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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  August 30, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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was laconic, dryly described the circumstances of the evening's events, without going into details of why he decided to try out an air rifle and a recently acquired set of bullets for it, instead of a stand in a shooting range he chose a windowsill as a target for nine-year-old ilya kolyuzhny. the boy was playing football with his friends at that moment. my brother called me, i turned around, heard a bang and felt pain in my left shoulder. at first i thought that it was my mother who stung me, but it hurt, but... it wasn't very strong, the child's parents rushed to help, not far from the house at that moment there was an ambulance, the fields passed on the flight, the doctors treated the wound and took the victim for examination, we did not immediately understand that it was a wound, but we thought that a child was bitten by a bee, a dark t-shirt, nothing was visible, that's when they lifted the t-shirt, they saw the wound, he was drunk, decided to shoot, the shooter, realizing what he had done, hurried to hide, at night, leaving the entrance, he went into the forest, where ...
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he set up a rifle, then returned to the apartment and did not go anywhere for several hours. law enforcement officers have identified the perpetrator as a thirty-six-year-old native of the sverdlovsk region; bullets for an air gun were found in his rented apartment. the suspect told investigators that he had had a bad day, so he got drunk in the evening, started shooting from a rifle, so to speak, to relieve stress, allegedly not even thinking that he would hit anyone. the distance from the playground where the child was injured to the place where the shooting took place is about 100 m, it's on the twentieth floor of the neighboring building, you still have to try hard to hit a person, especially a moving child, so there can be no talk of any chance here. it is known about andrey goffman that he works as a videographer, shoots commercials, weddings and other events, runs his own blog, where, in his opinion, he shares useful experience, even tries to teach children the basics of video blogging, but in one of his latest streams he himself complains that no one comes to his class... goes to the first
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nine people came to the class, three came to the second class, two people came to the third class, i wonder how many will come today, it's really intriguing, as you can see, absolutely everyone came to these classes, no one even goes to them, considering the circumstances of the crime committed by andrei govman, now he will hardly be able to conduct classes with children, and he will not return to video blogs any time soon, govman was taken into custody for the duration of the investigation, sergei potyakov, nadezhda zybkina, alena kryukova and igor korchagin, ntv television company moscow region, not came to court for the procedure of arresting the person who became the culprit of the death of their loved ones, the kulikov family is now in the hospital, where doctors are trying to help a three-year-old boy and his aunt, they survived a terrible car accident in kuznetsk, but the woman who was driving and her two-year-old son died, the driver of the kamaz, in whose blood a huge dose of alcohol was later found, knocked down the car at full speed. relatives of three-year-old ainur take turns on duty in ... in the hospital waiting for news
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from doctors, the baby is in intensive care, the doctors are fighting for his life. the boy received serious injuries when the car in which he was riding with his mother, aunt and younger brother il'nur collided with a kamaz truck. the drunk driver of the truck, as can be seen in the surveillance camera footage, flew into the oncoming lane at high speed. he dragged the car for tens of meters, hitting another car, and crashed into an iron banner. eyewitnesses filmed this footage immediately after the car accident; they were trying to help the victims. help, help the man. help the man call the driver of the multi-ton truck, forty-year-old ryashid, people had to forcefully pull him out of the cabin he refused to get out shouted insults at first even tried to leave eyewitnesses did not allow him to escape hold him hold him look what the car is doing children are here oh my god leysanova the woman who was driving and her youngest son il'nur was 2 years old died on the spot. even
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before the brigade arrived there were no delays, the eldest boy ainur, his aunt, she was sitting in the passenger seat, they managed to save them they were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. the father of the deceased child admits that he still does not seem to fully understand what happened maybe, from the details he only knows that the women went to the market for food, made preparations for the winter, took the children with them. the family was already returning home, lisan simply could not steer out, the widower says, she did not have time, more cargo flew out at great speed right towards her. it was very. blow, well, there our car was driving at speed, to lose a family, it is very tough, scary, painful, of course, but they lived very well, the reshida, as is known, did not have a permanent job, according to some information, precisely because of problems with alcohol, he got a job as a kamaz driver, so to speak, as a part-time job, a large dose of alcohol was found in the accused’s blood, more than three ppm - this is a severe degree of intoxication, it is unclear how he managed to get behind the wheel in such a state, when...
