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tv   Za granyu  NTV  August 29, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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alpha profitable: yes, we have changed the name, but for the clients of tebank business the most important thing has remained unchanged: reliable operation of our services. tebank business and business is done. beyond. impenetrable ural forest, viscous swamps and wild animals. here a twelve-year-old boy and a ten-year-old girl disappeared. together with their grandfather and two dogs, they came from tyumen to the dacha in the village of burmakina in the sverdlovsk region and went fishing. but only the pensioner returned home. all their efforts were thrown into searching for the brother and sister. caring local residents, volunteers rescuers, spent several days combing the forest area square for...
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hello, what happened, how did the children get lost? june 3 was a day off according to the schedule. and what do you do for a living? as a nurse. and on the third we went to the site, a suburban site. we arrived, in the evening grisha was grilling shashlik, had dinner, went to bed early, because i was after my shift, in the morning a message came that i had to answer questions, a test, test questions about my studies, since the internet there was unstable, i decided that the next day i would come home and i'll answer, well, in the evening we discussed with the children that we would go tomorrow, in the morning, we woke up, the children tried to persuade me in every possible way, but the weather is so good, there are almost
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no mosquitoes, it's not hot, not cold, it's a blessing, i say, what if you stay hungry, there are potatoes, village lard, we'll fry them, we'll eat, don't be afraid, i say, well , look, we're adults, what could happen to us, grandpa is with us, and you left the children with grandpa, you yourself went about your business with grandpa, yes, well, it's not that simple, i also made arrangements with the villagers, if anything, keep an eye on them, so that suddenly they don’t care about anything... in the morning i woke up and felt a strange sense of anxiety, i was shaking, i couldn’t understand what was happening, it was 11 o’clock, the children weren’t getting through, well, i thought they were still sleeping, then i called my father, he was unavailable, i asked a local resident of the village, i called the tractor driver, i said, please go to our site, he came to the site, looked, the trailer was closed, everything was neatly tidied up, he said, where there was a fire, they...
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so that there wouldn’t be a fire, they tidied it up neatly, everything was fine with them, but on the site there was no one, there was no one on the plot , there was no one in the house, everything was closed, and then i thought, something is not right here, maybe my grandfather has become ill, for some reason i was more worried about my grandfather, since he had a stroke, and i, let's look for people who could give you a ride, give you a ride there, there, your plot is generally far from the city, 40 minutes drive, you found someone who will give you a ride, right? i found someone, we drove slowly, looked around, found a cafe along the way, looked at gas stations, looked, then he calls me fyodor, a tractor driver, says: your father is here, he was found, the children are nearby, no, i start screaming at that moment, how there are no children, and where are the children, he says, come now, i will tell you everything, i fly in, naturally in a state of emotion, i started screaming, where are the children, he was in a state of shock, and i screamed hysterically, he specifically
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told you that as soon as i left, they were sitting and sitting, something hit them in the head that they wanted to go fishing for an hour at the reservoir, what time is this approximately, this is approximately after 6:00 in the evening, it was far to go to this reservoir, according to the map dad saw that somewhere nearby, well , it turns out they went fishing and got lost, yes, and how did it happen that your father and the children missed each other, like my father and... i already filmed at the police station that when they were walking in the sun in the morning, orienting themselves, they passed some area where trees had been cut down, and it seemed to them that there were electric poles, that's when they were talking at that very moment, that we were almost reaching the area, grandpa, give us the cards, we 'll run, we'll get some kvass and water there, and you go to the trailer, lyak, rest, you're tired, be sure to drink your medicine, well, that is, it turns out they already thought that they were near the site, yes
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, they got out of the forest, so they decided to disperse to familiar places, the children to the store, and the grandfather on the site, when your father told you that the children by ... we because he was sure that they got out, well, how could the mother leave the children with first they drove around with the locals, the grandfather, who had a stroke of small children, who knows where it takes 40 minutes to get there, in general, this abandonment is in danger, i would say so, the children are not so small anymore, excuse me 10-11 years old, they are already reasonable and taught... by mother, by everyone, by life, children, they can stand up for themselves, here you still have to take into account the area and the surroundings, everyone is yours, somehow, everyone seems to know each other, look, the whole world got together and went to look for the children. alfia,
