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tv   DNK  NTV  August 30, 2024 4:45pm-5:55pm MSK

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business and work is done, are you still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to switch to domclick to buy an apartment in a new building or secondary housing, or build your own house with a mortgage. choose what everyone will like. on domclick, everyone will find housing for themselves. the wife is afraid that her husband will be sent to prison for non-payment of alimony to someone else's child, because the man has already been declared in roses. vera aipatova contacted us for a dna test. hello, vera, hello. does your husband have alimony debts? yes, more than 800 thousand at the moment, my soul is simply crying, i want all this to prevail, this justice. i am 100% sure that this is not his child, even in terms of time. why did you decide? that alimony was accrued for someone else's
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child, because when we met, he immediately warned me, well , not so much warned, but simply we had a conversation that he had a relationship with a girl of easy virtue, that uh, that means he doesn't understand why she hangs the child on him, because he's a year old , it doesn't even match up in terms of the time frame, what i'm saying is that at that point i hadn't met her for 4 months, when he asked how long it was, she told him almost 2 months, he immediately told her, i'm not the father of the child, that means i can give you money for an abortion and... have an abortion, she said no, i 'll give birth for myself, that's how a woman is, if you put me in her place, i would be it's embarrassing to go to court and present yes, that i want such and such there, that is, to prove that he is the father, let's say and hang alimony, for me it would be embarrassing, as a woman, that is, she did it, she went, established , brought yes, brought there, in my opinion.
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a person, like witnesses, showed some joint photo with him, that she was with him, like that's all. but in the end, in short, so yes, the court presented her, uh, him, or rather, that he is the father, elements were accrued through the bailiffs. how long did your husband's relationship with this girl last? what kind of relationship was there? first of all, she lived with a guy, she ran to him, she was like a call girl, i don't think that 's a relationship. just a call girl of easy virtue, they met in 2009 , as he said, he said that somewhere in a month, well , they saw each other a couple of times, or something like that, they met since 2009, it turns out that they had known each other for a year, in 2010 she met him, so their last meeting was in february, and she told him in july that she was almost 2 months pregnant, how can a girl, if the last time?
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the time was in february in july she said that she he is the father-child, how can this be? vera, who was born in the end to the mistress, the girl was born victoria, she is 12 years old now at the moment, and the husband saw the girl, the husband saw her last time in 2013, in august, when there was a trial, but she does not look like him at all, she was bright, since i came to court with him, well, as if i was not present in the court itself, but was in the hall, just in the court building, and i saw the girl from the side, the girl does not look like him at all, in general, i think that 100% it is not his daughter, if a woman has been persistently assuring your husband for 10 years that he is the father of her daughter, does this not mean that she can be sure that he really, i think, she just filed a lawsuit out of resentment, because she found out that he was living, got together with me, it turns out, as if at that moment, so i think that she went to court out of resentment and decided to take revenge on him, that is, do you think if your husband had not gotten together with you. and at that time i had
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already been divorced for a year, we met, but i was so, well, i am a serious person in life, that is, for me these parties, all this, i never, how can i say, i never had such a thing that i went, i had a job, a house, children, everything, i had, like, from my first, that is, husband, i have two children, older, already at the moment, now my daughter is 21 years old, my son is 19 years old, and i immediately told him, let 's meet, we'll see, i'll see how you are as a person, that is, i... not for me, how can i say, in the first place was that i needed a father for the children, that is, how would i look at first of all, how does he treat children, we met for a week, and i immediately told him, either we get together, or we break up, because i say, i don’t have time to walk, to stroll, i
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come home from work at six, i have children, i need to feed them, i need to do homework, at that time they were already schoolchildren, so that’s how he said: uh, i really like you, i want to be with you, so at the moment and to this day we are together, and how did your children start calling him, papa misha, they do that they still call him, he's 21, she 's still him and the boy is 19, dad misha, they still have dad misha, honestly, even looking at how he treated the children, it's heaven and earth even from his first husband, he loves children in general, he loves children and he loves him and he always did things with them, if i was at work, he did things with them there and... do homework , cook, that is, like that, well, if he found a common language with your children so quickly, it means, knowing that he has a child, he would never have abandoned him, yes, if he was 100% sure that it was his child, he would not refuse, he would help her, yes, yes, yes, and i would not hinder him in this, he