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the relatives of the deceased refused to go to the arrest of the accused, the extraditer, who lost his wife and youngest son, admits that the most important thing now is the fight for the life of little ainur, his aunt is already better, she will soon be transferred to a regular ward, the boy has multiple head injuries, his condition is stable, but still remains seriously ill, he was transferred from the district hospital to penza, doctors promise to do everything possible to return the boy to his father, alive and well, dazova and oksana gonchurenko. dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. well , now a story from novosibirsk, in the spirit of the nineties, it all happened in a car dealership, where the client brought the car to repair it under warranty. this was not the first visit of the owner of the foreign car. the previous time, well, let's say
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, he was shown the door, and he returned with a support group. how did things develop further events, interesting dialogues of the characters, all this in the story by stanislav kostikov. how exactly. in this car dealership , an individual approach to each client is practiced, clearly demonstrates footage taken by eyewitnesses of the conflict that broke out here, in order to calm down a disgruntled visitor, one of the employees did not think of anything better than to shoot him in the leg with a traumatic pistol, shoot first, call the men, please, he shot a man, runs, please, i beg you, a client received a bullet wound, who several months ago i bought a car here with a promised guarantee in case
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the guys come now, we will solve everything, it didn’t work out to resolve everything on the spot, soon the police and doctors arrived at the car dealership, the victim’s leg was bandaged and he was hospitalized, now he has a long course of treatment, they did operations, they took out the bullet there and handed it over to the employees, i accordingly told him: put the postolet away and hide it, it will be a big problem, why is this necessary, the shooter’s colleagues say that it was self-defense, but why the manager came to...
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when posting contracts they imposed a broken car with a rolled back odometer at an inflated price. the internet is full of negative reviews from deceived buyers. there are only scammers there, i do not recommend it. a pure scam, you should not go there if you do not want to waste your nerves and time, and especially then contact lawyers. they impose loans, sell broken and faulty cars, deceive about the prices and availability of cars. the most important thing is to hang a loan on you, and how will you leave on foot or on foot with this radish? violet. now the employees of the car dealership are being questioned by investigators. they will also have to find out where the technical service manager got the gun from and whether he used it before. at present, investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident. based on the results of the investigation , a procedural decision will be made. the car dealership
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stated that the employee who shot has already been suspended from work. he will probably become a defendant in a criminal case in the very near future. stanislav kostikov, alina ilyukhina, valentin lyubimov and anton lukyanov. ntv. we published the full video recording of what happened in the car dealership in our telegram channel. to subscribe, point your smartphone camera at the qr code you see on your screen, or simply type chpan in the telegram search bar. let me remind you that under each publication in our channel, you can leave your comment or offer us news. well, our editorial team is in touch 24/7. then there is a wedding commotion. the cathedral burst into the ceremony.
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nothing, ready to confess to everything, we shoot civilians, in particular mine military personnel, subordinates, publish the customer, he will shoot himself like hitler. the executioners from brigade 36 will speak on sunday at 6 pm on ntv. magnit - the price is what you need. chernogolovka, 1249. do business with sber. open a free sberbusiness card, connect to the loyalty program sberbusiness thank you and get.
