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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-8  NTV  August 28, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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pizza delivery, order pizza, thank you, please, thank you, girl, order pizza, no need, for a teapot. okay, let's order, order
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pizza, quality guarantee, the best pizza is only with us, order quickly, high-quality , delicious, mish, misha, well that's your problem, well what the hell kind of hanky-panky, you won't get half a penny back on them, on these old men, yes that's your problem, who is arthur, this boozer or something, yes he's just a boozer. yes i was with him in the rest, but since then he's been drinking, well you find me some straps, then talk to me, no, well you, don't offer me any crap, daddy first, i'm ready, okay, please, just without that, why are you standing there, oh, what are you doing, are you kidding, hurry up, can't you see that they hurt me, call quickly, where should i call, the police, the ambulance, the fire department, yeah, okay, i'm calling, yeah, yeah, yeah,
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hello, hello, what will you do, what will i do, i'll do it, will you, where is varya, she's left, she'll be there soon, far away, for tickets, are you going on vacation, yeah, look, to a concert, a concert, yeah, jazz is awesome? they're having a concert
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in a private club, yeah, old hits, new album, class, our veterans never age, well done, she, when she saw the ad, started shaking all over, you know, she goes crazy about them, here's your green tea, mm, excellent, hi, kir, hi, what's wrong with your face, i didn't understand, who offended you, oh well... why did i want to go to a concert, to an exclusive evening, i ran all over the city, not a single ticket, i was terribly upset, and what about the bugs? who, forgive me? well, these speculators, resellers, no, they don't have anything either, i was really tormented, oh well, oh well, don't be upset, you'll be on ours there's a concert on the street, well, okay, and how are you doing, and how are we doing, criminals?
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they're present, we're prosecuting them for that, that 's all, it's clear, of course, now regarding yesterday's shooting, yes, here in more detail, please, since last night all my phones have been ringing off the hook, they were shooting at a certain bolotnikov, evgeny arnoldovich, born in 1968, by the way, a well-known person, he's a music producer for such groups, and tas, straps, working days are produced, well, what else can you tell me about it? to jubilee on the palace square, when the macaroni concert was, he had some connection there, but it is not clear what, well, it is clear, and how is he feeling, he got a bullet in the arm, probably the killer missed or something interfered with him, early not dangerous, but bolotnikov insisted on hospitalization, and how does he explain what happened, and he does not explain it at all, he refused to talk to us at all, demanded a lawyer, the lawyer said that his client was in shock, so for now i will not give any testimony. we will visit him again today,
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yes, the shooter dropped his clothes and a gun in the neighboring yard, well, it's a pm with a silencer, we've sent it for examination now. well, the first thing that comes to mind is that the assassination attempt is connected with bolotnikov's professional activities, this is show business, which means big money, but i still hope that bolotnikov will testify today.
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thank you, thank you, are you done, excuse me , talking, are you done, we 've been sitting here for an hour, and you? you haven't answered a single question, guys, what do you want from me, how am i supposed to know who might need this, well, where from, i do notes, you know, notes, not financial pyramids, i have no enemies, i have only, excuse me, fans, hello, yes, filichka, yes, yes, kitty, in horror, in horror, in the city center, and what have we come to, here the doctors say that in the shirt, i don’t know who it is. i love you, yes a miracle, a miracle, i kiss you, vitalik, hello, hugs to all of you, evgeny arnoldovich, you upset us very much, very much, and what is it, the fact is that we need, can we, let’s, here is evgenia
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arnoldovich, a statement for the press, how are you asked. what's going on? where's the concert? where 's the britellic tour in the southern urals? why should i do everything myself? what am i paying you for? i asked you to write in black and white that despite the brutal, bloody, vile attack on music producer evgeny bolotnikov, the britellic tour will take place and the audience will not be harmed. i understand, i understand, title it something original, i don't know, for example, uh-huh, uh-huh. sorry, hello, yes, yes, borenka, well, yes, and you found out, well, thank you, dear, thank you, we are all in shock, we are all in shock, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, where are you going, i am going to evgeny arnoldovich for
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tests, i never liked this show, they are all there, that 's what i saw, well, i don't know about all of them, here is bolotnikov, it is not clear what is on his mind, but bodyguards, he has hired professional ones, maratze security agency, do you know what their rates are for personal messages? no, well, it's good that you don't know, you will sleep peacefully, valera chernov is working for them now as one of the security guards, we crossed paths on one matter, he was still working in a big house then, come on, he hired himself cool bodyguards for sweats, what's wrong with you, he's from...
