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tv   DNK  NTV  August 27, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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yes, i am ready. alexander vasilyevich, are you ready for this? yes. natalia, i know that you have a specific proposal that you can help. yes, there is, but how will this happen, will you send volunteers to take the cats? yes, i would use the help of neighbors who would help take pictures of them, it would be easier to place them, but only if you give us your word, so that later you will not start collecting them again. yes, i have no such motives, no motives. alexander, you volunteers.
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dense, gassed, teeth more or less normal, that is, of course, some need to be removed, that there are fragments left, pale in appearance, that is, there is paleness of the mucous membranes, you need to take tests, well , most likely they all have fleas, the four-legged ones took tests to determine further treatment, immediately after the examination , the cats are waiting for the inpatient department, and i , together with the owner of the apartment, together with the program beyond. we will help these cats find their home, so i took three who i could, accordingly , our task is to find another ideally just 30 people who will just take one cat for themselves, watch tomorrow in the program beyond the edge, a mother and four children lost their homes and are forced to wander around the capital and spend the night on the street, who is there on the playground in the forest, did you sleep on the ground, no, on a bench, and the father kicked them out of the house
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, while he kept the allowance for himself, my brother died, i personally witnessed how he abused her, how he beat her, she lied, she found herself a new boyfriend, and what do you think, who should children live with, i wonder with me, will the end come torments of little muscovites their mother? i told her, i say, come, live, i'm like a mother, i don't want anything to happen, you know what the problem is, that they can soon be pulled out of this apartment and onto the street. this is a big one, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. after calling her daughter-in-law, she decided to tell her son that he is not a relative in the family. marina istomina is in the studio. hello, marina. hello. tell us what your telephone conversation with niki was about.
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she said, once i answered vlad my son that we had a fire, many photos burned, but here, probably, the time had come when it was necessary to reveal the secret, to tell share with the daughter-in-law that my son is adopted, some questions arose, not very similar, something like this and that, well, something like that, and you decided to reveal this secret to the daughter-in-law, despite the fact that you already have such an adult son, you could, adults, you know, then my son once asked me: mom,
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why didn't you tell me about this earlier? well, when i was still a schoolboy, a teenager, you are still for me. mom and dad, you will remain relatives forever, i knew that sometimes children, when at such an age in an unstable nervous system, in such a state of transitional age, suddenly find out that they are not relatives, the consequences are different, someone runs away from home, then both parents and children bite their elbows, i didn’t want this, and who told him about your conversation with your daughter-in-law, i think that the daughter-in-law, probably after all... told him about our conversation, well, one family, husband and wife, so it’s normal, well, i’m just wondering, how in in such a situation he approached you with questions, and he addressed you like this: mom, well tell me honestly, i am my own, i said honestly,
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son, you are now my soulmate for life , but i didn’t give birth to you, i only raised you, tell me why you decided to adopt a child, i’m a teacher, i worked at a school with... we already met at the pedagogical institute, we studied together at the institute, in the first year we had a komsomol wedding, that’s how it happened, we live, everything is fine, but we didn’t have children, my husband served in the northern fleet, uh, he got, that there was supposed to be 15 minutes in a nuclear reactor, repairing, but it turned out that it was 45 minutes, that is, a triple dose of radiation, the consequences are as follows: but when we realized that it would not work out to give birth to children naturally, ivf was just starting to develop, i had contraindications of hypertension, kidney disease, so therefore we all sat at home, talked and
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decided that we just need to adopt someone, give happiness to some child, then, why, when vlat turned out to be with us. and this is the will of chance, my husband worked in police, that is, he was kicked out of the institute, did not finish it, went to work in the police, and with his friend, with his partner, well, they were walking around the area, there was an offended break, they went to their partner to have some tea, and the partner had a wife at home, who worked in a children's home, and looking at andrey, the husband, she says: andrey, we have a boy in our children's home now. well, he looks like you, fair-haired, blue-eyed, smiling, it feels like this is your child, we agreed that tomorrow, when she works, this is a teacher, that we would come, meet this child, look at him, how old was he at that time, one and a half years old, we came,
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they tell us: alas, there is no child, i say where in the hospital, got in at night with a high temperature, well in murmansk... in murmansk, we are from murmansk, we have lived there for a long time, in general , we know a lot of people, we found an opportunity, we told the nurses, we went to the children's department, brought with us two huge ripe apples, well, i still had no idea that such a baby could have anything, i can still see, so somehow we bring these two apples to the nurse i say, you know, we want to see the boy, we are ready to adopt him, we just want to take a look, they said that he looks a lot like my husband. she saw these apples, says, he can't eat them like that yet, takes this apple, peels it with a knife, cuts it into small pieces, then gives it half an apple on a saucer, eh, she gives it, so we hold it out, this little one stomps over to us, takes two
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pieces, gives them from the saucer, one to me, and the other to my husband, well, that's it, so it was decided that this is our... child, when you first saw your son, he really looked so much like your husband, yes, he looks very much like his childhood photos, if you look at your husband's childhood photos and your son's childhood photos, then yes, he does look like him, i 'll tell you even more, ours is uh, vlad is left-handed-right-handed, that is, he writes and draws with both his left and right, my mother-in-law, that is, his mother from the mother of uh , andrey's husband, she is left-handed-right-handed, and you probably told him that he...
