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tv   Utro  NTV  August 27, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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we wish you the best morning, next in the program, we clarify the details of the emergency, we overtake according to the rules with the first program on ntv, the program emergency in the studio valery gavrilovskaya, trash streamers from orel can become. the first convicted under the new amendments to the criminal code, two brothers beat up a woman filmed, as usual on camera, under the approving comments of the same inadequate viewers, who even paid for what they saw. now the authors of shock content have been detained and, as they assure, the victim was in cahoots with them. this attack was witnessed not only by passers-by, but also by numerous viewers on the internet. the video was broadcast live. the stream shows two aggressive men and a woman with a bag. i'll call the police now. the attackers turned out to be individuals
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widely known in narrow segments of the internet, these are two brothers, a trash streamer and the moskalovs, who call themselves oryol ogres, their main way of earning money is filming shock content, for which they receive cash donations from fans of low-quality spectacle with perverted taste. i am your god, gentlemen i beg you, gods, here i am for you. at the same time, the recently entered into force law banning trash streams does not stop them, the brothers meet with other stars of the low genre and conduct joint broadcasts to the delight of the public, it turned out that the victim is not a random passerby, but one could say their colleague, forty-six-year-old streamer vera egorenkova under the pseudonym dove, the woman works at the market, where she conducts most of her streams.
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went for a walk at her own expense all these two morons attacked me, she pitted them against each other. the victim wrote a statement to the police, after which the streamer brothers became defendants in a criminal case. it is likely that viewers will not see broadcasts with their participation anytime soon. criminal case under part two of article
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213 of the criminal code of the russian federation. hooliganism committed with the use of an object as a weapon by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. the progress and results of the investigation are under the control of the regional prosecutor's office. the fact that the broadcast was conducted with the intention of recording shock content may now become an aggravating circumstance. after the adoption of the law on ban on trash streams, the authors and heroes of this video face not only a prison term, but also a fine of up to a million rubles with the confiscation of filming equipment. i'll ask a provocative question: is it possible to drive into oncoming traffic? the answer is obvious. of course, yes. for example, the same overtaking, the maneuver is always associated with driving into the oncoming lane. and so many years have the traffic rules been in place, the debates about how to properly overtake do not subside. this is history. it began with a trip to the caucasus,
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a winding road, a solid dividing line, and a passenger car was slowly crawling in front of us the car, was sharpening at a speed of less than 60 km/h. has the right, 60, still not 30. i patiently drove behind this car, an impatient truck was breathing into nikolai grigorievich's rear bumper, when the broken line began, he overtook us with a whistle, i... after this truck, and after nikolai grigorievich the crew, catches up with me - a traffic police car, a traffic inspector came up to me and said that i had violated the rules, they say you can't drive out after someone overtaking, supposedly, the so-called overtaking by a small train is prohibited, i expressed my disagreement, i said that i did not
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violate the traffic rules, i overtook in accordance with the traffic rules. once again, in the opinion of the inspector, you cannot overtake like this, following
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the lane, then make sure that no one in the same direction is maneuvering, only then turn the steering wheel to the left. be that as it may, i still want to figure out what paragraph 11.2 of the traffic rules actually prescribes, namely, the driver is prohibited from overtaking if
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the vehicle moving in front is overtaking or going around an obstacle. will a lawyer help with this?
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everyone rushes to overtake, because the markings allow it, and the inspectors believe that such overtaking is committed in violation of the rules, referring to their interpretation of this clause, it is forbidden to overtake if the one in front is already overtaking, therefore in 2019 the supreme court issued a ruling in which it explained that it is not allowed to overtake a vehicle moving in front that is overtaking, that is, it is prohibited to overtake the one overtaking so on ...
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the decision of the supreme court is precisely on the dispute about the deprivation of rights for overtaking locomotives, the judge writes that it is prohibited to overtake vehicles that are moving ahead and overtaking another vehicle and cancels the decision to deprive you of your license for overtaking like a train, that is , if you find yourself in such a situation, you need
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to go to the supreme court. the law is like a car in some sense, until you start it, you can't drive it, you need to defend your rights, including your driver's license, and if necessary, go all the way. to the supreme court the best for today at 20:00 action-packed series tverskaya former special forces soldier from siberia gets a new appointment but... no, a provocation, because villains often have to be driven into a trap. tverskaya. today
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at 20:00 on ntv. about the weather for today. heavy rains today are reaching the kuril islands, sakhalin is also in the rain, in the south of the continent there is almost nothing left of a small cyclone. in khabarovsk, vladivostok, short rains + 23:25, and tomorrow an even warmer summer. well , siberia is still at a crossroads, the southern regions of the krasnoyarsk territory in moderate rains, tomorrow the temperature will continue to drop, but closer to the urals, an anticyclone returns everyone to summer, in the european territory anticyclones follow literally one after another, in each next one the air is slightly cooler, but it warms up, because perfect sun is guaranteed to everyone, from narinmar to saratov. the weather at the end of august is simply ideally summer, and this morning not only daredevils are swimming in the pirogovskoye shtil reservoir, there was a slight wind over the weekend. the yachts spread their sails and went out on the water, it is always very interesting to watch the sailing regatta from the shore, the next weekend
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will be sunny, the swimming season continues, tuesday will be july-like hot in the entire central zone, about thirty everywhere, no precipitation, a small cyclone on the black sea will be marked by rain, but the strip of this rain will be very narrow, so in sochi, in simferopol, a heavy downpour is possible, in sevastopol at the same time it should do without precipitation, in st. petersburg today no precipitation and the maximum temperature in ... this is how car service employees meet clients
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from the insurance company who refused repairs and want money. how to get money under osago for new spare parts why car repair shops do not like gaskets, alexander lushin figured it out. andrey cherankov's car was rammed by a truck, after which he fully enjoyed the quality of service under the policy. no feedback from the insurance until i went to their office, what would they answer, it was difficult to get through to the insurance company, even when i went there, a trivial ticket was issued for a delay, let's say, having won the first battle with the insurance, andrey received a referral for repairs took the car to the service, the referral for repairs contained incomprehensible to me information data in the legal part. direction to ip kvashnyanoy, but at the address of another company. no, not about a single sign,
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that ipashnina is present here. such a sign at the entrance should alert, which was confirmed in the office. video recording is prohibited. nikonaet, according to the law. according to the law, this is my yard, i can knock your head off here. and this is andrey prudnikov, the owner of that very friendly service, complaining about the lawyers of clients who need money, and not. if you refuse to repair the insurance office, they will withhold part amounts for wear and tear of parts, a written refusal of the service to repair is needed to get the money in full. there were cases when lawyers came to me, here a lawyer comes to us and says: guys, we will beat cars and cash out money through you, but money.