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did many people participate in the search for your children? yes, a lot, if in the first hours, these are local residents, in the morning already in the nearest. the village joined, they found shoes, they found some socks, they all sent me, it looks like yours, not yours, then they see that you recognized these items of clothing, no, of course, this is not, these are just strangers, when they found the huts, presumably children, but they haven't confirmed it yet, there's hope, that's it, we'll definitely find them today, be patient, we 're hoping, now, now, now, now, now , everyone, how have you lived all this time, is that? there were many different emotions, but hope was always there, i hoped, there was panic, hysteria, i felt really bad, i even looked for them, i was afraid that the children would
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think that their mother wasn't looking for them, i was afraid that they would freeze, the more time went by, people started talking about animals, but the huntsmen reassured me, don't worry, they 're well-fed, they... won't touch your children, but tell me honestly, were there any terrible thoughts that you'd never see your children again, there weren't, i said, no, my children, they're great, they 'll survive, they'll get by, they're my children, i know they're smart, they'll find a way out, grisha and vika were found, they're alive, yes, they are, they're home alive, thank god, it's a great joy that they were found, how much time did the children spend in the forest, well, it turns out from the fourth evening until the beginning of june, four days, remember the moment when you they said that the children were found? the woman i was with flies in and says: they were found, they were found, and i'm jumping around in a fog, because it's still kind of unclear whether i'm sleeping, or
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whether i'm not dreaming, or whether there's some kind of hope, maybe self-hypnosis, because i've had this borderline feeling several times that i'm going crazy. i think i'm dreaming, this is all just a bad dream, when, ah, excuse me, when i run to them, to meet them, stop, they're going to bring the children now, they're going to bring them anyway, sit down, sit down, where are you going now you, and where do you know where they were found, sit, wait, an hour has passed, naturally, i could no longer sit, i went out into the yard, stood near the yard, called, i tell the investigator: will you take me to the children, i'm waiting here, and he's like, wait, i'm interrogating the children, wait, now i'll send another police officer, they'll take you away, and where were they themselves, they were in intensive care in the pet ward, when you arrived at
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the hospital, remember that moment when you were able to see your children, and i came in, my daughter at that moment, mom, mommy, ko me... to stretch out my hands, weakness, my hands were shaking, but i didn't shed a single tear, yes, i didn't shed a single tear, i raised them to be strong, here i will show my weakness in front of him, no, and i am like, i knew that you were great, i was sure that you would survive, you are smart, the best children in the world, and the children cried when they saw you, no, they happily told me how they were?
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in the intensive care unit, the girl and the boy were given ivs and plates of hot soup were brought. soon their mother rushed to the children, a. alfiya, do children often remember what they had to go through? they don’t want
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to remember, they want to continue living their normal lives. has their behavior changed? they’ve become capricious. vika has simply become capricious in the sense that she’s not a step away from me, she wants to be capricious once again, so that her mother would hug her and kiss her once more, she’s just afraid of losing you again. most likely, yes. the girl is now showing symptoms that she’s always holding on to... her mother, she always wants to be close, that maybe later, if she is so active, it may go somewhere deep, then it will manifest itself in a few years, for example, when it will be necessary to move, go to study somewhere or make some decisions, or she will be afraid to do something, when it will be necessary to really be alone, because i was once left alone in the forest, thank god, my brother and i survived, but the psyche can give such a mechanism that and i am already afraid, i will not, therefore, after all, now in the psyche of children... a breakdown has occurred and it would very good, and what should be done to avoid the consequences, so that the mother
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talks to the girl, be with her more, let's say, yes, tell, you say, i didn't show emotions, because i raise strong children, but i would still offer to talk to the girl and open up the mother's, woman's soul, heart, cry, even daughter, i'm here, you know, almost sat without you, not one step further anywhere, you are cool, strong, but now i will be with you as long as necessary. i will be with you for the rest of my life, so that in adulthood you age i was not afraid that something would suddenly happen, that is, as if i would love this trauma that happened, so let's call it, and i would love it, i would cover it all over this daughter of mine, natalia, and you can definitely, definitely, alfia, give your help and support to mom, the children's attitude towards each other has changed, on the first night i saw how my children hugged each other, apparently they got used to sleeping in the forest...
