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tv   Tverskaya  NTV  August 28, 2024 8:00pm-9:11pm MSK

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hello, police, we have two corpses in the entrance.
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hello, mikhailovich.
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they were spinning around, i remember, yeah, and they were you, no, i was hiding, yeah, i'm listening, our guys are already there, come on, i'll be there soon, listen, don't show yourself too much, otherwise you'll be the first to get killed, as if we were witnesses, anyway, mikhalych, yeah, you're here... come in, this needs washing , yeah, there's a spa, a jacuzzi, basically, everything you like, there's a robe hanging here, just don't throw away my rolls, they're branded, labels, logins, fake horses, oh, anyway, they greet you with a pat on the back, they're seen off with a punch in the face, i get it. sees you off, petrovich, in the face, in short, you rest, supermodel, we'll see you in the evening , and aren't you afraid that i... will rob you, and so you
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take what you need to eat, why steal? the first victim is major sorokin, a senior operative from the neighboring district the second victim is kaluzhskaya nina viktorovna, canned food, yes, both victims were killed with one knife, it was not thrown down on the spot, it is difficult to determine who was first and who was second, most likely there were blows. everything is as usual with witnesses, not a single one, where would they come from in the center of moscow, and the camera recordings have disappeared video surveillance for the whole day, but a lot of fingerprints on the audience, i will work off the debt, it is clear, but only one thing is clear, the killer's target was sorokin, and the concern is an unwanted witness, since an employee was killed, then we are participating in the investigation.
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i, lefanovich, excuse me, yes, yes, so, maybe there were already some conflicts, i don't know, she hasn't really told me anything lately, we argued, well, it happened, i was like a roof blew off, there was not enough money in the evening, she wanted to live like the neighbors, richly beautiful, where were you yourself at the time of the murder, i'm off to work i was driving, i arrive, and they call me... tomnin was killed,
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where do you work? at the dargomillovsky market , a mesnyak, a mesnyak, well, i 've been working since i arrived, and where did you come from? and you, your wife, she only worked as a canner, or did you have other jobs, and she was cleaning, or was she washing clothes for someone? edik, according to the night reports, the fire, or an ordinary fire, the house was vacated, but there are still victims, two homeless people, yeah, so sobli, according to the double, or the double, the operative was killed as an unwanted witness, and the target was concierge. where did you get that from? well, because the detective was stabbed once, and the concierge was stabbed fifteen times, almost all fatally, so they were hunting for the concierge, and the detective just came in at the wrong time. hmm, logical, keep it up, that means the fire was extinguished , bam, fire station 72. anyway, if they start
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looking, i went to the front, we agreed, and what's wrong with you, majorca?
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to the editorial office, you'll find a journalist there , some gentleman, here's a photo, wow, and even give it to him personally, don't mention me under any circumstances, just say asked to convey everything, and yes , not a word to anyone about the arsonist, especially to my own people, but i got it, that's it, i'm going to work. sergey mikhailovich, everything you asked for is here, take a look or will it wait until the office, everything is correct, i myself asked
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soboleva to leak disinformation to arbuzov, i'm talking about the girl, look how she gets off on him, and he on her. "a woman in love is not the mistress of her brain, what does she know about me, only any official, you can read all this in the newspapers, and what is there to tell, they have an ordinary affair, hormones, what feelings do modern moscow thing, to a siberian lapchik, without a back-up battery and without communication?"
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he had documents with him in the name of lvov gennady artemovich, check this lvov in the database of purchased tickets, there are three trips, two in minsk, one to st. petersburg, all three by train, do i buy paputchiki? so all three times the fellow traveler was a certain zhernov, a citizen of estonia, well, such coincidences do not happen, then an accomplice, look where this zhernov was going or may be going to go, there is
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a train to minsk at 3:00 today there will be only one fellow traveler, a certain viktor pyatakov, bingo, this is our saf. come on, come on, come on! are you from this carriage? documents!
