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tv   Za granyu  NTV  August 27, 2024 4:45pm-5:50pm MSK

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cashback up to 25% plus one category of cashback for vtb transfer from other vtb banks everything will work out for me such zhelberisries such different families but all preparing for autumn in one place with honors what are you doing here? the child will not be left without money, and parents will be calm about his financial growing up. apply for a junior card from tank, then together with junior. t-bank - there is only one. what are the names of everyday products at low prices? products in great demand. buy nazon, pencils with eraser big for 24 rubles 67 kopecks. beyond the edge. residents
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of a capital multi-storey building have developed a bouquet of diseases because of a neighbor who keeps a pack of cats in his apartment. in the studio, elena sosnitskaya and ella shabataeva. hello. elena ella. hello. elena, how many cats does your neighbor keep? about thirty. 30 cats, why does he need so many? once upon a time, the story began when there were only two cats, the cats multiplied, so the number of cats increases every year. the first alarm was raised by the grandmother, a neighbor of these residents. and the grandmother, unfortunately, died about a year ago already, to unfortunately, living next to such neighbors affected her health, that is, she because of, well, in fact because of course.
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asthma, grandma turned to them more than once, but unfortunately everything was in vain. christina, because of too strong an unpleasant smell, can really... die, in general, and the urine of one cat, it contains quite a little, and ammonia, there is an insignificant percentage, but if there are a lot of cats, then the concentration of this ammonia accumulates, inhaling this ammonia smell, there will be chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchopulmonary tree, that is, you can acquire diseases such as bronchial asthma, so in principle the bronchial tree is in a state of inflammation, and such a person, he will more easily catch acute respiratory infections, even the same pneumonia. that is, an elderly person, if
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he constantly has an inflammatory process in the bronchopulmonary tree, he will become excitable to everything, he can get pneumonia, pneumonia in elderly people can proceed in a latent form and a person can simply die because of this. elena, and where do you live in relation to this man? we live exactly above this apartment. who else lives with you? my husband, son and grandmother. do you or your household members have any deterioration in health because of the neighbor? of course, we all became allergic, asthmatic. we have been living in such hell for more than 10 years, the child began to get sick often, the child's health deteriorated, the child is now asthmatic, asthma has been diagnosed, we have a diagnosis, when only your son began to show health problems, how did it start, first a cough began, then a stuffy nose, deterioration health, at first we thought it was just a cold, but since i still live with our grandmother, our grandmother started having the same symptoms. of course, we also started taking
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tests, we all started taking blood tests, and what the tests showed, and sadly, the tests were overstated in all indicators, at first we had a borderline relationship, we were just allergic, and then a borderline relationship between an allergic ostmatic, it rose higher, higher, higher, that is, the allergy was to these cat secretions, yes, of course, initially a person may not even have allergic reaction to something, an allergy can be... for example, for bronchial asthma to develop, two components are needed: a constant inflammatory process in the respiratory tract plus bronchial hyperreactivity, that is, for example, initially the child might not have been allergic to cat, but due to the fact that his lungs, his bronchi were constantly inflamed because of this terrible smell that came from the neighboring apartment, accordingly his lungs became sensitive to everything, that's these small particles - it can be house dust, and animal hair, and flowering, they... can now be perceived by the body
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as foreign and accordingly cause allergies, all this over time can really develop into bronchial asthma, that is , all this really could cause an allergy in a person who does not suffer from allergies. and allergies, well, that is, in fact, any healthy person, having lived in such an atmosphere for some time , becomes an allergy sufferer, then an asthmatic, and so on. in most cases, yes. elena, and because of health problems, did you have to radically change your lifestyle? since the smell intensifies mainly in the warm season from spring to winter, at first we were forced to just leave, we rented a dacha, and then we just took out a loan , bought it for the child. this is an understatement, i have never suffered from allergies at all, and even more so i have never been diagnosed with asthma, but