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brave and courageous vika and grisha krep. vika, grisha, we are all glad to meet such brave guys. how are you feeling? we have a good feeling. and tell us, who suggested going fishing that day? first grandpa, then vika. have you ever gone fishing to that river, to that reservoir where you were going? no, but the locals told us that the bottom was clean there, so we wanted to go there. and we just initially went wrong, but we didn’t know about it, and
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at first we thought that everything was fine, there we were with frogs, lizards there, looking at them, jumping, running, then, when we had already approached the swamp, we realized that the nearest swamp from our area is very, very far, we already realized that we were lost, vika, and you weren't scared, no, he was joking, but he tried to cheer you up, yes, yes, he tried, and where did you and grandpa spend the first night, we went out to a swamp, in which there was a small hummock, and spent the night there, there was a birch tree. which grandpa rested on, we laid our heads on it, and the puppies warmed our backs, absolutely
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right, and did you sleep at all that night or didn't close your eyes, you didn't have a very deep sleep, it was cold, mosquitoes, we continued looking for the road in the morning, when it was light, we continued to look for the road - the fifth at 3:00 in the morning, that is, you woke up at night, and why? and because comas bite very hard. and interfered, and how did it happen that you missed your grandfather? we went to the swamp, to another, yes, to another and came. we shouted to him, he was not very scared of us, no, i was calm, we heard when you realized that you had warmed up, the sun even fell asleep somehow, probably because you had slept little at night, and were very tired, yes, we walked for a very long time, a lot,
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yes, we were very tired, the second night, grisha, you were just the two of us, yeah, well with the dogs, to save? or we found a hut, you made it, i made it, from branches, sticks, moss, some leaves, grass, the hut protected us from the weather, from the cold, half because it was very strong and windy, we curled up in an embrace, covered ourselves with a jacket and rocky warmed his feet, and...
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a little bread, a little green onions, further than we ate, well, i also led water, further the dogs found wood grouse, quails, we took hare eggs from them, there was hare cabbage, vetch, and it wasn't scary to eat the eggs of wild birds, i felt more disgusted, but my brother made me, she had no strength at all, she could barely move and that... she couldn't even get up, you say, you also fed the dogs eggs, yes, because they also wanted to eat, and what did you drink? when we were in the swamp we found crystal, there was water there too, and also gorodnikov water, when it was already towards the end, we found mineral water, and how did you filter the water
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from the swamp, if you filtered it at all , did you pass it through a t-shirt, does vika have any of those? an earring and so on, if you put it in earrings, i see, here is silver, a ring, water, it would help quite a lot, kill harmful bacteria, if you are with a girl, she has a silver ring and an earring - this is a wonderful story, well, and if there is some pine there, some kind of, a good skill, but i hope it will not come in handy, god willing, unfortunately, the earrings were given to her for her birthday by her older brother, she does not usually wear them, but she did not have silver with her in the forest, immediately ... we will meet the tractor driver who was the first to sound the alarm and the first to start searching for the missing children. it is high time to change the provider, three times tv-2 deputies, include home internet in the tariff, 3 months there is no payment for it, you connect and get another 50 gbps of mobile internet every month. in our project, we meet talented
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today at 17:50 on ntv beyond this beyond the edge mother left teenage children with their father, and a pensioner lost them among the ural swamps. grisha, why did you decide to leave the hut? we decided to leave the hut because. there was such a swamp, and what's the point, no one would have noticed us while you were in the forest, you saw wild animals, you saw, yes, while vika was sleeping, she just doesn't sleep during the day, well then i didn't get enough sleep during the day, eh, and i got enough sleep during the day, because of that i'm trying to sleep to regain my strength, i heard the dogs barking, their whining, they were driving away. wolves , who were simply combing their territory, that is , you saw a wolf, five wolf cubs, you were scared, yes, you were scared, i took a stick, wrapped my jacket