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the service station imposes the signing of additional agreements, in which it prescribes convenient repair conditions for itself, such as used spare parts, if a person does not want to sign this agreement, they simply say that we will not issue you any written refusals, contact the insurance company. andrey cheronkov was unable to hand over the car to ip kvashnena, he did not find her at the address, he did not want to give the car to prudnikov. as for ip kvashnena, yeah, specifically, how do you represent her interests? i am a nobody, i do not represent anyone. the insurance company recognized this video
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as equivalent to a written refusal of the service to repair and paid andrey compensation. having a video recording of this refusal in hand, i wrote a claim to my insurance company, to compensate me in money without depreciation, since you did not organize the repair of my vehicle, andrey cheronkov received the money to restore the car, but no one will return the wasted nerves and time, if it were not for this fear, i would not have waited these 20 days, in fact, it delays the whole process, the owner of the service is also ... unhappy, the insurers have too strict requirements for minimal money. they tell us that the car should come out exactly the same as it was before the accident. absurd, even if it is taken to the factory, it will never be like that. good morning, live food on the air. me my name is sergey molodemov and one of the most
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enjoyable parts of my job is to constantly follow the news, adding some to my picture of the world. fresh information from scientists, french baguette and chinese tea, now on the list of intangible heritage of unesco. the decision was made by the intergovernmental committee at a meeting in morocco. from now on , the products themselves and the traditions associated with their production and consumption are protected. in china, this is caring for tea bushes, collecting and brewing leaves, and the tea ceremony. in france, production with a bunch of tricks, from the temperature in the oven to the proofing time test. in paris, every year they even find out which bakery has the best baguettes, special judges examine them, taste them, check for crunch, weigh them and measure them
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with a ruler. the social side of this tradition is also important: buying fresh bread every morning, the french communicate with the baker and neighbors. potatoes are healthier than ... they ate before, they do not increase the risk of obesity and diabetes, american scientists from the center for biomedical pennington's research. volunteers with excess weight, as well as insulin resistance, a condition that precedes diabetes, were divided into two groups: one partially replaced meat in the diet with beans and peas, these are recognized healthy products. and for the other, potatoes played the same role. and
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their cereals, having given up 40% of the meat they were used to, lost weight and reduced insulin resistance. drinking 2 liters of water a day is not at all necessary. the popular recommendation was once again refuted by an international group of scientists. having traced with the help of hydrogen isotopes oxygen per fluid turnover in the body of 5 s for thousands of people, the researchers came to the conclusion that, firstly, we get quite a lot of water. with food, and secondly, everything is very individual: athletes, pregnant and lactating women, infants, residents of hot countries and high-mountain regions need a lot of moisture. the rest have a much more modest need, scientists can now calculate it using a special equation, well, in everyday life it is better to focus on thirst, and not on
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beautiful, but not scientifically confirmed numbers from the internet. moreover, excessive drinking can... harm, for example, the kidneys or the system of blood pressure regulation. scientists add that excessive production of drinking water for the sake of fashion, and then disposal of the resulting urine by sewage systems, is not very useful for the environment. hello everyone, this is a summer cottage answer, i am ilya zapadenets, today we will remodel the kitchen-dining room for the danilenko family. we will build a staircase from cabinets, here and there we will place burning beacons of transparent shelves, we will tame fire in stone, well, we will give our heroes their own island, for this unusual project we were inspired by the interior of buckingham palace, of course not, here is a stool, and this is not a joke, katya, come in,
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the sinobons are just ready, which our heroine, ira loves so much, our heroine dreams of opening her own bakery, but for now there is nowhere to even practice her culinary skills, any housewife would be absolutely uncomfortable here, neither to cook nor to live, in these three linear meters, we will place absolutely all the equipment that is needed in the kitchen, this lonely offended refrigerator will come back here, the oven will return, a hob will appear dishwasher, great, here in the center we will have an island, it will complement the work surface, plus guests who come to our heroes, they will be able to settle down here to always be in contact with the hostess, we will provide a passage around it, you can walk around it, like this, yes, that is, no , it will not be like this, it will be a little more free, more free, this is what we are trying to achieve, the oven is big and bulky, the heroes do not mind if we beat it with sledgehammers and knock it down. we will not beat it, because we tied to the air duct technically and we will decide during the construction process what we will have. katya, let's clarify for our viewers, what
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does this stool have to do with it in the end. the inspiration for our project was the library in vyborg, the finnish architect, alvar altakh, here are our stools, this is some kind of parade of stools, stools, yes, it was created specifically for this library, so that it could be arranged, put away compactly, that veliruma is a stool, really. a lot of natural light for that, so that people can read there comfortably, and we 'll take this feature, well, we'll also cut these windows into the ceiling, make a hole, we'll make an imitation, what else will we get from alvar in this project? we 'll have a staircase from the project in the form of cabinets, in the form of cabinets, it will be here, yes, there will be a cabinet for utensils and then another cabinet for storing glasses, dishes and a little open
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space, wait, there won't be any passage left here at all if we also take everything away with storage, we have a specially made cabinet in the form of steps so that just save space here, the steps , i mean, yes, yes, everything is lower, lower, lower, the stairs sort of go down, yes, we'll remove this wall that. no need, we'll replace its glass display case, you probably noticed that our heroes go down to this kitchen, there's a step here, yes, i tripped on this step when i first came to our heroes, so i 'm changing it, it will be full-fledged, big, deep, normal height, well, let's start construction according to the sinobon, let's start, come on, tverskaya, the new season starts on monday, 20:00 on ntv, again profitable, not again, every day, profitable on the price tag, means low price, neli chocolate 1999, pyaterochka helps out,
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the best. let's check! the quality of watermelons in our consumer protection service. we have the right to receive legal advice. let's create a new space in the apartment of your dreams. let's go to interesting place, let's eat something tasty with federico arnaldi. phew! what's the big deal, the beautiful fruit, the watermelon. come on, oops, eat, drink and wash. by the way, whoever eats the pink fruit like that, go ahead, don't be shy, its moisturizing effect, oops, for the skin has been proven by dermatologists, but it's a pity that the season for russian watermelons starts only in the middle of summer, and what small ones, and before that, dessert weights are delivered to russia from abroad, from oh! oh,
