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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-8  NTV  August 27, 2024 4:50am-6:31am MSK

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kos, lenka, mommy, you're all covered in blood, this is nikitina, and how does he feel, okay, he already flirted with his sister, are you hungry? i miss you, i love you, i love you, very much.
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smooth life suddenly became different, in telekement, it is of course different, i want it so, when they call, that the cop would be like these guys, if anything, yes, with you to deal with ... i can with any problem slowly at home, although rarely, thank you, by no means!
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who are you? how did you get in here? this is a private collection. immediately, immediately leave this museum. don't you dare come near me, i 'll call the police. do you hear me, leave right now, i'm calling the police. here, leave right now. "don't come near me, okay,
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if anything happens, we'll call you, yeah, okay, yura, that 's all you have, a couple more cards, it's lying here, i can't work, alexander georgievich, i kind of wrote everything down here, what else, come more carefully, intern, you'll trample everything, you've left a trace of order here."
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please, photos, yes, yes, of course, come, follow me, mori, come on, follow me, yes, valery pavlovich, we have a tour guide and an expert, and i am the deputy director, here she was standing, here you go, you can take a look, here she is filmed from different sides, yeah, well, is this really the 16th century, pain?
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what are you talking about, what does yan karlovich have to do with it, he doesn't understand anything about boxes at all, valery pavlovich is new to us, he doesn't know yet. and who is yan karlovich? yan karlovich is the owner of an antique shop on makhovaya. wow. cool! and i apologize, gentlemen, unfortunately, i can't devote more time to you time, i have an urgent meeting. and in general i know little about this box of altorgoth. but have you seen it? yes. yeah, nathan showed it to me once, i must admit it's an amazing specimen, by the way, it plays a melody of bach, which one, johann sebastian or carl philipp emanuel, wow, yes, i see you, young man, you understand something about classical music, there is a bit of
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carl philipp, emanuel, and have you often been to the gramophone museum, well, how can i tell you, i 've never been there at all, nathan sometimes brought me things for... sell to someone, i don't know, at least i have nothing to do with this deal. by the way, gentlemen, here is my card, if you need a consultation or any other questions, you are welcome, i have the honor, all the best,
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all the best, in my opinion, this antique dealer is not telling you something. you don't like him, of course not, he's kind of slippery and ran away right away, and the rest of the museum staff, well , they're not a gift either, the lady is too exalted, and the tour guide is absolutely nuts, well, nuts or not, but he knows his business, okay, and why are we in the hotel, do you remember vanka kashkin, well, he was in the senior year, we are looking for a wedding present for him, look,
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i am just a german policeman, if i worked in russia, then your russian friend, mr. podgorulka.
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something like a strategic weapon of local purpose, do you have a free car, it will be here soon, please wait, to the duty room, okay, let's go faster, yeah, allow me, comrade general, come in, natalya mikhailovna, you asked for an album, please, yes, thank you, allow me to go, you are free, well, so, we need to respect the germans, this gunther 20 years ago, served in my unit in germany. "well, you don't need to know all this, but i am personally in his debt, so i ask you to help, so we
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have 4 days in all of germany, so your kashkin's wedding is on the seventeenth, yes, the seventeenth in magdeburg, well, and on the fourteenth in berlin, go to gunther, give him my photo album, i left a letter for him inside, talk to his relative, what's his name, germshrad." about your box, why is he so interested in this box? comrades? as far as i understand, this gershrader claims that the box that the criminals took from the gramophone museum, from his family's personal belongings, may have somehow ended up in our union during the war. in short, go to shradr, check all his documents and photos with your data, if this is the same "box, tell gunther what and how? well, we only have 4 days, well, there's
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svago, this kashkin of yours is also from the opera, he should understand the operational situation. questions, no questions, allow me to go, you are free to go. "break this fucking thing, i'm here, we are here, here and we, well, hello, comrade major, okay, let's not use titles, go, groom, i'll hug you, great, hello, thousand years, glory, this is agatha, agatha, very nice to meet you, hello, congratulations, congratulations, very good, good riddance, which means he's just learning russian, which means the plan is in effect today, get in the car, drive to our place." and who's this? vanya, i warned you, this is for us. good afternoon. oleg, good afternoon. good afternoon. ah,
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hello, my name is marta, i'll accompany you to mr. schrader, mr. gyuncha will be waiting for you there. vanechka, you see, the circumstances have changed, we need to leave. the general himself ordered it. i don't understand something, are you abandoning us? you are participating in the ceremony, right? let's be strong, don't worry, everything will be fine. we 'll call you, goodbye. just please don't be late. goodbye, bye, catch up, marsa, and what is this nonsense with a tassel? it's a judge's hat, and in russia, judges don't wear that? well, not always. is it yours? yes. i 've been studying law at the university of berlin for 3 years now. and i'm studying russian. ah, you and i are almost colleagues. and you're doing well speak russian. thank you. how nice that we are under the reliable protection of the law, glory, yes, and what does gershrader do? gershrader is my
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grandfather, he remakes organs here, yeah, he transplants organs, how he transplants, he makes organs sound in churches, and organs, excuse me, organs, organs, organs, yes, he spent a long time looking for one of our family heirlooms, the altergot box, yeah, so, ah, he has a lot to tell you. he is really waiting for you.