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he was home for a few hours on the weekend, well , to get used to it, to get to know it, to learn a little about the child, and the child knew his name, he... correct me, well, the last name, patronymic is clear, we change it so to speak, and while the children are in the orphanage there are not so many activities with them that they lag a little behind in development for this purpose it was recommended to change the age by six months, that is, we adopted him when he was really one and a half years old, that is , he was born on august 12, 1988, according to the documents we made him february 12, 1989. therefore he became istomen vladislav andreevich, six months younger than his real age. what did you
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know about the boy's life before his adoption? also, when we had already completed the paperwork, that is , there were no questions there, suddenly they look up the documents in the child's home, it turns out that the mother wrote a refusal of him in the maternity hospital for a year, and the child is one and a half, and we cannot adopt him, because there is no... a complete refusal of the mother, well, what to do, the guardianship authorities, plus, uh, immediately, of course, filed a statement with the police, plus andrei worked in the police, that is, he has some friends, and through the police they found his biological mother, accordingly they told her: dear mother, or do you come to the baby house and write a complete refusal of the child, or pay for the child's maintenance in a state institution? that is, they did not offer to take her back, but this is, as they say, to take, she could have done the same, however, as they later
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told me, the employees of the orphanage, who, here at the baby house, who somehow just got to me or something, they said that he says, the mother came, where she needs to sign, signed a document that he completely refuses the child, the head nurse says: don't you want to look who are you giving up? no, she turned and left, and vladislav had brothers or sisters, do you know anything about this, we found out later in the guardianship department, that is, when we were drawing up the documents, in the process we found out that vladislav vlad, this was the third child in the family, the first two, allegedly this same mother adopted grandparents, i don’t know for sure whether this is true or not, but at least it sounded that way. then we find out that the same mother has another girl, we
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got busy, we wanted to have time to formalize the adoption of another girl, so that the brother and sister were together, but other people got ahead of us, what was the girl's name, remember, i don't know, nothing was indicated anywhere, and those older children, too , unfortunately i don't know their names, yes, and the biological mother, what's her name, and the biological... the mother's name was sabirova lyudmila alekseevna, sabirov farit - the biological father, and the mother, lyudmila alekseevna. marina, and after the adoption of vladislav, did you continue to live in murmansk? yes, i still live in murmansk, now i just haven't moved to moscow yet, although i'm also in murmansk. and while you and vlad lived in murmonske, weren't you afraid that someone would tell him the truth? yes, you know, a lot of people are afraid of this, a lot of people knew that we... adopted, well, close relatives, and we have quite a lot of them , because uh, andrey, my husband,
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uh, his father was the eighteenth child in the family, can you imagine how many cousins ​​there were, in general , whether you like it or not, all this was known anyway, uh, secondly, of course, we live in a five-story building, that is, neighbors, we regularly went to the dacha, and there is also a huge the number here... kherson region, the village of lazurne, there are many of these close ones, our neighbors are friends, they all knew, but at the same time, our classmates, i said that andrey and i studied together, it's amazing , so many people knew, everyone was silent, my colleagues at work and no one, you weren't offended by your daughter-in-law for telling your son the truth, no, there is no offense against her, it still had to be revealed, and especially when it... parents and he understands
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what it is, then everything is normal, everything is fine, and after the son found out this very true, he wanted to look for blood relatives? you know, yes, daughter-in-law, she is very interested in medicine, and genetics, and everything else, because, for example, i have...