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iran, turkey, oh, costa rica, and many , swallowing their saliva, bypass early watermelons side, despite the fact that yes, watermelons, like strawberries, eggplants, tomatoes, of course, are fed with nitrates in iran, turkey and russia, agronomists do not hide. nitrates in watermelons are not a myth, it is a growth vitamin, without nitrogen nothing grows in nature, it is necessary for the watermelon to grow, if the watermelon is fully ripe. then all the growth vitamins that it took, it processed them, that is, nitrates can appear, perhaps, only in an unripe, inedible watermelon, and it is generally not economically beneficial for farmers to overdo it with nitrates profitable, the price of these fertilizers is going up, well, like on fertilizers, now the cost of fertilizers, unfortunately, has increased, and accordingly, with each bag of fertilizers that we add per hectare, we increase the entire cost, in the soviet years, due to the low cost of fertilizers, they added several times more than
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now, water the watermelons, and with pesticides , sometimes three or four times per season, farmers explain, otherwise they will simply be destroyed by spider mites, bog aphids, or, for example, the harmful fungus fusarium, this is a fungal disease that we have on watermelons, it greatly affects the growth of watermelon, well, in the end the watermelon may simply die, so we spray every six rows in one go, but the treatments are well in... you will kill its plants, you can get poisoned by this agrochemical, but only if you eat the watermelon with the rind, experts insist, pesticides accumulate in the hard shell, however, in the rind of only
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one out of ten. insecticides were found in watermelons, and then only in a tiny, trace, safe amount, heavy metals were not found even in fruits bought on dusty roadsides highways, and this is completely... a mismatch and bad luck, they explain in rosselkhoznadzor, exhaust gases or some other elements, they spread in the air and only a small amount of them settles on the surface of the watermelon, even if some small amount gets inside, it will be minimal, but it is not boiling because of watermelons that happened to almost everyone, the whole family was poisoned, everyone ran there in turns to the toilet, their stomachs were twisted badly, such a reaction can be caused by absolutely ecologically. watermelon doctors explain, it is not the chemicals that provoke an upset stomach and serious complications, but the microbes from the rind, because the fruit grows on the ground, in just one gram of which there are 2 billion microorganisms, which also hide in the microcracks on the rind, and the watermelon passes through more than
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a dozen hands before it reaches the counter, these dirty hands of workers are what make the watermelon - well, less suitable for consumption, we cut it with a knife and accordingly spread these bacteria throughout the pulp, therefore ... it is recommended to diligently wash the watermelon with a sponge and soap before cutting and, by the way, an overdose of watermelon is often mistaken for poisoning, gastroenterologists assure, because the sugar fruit actually has a daily norm - half a kilo, that is, this much, and rarely does anyone eat less. the fact is that watermelon contains a lot of simple carbohydrates, for example, fructose, sucrose and various sugar alcohols, may not be fully absorbed and broken down by enzymes in the small intestine, enter the large intestine. where they will be broken down with the help of bacteria, this condition can be confused with poisoning, because the symptoms similar, and i was assured of exactly the same thing at a melon field in indonesia, where watermelons are grown all year round, and sometimes you get indigestion from watermelons,
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well, when your stomach hurts or something like that, if you have too much, yes, this is exactly what the experts say, that a watermelon does not necessarily have to be poisoned with something for you to be poisoned later, so be careful. everything in the world, by the way, local watermelons even after several hours of hard work under the hot sun, everything is boss, where would the watermelon, okay, chasing, unexpectedly disappointed, this is a hint that you need to work and also, it seems, hint, got it. i thought it would be better, to be honest, in russia we have sweeter ones, what determines the sweetness of a watermelon, how to choose the sweetest and juiciest ones, keeping the fruit until the new year is elementary, how much do watermelons
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cost if you cut off the juicy markup of all intermediaries, i will tell you in the second part of the investigation, don't miss it. marina velikova, lawyer. moscow mayor sergei sabenin signed a decree banning the construction of one-room apartments in moscow with an area of ​​less than 28 m2. a limit of 44 m2 has now been set for two-room apartments. data the changes came into force on august 1 , 2024. and i will remind you that back in may 2024 , president vladimir putin instructed to provide citizens with housing of at least 33 m2 per person by 2030, but by 2036 the area should be at least 38 m2 per person, well, developers must now build apartments of a larger area, the corresponding changes
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were made to the moscow government decree on development standards from 2013-2017. according to this document, the area of ​​apartments will be calculated without taking into account area of ​​the balcony. loggias, terraces, and, cold storage rooms and apartment vestibules. new requirements for minimum development in our country are relevant for all territorial zones, and also apply. for low-rise multi-apartment residential development, this is a number of storeys up to four floors, including the attic. for residential development, with a number of storeys no higher than eight floors, as well as for multi-storey high-rise development, this is a number of storeys nine floors and higher. amendments, as in general, requirements for architectural and urban planning solutions for capital construction projects in the city of moscow at does not apply to cultural heritage sites, as well as to individual housing construction projects. in
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case of violation of the specified standards, moskomexpertiza will refuse to issue positive conclusions on construction projects, and mosgorstroynadzor will monitor compliance with the requirements for construction, and at all stages. this is from issuing a construction permit to putting the facility into operation, but it should be taken into account that these new requirements will not apply to construction projects, who received positive conclusions from the moscow committee of expertise and building permits until may 7, 2024. hello, this is a housing issue, i am aksana. kozyreva, tell me honestly, what do you associate a school notebook in
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a box with, probably with some boring, difficult math lessons, and if you were also unlucky with the teacher, but this is definitely not about our heroine today irina, children run to her in class jumping, carrying with delight, so in irina's bedroom there will also be echoes of her favorite subject, here there will be cabinets with red borders, there will be a clean sheet of paper in a cage on the ceiling, i want some... a different color, probably not very bright, flashy colors, but at the same time the color scheme can be completely different, this classic, it is everywhere, that 's how modern it is for you, oh yes, you won't believe it, last night, going to bed, i thought, what can they bring me that i will understand, they will probably bring...