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so what, kramer, denis dmitrievich, born in 1982, russian, citizen of germany, arrived in petersburg on a grant from the university of berlin, the topic of the dissertation was mechanics of the 16th century, was supposed to work in the archives, send me to a diskette, i'll print out the photos, i'll go with him to the museum, gramophone, and you go to the archive and check who he worked with, forest
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fires are a dangerous and formidable element: to stop defeat fire, the calling of the strong. pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, firefighters, aviation forest protection of the russian forestry agency, a reliable shield of the russian forest. look, on the left is the famous brondenburg.
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do i have to identify someone again? i already have nervous stress after all this, and you interrogate me all the time, torture me all the time, i can’t look at the dead at all, and he’s not dead. he’s a normal young man, i just want you to look at him, okay, put him over there on the table, okay, valery pavlovich, where do you
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keep hiding my magnifying glass, just a minute, i’ll find it, my eyesight is very bad and i have astigmatism, i understand, here’s your magnifying glass, thank you, valery pavlovich, this young man have you ever seen a person, this is the first time i've seen this face, yeah, take a look, please, is he a murderer, it's possible, oh my god, let me, this young man was in the museum 2 days before all this horror, so you 're not getting anything mixed up, valery paloch, no, i'm not getting it mixed up, i ran into him at the door, he came after 8:00 pm, i said the museum was closed, but he went out to... mikhailovich said he would see the young man on a personal matter, and you were just hanging around in the museum? no, i
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went to give a course of lectures in the lecture hall, and the young man, did he come alone? no, with him there was a red-haired girl, she had a piece of iron on her lower lip, like a niyanka, and a piercing, yes, perhaps that's what it's called. did i tell you why the young man came? no, maybe ilona semyonovna knows, and why are you dragging me into this, you're always making something up, valery pavlovich, i didn't have such a close relationship with the late director to talk about personal connections, listen, georgievich, we have absolutely no evidence that this denis killed the antique dealer, in any case, marta has absolutely nothing to do with it, i'm sure that she we will be sure only that...
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pike, it is a gift from the bride, very beautiful, it is called khokhloma, yes, here in the southern region lives his russian mother, maybe she can
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tell us something, denis's mother, and you know the address, i can show it, it will be on our way, no, a little bit to the side, but i think fraukra can tell you a lot, well , if marta is not tired, then i don't mind, you know, we should fit in an hour and a half, i think we will have time, but this... well, here it is, the third building, hello, we are from
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the police, hello, captain dymov, petrogradskaya ruvd, and you give it, and how much do you need, i warn you, if you are with amon, let them come in calmly, don't hit anything, don't break anything, got it, so what, the domon case has reached, i called the police yesterday, and they told me, wait another day, then disturb us, what if you show up, huh? well , we are on our own initiative, we are from the homicide department, oh, oh, what homicide, did you come to say that no, that no, no, no, everything is fine with denis, we would just like to talk to you about him, we are looking for him ourselves, please, thank god, glory god, i don't know what to think anymore, i don't see monday, he doesn't spend the night at home , and he doesn't pick up his mobile phone, i just don't know what to think, i need to call zhanya in germany, well... what can i tell her, that's his mother, well maybe he has friends or an acquaintance here, of course he does, he's already 25, the age, but i called everyone, no one knows anything, tell me,
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were there any of his acquaintances? he called somewhere, and then he came up to me, i was in the kitchen and said: grandma, and shuvalovo is far away, yeah, and i said, the scum is already within the city limits, you can get there by metro, that's it look at the computer, can i have a look, sure, sure, thank you, listen, maybe he had some problems, well, you never know, maybe you had a girl you didn't share with or problems with money, well, of course, i won't say anything about girls, but with money, he came late on
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wednesday. he comes up to me and says, grandma, i really need money, i ask how much, he's silent, well, i see it's serious, i went in the morning and withdrew everything that was on the card, how much was 20,000, wow, and he said, it's not enough, where can i get it, i have nowhere else, come out, this is a house, oh,
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what kind of friends could he have there? we left when the boy was only 5 years old, all his friends are here, and marta knows them all, you see, he is here, he got a master's degree at the university, i am also studying at this, at this university, but at a different faculty, the law faculty. tell me, do any of these guys have friends, relatives in st. petersburg? i don't remember exactly, but before leaving denis told me that one of his classmates...
