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tv   Odin  NTV  August 29, 2024 2:40am-3:36am MSK

2:40 am
there is no normal shower, gena, it's a tradition , in short, in the bathhouse, they get drunk, they send him to another city, imagine, yeah, cool, okay, this movie is, of course, better to watch than to retell, no, i'd rather watch another, some normal movie, why are you so naughty, oh well, everything is ready, where is our dad, thank you, how are you feeling? much better already. thank god that everything worked out. if something happened to you, i wouldn't survive. i know, daddy. and what about your novel
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coming to visit us today? i would really like it, at least at least he promised. yes, rima, i'm already out. no, i won't be late this time . what kind of traffic jams are there at this time of year? that's it, i'll be there in an hour. kisses.
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rom, hi, yes, georgy borisovich, hello, i have one important question for you, you can talk, yes, i 'm listening, what question, and where are you going to celebrate the new year, honestly, i don't know yet. maybe you'll stop by our place, rima and i will be very happy. thank you for the invitation, i'll think about it, okay, that's it, i have one more question for you, but it's better not over the phone, so when you get ready, be sure to come, okay? yes, thank you, happy new year to you, and to you, roma, thank you, happy, bye.
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i have some kind of beauty, something is missing from roma, oh, nadasha, it's hot, look how our meat is here, happy new year, happy new year. i
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love you, dad, i love you too, hello, hello, happy new year, happy new year at home? no, maybe you can come by.
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vladimir sergeevich is waiting for you. thank you. thank you, hello, vladimir sergeevich, hello, margarita evenyevna, would you like some wine? yes, please, i won't refuse. nastya, please, another glass of wine. yes, sure. well, what have you come with, margarita
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evgenyevna? i have a question of my own, i wanted to know what's there? any news? thank you, i don't understand, margarita evgenyevna, you are an excellent lawyer, why do you need this, it's not your area of ​​activity, okay, i get it, come on, margarita evgenyevna, you helped me, i'm your debtor, of course, i 'll help you, you see? the market, it's quite complicated, there are a lot of stones, india, thailand, well, small stuff, nothing worthwhile, ours are appreciated, but there are practically none, i have ours,
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russian cut, you see, when such stones emerge, unnecessary noise is raised. where are they from, if it's not a secret? it's not a secret, inheritance, in vain you don't listen to me, margarita evgenievna, and meddle in what's none of your business, vladimir sergeevich, okay, okay, since i promised, i'll give you a man, he'll do everything.
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yes, odintsov, roman sergeevich, yes, this is lieutenant colonel volkov, deputy head of the internal affairs department for kronovsky. district, i'm listening, i'd like to talk to you, i need your help, could you come to me, yes, i can, what time, at any time convenient for you, i've been at the department all day, i understand, agreed, i'll come by, i'll wait, hello, something happened, no, small, but here , romochka, not everything is in order, sit down,
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leaf through, you wanted to check barkova, consider that you checked, sviridov's body was found at the construction site, he reacted quickly, but that 's not the most interesting thing, rom, what could be more interesting, next to sviridov... send his phone number, do you know who he called last, who you, romochka, in the call log, your number is the last one, yes, igor andreevich prepared well, i deleted it, of course, otherwise you would be in jail for the new year i did, though solomin saw it, i'm afraid he 'll set all the dogs on you now, thank you, of course, georgy boris. but i'll figure it out, you're setting yourself up, oh well
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, what's going to happen to me, you're surrounded from all sides, yes, that means i have no time at all, barkov won't wait, he won't, where are you going now, i'm going to see volkov, this is barkov's new deputy, he just called, what he wants, i have no idea, it's strange, why did volkov call you right now? but i 'll find out through my channels, who is this volkov? i don't understand, if everything is like this, how you say, why can't you leave with us? honey, go to your room, watch a cartoon, play something, i 'll call you soon, well, for a couple of minutes. okay, yeah, okay, okay, when we enter finland, i
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'll call you, so, marina, you don't call anywhere, don't tell me where you are, only i have your new number, when i can, i'll call you myself, igor, stop, i don't like all this, if you don't understand, i'll explain it to you now, they'll either put me in jail or kill me, so that this doesn't happen, you have to do what i tell you, i see, i need you to leave today, that's the only way i can do anything, if you stay, they'll start putting pressure on me through you, and if i leave without finishing what
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i have to, they'll find us all, yeah, oh, roman sergeevich, good afternoon, glad to see you, hello, come in. so what did you want to talk to me about, leonid petrovich? i 've been trying to figure this out for a while, i thought you'd help me, sit down, sit down, how can i help you, apparently, you've figured it all out yourself, that is, i wasn't mistaken, you're investigating a death your friends? no, you're wrong, i'm not investigating anything, it's a pity, i thought you 'd share information with me, i don't know many details. well, i don't know anything at all, that 's how it is, and i thought you'd help me understand
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what kind of person borkov is, after all, you were his subordinate, well, i was, but that was 10 years ago, so i repeat, i'm unlikely to be of any use to you, are you sure, i'm sure, and what do you think about barkov? nothing, i'm a new person here, well, you see, that means i don't know any more than you do, it turns out that way, i can go. and of course, i won't keep you, but if you suddenly remember something, it's unlikely leonid petrovich, it's unlikely, all the best.
