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tv   Bratya  NTV  August 31, 2024 3:35am-4:16am MSK

3:35 am
he'll go off the roof, and it's been like this for an hour and a half already, shamaev sr. has cataracts , he needs an operation, this is very valuable information, in my opinion, they 're ending the conversation, i mean , that's it, they agreed, when did they have time, we were listening to them all the time, but in general , how do you resolve everything, well, how, either one of the parties pays, how can i say, a penalty, or gives up one of their own, in what sense does it give up one of their own? his blood reconciles the warring parties. yes, that's right. listen, did they come to moscow to talk about vineyards and illnesses? two irreconcilable clans? you mean forel, have you forgotten yet? either we missed something, or they've already agreed. wait, the saidovs are saying that they're going to negotiate so that there won't be an autopsy. an acquaintance, a doctor, i didn't catch his name. listen, that's it, they 're saying goodbye. what autopsy? lyalin, call the pre-trial detention center
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immediately. your mother. stand up for inspection, face the wall, hands up! what kind of search is this, boss, shut up, don't talk, face the wall, i said,
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hello, why are you so late, you were detained at work, the kids are sleeping, sleeping, waiting for you.
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they have some kind of crazy schedule there, i i wanted to come earlier, but you see, i couldn't get away, you 're hungry, no, i grabbed some sandwiches, i'd like to have some tea with you, sit down, thank you. i was at my father's in rus, he bowed to me, he bowed, they talked about me, no, there was no talk about you, well, what's wrong, well, what's wrong, but i can see that something is weighing you down? well
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, what am i doing wrong, it's not your fault, in whom, in me, it's not in me, i started measuring people by myself, no, it's in me, i can see that you're angry with me, sashenka, it's not in you, i remembered our conversation, what conversation, i remember you once said that you are not a mother, you want a different life. i want it, i want it, and the joke is, i really want it, i 'm going to work, that's why i got a job, what kind of job is this, sachnik, stop it, you're at it again, people work different jobs, believe in god, go to church, and one doesn't interfere with the other. i hoped that this would pass for you, i
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don't know you well, i don't know you well, sashenka, after all , you and i haven't quarreled for 100 years, again about you, we don't quarrel. i want to understand, how should we continue to be, how should we continue to be, i love you, and i will love you, yes it's not about work, how come you don't understand, oh oshot, yes, yes, that's really how you started judging people so harshly, don't be angry with me, sashenka. sashenka, don't be angry with me, i will kill my pride with prayer, i love you, sashenka,
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i love you, oh, my heart aches for you. how long have you been here? no, there's a closet in the living room, in your bag, summer clothes, i saw what you were holding in
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your hands, i wrote you a letter, will you read it out loud or leave it? you love me, it turns out you love me very much, the worst thing is to realize that you're a complete fool, you can't... be able to live with a fool, you're not a fool, bone, i put the kettle on, bone, forgive me if you can, watch how quickly you put
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the kettle on.
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lord, what's going on? lord, the icons have been stolen.
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yeah. no, i just left you half an hour ago, what are you doing, dukhaya, deer, put the muffler on, i'm sick of these people from the cold, they drive off on their motorcycles, well, i want you too, ainu too, but i can't, i need to show off at home , do you hear, i'm kissing you, how? like a male gorilla, tenderly and passionately, do you hear, i can't
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talk to you anymore, that's it, i'm driving up, kissing you, on the mouth, come on! what the hell? tisenka, open up, please,
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my husband came home, he's tired, he wants to eat, he wants to sleep, what, your women don't feed you, what women, anya, i'm from work, i'm tired as hell , i'm sick of you constantly lying that you're at work when in fact you're hanging around with women, what are you talking about, anya, what?
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the called subscriber's device is turned off or
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out of range. your mother, ainur, i've told you 100 times, don't turn off the phone. here, hello, what's up so early today? i don't know, the owner is the master.
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she was supposed to be with us for 5 days. then yegoryevsk. what do you think, father, could this be did any of the parishioners do it? i don't know, there were a lot of pilgrims these days, maybe one of them. it will be hard to find.
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eh, what the hell is there to do in the morning, now, now i'm going, oh, oh, hello, a new day,
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huh? ah, it's scary to live after such news, would you like some tea? no, what can i do, or are you just bored? your tongue, your enemy, nikita, i have business with you, what is this business? do i need to knock a debt out of someone? and why don't you harness your fighters? and what are you here for?
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by the way, i don't eat bread for nothing. this sucker's office is on the clean-up, it sticks out to us 300 grand, 200 more dripped on the meter, total half a million, such a rowdy guy, what are you talking about, 10% of mine is yours, nikita, yours, somehow everything is very simple and no surprises, and what about you handing over to your brother again, don't drag your brother into this, you too, okay, so what about the surprises,
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what do you get interest for, whoever doesn't take risks, yeah, yeah, i know. he doesn't have any bubbles, absolutely right, well okay, and that's what i wanted to say, read fewer newspapers, you'll sleep better, what a sucker, and i have news for you, father andrey, we found the thief, so quickly, we try, one of the parishioners? yes, from your, as you say, flock. kiryushkin valentin ivanovich. kiryushkin, but he was only recently released. that's right, by the way, he was in jail for robbing an apartment. well, that can't be. kiryushkin, he never missed a service. he confessed more than once. you say he went often? then it all fits.