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adores children in general, that's why we have two children together, 9 years old and 8 years old, and he would never offend a child, he would not yell at him, no, no, no, that has never happened, and has mikhail ever paid alimony to his... daughter victoria? well, we paid as much as possible, but since we don't have a job, he always has a job , like a part-time job, he starts paying, like if there were even such moments that there was no payment for 2-3 months, but i work, my salary is also small, and how would it be that i should have contributed at least some amount from my children's salary, i contributed either one and a half or 2.0, that is , my salary is 11 thousand, i could not have more than that, i - and in terms of odd jobs, he has seasons, that is , odd jobs, then no, also, as if he brought in about 5 thousand, he gave me something, he could not give everything there to that, that is, to that child, our children, as they say, also need to eat and dress and somehow everything is like that, it turns out that i keep the cattle,
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it turns out that everything is on me, the last straw was in july, when he was working on a criminal case, he had it that year, in the twenty-second year. he worked on these elements for 80 hours, so this year he was assigned a criminal case, that is, he worked for six months and in july, when they started to take more than 50% from his salary, the last straw was that i already went to court and filed a lawsuit against my children for alimony, so that my children at least some kopeck not seen, so you only increased the husband's debt for alimony, no, no, i don't have any according to mine. i don't even have a debt now, the fact that he, as it were, it turns out, what he gave me, the rest of his salary, it turned out as a debt that he pays me, that is, he has no debts to me. oksana, please explain, by filing for alimony, did the wife help her husband, or, on the contrary
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, worsened the situation. his debt, which accumulated during this period according to the first writ of execution, of course did not decrease, it remained the same, a little, maybe there is something there, but the monthly payments on the writ of execution have become smaller, so in this sense, yes, it is help, the main thing is to make sure that there is never a debt in the second writ of execution, because the debt will grow, vera, with such a large debt of your husband, how often do the bailiffs bother you? bailiffs, yes, when we arrived at he was even wanted, because we changed our place of residence and the bailiffs did not know from the city of prilozhsk that we had left, well, the day before i warned them that we would leave, but when exactly no, they didn’t know when we left, they apparently called him and since he... wasn’t at that place of residence, they filed a search, he was on the federal wanted list, that’s when they called me, for some reason they gave me my number, so they called me, the young man said, you are such and such, i say, yes, i am vera mikhailovna, and he says, and such and such is your husband, i say, yes, you know that he is wanted by
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you on the federal wanted list, i say, no, and i say, what happened, i say, what is he hiding, he says, they just filed, that according to non-payment of alimony, so i told him the address. where we live, i say, he is not hiding, i say, and he paid there too, i say, we just kind of changed, left from there, yes, that's it, and i told him the address, that's it, and he said, that's it, thank you very much, that's it, he is removed from the federal. writ of execution from there, yes , that they are calling him here so that he can sort of get acquainted with them, that he is really already here, yes, he went there, well, they said that they would put you in jail, you will work it off, and that is, that's how it is, now at it ended in november, that's criminal, now by the end of december they 'll be pulling him again, because he doesn't have it again. it's very strange that in 10 years it hasn't
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reached prison yet, to be honest, why ? because he's already suffered administrative punishment, besides, as i understand it, the work has already been taken, so the next stage is only prison, why? because there's a huge debt, no permanent work, besides, we heard from vera's story, everything mikhail does is called malicious evasion, a person changes his place of residence without notifying the bailiff service about it , although he should do it, the person does not have a permanent job. he has the opportunity to work, he is not disabled, all this is called malicious evasion, therefore , summing up everything that vera said, i can say that prison is absolutely in the real perspective, the nearest that can be, oksana, and if the debtor is imprisoned, the debt will grow, of course, it will not go away, you understand, the debt will not go away, the person will be punished, he will be put in a penal colony, he will work there, receive a salary, and meager deductions will be made to posts, that's the whole point, that is, the debt will decrease.
