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tv   Odin  NTV  August 27, 2024 1:00am-1:51am MSK

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i won't call anyone, i'll decide everything myself, until the evening, yes, who is this? there's nothing to talk about.
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i'll have to wait for you for a long time, are you even planning on leaving, i'll be there soon, faster, come on, roma, roma, wait, i need to talk. with
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you, roma, wait, i understand everything, you're right, of course, but this is really very serious, rom, vika, no, this concerns vitya, especially not, rom, i beg you, i've said everything, you tell me, odintsov, and when will you pick up your car from repair, i'll pick it up today, i'm a manager, not a cabbie, right? he started driving you for me, he said, i'll pick it up today, when will you last time you saw your companion sferidov? yesterday, i think, in the morning, yes , i think it was yesterday, yes, yeah, i see, and where was it, in the office or at the factory, in the office, then he went to the factory, in general i don’t understand what all this is about, what all these questions are about, and why are you so worried, i just want to figure it out, now your companion, and we are looking for him,
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i have no idea where he is, so forgive me, gentlemen, i’m in a hurry, yes-yes, of course, one moment, can you open the trunk, why the trunk, why are you so worried, i’m worried, yes please, please, and what's wrong, call the team, the investigator and the expert, everything is as usual. yeah, i heard, grigory sergeyevich, you are detained on suspicion of murdering citizen sviritov, hello or something, this is all some kind of nonsense, rom, come on, measure, 3:45, cherki, yeah, don't drag it out, oh, good day to everyone, good health , hello, did you want something, be careful,
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vadik, what are you yelling about? milana andreyevna? hello, guys, this is our hostess, milana andreyevna. good day, hello, hello, hello, a good team, yes, vadim, yes, first-class specialists. milana andreevna, let's go, i'll give you a doll. i'll show you how we made it, yeah, this is roma, roman, milana andreevna, let's go and look at the kitchen, go and look at the kitchen yourself, have some coffee, i'll be back later, okay, sure, come with me, i need help, yeah.
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roma, leave the tape measure, you're roman, and i'm milana, nice to meet you, what do you need to do? bring the gyprog, but i want to put a bed here, okay, where should i carry it, there, yeah. "sorry, yeah, yeah, i'm listening, i'm listening to you, totally awesome, i told you everything, no need to call me anymore, in the culinary sense, what it is unclear, the detained radzevich
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denies everything for now, but it is a matter of time, he is a businessman, not a criminal, he will quickly crack, and what about his partner? "they found the body, not yet, we are looking, of course, maybe vitya will remember something else, you never know, maybe i missed some points, but it seems not, all the necessary measures are being taken, but there are no results yet, it turns out, there will be results. comrade colonel, there will be, lyosha, listen, let me interrogate ratevich, no, not an option, i don’t understand, lyosha, what, you don’t trust me
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or what? oh, what are you saying, stop it, i trust you, of course, you're just soft, and i need the testimony of the blood of wear, so i myself. good afternoon, hello, hello, lyokha, roman sergeevich, hello, well, everything as agreed, replacement of the fuel filter, all the suspension arms and flushing the radiator. thank you, lyokha, here you go! yeah, well , bye, all the best, roman sergeevich!
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oleg nikolaevich, please excuse me for contacting you, but i don't have anyone else in the police except you. i heard that his companion was already detained. yes, but this is some kind of mistake. grisha couldn't do anything bad, especially since they have been friends for so many years. i still hope that my husband is alive, but i don’t know what to do. well, don’t worry, we will of course help. “i will connect the best operative, he will definitely figure it out, the silence has dragged on for some time, you still don’t believe me, why not, i believe you, grigory sergeyevich, let’s just skip the stage when all the detainees say that
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they were set up, that they don’t know anything, well, and that they weren’t there at all, let’s get straight to the point, we will save both my time and yours, then straight to the point, yes i would like to. you still want to put me in jail, and should i help you with this, or what? well, why are you like this? i just want to figure it out, figure it out, yes , if you wanted to figure it out, you immediately understood that i had nothing to do with my companion's death, then you know for sure that he is no longer alive, yes , stop picking on words, what, do you think i will listen to your flo until the evening? i'll beat your kidneys right now, so that every time you go to the toilet, you think, why me you didn't confess earlier, get up, please,
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grigory sergeevich, do you want me to talk to you like that, no, no, well then... tell me what you know, and i'll let you go to the cell, what, what should i tell you, what well, you decided to expand production, acquired new premises, and... then you thought, why should i share the income with the company, well, it's a common thing, i know a lot of such cases, well, and you decided to get rid of svieridov, well, what are you saying, well, that's how it was, i can see right through you, you only need money, when in the nineties i served in the cops with bandits... such freaks as you, under the cover of all this, sold out my country, yes
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comrade colonel, colonel barkov is calling you, okay, i'll be right back and we'll continue, i hope you have enough brains to confess everything, after all i can't understand why you are doing this case like this... let's just assume that this is one of those cases. i heard that you have already detained someone, these
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are just my versions for now, so let's just assume that we don't have any detainees, well okay, i need all the materials, which you have, well, what can you do, hand the case over to the colonel. you have one voice message from subscriber + 7 8. roma, this is vidi kulba, we need to meet, really, really need to. but you owe me a little more than i owe you, call
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me back, yes roma? well, roma, thank you, i really, all these 10 years i was terribly ashamed, let's get down to business, roma, we need to meet, you can, when, the sooner the better, in about two hours, it will work out, okay, where, remember the cafe where we celebrated your anniversary, i remember, let's do it there. i'll be there,
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did you call? "i tried to talk, but he didn't wants, i just talked to him, and that he is still the same one who always pays his debts, that means, yes, and you know, lyosha, what is a pension, it is such a..." quiet, calm life, if you want you go fishing,
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if you want you go to hockey, if you want you sit at home with a newspaper, and no one bothers you, does not bother, does not touch you, so tell me, why the hell are you going to deprive me of all this? and i have very little time left until retirement, igor andreevich, who knew that the main office would be interested in this matter, you should have known. this solomin, they say, is restless, and if he digs up something there, and i warned you, everything will be fine, igor andreevich, don’t worry, it’s harmful to you, you know me, i’ll figure it out, i know, decide to go,
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go. your tea, thank you, yeah.
