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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-8  NTV  August 30, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
girl, what are you doing tonight? nothing, come with me, lindyayka, guys, just don't laugh, what happened, my car was stolen. anyway, you take one of these pills, one of these, you swallow them and wash them down with cola, the effect is like good ecstasy, and what's next, how is this better than ecstasy, i don't understand, the whole joke is that individually these pills are not drugs at all, but food supplements, absolutely
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legal food supplements, so the cops will take a break from this topic for a couple more years, and what do you want from me? listen, kharas, this is a trial party, and to set up normal production, you only need 20.0 bucks, if you chip in now, you'll recoup your money in two months, no more, in a year you'll already rise to a hundred, and this is despite the fact that the cops have nothing on you, right? "yes, agree, so, go, allow me, artyom naumov, sent to you for practical training, for practical training, well yes, i came to serve you to protect as much as possible, but only for this i 'll need a pistol, what, well, or two,
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well, as it goes, well, here are the papers, the papers, come on, you sit down for now, i'll finish the report now , we'll sort it out, okay, okay, yeah, guys, i've got good news, come on, i'm getting married, let's see, let's see, what kind of business does lesha have, he has his own nightclub. lesha is a simple guy,
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yeah, come on, congratulations, yeah, thank you, i 'm looking, why aren't you happy, i'm very happy, congratulations, varya, when is the wedding? in about two months, not earlier, lesha will throw a grand celebration in his club, naturally, you 're all invited, how long ago did this happen, about three months, and what, why are you so tense, and no tensed up, just curious, and not too fast, no, kira, not too much, to whine, good, no, well... i'm just not against it at all, but it seems to me that such quick marriages, that such quick marriages, you know yourself, no, kira, i don't know yourself, enlighten me please, well, it's just that in six months it will turn out that he slurps disgustingly, his mother is a migira and he shits his socks along with your underwear, yeah, maybe we shouldn't rush him somehow , wait a year or two, whatever, and i didn't even know, kir, that you are our most reasonable, i just think it's stupid get married in a year, get divorced. listen,
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you know what, kir, you don't have to come to my wedding at all, where are you, are you stupid or something? and where am i wrong, everywhere, stupid, don't tell me that my nose is itching, oh well, in my opinion, everything is fine, in my opinion too, your academic performance is good, you tried, the main thing is that you talk less, i think we'll get along. sorry, he'll catch me listening, a murder has occurred, yeah, surnina avenue, building 50, okay, i'm writing it down, yeah, write it down, apartment 25, yeah, done, watch your language, and what did i say, nothing good, oh well, on purpose, by accident, no, he's just jealous that you 're rushing. well, yes, it's just that on a subconscious
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level you perceive her as an object of love, i just know these rich kids, today one, tomorrow another, and then you fall in love, sorry, but the accident will suffer, and i feel sorry for her. and why are you nervous, they tell you subconsciously, go to hell, so guys, where are you walking, we have a murder, you 're hanging out somewhere, kir, here's the address, so you have a murder, everything is fine with us, well, why one, a cadet of the police school, aumov artem, kirill, take him, go, you'll get to know each other later, and what about you, and you'll redo the report on the kiriy case for me, we've already written it , yes we've written it, the devil knows what we've written, go ahead, it's interesting, right? let the iron saw work, not for that, my mother gave birth to me, this is a cool car, what 's better than yours, a bmw 3, dad gave it to you, yeah,
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buckle up. death was caused by severe traumatic brain injury, it's clear, before they killed him they beat him up badly, well, i can see that anyway, what kind of pills. i don't know, an examination is needed, i i found a passport, his name is kharasov timur tagirovich, born this year, he is registered at a different address, but he lived, as i understand it, here, i saw him somewhere, well, i saw that
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the door was still open, i decided, maybe it happened, so i called the police, you did the right thing, you didn’t see anything else suspicious here, and there are always some... why? then they moved into the apartment. i looked through the peephole, looked through the peephole. okay, then, come to the station, we’ll make a photofit of this guy. okay.
