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tv   Rossiiskaya diplomatiya  NTV  August 31, 2024 6:55am-8:00am MSK

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well imagine, to live for so long under someone else's documents and wait for exposure, he was simply scared when he read it to himself, like that , well, georgyevich, they'll shoot me, it would have been necessary for prevention, exactly, so that other sciences, and what about us, well i realized, okay, we swept it up with yarshov, and so that my brain works better in the prison, take yourself all weekends and holiday shifts, very good, forever, it would be better to marry me or shoot me, performance in a cafe in vari, accepted, hurray, bye, bori, bye, bori, and what, how do you like it i liked my article, oh, wonderful, scandalous article, excellent, a famous st. petersburg journalist, by the way, i wrote every line myself from the first to the last, they promised to pay for this money, and what money for this, yes, by the way, very big, i thought, maybe i should start writing novels, well, what can you imagine, about how the dog rushed, well, so-so, learn to write, and what can't i do?
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difficult relations with southern neighbors have always been a significant part of the foreign policy of the russian empire, but long before peter the great ivan ii tried to establish the first relations with the eastern khanates of the ottoman empire and iran. in 1492 ivan ii sent a letter to the sultan. he sent the letter with the first envoy in his life. this was mikhail pleshcheyev. mikhail fleshcheyev arrives in
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constantinople, but apparently this was his first diplomatic experience, he quarrels with the sultan because he does not accept his gifts, robe, money for maintenance, as well as an invitation to a dinner party. for this, poor pleshcheyev was put in a seven-tower castle, under arrest. there is nothing about the conditions of his detention there it is not known, it is important that the sultan.
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make a second attempt to establish diplomatic relations again sends an embassy, ​​this time everything went smoothly, the countries exchanged, a rather long friendship on the topic of trade began. the next ruler, vasily ii sent an ambassador to constantinople to establish friendly relations with sultan selim. the sultan responded to this with letters of commendation, which were. ivan the terrible's conquest of kazan and astrakhan, relations with turkey worsened. in addition to the difficulties that turkey caused moscow with its constant support of the crimean khan, new complications arose. in the 15th century, ambassadors from moscow were sent to the sultan three times, but he refused. peace. by the 14th century, the border
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of the moscow state was very close to the caspian sea and the caucasus mountains. the peoples of the north caucasus and transcaucasia sought moscow's protection from aggression by the ottoman empire and persia. the armenian church appealed to the russian tsar for protection from the violence of the iranian and turkish authorities. turkey began to show interest in ukraine. gradually move into its territory further north, and the crimean khanate also showed interest in ukraine, but over time, crimea began to increasingly make its own claims to ukrainian lands, and this was greatly facilitated by the split of ukraine into the right and left banks, which occurred in the sixties of the 15th century, the result was... the wars of turkey with russia
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in 1672-1680 and 1686-1700 after the first of these wars in... the crimean khanate. peter the great needed a lasting peace with turkey. the new ambassador was tasked with achieving its conclusion constantinople to the duma clerk yemelyan ukraintsev. in 1699, he went to his place of service on the military ship fortress,
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recently built for the azov fleet, accompanied by an entire squadron. having reached kerch, it caused real horror among the turks in crimea. then, the envoys headed to the shores of basfor, and the military ship rescued and dropped anchor right opposite the palace of the turkish sultan. the sultan went to inspect it personally. peter's demonstration of force not only clearly increased the chances of success for the diplomatic mission, but also turned the russian fleet into an important factor in russia's foreign policy. thus began long and difficult negotiations, during which ukraintsev encountered numerous difficulties. from constantinople he wrote to peter that the turks were acting very cunningly in their treaties, with great invention and delays. ukraintsev launched an active recruitment effort among turkish officials, from whom he received important information about the internal situation in turkey and the intentions of turkish diplomats. the results of his efforts exceeded all of peter's hopes. in the end, he managed to achieve the signing of the treaty of constantinople, which was beneficial to russia
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. diplomatic relations between the countries were established only at the end of 1701. at that time, the first russian diplomatic mission opened in turkey. count pyotr andreyevich tolstoy was appointed the first permanent representative of russia in constantinople. in 1700, peter ii concluded an agreement with the ottoman empire, this was the treaty of constantinople, which ended the russo-turkish war, in which peter i took azov and the surrounding territories. in 1701 , another embassy was sent, this time once. the first ever resident ambassador had to settle in turkey, that is, an ambassador who is not there for a specific mission, but in order to live there and carry out the tasks set by the state sending him, it was pyotr andreyevich tolstoy,
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he arrived with a large number of tasks. his main task was to prevent war, to describe in as much detail as possible everything that exists in the ottoman empire, how people live, how the state system is structured, how the army is structured, how the economy works, this everything was absolutely new knowledge for russian people, russian people knew practically nothing about life in the ottoman empire. of course, they met him solemnly, but with great apprehension, they immediately saw some kind of scout-intelligence agent in him, they sat him down in the residence, where the whole courtyard was visible, there was a solemn military guard that did not allow him to go anywhere or visit
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the city, but nevertheless, he coped with his tasks perfectly, within one year he already... answered all of peter i's questions about the ottoman empire, including described the fleet in great detail, described the methods of delivering provisions and weapons to the battlefield. already a year after the conclusion of the constantinople peace treaty in 1700, it became clear that the ottoman government was ready to take advantage of any convenient opportunity to regain all the lost territories. this led to an aggravation of the situation. on november 20 , 1710, turkey declared war on russia. in the spring of 1711, peter ii began the prut campaign, during which he and his army were surrounded. the situation of the russian troops became critical.
