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tv   Bratya  NTV  August 28, 2024 4:10am-4:50am MSK

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then i promised, mash, well, you can't promise, well, take me as a spare, well, if one of the players doesn't come up, then well , yes, i don't understand, how can you do without sazart, for me the map is everything, when i play i get goosebumps, yes, i understand you, i understand you very well, tower tower 34. fifth, we have two objects formed 3:43 we will enter the object for loading 379 3772 communications.
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sorry, gentlemen, this is very urgent, vadik, i was right, he has serezha's glasses, masha, go away, i'll figure it out myself, please, shut up go away, i'll do it myself, excuse me, you have some circumstances, where are you alive, a game, oh well, everything's fine, damn, i didn't want anything to happen to him, do you hate him? what are you saying, i
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loved him, he treated me like cattle, then you came up with a plan, the cool guy did it, masha has nothing to do with it, what is cool, that's his last name, some gangster, i don't know his last name, who knows, the cricket begged. but i refused to work with him, as they say, god took me away, why are you, masha, a candidate of sciences, doing such a half-hearted thing, to breed people, but what does it have to do with it, the cricket rolled him without feeling him out, and i warned you, you can't sit down to play with just anyone, but you men are stubborn as sheep, no, if you knew that this man was so dangerous, well, why weren't you more attentive, it's masha who knows everything, she would be like an x-ray, but kittens, if in addition to
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fraud on an especially large scale, we manage to prove your complicity in the murder of sverkaev, but what fraud, that someone suffered from these fraudulent actions, you won't seem to get it, the kitten and i have nothing to do with it, but this we'll see as things go along, i'm putting the question bluntly, are we going to cooperate with you or will we? ruin the situation, and what can you charge me with, meeting you for the purpose of a divorce, that's a crime no, no, maria sergeyevna, if you loved sverkaev so much, why don't you want to help us find his killer, and i have no idea who could have wanted him dead, maybe, and put you in danger , so, before it's too late, you'll serve time with... even
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before he hooked the korela, he himself, himself, why didn't you say, that's our business, the cricket himself and... he called the name, but i don't know it, yeah, officially gushchenkov anatorii vadimovich nicknamed korel, sells children's books, accounting, transactions, a mosquito won't sharpen its nose, and for this business three elite brothels, and he also likes to play, every evening he goes to clubs, hangs out until the morning, so you take these copies to the customer and quickly.
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clean as glass, about 200 people saw her in the club, who would doubt it, oh, here he is, well, he looks like it, from behind he looks like it, the ass too, what are we going to do, bone, take and inject, guys, we're working, look at the car, so hands, hands, gorki, show me who you are, this is total crap, i can't see a thing, yeah,
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you can see the emblems on the jeans you're wearing now, a coincidence, you never know who might have jeans like that, too much of a coincidence, vladimir andreevich, why didn't you notice the surveillance camera, i wasn't there, that's why i didn't notice. konstantin nikolaevich, as you asked, the testimony of citizen shishova. the investigator recorded it, of course, we need to organize an identification, tomorrow, she's sick, she's going to the clinic tomorrow, that means the day after tomorrow, good afternoon, you starostin, konstantin nikolaevich, but i am starostin, what's the matter, i am a lawyer, mr. galdayev, here is my id and documents.
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what is this? a recording from a cctv camera. what kind of recording is this? these are poor quality photographs, you can't see anything on them. there is a recording, i can provide it. please. what kind of proof is this? this is ridiculous, you can't see his face here. russian federation. i demand his immediate release. we have testimony from citizen shishovo from apartment fifty-one. she saw the killer's face. tomorrow we will conduct identification in accordance with the criminal procedure code. show the report. and after this
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procedure, citizen galdayev will be officially charged. i will write a complaint today. the prosecutor's office is on you, write, this is your job, go ahead, have fun, and who drew up the report, marinka and i, your new one, or what, no, it's been three years already, we concocted it beautifully, the main thing is that he couldn't kidnap us clients, otherwise he would have taught him this now, with the secret agents, let them take shushova under guard, this is in case they decide to remove the witness, it's unlikely, the lawyer is not a fool, he'll take the bait on the wing, but put security, kostya, what can you do with the protocol, tear it up and eat it, we have 2 days to crack goldaev.
