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tv   Nevskii  NTV  August 26, 2024 10:20pm-11:35pm MSK

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"federal security service, your documents, what happened, show me your documents, shirokov vadim aleksandrovich, get out of the car, you'll have to come with us, no, i'm not going anywhere, i'm calling my lawyer." okay, come on, come on,
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come on, let's go!
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listen, does the broad guy have all his money in this bank, maybe he has it stashed away somewhere else? lyova, what do you mean, i don't know, but are you an accountant or what? okay, that's enough, i'll deal with him myself. into his basement, yeah, well, how did it all go, practically perfect, the academician was babbling on...
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you really are an fsb agent, anyone would have fallen for it, so why the hell was it necessary to put on this circus, so that the witness wouldn't accidentally suspect anything, don't worry, vadim aleksandrovich, if we come to an agreement, then everything will be fine, what do you need, money, okay, how much is 2 million euros, where do you get it from, i don't have that kind of money. no need, please, i suggest we return to the channel of constructive dialogue, now we'll sign an agreement, then we'll go to the bank, there you'll transfer the required amount to the correct account, i, i really don't have that... hey, hey, take it easy, he told me
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we need him alive, lift him up, who did you bring, what do you mean? i mean, we have documents, this is a setup, we checked the documents, who are you? major semyonov, central district police, are you frozen
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? stand there, faces to the wall, to the wall, so, grab him, i'll plow, how are you, okay, semyon konstantinovich koshelev. okay, you are detained on suspicion of committing a crime, under article 126 of the criminal code of the russian federation , kidnapping, pash, everything is fine, okay, it's all empty, we can't agree with you like that, i'll tell you, listen, revas, come on, slow down, okay what are you trying to do to live, we need to sort everything out amicably here, right, you can always start a war, i don't get it, are you instead of foma or something, it's up to you to decide, revast, i see you need a navolen overseer, fama has been gone for 2 years already, and we haven't fought, let
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's talk calmly, let's change fama, tomorrow i 'm starting construction. "this is my area, your area, and my topic, i'm tired of waiting for you to decide, you understand perfectly well that if i want, then not a single car will drive to your construction site, you better tell me what you decided about the landfill, trash topics, and the topic is not mine, but i can help, but what do i care, yes, i'm tired of it, i 've already planned everything for myself in this city, times are different now, it used to be counted by land, now everyone does business, listen, revas, what, do you want to teach us about life, yes, times are different, everything has changed, but we haven't, so what's the point of this
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empty market, as we decided, so we decided, but we haven't decided anything, unexpectedly. but since you came yourself, we'll receive a guest, who else is there? we need to talk, another high-profile crime was solved by the police.
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but as far as i know, according to intelligence according to the data, the kidnapping of shiroky was about to take place, semenov simply did not have time, he was forced to make a decision on his own, he was obliged to inform you, if the operation is not formalized - this is amateur activity with all the consequences, you should understand, they started some kind of drama club, now pray that the court will close the kidnappers, comrade colonels, each of you will be left with your own district, like this... gentlemen, if you want to do business in my city, no problem, but according to my laws, and for started, let each of you send me a million, a sign of goodwill, then i
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'll resume construction, yes, i never thought that people you know could surprise you like that, thank you for your understanding, i've never had anything to do with the cops , and i never will. why are you changing your tune in the air, revas? if i find out i paid the cop, will you go to the next world with him? i mean, i mean, it's okay, as we decide, that's how it will be. you know, we've decided, and now it's up to you, i'm listening, evgeny
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sanovich, the floor. plan b: the recidivists have become stubborn, they think i'm joking with them i'm kidding, i get it, we'll do it. that's it, guys, we're working, we're cool, so, i understand, here's the youth, pasha, let's celebrate a successful operation, come on with us, guys, how long can it take, let's go sit somewhere, like white people, so...
