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tv   Segodnya  NTV  August 28, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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will they arrest or not? pavel durov is being interrogated in paris. large mobilization against macron's coup. sergey khaloshevsky on how left-wing parties in france are calling for large-scale protests. because macron did not want to approve. strela air defense missile systems shoot down enemy reconnaissance drones in the southern donetsk direction. russian drones coordinate the work of tank crews on enemy fortified areas. the latest news on the advance of our troops in the special operation zone in pavel ryvalko's report. win by saving lives. today military doctors celebrate their professional holiday. alexey chebutarev watched them train. work in the special
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military operation zone. what gift did the yaroslavl governor bring to the president from the svo zone ? why is it necessary to listen to the advice of local residents when improving the region. roman sobol's report. the number of inclusive cafes in russia, where employees with mental disabilities work, is growing . why do employers and visitors value them? hello, you are welcomed by the information ntv television company service, this is the program today, its hosts elmira ifendieva and vladimir chernyshov. at this moment in paris , the fate of pavel durov, the founder of the messenger, is being decided. gram, detained by the french
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authorities last saturday, has already been delivered to the capital's court and journalists are waiting for news from the courtroom. and today , durov's term of detention expires, if the prosecutor's office does not bring charges against him, then by law he is obliged to be released, well, unless, of course, the french come up with something else. our european is on the line observer sergei kholoshevsky. seryozha, well, in the last few hours, the western press has even published a lot of interesting stories about...
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he was met by investigators from the national bureau for combating fraud, they detained not only durov, but his bodyguard, and his girlfriend or secretary, yulia vavilova, later the bodyguard and the girlfriend were released, and the prosecutor's office, having made such a pause, published a list of precisely those twelve articles that pavel durov is charged with. well, of course, the arrest of such a person, whose platform is used by almost a billion users worldwide, caused a worldwide sensation.
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that the french authorities issued an arrest warrant not only for pavel durov, but also for his brother nikolai. yes, ellya, well, everyone has been guessing lately when the arrest warrant for pavel durov was issued, that is, there were rumors that it was issued a few minutes before his business jet landed in lyuburzh, but today it became known that it was issued back in march of this year, and not just one warrant, a second order was issued for the search and the arrest of pavel durov's older brother, also
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one of the founders of telegram nikolai durov, he leads a rather secluded life, it is unknown where he is, he did not comment on the arrest of his younger brother, and today in the american press old street journal. curious facts came to light, it turns out that back in 2018, pavel durov flew to paris to dine with french president emmanuel macron in a parisian restaurant, that's when macron proposed moving telegram's headquarters to paris and even offered durov french citizenship, so durov received french citizenship - this is an exceptional story, a mystery for this french press, how did it happen, they still haven't been able to solve it, and the french newspapers, well... in the last few days they were saying that maybe durov really did fly to paris to have dinner with macron again, but the lemon newspaper today, citing its sources in the elyselsky palace, denied this information. well, the same ul street journal wrote about another story, it turns out, for a year before this legendary dinner in paris,
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the french and saudi and united arab emirates intelligence services managed to hack pavel durov's smartphone and this operation was called purple music. all this was done in order to track the alleged contacts of the management of the telegram platform with some terrorist organizations in the middle east, so as it turned out, pavel durov had long been under the surveillance of the french intelligence services, all these misadventures of pavel durov in paris, they are taking place against the backdrop of a political crisis in france itself, after parliamentary elections, after the crushing defeat of macron's movement.