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achieved that at least through social networks, she would post photos, or something, somehow, well, there would be some kind of connection, but here there is no connection at all, and what do you think, why does she not want her daughter to communicate with her father, well, she may be afraid that he will see fresh photos, that she does not look like him at all, it seems to me so, because if he will see, he already doubts, he knows that it is not his, and if he still sees the child fresh from the photographs, then what he hasn't seen her for so many years, so he will say, so this is generally...
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she had several other guys, she assures that before the pregnancy she had only one man, your future husband. svetlana vinogradova is in the studio. hello, svetlana, hello, do you know vera? yes, i saw her once in court. vera is sure that you forced her husband to pay child support for someone else's child. but this is my personal opinion, that this the child is someone else's, not his, and the child is his. are you sure about that? i'm sure. i dated mikhail , i had no relationship other than his... we dated for a year, we met at his apartment, even his mother saw me, but
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he didn't introduce me to her officially, but when he brought me to his apartment, his mother saw me perfectly well, that is , she knew that her son had a girlfriend, she knew that it was you, yes, and he courted you like you, beautifully, no, he didn't court you, there were no flowers, no gifts, nothing like that was, and how often did you meet? needed, well, as if i did not impose myself on him, my parents supported me, they said: this is
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your first pregnancy, give birth, we will help, we will raise, almost the entire pregnancy, and mikhail was not heard from at all, he called me somewhere in the ninth month of pregnancy and said: "have you given birth, that's it, that's it, those were his words, have you given birth, i said." no, that's it, but then when i was already discharged from the maternity hospital, my mom and dad met me from the maternity hospital, so i called him myself, i don't know why i did it. i called and said, if you're interested, you had a daughter, and those were the words , and you know, i don't give a damn, and like, well, i don't give a damn, i didn't try to force myself on him anymore, nothing, but somewhere closer to a month, the child was already about a month old,
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he called himself, can i come, i want to see my daughter, i don't know what's going on. maybe it really seemed to him that she looked like him, he stayed to live, we lived in my house with my parents, we have a two-story house, like my parents are on the first floor we are on the second floor, our parents did not interfere much in our life with them, but no matter how delighted they were that he came, but... they treated him well, when he came, it turns out, to live with you, he recognized his daughter, well, yes, of course, i say, something went through him, he saw that he stayed and called her his daughter, yes, and he bathed her, and walked with her, and he fully recognized the child, and fed her, how long did you live, well about 2 years, 2 years, yes, maybe you thought about getting married,
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we somehow didn’t think about my brother, i was registered as a single mother, and as i would, but when we started living with him, he even started mentioning another child, he wanted another child, although i say, well, where would we go now, if we have this little one now and where would we go now for another child, if he wanted a child for a life together with her, he would have introduced her to his mother first of all, and how is it with yevonny's mother, we met when i gave birth, she even came to us, she recognized her granddaughter.
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dimples, she squints, she has the same nose as hers, she is left-handed, even, you know, that's it such subtleties, she is even left-handed like her dad, my husband is right-handed, my husband is not left-handed, at the time when i lived with him, he was left-handed, he was never left-handed, svetlana, and why did you break up, and because he kept running away, leaving there, what did he tell me, i'm tired of you, that's it, i'm leaving, he'll go to his mom, well, i say, i didn't really invite you, and i'm not kicking you out, i say, if you want, go, here, he'll go there for a week, take a walk, so when the child was almost 2 years old, i got tired of this kind of relationship, that he left, came, i told him, that's it, enough, i've run around enough, like, vera, well, it turns out, your husband was n't telling you the whole truth, here's what svetlana
