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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  August 27, 2024 10:35am-11:01am MSK

10:35 am
about the weather for tomorrow far east and here pre-autumn rains temperature drop cyclone brought buryatia in transbaikalia, and tomorrow the main zone of precipitation will capture the amur region and the south of yakutia. well, in the magadan region, to the north of yakutia creeps real cold air with wet snow. in yakutsk so far without wet snow, but the cold snap will be very noticeable. in siberia it is very warm in the north and almost normal in the south. and in the south in continuous rains only the irkutsk region, and the west is already all. conditions for the temperature to start rising again, not very strong, but pleasant. in krasnoyarsk, the sun's warming up will become more active from thursday, then it will reach 23. and in the urals, the sunny weather will continue and the temperature background is very positive. and in the european territory , the weather is for those who have not yet had time to enjoy the summer. the rains on the kul peninsula will stop, the temperature will immediately rise again a little. the temperature will not notice light rains from sektavkar to kirov. the middle zone of the northwest is generally on the rise. chernodem at 30°. the peak in ryazan
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is the warmest, or rather hottest tomorrow, yes then the decline is purely symbolic. in the south , the remains of today's rains will rush abroad, isolated rains in places only in the republics of the north caucasus, the temperature is again 30 and above, in krasnodar tomorrow 36. and in st. petersburg 21 practically without precipitation. in moscow, the probability of rain is very small and during the day the maximum air temperature is 27-29. and a decline is not predicted yet.
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max, everything you just told me is very interesting, and most likely it is even true, listen, well, maybe we should still get down to our business? len, well, a witness in the case the robbery of the store will arrive only tomorrow, well , well, tell me, please, answer me this question, why moskin did not react to the photofit, well, that's what 's unclear, and... good morning, colleagues, max,
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how's your hand, i'm talking about the fingerprints that were on the dog medals, we couldn't identify them, another slacker, no one wants to work, by the way, the photofit didn't help either, but mostin must know this swindler well, that's how you explain it, and stepanych, you understand, max, i also thought about this and something i don't like, how this guy looks, somehow strange, unnatural, too for... here is a very interesting thought, excessive vegetation may turn out to be an ordinary masquerade, false moustache, wig, this is also an interesting thought, and elementary for any detective, yes maybe... i tried, thought with my head,
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correct, maybe, this photofit, remove the moustache, beard, really, stepanovich, a good thought, but, op, opa, i take my words back, copperfield gives, or what, an illusionist, here, my friends, now i i like your reaction, it's not scary to lose the ability to surprise, it's much scarier to lose the ability to be surprised, well, bye, hi, thanks, yeah. tolik should probably come back from vacation sooner, yeah, the university isn't blowing to warm up in the sun right now. yeah, there's such a rush here, robberies,
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thefts, whether you want tea or not, but i want it, khrulyov is still here with your circus. okay, i'll go to the hospital now, then i'll cut in , well, i'll pop into the editorial office at the same time, fly, you 're staying here, oh you're a sly one, max, len, what are you saying, i care about you, ok, go just in the order in which you listed, well at the same time you will subscribe to the publication, the fly will have its own copy, no, well, what if the fly does not deserve a respectable life, an armchair, a cigar, an interesting magazine, so lieutenant zharov, why don't you immediately enter into a conflict, this is not a conflict, okay, the answer is accepted, you can go, he has already left, take care of your hand, senya, o, sago, you are not obliged to be flexible, unlike your o, sago, bend the osago to suit yourself on issue it for as long as you want,
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at least for a year, at least for a month in just 3 minutes. flexible osaga, from renaissance insurance, it 's not just osaga, eat right, have fun without alcohol and give up vapes and cigarettes, we're waiting for you on unbearable stench, dirt and serious health problems, we've all become asthmatics, we 've been living in this fashion for over 10 years, my daughter is on inhalers, my granddaughter has a nagging cough, that's what happened to the residents of a high-rise building in the capital, a neighborhood with a pack of cats, about thirty cats, the number is increasing every year. neighborhood with such neighbors affected her health, that is, she actually died because of such a number of cats, i wonder why they don’t blame the owner of the cat apartment for their troubles, there are five litter boxes, i clean, wash, an elderly person, he is terrified of his children,
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the children threaten the nursing home, who turned a three-room living space into a cat house, why don’t you keep these cats in your home, i am in my home, in your apartment in these? a living person lives in catastrophic conditions, this is beyond the pale, today at 16:45 on ntv. nevsky, new season, coming soon to ntv. what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, naapt can help. it helps restore memory and attention. naappt, so that the head works. cheaper, only free. on yandex market discounts up to 80%.