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now, or rather not now, with the arrival of this family in our entrance in 2017, i have also already been diagnosed with asthma, but not only that, my daughter, she is an asthmatic, was diagnosed with before that, of course, now my daughter takes it several times a day, she is on inhalers, my granddaughter, she also lives in our family, she has a nagging cough, but we call the doctors, they just sit with us, she breathes with inhalers, nothing helps, the doctor says, what do you expect if you have such a smell in your apartment, a little granddaughter, well now she is 10 years old, but it all accumulates, accumulates, we did not go to kindergarten because of this, and we miss school , of course, because we are constantly being treated by we are constantly smelling, and you spend a lot of money on medicine, if you are constantly being treated, of course a lot, inhalers, all this is a lot of expenses, well, how much approximately per month we just don’t leave the pharmacy, but you still spend 20 for sure, if not more,
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because the pills there are very expensive, your apartment is located in relation to them a little diagonally, but also above them right on the sixth floor above them diagonally, have you thought about just moving, since you have such problems with... of course i thought about it, but who needs it this apartment, just imagine for a minute, when i open the window, the whole apartment is filled with this stench, all. elena, ella is it right to sell such real estate, is it problematic? it is very difficult to sell such real estate, because third-party smells, especially cats, they can be heard from afar. when the buyer comes and even already you know, at the stage of entering the entrance, he feels that there is a smell in the entrance, he may not even go. apartment, that is, these apartments are depreciated several times. ella, and only the smells or unsanitary conditions interfere, the neighbor also breeds, crowds, flies, these, and we have a lot of flies, they appear periodically, we also had to change the doors so that at least on this
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side we wouldn't have this stench, what a nightmare you live in, the situation is constantly like this and only now it's growing, of course, because there are pregnant cats there, they all reproduce. it's all left to chance with the epidemiological station, did you contact the administration , did you do anything, you know, wherever you contacted, we always get formal replies, we washed the entrance, there is no smell, to the management company, you contacted the management company contacted formal replies the floor was washed in the entrance there is no smell sergey how can this be people complain about the smell in the entrance, and after the inspection it turns out that there is none. there are higher authorities and any decision that people consider illegal can be appealed, for example, to the prosecutor's office - if there is evidence that the inspection was not carried out properly. ilya, is it possible to keep 30 cats in an apartment and not disturb the neighbors? no, it is impossible. even for
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several animals it is quite difficult take care of, that is, they require certain territories, a certain number of trays, and even several animals will have. a certain smell, no matter how hard we try to hide it, if there are 30 animals, then it is simply impossible to hide this smell and create perfectly clean conditions for the premises. ivan, if you had such a neighbor, how would you act? of course, i would sound the alarm and contact all organizations to somehow stop this story, because it is impossible. and to the neighbors themselves, you would you try to talk? well, of course, we are all living people, we should first of all. of course, we turned to the neighbor, for me personally, turning to the neighbor was provoked by the case of one of the cats falling, another, not the first, not the last, falling from the fifth
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floor of his apartment, that when i was leaving for work from the entrance at my feet i found a cat in blood, i naturally could not pass by, my emotions were off the scale and we ... treated her for a very long time with the whole entrance, very large expenses, but unfortunately, she did not survive, here it was provoked, naturally, by my visit there, here on the fifth floor, you came to this neighbor, how did the dialogue go, well, an elderly man, he... an absolutely useless dialogue, and what's more, i can say that he is completely intimidated by his children, therefore, well, he does not make contact, it is not he who makes the decision, they , of course, forbid him to contact and communicate with anyone, we tried to talk to him about the cats, that we would place them in a shelter, no, the children are threatening me, i will not make such a decision, he says it outright that the children are threatening him understand, you know, your neighbor admits that... there really are too many cats in his apartment. alexander ivanushkin in the studio. alexander
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vasilyevich, hello, how old are you? this year, on august 31, i will be 78 years old. so, you are a pensioner? yes, a pensioner, a well-deserved pensioner. and what do you do in retirement ? household chores, something needs to be cleaned. the windows need to be fixed, well, everything is different, your neighbors say that you have bred a pack of cats in your apartment, that's true, they say different things, well, you won't deny that you have in animals live in the apartment, yes, there are 15 cats, 15, listen, even 15 is a lot, but elena and ella told us about 30 cats in your apartment, well, if that's all.