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popular petersburg singer, and bulanova, and this, kolya, the experts asked you to come in, the experts, okay, i'll come in, thank you, the lead singer of the tequila group, who are you, hello, who can i contact, so this is, hello? why should you contact me, well , i'm in trouble, and what's your last name, fedorov, and go to the right, thank you, that's it, great, so,
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glory to science and progress, that you called me? great, can i congratulate you? come on, what's the matter, your killer screwed up, carefully. wiped the barrel after shooting, but forgot to wipe some of the details of my wardrobe, i mean the glasses, yeah, there was a pretty clear thumbprint on the right glass , i sinfully thought that one of the investigators had groped it, but i was lucky, here he is, a handsome man, i checked him in our database, he checked in with us 2 years ago, andrei petrovich, did they call him? yes, and where is solovets, where is dymov, where
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is volkov, finally? how about the dispersal, in the bolotnikov case? well, and you, what about the service? so andrei petrovich, in addition to bolotnikov, we also have there's a lot of things to do, the prosecutor's office, you know that, okay, okay, that's just me, let me introduce you to kirill porokhnya, one of our best operatives, don't look at his young age. in fact, he's a very promising employee, come on, andrey petrovich, yes, very promising, as you can see, a famous representative of rock culture, nice to meet you, evgeny fedorov, so many jazz, that kirill, shit, excuse me, look, kirill evgenievich, something bad happened to our friend, i ask you to listen. listen to him, help him as much as you can, of course,
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andrey petrovich, we are always happy to help everyone , always, what happened, they robbed, what did you take, didn't take much, didn't take money, didn't take valuables, stole a guitar, not the most expensive in the world, but very expensive for me, that is, andrey petrovich, we must find the guitar, the guitar, got it. well, then, we'll probably go, talk, yes, of course, all the best, thank you very much, let's go, i ask you, the only thing is, please wait a second, okay, yes, good, yeah, andrey petrovich, excuse me, you're here now they said that i am a young, promising, experienced worker, and then can the last penalty be removed from me, you first.
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ordered, but we are not the ones to talk about it . bolotnikov knows or guesses who wants him, so what are we going to do now, wait until this root knocks him off? hmm, a good idea, it's a pity, grandpa will object, okay, the guys from the main department gave me a tip on a guy, what kind of guy, this guy once worked very closely with bolotnikov, then something went wrong with them, apparently they didn't share the money, so what else, well, in general, a complete breakdown in relations, so if bolotnikov does not want to tell anything about himself, others will do it for him, well, actually, here we rehearsed in the morning. then we left the instruments in the dressing room after the rehearsal, in the evening we come, we go into the dressing room, and the guitars are gone,
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as if a cow licked them with its tongue, we contacted the local security, yes of course, they came running, throwing up their hands, but what can you expect from them, well, it is clear that we should do it, give an official move, as they say, well, so that everything is scientifically, but you understand, we don't want anyone to find out about it, press - it's yellow, i understand , well, will you help? well, let's try, i would be very grateful to you, yeah, okay, bye, goodbye, give me a light. no, not her
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. a wonderful offer. something appeared late today, usually she comes earlier, if someone stole the bololayka, she knows for sure, she and her girls keep all the maids on the payroll here, which means she knows everything and about everyone, well, i mean,
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who is scurrying around the numbers, maybe they were in the locker room, got it, but i don't tell you anything said, in what future? in the foreseeable future? damn it.
