs in the kitchen, in the hallway, helped mom there get somewhere, support her in something, she was a model, he supported her in
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everything, helped her, he didn’t even raise his voice at her, what’s there in general, and how did he and my mother meet, they met, i think, in a cafe, they were introduced by a mutual friend, when i saw... his first time, he walked her home, i thought, well, some tattooed guy, just, that is , there was no attention to him, i asked my mother who it was, she said, well, just a friend, then he began to often walk her there, pick her up, and i already understood that they started dating, you and your brother approved of your mother's choice, yes, because when she met him, she started to dress nicely, put on brighter makeup, her hair... nails, as if she blossomed like that, because a man appeared again, her support, her protection, because my dad died, her husband, with whom they lived together for a very long time, and i was happy for her, that she had a man who gives her
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a break, with whom she feels good, and what happened to your dad, he died of coronavirus in 2021, i sympathize with you, thank you, and how was he? he treated you, your little brother, he helped him with his homework, met him from school, he told me right away that i know that i will not replace your father, but i will try to be a good stepfather. my brother liked him, he bought him some phones, toys, gave me flowers, that is, well, you can really say, he was a good stepfather. alina, did your mother love this man? no, she said that she just liked him, she liked him, but she said that she would probably never be able to love him again in my life. but you really you paint a portrait of some very good person who treated you well, her, cared for her, but did they never... quarrel, well, there was a moment, that he constantly called my mother when they did not
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see each other, he cried on the phone to her, i can't, without you, i miss you, although they could have seen each other a couple of hours ago, he loved her very much, yes, but it was some kind of sick love, in my opinion, and he did not constantly live with you, no, he usually came on weekends, and what did he generally tell about himself, in general he said so much, but now of course it turned out that it wasn't true, he said that he... was a millionaire, that he had some kind of business, that he was the owner of something, that he had three ex-wives, three daughters, one lives in germany, he said that she was supposedly his own daughter, and that he was sending her some money there, it's just that after this whole situation it turned out that in the 2000s he had already been in prison for murder, for murder, for intentionally killing a person, but he was released early, he was released after 3 years, changed...
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this is such a naivety, you know, some people have even the most hardened criminals, that now i will change everything, they will not find me, no, anna, and how at the very beginning of a relationship can a woman understand what kind of man she brings into the house, whether he tells the truth about himself, whether he ever changed his last name, whether he had another secret biography, how to figure all this out, are there any signs, oh, you know, in fact, if we are now talking about a certain personality, let's call it that, such a dominant manipulator, and of course at ... this moment, unless the woman is very deeply intuitive understands that something is wrong here, too
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beautiful a story, in general in life, probably, not everything is so smooth, but again, if a person has a need to be protected, accordingly, this person is a manipulator, he is looking for his victim, of course, to figure out the whole reality, and it is absolutely impossible, moreover, that even if most likely she would find out, it is unlikely that she would move away from this, because he would definitely absolutely convince that this is all only the last time, that this cannot be, and that all the others were, but you are the only one, unique, but if we talk about bells, alina's mother was very tense about excessive attention, constant calls, this is a sign of this type of personality, or , on the contrary, this is care, the fact of the matter is that endless control, the absence of normal human freedom and the presence of boundaries, a person, especially at the initial stage, confuses pathological behavior with care, in fact, there are many such cases, situations
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when women come and literally describe all this, and say: i, i was sure in that he cares about me so much, especially those who had a deficit in this, therefore, of course, the endless presence of calls is the presence of control, it is obvious that the person wanted to keep everything under control, this is where attention is, when he loses control, he experiences excessive fear, this is where his, as if, state sets in. he needs to always keep everything under control, where, when, what, this manic story that accumulates in such people literally leads to paranoia, they are so love respect really sincerely their victim, that it seems there, it is care, it seems there is love, it seems that it is impossible, this is the best picture literally, therefore it is very difficult to diagnose at the initial stage, especially if a person has... his own failure of the need for what he gives, that is, there, well, in a word, manipulation, well, that is