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is telling, we lived for 2 years, he said that we didn't really live, how can you say, because he says, sometimes a week or two with her, and he went to his mother for a month, that is, like that, on the contrary, as if he lived with me there for a couple of months, and then to rest, how can i say, he went to his mother for a week, if everything is good in our life, he doesn't run away from me to rest anywhere, now he just has moms no, and he has nowhere to run, no, even what does this have to do with mom, svetlana, and after you broke up, mikhail, he didn’t try to get you back, well, after i didn’t let him in for the last time. the child was already 2 years old, so he tried, so he called me, i want to see my daughter, he was waiting for me from work, trying to sort things out, but i kind of decided for myself that that’s it, enough, this left-came, i’ve already decided for myself that there won’t be any more of this, he
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started to put pressure on me, i want to see my daughter, you don’t do you have the right to forbid me from seeing my daughter? i told him: if you want to see my daughter, pay her alimony, that's what he told me, and you can't prove anything, because we weren't married, and how would i be registered as a single mother, that's the only thing i think he gave me was his patronymic, the last name was naturally my maiden name, i went to court and proved that he really is the father of my daughter, i filed a lawsuit, while there were court... i think all this, he was already paying alimony at that time, so he came to court with new with his passion, here... as if i remember now, i was holding my daughter in my arms, she was 2 years old, and as if they were walking, she was stretching out her arms, screaming: dad, dad, he passed by
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, you see, it’s as if he has a heart of stone, that’s not true, when i showed the child like that, she hid behind her mother and her mother hissed something to her, and the child simply didn’t come out. svetlana, were you offended that he reacted like that, well yes, it was offensive that he recognized her for 2 years, as if he considered her. yes, he got tired of work, that’s why he went to the labor exchange, yes, she received from the labor exchange when we left at the moment yes he was already on the labor exchange everything he went to the labor exchange yeah i was paid
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pennies from the labor exchange because they pay the minimum there well there 75% of his salary was not true 75% at first she received from him normally first then him his it means they gave him work at the factory from the labor exchange he still worked at the factory she received what kind of alimony there was no... you know this for sure, for sure, and if the ex
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is put in prison, well i think let him sit, svetlana, and the fact that vera has four children, you don't feel sorry for vera at all, no, and why should i feel sorry for foreign children, he didn't recognize his own daughter, and he's raising two strangers, right? that's why i should feel sorry, i should only think about my daughter now, and not about her children, maybe she'll give birth to 10 more from him, i should worry about that too, and there's no humanity there, yes, like with you, well, well, where can i give it to him, really, but i'm not going to, as they say, tolerate this and from his former casual relationships, i suffer, first of all, my children, yes, yes, how did you do with yours? he's raising your two strangers' children for me took yes no no i him not he took me but i took him into my family yes i had two children
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yes and by the way there are not only men but a woman took him into the family because i had a family two children and he was alone well if mikhail is your vika's father svetlana then vera's children two younger ones are relatives yes your daughter i don't want my child to communicate with hers she doesn't want she didn't let. no she doesn't let and won't let her him communicate here with the child, why tell me, the child doesn't remember him for 2 years, since 4 years she is a completely different person she is raising another man, well, at the moment i am married to him, she has considered him her father, her own, since she was 4 years old, now the child is almost 13 years old, we told her that she has a biological father, well, she kind of understands this, but... she doesn’t remember him, he didn’t take any part in her life, so why all this now, mother svetlana accuses her failed son-in-law not
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only of betrayal, but of stealing from her own daughter, but is mikhail really the biological father, the answer is in an envelope with the dna test result, we'll continue soon and the world will become bigger, the world will become bigger, as if i was. tverskaya new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. with sesame, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, legendary pit, it's a big hit, big hit, just to taste.