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so he was looking closely at your icons. as soon as the opportunity arose, he immediately took advantage of them. you found an icon on him, that 's the catch, father andrei, there's no icon yet, so it was in vain that they arrested the man, but it was in vain that we did not arrest anyone, father, there is a young couple there, they want to get married, now it is urgent for them, taisiya, you tell them that we are not doing weddings today, tell them to come on saturday or sunday, you, father, go out to them, talk, otherwise they will not calm down. you sign them up, i will go out now, okay, father, what kind of fashion is this, to get married right away at the slightest thing.
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by the way, local alcoholics saw them near the church early in the morning, and he doesn’t have any alebi, so the conclusions are obvious. okay, where is the icon then? well, we are working on it. don't worry, father andrey, we will return your icon to you. father, they are waiting, i am coming now. i would like to talk to kiryushkin. perhaps this. do you want to shame? who? the thief, until his guilt is proven, he is not a criminal, it seems so according to the law, can i see him, well , we can try.
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lenka, i'm home, why so early, i wasn't expecting you, i decided to have lunch at home, what smells so delicious, and what are we cooking, meat in french, maybe something simpler, faster, otherwise i only have an hour, when are you last once i ate, normally, in a canteen, compared, public catering and mine, i wanted to spoil you. appreciated this, you love me, let
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me think, i love you, let's go somewhere for 2 weeks to the sea, and who will catch criminals, and what, except for you, no one else works, why is there, so let them catch, and what about you? heads have accumulated for half a year, but for five months for sure, let's go to kaktybel, remember how romantic, and you and i met there, there, probably everything changed, just like you and i , i really want there to be no worries, only the sea, the sun, you and me, wine, shashlik on every shangu, and i... really, really, really, really want to go there, the meat is burnt,
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i love you, i love you, hello, hello! what's wrong, what's wrong? valery petrovich, chizhikov, who are you, what happened? i'll shut your mouth, i'll shoot you in the kidney, follow us, quietly, calmly, got it, i'll take your things, let's go,
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valery petrovich, the main thing is don't be scared, you 'll give us back the money now, and no one will lay a finger on you, what money, i don't... owe anyone anything, really, and the yezidi, yes, i, i i don't know any yazidi, i don't know, i'll hit him, yes, yes, yes, just that, don't break his fingers, otherwise what will he slobber on for us, i beg you, don't hit me, don't, i really, i i i don't know, i'm done torturing, yes or no, look at these people, ready to hang themselves for a penny, wow, a penny is 3000, oops, not 300, 500, what 500, i owe him 3000, i'm with him, i only owe him 300, i didn't have 500, and the interest, the interest, it's accumulating, i 'm telling the truth, i'm not doing that, rolling it up. no, no, no
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need, no need, no need, no need, oh, don't hit me me, don't hit me, i need to call, come on, give me his phone number, valery petrovich, who are we going to call, my secretary, what's her name, miroslava, she's polish or something, so that the money will be here in an hour, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, miroslava, this is, this is, this is me. miroslava, zaya, urgently, move this cabinet, that's where the book shelves are, move it, yes, we have two safes there, here's the key, take it, it's lying between the books, that's where the wings are, that's where the ice is, that's what's there, there's this between them, take this, move it and take it in this good mumble, specifically 500, now, go ahead, you have 10 minutes, and this is mandatory, we have our own rules here, father. sit down, yeah, so i'm already
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sitting here, i'm sitting innocently, you understand, father andrey, teryushkin, you took the icon, but here's a cross for you, i didn't take the icon, i didn't take the icon, father andrey, the investigator said, you were seen early in the morning near the church, what were you doing there, so i'm in the store across the street, i earn extra money as a night slob, so at that time i was returning home from work right past the church, ah , that's it, if a person stumbles once, that's it, so they always blame him right away, i 'm asking you again, did you take the icon, but i swear on my mother, i didn't take the icon, get up, rocks. "yes,
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i believe you, i believe you, valentin, if you believe, talk to the investigator, let him let me go, you understand, if i'm going to prison, i can't stand it, valentin, valentin, i, i'll definitely talk, who took on such a sin? wait, because sin is when, for money, for the sake of self-interest, when a person ruins his immortal soul, then he should be judged, imprisoned, and if, yes, valentin, yes, if a person believed in god, then he should judge himself will be much stricter than any judge and prosecutor combined, his conscience
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will give him no peace. conscience, yes, conscience, that's true, said father andrey, conscience, it is, sometimes, so, but you still talk to the investigator, and let him let me go, father andrey, talk, kiryushkin, i will definitely talk to him. come on, come on, hello, put on some lipstick, take off your glasses, you're beautiful, are you polish or something? no, i'm czech, like czechs. i brought it, here
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you go, uh-huh, how are you, well, is it okay, yes, we, we can go now, yes, yes, you can go, the guys will see you off, thank you, but we ourselves, we will see you off, we can rest easy, to you, hello, nikita,