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i went to the zak, restored it, took a duplicate of this adoption certificate. valentin, how do you like this desire of an adoptive mother to help her child in the search for blood relatives? you know, it seems to me that marina is doing everything right, she has a big heart, and everything that she has done up to this point, i also think, she did right, and naturally, with such a heart it cannot be otherwise not to help your son. i agree with valentin, because even in this studio we have seen examples when mothers were very worried that when their child finds real biological parents, that he will love them more, that some part of love or all love will go away they will lose their child, and here we see that marina cares about her son. marina, your adopted
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son is grateful to you for the fact that after your daughter-in-law's questions you decided to have a frank conversation with him. in the studio vladislav estomen. vladislav, hello. tell us why your wife was puzzled by the lack of photos from your early childhood? in 2020, we had a daughter. and of course, as a videographer, as a photographer, i photographed her in the morning and in the evening, in general 24x7 and i. remembered, and why there are so few of my childhood photos, i wanted to talk to my mother, that is, how i had some doubts, i think something, something is wrong, but i was afraid to offend my mother, i think if i ask such a question, will she consider it appropriate, my wife suggested,
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let me talk to yours myself maladislav, it turns out that the only thing that was alarming you was the lack of your childhood? photos, well, you know, even before that, well, not connected with photos, it was like this, when my classmates came to visit me, and well, for example, when we drank tea with my parents, well then they were left alone with me, they said, listen, you don't look like your parents, and it upset me, so i once said to my mother, listen, over there, well , they said that i don't look like you, they say, yeah, look, maybe he doesn't look like us, here is your cousin on your mother's side, look, the same face, the same elongated one, he looks so similar, she showed me a photo, because at that time your grandfather was already old and this, i looked and calmed down, well, i already know from a conversation with your mother that you also look like your grandmother, in that you are left-handed-right-handed, and initially everyone said that you look like your father, vladislav, when i was
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little, if you look at our childhood photos of my dad's, basically yes... there are both of them, bigger, bigger cheeks, bigger heads yes well, these photos, how old are they - just somewhere around 2 years old probably yes mom, somewhere around one and a half to two, that is , these are just the initial ones vladislav and how did mom explain to you the absence of earlier photos - i asked probably once mom answered that we had a fire in the distant years most of the things including my photos of which there were more, they burned do you think mom did the right thing by not telling you the truth then? well, after all, i was quite young, how old was i, and i think if i had found out such information in those years, well, something would have been wrong, after all, in adulthood, in adulthood it is perceived much better,
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how did that conversation go, when my wife finally raised this topic, well, there was. a pause, well, and then i had to accept this information, later i called my mother, well, together with my wife, and we began to talk in more detail about this topic, you know, the feeling was of course ambiguous, there was a state of shock, but i believed it, well, if my mother had not confessed then and no one had confirmed it to you, no, i would have i wouldn't start looking and inquiring, the truth that you learned, what? changed your life? no, and why do you need to look for blood relatives now, they were never in your life? yes, they were not, well here are a few.
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and it can be passed on to her, that is, to understand what to deal with in the future. the most important thing in fact, of course, is not this, but the fact that, well, my parents make up, like this tree, a genealogical, genealogical tree, they know their history very well, the history of their family, grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandmothers great-grandmothers, great-great-grandmothers, and it turns out that i don’t know anything, and i would like , of course, i would really like to know in general who i am, where i ’m from, where
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i came from, there would be questions, you can talk about this not only all day, all night, you probably won’t talk enough in a week, but there is something important that really worries me, in
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my baby card, there is information that i was born premature, that is, seven months old, and i would like to know - why did this happen, maybe the person had some health problems, something else, is there a grudge? well, maybe there was something like that, that's what the person had to do, we i don't know anything new, vladislav will learn about his alleged biological mother,
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as the daughter-in-law asked the mother-in-law, why does my husband not have photos from his early childhood, the mother-in-law admitted that her son is not her own. a few years after their wedding, marina and andrey stominy realized that they would not be able to have children, after consulting, they decided to give happiness and a family to an adopted child. soon they met their future son vladislav, who was already one and a half years old at that time. we brought two big red apples, well, you know, like that... you can't go to the baby empty-handed, in any case, uh, there was no experience of motherhood yet, so they brought such beautiful ripe apples. the nurse smiled and said: no, my guys, the child won't be able to eat apples like this, she peeled one apple, cut it into thin slices on saucers, served it, and this little one, what does she do, she takes two pieces and carries one piece, gives it