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yeah, right, we got the signal, quickly developed an action plan, successfully implemented everything as we were taught. what's the problem? the problem is that you had no right to personally participate in the operational experiment, well , who should have participated if i look like a broad? andrey, i saved a man's life, at the very least. first of all, you should have call your boss, that is, me, to report the situation, and i would forbid you to arrange this masquerade, and together we would come up with a new plan, i called you, you did not answer, i did not have time, because you were posing as
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an artist of large and small theaters, tomorrow simon will most likely be released straight from the courtroom, have a good rest, i believe that while at liberty, the accused can continue their criminal activity, i ask you to choose a preventive measure in the form of imprisonment into custody. thank you for your attention. the floor is now given to the defense. esteemed court, i would like to remind you that according to the police, the target of koshelev and his friends was the personal savings of businessman shiroky, but this is only unsubstantiated speculation. the accusation is based on the personal guesses of shiroky , employees of the umvd. i object. but what about the fact of the kidnapping of a police officer? first, the officer himself broke the law. esteemed court. there can be no talk of my client's involvement in the commission of a crime under article 317
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of the criminal code - attempted murder police officer. major semenov was in civilian clothes, hid his identity, introducing himself as shirokov, and then attacked koshelev and his friends. major semenov did not just participate in an unauthorized operation, he organized it himself and dragged his subordinates into it. i object, even if the kidnappers did not know that semenov was a police officer, kidnapping any person is a criminal offense. court, no one was going to kidnap shirokov at all, we are talking about a friendly joke, my client testified about this during the first interrogation, and others also independently testified the participants of the incident, this is not a crime, but a misunderstanding, and koshelev is a victim of provocation, so it would be a blatant injustice to take him into custody, thank you for your attention, citizen koshelev, you have something to say, your attitude to the petition under consideration, respected court... i have purely friendly feelings for citizen shiroky,
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i just wanted to amuse him, so to speak, to lift his spirits with a funny prank, now i myself am standing here in front of you and i am not at all amused, because i have become a victim police brutality, i'm the injured party here, i'm all set, i'm still happy with my operation.
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thank you again, thank you, and you're great, i know, how come you're not tired of defending bandits, andryusha, and there are no bandits here, they're my clients, isn't it disgusting, winning cases, then you have to think about it, it's even nice, right? is that all you wanted to tell me? no, not all. maybe we'll have dinner somewhere. maybe, okay, we can go, sometime. for example.
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dash, go to the dacha. and where are you going? i thought we'd decide what to do next. we'll decide everything. when? in an hour. i'm waiting for you. so, should we leave him? or should we wait until all this passes. and in a couple of months we'll put the squeeze on him again. and in a couple of months he 'll have time to scatter all the money across offshore accounts. all the best, oops, ours is gone, if it weren't for her, we'd be going to kresty with you right now, listen, simon, where did you dig up such a one, and where did you dig one up, there aren't any more, that's it, we won't wait any longer, eat right, have fun without alcohol, and give up vapes and cigarettes, we're waiting only for you at, sobolev, you're killing it,
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everything is already there, i understand, i'm interested in a big piece of meredin. international drug trafficking, my father laid his hand on it, i 'll solve this problem, i know i'll be with my father in 5 minutes, they brought a wooden model of the doge to my father , the bald ones are here, who is the lizard in the carnival zone, then they decided at the meeting that ivan ivanovich leprandii would be in place of my father, everything that was yours will now be mine, in exchange, of course, for freedom, of course, you forgot that you and i are together against leprendi, we have every reason.
10:38 pm
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is a problem for reuaz, i think he did it himself, let him clean it up himself, and where to find a killer for such a person, this is not just a meth, this is a general, and not just a general, the head of the main department, by the way, if necessary, i can kill him myself, sell him, no, not yet, not at all are you crazy, can't see who's driving? what 's the problem, commander? captain povodchenko, your documents, captain, what's the problem, are you speeding? we'll draw up a report, so i see the technical inspection, but where's the insurance? the insurance is sticking out there, and why are you so nervous? are you
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in a state of alcoholic intoxication, or what? we won't pass the certificate? captain, let's solve the problem more simply, here you go, you'll share it with your own people, so here you are, you've been detained for the purpose of taking a bribe by a police officer on duty, everyone get out of the car, do you hear? and he really doesn't pay who he's talking to, well, okay, let's go, let's go out, let's talk, the guns have been put away, they are armed, all are intact, the reason for the matter is, nothing, a scratch, call the investigative task force, got it. sergeant dmitriev, we have a kilometer of highway, we are waiting
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for the investigative task force, got it? evgeny aleksandrovich, well, we have an emergency on the highway, yes, with khmury, we had to use weapons, a bag of drugs was found in khmury's car, of course, a general, there will be video recordings, witnesses, everything is honorably accepted. several hours ago,
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an organized crime group was neutralized alexey galaev's group, nicknamed khmuroy, and i consider my primary task to continue the fight against crime in st. petersburg. yes, i'm listening. on what issue? okay, i'll be there. yes, let's go near the main directorate, agreed.