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due to lack of ammunition and food. negotiations were started and on july 12, 1711, the prut peace treaty was concluded. the russian army. was surrounded near the prud river, right along with the tsar, his wife catherine, and even many jewels, as legends say. and it was necessary to urgently talk about a peace treaty, there are many myths and legends about this peace treaty, because surprisingly easily - tsar peter got off, after two days of debate, he was allowed together, not only together with the entire army, but even with all weapons, to get out of the encirclement, in exchange for azov and the adjacent territories. well, at the same time they also asked him to raze taganrok, it is surprising
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that it was so easy to promise to get out of the encirclement, of course they did not believe the vizier who allowed all this, he was strangled by the sultan after some time, the war was not stopped, it lasted until 1713, and peter ii was slow with promises, taganrok, he definitely never razed, in 1713 it was necessary to re-conclude an agreement that repeated the conditions of prutsky. the next goal of peter the organization of the campaign to the caspian sea, namely after the victory in the northern war, the opening of the great volga route from the southern shore of the caspian sea to the baltic sea, became a strategic task of the russian tsar, especially since. the persian shah was weak, and robbers robbed russian caravans of millions of rubles. the persian campaign of peter i
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was extremely successful. the russian army and navy occupied the entire western shore of the caspian sea to baku. on september 12, 1723, the persian ambassador in st. petersburg signed peace, ceding to russia in addition the entire southern shore of the caspian sea. in in the year of anna ivanovna's reign, russian diplomacy secured the support of persia. they are not going to, the population is scattering , there is no control over the territories, russian soldiers are suffering damage and quite serious losses from such diseases, from malaria. they are prepared for this climate, which was in the southern part of the caspian sea, so it is better
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for us to agree with iran, to transfer the territories to them to leave, here, but if this had not been done, then most likely, these territories would have simply been lost. in 1735, robberies that passed through russian possessions crimean tatars provoked another war with turkey, in which russia's ally austria acted, taking advantage of the fact that the main turkish forces were involved in battles with... russian troops occupied azov and taganrok went to crimea. as a result of this war , two parties were actually formed in crimea. one party, understanding that the russians are very strong, preferred to focus on russia, to maintain peace and relations with it, since such is the fate of weak states, especially steppe ones, that it is necessary to switch sides in time strong, otherwise you will be destroyed together with the weak. here the other party sought revenge, that is, wanted to take revenge for the planting of bakhchesarai by russian troops, in general. from that moment the situation really changed in favor of russia, that is, crimea, as we know, was annexed practically peacefully, without
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any armed clashes, largely due to the fact that it was in 1735-39 that crimea realized that it was actually open to - to say, struck upon it by the russian sword. when the turkish troops reached belgrade and held its siege for almost 2 months, panic began among the austrian generals. and austria left the war, concluding a separate peace treaty with turkey. russia had no choice but to also go for peace in general, simply return the situation in the northern sea to the time of the beginning of the prussian campaign of peter the great. after the reign of anna ivanovna under elizabeth and even at the beginning of the reign of catherine ii. in relations with turkey , a fragile peace was still preserved, but already... another one was approaching crisis. in the middle of the 16th century, when the sworn
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neighbors, russia and the ottoman empire , had already fought several wars, the russian ambassador to the sultan's court played an important role. he had to be a spy, diplomat and flatterer at the same time. in 1751 , alexei mikhailovich abreskov was appointed to this position. a man of outstanding intelligence, he quickly acquired connections in the entourage of sultan mustafa ii. found a sure way to influence local officials. bribery. abreskov stands apart from all russian diplomats, since he worked in turkey. the specifics of working in turkey. consisted in the fact that diplomats spent decades there, they were considered specialists, they knew rare oriental languages ​​at that time, in general, almost all of russia's policy with turkey was built through him, very often he went directly to violating instructions, since he believed that from his point of view it would be right, since petersburg does not know all the features and realities of turkey, turkey is a completely special country, unlike
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european states, he considered himself in right to say, to declare that he , for example, will not do something or he will violate instructions. in this direction, obriskov played a major role during the time of peter ii, when it was thanks to his talent, thanks to his efforts, that he managed to delay the execution of peter ii's order to push turkey into war against austria, until the moment when peter ii had already been overthrown and this issue itself disappeared. he continued the work under catherine ii. as is known, he carried it out quite successfully. catherine valued him very much. after several peaceful decades between russia and turkey flares up again. the conflict was precipitated by events in poland. in 1763, the polish king augustus ii died. a year later , stanislav pontytovsky was appointed in his place, with the support of catherine the great. dissatisfied with this , the polish gentry decided to seek support from the ottomans. at the court of mustafa, the polish ambassador stankiewicz demanded war against russia.