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around my left hand, hit the wolf on the nose with the stick, because i heard that dogs, well, when you hit them on the nose, it's very unpleasant, i'll hit them with diarrhea, and not... retreated, yes, they retreated, the dogs, them, they were still barking, that's all. grisha, vika, i want to say that you are very brave guys, very. arthur, you must admit, not every adult can withstand such tests. not just an adult, not every person can withstand it. what the children are telling me is scary to me. they were all left alone, it's scary, the fact that they survived and the fact that the dogs found the eggs, it was all god's will, just don't let the children go with a sick father, and if... yes,
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of course, if we talk about the risks that they could encounter in the forest, it's not only wolves, it could also be a bear, we must remember that the mosquitoes there are not ours near moscow, it's a completely different type of mosquito, if ours specially saliva there, so that... was noticeable, then the bite is painful, and it itches completely differently all this after the bite, i'm not even talking about the risks of overfishing or some kind of injury, if they happened - far away, i'm not talking about some risks that would be associated with dehydration, if they did not find water, it's good that they were able to cope with the cold, by the way, the best way to warm up in the cold is to shiver, remember for
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the rest of your life, do not be shy, it's cold, shake, it will help, but you need to know all this, and if you imagine another child for whom the same test would be too much, then the result would be completely different, and the elite, and the eggs of wild birds, swamp water, this is very dangerous, especially for a child's body, of course, it is dangerous with various infections, and wild infections, if these are water ... in eggs there may be, if these are quails, there is less salmonellosis, because they also have an antiseptic property these eggs, it's really cool that they were there and that they figured it out there are eggs, because it is a source of protein, and there are not only proteins, if there are peas, there are also fats, there are also all the microelements, well, and water, no matter how much you filter it from the swamp, of course, yes, that is, no matter how much you filter, but in any case, that is, if you know how to do it right. with
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water, as i understand it, that the child is taught, then you can use fairly clean water from reservoirs, because if the sun is a centimeter of water, that is, drink it from above, then it will be absolutely crystal water, because it is under the influence of ultraviolet light it neutralized, that is, if you don’t mix it up, and vika, sin, did you understand that they were looking for you? yes, we heard the sounds of helicopters, but we didn’t follow them, because there were, well, that’s basically... we heard them at night by the flashing light, and we would have just fallen somewhere, and how did they find you? we went to drink some water, to find, then we saw car tracks, we followed them, they were there, there was the sound of cars, they drove out on an atv, the guys who saved us, volunteers. i
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thought in the first second, right in the first, in the first, well, something is strange, they’re like that they are happy, and i don’t know who it is, maybe, that is, you were scared of them at first, showed vigilance, by the way, then i realized that they didn’t want to call, i came up and asked, can you take me to the dark, they said, so we’ll come for you, we said, oh, great, they dressed us, gave us something to drink, took us to the ambulance, they transferred us straight to the ambulance , they searched for you day and night, that’s how it was, armed with flashlights and radios, dozens of volunteer rescuers arrived in the village of burmakina, before the start of the search operation in all the people who arrived were recorded at the mobile headquarters, and then they were given instructions, vika and grisha, vika and grisha, yes, that is, incomplete
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names, as is, shouted once, listened for 5 seconds, shouted twice, listened for 5 seconds, at the same time vika and grisha were thinking about how they would spend the night alone in the forest wilderness, now the boy calmly shows the places where they had to spend 4 days, then it was necessary to act quickly, and he decided to build a hut on a hill among the swamps. here were the branches, dried out, but they were birch, there the hom threw all sorts of things. he laid down some grass so that we wouldn't catch a cold. while the brother and sister were trying to save themselves, their search didn't stop for a moment. the rescuers understood that every hour counted, there were hundreds of square kilometers of impassable forest ahead. strictly keeping a distance between each other, they and the volunteers combed square after square. everyone hoped that the children would respond to the next call. grizha, grizha! but the brother and
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sister didn't hear people, in order to survive, they were looking for food in the thicket, here for the children. here a real miracle happened, in search of food and
