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tv   Odin  NTV  August 30, 2024 1:50am-2:40am MSK

1:50 am
exchange them for cashback in real money, and tomorrow we are going to your concert, me too, the hermitage paintings are now on platinum credit cards from tank, apply for a platinum credit card from tank with a limited design until august 31 and get free service forever. t-bank, it is the only one. mom, why? these letters are needed for the fairy tale, 39 kingdom, thirtieth state, this is a newborn medal, in leningrad in the sixties such a one appeared ...
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this is his older sister, they broke up in childhood, when mom broke up with her first husband, he searched until the very last day, wait for me, tomorrow at 17:55 on ntv.
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calm down, odintsov, don’t move, i knew you’d quickly figure out where i was. search,
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take the radio, i said, take the radio, a familiar voice, i recognized it, yeah, well done, but that won’t help you anymore. where is my family? put the gun on the floor, and if not, i said, put the gun on the floor.
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where are they? your family is not here, what do you need? nothing, who? i need you, well, here you are, let’s come to an agreement, i’ll exchange for my family, no, we won’t come to an agreement, i already have you. well, odintsov, don’t upset me, you you see, i'm not holding you, listen, let's do it this way, i'll do it myself, consequence. that i
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committed suicide, for you it's an ideal option, in exchange you'll let my family go, an interesting offer. and how will you do it? i want to see my family. how will you do it? i'll jump, i'll jump from the roof. okay, get up.
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"i see you, well jump, let my family go, you don't understand, dentsov, i've changed my mind, there won't be any deal, come on, if you want to do it yourself, then jump, if not, i'll finish with you, then i'll take care of your family, your wife will die anyway, only very slowly. well, jump.
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here he is, now in a bar two blocks from here, yeah, then he'll walk home, meet him closer to home, it's a rough neighborhood, so they'll think he's a local punk, or maybe you'd be better off like barkov,
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right at his apartment, he could have written me a confession at the end, i don't need his confession, when you've done everything... let me know, i'll go to the apartment now and get everything ready, what's his name, why do you need this, are you keeping a list or something, and what are you doing, well, i'm not that sick. if he asked, then it means he had to. reznik, konstantin. well, there you go, all these secrets. we shouldn't have secrets from each other. right? okay, i'll finish and call. katyukha, repeat. "maybe that's enough, we 've been closed for an hour, you're definitely
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right, i'm sorry that again, damn, no, everything 's fine, what could i have, everything 's fine with me, especially in civilian life, oh, oh, katyukha, you don't understand anything, oh, where would i be, if only you weren't so mean"? i'd marry you, if someone didn't drink here every night, i might think, kostya, it can't be, man, who are you, what are you,
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i didn't recognize him, well, remember, 7 years ago, we were serving, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, brother, there was a mistake. well, kostya.
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kostya, phone, kostya, kostya , kostya, kostya, kostya, kostya, kostya, kostya, "i didn't have time, i didn't even have time to understand what this bastard was going to do, but leave him, in what sense leave him, if i can't even stop this creature, you know what i think, the wolves won't twitch now, he's in full view of everyone in white gloves, so, so, that means this ilyin will close the cases, him, it's him we need to take now, you understand, stop, wait, what are you waiting for, what if he finds someone else tomorrow?" and most importantly , why? listen to me, roma, if ilin finds you, he'll report to volkov, then we
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won't have the slightest chance of proving their guilt, they'll cut off all ties right away. you need to stay in the shadows, temporarily, let them think that everything is fine with them, that they're in the chocolate, you understand? maybe we should call the internal security directorate? but until you have evidence, no one will listen to you, and then, roma, you forgot that you're dead, you're gone, who are you going to call? well, leonid petrovich, now you are the acting head of the department, congratulations, thank you, but you know, i don't need all these positions, oh well, the higher the position, the more opportunities, ok, what can you please us with about our affairs, but that's all for you. we found the sniper, so we'll close the case, yes i know, and not