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let the central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. the curse of american presidents, abraham lincoln was elected in 1860 and assassinated by a conspirator. william mckean was elected in 1900 and assassinated by a revolutionary anarchist. john kennedy was elected in 1960 and assassinated by a bullet from lee harvey oswald's rifle. but many in america believe that their president is actually being killed by a terrible curse of the indian chief tikumsi, who brings to the grave everyone who occupies the presidential chair in a certain cursed year. how does this curse work and why is it hanging over trump right now. this will be your central television. tomorrow at 7:00 pm on ntv. wallet, keys in place, i really
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order. or what, here are our victims, oops, what's a discotheque here, maybe you should already knock down this garbage, and i'm raising everyone i can? let's see how this right-wing mayurishka will cross out, there is one option, how to put a client in chess, tverskaya, today at 20:00 on ntv. in the studio of the program dna, mikhail's wife and ex-lover are finding out which of them was the first to give birth to his child. he took your pregnancy lightly, because he understood that there was no way he could be the father, in the studio mikhail, that hello, call girl, do you have
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evidence, there is evidence, at the time of the meeting she was living with another person, mikhail, that is, in your relationship svetlana behaved indecently, yes, this is a lie , this is a complete lie, no, this is the complete truth. when we met, it was in a restaurant in a bar, we met her for the first time, the third time she told me, i have a boyfriend, i live with him, this is complete nonsense, this is how it was, she said it all herself, from her lips it was, in your opinion, the girl herself honestly said that i have dude, let's go out with you too, why did you go for it, well , what about it? they say, i mean, i'm young and hot, well, you know, after those very relationships, children can appear, they can , well, as they say, the timing, but what about the timing? well, at the last moment of the meeting, when we
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were dating, that's when i found out she was pregnant, 4 months had passed, she called me and said, it was 2 months, that is, you hadn't seen each other for 4 months. saw each other, that's complete nonsense, at that time i was already dating another girl, without it doesn't matter who you were dating, dna, well it will show, we'll find out now, that 's it, if you've known for 10 years that this is not your child,
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why did you resist so weakly in court when she was establishing paternity, you allowed this situation 10 years ago, why, and i was simply threatened, who svetlana threatened, this is a lie. the child was 2 years old, he left with his new passion somewhere in krasnodar, there 1500 km from my city, and how could i threaten him, this is, this is complete nonsense, mikhail, 2 years, when you lived together with svetlana, you lived and acknowledged your daughter, no, acknowledged, bathed her, bathed her, walked, what kind of life we ​​had with her, we lived with her, how i live with her for a week, go to my mother, my mother has a month, then she calls, mish,
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maybe you'll come back, we'll meet somehow, something like that here and there, we'll go to her again, it seems, as they say, to stay, but... the week that you lived with svetlana, the little one, you communicated as if with a girl, at a distance, well, didn't you notice that it's like you, didn't you it seems, and are you mikhail lefty or right-handed, i 'm right-handed, how is he right-handed, look at this finger of his, he never, he's left -handed, give me a pen, i 'll write any word for you now, write for yourself, damn, i can't be left-handed, i always do it with my right hand, a dna test will show everything. maybe, after all, you were talking about some other mikhail svetlavsha, i 've been right-handed all my life, i wrote with my right hand at school, the more there was no relationship, and i'm sure that my daughter is his
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biological child, and mikhail asked for a second child, i asked for a second child, what are you talking about god forbid, what second child would i ask her for, it can't be, what second child, the first one is not my second yet. yes, well, at the time when we were living together, he wanted a second child, but if you think that svetlana deceived you from the beginning in everything, the child is not yours, why should svetlana call you the father? well, she filed a lawsuit, as they say, maybe out of jealousy that i got along with vera, there was something or other, i don't know, but i myself did not let you in after two years of living together, at that time you didn't even have, you didn't even have this faith, so i could only call you and say, svetochka, come to me, why did you leave, you came to us. did you come to my house? well, well, well, i
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met you, but why then did you come to someone else's child. help out, darling, what did you say, and mikhail, do you think svetlana is simply offended because you got married? yes, why do i need him, i myself am little, i am offended by the fact that how is it that i took a woman with two children, but she does not help my own daughter, that's the offense, that's all the offense to you and jumped out. is svetlana really offended? no, but i think that he is the child's father, he should help her pay for the elements, why not, the child is growing up, she has her own needs, she studies with me very well, in the future i want her to study, by the way, she wants to become a fashion designer, why not, mikhail, and how many years have you not seen the century, in the thirteenth year i last saw, from her very birth you doubted that she ... your daughter, here is svetlana's mother, i am sure that