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water grisha and vika came across the remains of an atv and went straight to the volunteers. here is this happy moment: the men put the brother and sister on the all-terrain vehicle, threw warm clothes on them, gave them protein bars to eat and... took them to the hospital, something sweet, let's eat, yes, i 'll take mine off now, dogs, dogs, don't worry, your children, your children, give me a piece, roman, are there any basic tips for those who go into the forest and could theoretically get lost, when you go into the forest, never wear some kind of camouflage, why tourist things, professional mountaineering things, and not toxic colors, some acid colors, yes bright, bright, yes, this is on purpose, so that when you... they will look for you through the gaps, through the forest you were visible, what you need to always have with you, everyone has gadgets, there are special programs, there are a ton of them, which even if there is no connection, it still connects to the satellite shows the point where you are, but if the phone is dead, like
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to navigate, if this happened, there are two basic strategies, an offensive strategy, a defensive strategy, an offensive strategy, this is when you are trying to get somewhere, how to get somewhere, again, some landmarks, on the river, people always live along rivers, yes, you found the river, just went downstream , accordingly, where will you get out, especially since there is a sticky river flowing from the west on the top of the tour, they all come out as a populated area one way or another, again a landmark, there is a road in the south, you still you go out on the road, wherever you go, you will go out somewhere to a populated area, again there is a sleb, which again yes this prosiko is cut through where it also goes to people, it also goes to people again to you. you are already just walking through open terrain, yes in the direction, you do not need to get lost somewhere in the forest, again the lep is visible from afar, it is easy to navigate, this is a strategy, yes, let's say, an offensive, there are strategies to play from defense, for example, from defense, that you do not go anywhere,
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you just base yourself on the spot and wait for when they will find you, you make yourself a shelter accordingly, again a coniferous climber, make yourself a bed from spruce branches, no problem, yes, so as not to sleep on the cold ground and not just lie on spruce branches. if we spend the night in such conditions without a fire, not on the back, like at home, but on the couch, everything on the side, so that the contact area is smaller, so that there is less risk of catching a cold somewhere, again, if there are two of you, you always press together, plus the dogs press together, plus there is a special technique when we lie down, that here - in front of me are my legs, i take my legs under my clothes, under my jacket, under my t-shirt, i hug his legs, i put my legs under his t-shirt too, we warm each other's legs, we lie on our sides, respectively, again, single-pitched shelters are made, some kind of gable hut, yes, to protect from the wind, from the rain, so that there is protection, and you wait quietly, thereby you save energy, you don't need to go out somewhere, yes, you just wait, respectively, but somewhere near
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an open area, right here on the edge, so that in case of something, if they look for you, yes you svurtoalet saw, ilya, you have something to add, first, even if there is no signal, but they looked at the map, apparently they have a smartphone. hear me now everyone, a smartphone can perfectly display even in the absence of a signal, it catches gps, yes, there will be no picture, maybe there will be no map, but it will show the direction by satellite, explain this to the children, second, be sure to remember about water, yes, a child without water, 3-4 days that's all, if there is no water, just teach morning dew, take a rag, an element of your clothing by morning dew, squeezed into your mouth, drink about... simple things remember right under the recording three words need to be remembered: strawberries, raspberries, dandelion, well, we all know how to eat strawberries and raspberries, no need to teach this, dandelion, yes, young dandelion leaves, these yellow ones that haven't blossomed, are quite
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edible for such cases, you can hold out on them for 2-3 days, then go out somewhere into the open if possible teach children not to move, not to walk because they walk without... says they panic, it's just harder to find them once, they get dehydrated and lose strength, that is, to stay in place, to stay in place if possible in place, which. litae, so that you are found, lay out some long stick from pebbles, unusual, they will see you, girls, the simplest story, saw an airplane, a helicopter, just point the mirror, you will be seen 100%, novel, on what day do searches usually stop, or do they search until the bitter end, in general, as practice shows, already on the third day there are chances that a person can be saved, but they are not zero, of course, but they are minimal, because first of all a person is eaten away hypothermia, the fact that grisha and vika were found. uh, on the fourth day, it's a real miracle, i'll say