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the housing issue took on the task of transforming a fourteen-meter bedroom in a panel house. we got rid of the old furnishings, we will order materials online so as not to waste time. we proceed to the screed, fix the damper tape, a level surface will be provided by the self-leveling floor. it spreads well and hardens quickly. we assemble a metal frame on the ceiling. we sew everything up with plasterboard. we will emphasize the ceiling with a laconic thin molding. it is made of ldf. this is a stable and durable material based on wood. now we will add color to the bedroom. we lower a thin scarlet line along the perimeter. we dress the walls in a dense
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gray-blue shade, we use matte paint for all surfaces, we opened the door against the wall, the color of hot chocolate, i think it's very beautiful, it matches, so, what other options do we have here, look, there's this glass, yes, it also looks beautiful here, it matches so well with blue, yes, but this is not our story at all. what is ours, this is this graphite, we continue finishing , we lay a thin sound-absorbing underlay on the base, a laminate under oak is laid on top like a deck, the planks are connected with the help of locks, we will decorate the ceiling, the cage should go down a little on the walls, where we try this picture here,
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here it will hang, yes, it will hang on this wall, but i am worried whether it is too compact for such a large surface, well, we will decorate it additionally , we will also make a passport and a frame for it, balance all this, we put a nightstand on high legs, opposite we place wardrobes, we arrange an alcove for the bed, the border of the walls is striped... it was painted in advance in the main shade of the interior. let's move on to the light. in the niche behind the future headboard we put a warm white led strip. we connect bedside sconces, we will soften the cage on the ceiling round swivel spotlights in white cases. there are 10 of them. so, without getting out of bed, irina will be able to open the window once. you can immediately feel how thick the curtains are, because right. it’s brighter in front of your eyes, this is a setting, and we also chose
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such a shade, dark, which blends in almost with the color of the walls, we did this specifically so as not to highlight or add any more contrast. pay attention, oksan, that our curtain is brought into a niche, that is, we didn’t just make this lid, our such an outline, red here, you can see it right away, as if the fabric is just flowing, no unnecessary details. nothing. we spread a soft belgian carpet. it is made of artificial fibers and is easy to care for. in the center of the bedroom , a bed with soft upholstery is placed. we make the bed. the bed linen is made of thick and thin cotton fabric percale, the bedspread is quilted, pillows and blankets with a filler close in quality to swan's down, we put a bright point in the composition. wow, the pillow is graphic, again in the tone of the headboard, it matches
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our carpet and, of course, the red floor lamp, floor lamp, yes, we specially collected the whole picture, tied all the details and it seems to me that what turned out is great. come in. what is this picture, this is generally, this is generally some kind of, some kind of fantasy, a lot of space, i will put my books here, the ceiling, here it is, here it is a mystery, i say, i have such a feeling that i just got into another reality, it seems that it is time for me
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to do repairs in the whole apartment, friends, bongiorno. your friend federico, my travels around the globe today brought me to izhersk, now i will prepare a ball from zem, well, i hope it's not the globe, but probably another one, vladislav, tell me, vladislav popyrrin grew up in a large family, from a young age he cooked for his younger sisters, so he didn't think long about his future profession, graduated from the culinary academy and in a few years became one of the best chefs in izzhersk. today we are preparing kozhepok, this is a national udmur snack, it is made from a pea ball, that is, the ball for us will be peas, that 's right, well then let's start with where? we start with peas, we don't add water, first we add the peas, we lightly fry them for a little bit, we
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fry them a little bit, so that our grains open up faster, by the way, this is the first time i see it with chickpeas, as i would have seen with seeds once. maybe i even saw it with pepper, well , black, this is the first time i see it with chickpeas, that we lightly fry them, do you hear what a characteristic hissing sound goes, this is the excess moisture evaporating, which we do not need, as soon as the sound disappears, you and i add water, wait, but what is the point then in removing excess moisture, if we add water later? if you can't do it initially, the chickpeas cook much longer, that is, such a kitchen life hack, such a kitchen thing, wow. oops, we removed the moisture, we add the moisture back, while the peas are cooking, we peel the onion, and tell me please, here is a pea ball, but you called it differently, some strange name, probably murskie, yes, kazh,
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pog, like a boot, but kazh, not sap, it comes from two words, kazhe is peas, and ok is a ball, mix finely on ...