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but more about that in my report. while emmanuel macron is suppressing freedom of speech in the person of pavel durov in french prisons, his assistants are leaking dirt to the press. it turned out that the french president himself actively uses telegram, as do his associates. macron's account displays his status, he was online recently. however, in recent days macron has not had enough chatter in messengers, he is trying to form a government like a magician with thimbles. after crushing defeat of his movement together for the republic in the last parliamentary elections. the fact is that in these elections, 182 mandates out of 577 in the national assembly were won by a coalition of left-wing parties, the new popular front. as the
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winner, the left nominated its candidate, economist lucie castet, for the post of prime minister. macron simply waved it off, saying that the left-wing candidacy would not pass, allegedly because the right-wing parties would block the government's work. in short, the left rebelled, declaring that macron had staged a coup in the country and called for mass demonstrations. macron waited a month before starting consultations, and now he tells the french: yes, you came to the elections, but it doesn’t mean anything, you voted poorly, the president wants to be prime minister and head of the party, the institutions of power cannot work like this. i believe that this is a rejection of democracy. i call on everyone to unite and speak out against it. strong-willed parties have declared a boycott of macron, refusing to participate in the next consultations at the elysee palace. i refuse to be with a participant in a parody of democracy. what is he is he going to tell us? is he going to repeat what he wrote in his press release? marine le pen of the national rally is also not thrilled about
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macron's actions, accusing him of all the deadly sins, from uncontrolled migration to rampant crime and inflation. that there will either be a stable majority, national unity, or chaos. emmanuel macron has chosen chaos. on the other hand, chaos may even be preferable for macron. the country has been living without a prime minister for almost 2 months, the left and the rightists are fighting among themselves, deepening the abyss of the political crisis. and macron is all fluffy and white, writing about himself on telegram, saying that he was arrested for a reason and smiles during his visits. after all, the government of his good friend gabriel. atal, whom he dismissed, will continue to work until a new cabinet is formed. sergey kholoshevsky, valeria polukhina and boris filchikov, ntv european bureau. today, nato allies held an emergency meeting with the ukrainian delegation, it took place at the request of kiev. unlike
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previous such meetings, the current one was held in an atmosphere of complete secrecy, no footage of the meeting was published, and its results by the secretary general of the alliance, en stoltenberg, were dryly read as a formal phrase that... the parties discussed the situation at the front, that military aid to ukraine would be continued, and this looks strange, because previously each such meeting was widely announced, disseminated in the press in every possible way, they did not ask. there are negotiations with the us president's national security advisor jake salevan, he flew to beijing, as western journalists wrote, to put pressure on the chinese leadership so that it would not help russia, but was turned away by the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the prc, wang yi, at a meeting with alevan, he directly said that washington should not shift responsibility for the conflict in ukraine to china, and should also stop introducing illegal unilateral sanctions. the diplomat added that beijing would continue to receive.
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for artillery, which hit all targets. the northern group of forces carried out an air strike on a military facility of the armed forces of ukraine in the village of kondratovka in the sumy region. as a result, the hangar was hit, which housed the american hymers installation, a transport loading vehicle, an escort vehicle and missiles. the objective control footage shows how after the target was hit, explosions, detonations of ammunition and a fire occurred in the hangar. in addition, the rosgvardia sappers neutralized.
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the group arrived at the scene, raised the drone, well , the unmanned aerial vehicle, inspected the site, found what was, well, a hamers missile, went out. inspect the object, cluster submunitions were discovered, 183 ammunition was discovered, they were destroyed by an overhead charge, no there were no triggers. the crews of attack aircraft on su-25 aircraft struck a concentration of manpower and military vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. the strike was carried out with missiles on previously reconnoitered targets, according to the intelligence report, all the specified objects were destroyed, and this is footage of the destruction of a ukrainian tank in ... the border area of ​​​​the kursk region. the operator of the fpv drone tracked down the combat vehicle and aimed
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the drone precisely at the stern. after hitting the target, the tank's turret blew up , and the ammunition detonated inside. and the unit of the group troops-center liberated the settlement of kamyshevka of the donetsk people's republic and continue to advance into the depths of the enemy's defense. earlier, our soldiers also took the village of orlovka, with which the command personnel of two motorized rifle. the regiments were congratulated by defense minister andrei beloosov. he noted the courage , heroism and dedication of russian servicemen. in total, over the past 24 hours, kiev lost more than 2,000 people and dozens of pieces of equipment, including a tank leopard, in all key areas. this was reported by the defense ministry. the crew self-propelled gun pion of the dnieper group of troops destroyed a stronghold with enemy manpower on the right bank of the river. the artillery fired high-explosive fragmentation shells at... a distance of about 40 km.