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it's lying there, and what is it like? you didn't put it on right away, you need to be more careful, so you 're filling out all the paperwork here, and we'll be detained, let 's go, now about the protocol, let's look at the compartment, open the jardin gold, enjoy its rich aroma and soft taste, jardin gold is a pleasure, to feel something special, boss, invigorating news in the morning, we've had a murder, super, you... skoo is storming again, look for the one who ordered it and sort out your
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problems, and to major sobolev, about me, sniper i was working in the yard, louise was wounded, run here, i'll have to unite with my main enemy, i need something serious, for which he can be caught, like you, for example, with drug trafficking, leprandi always acts according to a well-established scheme, if something is thrown out, they won't think about him, my companies, for the sake of victory over a common enemy, nelitin compared to... with him like a falcon pike, leprandi is rich, sonichen is very dangerous, why don't you want to turn to the management specialists, because not all questions can be addressed to them. dverskaya new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. i came to the delicious point for a convenient schedule. and found friends here. and in general many reasons to stay, come for a suitable schedule, stay for love,
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on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. very soon. a new eighth season of our favorite show will begin on ntv, you are super, and the eight, as you know, is a symbol of infinity, infinitely talented children in the eighth season, you are super, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, carriages, how new, it's their bag, their bag. what do we have here? bread, salts, rum, pasta, a cheerful cocktail, but it doesn't give us anything,
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not a damn thing, should i bother you? yeah, everything is lower, sit down, you say, well, move the tuhis, move the tuhis, do you think they hid something and went out to smoke, wow, fedya, call the witnesses, are you ready? don't move, sucker, the generator walls are thick upstairs no one will hear, i have nothing to do with it, speak up, scum, you killed sorokin and
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the cannery woman. what, i can't hear, i'm a good man, pyotr evgenievich, well, can i have all of you? congratulations, the murder of the operative has been solved, yes sir, the suspect has been detained, yes, but don't suspect the detained savin. he confessed to the milking murder and his testimony was personally recorded by investigator miripenko. here 's the situation. there is no solution. this morning a jewelry store was robbed in leontyevsky lane, here are the photos from the video cameras. this same savin, aka safa , robbed the store with his accomplices at the time
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when sorokin and kaluzhskaya were killed. so he has reinforced concrete albies to slaughter. savin, of course, a villain. but not ours, why the hell did you keep quiet, so i just why the hell, it is not clear that in court he would have refused everything, who works like that, ruin. our disclosure, shitty, and what now? yeah, that's enough, time to close it, how? i know how.
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hello, hello, beautiful, what happened, yeah, it's been a while, i haven't been here, quiet, quiet, quiet, hangs. come on, i have an urgent matter for you, i'm listening carefully, an evacuated house burned down, we need to activate through a court decision the work on the snus of the burned building, the one where two died homeless people, yes, he is the one, could you find out about them, i am ready to bury them as human beings in a good cemetery, yes, i would help their relatives, well, what? the squeaks in the homeless look at me sideways for this building, yes, if i had set fire, then there would have been no victims, why do i need this headache, okay, i'll take it on, and why
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did you come, they could have said the same thing over the phone, or maybe i wanted to see how things are at your home, and in general, no one offends me, yeah. "i'm not offending anyone, well, how are things with you and sobolevo, you became friends, an unusual man, and what is he like unusual, you won't find such people in moscow, well , come on, come on, let's continue looking for the real villain, lev." with billings that the late kaluzhskaya had calls with her husband, with his replacement, with her friends, but there is a special person, mukhin ilya nikolaevich, 42 years old,
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lives in the neighboring house, mukhin, 42, wow, dozens of messages to each other even at night, yeah, here are the printouts with kaluzhskaya's card, mukhin, it turns out, transferred 20-30 thousand to kaluzhskaya, yes, he is her lover. hello, sobolev ivan petrovich, well, great again, i was questioned in the morning, so the more information, the sooner the criminal will sit in prison, you said your wife cleaned apartments for money, she had a client by the same name, well, that was okay, but you often argued with her, ask your friends, and there were thoughts about divorce, yes a couple of times... you said that you were going to work at the dorogomilovsky market when you found out about the murder, well, that's how it was, could you tell me in detail, what kind of
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transport, where the crossings are, where on foot, i've never noticed this, well, let's try. citizen mokhin? yes, i am! hello! criminal wanted, major bondarev! did you know the concierge from house number fifteen, nina kalushka, who beat you up today? well, yes, she cleaned for me for money, and you rated her services highly? there are payments of 20 to 30. is that illegal? she often cleaned for me.