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the stones are a good rarity, it's a pity
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they're small. that's how we agreed, what is it? here's only half, where 's the rest? the whole amount is there. i don't understand, margarita evgenievna, well, you and i both understand that the stones were stolen and that it will be very, very difficult to sell them, the stones weren't stolen, the stones are mine, come on, in our field everyone knows everything, the jewelry market is so small, rumors spread so quickly, where what
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the stones appeared, where some, disappeared, you can't hide anything, and about these... stones we know everything, so if i were you i would take what i offer you, i understand, should i call vladimir sergeyevich, uh, yes, please call, i promised vladimir sergeyevich to help you, so i helped you, give me back my stones, you bastard, take your hands off, hands, i said, margarita evgenyevna, take your money and go away, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet! calm down, come to me, margarita evgenyevna, you are behaving badly now, to me.
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what the hell, roma, you followed me, that means you guessed everything and didn't tell me anything, why did you steal these stones, stole them, i stole the stones, roma, i only took what belongs to me, of course, i worked for this schultz for six months, this is my fee, i only took what he owed me, you shouldn't have taken anything. why on earth am i interested, these are your fucking principles, why should i work for free, and you can, i can't, am i a charity? roma, i support my family, myself, and father, it's hard for me, do you understand?
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i'll have to get rid of the diamonds. i wonder how, throw them in it? no, give them to me. in that case, everything will be fine. i'll give them to the investigator who's working on the schultz case myself, okay? you know me, i won't do that. well , look, it's your decision, that is, you can just sit down right now.
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ritochka, we're going to have lunch now, i won't promise, dad, what happened? please leave me alone, prita,
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that's what i want to share with you, igor andreevich, a strange situation is developing, you say that you didn’t know what zakharov was doing, well, yes, i didn’t know anything, this is the first time i’ve encountered a situation where a boss doesn’t know what his subordinate was doing, after all , they didn’t know anything about viktor kulba either, but it turns out that well, i, i
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really didn’t know anything, you’re not feeling well , but no, nothing, nothing, nothing, everything, it’ll pass now, you understand that... they didn’t report to me, well, yes, yes, yes, they didn’t report, and to whom did they report, after all, kulba and zakharov are too serious questions decided, they wouldn't have managed it themselves, and the more i study this case, the more i understand that there was someone else who helped them, who could it have been, igor andreevich, you understand, leonid petrovich, if i could guess that, and you didn't guess? then i have one more question: igor andreevich, why did you send your family abroad? call an ambulance?
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yes, i don't feel well. mak, don't get in the way, we're working here, roma, i'm driving, and i'm here, you know, hanging around the pears, yes, well, now we'll see who's doing what here, oh, odintsov, why? roma, i'm driving, here, i'm telling you, 5 minutes of work, 10 minutes of rest, talking on the phone, roma,
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here's some new information, barkov was quickly taken to the hospital, he has a heart attack, watch out, be careful, let me help, odintsov, tick-tock, time is money, yes, probably a couple more trips. his condition is stable, good afternoon, ryst, but there is a small risk of relapse, yeah, we'll watch, we'll try to get him back on his feet as soon as possible. we're in no hurry, let igor andreevich lie down, regain his strength, the main thing is that he fully recovers, there is no point in rushing in such matters, what do you think? well, yes, fine, of course, let him lie down, well that's great, all the best,
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all the best.
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igor andreevich, go back to the ward, this is mine, and who are you? we are responsible for your safety. so what does this mean, i can't go out? i'm afraid so, where is my phone, i need to call my family, you need to stay in bed, and they've already called my family and said that you 're okay, what the hell is this?