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unchanged: reliable operation of our services, tebank business and the job is done, one shot, immediately the head, the place was chosen competently, criminal investigation, did you learn to open locks like that in the cathedral? sobolevo was suspected of killing two police officers, if i take them , everything will go to hell, i must hand them over according to the law, well, what do you think? do you know lev abramovich, what does a land operative need for better detection? logic? no, deduction? no, it's a provocation, because the villains now have to be driven into a trap. tverskaya, today at 20:00 on ntv. hello. hello. hello, it's you, come in, can i, thank you, yes, sit down, wow, i
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see you're in the middle of a creative process , uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, you don't look so good, you're tired, yes, i didn't sleep all night, i worked on an article about your dog, the editor, i liked it in principle, great, come to me mukhtar, it's called, how do you like that title, i think that was the name of the film where nikulin played, so what? no i know, it looks like plagiarism, what plagiarism? on the contrary, such a title will only attract the reader's attention? yes, and maybe we should come up with something more original? well , more original, more original. go ahead, mukhtar, mukhtar is on the trail, in my
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opinion, it's okay, it seems okay, yes, well, nothing sensible comes to mind, let me show you a sample of the cover layout, yeah, look, i like the cover, and the editor really likes it too, it's cool, and the fly is just a beauty! by the way, i can give you a photo as a keepsake, thank you, you're welcome, here you go , cool, thank you very much, thank you, yes, tell me, you... just a second, hand , among your colleagues or acquaintances, is there
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a similar person, you know, i would, i would say that this is a portrait of khamzin, well, not quite, but well, there is still something in common, and khamzin is sergey khamzin, a photographer, he has a studio in chertanovo. yeah, and what can you say about him? well, a colleague in the shop, yeah, a good photographer, good, we meet sometimes at exhibitions, well, that's basically it. do you have his contact information? yeah, i have it somewhere. and what, did he do something? do you suspect him? we suspect, yes, that he used your id and under your name. what? and while this is a secret of the investigation, i ask you, give me his contact information
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, i won't tell anyone about our conversation, okay? yes, we hardly communicate with each other at all, okay, do you want coffee? no, thanks, a lot of work, i 'm sorry, i didn't offer it right away, nothing, nothing, please, contact information, yes, yes, please, yeah. that's it, thank you very much, you're welcome, well, i won't distract you, goodbye. hello, fly, look what i brought you, and
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look at him. len, hi, look, hi, oh, what a handsome man, so, to the hero mukhtar from kostya moskin, as a fond memory, fly, in general, i subscribed to the magazine, but all that's left is to pay the money, well done, take a pie from the shelf. by the way, ribbon, i showed the photofit to moskin, and he recognized a certain khamzin, a photographer, a professional, but only. it remains to understand why he needs these dog medals, who is about what, lousy about a bathhouse, oh, fly, and you got one, max, you saw this, and you saw it on your desk, i don't want to hear anything about moskin or shmoski, ok, ok, one more call, let's start
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engineer from ivanovo, once i had a conversation with my grandmother, she said that you also have a brother and sister, i'm opening the dna envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv. hello, hello, i need sergey khamzin, and it's very nice to meet you, this is maxim zharov, it's bothering you, you know, you were recommended to me as a very good professional photographer, yes, yes, and i would like to take a photo of my dog, no, it would be more convenient for me in the studio, if possible, great, great. when can i come over? yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, oh, just a second, i'll write down the address, yeah, yeah, yeah,
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that's it, thank you, yeah, see you later, ugh, so, that's it, that's it, well, shall we get down to business? about robbing a store, otherwise, fly, khorulev will give elena vladimirovna a dressing down, elena vladimirovna will give me a dressing down, well, and i, accordingly, will give you a dressing down, well, what about logic, and this is your dog, yes, this is my cherlita, yeah, and... you have a champion, oh yes, a champion, a pedigree, impeccable, there is a certificate, naturally,
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and you know, my dog ​​is also not a piece of cake, today an article about him will be published in a dog life magazine, yes fly, and what about ours, too, is he a champion, why would you without a medal have been removed at in full dress uniform, and you know, he has... no medal. why? a service dog. really? and where does he serve? in the police? in the police? yes, in the police and you know, he serves well, he's just an outstanding dog. well, everything is ready. fly, come to me. that's it, the photo shoot is over. go. fly, come to me. good.

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