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kirill, i'm done with the neighbors, what should i do next? next. wait. slav, yeah, great. great. will you go with me to a place. where, maybe to the maestro nightclub, maybe you'll go with the cadet? no, the cadet can't come with us, he has a lot of things to do, especially since he 's afraid to drive our car, yeah, let 's meet there, we agreed, come on, artyom, come on, you, the dumb department, write a report on your work, a report, yeah, what should i write? well, you asked the neighbor, here's everything you know in printed form on the table, put the lard, yeah. got it, okay, well, do it, well what are you standing there for, do what you're doing, why are you smiling,
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please, thank you, this photo was taken here, well, what do you think, we need a clue. i believe the club's reputation is not very good, in what sense? well, that guy on the dance floor died of an overdose, i work in the police, comrade lieutenant, great, hello, don't you know this one, uncle, and this is harassment, who is the local pharmacy, thank you, please, what's next, well, the general director, let's go visit, is there? something to talk about? yes, this guy sometimes relaxes with us, do you know him? no, a couple i saw him once in the club, who is he? a drug dealer? yes, this man sells drugs in my club,
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what is his name? timur kharasov, well, this timur will never appear in my club again, that's for sure , he was killed in any case. yeah, well, i don't know, maybe it's for the best if they kill such scumbags, that is, you don't know that drugs are sold in your club, i'm sure this is an isolated incident. maybe you don't know that a man died on the dance floor in your club? i know, an extremely unpleasant incident. do you know what he died of? according to my information, heart failure attack, well yes, he took some pills, the boy is 16, he danced until the morning, and then his heart gave out. well , no one has proven that he bought the pill here. he bought it in the store, and what was his name, do you remember? i have it written down somewhere, anton
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novoselov, what is this, varya, yes, varya, my fiancée, and do you know her, i, to be honest, went to the police school to spite my parents, who? your parents, dad, architect, mom, artist-designer, your whole life is theater, exhibitions, well, what's wrong with that, well , these are all illusions, myths, yes, and i am real i want life, a real one, and my parents know nothing about real life, and don't want to know, i entered the police academy, kolyankho, the examination of the kharesov case is ready, run to the morgue for a report, okay, so, artyom, and what about you? and i'm writing a report on my internship, yeah, okay, come on, yeah, and we have this
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real life, at least a ton, i went to the morgue for real life, hello, great, great, listen, i'm interested in kharasov, kharasov, yeah, right now. characteristic hematomas appeared, but there are no hematomas, yeah, that means they tied him up not long ago
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before the murder, or right after, yeah, or right after, they killed him with one blow to the head, i see, wait, what, there's something else interesting, they stuffed him in his mouth right after the murder, what kind of pills are those, usually painkillers, i wonder, okay, thank you, you're welcome, thank you , i see, so, guys, everything matches up, what matches up, and what matches up for you? a teenager , anton novoselov, dies in the maestra club because of drugs. 2 weeks pass and this man beats up mr. kharasov, who
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was a drug dealer, right in the maestra club, and 2 days later kharasov is found dead, it’s clear, that is, revenge, well, yes, now it’s clear why he stuffed him with pills after his death, well, yes, it’s like a symbol, well, what remains to be found out is whether this person is novoselov, kiry words, check. do you know this person? what’s wrong with him? what’s wrong? you killed him. why are we keeping quiet? dread, i didn’t kill anyone. but we have witnesses who saw you beating kharasov. i didn’t kill anyone. but you won’t dispute the fact of a fight between you. this bastard gave my son drugs, he was
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16 years old, he died, and what do you think, that i should thank him for this, huh? get ready, let's go to the police station. i'll just call work now, if you find the killer, i'll thank him. for ridding the world of another bastard, here you are, and you'll put him in jail, because you're all cops, you feed off them, and fry them, while our children are dying, listen, let's not be pathetic,
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okay, you heard, we're already feeding and frying, everything happened. "we have a witness to the fight, your fingerprints were found in the dead man's apartment, you had a serious one, but i didn't kill him, my fingerprints were found because i was really in that apartment, i destroyed all the crap i found there, maybe i saved someone from death, a few young guys, the thing is that our law does not distinguish between noble avengers and banal murderers. i think that in your case there will be no mercy, i understand, you need to close the case faster, take the detainee away, i am detained, yes, i am breathing, breathing, breathing, i can't get enough air, oh,
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kira, let's go to promise, i can't do much, porto has become a workaholic. seriously, guys, what about the accidents? what does this have to do with it? oh, well, who's arguing? of course, i have things to do, i need to work, okay, let's go, otherwise my stomach is growling. kirill, there's a girl here to see you, come in. hello, hello, you see, i'm having lunch? excuse me, please, but this is very urgent. sit down, well, tell me, what are you mumbling about? the thing is, my friend, venechka, and they want to kill him, you understand, not yet, who wants to kill whom? some bandit wants to kill my venechka, it's clear where he is, at home,
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hiding, well then, do it this way, let him come to us, write a statement, and we will then we'll consider it, no, no, no, he's afraid, and the police too, and what do you want from me, shouldn't you help, okay, tell me from the very beginning, some bandit is hunting for my venechka, why? venechka deceived him. listen, i have a lot of work, to say anything specific, the only thing i know is that this bandit is somehow connected with a night club, well, what kind of night clubs do you have, you know, how many names, tell me, in my opinion, maestro, are you sure, yes, yes, let's go, where, to your venechka, where, well, let's go, let's go.