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there is a legend in st. petersburg that they make wishes come true. you need to put your hand in his mouth and make a wish, did you make a wish, what did you make a wish for? i won't tell you, it won't even come true, let's go for another one. good afternoon, good afternoon, thank you for agreeing to give an interview, gennady petrovich, thank you for inviting me, although i don't understand, who might be interested in my opinion today,
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well, first of all, everyone.
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hello, daria linisha, hello, major semenov, i'm very sorry, vadim aleksandrovich was killed, i don't understand anything, we just did it, you'll need to go to the marine corps for identification. enggak?
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' "hello, mom, the police called, vadya, how did they kill him, i don't know, we need to go to the marine corps for identification, no, no, slavik doesn't know, i don't know, mom, i don't know, i'm sorry, it would be nice to bring you something, maybe water, yes, water, please, water, please, give me a bottle.
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the judge is to blame? simon was released from the courtroom because of your amateur performance, the death of the broad is on your conscience. there is no place for a single person in the system, you are interfering with your own life and you do not allow others to live. sooner or later you will either set yourself up, or set us all up. if you are going
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to continue in the same spirit, you better leave. attacked, quickly, this is a robbery, when pasha returns from vacation, we are engaged in some nonsense, the city on the neva is not calm again, the murder of a police general right in the center of the city, yes, this is generally. out of the ordinary, and therefore, where would major semyonov be without you, so i still have a week of vacation, i'll have to postpone my vacation. prepare an order to transfer major semenov to
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the criminal investigation department, main directorate, until better times. damn, what, can't they do without us? police, lower their guns, police, beautiful. you and i are starting in a new place, anton vasiliev, look, semenov, now i'll always be there, we'll always be there too, nevsky, new season, wait, soon on ntv, tverskaya, new season, soon on ntv, hermitage paintings are now on platinum credit cards from tank, apply for a credit card. from tank with a limited design until august 31, get free service forever. te-bank, it's the only one. again, it's profitable, not again, every day. profitable on the price tag, which means a low price.
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and if she is a co-owner of the business, then we don't have to wait for an inheritance, yes, great, far away, long ago, what is the address, this is the police, the ministry of internal affairs of the central district, major semenov. yeah, thanks,
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the broad is gone, she got out of the car, she was sick, crying, i went for water, came back, and she was gone, only a mobile phone on the ground, and her car, we didn't hear any screams, no, nothing like that here, there is music playing inside, you can't hear what's happening outside at all, thank you, yeah. "pash, so what, the camera only shows the cafe tables and part of the road, shiroky drove up in a car, and a minute later a car sharing car with splattered license plates drove by, the same scheme as with shiroky's murder, yeah, well, we're putting everyone on the wanted list, it's still too early for shiroky, it 's only been a little over an hour, and we have simon against us." and what will happen
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if he keeps shiroky at home, if she's not there, he'll not only get away with it, he'll even file a counterclaim against us, well what are we going to do, who the hell knows. hello, gennady petrovich, i'm here near your dacha, you are receiving guests, i was not expecting this, what is the urgency, can't you talk over the phone, well, you understand, there are issues that are better discussed in person, okay, i 'll go out, who is this arsenyev, what are you planning? let him into the house? vera, i
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won't even let him onto the property. what do i owe him? i want to take care of your health, gennady petrovich. actually, i am used to taking care of my own health, that 's true, but as for my loved ones, everyone is alive and well, what are you getting at? you, gennady petrovich, i see, have decided to have a frank conversation with journalists. "i a free man, i can speak without looking back at our system, yes, and think about your loved ones, your wife has her own business, your son's widow is an accountant in a commercial firm, sit them both down for 5 minutes,
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we can collect material on each, well, you understand, are you threatening?" well, what are you saying, i'm only concerned, have a good evening, gennady petrovich. so, what is this? i don't know, he threw ice into a glass, he's sipping whiskey. how does this thing even work? the phone microphone is forcibly connected using a spy program, the mobile phone works like