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quickly, you found him, time could have worked against us, everything was on time, reznik, carried out the order, went to the bar, relaxed, got into a drunken brawl on the way home, well... okay, perhaps you're right, everything will be in the report reflected. reznik, konstantin ivanovich, 43 years old, served as a sniper in 2011, demobilized due to injury. did they find weapons? they found weapons, ammunition, a sniper rifle, okay, what else? they also found a phone with the numbers of odintsov and garkov written down in it. well, okay, good work, but still, keep in mind, without notches, this is a high-profile case,
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now all the bosses are looking at you. "i don't see any reason to worry, are there any nuances left, nuances? by the way, what happened to that operative, the main office with solomin, has he calmed down? well, of course, he's a guy, a bully, but we have there won't be any problems, well, i 'll take some measures on my part too, and you go ahead and get comfortable." that's how it is, sasha, yeah, there's no doubt that roman odentsov's body was found on the plant's territory, you can see for yourself, but no,
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i don't want to, well, no, so no. "i just can't understand one thing, why did he go to that plant, couldn't he find another roof, he would have jumped off his balcony from the treetops, if his conscience was bothering him so much, sasha, i'm a ganatomist, not a psychologist, my job is rough, i don't understand the intricacies, you're the detective, that's why you find out who, why, where they were going, that's it, yes, only i'm not sure what happened here, i already told you, i don't want to discuss it, it's really hard for me, what do you want from me, you have barkov's confession, there are two executors lying here, odintsov and reznik, what else do you need, i, i need, have you all gone crazy, georgy borisovich, judge for yourself, we couldn't
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figure this story out for months, here in one week, once everything was resolved. it doesn't happen like that, in life all sorts of things happen it happens, sasha, and you are a good boy, you can prepare for a promotion, you know that one was my friend, and let everything remain as it is, yes, you are right, he turned out to be guilty, but for me let everything remain as it was, and you sort it out yourself, and i will sort it out. oh, wait, i forgot to tell you one more thing: reznik had a shrapnel wound to the head, 7-8 years ago, look, you see a scar, temporal lobe, with such a wound you can live and work, but over time severe headaches begin and periodically tremors in the hands. it turns out that there is a possibility,
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that it's not our shooter, then do even more so. you can't close it down, but this detail is insignificant, in principle he could have shot, so you can ignore it, yeah, yeah, of course, i said i'd figure it out, so i'll figure it out, goodbye, figure it out, sashenka, figure it out, you're late, you relaxed too early, and what's there to worry about, the question seems to be all closed. no, not all, have you found odintsov's family for me yet? i already told you, you missed them yourself. and where am i supposed to look for them now? they didn't contact the police, although in theory they should have, in they didn't check into the hotel, i also checked, maybe they left the city, or even the country? they couldn't have left the country, the guy
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had a written undertaking there that they were leaving. so what's the problem? put the guy on the wanted list, that's all. wanted. okay, that would be too noisy, tolya, so think, think, think, help and someone, for sure, if they couldn't leave, then they're sitting here somewhere, with some friends, so check, go, what, go, damn - ritrukku.
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yeah, why the hell aren't you picking up the phone? okay, it doesn't matter, in short, we need to look for odintsov's family, check all the contacts, his... ex-wife, their mutual friends, check everyone, as soon as there is news, call immediately, everything is off, so, well, what's wrong with you again, yes, it's all that sniper, take it, a sniper rifle
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was found at his house, and the contacts are in his phone, just like in a fairy tale, doesn't it seem strange to you, you think, a lot of things coincided, but that also happens, it happens, only i found out something, reznik, this business is all the same, as soon as i am somewhere, i immediately hear, don't get into straws, but i just want to find out how everything really was, if we made a mistake somewhere,
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then correct this mistake, i understand, odintsov's death does not give you peace, but one thing is your conjectures and guesses, and another is ironclad evidence, especially since i have already reported to moscow, that's all. this case must be transferred to the investigative department, but this case cannot be transferred, give me 2 weeks and i will find evidence, you live large, captain solomin, 2 weeks, okay, the hell with you, i give you 3 days, there will be no result, i transfer the case to the investigators, and you get a reprimand, thank you.
2:14 am
yena, good morning, good morning, and i am here, are you going to have breakfast? yeah, well, come on, let's peel the potatoes, come on, come on, potatoes, yeah, we'll make some potato pancakes now, come on, come on, sit down, i'll bring them now.