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, a certain type of women becomes the victims of such men, with certain character traits, with a certain biography, and what character traits do these women have who fall for the bait, this is the woman who did not receive, for example, recognition from her own father or mother, this is the woman who feels her imperfection all the time wants to show this perfection and prove, this is... a woman who literally buys recognition, well, that is, buys , of course, i say this figuratively, when she is needed, this is the woman who really needs to be needed, who... really needs to be cared for, the one who, yes, and the one who also lives somewhere in an illusory world, because here it is necessary it should be noted that these dominants are manipulators, they manipulate personal relationships, sexual life, finances, there is a complete absence of boundaries, both mental, physical, spiritual, and partly for women too, she
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lives in this illusory world, i want to add that in my practice i had to deal with such... categories, marriage swindlers who prepare for this in advance, there are such, such rapper points and acquaintances, a woman and a man there at work, on the street, or a friend introduced them and says: listen, there's a girl there, she's about to inherit, or let's deceive her again, there are five or six apartments, there are a lot of them now, men are getting married, showing love, sometimes, like here, she's terrible... they give flowers, i had to talk to the suspect, they said, i even borrowed money to give her jewelry, to show how much i love her, this obsession, excessive obsession, well and then one fine day he finds out that the system of these promising lines has broken down, or she says: i won't give you mine inheritance from grandma or everything we acquired
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there together, then they commit, as a rule , a crime, but here it seems to me, this is the category of... swindlers, he cleaned up his biography, he did not say that he had a previous conviction, because honest men, they say, i was prosecuted, excuse me, know, but it was i who stepped there or in some form committed a traffic accident or did something in the heat of the moment, please, no need, i am good now, i realized, and others say: no, mine is clean, i was a millionaire, we equal to you, he is preparing for a crime,
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but i have seen him twice in my life, so once i just met him on the street, and once he came to pick up his mother. alina, what do you think could have happened between your mother and this person? i think that indeed, maybe it was jealousy, or either jealousy, or that she simply told him there at the moment: i don’t love you there, you are annoying to start getting ready, because she needed to pick up her brother to go that day.
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watch their unique skills right in our studio. what is this claudia shifer? i 'm going to do shows here. and you know that there are a lot of people in the world who call themselves michael jackson doubles. i don't want to become a double, i want to continue the work of michael jackson. you are 10 years old, you have a brokerage account, you have 165,000 rubles, you are a two-time world champion in jiu jitsu and a physicist, goodbye, no, no, we are not yet finished, and we haven't finished yet, it's like some kind of cutlet mixed up, let your mom try, let dad try, i don't feel sorry for dad, yes, i'm afraid, don't be afraid, for the first time in the show miracle, the group uma turman on drums. help on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. beyond the pale, this is beyond
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the pale, a broken jaw, a fractured skull, and even the parquet floor is swollen with blood, a father found his beautiful daughter dying on the floor of her own apartment. alina, how soon was this man detained? he was detained the next morning at his home in peterhof. now he is in a pre-trial detention center, did he admit his guilt? yes, i was told that he admitted his guilt, and he said that he saw some message on the phone and took her things because... he grabbed them in a panic. we have an official comment from the investigative committee. the investigative department for primorsky district, main investigative directorate of the investigative committee of russia for the city of st. petersburg is investigating a criminal case, on the grounds of a crime under part four of article 111 of the criminal code of the russian federation, intentional causing serious bodily harm, which resulted in the death of the victim through negligence. the investigation established that on july 29, in
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the apartment, the attacker, out of jealousy, struck his forty-two-year-old common-law wife multiple times on the head with his fists, causing bodily harm, the victim was taken to the hospital, where she died from her injuries on august 1. nikolay, how can you comment? all the circumstances were still unknown, but again, multiple blows indicate that at least harm to health, yes, intent was already there cause, that is, to say that it is spontaneous, yes, that is, excuse me, there was some kind of accident, it is definitely no longer possible, this indicates that the person... deliberately, at least pursued the goal of causing bodily harm, which subsequently happened, if we still talk about what they tell us here about punches, yes, then there is information that there is still an object that was used, accordingly, the intent outgrows, or anger grows, he cannot control himself, or he already understands that he crossed some line, respectively, and commit certain actions, that is, well here again, depending on how
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the expert already qualifies, yes, what... to say, that is, about the direction of intent, at least for those bodily injuries that are caused, but speaking about the fact that an object is still used, that is , there can be no talk of carelessness here, but in the official commentary we heard that this happened because of jealousy, nikolai, and are there any statistics at all on how often jealousy becomes a motive for murder, for crimes, this is one of the common motives precisely mutual.