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to me, the second piece to andrey, after that what did we do, we said, we're taking this child. vladislav grew up in love and care, only 4 years ago marina plucked up the courage and confessed first to her daughter-in-law, and then son that she is not his biological mother. now marina wants to help her son find his blood relatives. he was probably already a little bit ready somewhere, that is, he wanted to know, especially since he is, i say, an inquisitive guy, very inquisitive, what i knew, i said. marina knows the names of her adopted son's biological parents, they are lyudmila and farid sabirov. in addition to vladislav, they had other children. i knew, for example, that before vlad was adopted, he had an older brother and sister, i don't know who is older, who is younger, the only thing is, honestly, i can't even remember where i got this information from, but i remember for sure that they said that they were adopted by their grandparents, that is, their mothers on
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their mother's side, on their biological side. that after vlad we came back from vacation and i find out that there is another girl, that is, his younger sister, i immediately went, we talked with... with my husband, decided that we would adopt her, but when we came to the guardianship department, we found out that the girl had already been adopted. vladislav tried to find his supposed mother on social media networks, but to no avail. now his only hope is a dna test. firstly, every person wants to know the history of his family, and my parents are engaged in this history of their family, yes, they have this genealogical tree, that is, they know, yes, that is, who were. grandmothers, grandfathers, great-grandmothers and further down the generation, of course, i would also like to know this, i would like to know where from, where the roots grow, who were the parents, and even elementary human factors, i am ready for any absolutely any information and this is normal, we do not live in a fairy tale,
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so whatever happens, i am ready. vladislav, you said that you have no resentment towards the woman who gave you life, but have you thought about how the fate of her other children could have turned out, of course, when - well... that is, when i found out that there could be others, well, my sisters, brothers, i well i don’t know how many there are exactly, no, of course, i imagined what kind of life they have, especially since they are adults, someone may be older than me, someone younger, or maybe the same age, i imagined how they live, where they live, maybe they also have their own children, that is, you are interested in learning about them, of course, the former daughter-in-law of a woman whose name and surname is lyudmila sabirov came to visit us. natalya novikova is in the studio. come in, natalya, please, sit down. how long were you with lyudmila's son? i lived with lyudmila's son for 20
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years. we met, i rented a room from his grandmother. and i came home. to pay her money for the room, and he had just returned from the army, and we met him, and six months later we got married, as his name? alexey, we separated, we broke up, and you have children, we have no children in common, we took custody, a boy and a girl, well, why did you say goodbye to your husband then? studied, but we remained friends, we help each other to this day, and he helps the children, helps the children, lyudmila, your mother-in-law, tell us about her, what kind of grandmother she became for your children, and lyudmila
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alekseevna, she is the best woman, she is kind, sympathetic, she also treated the children very well, ours, she always asked, natasha, how are the children, "let me like i'll give you some money, there was a time when it helped with food, and after the divorce from my husband, you continue to communicate, and after the divorce from my husband, we continued to call each other, and we have friendly relations, now as, now, unfortunately, she died, she passed away on may 2,
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she applied all sorts of ointments, she walked with a cane lately, and health problems associated, i think, because recently she... led a moral lifestyle, drank for the last 2 years, and before no, and before no, she was a wonderful woman, we could sing a song, share a secret, and what happened in those 2 years of her last life, what kind of misfortune that broke her so, i don’t know, i can’t say, but she, she worked at a pipe factory. such a cheerful, perky woman, of course, she ran, she loved this job, and then it became difficult for her to work, she left this job, and during those two years she started drinking, well
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, maybe you somehow tried to influence her, of course, we tried, and my ex-husband also told her, come on , stop, and i told him too... i told her, maybe i offered to help her, but she categorically refused, and you lived nearby in the same city, in the same city, yes, in the city of privorsk, ivan. region, what was your ex-husband 's relationship with his mother? as alyosha said, she abandoned them in childhood, they ended up in an orphanage, their grandmother took them in dakifina kungurtseva, took them under guardianship, and who are they? lyosha and nadya, he has a sister, older, younger, a year younger, and how many children does lyudmila have in total? i heard about lyosha only from the words
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of my grandmother, here lyudmila alekseevna, before death, she said that there were four more, six children in total, and where the four were, she didn't say, she said, i don't know, did this surprise you at all? i was surprised, of course, that six children, only two know their mother, and four are unknown where, of course, i was surprised, i also...