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you, mikhail, never doubted your daughter, in studio marina glazova, hello, hello, marina, where do you get the confidence that mikhail never doubted that vika was his daughter, who lava and he, than, yes, everything, than, everything, even your antics. that you yourself grew up without a father, and why hang other people's children, well, let's find out, this is someone else's child, well, why throw dirt, what dirt, if how it was, so i tell, but you didn't tell any truth, no, i told you the whole truth, what truth did you tell, where was the first time? and the first time where was it with you and me
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what opposite the bar in the bushes? oh don't lie to me ? marina, but are you sure that mikhail never doubted that he was the father? well, when he lived with the world, he and his daughter called her, picked her up from kindergarten. healthy you live, when it was, the child was
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in a stroller, she brought her fruits, apples, oranges, you forgot, but i remember, in the garden we were sitting like a normal family, all together, your mother, and you, and me, and my husband, there was no such thing, there was no, you see, so marina, that is, after all, mikhail accepted the girl like a dad, treated her like a dad, cared for her like a dad, and called daughter, of course, called daughter. daughter called dad dad when they lived dad dad, mikhail, a small child, he says dad, and you so easily give up this child, yes, because i know that it is not mine, if it turns out that it is not yours, you will demand the removal of paternity, yes, so that they remove, as they say, paternity, the most important thing, and if it turns out that your girl, well, it turns out, then it turns out, i never considered her my daughter, and i will have to pay alimony,
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i say, no matter, i began to go out, he i went out, i say, yes, i just wanted to look you in the eye, i left at once, yes, yes, you see, even that. you don’t even remember that, i just never had time there, not to even go outside, oh, oh, oh, marina, nevertheless, my daughter was left alone in the position, well, yes, but we supported her in every way, father, me, my mother, mine, grandmother and grandfather were still these husbands, we all
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supported her, when your granddaughter was already born and mikhail decided again... to renew relations with svetlana, how did they live? of course, my father and i didn’t interfere, they live and live, they lived on the second floor, they lived with my mother, but there was a case, our money was disappearing, your money was disappearing, what money do you have, but of course, we were not caught, not a thief and we did not accuse him, until he began to leave, took a silver spoon, took an inhaler device that was bought for the child, he took all of that, a silver spoon, which mine and for the first tooth, which spoon did he take, which spoon i took, and i did not take the inhaler, the inhaler, yes i took it, i gave it there to that store to
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return the money, oh, because he did not give it to me needed, people, listen, yes, i bought it just before coming, because the child got sick, the child got sick, the child needed an inhaler to improve breathing, you bought it, and returned it back 2 days later to get the money, yes, why did you take the inhaler, i don’t understand why i bought it and took it, did you have a fight or something, i brought it, i took it, sveta, when i started to leave, when i started, i say, do you need it, she says, no, i say, i’ll take it then, i went , that’s all, it means you had a fight anyway, yes how you wouldn't have been home then, yes, we were constantly bickering, vera, even if vika is not mikhail's daughter, this attitude towards a child is normal, well, as you can see, if he left her, then it turns out, when i left her, i told her to take maybe your inhaler
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, maybe i told him like that, i don't know how they had it there and a silver spoon, yes , what kind of spoon are you talking about, and money, yes, and money, i stole everything from you, right? svetlana, well, you've already somehow arranged your current life, met a man, got married, a daughter calls him father, a really good , decent person, and you live much better with him than you once did with mikhail, of course, everything is fine with me, he takes his not-his-own daughter to the water park, to the south, he, he doesn’t accept her as a stranger, he gives you gifts, he gives me, he gives me flowers, he gives me a car. i have everything i need to live, i have a dacha with a swimming pool, with everything, i have an apartment, i have everything i need to live, but i think that he is a father, he should pay for her, the child grows up, she will go to school, she will still need money, will mikhail
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become a father of many children today or will his ex-lover really register another man's daughter in his name,
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18%. t-bank, it is one of a kind. in our project , we meet talented kids and observe their unique skills right in our studio. what do we have here? claudia schiffer? i am going to do a show here. do you know that there are a lot of people in the world who are called. michael jackson doubles, i do not want to become a double, i want to continue the work of michael jackson. you are 10 years old, you have a brokerage account, you have 165,000 rubles. you are a two-time world champion in jiu jitsu and a physicist and yadersik. goodbye. no, no, we're not done yet. and we're not done yet. it's like some kind of cutlet mixed up. let your mom try it. let's give it to dad. you don't feel sorry for dad, right? i'm scared. don't be scared, for the first time in the show a miracle, the group uma thurman on drums tamerlan abramov, only rain
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a miracle with arseniy popov, help! tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. in the studio of the dna program, married mikhail met with his ex-lover to find out if they have a daughter together?