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i just as a friend who introduced them, as i learned from him, what he said, that a week before this unfortunate incident, he called and said, someone writes to her there, she is so beautiful there, she goes somewhere there, she just went to work in a new place, so he called all week, said that he does not know what to do, tried to give gifts, so that something like that, but this also confused me, why a friend, if here... did not warn. one of the friends of the detainee talked to mom, why didn't he call her, she doesn't believe that he could attack his beloved woman, denis petrov is in the studio. hello, denis, hello, how did you find out that your friend was detained? an acquaintance wrote to me, sent me the news, i was shocked, well, that's not to say anything, well, i could never have thought that he could do something like that. firstly, he
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loved this. woman, secondly, he was a very non-confrontational person, even when we met together in the evening, well, in some establishments, in pubs, when we were provoked to some conflict or... cancer, but he always tactfully and somehow gently avoided these topics, so as not to, well, not to provoke further resolution of the conflict? yes, yes, yes, but he was a very peace-loving person, you communicated with the deceased, well, we communicated very rarely, mostly, well, hello, bye, when they were together, somewhere in establishments, here we crossed paths, they were having a great time, walking and having fun, how they behaved towards each other, very cheerfully, well... they loved each other, their eyes were shining, well, like an ordinary happy couple, were you at the funeral? no, i wasn't, you have a murdered daughter in front of you, alina, please accept my condolences, of course, my words, they won't cover up
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this pain of loss - your loved one, this is the dearest person, and i apologize for my friend, thank you, but don't apologize, at first i myself didn't believe that he could do such a thing, some kind of effect, maybe she told him something like that, maybe she wanted to leave him, well , that is, you assume that she provoked him, well, an absolutely adequate person can't a person who is calm by nature, without
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showing any aggression, just in one second, like this, with a snap of his fingers , turn into some kind of ruthless killer, and you know in what state alena's mother was found, yes, but her father found her. her own poor dad, who well, saw his own daughter, simply tortured, mutilated in a pool of blood, well, it's unbearable, you said it right, tortured, and you think that such terrible injuries could be inflicted in a state of affect, something was a trigger point that drove the man out of himself, he for a long, long time maybe he endured, nina, here we can talk about a state of affect in general, in this situation, no, i don’t think so, it’s... friend, that’s right, and was he married before at all, what was your friend’s social status? well , he told me that he had previous marriages, he had three wives, three girls, daughters, but he only told me, or did you live during this time, how long have you
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known him in general? no, we met about a year and a half ago, and we started communicating, if we return to this story at all, to the question of a state of affect, then at the very beginning conversation alina said: that there was a conflict, that is, there was a conflict, and the neighbors heard, that's right, that is, if the neighbors heard, then there really was a conflict, there was some kind of situation that made the man angry, and i'm still inclined to think that the woman really suggested, most likely, to break up, we have the opportunity to see the apartment in which the poor woman choked with blood for almost a day. her parents' apartment was always the embodiment of warmth and comfort for her, - says eighteen-year-old alina mironova, and now it has become the site of a brutal massacre of her mother. the girl shows where her grandfather
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found his daughter unconscious in a pool of blood? i say from his words, when he came here, he saw his mother lying naked on the floor, her head was turned away, this is where her head was lying, it was turned away. here her hair was stuck to the floor, and here were her feet, alina herself crossed the threshold of the apartment when her mother was already in intensive care. from the tracks that i saw when i first entered, here the trace was from sitting feet, and then she was lying, i think she fell first, well sat down, sort of, and then he finished her off when she was lying there, there used to be another carpet here, but it... it was all covered in blood, there are still blood stains here, they soaked into everything, everything was covered here, right here to that end, mom lost a lot of blood. then, the bloody traces led alina from