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unbearable stench, dirt and serious health problems, we all became asthmatics, we ’ve been living in this fashion for more than. years, my daughter is on inhalers, my granddaughter, there’s a nagging cough, that’s what happened to the residents of a high-rise building in the capital, living next to a pack of cats, about thirty cats, the number is increasing every year, living next to such neighbors affected her health, that is, she actually died because of such a number of cats, i wonder why
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they do not blame the owner of the cat apartment for their troubles, there are five litter boxes, i clean, wash, an elderly person, tverskaya new season, soon on ntv. every success begins with a dream to do something of your own, a desire to stand out, a desire to act and not be distracted by the hustle and bustle. business works
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as if some cutlet got mixed up. let your mom try it. let dad try it. don't be afraid. for the first time in the show, a miracle, the uma thurman group, tamerlan abramov on drums. just wait for me. a miracle. help me on saturday at 8:00 pm on ntv. tell me, what's wrong with him? a heart attack, everything's over, as you can see, i understand, man, step
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aside, yes, yes, anyway, we're done , please write, yes, okay, hey, hey, man, roma, it's me, you met sweety, you talked to him, can you help him, please, roma, hello, roma, hello, why are you silent, it's late, what does late mean, roma, what happened, hello, hello, roma.
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roma, roma, roma, hold on, hurry up, roma, i'm asking you, i'm asking you, don't pass out, look at me, roma, roma, everything will be fine,
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roma, look at me. look, i don't believe it, roma, i don't believe it was a... heart attack, he didn't have heart problems, i'm a doctor myself, i would have noticed, what you see in others, you can miss in your closest one, no, it happens, but not with us, we didn't have children, for me there was only he, vik, i understand everything, i ask you, help me,
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find the one who did this. vika, why me, well if anyone gets to the bottom of the truth, it will be you, you were the most talented of them, although the unluckiest in life, get out of here, please. odintsov, are you crazy, do you even look at your watch sometimes? vadik, i won't be here tomorrow,
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i'm taking up... at my own expense, what are you saying, odintsov, what 2 days do we have to hand over the facility, all the work will stop because of you, i need the weekend, odintsov. listen, georgy borisovich, that's him. did you recognize him? yes, roma, i recognized him. i need to see you. i i can come to see you tomorrow morning. you don't have to ask. come by, of course. thank you. yes. rom, hi. excuse me, i, i need
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to meet you. okay, at your place? no, i was already called away at work for an urgent operation. let's meet in a couple of hours at the cafe near the hospital. okay, i 'll come. thank you. well, hello, rom. hello, georgy borisovich. it's been a while since we've seen each other. a long time. come in. let this one through to me, so you 're renovating apartments now, yes, and at first you worked as a security guard in a store, and as for your wife and son, did you eventually find them, no, i only know that they're still pore somewhere in america, of course, and you, that means , for 10 years crossed out everyone from your previous life, even me, well, yes, but you know, i had to, i don’t blame you, but
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who am i to blame you? but there is still one thought, in vain you gave in then, romochka, no one believed that you did it, even barkov himself doesn’t believe, but he made you write it in your own way, and what else could he do? if your own friends are on you, and you gave in, but i didn’t give in, i decided to leave and i left, you are behind the wheel, yes, then a small one, yes, you took it, cut it all off in one go in one fell swoop and at the same time the old me was ejected, okay, let's move on, as my eldest says... yes, how much is there, 10 years have passed, yes, i'm glad, you see, roma, be healthy, georgy borisovich, i will, well, as i understand it,
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i came on business, i can even guess on what, so you already know, no? yes, there was no concealment of the culprit yet, they just didn't have time, but the conclusion is unambiguous, acute, cardiovascular, vascular, insufficiency, in common parlance a heart attack, there are doubts, yeah, you see what there is, i don't know yet, the autopsy will show, culprit, culprit. when you left, they made a good career, vitya kulba and lyosha zakharov, they were aiming high, though zakharov still has a chance, kulba has already learned the frailty of life, everything will pass,
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well, the task is clear, i'll hold a section, we'll work. like before, hi, hi, i ordered you coffee, black with two lumps of sugar, i drink it without sugar, hello! no, it was you, forgive me for yesterday, everything is fine, i called him,
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the three of us need to talk, you, me and lyosha. romka.