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bug, here. well, what's the news? pash, simon do... anyway, according to the charter of this constant, the eshen shirokovs are equal companies with the right to manage the company's accounts. so you were right, i hope the wiretap will confirm this. pasha, and who is this clown sitting there? he's not a clown, he's one of the best
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hackers in town. yeah, that he works for us? not exactly. the guy was caught in a commercial espionage case, and they decided to lay such a lie on him. so, basically, i got him off the hook, and in gratitude, he sometimes helps me, pasha, he's a hacker, what's the reason for him sitting in our office, mikhailov will take off all our heads, i don't have time to order a wiretap, denis, i 'll decide with mikhailov, yeah, hi, do you remember that famma has a birthday tomorrow, yeah, i remember, it's all the same as usual, nothing changes, mom, hello, are you calling dad, right? will you give me the phone? sasha is itching to talk to you. i'm busy, tell him, i'll call back. well, he'll be busy later. so in the morning, yul. will you give me your hand? what are you doing? yul, why? sanya and i communicate normally, you can at least how could it not be ruined? if you
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communicated with him at least once every 3 days, i could call it normal communication. pash, i'll call you back. someone came into your simon's office, simon called him an academician, i didn't quite understand, will you be there tomorrow too or not, don't bother your head with this, your job tomorrow at 10 am is to bring her to the bank on a gunboat to close all the issues, and then like this, we still need to knock it out, let's go to the bar, so in short, in general, listen, here, you're the deputy, what happened, what? they left, they left the phone in the office, listen, the constant account was opened just in branch of barclay bank on a gunboat, yes, tomorrow at 10 simon will be sherokova at the bank on a gunboat and will force her to hand over all the money, where did the information come from, tomorrow shirokova will be cleaned out and
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killed, i need official approval to conduct an operation in the bank with the support of special forces, where did the information come from? hacker wiretapping, operation, special forces, helicopters, based on illegal wiretapping, so provide me with a legal one tomorrow, andrey, you ate all my money last time, that i had to come to you, so i came, i declare to you that tomorrow we can catch simon's gang at the scene of the crime. now it's your turn.
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gary ilineshna, don't worry, you just transfer the entire amount from the constant ashen account to this account. okay, i hope we 've reached your understanding, and so that without the trick, it's clear, and you avoid any misunderstandings. do you love your son or do you want him to follow his daddy, do everything right, you'll see him again, no, it's your own fault, slavik, everything will be fine, i'll do everything now, everything will be fine, when will transfer the broad granny, take her to the forest, shoot her there, ok.
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hello, i called you, hello, please come in, this. i would like to transfer money from my company account, to this account, yes, of course, please.
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please check, oh my god, i'm sorry, please, i really need to go to the toilet, of course, down the corridor to the left, first door, thank you. what happened? i can't, i'm sorry, for god's sake, i really need to, get in the car, they have my son, where is their boss in the car, a guard-hostage, so so, you're going out now, tell him that you'll give the documents. only to the main one, and that you need to talk to him personally, everything will be fine, you
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told my husband the same thing, let's go quickly , excuse me, please, let's continue. "i 'll give the documents only to simon, and i need to give him something personally. we agreed without tricks. this is very important information, he must receive it immediately. you understand that you won't be able to escape? simon, you need to come over." in our project, we meet talented kids, we observe for their unique skills right in our studio: what is this we have claudia? i
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'm going to do a show here, and you know that there are a lot of people in the world who call themselves doubles, i don't want to become a double, i want to continue jackson's work. you're 10 years old, you have a brokerage account, you have. goodbye, no, no, we're not done yet, and we're not done yet, it's like some kind of cutlet mixed up, let your mom try, let dad try, i don't feel sorry for dad, yes, i 'm afraid, don't be afraid, for the first time in a show miracle, group uma thurman on drums tamerlan abramov, just wait for me, a miracle with arseniy popov. help! on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. beyond the edge new season. tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv.