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oh my god, it's open. he got to venechka, he got to venichka. he was killed,
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it's your fault, what are you crazy about, i don't know , i don't know who kidnapped him, you see, in order to help you and your friend, we need information, so far everything you've said doesn't give us a single clue. let's take it in order, yeah, he's probably already been killed, killed, what is your confidence based on, what? who told you that he was killed, why do you think so, but i didn't lie, i already told you, you didn't do anything when it
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was necessary, and now he's been killed, you're in everything guilty, calm down, stop being hysterical, tell me, do you suspect someone in particular, i saw him once, i don't know his name, where did you see him? in that very nightclub of the maestra, can you describe him? yeah, probably, okay, lida, at least something, kir, tell kolya, let him go with him, don't make a composite sketch of this bandit, so look, it's him, yes, this is the same bastard, will you find him? they've already found him, so what do we have, kharasov has remained from the dead, he kidnaps people, yes, what
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this lida says, we need to divide by 18, i she seems crazy, so do i, well done, great, also a lieutenant, allow me to golotnut, golotne. bad news, come on, navoselov is out, why does he have alebi, 100% or something, yeah, damn, eat it, like a ship from the berth, i'm starting all over again, so, but we still need to spin this story with venichka, it doesn't matter whether he was kidnapped or not, he knew kharasov, and this can be used as a hook, who is vinichka, kirill, who are you again? you, called, alive, who, venchik, that explains a lot, will you protect him? yes, we will, do you know where he is?
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no, i didn't, he has such a voice, i'm very afraid for him, did you call from a mobile? no, his battery is dead, so it's from a landline, give me, here. there's a threshold here, be careful, sit down, well
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, tell me, in short, i came up with a scam on how to sell a dealer simple pills under the guise of ecstasy, well, i sold the topic to harass, harass fell for it like a child, in short, i ripped him off for 20 thousand, well, you thought he wouldn't run after you. to hell with him, he's so stupid that if he lived on the next street, he wouldn't find me, well then who's hunting you, real bandits, horas is an idiot, he didn't give me his own money, but the gangster's, then it's clear why they killed him, they killed him, of course, i'm dead, i'm dead , they'll kill me, sit down , calm down, everything will be fine, i'd like to believe, what do you think, someone's money, any money? they run a nightclub, the maestro, real gangsters, everyone is afraid of them, kharas barizhele in their club, that's where he took money, idiot, so
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the maestro's club is owned by alexey gavrilov, alexey gavrilov, yeah, wait, alexey gavrilov, is that varenzhinik or something, yeah, alexey gavrilov, the son of a former soviet diplomat. there is no need to hang wings on his back, i have a feeling that he is still involved in kharasov's death, yes, and the evidence, but
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let's take... we were just talking, he will turn out to be innocent, what will you then say about the thief, well , he made it up, as ordered, in the best possible way , there are definitely his fingerprints, well, if he didn't attach someone else's fingers to himself, okay, thank you, what, for 200 rubles? until payday, you've never worked , what salary, well, don't be stingy, i helped you, and i will help you someday, menchara, volkhov. "yes, now you,
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yeah, great, the prints matched, exactly, thanks, come on, yeah, bye, gavrilov's prints matched the prints found in kharasov's apartment, i can't say that's good news, bad luck, cook, well, wait, there is..." presumption of innocence, the presence of prints does not prove gavrilov's guilt, broom, open up, i've been looking for you for who knows how long, open up, they say it will get worse, listen, i'll give you a scare, open up, shit, well, seryozha. hello, comrade shit, they found
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me, urgently, urgently help, okay, let's open up the door, yeah, and we're leaving, got it, yeah, yeah, i'm waiting, venechka's killer showed up, let's go, we're late, for one salary, open up, i said, seryozha, i'll give him a joke now. great, great, great, healthier, have you seen it, well, seryozha, what are you doing, why like that, and what kept you waiting for so long without opening the door, guys, don't hit me, don't hit me, guys, yeah, what, yeah?