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i have the same, wow, wildberries, wildberries, such different families, but everyone is preparing for autumn in one place, selles difference, one purchase, and two cashbacks, choose partners by benefit on the website and get double cashback bonuses when paying for kartmir in the golden apple, emvidio, lenta, scooter, megamarket and other partners, is it more profitable? with a subscription with berprime. yes, we have changed the name, but for the clients of tobank business, the most important thing has remained unchanged. reliable operation of our services. tebank business and the job is done. meeting place, today at 14:00 on ntv. sinaden - ease of movement. oh, our terminator is running. petrovna, wait, where are you going this time? i once took my grandson to music, i'll pop home, now i'll feed the cat and go back for
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my grandson, look, he's going for a record, in the morning grandson to kindergarten, then to social security, then to the post office, grandson from kindergarten, evening nordic walking to music, and she also got this cat, you know what she called it, sinaden, what kind of joints do you need to have to live on the fifth floor without... an elevator and run so briskly , an exact liquid terminator, an ordinary person's legs would have broken long ago, her back, and i 'm telling you, her funds are from the future, you can't explain it otherwise. sinaden - ease of movement, call right now to quickly get detailed advice on the drug sinaden. everyone who calls our line when ordering course, in addition to a detailed consultation, will also receive a package of sinaden absolutely free. and you won't even have to pay for delivery, yes, yes, you heard right, delivery is also free, okay,
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we've had a good time at home, oh, petrovna is already running back for her grandson, girls, skiing, by the way, and you ask her casually what kind of sinoden this is, call now and you'll find out detailed information about the drug sinoden, because today anyone who wants to... can receive a package of sinaden absolutely free, as a gift, and you you don't have to pay for delivery, order the sinaden course directly from the manufacturer right now using the number on your screen, without any assessments or commissions, and remember, delivery is also at our expense, sinaden - ease of movement, you're super, the new season is on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. there's another emergency on air
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and we're continuing our broadcast. russian billionaire and founder of the zenden shoe company, andrei pavlov, is trying to challenge the status of ininagent, which he received quite recently. the businessman was actively leading social networks and before speculated with photos with the back symbolism of "molun patriot". pavlov, probably counted on that he would be able to protect his business from inspections. about what it is like to go with the flow and skillfully adapt to circumstances, billionaire andrei pavlov, and now a foreign agent, perhaps, can write a book. previously, the founder of the owner of the zenden chain presented himself as a defender of the motherland, published photos with z-symbols on social networks, but now in the life of his business empire there is a wind of change, after an inspection, inspectors found the businessman in non-payment taxes amounting to more than a billion rubles, then
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the businessman realized that he had to quickly retrain from a patriot to a victim, a phrase from a film about repression comes to mind. there is no mistake, a cynical planned work of a number of criminal elements to denigrate my name is underway, in social networks on agent pavlov there is some kind of surrealism, here he posts a photo with a soviet flag, and next to it for some reason a post with quotes from the nazi criminal goebbels, which already pulls an article of the criminal code. the topic of fascism, apparently, is a favorite for the billionaire. instead of simply pay taxes, he began to put pressure on tax officials through social networks and bloggers under his control, accusing them of all mortal sins. looking at andreev's photo on the fts website, report. i see the image of a commander of a punitive detachment of fascists or the azov battalion, i'll return to demography: one of the reasons for the catastrophic decline in the birth rate is tax terrorism. at some point, the businessman completely went crazy, taking off his t-shirts with the letter z, he suddenly began to rave, baselessly accusing the russian authorities, almost of involvement in the terrorist attack in crocus invasion of the armed forces of ukraine into the kursk region. such
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are the tactics of an offended foreign agent. but as it usually happens, pseudo-victims of repression in social networks very quickly turn into punishers. this is the kind of... ical advice pavlov is now giving out. in china, 9 g of lead is one of the main ways to achieve fantastic gdp growth. it is known that foreign agent pavlov started his business in the nineties. at first , he speculated on burgers from mcdonald's in luzhniki, then he began to trade in consumer goods under the names of world brands. having become rich, he opened a shoe company and immediately adjusted for consumers. he stated that his company zenden is russian-german, although it had nothing to do with europe. when the sanctions began, he suddenly changed his shoes to patriot and reported that he was the manufacturer. exclusively domestic, but in the end he could not hide the truth: 75% of pavlov's shoes are made in china. china, india, pakistan, vietnam, and who sewed them? well, that's how it is. billionaire pavlov tried to use the theme of love for the homeland to the maximum advantage for his company, then he opened children's military-patriotic camps