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i haven't seen each other, i just haven't seen each other, i just, like they say, he was dating another girl, yeah, and then she, as they say, found out that he was pregnant and decided to notify the one who remembers, now all paternal duties are performed by svetlana's new husband, ruslan, the woman got married when her daughter vika was 4 years old, and then they had a daughter together, yulia. they dated for six months. i also asked my husband, would she give birth, would she give birth, everything started dating already with meaning, there was something to look for, at that time i was already somewhere 28-29, i had already had fun, i already wanted a family, a family lives in the city of privolzhsk, ivanovo region, ruslan is an attentive caring father, svetlana is delighted, he tries to make sure that his daughters do not need anything, and
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he does not deprive his beloved wife of attention either, he gives me flowers, by the way, yesterday he gave me a bouquet for my birthday, my husband also gave me a car, i drive a car, well , he gives me many different gifts, a friendly family spends a lot of time together, we go to the water park in yaroslavl every year, it's great there, just, every summer ruslan tries to take wife and kids to the sea, right? and we go to the sea, we bring back various little things like this, look at the memory, twelve-year-old vika, whom mikhail refuses, dreams of becoming a fashion designer, draws and embroiders, the girl is in her room, there are all sorts of school supplies, here i have all sorts of washbasins , well, cosmetics,
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my relatives gave me this painting for my birthday, my parents gave me this phone for the new year, i never got a present from my dad. svetlana carefully keeps all the awards of her eldest daughter, for victories in sports competitions, vocal contests. she studies very well, she went in for swimming, she goes to sections, she goes to clubs, she’s a wonderful child. the woman intends to continue to develop the girl’s talents, and for this, svetlana says, she would really appreciate alimony from mikhail, who doesn’t participate in his daughter’s life in any way, and doesn’t even know how much she resembles him. also, if he paid alimony on time, i would put this money aside for my daughter’s future. i didn’t play, we don’t look alike. and you, what did you see, vera? now the girl is dark, well, dark eyes, her mother also has dark eyes in principle, does it look like her husband? well
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, there is no such resemblance, that directly.
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not a child, but a child, as he tells from his stories, that it is not his, i think if there was a child were his, he would still take some interest, because he treats even strangers' children, even ours are considered strangers' children, he treats them as his own, even he took faith with children to faith treats us the same way as his own , these are the joint faithful to you mikhail is not told why. specifically, he thinks that the girl is not his, well, he says, he didn't live with her, they were just in a relationship, he says, we 'll call, she'll come for a certain time, then he leaves, he says, that's how it is, then he says, she lived with some man for a long time , she lived, he says, but she communicated with other men, svetlana claims that she gave birth to mikhail, who knows, i didn't
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hold a candle to him, he somehow convincingly says, you know, why is this? he's hanging someone else's child on me, if he says this, it's not mine child, do you know how much debt has accumulated, about a million, do you think your neighbors have that kind of money, no, where did they get it from? vera, will you be able to find money to pay off the debt if the dna test confirms that vika is mikhail's daughter, no, what will you do, it means she will... go and earn money, there's no other way, i'm already on myself, i 'm so tired of pulling all this on myself over the past 10 years, i don't want to, honestly, i have two children of my own,
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the only thing that mars a happy family life is the head of the family's debt for alimony, let's let's watch the story, 10 years ago mikhail and vera ipatov moved to stavropol krai, bought a house in the village of pervomayskoye, gradually began to improve it, but the renovation still hasn't... come to an end, this is our bedroom with my wife, here, as they say, renovations have been planned for probably a year or two, it seems the walls are being prepared, but as they say, there is not enough money, you need to buy wallpaper, and this, and that, and that, at least their children's room is in more or less decent condition, mikhail shows, light, cozy, everywhere toys, daughter and son are happy, children sleep here, play, do everything they like, as they say, they are constantly on their phones, so that, as they say, we do not bother them, they do not bother us, the family budget