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make a puree, but i hope not with a grater, no, with a blender, modern technologies make it easier cooking, okay, because i'm strong, but here my biceps are already aching, mix the puree with onions and cheese, add herbs, salt and start making balls, here is the same story as with all snacks, the snack should be for one or two bites, yeah, so if you make a big ball, it will be inconvenient to eat, it is very easy to make. oops, they made such a beauty, now what, now we need to hide this beauty in a cracker. for this we will need batter, flour, batter is and batter is water, flour and egg, the most common dough is the most
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usual, so this is an unexpected turn, i thought that we would immediately make crackers and that would be it, everything will be teamwork now, like at a factory, i roll them in flour, and you do the rest, you can use any crackers, you can use rye, you can use wheat, now we put our balls in the oven at 180° for 15 minutes. while our balls are baking, you and i will make the sauce. yeah. what sauce? and our sauce will be, let's say, tartar, finely chop the pickles and garlic. now you and i need to add here mayonnaise. i suggest adding mayonnaise maheev, provencal with lemon juice. it is prepared according to a unique recipe with the addition of lemon juice, which contains vitamin c. this. will be an excellent base for our sauce, add chopped dill and parsley to the mayonnaise and try, listen,
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it turned out delicious, the breading is excellent, dense, crispy. and when you bite it, everything opens up this cream, very tender, velvety cheese that will melt in your mouth, it's just a masterpiece, imagine, i'm a huge fan of chickpeas and didn't even imagine that you can to make such a tasty and cool dish from it, well, as they say here chisk, it was tasty and generally still fun and interesting, so thank you very much, thank you! open jardín gold, enjoy its rich aroma and soft taste. jardín gold -
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a special pleasure to feel. he walked around moscow woke up a star. hello. i read the script, i didn't understand anything in it, but i wanted to act. how actor evgeny steblov found a true friend, nikita mikhalkov. when they roll a barrel at nikita, i always feel very offended, a witness to such a drama he became a director, his competitor was andrei mironov, how many personal tragedies he himself experienced, tanyusha, we pray for you, we pray, and i burst into tears, why did the people's artist go to the legislative assembly again a year after his wife's death. write us down right now, i just understood that i would not be able to live as a former, have i come to terms with the choice of my only son? will you take it if i go to a monastery, your son is somewhere on solovki, yes solovki, yes, evgeny steblov and his secret for a million,
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on saturday at 13:00 on ntv. you are super, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. axidoni field against flu and urvi, with prizes first take immediately. polyoxidonium, it is for adults and children during the cold season, and you no more no more pain. polyoxidonium. a drug of complex action for the prevention and treatment of flu and orbi at any stage of the disease. polyoxidonium, treatment and prevention of viral infections. cash loan and cashback up to 10%. why don't we dance? need a smaller stove. there is enough space for everything. cosmically convenient, truly, folk. russian stove warms the heart, oxygen does not burns out, neighbors respect, energy efficient, fireproof, reliable, narrow stove of the 21st
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century, only now the heater at an incendiary price, and a lifetime warranty, pash, look at the magic, apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything most important, gazprombank, asb there is an easier way, bref - colored water for cleanliness and freshness of the toilet with each flush. at a super price , have time to buy in the stores of your city! i have the same wow! wildberries! such different families, but everyone is preparing for autumn in one place, sat down with honors! psb, as it should be bank of a strong country? reliable! it should support culture, build a sports future and be in sports, help reach
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the stars. and be there in any, even the most remote point. psb is a bank of a strong country. oh, meat-grinding stradore. yes, for her we chop meat coarsely. coarsely meat-grinding, creamy meat. meat-grinding istrodvorye is delicious-meat-grinding. took prisoner, quickly into business. ismigen.
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rare phenomenon, we found wonderful, a good engineer, like a perpetual motion machine, it seems that it does not exist, it exists, if you know where to look, in the personnel center work russia, a personal consultant will select specialists and organize training to the required level of qualification, and it's free, apply here tverskaya - new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. there are many reasons to choose osaga on the website or. in the application compare, but one is the most important: we have already checked the price of insurance companies, which means we know where to find a cheaper policy? nine out of ten clients stay with us after the purchase, try it and you, compare, osaga is cheaper, again profitable, not again, every day, profitable on the price tag, which means a low price, chocolate 1999, pyaterochka helps out,
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get a s7t bank card and get. cashback in miles for daily purchases. miles can be spent on air tickets, s7 airlines services. get a card in the tebank app or on the tebank website, participate in a closed sale of air tickets with discounts of up to 50%. find out more at check your credit rating on the compare website or in the app. and we will select a profitable loan taking into account your credit history. compare is on your side. and the weather for today, heavy rains today are getting to the kuril islands, sakhalin is also in the rain, in the south of the continent there is almost nothing left from a small cyclone, in khabarovsk, vladivostok short rains + 23-25, and tomorrow an even warmer summer. well , siberia is still at a crossroads, the southern regions of the krasnoyarsk territory in the rains of moderate
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coolness, tomorrow the temperature will continue to drop, but closer to the urals. the anticyclone returns everyone to summer, in the european territory anticyclones literally follow one after another, in each next one the air is slightly cooler, but it warms up, because the perfect sun is guaranteed to everyone, from narinmara to saratov. the weather at the end of august is simply ideal for summer, and this morning not only daredevils are swimming on the pirogovskoye shtil reservoir, there was a slight wind on the weekend, the yachts straightened their rudders and went out on the water, it is always very interesting to watch the sailing regatta from the shore. and there will be next weekend. a small cyclone over the black sea will be marked by rain, but the strip of these rains will be very narrow, so in sochi, in simferopol, heavy downpours are possible, in sevastopol at the same time there should be no precipitation. in st. petersburg today no precipitation and maximum air temperature -21-23. in moscow, tuesday may become
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the hottest day this week -28:30 sun. that's all for now, watch the weather on ntv. see more. morning, the best. let's talk about health with your doctor, let's make fituccini together with yulia vysotskaya. let's study the latest miracle technology. let's meet the chief director of the obraztsov theater one day. millions of children will sit at their desks from september, is it true that improper posture can lead to disability, what will help keep your back healthy, like a child avoid scoliosis, how to notice a sore back in a child, we talk about this with vertibrologist timur makirov.