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yes, i'm listening, kostya, have you forgotten or something , today is anya's birthday, yes, i forgot, no, it won't work, i can't, what, what are you whispering there, that lenka has returned or something, what are you saying, give me anna, i'll congratulate her. oh, you, sleep, sleep, i'll turn off the phone now, i've already slept enough, today is anya's birthday, damn, i completely forgot, you came back, yes , you came back, but you promised me, yes, i remember everything, what i promised, listen, now everything will be fine, you'll see, let's... let's hang out today, and m, let's go, i haven't seen anyone for 100 years,
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they detained a decent man, a medal-bearer, a combat veteran, and what does that veteran have to do with it, well, there's a political resonance, there's no politics here, just criminality, yes, yes, i'm authorized to make you an offer that you have no reason to refuse, you're letting galdayev go. let's say due to the absence of corpus delicti, get 50 thousand for this, that's five times more than usual, and pin the case on some troublemaker, i hope it's not difficult, of course it's not difficult, of course it's
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not difficult for me, get up! damn it. let's have a baby, are you crazy, who will raise it, you're always at work, you and i, raise and love it, and do you know how much money it takes, i don't work. lenta, don't worry about money, i was offered a cushy job, we'll live on it, actually i'm not against it, a baby is great. so, from 17 to 24 you drank with friends, drank and slept, they can confirm this, easily, you gave different testimony before, you are so the suspect was so pressured that he started to get confused, anyone would get confused, you scared
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him half to death, by the way, you still haven't presented any witnesses, the witness is sick, how can he get better? today the term of detention ends, the trial that would determine the measure of restraint for my client, as far as i understand, will not take place, name the names of the friends with whom you drank, allow me, here's a look. there will be a trial, mr. advocate, and he will choose the measure of restraint for your client. on the sleeve of a shirt, found in a washing machine during the search of citizen galdayev's apartment , traces of gunpowder were found. let me remind you that the search was conducted in your presence and in compliance with all legal regulations. please read it.
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yes, i got our message, cop, this is how it will always be if you don't listen to us, got it? that's it, i've said it all.
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come on, whoever didn't call, came, no, what happened, let's go, hurry up, drop what you can say clearly, i'll explain on the way, run. it's okay, you'll stay with your relatives for now, have some milk,
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and some tofik, my dear, please come and see me. it's urgent, has someone run you over? don't worry, your roof is the most reliable in the world. come over , kostya, i beg you. kostya, what does it cost you to move, well, one or another to shift a piece of paper here and there, well, there's no conscience, no conscience. conscience, kostya, is an abstract thing, you can't touch it. if all this burns down, how will i pay you for the roof? you tell me, who's running you over? you run over, i'll figure it out, you think i'm a coward, yes, i tremble for my business, but i don't give a damn about business, i started it 100 times, i'll start it 100 times, who are they? these are the kind of people, not you, they me, my wife, my children, they
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will bury everyone, they won't blink an eye, they are cannibals, i know them, is this what you want, honestly? do you hear me, freak, i agree, i agree, i understand, i will, of course, let you go, especially with the newly discovered circumstances, iron alebi, lack of motives evidence, and the case. will stitch me up again, but honestly, it would be better for you to go to jail, for what reason, for
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your boss, you are too dangerous a witness, today you are silent, and tomorrow you will suddenly speak, or god forbid you will start blackmailing, because he customer, what are you getting at, if i were him i'd... bury you somewhere deep, in a huge corner, and so that not a single living soul would be there, i 'll write you a pass now. tower, tower 347, the object is taken for loading, it seems he wants to merge, i follow him,
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i accepted, well done, dear, well done, well done, you saved yourself, you saved me, you saved my children. you saved lena, you saved everyone, let's drink, let's , whatever i can get, i don't treat you to anything, you won't try it anywhere, only at tofik's, i want to drink, for your sharp, clear mind, as if you were drinking for a dead man, why a dead man, and why the dead man, why are you talking like that, take lena, come here, i'm closing the restaurant, special service for the two of you, okay, don't fuss, you better introduce me to those cool guys. are you crazy, huh? why do you need this? why are you climbing on the birth again? because nothing ended, tofik. galdayev, whom i let go, ran away from them. how do you know? i know,
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in short, introduce me to that, what's his name, who eats people. you're the elder, but raise your hands, he's clean, lead him, follow me.