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consists of child benefits and vera's salary, mikhail has not had any luck with part-time jobs yet , in part-time jobs, what we do, in finishing, in plastering, in tiling, in welding, everywhere, in all sorts, what? he asks for, that's what we do, when there are part-time jobs, there are in the summer, spring, summer, autumn, well, such an early autumn, how they say, there are more part-time jobs here, in winter we sit around doing nothing, sitting without work, money with almost a million debt for alimony, mikhail found something to do for his soul, he disappears in the garage for days, fixes his old motorcycles, well, this is my garage, this is my horse. this is my second horse, so it needs to be repaired, restored, and then one day sell it all. another responsibility of mikhail is
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to provide all the necessary care for the livestock that he and vera breed together. here are the chickens, our fools, here is our goat, nachurka, nachka, nachka, nachka, nachka, nachka, nachka, nachka, two kids. there will also be a little goat next year, about 6-7 rabbits, probably half of them died. vera is always ready to support her husband in everything, and he gladly shares the secret of their happy relationship, love and affection, the most important thing is love and affection, what more do i need, the main thing is that he loves, respects, everything. mikhail, if you started paying alimony regularly, such a debt would not have accumulated? well, at least in our village there are no such jobs. svetlana, what if you demand
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alimony, but not from your daughter's father? how is that? i am sure that he is biological, he is the biological father of his daughter, and if the dna test does not confirm this, he will confirm it. and what do you think, what result of the dna test will we hear today? well, after what i heard, i don’t know anymore. mikhail, what do you think the result will be? do you have a daughter? i don’t think so. are you ready to find out? yes. i invite yulia severtseva, our expert in forensic medicine, candidate of medical sciences, to the studio. so who gave the man his first child? his wife or his mistress? we will find out the result of the dna test with minute by minute. this is a newborn medal. in
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leningrad, in the sixties , a tradition arose of giving all newborns medals when they were discharged from the maternity hospital. one was mine, the second was my brother's, about whom i know practically nothing. while going through the family archives, dmitry learned that he had a brother. lukashuk, maxim, january 11, 1985. since then, he has not lost hope for his... his sister went to the store to get a start, the child cried for a long time there, and the neighbors called the police, maxim was in an exhausted state there, he ended up in a children's department of the kiriyevskaya central district hospital, as well as the story of elena, who after the death of her brother decided to find her half-sister, he has been dead for 4 years, he started this search for her, this is his older sister, they broke up in childhood, when my mother separated from her first husband, he searched until the very last day, wait for me, today at 17:55 on ntv. you are
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the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and get a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatrikum gold. miracle, premiere. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. children of stars go to first grade for the first time. do you want school? well, such-and-such, such-and-such. what desk? do you want to sit at the last one , it's convenient to copy, how much celebrities spent on backpacks, pens, notebooks and school uniforms, for three children 1,400 a year, how much does the golden gypsy ask for on the walls? what are we going to give the teacher for the holiday, a million versions begin, and we gave black caviar, what do they feed the star children in school cafeterias, lemonade is very tasty, something like mojito, i don’t know what i would have done if i had been given dumplings at least once, which of the artists’ children got tired even before the start of the school year,
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there was just a hubbub in our class, some kind of zoo, i had a terrible class teacher and how the stars themselves lit up the school, she stamped her feet on dimika. this is a dna program, right now mikhail from stavropol krai will find out whether his ex-lover really gave birth to his daughter 12 years ago. julia, you have the floor. in this envelope is the result of a dna test for...
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paternity, as soon as the result of the genetic examination confirms it, but the girl's mother, svetlana vinogradova, who gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock, insists that only mikhail can be vika's father. silence, i open the envelope. on the one hand, the official father is mikhail ipatov, on the other - his official daughter, vika glazova. the probability that you, mikhail is biological, vika's father, is 99.9%. which is what had to be proven.
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congratulations, you have defended your honor and dignity, mikhail is indeed the father of your daughter, no matter how they throw mud at me, the fact that i had a relationship with her there is obvious, vera, now your children definitely have a sister, we would like the children to communicate, for god's sake, i am all for it, mikhail, you now have three biological children, no big deal, we will pay, do you want to say something? the mother of your first daughter, now, excuse me, please, svetlana, apology accepted, yes, call your daughter, then...


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