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unmanned aircraft crews in the kenbund spit area help to identify targets and adjust fire, airborne anti-tank crews set an absolute record for the range of the karnet complex. with a precise shot, they were able to hit a ukrainian electronic warfare station in the ochakov area from a distance of more than 8 km. after the destruction of the station , russian paratroopers' attack drones rushed into the corridor that opened up and delivered precise strikes. enemy objects, interaction with neighbors was established, they also fly, work, the same thing, they confirmed, they said that there is a rap there, because it is in this square that the bird flies, begins to lose contact with the control panel, with glasses, they worked with a carnet, after the work done, as our comrades again say, there are no problems, they fly, work exactly in this square, that is worked, destroyed the point with the electronic warfare system, completed the task, fired at 8,150. shot! artillery crews of the southern group of troops disrupted the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces unit in
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the area of ​​the settlement of krasnogorovka in the donetsk direction. with precise strikes , the gun crews also destroyed an armored combat vehicle and ammunition supply vehicles of the enemy. fierce fighting is currently taking place on the outskirts of the donetsk people's republic. russian troops are confidently advancing, capturing new enemy strongholds. from drones and missile strikes, the ssu assault the detachments are covered by the strela-10 complexes, and on the ground, the crews of the t-90m tanks are helping the breakthrough. pavel rybalchenko reports from the front. done. the strela projectile complex is the last thing that the ukrainian reconnaissance drone could see in front of it. fighters of the vostok group are keeping the skies in the southern donetsk direction under control. from the capture of the enemy's low-flying aircraft target to its destruction is less than a minute, because the russian fighters do not even have to deploy the strela, it is on duty 24 hours a day. visually
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works in photocontrast mode, that is , one observer stands at the point. aerial surveillance, a target is detected, it is clarified whether it is ours or a drone or an enemy, the team sleeps, that this is ours, there is no one here, we work, the car rolls out, we capture in the mode, that is, i see everything visually, i work visually, i captured the missile launch, confirmation of defeat, roll to a reserve position, a roll after combat work is mandatory, a maneuverable boom that does not allow enemy reconnaissance to raise its eyes is one of priority targets of the enemy, 300 meters from us.
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i personally did not see, but if they were sitting, then they are not sitting anymore, well, every day we support the infantry in offensive actions during the day, at night, the enemy can no longer hold the defense here, begins to retreat. according to the tank crews, the t-90m combat vehicle did not even have to be tested, although the tank was manufactured in 2024. the crew of the southern group of troops is capable of working on enemy fortifications both ... from closed positions, and on the move during an assault, covering the infantry from bullets. pavel rybalchenko, stanislav skripnik, dmitry pisalev, ntv television company from the donetsk people's republic. five drones attacked the kirov region today, as reported by the region's governor, alexander sokolov. two drones were shot down, three fell on the territory of the plant and caught fire. now the fire has been extinguished,
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there are no casualties. and earlier, kamikaze drones attacked the bryansk region. as a result of drones hitting a residential building in the village.
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a number of airborne forces volunteers brought a whole truck of equipment and most of it is not medical, drone suppressor detectors of the automobile system electronic warfare, off-road motorcycles, all of this is immediately taken to the front by fighters of evacuation units. we know that a hunt for doctors has been declared, and we know that even the guys tell us that the prices for eva groups, which the enemy announces, are growing every day, a huge number of drones are now flying from that side, so today here ... we brought a full set of protection for evacuation groups. the 39th guards medical detachment of the airborne forces, perhaps the most famous and advanced military medical unit, advanced in every sense. these doctors worked and work in the telnyashkas of the hottest. sections of the special operation right during the svo, they themselves developed introduced many innovations in providing assistance to wounded soldiers, what is the know-how to print parts for medical equipment and even elements of prostheses on
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a 3d printer, and now they are setting up a luxurious installation by the standards of military field medicine, a pressure chamber, it was also brought by volunteers when they learned from doctors that with it the treatment of various market infections will be much more effective. bacteria that are gas-forming, non-gas-forming, which - function to the detriment of the wounded body only in the absence of oxygen and the main method to increase the content, the so-called partial oxygen content in the tissue in any, this is this method, such a realistic training, medical instructors, tactical doctors study,
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go under contracts of future medical instructors of airborne units many times a day they drive through all stages of rescuing the wounded from work directly in combat to more detailed help in shelter, stabilized, we measure blood pressure, pulse, here is the final stage of evacuation from the battlefield, in the trailer of an atv, in general , the most relevant equipment at the forefront now.