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hello, i'd say we're closed, we're open since 2 o'clock, you misunderstood me, but... what's not to understand, there's a store nearby, what about you, i have questions for you about the murder of konstantin reznik, again, i think i told you everything at the station 100 times, great, then 101 will be easier, how often was this massacre here, often, almost every day, naturally he drank. well, you probably didn't notice our sign saying "bar", yes, they do drink here, no, i'm observant, tell me, did he have conflicts with customers, i don't remember. yes, he was
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quiet, good, good, yeah, you know that your good konstantin reznik sent several people to the next world recently, who, kostya, he couldn't, are you kidding, he was kind, kind, well of course, a professional sniper, he did everything so that the victim wouldn't suffer, a very kind person, really, you know , if you have any questions, send them. subpoena, i won't tell you anything else, well, why not, that's how it is, kostya wasn't a murderer and there's nothing to tell me here, and he drank because he had a headache for days after being wounded, and not like some people here.
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no, look, there's a lot left, you clean it out better, yeah, okay, good morning, mom. lucy,
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good morning, good, why are you peeling potatoes, what happened? rima markovna, when can we leave here? well, you know that you shouldn't show up in the city? it's not safe, oh, gen, look, you're left again, let's be careful, and i also have a subscription, and not you here, if you forgot, no, imagine, i haven't forgotten, i don't understand at all how i could get into this, i know what kind of person he is, odintsov, well, you understand that roma is not guilty of anything, really, and in general we are never guilty of anything, and because of whom, i wonder, the genius was planted drugs, because of whom we were almost killed now, and 10 years
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ago because of whom we had to leave the country? i don't remember my father forcing you, my dear, and what can you even do remember, you were 8 years old, i remember everything, and i also remember that no one asked me if i wanted to go to america or not , yes, i wanted to protect you, i do everything for you, yeah, you didn't want to protect me, i wanted to protect myself, plus, well, really, no one told you to leave, i came back, you came yourself, why are you always indignant, you betrayed me, yes, forgive me, of course, but roma never did that, i remember everything, it was you who left, took igena with you, when roma had the most work, well, son, i am not obliged at all now i have to listen to all this, okay, that's enough, mom, don't get all worked up, peel potatoes, you peel potatoes, honor. so what's up?
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nothing, i didn't actually sign up to work for you. and aren't you working for me? you 're working for yourself. listen, the last time i worked for odentsov like this, i gave so much money to the lawyers so that they would at least give me a suspended sentence. and i was a good guy, i want to tell you, i helped the police, and what did adentsov do? he published me, got it? you can, odentsov, and i, by the way, too, if you don't help me with these archives now, then your a written undertaking not to leave the country will turn into a prison sentence before the trial, if you want, go to hell, oh, how, insulting a law enforcement officer, a fine, 200,000 rubles. yes, i need to at least find some kind of system in this file dump, i need time for this. you
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work, work, there will be time, but not much. by the way, about the loner, you didn't tell me why he came to you, when you last met him, he asked to check one mobile phone and a jeep, i later identified this jeep for him using traffic police cameras, and the mobile phone was last sawed at that plant, where you later found his body, and whose phone? his ex-wife, when he found out about it, he immediately rushed there, listen, i have another question, so either checkers, or go, or i answer your fucking questions, or i deal with files, work, hacker, work.
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you're still alive, and they told me you went to the next world. no, i changed my mind, well , how is it on the other side, about the same as here, that's what i thought, what do you want, after all, i'm sort of even with you, but there is one person here, i'd like to know who he is, where is he from took on, what kind of person is anatoly ilyin, he has his own private security company, that's it, but... there is one, i know, but he is my ex, i haven't crossed paths with him for a long time, why he left the service, i don't know, but he didn't leave on his own , they kicked him out, he shot someone there during
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an arrest, and then it turned out that there was a mistake, he sent an innocent person to the light, you have cops? this happens often, no, not often, but i'm not ready to argue about this now, then what happened, well, what happened next, then he? wanted to join us, he even came to me a couple of times, but you see, he doesn't have a fuse, in short, we didn't work out, i get it, thank you, we'll settle the score.