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but this is a real cat pack, look at these shots, it's impossible to even walk by, it's impossible, by the way, to count, and i'm inclined to believe your neighbors after these shots, after all, that there are far from 15 cats here, i can still count, but it seemed to me more than fifteen, irina, how many did you count, what are your guesses 20, 25 - that's just stupid. so the animals themselves don't even care
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uncomfortable in such this is on the stil of feces, this is all on the stil of feces, these black images on the floor, ella said that we saved only one cat, but recently three of them fell out, they fall out annually in the summer these cats, fortunately if we manage to save them i will throw off. with the whole house with money to carry out more than one operation, and many simply die, a small kitten recently fell with a broken paw, he got scared, hid under the hood of the car, they could not get him out like that, there was a third cat, we spent about 200. you spent 200 thousand on someone else's cat , the animal was lying in blood, how can we now i have such a question, when cats have been falling out of the window for the last 5-10 years, and we bring them, asking, well
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, if you really love them. apartment, they are mine there, and outside they can no longer fall out of the window, alexander vasilyevich, look, a cat on a cat, and the cat is still chasing, she is still pregnant, there is still room for you there, firstly, the apartment in which i live and inhabit is about 5 m, a kitchen, a walk-through, and how many rooms are in your apartment, three, what is the area, look, your kitchen is 5 m, not very big. what is the area of ​​the room? the rooms are different, there are 12 m, 17
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m, and 12 m. do you know the area of ​​the corridor ? do you have a balcony? yes, there is a balcony, two meters, no more. in general , the living space is not that big. i figured it out, you have, aleksandr vasilyevich, a little more than 50 km, or so, and how do you get along with such a quantity on these square meters. is there enough space, what do you feed your animals? first, their food, then porridge is cooked, milk, need. animals cats relieve themselves in trays? yes, there are five trays, i clean them, wash them. ilya, is five trays for this many animals normal? this is very little, yes, that is, there will definitely be fights between each other, given the state of the renovation itself, it is clear that the cats do not go to the trays, but go everywhere,
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and it is simply impossible to wash it, i think that in order to get rid of this smell here you need to. there must be some specific one, well, in the apartment yes, and not in the entire entrance, then where does the unpleasant smell come from in the entrance, for example, on the playground, they even say, in other people's apartments, where from? it's hard to say, where from, and do you have favorites among the cats? yes, plump, very nice and there are in honor
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of my father vasily, and why are you alexander vasilyevich at all? decided to breed cats when they are found somewhere, they are just lying around somewhere, as some say, they are brought so as not to abandon, where, because you need to give them water to drink, milk, if there is any, a snack, they are animals, well, that is, you save them, who brings them, you do not, alexander, yulia, and if your son and daughter-in-law did not bring you ... you have never brought a cat home yourself didn't bring them, that's what you're getting at, yes, and aren't you tired of cats yet? sometimes i get tired, why don't you tell your son, your daughter-in-law, to take the cats, they're their cats , they actually have one apartment, and where do they live, well, now they have work with...