11:12 pm
i have the same, beris, such different families, but everyone is preparing for autumn in one place, sat down with honors, to be here means to be close, with those you love and who are always glad, here, with those who are truly worried, happy,
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the only one. one shot, head right away, place chose the right one, criminal investigation department, did you learn how to pick locks like that in the police department, sobolev was suspected of killing two police officers, if i take them, everything will go to hell, i have to hand them over according to the law, well, what do you think, do you know lef abramov, that you need a land operative for better detection, logic, no , deduction, no, provocation, because villains often have to be driven into a trap, tverskaya. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. unbearable stench, dirt and serious health problems. we have all become asthmatics. we have been living for more than 10 years years in such hell. my daughter is on inhalers, my granddaughter, there is a nagging cough. this is what happened to the residents of a capital high-rise building next door to a pack of cats. about thirty cats. the number increases every year. the neighborhood with
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such neighbors affected her health. that is, she actually. because of such a number of cats died, i wonder why they do not blame the owner of the cat apartment for their troubles, there are five litter boxes, i clean, wash, an elderly person, he is completely intimidated by his ... here, i quickly,
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i believe that under the leadership of arsenyev the fight against criminality and organized crime will reach a completely new level, what he has done during his tenure already gives... very good results, so i fully support his policy in this direction, well, come on, we need to talk, get in, car, come on, come on, get in, freeze, hands on the wheel.
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move forward. general arsenyev is an experienced and honest professional. i think our city is lucky that he is the one who headed the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs for st. petersburg, yelena region. other business. gennady petrovich, thank you very much for inviting us. your opinion is really very important for the townspeople. i hope. goodbye. thank you. i hope we'll go, yeah, maybe we'll leave, where,
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i don't know, to another city, no, i don't believe it, now i'm not going anywhere from here, i just... don't want to lose you again, don't worry, listen, i'm hungry, someone promised okroshka this morning, and okroshka is ready, let's go.
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hello, so ladies, yes, gentlemen, come on, pour, oh, that's it, awkward, what are we drinking for, let's drink to our future wonderful life, for us to always be together, and most importantly, for everything to be done the way we want, let's go, tell me, how long have we known each other, what have we been through together, i want you to know one simple thing, so that in life. i will always come to your aid, i will give you the shirt off my back, pasha, we are still friends.
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pasha beat me, what, well, one more time, no, pasha, go home, yule. this is my friend, he is superman, no, you know that you are superman, come on, do it beautifully, never meddle in my affairs, you are losing your shape, pasha, you can do that to lose a lot, including yourself, mom, wait a minute, i'll call an ambulance, and stop, you understand, it's too late, listen, pasha.
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forgive me about yulka, okay, shut up, i 'll bring the car now, be quiet, stay with me, here, stay, it's strange, somehow, it doesn't hurt at all and it's not scary, why?
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lyosha, you haven't called, i'm worried, are you okay, yulya, yuradel sent you the documents for the development yesterday. do you even check your email? no, igor, if you're tired, then i 'll find someone else for the position of executive director. i'll be there in about 20 minutes, let's talk, and at the same time you can look at my horse. three million, by the way, he gave
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me. come on. before his death, yesterday i was at the cemetery next to fama's grave in the grass, the phone rang, i answered, it was your voice, yul, what nonsense, you said, lesha, why aren't you calling, i'm worried, i don't know who was calling whom, but it definitely wasn't me, yulia, it was your voice, so let's go?
11:27 pm
ugh! well, congratulations, has a new criminal group appeared in the city? well, since everything is clear, go ahead, you have 3 days to solve it. why not two, but because 3 days are search for a gang, my personal general arseniev gave it to me, and he gave him 3 days, ignatov's father-in-law, go ahead, and who is our father-in-law, the deputy head of the governor's administration, and then we will reveal it by the end of the day, there is no talk here, semenov,
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filter your talk, you are an officer, you are in the police, and not at a shootout with the bros, go and work, stay, mikhailov, stay. andrey, can you control semenov, in what sense in the direct sense, so that it does not happen, like last time with the gang of kidnappers, well last time there really was an emergency situation, there are regulars with semenov, well oleg ivanovich, i i guarantee you that this time he will provide me with a plan of operational and investigative activities, well , we'll see what happens next, you know him, that's why i'm asking, so you can't.
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yeah, and in general there are some considerations, what considerations, andrey, let me check them, then i'll report to you, i promise, i don't need your promises, i need a plan of operational and investigative activities, but when this plan appears, i'll bring it to you, okay, i'm waiting. very soon , the new eighth season of our favorite show will begin on ntv. you're super. and the number eight, as we know, is a symbol infinity. infinitely talented children in the eighth season of you are super. sunday at
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11:35 pm

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