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yeah, he was adopted from the baby house when vladislav was one and a half years old. vladislav's adoptive mother was going to take his sister into the family, but unfortunately, she didn't have time. today marina is in our studio, here she is next to her son to help him find his biological relatives. vladislav knows both the last name and the first name of his biological mother. yes, lyudmila. sabirova and based on
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all this, what can you say is, is, and he, therefore, may turn out to be, maybe, maybe, of course, maybe, i will be very glad that relatives will be found, vladislav, what do you think, natalya just told us about your biological mother, well, i believe in it, i think, yes, you, marina, listened to natalya now, what do you think, the same? husband of sobirova in the city of privolsk, ivanovskaya
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areas, the rooms are littered with empty bottles and garbage, when lesha and i came, it was terrible in the kitchen, what was happening, there were such mountains of garbage, unwashed dishes, it's good that he, lesha, washed everything, but it was just awful, what was happening, terrible, in 2 years she turned this apartment into a snake pit, her mother-in-law died in this room, natalya shows, lesha found her in this passage, she died of a heart attack, then he put her on the sofa, then he called an ambulance, there the police, in general, everything, he called me, said that like natasha, lyudmila alekseyevna died, i was shocked, of course, because she called me at 12:10, because... joyful, cheerful, natasha, hello, how are you? lyudmila
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koravina was buried at the local central cemetery. relatives tried to organize a decent send-off for her. a forged fence was installed on the grave, a wooden cross was laid, wreaths from friends and relatives were laid. she was immediately taken to the hospital to the morgue and from the morgue to the cemetery , she was buried on the second day. they buried him, her in the water. there was literally no earth here, nothing, you could see, even the coffin seemed to be visible, because it was impossible to get to this grave at all. lyosha went to the field, dragged earth, after the funeral lyudmila's son spent several days tidying up her apartment, he cleaned up a lot of trash, cleaned up and took it out to the trash at night so that no one would see, this is
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the room where lyudmila alekseyevna lived, we brought this sofa after... she died here, there were empty walls because lyosha threw out this bed, it was impossible to even sit on the bed, there she was pitch-black, because well , she hadn't washed herself lately, the dog jumped on the bed, in the closet there were things that natalia had left as a keepsake of the deceased. blood, lyudmila alekseevna was a feminine woman, she, she loved to dress up, she had fur coats, hats and many, many things in her wardrobe, but i can only show this, look how fashionable they are,
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all kinds of fur coats, she loved to show off, she was a fashionable woman, natalia was. has known lyudmila for more than 20 years and after her death always remembers her mother-in-law only with a kind word, but she was a good woman, she was kind, she treated us well in general, we were constantly calling each other, she was constantly calling me in the morning and in the evening, asking how we were doing, nothing bad, i can’t say anything about her, what do you say, vladislav? the words are terrible. natalia, and how did lyudmila herself explain how she brought the apartment to such a state? i don’t know, my neighbor and i were always drinking, drinking, drinking. i offered her so much to come and help her clean everything up, but she didn’t allow me, she categorically
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forbade me. well, maybe it’s because her ate from within her own pain, and the weight of those mistakes that she made in life. yes, but you, natalia, said, and there in the story i heard that and he called you your alexey said that lyudmila alekseyevna died, yes, that is, he did not say mom, no, he never called her mom, never, he always called her lyudmila alekseyevna, he could not forgive childhood, that is, in general, she was not a mother at all, she was only a grandmother, yes, it is very difficult. vladislav, if today it is confirmed that lyudmila is your biological mother, you will want to visit her grave? of course, i would like to meet natalia's ex-husband, of course, of course, will natalia's ex-husband be happy to meet his supposed brother, will the dna test result confirm their relationship, we will find out
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domklik, everyone will find housing for themselves. what are the names of everyday goods at low prices? goods in great demand. buy nazon. a notebook in the assortment of pzbm for 6 rubles 20 kopecks. who? i am a sparrow shot, beaten. i am such an experienced boy. i am an old lady in law. what? not what you think? where, where am i and where is the money, with whom, am i here with the girls, when, and at night fatties why? do you want to know about the stars that's it, look, you won't believe it, it's a pity that it won't be on air, after your program, i think, now they'll find out, on saturdays, right after the show miracle on ntv. this is the dna program, the wife of a thirty-five-year-old resident of ivanovo was surprised why her husband didn't have photos from his early childhood, called her mother-in-law, and she