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i'll post it to you, yes, a great idea, or , in general, let's go to our place, yes, grandpa will be there i'm only glad, i'll show you berlin, but what about kashkin and his fiancée, they're waiting for us, i'm ready to sacrifice myself in the interests of the investigation, i know your interests, okay, i'll call him myself, i've never met this young man, what was his name denis kramer, denis kramer, no, you know, i've never had any acquaintances with the last name kramar, and the murdered owner of the museum, he was your friend, uh, i would n't say so, nadan generally didn't let anyone close to him, even the employees knew little about him, thanks for the information, please, all the best, always at your services, my honor, all the best, you got it all, there it is, kolya, what, i can’t please you with anything,
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so, our fingers are not exposed anywhere,
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the university is a very beautiful building, but how are we going to find it? hans is waiting for us on the lawn behind the university. oh hans, hi, martha, hello, i’m so glad i have to talk to the phone, it’s not working in russia, it’s not working, and i also know that russian politicians have to talk, hello, stefan, we are talking about dennis.
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a club like this, well, we need to urgently call our guys in st. petersburg, let them look, she 's performing at the tsokol club now, she has her own group, it's called the latox quartet, you'll listen to me today, you know, podsopki after the concert, yeah, okay, listen, dimych, will you ever pour yourself 50 grams of cognac or not, fifty-dollar hen is now this guy, look, you understand, we have to question witnesses here, i'll definitely come up to you, or maybe among the visitors? among the visitors, tell me, do you go to the concert yourself? yes, are you able to remember the faces of everyone who goes to the concert? logical, that's exactly it, no, well what should we do, if grisha hasn't prepared a soundtrack for us, then we should come with what we have, well what again?
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and when you make me a soundtrack, what will i mumble here, go with your soundtrack, i'll make it when i have time. come, hello, we 'll measure, hello, actually, i have one question for you, please, do you know denis kramer, kramer, you see kramer, i know, i know hedon kremer, here's his photo, take a look, and nemets, sam, do you remember this german who came to our concert, the third, more like the fourth, well... the fourth, the fourth, he brought me a disk from germany from stefan, when did you see him last? well, at the concert, he gave me the disk, then we drank beer, he's a great guy, then he went somewhere, and he was alone,
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it seemed to me that he had just arrived from his german home, he doesn't know anyone at all, and you don't know the girl, she has a piercing on her lower lip, such a metal ring, now every third girl has a piercing everywhere, she's a redhead, a redhead, i don't know, it looks like umat, she sometimes jokes around, calls herself dusya, that's right, he was dancing with umat in the hall, umat hanged herself on him, stole him somewhere, so u mat, this happens here often, u mat hasn't been here for a long time, the last time he came with some idiot, he started throwing cheap shots, i threw him out, not with this... no, i don't know about that one, that one is pretending to be a tough guy, he also had a ring with a skull on his finger, when i threw him out, i almost broke my finger, and where can we find umat or this idiot? well, i don't know about the guy, but there is umat
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rumor is doing business at the survey, what is she doing to rip off suckers, a scammer, well yes, bon appetit, thank you. fresh, and the seeds are roasted, yeah, respected, only i... and terribly hot, but no, we don't have that, we
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only have hammers, sorry, in vain, by the way, red pepper increases potency, still young, oh, my god, for once i wanted to eat good borscht for free, thank you, comrade captain, no pleasure, when you get me crazy, i 'll give you a bunch of pepper, in short, she used to work with a cord and ishak on the scam, i know on the snitch, who is this little dwarf , why did she call him that, and what about this shnyr who goes with masya? what masya, what are you talking about, he's such a chick now, with breasts like ten, don't show them on yourself, he's even going to get married, you idiot, and for this i'll need a partner, well, you know him, who else is petrovich, so stop it already, comrade captain, you know yourself, i can't stand him, but without him...