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literally everyone joined him: austria, prussia, france, the crimean khan. 25. russia must withdraw troops from poland. obreskov declared that he had no right to decide such issues, after which he and the entire embassy were put in the most famous ottoman prison, the seven-towered castle. and this meant a declaration of war. obreskov was put in the dungeon of the tower, where his situation turned out to be extremely difficult, but through bribery and cunning, obreskov achieved the right.
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generously rewarded obreskov, he was appointed a member of the college of foreign affairs and received the order of st. alexander nevsky. on july 15 , 1774, a peace treaty was signed, named kuchuk kaynordyisky. most of the northern coast of the black sea practically became part of the russian empire. as a result of the second russo-turkish war...
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opposed its diplomatic postulate: to develop friendly relations with all states, but at the same time to reserve freedom of action. this allowed catherine ii to almost always emerge victorious from conflicts. in our project, we get to know talented kids and observe their unique skills right in our studio. what is this claudia
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slate? i'm going to do a show here. and you know that there are a lot of people in the world who call themselves michael jackson doubles, i don't want to become a double, i want to continue the work of michael jackson and you are 10 years old, you have a brokerage account, you have 165,000 rubles, you are a two-time world champion in jujitsu and a nuclear physicist, goodbye, no, no, we are not finished yet, and we are not finished yet, it's like some kind of cutlet mixed up, let your mom try, let's try dad. you don't feel sorry for dad, right? i'm afraid, don't be afraid! first time on the show miracle, uma thurman group on drums tamerlan abramov, just wait! miracle with arseniy popov, help! today at 20:00 on ntv. you are super, new season, tomorrow at 20:20
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on ntv. lochka with sesame seeds, two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, legendary pit. big hit, only in tasty point. yes, we have changed the name, but for the clients of tebank business the most important thing has remained unchanged, reliable work of our services. tebank business and business is done, you need to buy so much at school, girls, cool intonation, you need to buy so much at school, and me, perfect for a parent-teacher meeting, school sale. kicks air conditioner for 429. get ready for school with installments without overpayments. what did you do 3 days ago? if
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has remained unchanged, tebank business and business is done, even when it gets hard, life goes on, everyone has their own mission, ours is help. we are where people need care, so that they are not so afraid. so that hope and love live in the heart, so that life goes on, it is so important to help someone in trouble. join the good deed on the website pomoćvbede.rf. in december 1782, tsar ierakliy ii appeals to empress catherine the great with a request to accept georgia under the protection of russia. catherine, seeking to strengthen russian positions in transcaucasia, agrees: and six months later, on july 24 , 1783 , a treaty is signed in the georgievsk fortress. 200 years later, in the center of moscow on
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teshenskaya square in memory of this event at... the beginning of the 19th century was characterized by the aggravation of the struggle of the leading powers, both regional and great european empires, for the caucasus and transcaucasia, the penetration of russia into the region, the penetration of russia into the caucasus, in transcaucasia, the annexation of georgia in 1801, its inclusion in the. russian empire leads to the aggravation of relations between the russian empire and iran qajars, this leads to the russian-iranian war of 1804-1813. the war acquired a protracted nature quite soon, however after the victories of 1812, after the victories of general kotlerevsky in the battle of asvanduz after the capture of lankaran, iran was forced to ...