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recovered, feels well, sends himself greetings, and why did you remember him, because he was still in such, let 's say, a friendly relationship with this person in a state, this was our first assault, according to statistics, during the svo, over 95% of wounded soldiers return to duty again, all this is the merit of military medical specialists, not not only doctors, but also mid-level personnel, designers and simple orderlies, who daily win hundreds of victories, each of which is a life and health saved, to save as many lives as possible.
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how support for military personnel is organized in the region and handed over a chevron from the svo fighters to the president. most of the meeting was devoted to the development of the region. yebrayev reported that both budget revenues and salaries of residents of the region are growing. the flow of tourists has doubled, there are promising investment projects. they touched on the social sphere, construction housing, schools, hospitals, sports complexes, what has already been done, what plans are to be implemented. roman sobol. is often called the capital of the tourist golden ring, but governor evraev, presenting a report to the president on the development of the region over the past 2 years , nevertheless began not with the hospitality industry, with
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how regional authorities support svo participants. we have provided for a one-time payment, and measures for social rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation, benefits for family members, svo participants. active we provide assistance to the akimov district of the zaporozhye region, this is our six-year district. and we have over 1,200 children on holiday, we accept them from four new regions and the belgorod region every year. evraev himself went to the front line and the yaroslavl artillerymen took advantage of the occasion by sending a symbolic gift to the president. they asked me to give you my chevron, well, the meaning of which is that it doesn't matter how strong the enemy is, it's important who is nearby, so i am very pleased, thank you very much, to give it to you. okay, thank you very much, thank you, you from the bottom of my heart, guys, thank you.
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despite the fact that many volunteers from the region have left for the svo, it maintains a stable pace of development. industrial growth by 6%, due to heavy engineering, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, agricultural production increased by 5%, salaries are growing, despite the fact that inflation here is quite low, the regional budget is replenished, so you can attack the long-standing local problem with new strength - roads, who traveled along the gold... that's how it is and we last year by 40% increased the volume of road repairs, reaching 700 km per year, pay serious attention to quality issues, created our own design institute, made a centralized quality acceptance, in addition, this year we are completing the deployment of more than twenty
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weight and dimension points...
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in city clinics, built a new operating room in the oncology hospital of yaroslavl. a lot of money has been invested in the reconstruction of historical heritage sites. improvement of the territory will pay off over time. the tourist flow has already grown almost twice. the next step is to expand the m-8 highway and build another bridge across the volga. this has been talked about for half a century, since soviet times, but no one could come up with an estimate. now, with the help of the federal budget, such a chance has appeared, of course, such large-scale projects are being implemented not only for the convenience of tourists, the main thing is a comfortable environment for local residents. the last slide is bright ideas for modernizing the region, of course, not all the ideas are collected here, i will dwell only on some, this is extending the work of polyclinics, from 20 to 22 hours, it is very convenient for people, you do not need to ask for time off from work, and for doctors it is voluntary, but the payment is double, you do not need
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to work privately. i think those projects that we have now are connected with industry, and we literally recently opened a number of industrial enterprises, new ones in rostov, veliky in the danilovsky district, these are projects connected , among other things, with packaging, with new technologies. the well-being of the yaroslavl region has been based on three main areas for quite a long time, stands on three pillars: industry, agriculture and tourism and
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according to the governor's report, all three whales are healthy and are not left without government supervision. roman sobol, ntv television company. and today vladimir putin spoke by phone with azerbaijani president ilham aliyev. as reported by the kremlin press service, the leaders expressed satisfaction with the successful results of the recent state visit of the russian president to azerbaijan, and noted the importance of implementing the agreements reached. in addition, putin and aliyev discussed the situation in the transcaucasus, including the preparation of the azerbaijani-armenian peace treaty, delimitation, demarcation of the border and unblocking of transport communications between the two states. the russian president confirmed his readiness to continue to assist baku and yerevan in developing mutually acceptable solutions. joint russian-mongolian military exercises selenga 2024 were completed near the city of choibalsan. servicemen of the two countries practiced