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good morning, the program your doctor is on the air, here we talk about the right. medicine with the right doctors, hello, timur rashidovich, i am very glad to see you, i am very glad to see you on our program, timur rashidovich, today i would like to talk to you on the eve of the upcoming new - school year, and about the hygiene of the spine in children, yeah, we are all fine, and i remember, i see in my children how they literally lie down periodically on the table - they write, at this time the spine is all twisted, you say, sit up straight, some time passes, again all the same and so on and so forth, and you understand that this often leads to serious problems in some children, to scoliosis, and sometimes even deep degrees, and this is generally severe, often disability, here is what needs to be done to prevent these problems, how to properly build this
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hygiene, but at the same time, so that it is not a continuous stick on the back, but so that it is, let's say, normal, easy integrated into the normal life of the child, the family, so that it is not a burden, well , first of all, children need to be taught this from an early age, probably even from kindergarten, that is, this is pastural hygiene, that is, this is hygiene of rest of the body, that is, when a person lies down, sits, some special orthopedic desks, chairs, devices can help him with this, including, if you have already missed the moment a little, some corsets will help with this, which slightly straighten the posture, and there are desks with special slopes, chairs that are located under such an angle. that is, the right lighting, that is, yes, so that it is not dark for the child , so that he does not bend over, there are fewer children who, let's say, have problems with the spine associated with improper
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posture, of course, of course, now much more time is devoted to prevention, because scoliosis is to a large extent an acquired thing, that is, idiopathic scoliosis, this is scoliosis of unclear etiology, that is, it is not congenital, not traumatic, it is ... which gradually, gradually develops, increases, how can it be treated conservatively? well, it should definitely be under the supervision of a specialist, preferably a pediatric vertebrologist, who deals with this pathology, so that it can be observed with some frequency, that is , first of all, exercise therapy, this is manual therapy, that is, massages, that is, the child should massage helps, of course, this is scoliosis in children , as a rule... accompanied by hypertonicity of the muscles on one side, that is, the muscles are tense on one side a little more, on another a little less, and the muscles themselves begin this bend the vertebra, some, yes, yes, the spine, that is, in one direction or another,
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that is, there can be c-shaped, u-shaped scoliosis, so the first thing is of course massage, exercise therapy, that is, classes with the child, with a special exercise therapy specialist, swimming, it is necessary, it is also desirable to do this with a trainer. braces are ineffective here, that is, this is precisely a mechanical curvature, and it needs to be mechanically, at what age usually - most often the first signs appear - such an early acquired scoliosis, associated with the wrong posture, that the child's hand bends like this, so that he can write beautifully in calligraphy, when can this be noticed, is it in the first grade, in the second, in the third, is it at 10 years old, on average, around 10 years old, well, parents usually. fourth grade? yes, parents, as a rule, do not notice this, it is even sometimes noticed by their relatives either at school, or a coach, somewhere in physical education, that is, parents rarely notice this, because parents do not see flaws in their children. we understand perfectly well
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that children are our future and the future of all of our countries, then of course it is necessary to have such difficult moments, so that they come to us at least once a year, maybe pediatric orthopedists check the children and help. if there are, let's say, assumptions or some kind of already some kind of appearance of some signs, probably scoliosis, probably, try - these children should be somehow singled out and treated with special hygiene, probably they should do, i'm afraid to talk about this topic, because i don't understand well how you you think, everything is right, at least once a year it is necessary to do a medical examination at school, just so that specialists come and literally in one day examine the whole school, at least the musculoskeletal system. at least from the wheel, the same deformations in some joints, that is, it is a matter of minutes, a matter of minutes, but an extremely important matter, well, an extremely important matter, which can then reduce problems by 100%, in the future, and, and
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huge problems for girls, this can naturally be a rotation of the pelvis, then problems with pregnancy and so on and so forth, then there is all this including if one limb is shorter than the other, as for the legs, again there is a pelvic tilt, the consequence of this is... many thanks timur rashidovich for the very important topic raised, i think that this topic needs to be discussed, discussed as often as possible, because. it was in the beginning that the word was, and then i think that it is not like that, no problem newton, go back a little, remember the best practices, perhaps undeservedly forgotten soviet union, and do this, i think, probably, there are schools where this is today it is done, there is just a shortage, probably of employees, but in general i think it is easier to prevent than to treat later, yes, thank you very much. i would like to wish everyone a good morning and
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see you soon, i love pasta at any time of the year, i put it in boiling water, this is fettuccine, it just seems to me that fettuccine is best suited for this green sauce, so, we cook the pasta, read the instructions on the package, here, for example, 7 minutes, so, e 5 minutes, be sure not to forget we will need for the sauce, i will save a little, save the water in which the pasta was cooked, it you see, my water has boiled here too, i add a little salt to this water, pancaked asparagus, now let's talk about the sauce, the sauce we have with you will be very interesting today, a frying pan, a small amount of olive oil, a tablespoon, heat up the garlic,
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a couple of cloves, i cut them thinly like this, i will also need pepper, chili, i chop them, so, the pepper goes to the garlic, we throw the asparagus into a colander. so we leave it, somehow everything always turns out faster for me here, so let the asparagus cool down, i also add this to the pepper and garlic homemade croutons, simple - i dried the dried bread in the oven today and crushed it like this, so that... you get
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a crumb, you know, like breadcrumbs, homemade, works great with pasta, save a little water in which our pasta is cooked, so that if necessary, there is something to make the sauce juicier, more tender, throw the pasta in a colander too, like asparagus, so there, put the saucepan back, so our pasta topping is ready, you can see right away, yes, how oily, beautiful these crumbs have become, remove them aside, frying pan more oil. couple
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tablespoons and zucchini. frying pan is hot, zucchini is thinly sliced. asparagus, zucchini on the stove, literally one or two minutes, so that they become a little more tender, they can remain a little crispy. and we, in the meantime , will cut asparagus into such wedges. asparagus.