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you're waiting for me, yeah, i was told that you have questions for me, i know what happened to zhenya, but i don't know how... to help you, oh, eli, i don't know who ordered it, let's go for a walk, no, and of course you don't have to believe me, i'm not justifying my former
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partner, we show business sharks all have a little snout. in the gun, but among our mutual acquaintances, i think no one had such claims against bolotnikov, no, even i, i had questions about him of a financial nature and not just me, well he owed someone, he was leading a singer to someone, he printed a fake edition of cds. but you know, all these are the little things in life? yes, i understand, but they charged him with an overly expensive killer, i don't believe in accidents, you understand, that's the job, tell me, couldn't bolotnikov organize an attempt on his own life, have you watched too many films, why? no, i'm just fantasizing, zhenya is not a pop star, he doesn't need such publicity, i understand if
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the attempt was organized on one of his protégés... the singer magdalena, remember? well, the newspapers wrote about a maniac who wouldn't give a girl a break, so there was no maniac, there wasn't, there was a planned, paid advertising campaign in the press. it's clear, everyone does what they can. that's right. tell me, why did you stop working with bolotnikov? there were personal reasons for that. but still, i wouldn't like to talk about it. moreover, it has nothing to do with your case, in a nutshell, there was a young singer,
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zhenya signed a contract with her on very strict terms, they could have earned crazy money money, basically that's what happened, zhenya earned it, but without me, i didn't like his work style before, and that was the last straw, you can't work with people like that, survive until the last drop, and then throw them out like old furniture in the trash, in general, i left, we parted without quarrels, without mutual insults. "we are still grown-up business people, what kind of singer is this that we had to quarrel over her, i can see her, talk to her." this is impossible, why is that? she died.
6:01 am
hello, hello, tell me, you don't tell me, damn, i can't find it for the second day already, it's not with you, it's up there, right there, thank you, it was like this, we're going, chi in the back, having fun, it's fine, that's it, well , that's the theme, chik si is fine, such cheerful, sitting in the back, having fun, it's fine, suddenly it's not clear where the bass of the zhestlov is slowing down from, we don't know what the youth are doing, what do you want? i need a guitar, what guitar, an ordinary guitar, wooden with strings, let's not bother your head, not me, not yourself, then give me the guitar the easy way, but we didn't take any guitar, listen, who are you
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in general, where did he come from, i'm from the police, seriously, look, i look like i'm from the police, i 'm nothing special to you, it's the first time i've seen him.
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and help, help, someone, save, save, who, someone, hold my hand! give me your hand, help, give me your hand, come on, hold on, help, come on, grab, hold the handcuff, mom,
6:04 am
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business the most important thing has remained unchanged: reliable operation of our services. tebank business and business is done. good morning, weather for today. in the far east, the kuril islands are gradually getting out of the bad weather, rains there are replaced by fogs, and kamchatka does not lose hope for sunny weather. today in
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the south of the peninsula so far with rain, but tomorrow. will disperse will be +20, in the south of the mainland +25 and higher, no precipitation, but closer to baikal, atmospheric fronts, their cloud fields, volonude rain in pribaikalye rains, from irkutsk to krasnoyarsk about twenty, and the closer to the urals, the warmer, in the south of the tyumen region almost 25, so far no precipitation, in the urals so far also 25, but the northern cyclone will already catch perm and yekaterinburg with rains, in chelyabinsk and today tomorrow no precipitation, in the european territory the cyclone is also responsible for rains in the northeast. but in virkuta it is still warm +18. abnormally warm weather holds in the northwest and the closer the end of august, the higher the temperature, and the baltic shores are not going to say goodbye to the resort season ahead of warming. in the middle zone , the probability of light rains is only for the kastramskaya region, from smolensk to vladimir, solid sun and +28, in penza, ryazan - 30, in voronezh - 32. in the south, after heavy rains, the weather will improve in sochi, but in crimea, in some areas of krasnodar krai, in the north caucasus, so far with short,