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this, any victory, it loves, as they say, preparation, you are capital handsome men, simply capital and you can feel the upbringing, that the guys are strong, strong-willed guys, spiritual, again, based on the result of their actions that they performed, they were guided by filtration, in building shelters, yes, that is, they had some basic understanding, they are capital handsome men, i will say that grown-up uncles... if they found themselves in your situation, they would cry, i apologize, like aunts would cry, and you are such handsome men, grisha and vika, what was the most terrible thing for each of you in these 4 days, for me it was terrible that at home mom would go crazy , the older brother, vika would die, or the puppies would die, or i would die, how would vika cope alone, for me the most terrible thing was the unknown, i don’t know if i got home. grandpa, he could have had a second stroke, you are wonderful and
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kind guys, i am very glad that we met, let us walk you home, and we will talk a little more, well done, well done, well done, the father of the found children demands that their mother be deprived of parental rights, will the court agree to hand grisha and vika over to him, an unexpected turn of events and unexpected consequences? we will sort it out after a very short commercial . buying an apartment is easier with t-bank. apply for a mortgage online with a decision in a couple of minutes. insure your mortgage and the apartment itself. and all this in one t-bank application. t-bank. he is the only one. this pot-bellied handsome man is not the only one in the house of our heroes. there is a whole treasure trove here, all of different ages and with their own history. and we will remodel this kitchen. i would like. some kind of highlight, in other words, to get out of the comfort zone. it all started with
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what you felt when you realized that you had lost your grandchildren. it's very difficult, scary. you recently had a stroke, right, how do you feel now? better than before, but not yet well enough to be like before, before the stroke. after some time, can you explain how you could not find the river you were going to? we just didn't get there, we turned a little in the wrong direction, found ourselves in a thick dark forest, forest all around, no matter where you go, forest everywhere, the last time i turned on my phone, i looked. where we are, i set that we need to go north to get to the erbitsky tract, and there will be the village of burmakina or any other village, and how did you navigate, where is north? the sun is on the right side, that means the direction to the north, well, that is , they navigated by the sun, yes, by the sun, foniz, how did it happen that you lost your grandchildren, when we
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came out of the swamp, climbed to the shore, saw a concrete pillar, it seemed that it was a concrete pillar, they went forward, as on... rare, they are young, they walk quickly, then they came back, they said, grandpa, we reached the edge of the forest, sat down to rest, i will walk to the end to the end, look what's there, they stayed to rest, and you went, and i went forward, when they returned, they were gone, and i did not return, i just shouted for grishevik, they answered me, but i the forest is dense, i didn't understand from the voice, from which direction the echo was answering, i think they were catching up with me, i turned left, then right, finally. how did you manage to get to the people, when i was rushing around like this, looking for them in the forest, i came to the edge of the forest and saw that there was some old ditch, i went along this ditch in one direction, i look, there is a sign hanging, noise, hunting farm, it was already 11
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o'clock at night, and you really were most afraid that wild animals would find the children, i am worried about this, i myself... personally saw a wolf and saw the torn carcass of a hare, or rather, remains of skin, hoof prints, wild boar and elk. roman, what is the correct way to behave if , god forbid, you encounter wild animals in the forest? what is the strategy, that you don’t need to hide, you don’t need to, you know, turn on the scout mode somewhere, on the contrary, you need to show that you are here and that you are the boss here, and make loud noise, perhaps with something, i don’t know, if there are any carbines, keys, jingle them, some unnatural, unnatural sound. for example, the sound of metal, again talk loudly, maybe some poems, songs, again the key word, if there is opportunity, so that the beast understands that there are people there, yes, it is better, it is better not to go out, well, it is not worth it not to go out.