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sex appeal must be on display, come on, my god, what a nightmare, where should i go, typhoon, my dear russians, attention,
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plays, oh, what is this, oh, girl, it
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says lcd tv, it's a rare thing, you know, it will be the strongest gift, my dear, i'll kiss you, you'll get it now, it's a miracle, where, where is it, where can i watch it, i also won now, so we bet, so, who should i give the ticket to? 500 rubles. let him choke on 500 rubles. i'm giving 1.
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take it? i am the guarantor of the constitution and your money won't go anywhere, it's like the president's at home. i have 10.00 rubles. put it away, we'll go back to the place and show our documents. everyone stay at in their places. why are you sticking like a bath leaf? i'm not participating in this, what do you mean you have nothing to do with it, girl, what do you want from me, what kind of latar ticket, what do you need from me at all, that's it, stop, i walk around here just like you,
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stop, what are these saying, what's raw, what 's brewed, jump, jump, i said, jump, jump, come on, come on, what's scary, you still? i was going to get married, and you already know, you know, mister boss, come here, my friend, i'll get you engaged, oh, that's it, right now without any
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stops, we're going to ashkin's, they have them today some important event, okay, shaisanto, shaisanto, what's the matter, what happened? do you want to drive a car, i don't know, gasoline is on zero, okay, he scolds, in my opinion, go ahead, go ahead! everything is just like at home, and my grandmother, by the way , was a gypsy, what are we going to do? nothing, we're going to push the car, what? hello, georgievich, you promised at one o'clock, right? okay, another half hour, but only half! please don't be late, we 're waiting for you, i, well, brother, the ceremony still needs to be rehearsed, yes, we'll just
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wait for you, that's it, okay, we agreed, bartem, yes i got it, we're going, we're going, that's it, well, i told you. it's easy to talk faster, she would have gotten out herself and pushed, stop it, is this a regstag or something? i know, well, here we are, we've reached the regstag, well, that's it, now you 'll have enough water for a long time, well, redhead, what kind of mast will you be with us now? well, it says here that you're a burning brunette. go to hell, i forgot to ask you, look at yourself, it wouldn't hurt you to tidy yourself up either, by the way, in germany we have to pass for businessmen, habits, these idiotic ones of yours, please stop, you know, we'll dump the thing now, on
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we'll open a business in germany with the proceeds, by the way, the cat suggested leaving along, to drive cars again, and what a good business, a fucking business, it's better to fill it with water, i don't give a damn, you know, about the cat's business, about this cat of yours, i want an apartment in st. petersburg on makhovaya, i'll have it, that's enough, i got it, i got it, that's enough, but this hut is getting on my nerves, oh, verun is crawling, oh, listen, i feel so bad, what are you doing, my sisters, aren't you smart enough to understand how bad i feel?
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how much longer? no, the gas station is behind that house. and what if it's closed? no, that doesn't happen. we've been grazing kakashkina for an hour now. what a beautiful square? and what about the fence? it's a symbol of the city of berlin, a cathedral of memory. push, come on, tourist. and what's next? this, this is the victory column, in honor of the german army. and then i'll definitely take you to the karl marx museum, where, thank you, i've dreamed of all my life, thank you, wait, i have a phone, hello, yes, comrade general, no, you're not at kashkina yet , of course, it's already been agreed upon, yes, but we wanted,
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i see, vasily sergeyevich, well, i understand, well, if necessary, that's it, goodbye, something it happened, your grandfather received a call from the same voice with a russian accent, the day after tomorrow the dealers will bring the box to berlin, and what next, nothing, the general demands that we participate in the capture of the dealers, that we need to spend another day somewhere in berlin, but you can stay with us, i think grandfather will be only too happy, a wonderful idea, we agree, really, yes, and kashkin, of course, little martochka, do you want water, here you go, alina, it seems like you went out on deck to admire the sea, but in fact you are waiting for him, listen, natasha, you can do this is later, you see, rehearsing, yes, and then you say motor, it will come from there from the stairs, look carefully and it will suit you. we will film you from here, i understand, okay, well, let's go, now we will go through everything,
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calmly, let's get ready, you are one of these two, get ready for the rehearsal, the camera went, started, alina, we are standing, waiting, yes, okay, the panorama went, i can't stand these artists, rises. listen, you studied, look, look who is sitting, could she do like them, how they film a star, you know, i came to her senses in time, thank god, so go to him, well done, well done now, give me a hug, you know, and it seems to me that you envy them, listen, what's there to envy, but look, they're all beggars, i don't want to be a beggar and i won't, yeah, come on, where's your friend the administrator? there he is in glasses with a whistle, assistant? well, let's go to the cabin, what's there to shine about?