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actions to combat terrorism, one of which was: the training stages included the liberation of a settlement that had been captured by illegal armed groups. conditional the enemy was routed and destroyed during the retreat. the russian-mongolian group also worked out the skills of interaction in modern combat of different types and branches of the armed forces, including aviation, rocket artillery. the exercises ended with a ceremonial closing ceremony, at which the participants were presented with awards, they were presented by the acting commander of the troops of our eastern. military district , the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of mongolia. last night, the israeli army invaded the west bank of the jordan river - this is the territory palestine. the idf reported that it is conducting a counter-terrorist operation there,
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involving both ground and air forces. the military stormed several cities and refugee camps in anklab and reported the elimination of nine militants of radical movements. the actions of the israelis forced palestinian president abbas to interrupt his visit to saudi arabia and successfully return back. abbas, according to sources, called the raids acts of aggression and occupation. the israeli army continues to strike other the arab enclave of the gaza strip. there , 58 people died and more than 130 were injured over the past 24 hours. this is data from the palestinian ministry of health. now a short advertisement. next in our issue. the number of inclusive cafes in russia is growing, where employees with mental disabilities work, why do employers and visitors value them? vaccinated and chipped, why a small step for
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snow leopard kittens in perm became a big step to save the entire population in russia, andrey shamin found out. crossroads with sesame two cutlets with onions special sauce cheese.
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apply for a card in the application or on the tebank website participate in a closed sale of air tickets with discounts up to 50%. find out details on s7. tverskaya new season from monday at... 20:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our broadcast. today mikhail mishustin met with the head of the key structure for the formation of innovative production in russia and for achieving technological sovereignty. the industrial development fund finances the most important industries. pharmaceuticals, automobile construction, aircraft construction, metallurgy. the prime minister noted that, on behalf of the president, the fund's capital up to...
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the industrial development fund contacted you directly and at the stage of the emergence of ideas
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you would help integrate all the necessary support measures with the development institutions that represent them, i think the frp would be very useful as such a navigator, you are already doing this for an absolutely large number of technological projects that are currently in place, the corresponding task is to increase the share of high-tech products, goods and services in our countries by the end of this decade, while, according to the deputy prime minister , it is important that the platform regularly brings together the entire
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scientific and technological community of our country countries, since science is done in the regions. for the first time in the history of modern russia, technological leadership has become a national development goal, a direct order from the president, and one of the strategic tasks aimed at achieving it, it sounds extremely ambitious, is to increase... spending on science to 2% of gdp by 2030, well, so that you understand what this figure is, according to the assessment of the development of gdp by 2030, it will exceed about 288 trillion rubles, well, multiplied by 2%, this is approximately in nominal terms, it will be more than 5.8 trillion rubles for science, chernoshenko also visited the college of electronics and computer engineering and the new building of the lyceum, which was opened under the national
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education project. it provides 52 classrooms, three gyms, a swimming pool, a theater studio and a cinema. in addition, a laboratory for physics, chemistry, biology, computer rooms and workshops have been opened. in russia , the project to open so-called inclusive cafes in different regions is gaining popularity. their owners hire employees with mental disabilities development, well, in particular with a diagnosis of autism. well, yes, it is not difficult for them to get a profession now , but finding a job is a real problem due to the prejudices that are still quite strong in relation to these people. alina repina studied the experience of creating inclusive. mitya is great, he is a uterine, he is a very good cook. it is good when employees have something good to say about each other, cook zhildyz cook mitya is very fond of feeding breakfasts, visitors to one of the moscow cafes, where everything is different, coffee cups, flowers in pots, different grains and different people. i had a dream to make