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russia's full right to maintain a navy on the caspian sea. in 1826, persia began a new war with the aim of returning eastern transcaucasia, but lost it again. in 1828, general paskevich, having defeated the persians, signed the treaty of turkmanchay with them. according to it, eastern armenia became part of the russian empire. at the same time, russian merchants received the right to free trade throughout
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persia. a great contribution to the preparation of this the treaty was introduced by the writer and diplomat alexander griboyedov, it was he who delivered the report on the conclusion of peace to st. petersburg, after which he was appointed russian ambassador to persia. in early 1829, an armed crowd broke into the territory of the russian mission in tehran and dealt with its employees, the envoy alexander griboyedov himself was brutally killed. the situation that developed after the death
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of russian diplomats in tehran, however, after consultations held with the head of the russian foreign ministry , karv vasilyevich nasalyarod, this idea was abandoned. it was decided to refuse. the hersit nobles discussed the possibility of hiding the body of griboyedov and his colleagues, then telling russia that the diplomats had allegedly disappeared or fled, but then considered this unreasonable, in order to settle the conflict, he decided to send his grandson harzef mirza to russia, who was also instructed to negotiate with nicholas i on reducing the amount of the contribution. hoping to gain the favor of the emperor, the persians brought him generous gifts, among which was the legendary shah diamond, which became a kind of symbolic compensation for the death of griboyedov and the envoys of the russian mission. i commit the ill-fated tehran incident to eternal oblivion, - said nikolai to the grandson of the shah.
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accepting the unique diamond as a gift. the aggravation with iran due to the situation with griboyedov did not happen after all. in addition, nikolai i, by this time had already started another, difficult war with turkey, the second conflict was clearly unnecessary. after the end of a series of russian-iranian wars of the first century, the situation in the country changed seriously. the elites of qajar iran come to the conclusion that further confrontation with russia. and a change in the nature of relations between the two countries takes place, this became especially obvious after the bloody incident with the russian mission, with the death of griboyedov, was resolved. soon after, something like the establishment of cooperation between russia and iran in various spheres, including military ones, began. russia's enmity with turkey
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contributed to the improvement of its relations with persia, the russians established military cooperation and trade with tehran. the armies of shah mohammed in the campaign against afghan herat in in 1837-38
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, russia and britain commanded. and the matter ended with britain actually presenting the shah with an ultimatum demanding that he withdraw his troops from girat, and the shah was forced to submit because of the threat to the southern possessions of his state in general because the british occupied the island of kharg in the persian gulf. the shah withdraws his troops from girat, well, this is where this episode ends. the participation of the russian ambassador simonich in the campaign of the persian troops was a clear sign of russia's growing influence on the policy of the iranian authorities. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week.
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day. you are super season eight. how cool that we are together again. premiere. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. meanwhile, the turkish direction was restless. the fact is that the ottoman empire at the beginning of the 19th century, by agreement with the russian empire, had the rights of suzerainty over moldova and wallachia, but... at the same time, without russia's consent, the turks could not remove the rulers of these territories, however, in 1806, the rulers of moldova and wallachia, alexander muruzi and constantine ypsilanti, were nevertheless removed without russia's knowledge. at that time , the russian empire was in confrontation with napoleon. nevertheless, on november 11 , 1806, russian troops entered moldova under the command of general ivan ivanovich.
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literally before napoleon's attack , it allows russia to breathe a little, we will have not two opponents, but one, we do not take into account the issues with sweden, they were also settled, otherwise there would have been three opponents together with nopulev, two more opponents, we could not withstand. as a result, on may 16, 1812 , the bucharest peace treaty was signed between.
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in 1821 - the greek uprising began in the ottoman empire, in general, russia is here remained neutral, although some european states began to interfere in this uprising, but over time
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the power in the russian empire changed, nicholas i came to power, and he decided that the greeks needed help, was found found... in this took the territories that were on the black sea coast. there is an opinion that it was not very profitable for russia, the complete withdrawal of turkey from europe was not very profitable. this promised some strengthening of the european countries. the greek question was at the forefront, the greeks were promised
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absolute autonomy, that is, greece since 1830. this country and largely due to the intervention of russia, the russian delegation during the signing of the treaty was headed by alexei fyodorovich orlov, he also remained in the ottoman empire as an plenipotentiary extraordinary ambassador. he made a lot of efforts to support serbia, which also sought to obtain autonomy, which was eventually done.