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the hallway to her brother's mom's room. when we came to the apartment, they looked about the same, and i found them in the trash can degreaser, i believe that the killer tried to hide the traces, i think that... these are drops from the bar of the dumbbell, which he, and then put back where he took it, and the bar, by the way, was without blood, he wiped it right here. anya, you must agree, it is hard to look at these shots. everything inside is compressed, bells are ringing, yes, when i look at this, there are many accidents, accidents and so on, but when you hear about such situations, where a young woman dies, and a murder with such cruelty occurs from a loved one, then in the world you stop believing for a while, it's scary to watch an eighteen-year-old daughter describe it all as if she were an adult, she says, to be honest, she herself still doesn't understand. levina,
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here it's even really, well, it's scary , the friend of the deceased says that her lover understands this, my own daughter, 18 , threatened to kill her beloved in the studio alina years old, and this, as they say, the kingdom of heaven, hello, alina, hello, alina, tell us what threats are we talking about, somehow we were relaxing in a club, and he spoke out, if you from me... after these words everyone somehow looked at him and he immediately hugged her, kissed her, started telling her how much he loved her, well we didn't even attach any importance to this, but it was obvious that the man loved your friend , yes, it was like he was blowing dust off her, that is, he was constantly hugging her, kissing her, telling her how much he loved her, that is, well it was obvious that he adored her.
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there was, but he was constantly controlling her, he was constantly calling her, where are you, what are you doing, who are you with, when are you going home, and your friend was popular with men, she was very bright, a beautiful woman, well, that is, in principle, if you look at her, she is a very impressive woman, let's see, a really very beautiful woman, your ma... great, well, really, the person is not just her, he did not live
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for your mother, he was sick for your mother, that's where it all came from, it's jealousy, on the basis of this painful jealousy, really painful, his standards drop and he commits, how many there, five blows, it doesn't matter, he kills his beloved person, did the children really lose not only their mother, but also hers inheritance, how many applicants for the houses of the queens' apartments... lada vesta svos automatic at the price of mechanics, benefit up to 3000 rubles. very soon on ntv a new one will begin. the eighth season of our favorite show, you are super, and the eight, as you know,
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housing for themselves. tverskaya. aryol, this is sovol. that's it, the villains took it. today. at 20:00 on ntv. beyond the edge. this is beyond the edge. the gallant suitor turned out to be a former criminal. the man was detained on suspicion of murdering his mistress. alina, was this man jealous of your friend? yes, it was complete control over her. ah, well and, most likely, again, the reason for jealousy was that of them, of the two, only alesya, in principle, earned. he did not bring money into the house, no, she did not say that she wanted to break up, leave him, yes, and did anyone know about this? i, let's say, found out about this from our friend, that he called our mutual friend 3 weeks before the murder and told
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his friend that she most likely wanted to leave me, i don't know what to do, and he was very aggressive. that is, the alleged killer himself knew about this, about that she was going to leave him, yes, but he thought that she wanted to go to someone else, anna, is it possible to somehow recognize that a person is serious, that he is not joking, that he can do something terrible? you know, i think she knew about it, and i hardly believe that for 2 years she did not see aggression or any danger from him. another point is that this is also a special type of women who choose a special type of such men, men. those who have such an addiction, and men who, well, it doesn't matter, or vice versa, a woman a man, when a person is treated as property, this is my personal property, and you are going nowhere else, he could have said, if not to me, then to no one, he could have even warned her about it, maybe he even warned her, but she took it as a joke, yes, of course, it is possible