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get a life sentence, what does it mean to hang on me, how can they hang on me, and they don't care, they will torture you and you will confess, these are not people, animals, well now i understand it, i understand why there were such tricky questions, were we planning to divorce my wife, did we often quarrel, in the end they even asked... so that i would fully describe my route to them, that is, it turns out that they do not trust me, no, so what should i do now, launch a preemptive strike
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? defend my freedom? well, did you manage to dig up mukhin's contacts? there is one contact, registered to a deceased person, but in the darknet it is listed as a contact under an ad, i will do a delicate job associated with risk on one very interesting site. darknet? and this is a shadow network selling everything from chicken to killer services? yeah, well, great! what's left just find the mobile phone that glows lilac next to this random number, come on, go to the operator, well, i haven't even had my tea, do you want to finish your coffee, yeah, mom, yeah, yeah, i 'm already hungry, i'm going to have a sandwich now, well , first with cheese, what other kind, right? i
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don't get it, where is everyone, in another reality, you too, yeah, yeah, i'll be in a minute, can i, can i, what, i brought what you asked for, what is this, kaluga, not good. yeah, i'm here for you, bitch, well, sobolev, final comedy, bribe, oh, the werewolf felt bad, come on, wake up.
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so what's going on here, why the search without me, they didn't think it was necessary, they came, a lieutenant colonel, asks for some 30 thousand euros, where will i get it from, a minute before we showed up sobolev received a bribe of thirty euros, that is, the money was not found, because he hid it, so look for it and what are you, he's already turned everything upside down.
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what are you, a psycho, no, really, psychos, damn, i understood what the matter is, this is a trick put together, what a bastard, and the superhero is home-made. i understood,
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when he fell in, he shoved it into my pocket, damn, and where is it, strange, very strange, should be here, oh my god, when we were leaving sobolevo, he pushed you, and even pressed himself against me, what a bitch, he took the money back, sentenced to life, dictator zelensky from brigade 36. they carried out his criminal orders, it was decided to kill everyone, and now, when there is nothing left to lose, they are ready to confess to everything, we shoot civilians, in particular my military personnel, subordinates and hand over the customer, he, like hitler, shot himself somewhere there in the wonker. executioners from brigade 36...
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they will talk on sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. tverskaya new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. alfa investments - this is for money. we give up to 5,000 rubles. to everyone. open a free account for investments in alfa-bank. and get a gift. not just profitable. alfa is profitable. don't buy anything. until you see this. mountfield dishwasher with a beam on the floor and a quick wash function on yandex market. now buy. poly oxidoni against flu and urvi. with the first prizes, take it immediately. polyoxidonium is for adults and children during the cold season, from no more pain, polyoxidonium is a drug of complex action for the prevention and treatment of influenza and orbi at any stage of the disease. polyoxidonium - treatment and prevention of viral infections.
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that pamina will be released? it's time to close the question, there are our own laws, here we go. i'll talk to him myself, they really are there they're completely frozen in the head, oh well, it ca n't be, that's definitely me, the police don't train like that, i took private lessons, no... today at 22:20, i kept my word, give me an architect on ntv.
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where is mikhalych, mikhalych, usually hangs out utyuza, hello, hello, they love children, yeah, you understand, petrovich, i didn't know that she needed it. i'll go, no, no, you stay, and we'll go
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for a walk, yes, petya, the money from the envelope needs to be returned, i say, soboryevo, they told me, during the search, you actively stood up for him, i don't understand you, yes, it's because you worked in headquarters all your life, and then in the special security service, if i hadn't stumbled for him in front of yours, my authority in the department would have dropped to zero, everyone would have spat after me, yeah, yeah.
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it would be interesting to see your parents, it won't work, they were killed, for what? nothing personal, business.
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what a bastard, who was bothered by this house, who benefits from this? who needs neretin, his patron, as you say, this journalist barinov, well, he's definitely a bastard, ivan ivanovich, why bother going up there, i would have stopped by myself, but
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why should i show myself with you once again, bye i was passing by, here from... i went, i heard you have problems, no, what are you saying, no problems, a slight misunderstanding, well, look, suddenly the officials will start to foam, and you still have this commission, like lavrukhin, yeah, him, right? we'll solve slavrukhin, i found out which phone was constantly lit next to the device from which the ad was posted, the number is registered to pavel nilov, 30 years old, well, what's there on him is clean, absolutely, there is a budget car, well, let's go, we'll check
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how clean. "i heard the news, the house burned down, come on, gather your commission and let decides that restoration is impossible, only demolition, and i will quickly build what is needed, take your time, seryozha, it’s not that simple with the commission, the media writes that there was a deliberate arson, but all this is alien, there is a conclusion from the fire department, listen up." "if there are many such articles, then we will have to slow down our cooperation, the bosses may ask, i need it, and what should i do, sort out these articles, that’s all, well, petrovich, the door has been taken out today, or will you pick the lock again, if
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you’re not clever, a killer, you can’t joke with him, so, first floor, apartment 10, and the car, judging by the license plate, is this..." no, we'll go the other way , we'll lure him out, and go hide, he went around the corner somewhere, hide, man, ayyor sobolev, criminal investigation department, cool, cool, how did you lure me out, how... you broke me, the first time i see a killer who likes how he was broken, and i'm not a killer, who am i a screenwriter, i write a script for a movie, i'm a man of art, and the weapon, the mine, the anti-personnel one, is not real, all the weapons are not combat-grade, there are exact
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copies, there are just emasculated ones, be careful, i'm a collector, i took the stocks, right? how is that not gave, i really need to get an order for a real murder, maybe you're an idiot, i'm writing a script about a hired killer, i need to find out how he gets orders, what he feels, how exactly everything happens, because it's very interesting to understand how a killer thinks, and you don't want to get 15 years to find out how zek thinks.