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admitted that she had adopted the child. natalia's ex-husband knows about his brothers and sisters, whom lyudmila sabirova did not raise. alexey sabirov is in the studio. hello, alexey, hello. tell me, how do you know about your mother's abandoned children? o i accidentally found out about my sister when i was in the first or second grade, they brought us documents there, when there were no adults there, and it was indicated that the apartment that the order was received, it was indicated that i was listed, my sister nadya, and this is my mother lyudmila, and there was also listed... anya, but at that time i didn’t pay attention, they didn’t ask who anya was, i didn’t even ask, somehow i didn’t pay attention, something, well, i think, maybe they mixed up what was there, well, and then somewhere
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i was probably already 15 years old, and somehow with the conversation turned to grandma, she said that you still have a brother, uh, she named vlad, but she didn’t even name the girl, that’s the most important thing, i already figured out that the girl , well, i... i saw the documents that the boy was born in 1989, i don’t even know what year he was born, and why did grandma tell you about this, why did mom tell you about this herself, it turned out that my sister and i, nadya , were raised by grandma from childhood, it turned out that i definitely don’t remember everything, at 3 years old, grandma started to register us, well she took us for herself, in the first grade it turned out that i don’t remember exactly, that uh my mother lyudmila registered me and nadya with her, well she got married, she married this viktor
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goryavin, she became, and so... she took us for herself, it turned out that i lived with her for only 3 years, we lived there normally for 2 years, and the third year there, well , she led a moral way of life there and there we can already say there and the neighbors fed us in a communal apartment and there that is, you were starving, the children were hungry, it was like that a little bit, yes, it was like that for us then they took you to this boarding school then, when your grandmother told you that your mother had other children, well, i was about 15 years old, but she only... says that she has a brother, so maybe it was worth going straight to your mother to ask what's what, and mother, we didn't see mother, that's how they deprived her, when they took away grandmother, they deprived her, she soon went to prison, and she sat in prison, there, as if he got out, but then they put her in prison for something else for murder, she sat until the eleventh year, i met her when i was almost 30 years old, that is, your mom committed such a serious crime, well
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, obviously, over time you didn't come to mom, and i, well, she got out of prison, you somehow started communicating, so in 2011, when she got out of prison, she came to ivanovo oblast to see her mother, then we didn't manage to meet, i was on a business trip, in the fall my wife and i went there, then we went to murmansk to see her, there were some small problems with the apartment, there was something there, i don't really remember either, but there was something that she was assigned the living space is mine for my sister, my sister also came later and began to live there in mormonsk in mormonsk i kind of refused well there in favor of my sister nadya right yes yes sisters and mother pona now lives there in muronsk, when your mother looked after your children helped you raise them somehow, there was an opportunity to talk about the children whom she possibly left, there was an opportunity
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to ask who anna is, who vladislav is? we had this conversation not so long ago, we were sitting in her apartment with natalia was sitting, i say, so and so, lyudmila, tell me, so me and my sister, well, i kind of heard that , for example, we have a sister, and i already know for sure that anna, this is the sister, and from my grandmother i heard that vlad, well, tell me, how many children do we have and where how everything is arranged, she immediately got nervous. freaked out and said: none of your damn business how i lived, well that's it. alexey, today a man named vladislav came to our studio together with his adoptive mother, marina. vladislav was adopted from the malyutka house in murmansk. vladislav knows the name of his biological mother, lyudmila sabirova.
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he also knows that he had a sister, who his adoptive parents also wanted to adopt, but, unfortunately, did not have time. do you see the similarities between you? well, we are a little different. well, how do you feel, vladislav? it seems similar to me. it seems to me that there is something very similar, uh, in the look, in some kind of forehead, something. there is something similar. alexey, does vladislav look like your mother? well, my sister looks more like my mother than i do, here. and
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with you, it seems to me that the smile and nose are similar. mikaila, what do you say, i caught some common features with lyudmila. you know, when alexey came out, at first it seemed to me that i just had twin brothers. now, when i look at the photo, i definitely see the similarity between alexey, of course, and there is something elusive with vlad. andrey, what do you say about him, the opposite.