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strong. about the weather in the capitals in st. petersburg today no precipitation and the maximum air temperature of -21-23 in moscow 27-29 and also no rain, and so until the end of the week, that is, until the end of summer we are entering autumn with july weather. evgeny ardanich, everything is under control. come in, are you sure, sure, come in,
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what is it? well, yeah, cool, how much did you want for it a thousand, for two or three, well, come on. come on, oh, listen, you and i agreed, yes, we agreed that everything is between us, and whose robe, this is mine, well, my mom gave it to me for my birthday, you can't explain it to her, yeah, it's a shame to throw it away too, okay, yeah, listen, do you want me to give you a free idea, tell me... for example, that this robe, well, let's say, is a scarecrow, no, it's not her size, then go ahead,
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she was 15, her mother outlived him by a couple of years, she had no one left except you, except me, we 've been friends since childhood in the sandbox, yeah, here they are, the melodies and rhythms of modern pop music. bolotnikov is a rare beast after all, yeah, oh, don't tell me, what about his former partner, ovramenko, and the day of the assassination attempt he has a stable alibi, he spent the first half of the day at his country house, i checked, the neighbors confirm, he spent the second half of the day in
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st. petersburg, business meetings, there are also plenty of witnesses, well, it is obvious that whoever hired the killer, first of all provided himself with an alibi, and former partner bolotnikov has the money to hire a killer. and motives, what are they? for example, you see, kolya, when two business partners break up, they have something to divide, this is aksёuma, you can't get away from her, georgich, of course you're right, but we have nothing against avramenko, only suspicions, so what? brothers, believe the old policeman, everything here is tied to this past story with maria, do you think one of her fans hired the roots of the liquidation, as an option, since this is some kind of hollywood gives an honest word, well , hollywood, not hollywood, but... the death of the singer, do you also know the motive? maybe you can write down her friend as the customer? and i would write it down, but she doesn't have enough money to hire a killer, she works as a secretary in a small company now. what kind of company? i forgot the name, they do something with real estate. no,
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guys, we need to shake this ex-partner, yeah, otherwise we 're getting all fluffy and white, yeah. zhenya! hello, hello, here she is, amazing, how did you find her? the job is so crazy, honestly, i never thought i'd see her again. honestly, me too,
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amazing, how much do i owe you, don't you charge for this, sorry, didn't mean to offend, nothing, kirill, maybe i can do something for you to do, no, no need for anything, that, though. it's me, it's hard to get close to him, it doesn't matter, these are my problems, so you'd better leave the city in the morning and make yourself an alibi, like last time, that's all for me, follow the news. and something seems to me, i'm too
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soft with you, is this, is this the whole result of the assassination attempt on this bolotnikov, what , may i ask, have you been doing all this time? andrei petrovich, quietly, quietly. i don't want to hear anything, yes, i've let you go, yes, i've let you go, for example, a very promising version connected with this former show business partner of his, sovramenko, we like... today wanted to talk to him, but he is not in the city,
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he has some important meetings in moscow, anyway, i don’t see the result, do you hear me, the result that you put your reports on my desk, we all know how to write reports, but no report can replace real disclosure, excuse me, andrei petrovich, well, everything is one to one, and the discipline is lame. "sorry, andrei petrovich, i just decided to press my version, it seemed strange to me, if i'm right, and bolotnikov was ordered by one of maria's admirers, then why did he do it now, and not right after the girl's death, there must have been some logical explanation for this, and i think i've found it, well, well, go ahead, guys, let's