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"akropal about me to the best of all, i need to find out, is this his amateur performance or a deliberate leak, if a leak, then where else to wait, in what newspapers, on the internet, and i'm no longer able to solve this issue, calm down, i decided, we'll see, what he can do. oh, what people without security, your newspaper lives in a curly hair, you rent meters in a house under a skirt, it's a pity. only aunt seratonda was removed, it would have been cool, probably, they say, with the ballerina lepeshinskaya they sculpted, they erected a lady from the ballet over the poet's head, so that
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alexander sergeevich could observe a pair of slender female legs. god, bravo, bravo, i see, the cops have become educated, they finally lived to see it. take me home, i'll get some coffee. well, this is not applause for me, the people-writer, but for me. so. do as usual, write it down on my bill. well, you wrote the article about the house where the homeless man is in grief. me, are you planning a new one? not yet, well, no need, otherwise i'm still an arsonist, they'll get off the hook, and as soon as i find out something new, i'll let you know first, agreed, catch a fish, okay, good, have a bite, thank you, bye, this barinov directly accuses you of arson in the article, i talked to a judge i know, we can sue him. for slander, we're guaranteed a 100% win, no, then all the journalists will start chewing over this trial, my name will be
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constantly heard, my friends at the top will hear this you won't like it at all, i'll solve the problem differently, quietly and culturally, like your affair with mayuru, he hasn't asked me to marry him yet, but do you want to? by the way, you wanted to help the relatives of the homeless people who burned in the fire. and what, were any relatives found? not really, there were three of them, one survived, we can take him for vice, it will be a very elegant gesture, boresa will like it. excellent idea. and where does our fire victim live now? on the street, i'll try to find him. bye.
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what? yes, i understand. well, mr. nilov, has your alibi been confirmed. are you a screenwriter? here. well idiot. not necessarily. tell me what he looks like. the customer? yes. so i only corresponded with him. i don't know. what does he look like, well , where did you agree to meet him? today at 6 pm, in three diamonds, and i know where that is, but how will you recognize each other? look, i should have an agatha christie book on my desk, any one, he should ask if you are free or are you waiting for a beautiful lady, and i should answer, what kind of ladies are there these days? thank you, thank you,
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and on the back side is the address and additional information, we do not take prepayment, payment after execution, 10,000 american karbovanets, the last one, if you have any wishes, like to shoot him, stab him, strangle him? with a knife, let him die exactly
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like that too, i want you to bring me a photo of the corpse, this is included in the service package, you will need to provide yourself with an alibi for tomorrow from 10:00 to 12 in the morning, you will receive the photo at noon on... exit from the rassolnik restaurant on tverskaya, don't forget the money, in our project we meet talented kids, we observe their unique skills right in our studios, what do we have here, claudia schiffer, i 'm going to do a show here, and you know that there are a lot of... people in the world who call themselves michael jackson impersonators. i don't want to become a impersonator, i want to continue jackson's work. you're 10 years old, you have
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wins in the main lottery show. without a boy, i didn’t see my brother anymore, will the separated brothers and sisters hug each other 42 years later, i saw this young man, he looked very much like the barbashin family, like an older brother, i was taken from the house of maludki, according to our data he was born in 1982 on november 7, according to his documents now it is 1983, april 8, it doesn’t match. to ensure the secrecy of adoption, the date of birth can be changed, but not more than 3 months, in this case, the difference is almost 5 months, i i open the envelope, dna, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv,
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well, how are we doing, have you decided on the question for the journalists, it was a one-time action, great, what did it cost to resolve the issue, well, charm, threat. heart-to-heart talk, in general, everything is as usual, then consider it compensation for the time spent, i will not refuse, here 's another thing, don't bother me with arbuzov for now, otherwise i have a pile of work, but in a couple of days i'll sort it out, well , a couple of days now, happily. i don't understand what you're messing with him, to put him in jail or to kill him, no problem, that's why, styopa, you're in your chair, not mine, keep