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as a joke, it is possible that he is not capable of this, because really all this is washed away by very great attention and really great love, here... really you need to be very careful with such people, and women know this for sure type of personality, they themselves play at first, they themselves pedal very often, they like it all, but the workaround is very difficult, and here there should even be, probably, a clear strategy and , most importantly, an understanding of how to get out of these relationships, because getting out of manipulative relationships, where there is really a dominant, where physical force pedals, is very difficult, on that fateful day, the neighbor of the deceased heard cries for help in the studio of alexander karpets. hello, alexander. hello. alexander, did you hear that fateful day? voice, yes, on that fateful day, unfortunately, i heard women's cries for help, even through headphones, through loud music, when
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was it? at about 11:00, yes, already leaving the front door, i heard a cry, help, it was very loud, i just remember it, i can't forget it, but it was not clear which apartment it was from, well, by the sound it was clear that it was happening from above, that is, these are high floors, but unfortunately it was difficult to somehow understand and comprehend the apartment. where did the screams continue for a long time? no, it was unfortunately, not for a long time, so that there was no possibility to understand again, once or twice literally a minute, that is, we heard yes it was a minute, i stood there for a while, well i thought, well maybe there is something else, well at least there will be some sign to help somehow, but unfortunately, it all ended very quickly, and something other than the word help sounded, for me it was like a groan of pain. but that's all i managed to hear, help this hellish groan, but if you heard it while on the street, the nearest neighbors should definitely have
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hear, it seems to me that it was impossible not to hear, rumors are rumors, of course, but there is no smoke without fire, when they say that the neighbors went out, that the neighbors heard, unfortunately, they did not call the police, that is, it seems to me that this is such a first action, i think that children were playing, i don’t know how to explain it, the neighbors assumed that children were playing, and there were such screams from the children, conversations say he, that yes, yes, they say, when you found out that it was not children playing in the apartment, but a woman was dying, literally the next day, that is, it is very fast it was developing, the ambulance had already arrived, the police had arrived, well, unfortunately, i didn’t immediately put together the facts, the screams of the cars, then news after news on social networks, and seeing this, you understand what a horror, some kind of... tragedy, yes, you crossed paths with the deceased, literally a week ago, unfortunately, well, this is really very hard, to talk about now,
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because a couple went out a week ago, they seemed happy to me, and nothing, you know, suspicious or something like that, you know, when you want to turn around and see if everything is okay, nothing like that no, it was alina's mother with this man, yes, and of course, it's hard to understand that such a cruel thing developed behind such a picture, and how this couple looked, for me it was... it helps a lot, and sometimes even a neighbor is already a witness statement, they collect from other floors, a woman says:
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well, let's go, she calls around in the entrance, all five or six people there knock and say: what are you doing, stopping me so much, i'll just use the program i'll say men, stay men, hussars, men, a woman has the right choose a gentleman for yourself, or are you wrong? or has something changed, but you can't oppress her, you can't take her away, you can't take away her money, children , and so on, under no circumstances beat her, don't mock her, remain men, golden words, add, i hear, he loved her, he loved her, he was sick, let's spare the word loved, in this case it's not love, but dependence on a person who covered his psychological holes, he...