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split up, kiroislava, you go to bolotnikov's office, and we'll go with the coolie to another address, yeah, yeah, let's go, georgievich, these ill-fated 6 months haven't given me any peace, well, not six, almost eight. moreover, shestakova still has an apartment in tver, i contacted the local guys, they quickly got through to her. it turns out that according to the will, after shestakova's death, the apartment went to her friend, she was able to enter into her inheritance rights only six months later. that's right, the apartment went a month ago, i called lapshina's company, they told me that she was on sick leave at that time, in fact, she went to tver to formalize the purchase and sale transaction, and how much did she get for it? well, not so much. by our standards, well, this is not st. petersburg or moscow, that is, a one-room
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apartment in the city center, 50,000, and she probably paid off her debts with this money a killer, i think, yes, apartment eight, that's it. and in response it's cramped. she's not at work, they said she took time off, well , it's not like we're going to break down the door, oh, hello, hello, hello, you're like a sleigh, yes, we're from the police, you don't
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know she's home, no, she went to a holiday home, she went to a holiday home with her daughter early, they have friends with sinyavin, we met her with her. i understand, we need to warn the guys, yes, idiot, put them in their place, i know when i'll receive them, let them sit and wait, i have an important meeting with journalists now, i understand everything, but evgeny arnoldovich asked not to disturb him, he has an interview scheduled, he... wanted to prepare for it, you understand that we are talking about life and death, as well as my salary and further work in this company, yes, yes, about our salary too, well, when he is free, a journalist will come now, they have a conversation for about an hour, let's go to a cafe , freak,
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show me your document, they are waiting for me, show me what's in your bag, yes, georgievich, and come in, they are waiting for you, thank you, hello, hello, i am going to see bolotnikov for an interview, yes, we are already there, you won't believe it, they didn't even let us in let him in, yeah? well, we're waiting for now, hey, where are you going, stop, where are you going, where are you going, stand, i told you in russian who it was, he just came in, it's a journalist, i told you, we're checking him, he's clean, you
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understand that for a professional even a pencil is a weapon, guys, let him through, please, hands, stop, hands! get your hands off him, get your hands off him, he said , get your hands off him, let him go, he said, hands, hands, hands, to let him go, him, hands, the wolves are gone, saved domestic business, and it would have been better if i hadn't done this, i didn't hear this, that's it, well, how, water, evgen, excuse me.
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uh! now is it clear why you should be fined? can i get it now? please! let's go, there's a good place to look! on the left is the bank, on the right is the night, underfoot are piles of fire. the smoke can't help me. it depends on me, it depends on how many days and
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for what we spent on this bridge, after a long rain we have everything left, but except the stars, but the stars. the blood of the stars, the blood of the stars, but the stars, above the sky, below the shadow, the smoke still doesn't warm, the sun is too lazy to mix , here are the birds flying away. behind it, and under each of theirs
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the wind sent by fire with a wing, will sing about changing nests, after a long journey, will leave them everything, but except the stars, but the stars, but the stars. but the stars, but the stars, whether it was or not, it is the work of pre-dawn clouds, useless moonlight, will hide its dream and bow in them. he would be glad to get confused in the coordinates of the stupas to leave
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a boring post, behind the weathered glass, songs about everything, but except the stars, but the stars, but the stars, but the stars. but the stars, but the stars, stop, filmed, excellent, great, wonderful, congratulations.
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we wish you the best morning, next in the program, we learn the details of the emergency, we go around dangerous holes in first gear, on ntv the program emergency in the studio valeria gavrilovskaya. in novosibirsk, a local resident decided to visit her daughter in the hospital, as a result she revealed such painful facts that they do there, that now inspections in the health care system, organized by various departments, cannot be avoided. in order to convey the full severity of the working days of the security guards of the novosibirsk gynecology, one of visitors decided to turn on the phone camera at the entrance. are you asking what the hell, who are you? the security guard standing on his feet with wide eyes obscenely demanded an explanation from the woman, his colleague, inspired by alcohol, who...


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