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what did you want to talk about? what should i talk about with you? a cop? i wouldn't do something like that for nothing disturb a person. yezvish mentyara? no way, no. it's just that i have an intimate matter, face to face. well, say that you wanted to get out of here, you've surrounded me from all sides like a wolf, you've threatened my relatives, my friends, their children , you've shoved money at me, don't talk nonsense, talk about the matter, i let goldaev go, and he ran away, and what did you get from him running away? maybe he 's relaxing at a resort after your prison bunks? well, if he was relaxing, you wouldn't have met with me. do you want me to find him for you? good
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money, of course, but did you track him down or something? it doesn't matter, the main thing is that i can find him, and you are unlikely to, and i don't need him, but if i don't need him, then i won't need him, and i could solve your problems for a lot of money, but wait, what are you doing? i'm not a slob, i want money, now a fake will be revealed in the case, they will send me into retirement, and what am i supposed to live on, are you cool, corrupt, and what other cops are there, there are, okay, tell me, where is the problem.
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well, what's there, he sits, doesn't show his nose. he's afraid, i
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'm wondering what he's sitting on there, after all, he needs to eat and drink, we'll check now, konstantin nikolaevich, you can't go there alone, i you have to go there alone, let's wait for the special forces to make some trouble, i'll go, give me the radio, konstantin nikolaevich, he's a scumbag, he doesn't understand words, because of the scumbags, i'll be forced to report, go ahead. listen, goldaev, you hid poorly, i found you, and gushchenkov will find you, you should have gone somewhere to distant islands in warm countries and exchanged your mug and passport. to
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a non-gorian, in short, i have a conversation with you, an important one, your life depends on it, well, as you wish, if you don't care about yourself. corrupt, are there other cops? there are, okay, tell me, where is the problem, that's at you're a problem, punished, the souls are running free, of course i closed the case, but anything can happen, suddenly he'll blab when drunk, or want more money, and he's the only one.
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witness, okay, settle this issue, if you can, of course, money, okay, ten. i'll give it to you, why so little? how much did you want? you're already rich, twenty, there's too much work, you have to steal the bastard so that no one will find him, what a job, okay, fifteen, yes we closed the issue, but you'll only get the money when you bring me proof, oh, what or something else, you keep his ears for yourself, with
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a nickname, a photo is enough for me, what a bitch, and what did i tell you? i told you, you know what the problem is, if i don’t get rid of you, someone else will come and bury you while the owner is free, you’re not a zheletz, and what are you proposing, i’m proposing cooperation, you ’re sincere to me, and i’ll make sure that they cut your wages in half, and if they don’t cut them, they’ll cut them for the customer for being sincere, i guarantee you that, you’re a veteran after all. “let me think, no time to think, goldaev, no time, let me, don’t even think about running, the dacha is surrounded, they'll shoot you like a chicken, they'll write in the report later, he offered armed resistance,
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do it this way or not, man, bitch, bitch, this is yours, give it here, go, what happened, so, find me this cricket, quickly, bring him here to me, find me this bitch, i'll tear him apart myself, when the owner realized that he'd been taken for a ride and screwed, he lost his temper, he figured out the jerk quickly, through his buddies, do you even know who you screwed over, rat, you screwed me, i know, you