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friends, work in a team and communicate more. came true, well, came true, that's not the word. different grains is an inclusive cafe where people with special needs work together with those who do not consider themselves as such. its founder , yulia volodina, has been in the topic of inclusion for a long time. more than 10 years ago, she, a mother of many children herself, opened a school of profession for children, including those with mental disabilities. and then the children grew up and it turned out that you can get a profession, but you can't get a job. more than 850 live in russia. over the past 5 years , several inclusive cafes have appeared in russia, i would like to say
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several hundred or at least dozens, but no, you can count them on your fingers, but this is already a big step forward. we did not even assume that we would be engaged in employment, the question arose a long time ago, this was at dawn, when my son was still small, then i already understood that these children could not even be placed in school, they were abandoned, the only way was to boarding school, why a cafe, because it is an understandable business, and this immediately facilitates and grounds the genre allows you to talk about disability without wringing your hands in the genre of a strong industrial drama, you will not be met at the entrance by a huge sign. people with disabilities work, the point is that the coffee is tasty and brought quickly, people are different and equal, it was important for us to open a cool cafe that will be in the city center, where people will want to come every day, because it is good here, gradually get involved, because the worlds are different, that people
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can be different, that if a person has mental disabilities, this does not mean that he should sit at home, how are inclusive cafes arranged, they have longer training and shorter. shift work is 6 hours, not 12, working days a week on average three, there is often internal rotation, and do you prefer to be a cook or a waiter? well, in different ways, a little on the cook, then at the bar, i am a bartender on wednesdays, what do you like most about work, what are you interested in? communicate in a team and at the end of the shift get a chiv, and in fact in this short phrase, probably and formulated.
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they say, hire employees with mental features - this is not charity, mutually beneficial cooperation, other employers can follow their example, they need twice or even three times more time for training, at the end you will get a very valuable employee, very nice, naive, sincere, these are people who do not know how to lie, as a rule , they are very careful, these are people who are maximally tuned to a long, long-term work.
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vaccinated and chipped, why a small step for snow leopard kittens in perm became a big step to save the entire population in russia, andrey shamin learned. i came to the delicious point for a convenient schedule, found friends here, and in general many reasons to stay, come for a suitable schedule, stay for love, hit the spot with work, still think about the ideal housing on domclick everyone will find housing for themselves ozon. let's give up school worries, school sale on ozon. magna b6 number one for excess stress and lack of magnesium. mikami blouse. for 629 baltika 8 non-alcoholic, impeccable wheat, but only you can reveal its taste to the fullest.
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this is the program today, we continue our release, the program for the restoration of the snow leopard population in russia has brought its first fruits. two kittens were born in the perm zoo, they have already been vaccinated, their mother and father are the only reproductive pair of this species in our country. just a few years ago, in the wild, we had only one snow leopard left. scientists had to urgently take measures to preserve population and a big role in this was given to the zoo. report by andrey shamin. even before today's vaccination at the bars. perm zoo everything is on schedule, daytime sleep, light lunch, while the parents
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admire each other, the kittens are learning about the world, my braids, my braids, my braids, and the love story of their mom and dad is worthy of a film adaptation, and it would be more of an adventure action drama, only with elements of melodrama, his name is snezhek, he is a leopard from a czech zoo, the europeans sold him to russia, essentially refusing, he is an older man, snizhik now 12. snezhek is more sedate, he likes to lie down, watch, contemplate, remember perhaps a past life, think about the future. but aksu got caught in a poacher's noose in the mountains of tajikistan, was left without a back leg, she was urgently transported by plane to russia, miraculously managed to save her life. aksu, ladies from the wild, and she has a stern disposition, therefore, at any danger to the offspring, she will protect it. only with a shobot, because we are very, such kittens can hurt, but there was a third in this lov
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on... the tricks of the snow leopard until the russian geographical society's program for the conservation of snow leopards began to operate at full capacity. then two snow leopards were brought from tajikistan to the western sayan region, and now