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your friends close, your enemies even closer, by the way, we need to solve the issue with the surviving homeless person, just in case, we'll finally make a raven. keep you expired, so again for milk, and why do you need so much ketchup, we'll hand it over to belorusskaya, to the shawarma place, it 's expired, so we'll give it to you, we're honest people, and if you want, we'll sell it to you, no, that's not why we're here, we'd like to find one friend, you've heard about the burnt-down house, that's where he lived. mikhaloch, or something, in balakhona, the leopard one. yes, yes, mikhalych, where is he? find? yeah, who the hell knows where to find him. and where do you say we can find him? we
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haven't seen him since the fire, but in the attic, in the old factory, his buddies live there. great, just don't tell him, let it be a pleasant surprise. mikhaloch, you heard, you heard, it's good that you stared at me, otherwise i would have been caught, thank you. and there's a nice view here, and where's mikhalych, go
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to hell, and so, money for yourself, white money, and what about the living banknote, right? and he didn't spend the night here today, his main place burned down, which means he'll be here today or tomorrow, well thanks, why, they saw our faces, help me remove the bodies, what is there to remove, cover me.
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help, i'm killing, don't shoot, it's not my fault, don't kill me, if you move, i'll shoot you in the knee, huh? the trap has slammed shut,
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you turned out to be the killer, who is, your fate, well done, well she says, you weren't a man, here 's mukhin, he's supposedly a man, and you're just a misunderstanding, the main thing is they laugh, well i hit her, i don't remember how many times, everything is like a fog, and sorokin, well i say, like a fog. i don't remember how it happened with him, i just don't understand, and why did you even go there, a knife with he took it with him, and a knife, why, yes, a knife - she always takes it with her to work, to cut bread there, that's all, and i went there to find out where this mukhin lives, just talk to him, like a man to a man, well, as for mukhin, it means they wanted to kill him purely out of jealousy, out of revenge, he came to me, said that he knew everything, said that he would kill me, and i became a murderer, only... for him, that's what
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enraged me, well, i decided to take revenge, i started following him, well, he remained alive in kaluga, it means i'm not guilty of anything, contract killing is also a criminal offense, listen, it turns out interesting, one will go to jail for double murder, the second for attempting to take revenge, why didn't you tell us about your suspicions, at first you wanted to do it, but then you decided that i would kill him myself, so i decided, and... you hired a killer, well, i'm not crazy, i 'm not a murderer, that's where the mistake is mukhin, you're crazy, you were discharged from a psychiatric hospital exactly a year ago, and you, lev abramovich, why, when you checked him with the traffic police, didn't you tell him that he had a cat, so he doesn't have a license, and why doesn't he have a license, because with this code a license is not they give it out, and he was driving on a fake license, i beg you to pay me, i don't get it, this homeless guy came and said that he asked you
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to put her in a cell, bye, and then he started demanding food, like he was hungry, and you 'll pay, what are you talking about, 2700, that's what, a normal price from a restaurant on tverskaya, no change needed. what are you doing here? they're looking for me. wow, what kind of sleeper is this? hello, who are you? mikhailovich, why? help for homeless
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people who suffered from a fire, you lived in kubets tikhanovsky's house, which burned down recently, right, why are you silent, let's say, why?
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left, the first one also died, he fell badly, that's true, listen, and... what are we doing, maybe we should call the task force ? haven't you talked to the sibs for a long time? what are you going to tell them when they don't ask what we were doing here, and a man fell, well, he fell with a weapon, it happens to everyone,
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well, let's have a beer, i threw it in, wait, i forgot to give you the envelope. what a bastard, but i'll still put him in jail someday, it's a matter of principle, get an s7 t bank card and get cashback in miles for daily purchases, miles can be spent on airline tickets, s7 airlines services, apply for a card in the tebank app or on the tebank website. and take part in a closed sale of airline tickets with discounts of up to 50%. find out more at order sneakers for physical education at sportmaster for 999 rubles. pay in installments.
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according to the police, more than lived in moscow in 1812. he only needs to make salads, but where is nias? why haven't the salads been made yet? should i clean up, call him, and who will wash the dishes, me? why are the dishes dirty?
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islamov unclear arimovich born in 1970, tashkent, restaurant chef.


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