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hello, cat, there he is, but we just got off the boat. where, where, who the hell knows where, come on, well, how long will it take, there he is standing, great, kotyara, great, hello, glad to see you see, come on! and the rest is in the glove compartment, got it, wait, in 2 days you'll drive the car to the old place, oh well, don't bother, kitty,
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come on, come on, come on, sit down, bye-bye, goodbye, kitty, oh my god, why do you need this, you know that in a foreign country i want to feel calm, wipe my glasses, you're not at home, shut up, fuck you! and if you don't cooperate, you'll sit there, got it? what reason do i have to cooperate? as you can see, there's nothing criminal in my backpack, and what is this? an invitation to my wedding, come on over, i'd be honored, thank you, does your fiancée know that you've had three stints? and that you were messing around with masya? well, that's personally intimate, personally intimate, that's what a snitch!
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well, well, well, in general, such a smart sexpot, she'll sell you anything, she's got this one down, do you think i'll remember everyone, yeah, well, where can we look for mat and the pigs, i swear by everyone and my relatives, i don't know, but i only heard about the shuvalovo house there, i swear by my mother, honestly i don't know, so you say shuvalovo, well, and in more detail, and you let me go, show me where our red-haired suma is, and we'll let you go. we'll let you go right away, well, anyway, this red-haired girl has an older sister, her name is verun, she
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also lives in this shuvalovo, what's her last name, signs, and what signs are there?
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what's up here, that porch over there, no one lives here, so we're going there, so the dog won't bite us, it shouldn't, comrade policeman, maybe let me go, i need to get married, and you were told we'll let you go when we find you, come on, sit here and don't bother, when it's time, then we'll let you go, boris got carried away, and oh, hello, zamuchek, so are we going to wait for either the owners, but what's the point, you need the owners, and why should we need them until tomorrow morning? where could they be, there's a place here, young people hang out, gather, basically, we can go and have a look, if you want, well, let's go, let's go, well, here it is, our community center, they dance, sing here, the center is to suga,
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you'll see everything for yourself now, so guys, guys, excuse me, we're coming back, we have a few questions for you,
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let go, who are you, tell me, who are you, you're a pig, no, what pig, no, come on, come on, go out, go out into the streets and get dressed, borya, come on, come on answer, borya, where are you, exactly she, sister, is smart, that you ran, i you, you pig, what pig, why are you calling names, who is a pig, he is a pig, he is not a pig, he is a pig. they don't live that long, you and your sister live here, yes, yes with your sister, yes, and what about me, how old are you, how should i know, 100 years old, i see, sister, you needed me, but i have no idea where
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she is, oh, that's it, well, stop feeling me up, touching me, paw me, okay, let's go from...
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oh, here they are, where they live, kira, we'll have to take a careful look at everything here, check it out, let's check it out, come on, barrel, listen, did you take this flashlight with you, yes, i have it, here it is, put it in, check what's up there, okay, yeah. come on, boy, if anything happens, shout, kira, you 'll back me up, yeah, i'll cover your fat ass, wine, i'd like to take a steam
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bath, what's interesting there, there's nothing there, nothing. and what's this? and here's the key and the door is locked, find the documents or photos of the owners and send them to our guys in the german prison. borya, this is borya, oh shit, stop.