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and it's high time to combine all this in a single impulse of love with pituccini. either you put the pasta out right away for serving, or cook it even less, so that it can come right here with you, you know, with all the other ingredients. i want you right away rather. i'd like to treat you to some pasta, because i know that you and i love pasta, you need to eat it while it's hot, here's some garlic powder, look how beautiful it is. it's added to our pasta, we'll mix some in, it's so luxurious, you know, what's missing here, first of all, some cheese, i think
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goat cheese would be ideal, i found domestic producers of vodagey, awesome aged goat cheese, very aromatic, so, you know, i just love goat cheeses, but this one is simply luxurious, and for such pasta i like it better than even cow's hard cheeses, croutons with garlic hot pepper, well, a little bit of some herb on top, you know, and of course we often add basil, but i want to tell you that it is the spring flavor that is very nice to complement, for example, with mint. beat finely-finely, added a few leaves and a little bit of oil, literally for the sparkle in our eyes, our fettuccine, well, bon appetit, everyone to the table, on the air is a miracle
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of technology, a program in which i, sergey molozyomov and my team, we test everything on ourselves. i am often asked where you get the themes for your stories from, yes, from life, in which we are surrounded by advertising everywhere from electric trains to social networks, for example, such unusual slippers with the effect of walking on stones, on grass and even imitation of nails, they assure that all this is very useful, but what in reality? foot massage is a pleasant thing, and is it possible to do it with? slippers. for example, there are such ones on sale with the effect of walking on sand. it is imitated by polyethylene granules for 1.0 rubles. on stones, jasper and nephrite for 3,400 on the lawn - 800 rubles.
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the advertisement says that nylon fibers resemble real grass. manufacturers are different, but they promise the same thing, to improve blood circulation in the legs, relieve fatigue. and sandy ones. we will give this sample to test apricot appeared for me to the masseuse marina korobkina, from monday to friday 12 hours a day she works standing. after graduating from the institute, this is the beginning of the 2000s, it progressed for me when i worked in the office, led a sedentary lifestyle. almost 20 years it turns out. pain, swelling, will help slippers? marina will try to wear them for a week. the manufacturer itself, however, does not specify how much time is needed for the result. let's take a look and at the same time find out if the surface of the slippers is similar to the real ones -
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grass, sand and stones? a dutchman living in moscow, blogger mahil snape, who once walked the entire barefoot eco-trail in the summer in losiny ostrov park, there are almost 4 km, laid out with pebbles, bark, cones. it is very pleasant, without shoes, without socks. mahil tried on slippers with imitation of walking on sand, a lawn with stones. there are also such pebbles and such hard ones too. and, well, it looks like. yes. the blogger did not appreciate the other two pairs. the slippers were no different from the usual ones and did not cause any special emotions. in this place there was sand, yes, it is definitely different, it does not look like sand. according to mohil, in general it is more pleasant to walk in slippers and not as painful as on the path, but does the promised effect on the brain occur? at the skolkovo institute of science and
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technology, researcher ivan ninenko installs special sensors on our masha goretskaya. the encephalograph will record brain activity. we put on each pair of slippers for a minute. the graph shows that the grass option relaxes better than the others . we found that the average level of the alpha wave, the one that denotes relaxation, is higher on the grass slippers. no wonder, in the slippers with stones, masha was simply in pain. what kind of relaxation can we talk about here? these stones, they dug right into my entire foot, and i just counted the seconds, looking at the point when i can finally... my feet on this oasis, here are the slippers with imitation sand, at first masha even liked them, but as soon as they reminded her of her high-heeled shoes because of their bumps, a pleasant effect. volatilized, on the graph you can see how at first the alpha level creeps up, and
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it is higher than that of other slippers, but then it drops sharply down and does not rise so high, that is, you probably just relaxed at first, and then felt discomfort, remembered about the heels were already in some level of stress. and are there any declared healing properties? let us recall that the advertisement for slippers that imitate walking on sand, promised to relieve swelling and pain during exacerbation of varicose veins. masseuse. i wore them for several hours a day for a week, the manufacturer does not write about restrictions: the relaxing effect disappeared quickly, as soon as my feet got used to it, and the slippers themselves immediately lost their shape, i looked at these slippers, looked inside, this filler, it began to shift unevenly inside the slippers, however, they really did relieve fatigue and ... this will not help, complex therapy is needed,
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aimed specifically at the diseased veins, valves which, when ill, sag and do not block as they should, the reverse flow of blood downwards, to varicose disease, of course, these slippers have nothing to do with it, slippers in no way can improve blood flow in the veins, because they do not compress the lower. limbs, that is, they do not accelerate, do not squeeze blood into the deep system, and they do not affect the muscle pump, that is, they can only affect the feet, massaging them and improving blood flow directly in the feet. the doctor gave the highest rating to slippers with the effect walking on stones and sand, here at least there is an orthopedic correct form, but nothing can cure it either. in general , the verdict is this. for pleasure, you can choose for yourself some unusual slippers individually, but
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you should not expect a magical medical effect from them. one morning on ntv, i am sergey mayorov, hello, puppet, petrushka, tamtamoreska, glove, cane, life-size, shadow theater puppet. this is far from a complete list. more precisely, artts work, puppets receive laurels. profession puppet theater artist
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implies mastery of not only the basic disciplines, such as acting, stage speech and movement, but also production technology and puppet control techniques. in general, when an adult goes into this profession, it says something about the fact that he didn’t play enough in childhood, that he wants to live in a fantasy world, this is some kind of sign of infantilism. well, just now you voiced this: the set that is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word puppet theater or you are a puppeteer, by no means, the longer i live, the more i i am engaged in this kind of art, so i understand that it is not at all for children's fun, it is only for a subtle, perhaps some kind of metaphorical answer to the question: if you stage a play about war with puppets, then it should be thin, like a needle, and be a vaccination against... that is, everything is a little, here, here it is, like, not a sham, everything is
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not real, but the profession of a puppeteer is to revive this not real, supposedly dead. have you gone through this kind of career growth or are you still not at all an artist-puppeteer? no, i have been through many years, in germany i was an actor, i took part in a show where you didn't have to speak, just, well, talk with a doll, a marionette. i served in the uliger theater in sunny buryatia as an actor, a puppeteer, i combined acting with such a wonderful profession, the most needed in the theater, as a stagehand, so today i can speak with stagehands in their language, all sorts of things can be agreed upon, a puppeteer is the person who can act, stage, compose a fairy tale for puppet theater, maybe even taking a drum to write a simple...