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elena, do you believe your neighbor that things are exactly as he says? cats appeared in this family when my son got a second wife, she got the cats and brought them there, the same one, the grandfather is for... situations, you know, he, well, i think he's not against it, but he afraid to say something unnecessary, look at him, why is he afraid, the children are threatening a nursing home, that is, grandfather is forbidden, in general, to communicate with us, they threatened to send him to a nursing home, alexander vasilyevich, it's true, this has never happened and will never happen, is son
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alexander happy that his father shares an apartment with a pack of cats, and what will the pensioner's daughter-in-law say, we will find out right after the short commercial. tverskaya today at 20:00 on ntv. you are super, the new season is on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. there are so many things to buy at school, girls, wrong intonation. i need to buy so many things for school. and me. perfect for a parent-teacher
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the edge, frayed nerves, allergies, lung diseases. neighborhood with a pensioner who keeps a pack of cats in his apartment undermines the health of residents of the capital's multi-story building. irina, who do you trust more now, alexander or the neighbors? of course, the neighbors. from the apartment it's terrible in general, the feeling that they throw these cats to him, yes, take it, grandpa, they say, themselves and well, i don't see that someone cleans up after these cats, they put food for them, they ate, well there is no food, they probably won’t eat it, they didn’t clean up his litter box, i’ll tell you honestly, i have animals too, i have them too, i know what it’s like, it’s hard for me, i’m a grown woman, i have a dog and two cats, but... look at this grandfather, i’ll never believe in my life that he’ll clean up five litter boxes for cats every day, it’s hard, it’s hellish work. natalya,
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who do you feel more sorry for in this situation, the cats, alexander vasilyevich, the neighbors, everyone, well, first of all, since i work more with animals, then the cats, because here already under the article cruelty to animals, firstly, there is no proper care, they are in a confined space, there are a lot of them, they fall out. but yes and fall out, this is cruelty to animals. aleksandrevich, are you sure that all your animals are healthy, vaccinated, sterilized, they are domestic, so they are quite, let's do it this way, a direct question, a direct answer, do the animals have vaccinations? no, because they are domestic, regardless of whether the animal is domestic, whether it is taken somewhere or not, the animal must be vaccinated, as at least according to our legislation they should be vaccinated against rabies, because crowded conditions. animals, including, are a risk of spreading various diseases, and animals should be vaccinated, should be dewormed, should be treated for fleas, ticks, because all
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this can be carried simply on clothes, and at the same time the animal does not need to be taken out somewhere to the site and so on. aren't you afraid, alexander vasilyevich, that your cats, unvaccinated, will ruin your health? no, and have you tried to talk to your son and daughter-in-law, to somehow reduce the number of animals? look, you said that they brought you all these animals, haven't you tried to tell them, well, that's enough, don't bring any more, well, you took in one, two, three, well, five. ask yourselves, please, i don't want to slander you, that i absolutely agree with you, let's ask, because your son and daughter-in-law also came to visit us today , they consider the crowd of cats in the apartment to be a common coincidence, in the studio of alexandra, yulia ivanushkina, hello, hello, really you
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started breeding cats in my father's apartment, it turns out, yes, how did it all start? it all started with the first cat that we found on the street, you found it together with yulia and your wife, yes, yes, yes, a kitten, he was a small kitten, he jumped out from under the car, that is, right at her feet, well, she picked him up right away, he started purring towards her, that's it, well, initially i was against the cat in general, and why did you bring this kitten to my father's apartment, or did you live together at that time, yes, we lived together, we can say we live together, not throw it out he went outside, and we took him in, that was the first kitten, the second one was not a kitten, but a cat appeared, the cat was screaming under the window, and screaming so heart-rendingly, we didn’t take her home, we fed her on the landing, she left, then my husband came back with the cat and said: i can’t, she screams so much, and you kept her for yourself, and we kept her for ourselves, how did the third cat appear, did it also
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appear by chance? we were walking home from my parents’ house, and from under a tree from somewhere she crawled out of there, i took her, and i had white windbreaker, either the dogs tore it, or something else, that is, we took it, took it and cured it, well, we cured it, but it kind of healed early on it, and it turned out that she gave birth to two kittens, that is, she was, yes, she was wounded, she was already pregnant. as a result, there were five, how many animals did you bring home in this way, four, four, how many cats are there in alexander vasilyevich's apartment now, 23, they have bred, well, it turns out, yes, and you did not sterilize them, maybe because of my age, maybe because i just don't know this, yes, no, we didn't sterilize them, we did sterilization already, well later, when there were a lot of them,