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quiet, don't move, mori, yeah, i'll take a look, yeah, yeah, it seems like your brains are intact, your brains, they leaked out, i saw it in the blood like a storm, i almost shot you, wait, yeah, yeah, it seems like they didn't leak out, i didn't want to, i think it was the pigs from his friends, well the pig who beat me up, i 've been sitting here for several days, well fight with you, i think he was mortally offended, he hit me with this can. here in this pocket, yes, oh, how it hurts, my god, my head hurts, what's going on, it's splitting, oh,
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listen, is this not blood, what is this, this, this is tomato juice, last year's harvest, guys, tell me, does the laundry come off, yeah? yershov will wash it for you, twice, georgyevich, do you hear me, what do you want, marta, excuse me, let me wash myself, listen, martha and i decided to go for a walk around the city, maybe you, you want to go, no,
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i still have some. listen, here in germany, when people drink beer, they sit and sing songs, yeah, it's such crap, but here in berlin no one does that, why, well, they do the natufest in bavaria, it's southern germany, so we won't sing songs, kein bier auf hawaii, es gibt kein bier, we don't.
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"martha, i'm nervous, ich have the gang nacht dicht geschlafen, weißt du, ich spät es ist, a moment, ich holodir sir." " and why are you up already, well done, hlaudio, hello, what, they took it, well done, well done, we have...
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we have an operation at 9, yeah, okay, yeah , goodbye, what's wrong with you, what are you doing , are you fucking nuts, drinking beer in the morning, but we have an operation at nine, great, we, you have to be in shape, i'm in shape, and what did they say, the shitheads with the smoke took denis, he's giving evidence now, what a bastard beer. you're the last bastard, you've gone to the color, that 's clear, thank you, yeah, good, it's good that you're alive, yeah, uh, well, in berlin he's powerful, my milshudent, he's a milsudent - that's oh, my classmate, he asked bring dis with his music to russia, and to whom he asked to bring, i had to pass on may, she is a singer there either in hes, or yes in a club.
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well, and there a young man came up to us, he was a decent guy, kind, he said that there was an anniversary at his farm, they are doing some kind of promotion with lotteries.
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money in 5 days, otherwise they can kill her, and me too, so, i told her that there is an opportunity to earn a little there, because i found a box for mr. schrader in the archive, and i agreed with the owner of the museum about selling this box, when i saw this box, when i heard it play, i realized that this is the thing that... mr. schrader is looking for, i
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said that if i manage to sell this alturgoth box, i can take a commission and pay, well, for the money lost, then swing said that we should celebrate this matter took me to shuvalovo, i'm telling you in plain language, he does not agree, listen, you call him, arrange for him to send you lavas to the card, and we will divide everything three ways. what about the box?
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so what now? open the attic, i'll throw it in there. well, well, you have this fucking guy's phone number on the receiver, so what? come on, you're hiding with us, make a deal that you'll sell him this box. where will i get it? where, where? you yourself said that there is no alarm there, the window is in the hill , damn it, it's held on by snot. well, and then he beat me up and locked me in the chardak.
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you are so festive today, for me every arrest operation is always a holiday, stop chatting, we really want to make it in time for our friend's wedding, he has it today solemn wedding of the church of ludwig or something or ludwig, so i know where it is, i will definitely take you there, great, we'll have fun there, well, don't talk nonsense. ct 203 trifft rosa luxemburg platz 1 dritte dritte ich be vierte ich be am zielort angekommen ich warte auf weitere anweisungen ja
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alles verstadenen oder alles verstadenen cars sich die verbauchen sich von dem. haben dem geld mit gebracht ja so wir er dem gesamt, dem sich dem sach genau sed, dem sich mit dem sich zu ... dem. volkswagen, i say, from the smell, at the moment, to all,
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dear, the volkswagen. with the festival started, silbermetallic volkswagen silbermetallic car number 35607 was about to be given to me by the world
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, so i would not pass by and i would not get anywhere. go, listen, well, actually, this is wrong. we should not interfere, but they will leave, let me behind the wheel, it's good that you don't
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talk, but show me where to go, volkswagen, for all the cars, all the cars, all the cars, someone get a radio, can you hear me, answer, give me a radio, help, be careful, you'll only interrupt the clam, listen, you're a good boy, how did you