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screwed me out of my money, you'll give it all back, i'll give it all back, no, you didn't get it, i got it all, i got it, i get it, you'll pay back another 50 thousand in fines, a day for you, oh, the owner demanded from him not only all his tanks, but also a fine for the scam, a big fine, here... asked for time to collect them, he took off himself, such a greedy bastard, i had to figure out the cricket again, it wasn't that easy, he got into trouble, changed his passport, i looked for this bastard all over the city, i rubbed my feet, felt out his connections, the owner called himself and gave the address of this freak, listen, he said he was at home, i'm writing, i'm writing, where did he get his address from, i don't know, so locomotive 15, huh? apartment 281 lyalin, to me i need a call detailing for gushchenkov for the month, yes, it's urgent, you've gone completely mad, money-man
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, where did i say we'll meet, i didn't have time, time, i did the job, i did it, where is the proof, that's what you're doing, quiet, have you completely lost your mind, or what, are you crazy, you're killing people for money, and you'll regret it, i'll regret it, yes, oh, you'll regret it, why the hell are you calling me to pay off your debts, i don't understand anything, who is this? hello, who is this? loser, is that you? what is this? call detailing for mr. gushchenkov. who? he just told you called. what does that mean?
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your number is marked with a marker here. did you call him an hour and a half before sverkaev's murder? well, maybe you did call, so what? gushchenkov has already admitted that it was you who led him on cricket. what a bastard. go ahead, kostya, darling, how glad i am, how glad i am, and i thought you had forgotten me completely, do you want to drink or eat, do you want to, let's go, i 'll treat you to such a dinner now, i'm actually on business, you and i are business people, we'll discuss everything at the table now, let's go, i have no time, i'm going to my brother's, i think my salary for crumbling should be raised one and a half times. kostya, what are you doing, i ate a fly agaric, i'm already paying you the maximum, but what is the maximum, it's not like you're being taunted, the cool ones threatened you with your family, they threatened, i turned out to be cooler than them, cooler, then pay up.
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good evening, nikita nikolaevich. oh, what are you doing here? you, that is, waiting for you, what did you fail? yeah, two points for the creative. yes, things are going well, thank you, sirey, well there
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is a paid one, yeah, with two points you can't go anywhere at all, i 've already picked up the documents, what did i call my parents, no, bye, well, don't be upset, what are you, we'll enroll next year, there's no money for give me a ticket, i'm not going home, how can i not go, why embarrass myself, i'll stay here, i'll find a job. will you help? well, of course i'll help, where should i put you? nikita, can i ask for a little more money while i'm not settled ? yeah, sure, what are you saying? here, that's enough? yeah, that's it, take off your nicknames, so what if she didn't get into college, i have no education at all, look how much money i'm making, well, get ready, let's go somewhere, let's have some fun, to a cool place, it's fine, everything
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will be fine, don't worry, everything is fine. oh, it's beautiful here, it's beautiful calm, the soul is resting, yes, we have earthly grace here, you should come more often, kost, take lena with you, and what did we decide when we were little? to give birth, kostya, kostya, so this is a truly
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good deed, kostya, otherwise it’s somehow unfair, you have so many children, and we don’t have a single one, and you, by the way, screw me, i’ll pray for you, pray, pray, but for now to no one, only to god, i’m so glad, i’ll let you go, let’s go, let’s go, what are you doing? i’m sleeping, right? lena, what
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is this? what? this. i was looking for my notebook, i found this. pills, contraceptives pills. well, probably. no, probably, definitely. it says there, you and i agreed that we will have a baby. what do you want from me? it's night outside, you were hanging out, you came somewhere, what do you want from me? you didn't answer my question, did we agree or not, children need a father, and you disappear all the time at work, weekends, holidays, i'm telling you, i'm lonely, and you have my service, reinforced orders, what can you give the child, what besides money, everything, love, care, affection, oh well, enough, these are empty words, i know that everything the worries about the child will fall on my shoulders, you will catch your crooks, you will come to the kazu from...


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