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that is, now they are sterilized, not all. but the cats are sterilized, but you understand that even 23 cats is too much, i agree, yes, but to open the door for me to say cats go, and why don't you keep these cats at your home, why do you keep them at alexander vasilievich's , i'm at my home, at alexander vasilyevich's, i'm at my home, and you live with him together, i lived, now no, do you live well, where is your home, now, where do you live with your husband, with your parents, with parents. why don't you take these cats home with you if they are yours? because i married alexander and moved in with alexander. you were the one who initially picked out these cats, you didn't sterilize them, you are the owner of these cats as well, you don't live with alexander vasilyevich now. yes, and how long ago did you and your husband move out from his father's, we haven't moved, but you don't live with him now. alexander, please explain how things are, where do you and your wife live? at the
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moment? her parents didn't move because of the number of cats, but how long have you been there you live with her parents, for about six months, and it seems strange to me that you and your wife live with her parents, and alexander vasilyevich, your father, lives with your cats, it would be logical if the three of us moved, and the cats would remain separately, with themselves, it's very simple, my animal. i 'm moving, taking it with me, of course, it's logical, irina, yes, please, agree, it's logical, we are always responsible for those we have tamed, you took four kittens, there cats, it doesn't matter, you brought them, essentially, to someone else's house, you didn't bring them into your house, first, you asked when you came to see your dad about whether he needed your cats at all, that's one, second, when you moved, did you even see
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the state of this... and can you imagine what the neighbors are like, who have children anyway, this is a calculating cruel person, you don't see, they fall out of the windows, she doesn't care at all, when you get a dog, you move, you take the dog, these are your father's neighbors, i don't know, i pushed you out once, which is unrealistic vanism, unrealistic, i pushed you out of the elevator with you as a child, you don't remember me,
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because of some management, my management at work and my personal life are two different things, yulia, where is the dog that whined, you can't imagine how poor, dog, one dog, it's a boy, constantly in
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the apartment, when the dog appeared, either morning or evening, and why should i have been taken away once, because probably,
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i we treat your cats, falling out with a frequency of a week, or you hear about this for the first time, or you haven't seen the receipts? yes, and you showed the receipts, that is, you know that's it, you know, you asked who these people are, i don't know a woman, and what
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are they showing you the receipts for, for the cat, that the cat fell out of the window, there's about 200 thousand in the receipt, when i brought these receipts to the veterinary clinic, where... my dog ​​gets vaccinated, they told me that these receipts are unrealistic, that is , you vaccinate my dog, excuse me, and my grandfather lives with 25 cats, you don't vaccinate, why did you decide that they aren't vaccinated, they're vaccinated, but you are there, when they did the sterilization, the cats were vaccinated, yulia, and you know that cats smell bad there, they they deliver to you, you said, you moved from there, this is how the neighbors live, this is how the neighbors live.
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yulia, well look, let's do it this way, yul, if you clean, then why do your neighbors have allergies, asthma, where did this come from? i don't know.
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your dad lives in such conditions, are you happy with this as a son? no, of course not, but why are you as a man, i see, your woman is the most important in the family, you as a man, the head of the family, what can you do? for this situation, why are you silent, you sit, silent,
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constantly working, but constantly, how much is that once a week, two or three, you help take care of the cats, well, the total income is about 3000, who else thinks that a pensioner is not to blame for having so many cats, we'll find out in a couple of minutes, very soon a new one will start on ntv. the eighth season of our favorite show, you're super, and the number eight, as we know, is a symbol of infinity, infinitely talented children in the eighth season, you're super, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. tverskaya new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. there are different chickens, a mechanical one for... little ones victories bronze for a drop of luck, but only