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thank you, all the best, roma, wait, roma, which way are you going? the other way.
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i need the recording from the cameras from last night. well, we usually keep the records for 3 days, so stop. is this yours, is the armored car at the entrance yours? well, yes, our guys park there according to the instructions, they have a video recorder in the cabin, right? of course. well, we can try, but we need to somehow negotiate with the guys. okay, we'll do it, but not
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earlier than in three days, they are working in shifts now, we can't find a senior one, well, okay, i 'll come on friday, we agreed, rom, hi, hello, georgy borisovich, come see me tomorrow morning, i found something interesting here, okay, i'll come. roma, are you close yet? yes, georgy borisovich, we're approaching, i'll meet you, okay, we've had enough, the driver's hands are up, are you even watching where you're going, what are you doing, and let him go, that's enough, let him go. san, why are you getting all worked up? roma is our man. borzu is a bit too much. well
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, you're not a girl with peaches either. guys, let's go sit down. let's have a drink, huh? well, i was actually planning to leave. you'll have time. let's meet. this is sasha solomin, the captain. and you don't have to introduce him back. i already understood everything. roman odentsov. he's the only one, yours favorite. "georgy borisovich once told me all about you, and excuse me, maybe you need to know, it makes no difference to me, thank you, well, then, like, for the introduction, and this is georgy borisovich, congratulations to you, remember, and what are you talking about now?
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it's my birthday today, so come on, gentlemen, have a drink! congratulations! wow, what a find, the first edition of 1939, where did you find it? i've been running after it for 10 years, this book. what is the book about? about our profession. only the author understood much more in it, than us, thank you, this is a wonderful gift, wow, what a gift, listen, why one, what a strange nickname, it's from scandinavian mythology, they have a god like that, one, wow, god, not glory, no,
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happy birthday again, work can't wait, see you later, sasha, see you later, yeah, okay, let's get down to business now, yeah, you turned out to be right, kulba's heart attack was provoked, do you want to see the corpse, why should i look at it, here you go, yeah, i... found injection marks on the body, obviously, victor was sitting, someone came up
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gave him an injection from behind, we were lucky, another day and we wouldn't have found any traces, because this drug is based on plant alkaloids, it decomposes in about a day and a half, so it was murder after all, definitely, rom. definitely. odintsov. "i haven't seen you for a long time, i was about to start looking, go, i'll catch up, okay, and why is this igor andrech, i know that they slandered you then, i know, roman, i know, i wanted to talk to you,
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now i have no time, i'll find you." darom, hello, vika, we need to talk, i'll stop by to see you, okay, of course, come. you're not in know what kind of problems victor has been having lately? don't even ask, i tried to get an answer to this question from him so many times, i couldn't get an honest answer, and then i stopped asking,
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i don't know, i guess i was afraid of the truth, although the truth wouldn't have changed anything. don't look at me like that , why did they betray you? why? viti never told me. he kept repeating. roma beat up gorokhov, he died, and lesha the same thing, the same thing. vik. where is his laptop? i don't know.
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probably at work. yes, vik, hi, talk can you? yes, i'm listening, we need to talk urgently, not on the phone, can you come? sure, i'll come right away. did you find anything? no. vik. forgive me for telling you this. vitya has never cheated on you. why are you asking? one shot, straight to the head, you chose the right place, criminal investigation, it was in the cathedral that you learned how to pick locks, sobolev was suspected of killing two police officers, if i take them, everything will go well, i have to hand them over according to the law, well
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, what do you think, do you know what a land operative needs for better detection, logic, no, deduction, no? tverskaya tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. you're super, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. one purchase, two cashbacks. choose partners by benefit on the website and get double cashback in bonuses. when paying with a misber card in a golden apple, emvio, lenta, scooter, megamarket and other partners. more profitable with a subscription. what are the names of everyday products at low prices, goods in great demand, buy on ozon, black tea bags princess nori for 159 rubles. i'll eat something wrong, what should i do? when poisoning enterumin, a new generation enterosorbent removes toxins while preserving nutrients, a smart solution against poisoning, you
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1:50 am
vitya, well, finally, where did you disappear to? this is not vitya. excuse me, who? it's his friend. and vitya, did something happen? and you're nikita's mother? yes, what's wrong with vitya? is he okay? this isn't a phone conversation. we need to meet. how come, you say he died? he wasn't sick with anything.

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