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if you were a doll, then what kind, a doll , a doll, probably, there is such a doll in different systems, a reversible doll, this is such a doll, for example, you turn it over sharply, it is already completely different, in it... here i will show you how it turns over, there yes-yes-yes, and there is an example, that is, there is a skirt, it is hidden another head and when you turn it over, that is why it is called a reversible doll, then here appears another head, another dress, another face, here he screams, here he sings, what do you want say that you are some kind of person with a double bottom? well, probably yes, and how, svoyny v dno,
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puppet theater named after sergey. obraztsova unique chusy on the facade, which almost every viewer associates with the hour staged puppet shows, starting in 1970, but the owls, wolves, hares and rooster have aged so much that it was decided to send the clock to intensive care, they should return to their original place only at the end of this year, the dolls are dying, the actor is dying, oddly enough, and ... because there is so much energy and love in him the authors put in and that until now, when i
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enter the hall, i hear people whispering, the audience, here he is, here he is, that one, i was still little. i saw him, they are very happy, these spectators, who came, for example, with their children there, yes, or i don’t know, grandfather brought, for him, he looks at that grandson, who is reacting now and is happy, it seems to me, he lives such another life, ladies and gentlemen, this year the conference eduard aplombov from an extraordinary concert celebrated his eightieth birthday got into the guinness book of records, as the main character of the production.
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and this ring was given to me by a siberian young lady in 1963, she said: remember me, edik, remember me all your life, so i go through life with this ring, laughing. big people, big stories, we'll return to boris konstantinov and his dolls tomorrow
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morning. i'm sergey mayorov, see you on ntv. goodbye. the best for today. beyond: unbearable stench, dirt and serious health problems, we all became asthmatics, we've been living in this hell for more than 10 years, my daughter is on inhalers, my granddaughter, she has a nagging cough, that's what it turned out to be for residents of a multi-storey building in the capital, living next to a pack of cats, about thirty cats, the number is increasing every year, living next to such neighbors affected her health, that is, she actually died because of such a number of cats, of course, it is interesting. why don't they blame the owner of the cat apartment for their troubles, there are five litter boxes, i clean, wash, an elderly person, he is completely intimidated by his children, the children threaten a nursing home, who turned a three-room living space into a cat house, why are you these cats don't keep it at home, i'm at home, you have
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a living person living in this apartment in these catastrophic conditions, it's beyond the pale, today at 16:45 on ntv. very soon on ntv the new eighth season of our favorite show "you're super" will begin! and the number eight, as you know, is a symbol of infinity, infinitely talented children in the eighth season of you're super, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. tverskaya - new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. doshirak broth is prepared using fermentation. packaging with a convenient lock. my dishes are especially delicious. what broth? broth is the secret of fermentation taste. favorite brands on wildburers, we
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know what you dream about, get enough sleep, order goltex bed linen and let your dreams come true, home is where you and goltex are, look at the sale with honors. moscow coffee shop on poi - a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class. taste is pleasure, i love it, i recommend it. trimet can eliminate the cause of pain and discomfort in the abdomen, act specifically for spasm or impaired motility. trimet, feel life, not stomach pain. orange. cashback up to 48%, pyaterochki and crossroads. no bite, in the old courtyard without luck in any way, here is an arc. brings luck. mm and pecks, pecks, pecks, take an arc for luck, like a russian stove, warms the heart, does not burn out oxygen, neighbors respect, energy efficient, fireproof,
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only now the heater tipleka at an incendiary price, i have a question, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it's not only about this, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, throwing engine. works great, installation of equipment within the framework of the project national fuel, i also converted my car to methane without investments, be practical, beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations, national lottery, for 2 years now the lottery dreamlion makes people happy, millions, yes, wow, more than 1,300 new millionaires victories who changed to live, there will be even more, on the birthday of the dream lyon, all winnings x2, super prize from 200 million, buy tickets by mail on, spin the wheel of dreams and get guaranteed surprises. the birthday is ours, and the gifts are yours. when buying a car, you can do without an autoteka, if you have scanning vision. at least buy it. and those who
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coffee shop on poi, taste, pleasure. i love, i recommend. i have the same. such different families, but everyone is preparing for autumn in one place, sat down with honors. magnit - the price is what you need, sausages for children 119.99. pash, look, what magic. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything most important. gazprombank. you can't find experienced pilots during the day with fire, but they found real specialists for us. it is more difficult to find a competent agronomist than an astronomer, a rare phenomenon. they found wonderful ones for us, a good engineer, like a perpetual motion machine, it seems that it does not exist, it exists, if you know where to look, in the personnel center of russia's work, a personal
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consultant will select specialists and organizes training to the required level of qualification, and it is free, apply here, about the weather for today. heavy rains in a narrow strip stretch along the kuril ridge tomorrow they will go to kamchatka, but for now there is another fine day, in the south of the continent short rains and tomorrow in the south of khaborodsky krai in primorye again summer +25, but ... yakuti temperature is confidently going down, in amikon already +14, but chukotka in beer with wet snow. in the north of siberia it is warm, the anomaly is small, but stable. on taymer, on yamal above the required degrees by five. and the southern regions are divided. the eastern half has rainy plans, especially in the middle reaches of the nisei, vinkija in the north of the irakutsk region. but the closer to the urals, the more sun. in tyumen in yekaterinburg. so far 22-23, tomorrow already 25. and in the european
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territory of russia , two anticyclones are responsible for the renaissance of summer, one over povozhye, the other over the baltic, they are united by the absence of clouds and an abundance of sun, the difference is only small in temperature. in the northwest , it is still closer to 20 °, in the middle zone all 30, tuesday here promises to be the hottest day of this last week of the calendar summer. from smolensk to penza - 28:30, in voronezh - 31. in the south, a small cyclone will be marked by intense rains on the black sea coast of the caucasus and will partially affect crimea. but yalta and sevastopol will most likely remain in sunny weather, down in the don it is hot and dry, in rostov-on-don it is almost 35. in st. petersburg today 22 without precipitation, in moscow without rain, and hot - 28:30.
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residents of kursk continue to be helped by caring people from all over the country, in some i didn’t even think about the risk at that moment, i just understood that there was no time and for some reason i thought, well, why not me, meanwhile in kursk.

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