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what if i go to a monastery, your son is somewhere on solovki, right? on solovki, yes, evgeny steblov and his million-dollar secret. on saturday at 13:00 on ntv. beyond the limit. this is beyond the limit, 23 cats live in the apartment of a capital pensioner, the whole house is unhappy with the smells from such a neighborhood. alexander, who bears the costs of food? me. how much money does it take? 1.70-80. what do you buy, tell me? for 70-80,000 a month, dry food, meat, chicken, meat, they eat well, i feed the cats well, they eat well, and how many kilograms of food do you spend per month, 120 kg, somewhere only dry food, it's incredible, in addition to dry food, that milk, cottage cheese, milk, cottage cheese and meat, what kind of meat, chicken, chicken meat with hergules, fish,
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ilya, what can you say about the animals' diet, because i see that most likely the animal is fed just dry food, but not to pounce. in the video, the animals have a normal number of bowls, that is, the food is scattered almost on the floor, so i can't say, of course, maybe they get meat, there is cottage cheese and so on, but i doubt that the animals get anything other than food. alexander, but 70-80 thousand is a lot of money, what do you do? i'm an electrician. what is what is your salary? 40, that is, you spend twice as much as your salary on cats. i also work privately, the total income is about 300,000. i suggest you take a look at how you and your father spend your time. the walls are peeling, the floor is black with wool and feces, a swarm of flies. in the three-room apartment in the north of moscow, where seventy-eight-year-old alexander ivanushkin now lives with twenty three-room apartments, there is dirt and stench. the pensioner assures that
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he cleans the apartment, but he does not always have time to look after the animals' litter boxes. there is a toilet there, that's it toilet, this is now, when they ate in the morning, i'll sweep everything here by the evening, everything will be, well, fine, the man says, he feeds his pets three times a day with dry food and porridge of his own making, this is food, please, we cook porridge for sure, barley, buckwheat, one favorite received a special privilege, he lives in a room with the owner, alexander's son says, this... scotsman, they put him out in a box near the metro, here they brought him to the veterinary volunteer, i took him from the veterinary. he considers himself a full-fledged owner this room, everything is his,
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a large room is allocated for the other cats, alexander jr. and his wife used to live here, now in addition to the houses for pets and scratching posts, there is a huge layer of dust, cobwebs hang from the ceiling, so to speak, there was already a marital one at the moment, all the furniture that is here, that is, all this is already...
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a living person lives in these catastrophic conditions in the apartment, i completely agree with you. ella, elena, if there were no cats, you would have no complaints about alexander vasilyevich. several years ago we there was a case, smoke started coming out of the apartment, grandpa put a pot on and just forgot, water boiled away and smoke started coming out, smoke started coming out, well , up, up, up, fortunately the fire brigade arrived quickly, there were cases when from the window. he can't go to the toilet once more and
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yes, feces were flying out, no, it's unsanitary, our children see this, alexander, and did you know about your father's behavior like that, and was surprised that you agree and that you talked to him, that is, yes, how did he explain why he does this, it's standard, i don't did. cats are flying, feces are flying out of the window , children see all this, well, from this we can draw some conclusion, alexander, that your dad needs care, supervision, yes, marin, don't you think that alexander has simply abstracted himself from his father, from problems, from his problems, i think that here is the reason for all the behavior, yulia's desire to take care of cats, and animals in general, yes, this is turning into collecting, as if she is trying to compensate for something, dare to suggest, for example, motherhood, she begins to take care of them, then they really multiply, she is very
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childish, does not see her responsibility in this, her husband is pouring all this out on her, dad, naturally, wants to help his son, also agrees to all this, it turns out that alexander himself has eliminated himself, this whole story is convenient for yulya, so it turns out that it is sewn smoothly with white thread, but at the same time look how everything is twisted, everyone suffers because of the childishness of one person. alexander, are you going to somehow solve the problem with the cats? yes, the shelter. do you think alexander vasilyevich will be against it? give away the animal. while you were away, alexander vasilyevich said that, well, he was ready to part with the cats if you took them. this is a direct quote, he said it like this: "you". and another important question, is it true that you and your spouse are threatening alexander vasilyevich that if he gives away the cats or... under some other conditions he will end up in a nursing home, have you ever said such a thing, our next guest categorically does not believe you. our guest is
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svetlana maslova. hello, svetlana, hello, i really have a question, how it was possible to assume that the father's existence in such conditions is hell, it's real hell, we talked to you near the entrance, offered you our help, offered to force us access to the apartment, we had to count the cats, take pictures.