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figure out with your pumpkin that they would save us? the pumpkin is yours, if i hadn't come up with this setup with the car we'd be lying nose to nose in this german shit, what are we going to do now? nothing, i don't think they 've seen our faces, so they wouldn't have sniffed these idiots from volkswagen, we need to break away, that's what we need to do now. what are you doing? i'm not doing anything, they figured us out by this mobile. baran, got it? got it. okay, let 's turn off onto the country road here. look, they're turning off onto the country road. and we'll turn off those two roads, i know that place. we'll pass the farmers there, behind them on the other side. so where should i go now? straight into the forest. gergün. gergün, we're turning off onto... marta,
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marta, i think we should do something, we should stop on the highway, and i think i shouldn't, the criminals should be afraid, he says you're great, that the criminals have guns, which means great, he gives us permission to act on your own, and are you ready to act, that 's the question, that's the answer, i'm turning right , where to next, we'll get out now, we're approaching the bridge, let's go to spanndauer strasse, let's go to the other side of the bridge, okay? listen, it seems like we've gotten away, no, let
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's go under the bridge just in case, are you sick or something, look at the wheels there, that's it, that's enough, hold on, oh my god, oh my god, let's hurry up. how did they find out about us? did some grandpa donate us to a museum? what the hell kind of grandpa? there's no grandpa, i killed him. what? what did you do? what did you do, you freak? what a fool i am to mess with you. damn, i think we've lost them. it can't be, they couldn't have driven past, maybe they went there? no, no, you can't go there, it's a nature reserve, it's national german pride. you can't, glory, look, a tire tread, that's right, no, you
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can't, no, these are just our national cities, you can't drive where you can't, so i won't go there, okay, let's walk, they couldn't have gone far by car, wir haben alles zu tun, entspann war, quiet, quiet, ooh you, there they are, so what, should we take it? are you crazy, they have a gun, but uncle gunther allowed it, said to be very careful, martha, tell the driver where we are and go, wait in the car, ah, da kommen sie, schaut doch, eine.
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6:09 am
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6:10 am
months, and do not forget about purchases in installments, holva - simple installment methods, when buying a car, you can do without autoteka, if you have scanning vision, at least buy, and who does not have superpowers, there is an autoteka and a full history of the car by 25 criteria, calmer, buy with autoteka on avito auto, give movies and music for paying for mobile communications - this is normal, so we give sbermobile. yes, we changed the name, but for the clients of tebank business the most important thing has remained unchanged: reliable operation of our services, tebank business and business is done. magnit, wheat flour, premium grade, makfa, 109,999. magnit - the price is what you need. it is not the first time
6:11 am
that antonina rents out her cozy apartment on avito real estate, so she knows how everything is. avito real estate is spinning, rent it out where it is looking, look, pay through the sbp, modern, i try to be rational, it is profitable, register on, pay through the sbp in grocery stores, household goods, pharmacies, gas stations, everywhere, as you are used to, save up greetings and exchange them for cashback in real money. and tomorrow we will your concert we are going. me too, only tender chicken is created for a big chicken burger and special moments of tenderness, a large juicy chicken fillet with a new garlic-cream sauce in a big chicken burger is already in a delicious point, do business with sber, open a free sberbusiness card, connect to the sberbusiness loyalty program, thank you, get
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10% cashback in bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card, what is it called? to earn money on my savings, i open a deposit in t-bank with a rate of 18%. i can top it up from any bank by number phone without commission. open a deposit in t-bank with a rate of 18%. tbank is the only one. about the weather for today, heavy rains are stretching in a narrow strip along the kuril ridge, tomorrow they will go to kamchatka, but for now there is another fine day, in the south of the continent short rains, tomorrow in the south of khaborovsky krai, in primorye again summer +25, but in yakutia the temperature
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is confidently going down, in imikon already +14, in chukotka in pivek with wet snow, in the north of siberia it is warm, the anomaly is not ... large, but stable on timer, on yamal above positive degrees by five, and the southern regions are divided, the eastern half has rainy plans, especially in the middle reaches of the neseyev, venkiya in the north of the irakutsk region, but the closer. the more sun in tyumen in yekaterinburg so far 22-23, tomorrow already 25, in the european territory of russia for the renaissance of summer are responsible for two anticyclones at once: one over povuzhye, the other over the baltic, they are united by the absence of clouds and an abundance of sun, the differences are only small in temperature in the northwest is still closer to 20 °, in the middle zone all 30 tuesday here promises to be the hottest day of this last week of the calendar summer, from smolensk to penza to... 28:30 in voronezh 31 in the south a small cyclone will be marked by intense rains on the black sea coast of the caucasus and will partially affect crimea, but yalta
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and sevastopol will most likely remain in sunny weather. don is hot and dry, in rostov-on-don almost 35. in st. petersburg today 22 and no precipitation, in moscow no rain and hot - 28:30. what am i doing here!