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because well, a boar is such a berserker, it does not care who is opposite. fanis, and do you feel guilty before your daughter, very guilty, and before your grandchildren? very guilty, i should not have gone into the forest at night, especially for the first time in this direction. and do you know who was the first to help elfia at that moment when she could not get through to you? well, it was probably the tractor driver fyodor, the same tractor driver who first began the search children, today fyodor yurchenko also came to our studio. hello, hello everyone, how many times did you go to alfia's site to check if grandfather and
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children were there, twice you started searching without waiting for the police, yes, at what point volunteers and professional rescuers joined you, the next day from the morning we searched all over the vicinity, we did not know the area where they got lost and where they were, the children, where grandfather got lost, we did not... that is, you searched blindly, blindly, tell me honestly, did you have doubts that the search would end successfully, yes, were, how many kilometers from home did they find the children, well, not in our area, why was this particular search area chosen, they saw someone working in the forest, supposedly two tracks, there is a sign there noise, hunting grounds, that they saw two tracks here and two tracks of dogs and started searching in this direction. how did you know, fyodor, that the children were found? my brother called me, where are you, why aren't you getting in touch? i say, are we looking for the children? they found the children,
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he says, an hour ago, and after that i went home. alfiya, do you want to say something to all those to the people who helped look for your children right now, everyone who was there, each participant, i can't describe, i have no emotions, i don't know how to thank such people, thank you, and where have you been all this time? the father of the children, the father of the children, he is the only one, yes, he came, but he didn't look, he was just standing on the highway, but i didn't see it myself, local people saw, yes, he is standing there, spreading gossip about you, and you are divorced, we haven't lived together for a long time and we would live in a civil marriage, well, in every possible way there is not yet time there what, well, besides, after grisha was born, i was just like i was alone with two children, i was... scared, that's why i tolerated him, all his antics and lived with him, but then, when my daughter was born, i thought, no, i'd rather be alone,
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do everything myself, than tolerate all this, constant betrayal and abuse, he beat you, and he beat me, he morally, yes, you 're old, yes, look how fat you are, after grisha was born, well, purely morally, when he told me... simply elementary, i said, you need to go, this, this to do, he says, who am i to do this to you, it was the last one, after that i just felt good, he left that day for a shift, i packed my things, left for another, well , i went to rent another apartment, and before that my father rented an apartment, we lived all this time, what with him and what without him, at the expense of my father, he didn’t help? he will bring money, but then he will take this money for his new girlfriends, even basic children’s money, and we formalized, he simply took
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this money and gave another lady a bouquet flowers rings, and she called me and told me all this, and i realized that i won't tolerate this anymore, that's enough, alfia, your friend came today to protect you from your ex-husband, let's find out why ekaterina akhmadulina is in the studio. ekaterina, hello, why does alfia need to be protected from her father and her children. well, when we found the children, they were in intensive care, he asked to see the children, when alfia took him to intensive care, instead of somehow being happy, hugging the children, he began to accuse her, the father, he began to find out who was in this... began to declare that he would deprive her of parental rights, take the children for himself, instead of supporting her, he declares like this,
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all this was in front of the children, yes, it was in front of the children. i think this is not manly, she is a very wonderful mother, to support children, she works several jobs, so she does everything for the children, everything, and to deprive her of parental rights - this is just downright wrong, i understand, that is, now alfia, are you afraid that he will deprive you of parental rights right, tell me, your ex-husband did not take part in the children's lives at all, and i even went to court to make him pay alimony. for what? he says: you don't let me see the children? and you don't let me see the children, or does he not want to? the children do n't want to. and coming to the hospital to see the children - was it his initiative? mine. i wanted my children to have the emotion that not only mom loves them, but that dad loves them too. when you first told him that the children were missing, did he somehow try to console you, to cheer you up? no. how did he even find out about this? from you? i don't know,
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how did he find out, apparently the police called to find out, maybe... the children are with him, he sent a message only with such an apologetic context, that well , what, have you lost your children? i answered him, you seem to be happy that the children are in trouble, i am in such grief, where are you now, dad, we need you here too, that's it, i'm flying out, we talked to your ex-husband, i think you will be interested to hear this, a thirty-year-old man tells his ex -wife a thirty-year-old man...