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with numerous violations of sanpin in order to obtain land in the novgorod region, after the return of crimea promised to build a whole shoe. to the tax office with insults and accusations he did not succeed in the court decision in black and white the billionaire deliberately split his business into small companies in order to reduce the income tax and vat. the total damage is 867 million rubles plus penalties and fines, and the theme of patriotism, apparently, was all this time for the sake of distraction, and just to please. in one of his last interviews pavlov came up with own know-how, so that he stops writing
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nasty things about the government on social networks, you just need to free his companies from obligations. no taxes, as they say, no problems. according to russian media, foreign agent pavlov managed to go to europe to meet with german and french officials, he himself does not deny this and even proudly tells what was discussed at the high-level meeting behind closed doors is unknown, but probably very important issues. pavel kuznetsov and alexander tutarinov, ntv. court proceedings instead honeymoon in such a reality begin their life together spouses vasiliskina from blagoveshchensk. eduard was under house arrest before the trial, and the fact that law enforcement agencies have questions for him, he, his bride ekaterina, everyone they invited, the wedding, found out right during the wedding ceremony. sobrani, the groom, burst into the legislative assembly, detained. special forces
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were used, because eduard, a master of sports in samba and not averse to using his skills outside the mat, what. did the athlete, yulia obletsova will tell. at the trial, the main the hero of the most unforgettable wedding came on his own, after a loud arrest, right during the wedding ceremony, eduard vasilitskin was in sezo for some time, but then the newly-made groom was released under house arrest. he is a little confused, all this time he tried to hide from journalistic attention, he answers the judge's questions incoherently. would you like to express a brief opinion on the prosecution? no. the wedding was staged by the fighters of the special purpose police, who descended. right in the legislative assembly they twisted the groom. at first , the perplexed guests could not believe what was happening and thought that it was part of a show or a prank, but from the screams of the shocked bride it quickly became clear that everything was serious and... the callers are real, help, ekaterina kukhta,
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who did not have time to say the cherished yes, desperately tried to save her betrothed while handcuffs were being put on him, the incident that became the reason for such a sudden appearance of fighters right at the wedding, is now being examined in detail in court. eduard vasiliskyn was accused of intentionally causing grievous bodily harm. it turned out that a few days before the celebration, the lovers were walking around the city and the man got into a... conflict with a group celebrating border guard day. during the scuffle, eduard stabbed one of them. the 50-year-old victim was taken to hospital, and law enforcement opened a criminal case. having seen the aforementioned individuals through the open door of the utility room, vasiliysky had criminal intent aimed at causing serious bodily harm to any of them for hooligan motives, using a knife as a weapon. in blagoveshchensk, eduard vasiliskyn is known as experienced athlete, he has been practicing samba for many years, is.
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to support her beloved in joy and sorrow, came to the court hearing with him, she is a witness in the case. the cameraman, who did not stop recording the ceremony, which turned into a special operation to detain the groom, shared the footage, no one has such a wedding for sure. yulia obletsova, valentin lyubimov and nikita zbrodin, ntv television company. forgot about a quiet old age and went on foreign tours to the pro-ukrainian public, who fled from russia's prima donna in her ends.
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the camera launched a rumor about allegedly preparing for in honor of such an event pugacheva even sang at a grand performance in russia, the reason is clear, money is needed, in search of income, the fugitive prima donna tried to sell the dacha shot unsuccessfully, there are no queues of tenants either, people remember well what pugacheva and galkin have said in recent years. alya borisov. from russia, for how much is she now willing to go on stage, what is her husband ready for for the sake of a fee ? watch the new issue of the program chp investigation this saturday at 16:20 on ntv.