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unfortunately, without medications and well, we simply cannot exist. fifty-four-year-old victoria goltelova lives in the neighboring entrance, but the consequences of the countless number of neighbors' cats reach her too. from them through the common wall there is a leak to me, with smells aka, you can't confuse with anything, but a cat's right here is a live yellow stream , plus sockets, from the sockets there is a very strong smell of ammonia and... also a urine leak, and also there is a very strong smell, this yellowness. alexander vasilyevich, aren't you afraid that the neighbors will find a way to deal with you? the administration will figure it out. is the apartment your property? according to our documents, who are the owners? elena, can this family be evicted? the possibility of deprivation of property in this case is generally provided for by law,
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but this is an extreme measure, but in court. and is it possible demand that the animals be forcibly removed and placed in a shelter, the housing authority went to court and won the case, there was even a court decision to free the apartment from cats, but it has been completely ignored since 2018, and why don't you, alexander, comply with the court decision, i know that there was a lawsuit from the neighbor below, which she lost, and what about the manager? sergey, what should you do if the court decision is not executed, the court decision is executed by the bailiff service, if it is not executed by the person who is supposed to execute it, for failure to comply with a court decision also provides for liability, if the bailiffs do not work, then we have a supervisory body, the prosecutor's office, we need to contact the prosecutor's office. tell me, will you, for your part , help the neighbors move wisely
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towards resolving this problem? yes, of course. what awaits alexander and his pets? are the father and son ready for reconciliation with the neighbors? we will continue immediately after the advertisement. a telephone conversation between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law turned the life of an engineer from ivanovo upside down. and why is there no photo of your son, here is a little one, we need was to reveal the secret, to share with the daughter-in-law that my son is adopted. after my beloved husband and son found out that he was adopted in the family, the man set himself the goal of finding a biological family. i tried to search through social networks, through some sites. the mother of the adoptive one did not object. and told when and where she adopted the child. we did not have children and decided that we just needed to adopt someone. and it turns out that the mother wrote a refusal of him in the maternity hospital, the guardianship department
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found out, vladislav, this was the third child in family. so where is the engineer's family from ivanovo now? once i had a conversation with my grandmother, she said that you also have a brother and sister, i open the envelope. dna, today at 17.50 on ntv you are super new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. attacking credit card debts? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts on one holva conveniently repay 24 months. and don't forget about purchases in installments. holva - simple installment techniques. don't buy anything until you see this. dishwasher mountfield machine with a beam on the floor and a function.
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it turns out, two of us were born. our the program is always ready to help those who have not despaired, have not lost hope and have not stopped searching, my parents were told that i died, the story is unusual, it seems mystical. i found out that i have a sister and two brothers, forgive me, mommy, maximka, i just want to hug you, i would like to see you, look for each other, no matter what, and wait, no matter what, forgive me, a second. irina, how can i make sure that alexander vasilyevich does not suffer in this situation, what should he do if he is suddenly really intimidated by the threats of his son and daughter-in-law, just now afraid. i would advise, i would recommend
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that the neighbors contact the guardianship authorities , the social security, well, with an explanation of the situation, yes, that an elderly person who is over 70 years old is currently in a difficult life situation, where in theory a certain employee can be assigned to him who can come, visit, help, of course, they should find out whether there are threats from the son and his wife ... the relationship of the father, if there is some kind of threat, involve law enforcement agencies, i can also prepare an appeal to social services, to the guardianship authority, to the administration, and so that at least the civil rights and interests of neighbors are ensured, after all, so that they are not worse than the grandfather in this situation. alexander, yulia, are you ready to place animals if you get help with this. yes, i
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am ready. alexander vasilyevich, are you ready for this? yes. natalia, i know that you have a specific proposal that you can help. yes, i do, but how will this happen, will you send volunteers to take the cats? i would use the help neighbors who could help photograph them, it would be easier to place them, but only if you give us your word that you won't start collecting them again. i have no such motives, no motives.


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