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friends, relatives too, grandparents don't express condolences, because they lost their daughter, i kind of lost mom, this really brought us together, grandma and grandpa are probably in a terrible state, yes, they are going through this very hard, but they are trying for the sake of their grandchildren, and next to you there is someone close, yes, next to me it is my boyfriend, in the studio is the mother of your boyfriend, alexander rogozina. "hello, hello, do you support
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alina in everything now, yes, of course, we knew alina's mother well, we were like..." the children's mother constantly communicated, discussed everything. the day before, you were also at the birthday party of the detainee? we planned it together this holiday, of course, was also. were there any bad feelings? no, none at all . he behaved as usual, cheerful, so, happy, yes, everything as usual. and how much time did you spend together that evening? that day, we were on a boat, for an hour or two, then they... invited us to go to the club with them, but the children and i were tired, decided to go home, we all said goodbye, hugged and well and went our separate ways. did alina's mother call you again that evening? she called and asked: i definitely don't want to go with them, i said no, and well we decided meet again together in august. didn't you think that if you had accompanied them
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the detainee wouldn't have decided to commit a crime? i don't think so, because we would. the doctor said that we were observing, it takes time, well, with such injuries, there are no prognoses, the prognoses were bad, or there were none, and what do you think, were there really chances at that moment or did the doctor reassure you, well then we met him already, when they were taking the documents, he said that he saw me in such a state and was even afraid to say anything, that
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in fact the origin was softening, yes yes... we can't, but there is already a punishment of up to 20 years of imprisonment, and so, based on the circumstances that exist, that is, here they are worried that the punishment will be lenient, taking into account the service record, this
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can no longer be the case, because the person previously served a sentence for... a particularly serious crime, murder, was conditionally released early, that is, did not take the path of correction, also commits a particularly serious crime, recidivism is especially dangerous, accordingly, the punishment will definitely be severe, taking into account the circumstances that we heard, did not provide assistance to the victim, and if the conclusion says that within 2-3 hours from the moment of receiving bodily injuries , medical assistance would have been provided, and this would have led to the fact that the person would have remained alive, well, in this case, this will be regarded as aggravating circumstances, that is, he understood that by striking with a barbell from a dumbbell with all his might, and being a man, seeing the state in which the victim was, he could not help but understand, yes, that the consequences could be disastrous, and accordingly, those no less he calmly leaves, closes, tries to do something to hide the traces of the crime, again, if this is established, is at his place
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of residence, where he is detained. let's make such a small summary, what term can we talk about? i think, but if based on the brought charges 11.4, based on those circumstances, but it is not less than 12 years. what awaits the suspect and who will get five st. petersburg apartments and two houses? we will return after a short advertisement. a resident since childhood moscow region is tormented by the question: why is she not at all like her own?
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after the show miracle on ntv. beyond. this beyond painfully dying mother of two children was still alive, and relatives have already started. take her inheritance. nikolai, if guilt is proven, he will be obliged to pay money to alina's minor brother, and the parents of the deceased, and to alina herself, he will beg for both the children and the parents, that is - depending on who will apply, who is now on the station is the victim, they definitely have the right to file a claim either as part of a preliminary investigation or separately, to demand compensation for moral damages for the loss of a loved one.
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we went on thursday, they didn't give me temporary custody, i would like to take permanent custody, but we 've been here for six months, because i'm too young, we have a little one, well, 10 years is too young, they say, and i don't work anywhere, i have no work experience, i just graduated. who will be the guardian? so far the guardian is my grandmother, on my father's side, and why not on my mother's side? because that my mother's grandmother, she doesn't understand either the phone or the documents, she won't be able to enter it anywhere, she, that is, she won't be able to fulfill her duties, she says she can help, come home, cook, sit, but she can't communicate with anyone, and how do you feel about the fact that my father's grandmother will be the guardian, well, for the first six months i 'm okay with it, on a permanent
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basis... i would still like to take my brother, and are some other relatives laying claim to guardianship? yes, they are laying claim, but i suspect, that they are laying claim, because my younger brother has shares, in each, shares in apartments, in all of them, and whoever becomes the guardian, they will go to, whoever else lays claim to guardianship, uncles, girlfriends, even girlfriends, and they have already suggested some versions of what to do with the inheritance, they suggested, for example, mom has only been in intensive care for the second day, brother... mom suggests selling the apartment where we live, the money to everyone in half, mom was still alive, yes, because he says, after what happened here, i think no one wants to live here, and at that time they didn’t even ask me, the first-order heirs in this situation are generally children and parents, that is , alina and her brother already have already are the owners, yes, they become the heirs of the property of which the mother was the owner, that's it. as
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for distant relatives, that is, not those relatives who are first-order heirs, then they have no relation to this property, and thus they also have no right to dispose of this property, of course, alina needs a good lawyer in this area, what do we have ilona specialist in this field, that together we simply will not leave the girl in this difficult life situation for her, and alina has a chance to become a guardian, i think the current situation, yes, it is alina who has a chance to become a guardian, only alina needs to do certain things for this, get a job, have a stable income, plus in the future alina may have income from renting out the same apartment, she and her brother can in this matter, alina, you need a lawyer and...

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