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but that's not all, watch further. underestimated the clients naked party in astrakhan with fake participants, did not go according to plan, who made it to the finals in the strip contest and what will happen to her for it - hot shots after the commercial. new image, old habits, how kugacheva fled russia continues to work off the western agenda. god is patient, but there is a limit to everything, why she condemned the fall of the rocket in kiev, but is silent about the victims of the terap in sevastopol the murder of civilians in the kursk region. alya borisovni it is profitable to blame russia for everything. why did the pr master spread a rumor about a grand concert? in russia, i can still sing, i will come, how does need force a seventy-five-year-old singer to record songs and give private concerts again, you will always be me, for
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how much is she willing to go on stage now, 100 million - is this a normal amount or not, i will call boris, what is her young husband ready to do for a fee inaag, why does no one want to buy the prima donna's elite dacha in the moscow region, it is very offensive that she... betrayed her homeland tugacheva's last tour tomorrow in 16:20 on ntv. there are many children's cards. and the most profitable. one. free children's card alfabank. with it, children receive up to 7,000 rubles. cashback for purchases and money in games. not childishly profitable. alpha is profitable: yes, we changed the name, but for clients of the tobank business the most important thing has remained unchanged: reliable
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the air of ntv again an emergency and we continue our program: the owner of a night club in astrakhan, a man who, by the way , already had problems with the law, underestimated his guests, and decided to throw a grand party in the style of the wild west. in the final, the participants had to undress to music, and the one who goes further than others will receive an expensive smartphone. according to the plan, the finalists were to become.
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charming mermaid. charming mermaid and four drunk guests of a night club, participants of an unusual competition, which the organizers, as they called it, texans. men also joined and
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fought so desperately for the main prize that they did not even notice how they were being filmed, becoming the heroes of a scandalous video, which they had to watch again during interrogation, naked and funny, spoke differently, what i experienced today, these emotions, i ... got to the owner of the club, the ideologist of this naked truth was revealed when the police bacchanali. the contest was supposed to involve people who already knew that there would be such a contest, they wanted to make a small streak of the performance out of it. it turned out that the contest was a set-up, as they say, for the sake of hype, the organizers simply did not expect that there would be so many people willing to get naked, people from the audience would come up on stage, now they regret that they chose black pr out of all the types, the guests will never set foot here again,
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the club that has disgraced itself throughout the city is under threat of closure. the police conducted an inspection of the night club, questioned club managers and employees. the police have drawn up two charges against the organizer of the scandalous party. the contestants also got it, the guests from the audience and the dancers were charged with petty hooliganism and sent under administrative arrest. the latter, by the way, the same charming mermaid, won the competition, but considering that she was the fake participant, the trophy had to be returned to her by the enterprising organizer at the end of the competition. diana kovando, valentin lyubimov, alexey labachev and alexandra irmakova ntv. this and other stories you can find it on our website. in the telegram channel чпн tv, subscribe to stay up to date, that's all for today, thank you for your attention,
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today in our program, in me nema vzhe store, where are the stores, come on, salvation u... kiev urgently demands 50 billion dollars of weapons, how long is the west ready to tolerate ukraine's desires, any weapons, armored vehicles, we need everything, the first to go, ukrainian air defense shot down its own f-16, will they bring new ones now, guys, they are training now, the wind of change, gorbachev was adored in the west and hated in own country, why our people do not favor. reformers and liberators, he is not a leader, he is just a balton, watch right now, hello, this is the meeting place
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on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, we are taking our announcement now and pulling out point number two from it, we want to start with this news, because - in general, by and large, of course, this does not change anything in the order of the special military operation, there in the situation on the combat line , in general, there is probably no special significance from a political point of view in this news either, but there is a lot of symbolism there, so, if you remember, vanya recently quite correctly corrected me when i threw in that we supposedly destroyed in starokonstantin. with a reference to a source in general, in fact, it was on monday or tuesday, well, in general at the beginning of the week, but the topic did not go away anywhere and so...


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