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dainur, and the yezidi, yes, yes, i have the money, i can't, everything is standing still, moscow is standing still, as if i were going to rip it out , right away to you, that's it, come on, go, wild one. oh, my god, oh, what a reg, just for the sake of it, don't say anything, i have a surprise for you, come on right here, crazy,
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your wife, yes, no, this is from work, do i need to... make you something to eat? no, no, i, phew, we'll sing in the club, nikita, and you love me, i 've told you this 100 times already, well, tell me in the 101st, i love you, i love you, my dear, just please, let's not talk about it now, okay, when, you always have no time, you come when you want, leave when you want, but in general my visit today is a prize, and i want you to be with me always, day and night, yes, morning and evening, who will earn the money, it's not about money, you and i practically never go anywhere, so listen, ainor, just for a second, if anything, you are my
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cousin, and this, by the way, finish the sentence, it's a sin, yes, and did he come to you, ashot is right, i need to leave, listen, you know what, go. if you want, but i don't know where, oh, my dear, come on, stop it, why are you starting, everything will be fine, what are you saying, let's sort this out little by little, if you want, after the club, i'll come, we'll go somewhere, you like the planetarium there , come on, smile, i have a general... how it jingles when you smile, like this, like this, everything will be fine, what are you doing, more, more?
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what are you doing, idiot, what are you doing, and hello, i say hello, come on! hey, have you come to your senses, no, what are you doing, this is outrageous, you still have to talk to me about the market, do you hear me, uchizheka you took the money, you took it, he owes us, it's our money, do you hear, yours, ours, he
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owes us too, where's the money, in karaganda, junkie, get rid of him, uh, uh, in the car under the passenger seat in a bag, tyoma, run over, look, well done, handsome, what's your name, nikita, nikita, well look, champion, you figured it out in time, and what's next, then, you'll still be walking around with your balls, you, well where are you, give it to me, how much is here, half a million, what the hell half a million, where's the other one and a half, how do i know, he owes me half a million, i collected them, what do you hear, chizhikov two lemons, he should owe me.
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rostov gave the go-ahead, pack your bags, the train is in 3 hours, lenka, stop standing, you'll have time to get ready, there's no tomorrow, i have tickets in hand, let me pack my things, i won't have time to arrive, i have things to do. give it to me , call a taxi, i'll meet you at the station, benusch, well, what do you mean, at kursk, of course, go ahead, no need, no need, i beg you, please, beat me, no need, no need, please, well, nikita, please, nikita, his name is nikita, nikita, please, nebeyka, don't touch me, i owed him, he took his, and then yours, 2 million dollars, please, don't hit me, don't touch me, what are we going to do with him, lock him up, please, brother, don't hit me, you asked for it.
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you'll throw it off that i'm joking, laughing, so, joker, now the question is to you, where is the money, and if i say, i don't know, you'll shut me down too, yes, easy, got it, but you won't say that, nikita, yes, no, i have this money, be quiet, secretary, mine brought it to me. half a lemon is all, and he says, he said that you have the money, who should i believe, he wanted arrows on me translate, it turned out the other way around, listen, we 'll kill you too if you don't give it back, money, you have the main one, you have it, i have it too, let them meet and think about it, problems need to be solved in a civilized manner, it's not the nineties now, and what good years were they, about the main one, i'll tell you this, i'm my own main one, and you have only one option, give me the money and run away... to all four sides, why are you so stupid,
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listen, what did you say, i'm telling you, what did you say, i don't have that money, i get it, i never had it and i don't, it's a pity, i thought you were smarter, come on, and now it's a disco, i get it, here we go, sasha, oh, anyut, hi, hi, hello, excuse me, please, i just decided to visit you without calling, i didn't disturb you, no, of course, i 'm on a day off today, come in, what are you standing there for, oh, yes, i see you didn't just come, something happened, well, don't cry, please, let's go to the garden, tell me, what's wrong with you, let's go, let's go, let's go, good afternoon,
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nikita, are you here? are you looking for your brother, i'm looking, so am i, and why isn't he at the club, no, he's not answering my calls, is your brother hiding, hiding from you or something, i don't know, here's a parcel he was supposed to bring it and disappeared, i don't like it, and i don't like it, but i don't meddle in your affairs, well of course, we have neutrality, solely because my brother works for you. okay, okay, if you see him, tell him, izit is waiting for him with a parcel,
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something else, find me nikita , keep an eye on the cop, maybe he'll get in touch with him, got it, what were you shaking about? i didn't let nikita into the house, what are you talking about, why? i found it in his jacket, oh, beautiful, beautiful, that's all, and that's not enough, well anyuta, well, i probably bought it for you, i just hid it so you wouldn't find it ahead of time, if only nikita never buys gifts in advance, then it would be for me.


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