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i was watching football at home, real vs. mallorca, who can confirm this, no one, clearly, you were acquainted with timur kharasov, no, then how can you explain the fact that your fingerprints were found in his apartment fingers, boriet, this simply cannot be, i don’t understand something, you suspect me of something, of murder, i didn’t kill anyone,
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here are the facts saying the opposite, why would i kill anyone, motives, and according to our information, timur kharasov lost money. 2000, which belonged to you, who told you this? it doesn’t matter, so you deny the fact of acquaintance with timur kharasov, yes, i deny it, okay, answer another question, why were you so persistently looking for venedikt samsenova, who? venechka? venechka, oh, he’s a bastard, after all it was he who put you on to me, the bastard, i 'll explain everything to you now, but please do the work. venechka owes me money, 20 thousand dollars, you see, where does this come from? he set me up so as not to repay the debt. okay, so he set me up. we'll sort it out. will you see
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the detainee? am i detained? yes. digitalization is becoming a tool, a teacher's assistant, a family assistant, a child's assistant. it's very convenient for children that i can see my diary, what grade i got, my homework and my rating in the class, for teachers, it's a board and chalk, only on a different level, and for parents, maybe we're all a little bit control freaks in the 21st century, but i'm glad to know that i can see where my child is at any time. mash, the school of the future. mash gives a range of opportunities that were previously impossible, today. at 8:25 on ntv. you're super, new season. sunday at 20:20 on ntv. yes, we've changed the name, but for tebank business clients the most
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6:17 am
morning, i'll tell you about the weather for today, tatyana yarmilova, a new chinese cyclone has come to the south of the far east, and today in the south of khabarovsk krai in the amur region there are rains, thunderstorms and strong winds, by saturday morning up to 70 mm of precipitation may fall here, flooding is inevitable, all this will lead to a decrease in temperature, in khabarovsk today 27, tomorrow 22, in primorye the rains will begin closer to the evening , vladivostok. they most likely will not affect, there is sunny +23, away from the coast about 30, in transbaikalia so far no precipitation, siberian rains will come to buryatia, they will also bring coolness during the day about twenty. in siberia, autumn rains are wet in yamal, vavinki, in the south the rains are more like summer, short-term with thunderstorms. the temperature here is not high, but it is normal or even slightly warmer than usual. in krasnoyarsk +21, in novosibirsk - 20, here closer to the urals. it is noticeably starving, in tyumen today +18, tomorrow only 13. in the urals it
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is also cool and rainy in places, but it will soon get better. an anticyclone from the european part is rushing to help, here it is solid sun and unprecedented warmth. in the north about 20, in the northwest and in the center under 30. in the south there is also a lot of warmth, but in kuban and crimea there are thunderstorms, heavy showers in places. in st. petersburg today +26, no precipitation moscow. you know, i'm not guilty, it's venechka, we
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understand, i'm sorry, but all the evidence is against you, okay, okay, okay, that means i 'll help you, well that's great, but you'll help me too, that's great, the main thing is that... he confessed to the murder, yes he understood, i understood, yeah, okay, okay, okay, okay, let's go, let's go, one , one, one, one, one, yeah, okay, but the main thing is that you don't hold back either, don't lecture, but let's go, let's go, let's go, okay, seventh, do you hear me, over, we hear you, okay, have they let you out? okay, i
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can come in, you and i have one more thing left, unsettled, well, come on, come in, let me out. money rules the world, darling, slav, open the door, guys, where's lesha, i know you arrested him, varya, your fiancé is fine, i have to talk to him, he's here, well, what made you think that, listen, don't evade me, and i was in your department and cherdintsev said that... you're all here at this address, everything's fine, varya, listen, slav, what