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there is a stable population of 11 individuals on the territory of the reserve, but another problem has emerged. now the pirman aksu and snezhek are actually the only reproductive family of these rare animals among all the zoos in the country. to rectify the situation, it was in the zoos that they began to form a reserve population, if necessary, the offspring will be released into the wild. but it can be considered that a stable group of snow leopards in russia will be if there are about 150 snow leopards in the wild, but at the same time, if
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there are at least five more stable breeding families of snow leopards in zoos in russia, today's vaccination and chipping for two newborn leopards did not become a special test, they only have slight dissatisfaction, as i received a passport, these two will definitely not go into the wild, the kittens will remain under the supervision of zoologists, grow up, find females for them, and they will become the basis for the formation of that very reserve population. andrey shamin, alexander stefanyuk, sofiyats and evgeny anisimov, ntv. perm krai. today , a modernized lastochka was launched in moscow, the first passenger electric train in the history of russian railways that operates in automatic mode. one of the first passengers was the ceo of russian railways oleg belozerov, he said that the innovative train will run on mk, moscow the central ring. the train actually moves
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by itself, neural networks do everything, but this is a drone, there is still a driver in the cabin . the driver performs only one function, at the moment, this is opening and closing the doors and controls the operation of the e system. all other functions, up to force majeure situations, are analyzed by the train itself, well, now we were traveling, the train was gaining speed, braking, this is also the work of artificial intelligence. according to the international classification, this is the third of four possible levels of automation, as noted in russian railways, the developers have studied all possible emergency situations, autopilots and a special smart vision system react to them earlier than the driver can. engineering solutions are completely russian, by the end of the year russian railways plans to complete testing of on-board systems and technical equipment for the fourth
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highest level of automation in the near future. an unmanned train will be created, now is the time for weather forecasts in our weather studio irina polikova. irina, summer is not slowing down, which of course, cannot but please, and we hope that further on, too, without surprises? the main surprise is that summer continues as if it is not time for it to end. and there is no preparation for autumn anywhere in the european part of russia right now. and the forecast for the coming days does not announce this. summer generosity is amazing, and the middle zone is protected from rain, and the excess of heat is not too burdensome, but rather simply pleasant. in the northwest , after a small thermal retreat, tomorrow it will again be almost 30 in the murmansk region. in the black earth region on average vulga again up to 32, in the center will remain mostly 27-29. not such a calm stable atmosphere in the south. conditions for short-term rains will remain in priozovye in crimea in the caucasus
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, short rains with thunderstorms are also possible. this is on the coast and in sochi. +30 in krasnodar, rostov-on-don 33. i will continue after a pause. serious people choose serious partners, as well as free payments and transfers for business. excellent solution, new promotion from uralsip bank, uralsip bank - everything for business and nothing extra. in st. petersburg tomorrow +22:24 without precipitation, in moscow is again excluded from precipitation during the day on thursday it will be 26-28, sunny, warm weather and further, at the beginning of september too, it looks like it will even be record warm there. how in such frivolous weather schoolchildren and students will find the strength to start studying, i do not understand. my student is in the clouds, she is definitely not ready, well, who of us was ready after the summer holidays for september 1, well, except when we went to first grade, probably, there are still 4 days ahead, irina, thank you, irina polyakova with the weather forecast, this is the news at this hour
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and we, elmira efendieva and vladimir chernushov, say goodbye to you, see you soon, goodbye. on the square they demolished the monument to the tsarist general skobelev, in its place they put up an obelisk in honor of the first anniversary of the revolution, after the war he was replaced by the one khrushchev ordered to remove, but they removed him himself, start working early, what was your name? your projects, business centers, hotels, retail space, the most reliable investment, resky center will always
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feed the investor, i will make oxford street out of tverskaya, or maybe broadway, what arbuzov, were right came to me on the same day, threw money, on a lada sedan eggplant. "well from mine it was cooked and mars is enough, he is interested in information, about the shulkovy way, and you, and why should i for other people's secrets? arbuzov tried to convince me that he has nothing to do with the attempt on your life, beautiful, so neat, close, close!" come with me, okay,
8:00 pm
hello, police? we have two corpses in our entrance.


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