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hello, general, why did i come in, i was with my colleagues in the property management, it turns out that the barkov case hasn't been handed over to them yet, what's the problem? well, some doubts have appeared, what other doubts, they still exist, confession, perpetrators, customers , yes, that's how it is. but then my operative solomin
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found some discrepancies, something serious? no, more precisely, he's checking now, you're a colonel, don't play the fool, you know, it's a high-profile case, we need to resolve it quickly, and if something matches or doesn't, let the detectives deal with it, got me, that's right, about your detective? let him go to church, what do you mean, if he thinks something there, he needs to be baptized, does he have a lot of free time, or have you run out of crimes here in st. petersburg? no, of course there is, so keep him busy, and hand the case over to the investigators, tomorrow, i hear you.
2:30 am
hello, sasha, some coffee, no, something stronger right away, are you sure, yes. did something happen? not now, i need to figure it out myself, i found something here, can you pass it on to the experts, no problem, just a minute.
2:31 am
there were no fingerprints on this, but i found traces of gun grease, where did you get it from, one brought it, on the day of reedy's death, he found it in the place where he could have shot from. and i found this one at the plant, it turns out there was a sniper there, so it wasn't himself, but he was helped, reznik was helped too, why didn't you tell me about it right away, why would you have listened to me, you had another version, you know, go to hell.
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hi, we have a problem, expected, yeah, okay, let's do it in an hour, yeah, well, how am i? i got it, no results, they disappeared into thin air, i've already followed the repair crew that odintsov worked with, nothing, but this woman has friends, acquaintances, but where from, she lived in america with her son for 10 years, she has no acquaintances or relatives here,
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i looked at farber's apartment, i went there yesterday while he was at work, there's no one there, who are you talking about, actually he has... he should have, i made inquiries, doesn't work anywhere, sits at home, no, she wasn't there, strange, you know what, check it out well, the wife of this farber, got it, i'll do it, come on.
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by the way, i have something too. i found out that volkov keeps a rifle at his house. why did you go to his house? and what was i supposed to do? wait until he tells us everything himself? so i went to visit him without an invitation. you're taking a risk, rom, you're taking a risk. yes, i'm more
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worried about solomin now. if volkov finds out that he's dug up something on him, this could all end up in... very badly, i agree, but for you now you can't show off either, you can't, well i told you, we open later, hello, and i came to apologize to you? i think i was really wrong about your friend, maybe i should bring you something, no, thank you, i have one more question for you, yeah, you said that reznik complained about headaches all the time, yeah, but
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his hands didn't notice anything strange, yes, i noticed, of course it happened rarely, but he... sometimes he even joked that his hands were shaking, yeah, i see, you know, by the way, i remembered, maybe this will help somehow, recently a man came in, he was also asked about kostya, um, when does he come, how often, i thought he was from the police, but he said, no, he was just looking for an old friend, when it was before the murder, yes, i never saw him again, and what kind of person is he, can you describe him, well... yes, ordinary, ordinary, about 40 years old, we have a lot of visitors here, you can't remember everyone by face, okay, although you know, it seems he had... something, what happened to his eyes? i don't know, when i was taking the dishes to the kitchen, he went to wash his hands and put some drops in his eyes, big
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thank you, katyusha, yesterday i was with colonel antonov, you told me that there would be no problems with solomin, but it turned out that he was digging something there. i understand, but we will have to take measures, so take them, find out everything he managed to find, make sure that he does not bother us anymore. solomin, headquarters, it will not be so easy to solve this problem with him, there will be a lot of noise, so figure out how to make sure that there is no noise , sasha, that's it, don't start again, not only did they call me from moscow, but yesterday general yatushenko himself arrived, well, comrade, so i've said everything, everything you're telling me is just speculation and conjecture, nothing concrete, nothing, so that's it, go and work, or better
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yet, take a vacation, it's scary to look at you, okay, i understand everything, that you understood , that's it, i understand everything, let me go, i'm free,
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and where is lyuda? she said she wasn't feeling well. got it. where is she? gen? rim, i 'll bring him. lyuda, lyudmila, how are you, oh, well, come to the table with us, come on.
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great. fine, yes, i'm listening, hello, leonid petrovich, this is solomin. i need to meet with you.


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