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genna, go have dinner. genna. mom, stop bothering me. go eat, go sleep. you're already getting on my nerves. are you kidding me? i'm going to die of boredom soon. how much longer do i have to go through this, huh? well, you know, i'm generally torn apart to solve all our. i noticed how you're torn apart, i'm sorry, are you completely out of your mind, you really don't understand what i'm doing for you, i understand, i see how you lie to your father that you work, you yourself are wasting allan's money, listen here, little rascal, we're from america, why did we come, remember, remember that you got me a job there, if i hadn't brought you home here, what would have happened there you were, mom, stop throwing these concerts, didn't you know where you were taking me, you can do it on every corner here. and this
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isn't my house, oh my god, oh my god, hi everyone, so what do we have here, hi, and so what, so you were just talking about him, but it's a long story, and i'm in no hurry,
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igor andreevich, are you doing well, insomnia has gotten to you, go to bed, it's bad for you to worry, yeah, good night, good night.
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good afternoon, alexander, good afternoon, leonid petrovich, excuse me.
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so you're also interested in barkhov? yes, i'm not just interested, but i don't have people, i don't have enough data, and you're a straightforward , persistent, meticulous guy, you know a lot of people, yeah, listen, let's be frank, what do you need , i need help, i can't act openly yet, here you are! and you know, i'll help you , how are you feeling igor andreevich, you
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seem kind of thoughtful, how did you sleep, yeah, tanechka, yeah, so-so, turn on the tv, although there's only negativity there, it's better without the tv, yeah, yeah, it's better without the tv. and i almost forgot, i brought you the puzzles, m, hmm, well, why do i need them, this is my tried and tested method, it works 100%, whoever solves puzzles for me recovers faster, m, here, and i knew you would like it, tanechka, can i have some of yours? just a minute, yes, this is a difficult word, yeah, right, the main thing is, don't worry, it's not
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a difficult word. got it,
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i can tell you, lyudmila, what can you even say, people, get in the car, you too, bye, how much do we owe you, margarita evgenievna, go to hell, roman sergeyevich, how much, i've said it all. roma, can you
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come, i have an urgent matter to discuss, not by phone, i'll be there in 40 minutes, okay, i'm waiting, i wrote it down. hello, georgy porisovich, oh, i came to you for the conclusion of the verification, it's ready, here you go, yeah, thank you, let's have some coffee, but i don't have time to have coffee with you, i have things to do, let me pass, come on in, where are you, we need to talk. but we have nothing to talk about, now
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everyone is on their own, and what happened to solomin? i have no idea, you'd better read this, and why did he send you this message, that's my number, everyone remembers it. maybe some coffee, no, i need to run, that's enough, this time it's okay, look, there are four phones here, you can call from each of them. several times, after some time no one will tell you after how long you will need
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to change them, why do you need so many, it's your business, i got it, look, my number is on this one, you can call safely, the call will be clear, i got it, that's it, pay the working one, everything will be fine with you and me, definitely, hello, here is his room, they came to barkov, excuse me, who are you? former colleague, odentsov roman sergeevich, your documents, yes, of course, here right, one minute, i'm listening, there 's a visitor to barkov, who, odentsov roman sergeevich, let him through, come in, uh-huh. roman
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sergeevich, come in, sit down. glad to see you. what's there? yeah, nothing, crossfords are solving. i see, that's complicated, first and, last me, 11 letters, intervention, military or informational, intervention, igor andreevich, intertion, fits, so, you now, because my eyesight isn't very good, so now vertically,
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state, surrounded territory of another state, six letters, first a, last in, six letters, the enclave fits, that's it, time. of course, you can read books, but crosswords are better when your head is busy, bad thoughts go away, you don't think about bad things. i understand, i understand, well, what can you do, such is life, yes, such is life, and will you still come to
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me, huh? yeah, okay, i'll drop by soon. come, otherwise it's sad here, get well, igor andreevich, i'll try, all the best, goodbye, roman, where are you, well, who knows. "hello, yes, who is this? ivanovich, this is odentsov, your help will be needed, how are you, if anything, if what, as promised, yes, georgy borisovich, i
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have one thought about the patient, i wanted to discuss it, i'm listening." hello, i'm listening to you, tanya, this is farber, georgy borisovich, we recognized you, hello, georgy borisovich, tanechka, i have one request for you, georgy borisovich, good afternoon, good afternoon, glad to hear from you, i have one important question for you, do you have a minute, there is always time for you, very good, i don't even know what to do. i haven't been able to rent it out for several months, it seems like a good area, and i did the repairs, if i had rented it out, we wouldn't have met today, here i brought the keys, milana andreyevna, sorry i didn't tell you right away, but it's
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serious, i need your help, one person has nowhere to live right now, it won't be for long, just a few days. take the keys, you'll give them back in a week, thank you, okay, what happened, get ready andreevich. oleg nikolaevich, urgently to 346, quickly, quickly, guys, come on faster, come on, come on
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, here, come on, here, yeah, and what's going on, the patient is having an attack, you can't come here, wait. here, what was that, to the operating room, let's get him quickly, guys, be careful, yeah, that's it, let's go, come on, hurry up, hurry up, be careful here, yeah, well, bring it in, yeah, what's the matter, don't interfere with our work, or i 'll complain, see what's written here? so let's go upstairs just in case, and i'll be here, where is he anyway? i should, come on
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, turn around, we've arrived, who are you, orderlies. climb in, where are you going to take me, the driver is there, he knows better, come on, come on, so what, yegor andreevich, are you going or staying?