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and they reported that his son and daughter had disappeared. alexander admits, at first he decided that this is a cruel joke. in general, everyone was alarmed, someone is a lump in tyumen. to which they answered, yes, we are looking for such children, it was very hard. in my soul, to understand that your children have been hungry for about two days, three, somewhere in the forest, the next flight, the man flew from moscow to tyumen. i went from this village. i walked to the river, to the linden tree, shouted, responded, nothing, in general i did not find, at that moment the children's mother was with her friend, two days later his grisha and vika were found by volunteers and brought to the hospital, he immediately went to them, but he did not get into the children's room right away, without her
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they would not let me into the hospital, and i think that she... contributed to the fact that they would not let me in while she was not around, so that i could not talk to the children. when he hugged his son and daughter after a long separation, his happiness knew no bounds, says alexander. having calmed his emotions, he tried to find out from the children why it was their fault that they ended up in the wilderness completely alone. grandfather told me that the children allegedly ran away from him. told me grisha, we didn't run away from grandpa, we got lost with grandpa and spent the night somewhere in the forest, when the children woke up, they didn't find grandpa, to which his ex-wife alfia scolded grisha and said: do n't tell this man anything, you don't know him, he'll turn everything against you. now
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he would be happy to take grisha and vika to his place, he says. alexander, however, the man says, their mother brainwashed them so much that they don't consider him a father. i was thinking about, yes, involving the guardianship authorities, so that they would register her, since she is a dysfunctional mother, because she doesn't look after the children, it 's always been that way, for her it's her girlfriends, friends, drinking, i 'm shocked by every word he says, it's... and i have this feeling that he's not telling you all this about me. sergey, whose words do you trust more, your father's or your mother's? no, of course, your mother's, i didn't believe a word of this guy, i didn't pay child support, i didn't help the children, what if he took the children away? i myself have many children, so it would seem to me that i should take the man's side, yes, but i
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look, but you're a man, you have children, that's it a normal father, well... doesn't let his mother see the children, well, you'll crawl into any hole, you'll find any half hour there, you'll come from behind the fence to look at the children, what kind of nonsense is this? he says, i don't see you with the children. that he finds an excuse for, yeah, well, if you're a father, you'll find a way to communicate with the children, don't believe a word, how forest adventures affected grisha and vika's physical and psychological health and how the conflict between their parents will end, after the advertisement about the most important thing, in a few days after the birth of the thirteenth child, the mother fell ill, she had blood poisoning, she went to the hospital with her newborn son, the woman died, the father of thirteen children returned home without a boy, she never saw her brother again, will
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the separated brothers and sisters hug each other 42 years later, i saw this young man, he looked very much like the barbashin family, like the older brother, i was taken from the orphanage, according to our data he is thousands... 982 year of birth november 7, according to his documents now 1983, april 8, does not match, to ensure the secrecy of adoption, the date of birth can be changed, but not more than 3 months, in this case the difference is almost there in 5 months, i open the dna envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv. you are super, new season, on sunday at 20:20! ru
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the script, didn't understand anything in it, but a star, svetik, hello, read to act-i wanted, as an actor evgeny steblov found a true friend, nikita mikhalkov, when on nikita katya dbochka, i always feel very offended, what a director's drama he witnessed, his competitor was andrei mironov, and how many personal tragedies he experienced himself, we are for you. we pray, we pray, and i burst into tears, why the people's artist through a year after the death of his wife he went to the registry office again, marry us off right now, i just understood that i couldn't live as a bachelor, have you come to terms with the choice of your only son, how will you react if i go to a monastery, your son is somewhere on solovki, yes solovki, yes evgeny steblov and his million-dollar secret on saturday at 13:00 on ntv. beyond the pale, this is beyond
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the pale: for 4 days rescuers and volunteers searched for children missing in the forest, the hope of finding them alive was fading with each passing hour. alfiya, and you, for your part, don't want to deprive him of parental rights, since he is so harshly disposed towards you, i have been collecting documents for a long time, to deprive him of parental rights, i planned for the reason that it often happens in our time of history, when... parents, not participating, not raising their children, in the future, when they get on their feet, file for alimony. maria, does alfia have a chance to deprive her father of parental rights? yes, she has a chance, but i still want to turn to you, alfia, if he takes the initiative to deprive you of parental rights by court, i hope that everyone will come to your aid and he has a reason for this , yes indeed there are risks, but 100%.
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after a miraculous rescue from the ural forests , grisha and vika had to overcome many fears, but now after some time they feel great - says their mother alfiya shamsuddinova.


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