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because the shape of the head is different and the size and as if somewhere there is only doubt that they are brothers, they are by type, look, like 1 + 1, very much. relationship with alexey, of course i would like to, then tell alexey a little about yourself. lyosha, was born in the city of murmansk, i was raised by my dad, mom, grandparents, in general, well, i lived
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in a full-fledged family, that is, from all sides there was love, care, that is, in general, you know, i will say this, despite the hard times, the nineties, well, everything was great, well - in murmansk i went to kindergarten. i went to school, then i studied to be an it engineer, also in murmansk and lived there until i was about 27 years old, after - after why did you move to ivanovo, now i live there with my wife, with my child, in ivanovo, in ivanovo, can you imagine, can you imagine how it happens, wow, and what can you tell me about yourself, vladislav alexey, well, i was born in murmansk. i have been living more consciously all my life in the ivanovo region in privolzhsk, i was married, now i live alone, what do you do, alexey, well, with
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education it didn’t work out very well as an installer, well, it’s all about power plants, all this stuff there, if vladislav turns out to be your brother, want to communicate, he is immediately obvious, a good person, why not, marina, would you like your son to have such a brother? in any case, i will always be happy if my son has a brother, sister, if they are nearby. vladislav, are you ready to find out if you will have an older brother today? of course, i am ready. i invite our dna specialist daria popova to the studio. will vladislav meet his real brother in our studio or are his biological mother and alexey's mother just namesakes. we will open the envelope with the dna test results after a short commercial.
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watch today at 19:00. russian troops launched a massive attack on ukrainian critical airfield infrastructure at night. air raid sirens were sounded throughout ukraine. high-precision missiles, including hypersonic daggers , successfully hit their targets. kursk npp is protected, but the threat of provocation still comes from ukraine. the head of the international agency for nuclear power, rafael grossi, was shown the condition of the station and traces of ukrainian strikes. watch tonight at 19:00 on the website in the app now. miracle, premieres on saturday at 20:00 on ntv. orange, jevy orange, cashback up to 48%, pyaterochka and
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ntv. there is a plan, but it is not within the law, so you can immediately hand me over to the gestapo. what are you doing, cop, i'll crush you. an attack by an employee, not good. dverskaya. today at 20:00 on ntv. on air dna. having learned that he grew up in a foster family, the man decided, at any cost, to find blood relatives. darya, you have the floor. today , vladislav istomin from the city of ivanovo is waiting for the results of the dna test. vladislav's mother marina estomina admitted to the man that he grew up in foster family after talking with her daughter-in-law. she decided to find out from her mother-in-law why her husband had no photos from his early childhood.
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marina and her husband adopted vladislav from the baby house in murmansk when the boy was one and a half years old. marina remembered that vladislav's biological mother's name was lyudmila sabirova. forty -one-year-old aleksey sabirov, whose mother was also named lyudmila sabirova, came to our studio. aleksey knows that his mother had two. a boy and a girl, whom she did not raise. moreover, aleksey said that in childhood he and mother and sister lived in murmansk for several years. vladislav, are you ready to find out the truth? ready. alexey, can i open the envelope? of course. attention, i'm opening the envelope. on one side is vladislav istomin, on
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the other side is his supposed brother, alexey sabirov. the probability that you are blood brothers is 99.9, of course, of course, unexpected. well, not the most important thing is surprising, that in general, imagine how they got here, one got here, and then you there and i there, how is that, well, i 'll get to know my wife there. i'm very glad that the brothers met, i am sincerely glad about this, i am glad, triple attention, you have such a good mother, of course i
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am very sorry, vladislav, that you were not able to see your biological mother, you really wanted it, but you found a brother, well about mom.
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may the people of tatarstan be pleased with the results of their actions. niyaz illautapiz. hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers.
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massive strikes on ukrainian military facilities in the ministry of defense today reported on the advancement of the russian army in all areas of the special operation, i have studied the information anton talpa. ukrainian armed forces drones were deliberately aimed at residents of the kursk region who were leaving their homes, russian servicemen continue to push out the enemy in order to protect civilians, examples of courage and fortitude shown by both local residents and our fighters in the material by edmund zhalbunov. the kursk npp is protected, but the threat of nuclear provocations still comes from ukraine. the head of the magate rafae grossi was shown the state of the station and traces of ukrainian strikes.

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