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yes, leonid petrovich, barkov escaped from the hospital. and i knew, rom, that you would get me out, i knew it from the very beginning, thank you, i certainly wouldn't have gotten away without you, and you don't have anything hot to warm up with, well, you'll warm up later, now you write everything you promised. "of course i'm writing, since i promised, what
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would i do without you, roman, now i'll take a little break and write, so you don't need to talk my way out of it, rom, what are you saying, well, understand, i don't really know anything, yeah, yeah, great, when we go back, you probably think that you caught the main villain, but you 're wrong, rom, i'm not a villain, i'm just a little man, zakharov used me, to sign papers to cover your ass when it is not necessary, here they are with me, they, who are they? well, are we going back? will they either put me in jail or kill me? there is one thing i cannot understand. why kill you if you do not
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know anything? who are you afraid of? igor andreevich? where could igor andreevich have gone? i have no idea where igor andreevich could have gone. the patient was resting in the operating room. after the procedures. why are you so nervous? yeah. why are you interrogating me like this? i am the only doctor in the entire department at night shift, and i don’t have to monitor all the patients’ movements. and don’t bother me at all. please. rita, wait, what ’s wrong with you? are you so upset? i’m always like this, dad. what happened? we had a fight, everything’s fine with roman, then what’s the matter, give me your coat, something’s going on at work, rita, listen to me, for once in my life, i’ll figure it out myself
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, don’t bother me, okay, yeah... i believed you, and now sit down and write everything you told me, damn you, this is a death sentence, those who stood behind zakharov, they have their own people everywhere, where are you going with you'll go with this, and it's none of your business, i need guarantees. "i'll write you a paper like this, adentsov, you'll take it to wherever you wanted to take it, but only after i leave
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the country, otherwise i won't write anything, igor andreevich, you don't bargain in your place, or i'm calling and returning you to the hands of official justice, you want this, bitch, you're the only one calling, there's no other way with people like you." i need to think, give me time, think, night, i'll come by tomorrow.
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roma, wait, please, we need to talk, romochka, why are you doing this to me, roma, don't leave me, please, i understand you like no one else, i know that you are special and it is not easy for you to live in this world, but i am not guilty of anything, i just could not tell you the truth, what other truth, i was afraid to tell you that i paid the judge for your son. i will return everything, but that is not what i mean, i love you, roma, i love you, i love you, do you hear, do n't go, don't go, please, if you leave now, you will stay forever,
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brother, come sit with me today, everything that was. let's remember, let's drink one, let's remember how once, in that childhood war, brother fought for brother, we were back to back, and it's useless to guess whose fault it was, the path through life is different, only the blood is one, for everything that was once
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guilty, forgive me, we grew up slowly, so sometimes we live at random, my brother, anatoly felixovich, but they still didn't give us hot water, and this is the house where the hero of the soviet union, the army general, lived, if yashenko had seen, emma petrovna, it's just an accident, it will be fixed soon, where is this judicial system of yours?
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woke up, uh-huh, hello, hello, i don't know what you like champagne in the morning, i don't think so, thank you, and where's my phone, you poured champagne on it, you want to take a bath, i have some mint oil. oh, i somehow didn't get enough sleep, of course?

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