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slava, come on faster, here we are, well where to go next, there, there is a road, here, through
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bushes, let's go, where to, some bushes, needles, right here, but don't make it, wait, that 's inconvenient, let me help you, we made it, no, well, finally, hello, congratulations, congratulations, great, congratulations, help me, please, dear vanya, give me the gifts, give me the presents, give me the
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presents, dear agatha, yes, on behalf of our entire department, we would like to present you with this hokey service on this special day, on behalf of our entire department, give you this wonderful present, take the bag away, take the bag away, come on, yes, it's a nightmare, it happens. muste sich erfüllen. "das kann nicht wahr sein, was haben sie da mitgebracht, was ist das? was ist mit dir opa? das ist eine fälschung, das ist die
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spieldose, die aus russland gebracht?". wurdered also opa, guck noch mal, es kann nicht sein, ich habe dir schon erzählt, dass unsere spieldose eine besonderheit hat, eine besonderheit hat, hat eine falsche note gemacht, anstatt fis hat er f eingebaut, wo ist das? das ist eine fälschung, schaut mal, neue schrauben, mein gott!
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century, don’t you trust me? schrader says that in the real box there was one false note, yes, absolutely right, i saw, that is, i heard, and the altorgota changed the melody and put a clean one instead of faадыs, so wait a second, stop, can you explain to me what's going on? good morning,
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hello, oh, lost one! wait, what were you saying about the museum employee and the antiquarian? slippery types and very suspicious, slippery people, so what? you were right, and i'm a fool. hello, please come in, sit down, thank you very much. and you know, i'll be on duty here alone for 3 weeks. and for the watchman too. and where is your employee ilona semenovna? ​​she went on vacation from today. she's flying to america. at the invitation of the collectors' union, oops, so, wait, when is the flight, i don't know that, yeah, kira, no one's answering, so, listen, let's get to the airport quickly, quickly, we 'll stretch out like a moor now, that's it, i'm so worried, if something happens, calm down, i won't be able to stand it, calm down, we're not doing anything illegal, the documents are all in order, customs got theirs, are you sure you 're shaking so much, hello, your documents,
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please, hello, please, ilana semenovna, yes, hello, hello, hello, petrograd rvd, you again, did you know? do you have any things subject to declaration, it's hard to disagree, please present them for inspection, let 's look at the suitcases, show them, come on, come on, open them.
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my father wanted to get rid of the men. i was in may 1945.
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i will, therefore, know. i will, that our spieldose kaputt is. i
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decided to make some money on the sly and resell the real casket to an american collector, and here are the export documents made out on a copy, where is your volkov? well , any minute now, what's the matter, why are you late, hello, i beg your pardon, i just wanted, i asked you to buy flowers, comrade general, let's go today, we have such distinguished guests today, please, thank you, but this is a sign of sympathy from all of us, thank you very much, thank you, mr.
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volkov, please sit down, yes, gershroeder. vondabar,
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fata. he was touched, let him rest, did you see, there was a hiding place? my father left documents there, our family tree, his mother, well, yes, and what happened with your father's mother, she was taken to the concentration camp in moutau. she was almost immediately declared dead, and if the nazis had found out that matchra was jewish, it's scary to think about, but now we know that we have a family in america, we will write, and we received documents for a large inheritance in switzerland,
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so now we are becoming rich, do you want to see the documents? - to be honest, they have already been looked at and even copies have been made, but everything has been put back in the box, huh? i understand, the kgb, well, service, service, yeah, let's do it better let's drink, yeah, ah, to a lucky find. hurray, to love, uh-huh, hurray, well, it's time for us to go, m, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we have this, capture, anti-terrorism, uh-huh, goodbye, goodbye. goodbye, come again, let me have your hand, all the best, well, that's enough, yeah, sorry, sorry.
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your ticket, please, please , come in, don't cry, i'll be there , do you hear, i'll be waiting.
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we wish you the best morning, next in the program. we clarify the details of the emergency, we overtake according to the rules with the first gear. on ntv the program emergency incident in the studio of valery gavrilovskaya. trash streamers from orel may become the first to be convicted under the new amendments to the criminal code. two brothers beat up a woman and filmed it, as is customary, on camera, with approving comments from equally inadequate viewers who even paid for what they saw. now the authors of shock content have been detained and, as they claim, the victim was in cahoots with them. not only passers-by but also numerous viewers on the internet witnessed this attack. the video was broadcast live . the stream shows two aggressive men and a woman. i'll call the police now.

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