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happened, i'm not going anywhere until i see lesha. we have an operation, and soon your lesha will be back home, safe and sound. slav, can i wait with you? we have an operation, that's it, close the door. so, venya, how about the money? yes, i remember. what do i remember, where is the money? no, i don't have it. no. and how do you know, it doesn't matter, so you must have money, but i really don't have it. don't tell me, you screwed horace, i get it, and i really need the money, do you at least know how much it costs to get out of a murder charge, and it didn't work, it didn't work, what about harassment, harass understood everything, that's why you killed him, yes, yes, yes it hurts, you
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set me up, bitch, you'll go to jail, but the cops have no evidence, and i'll buy it for you. i promise, you'll go to jail anyway, well it wasn't me who killed him, it was her, oh, my friend, wait, she, she killed him, she always interferes where she shouldn't, talk, sit down, sit down, she took it, tore it off, took it, what are you talking about, he would have killed you, you idiot, but he wouldn't have killed me, there would have been a couple of bruises, nothing would have happened, we would have fought with him, why?
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well, but only if you tell the police the truth? oops, that's a trick, it's called direct bribery of a witness, yeah, yeah, and by the way, she's right about that, well, i have a shirt, the litochki are covered in khorasov's blood, you can buy it for 20 thousand. idiot, why didn't you throw it out, just for this occasion, i agree, write a receipt that you have no financial claims against me, yeah, here you go.
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you were going to get married and not to masha kopeikina, because i have no loyal one, and she lives in khryushchevka, and your fiancée has a business, how will you live, in two houses, or maybe with a swedish family, or maybe introduce masha to your fiancée, yeah, they will have something to talk about, i can
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tell you everything, but you just can't, they'll put you in jail, for what, what about gavrilov? your wedding is cancelled, what kind of a circus is this, yes, i was joking, oh my god, forward again, guys,
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well, from lidochka, about me and masha kopeikina, cook, just don't tell, okay, i 'll tell her everything myself, she heard everything, yeah, yeah. allow me, come in, sit down, well... so, i read your report, well, how, you know,
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it's more like an essay, how i spent the summer, you can't write in a report, so kharasov's dead body made a depressing impression on me and reminded me of the futility of everything that exists, or did i take testimony from a subtle one an 18 year old boy who was hardly familiar with... the warmth of a woman's body, what is that? i think it's well written. artyom, are you kidding me? it's an official document. come on, no one reads them anyway, and i thought i'd at least entertain you. so you want me to sign this? look at it yourself. here you go. artyom, you're a good, smart guy, and i'd like to see you in my department. well, i can visit you, but if you work for us , i
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won't accept your reports in this form, got it, that's right, you're free, that's all good, youth, well, why, i explain to him, so that now it's normal. at least change the video card, at least fill up the operational ones, where are you? here you go, yes, i wish you and lyokha, sorry that i do it to him, kirill, you just know, it seems to me, sometimes, that... but after all, a guy like me, a girl like you, yes i know, i just
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envied your fiancé, you know, i might also want to, no matter how i get married, kirill. it's like, well, you said it yourself, too soon, but you, no longer, go to hell with these rich kids, well, so what about that a guy like you and a girl like me? would you like some coffee? coffee, that's possible.
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we wish you the best morning. next up on the program. listen to the news of an emergency. let's ride a scooter in the first program. on ntv, the program "emergency incident" in the studio marat seddikov. a couple of pensioners from obnensk appropriated several meters of the roadway under their window. the spouses are sure that only they have the right to park their car there, but they have a short conversation with strangers, they can puncture a tire, scratch a door or just drag away someone else's car where. further. if the muscovites, according to bulgakov's catchphrase, were ruined by the housing issue, then the residents of one specific courtyard in obninsk.


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