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at the meeting of the guard troops. count alexei fyodorovich orlov was sent on a diplomatic mission to constantinople. on the eve audience with the grand vizier, the count learned that the latter was going to receive him as a sidi. orlov understood that in his person they wanted to humiliate russia first of all. when alexei fyodorovich entered the room, the vizier was indeed sitting, not even thinking of moving from his place. as if noticing anything, the count approached him and greeted him in a friendly manner. at the same time, as if jokingly, orlov lifted the vizier from his chair with his powerful hand, forcing him to stand up and immediately lowered him back. such an act by the diplomat helped him to observe protocol and avoid lengthy negotiations. a short respite between
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the russian-turkish warriors ended in 1853, when the crimean war began, but the turks were already on russia. the ottoman empire was not alone in entering into a coalition with britain and france. the reason for the war was the conflict between russia and france, related to the dispute between the orthodox and catholic churches for the right of guardianship over the holy places in jerusalem and bethlehem, which were then in turkish possession. in 1853, prince alexander sergeevich menshikov was sent as ambassador extraordinary to turkey. relations with the turks at that time time was strained. the first ranks of the turkish government's divan met the russian ambassador with all honors, but under the influence of the english and the french, they did not go very far in rapprochement with russia, using various eastern tricks in diplomacy. prince menshkov joked about this. ivan is here on english springs. menchikov's diplomatic mission
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ended in failure and even accelerated the break with the ottoman empire. on september 1, 1853 , russia broke off all relations with turkey, and a little more than a month later the ottoman empire declares war on russia. this war will end in 1856 with the signing of the paris treaty. unsuccessful. his competitor was andrei mironov. and how many personal tragedies did he experience himself? tanyusha, we pray for you, we pray, and i burst into tears.
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thing is justice. igor filippov. never use osobolev's methods, work strictly according to the letter of the law. ivan kolesnikov, as they say, it's better to go to prison alive than dead in a cemetery, right? tverskaya, new season, such a good one crime story, from monday at 20:00 on ntv. time passed, diplomatic relations between russia and turkey developed, but only in 1867 the russian mission in constantinople was transformed into an embassy. the embassy and the diplomatic mission are generally absolutely similar in their goals and objectives, but there is some difference in status: the diplomatic mission is usually headed by a diplomat of a lower rank than the ambassador, the diplomatic mission can be assigned some one-time task, the embassy is
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permanent mission. on the territory of a foreign state, and an extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador has great powers. in the 19th century, it was common to open diplomatic missions in small countries, and to open an embassy in large countries with which active relations were conducted. in the ottoman empire, it was already necessary to open an embassy quite often. in the seventies of the 19th century, when serbia and montenegro began to fight with turkey, a powerful wave of solidarity with the slavic peoples arose in russia. hundreds of volunteers went to the balkans , and eventually russia officially declared war on turkey. persia sided with russia in this war, threatening turkish troops in baghdad. after the war of 1877-78
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, the russian empire managed to strengthen its position in the balkans at the berlin congress. in world war i, turkey was russia's adversary from 1915. the brest peace of 1918 ended the state of war between the rsfsr and the ottoman empire, and dejure restored diplomatic relations, which, however, were not implemented de facto. with the arrival and the establishment of soviet power in russia also marked the beginning of a new stage in relations with turkey. the bolsheviks perceived ataturk's movement as a national liberation movement, and this is not surprising, since the territories torn away from the ottoman empire could fall under the influence of britain and france. the treaty of friendship with soviet russia and the turkish republic of 1921 implied serious assistance to ataturk with weapons, ammunition and gold.
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frunze helped the turks in planning military operations. in 1920 , diplomatic relations were established.
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in the state that he would recapture, preserve, there will be some kind of seal of peace, friendship, the peoples will receive self-determination, yes they will... thus the turkish republic was actually created by 1923, it only remained to secure its status. at the lausanne conference
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of 1923, an agreement was signed between the states, which defined the borders of the turkish republic, after which mikhail kalinin sent a telegram to mustafa. with congratulations on the creation of the turkish republic and also congratulations on his appointment to the post of first president. in 1925, an official treaty of friendship and brotherhood was concluded. turkey took a neutral position during the second world war and formally joined the anti-hitler coalition only at the end. robrop offered turkey a military alliance, he was told that
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turkey was not going to revive the ottoman empire. and that's it. in 1941, remarkably, on june 18, hitler concluded a treaty with turkey. on neutrality and non-aggression and a few days later attacked the soviet union, 26 divisions were sent to the borders of the soviet union just in case, as the turks explained that this was because they were afraid of a german invasion through the soviet union. the soviet union also sent its troops and deployed them along the border, in general, they were stationed there. almost all the time , sometimes exchanging fire between border guards. on february 23, 1945, turkey also formally declared war on germany, but
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did not take part in the hostilities. at the end of the 19th century , iran became an arena for rivalry between the two empires, russian and british. the economic influence of the empire in the region was becoming more and more noticeable. russian and british companies competed to acquire various concessions for the construction of railways and telegraph communications. soon after the 1917 revolution, the bolsheviks issued an appeal to all muslim workers in russia and the east, in which they declared that the treaty on the division of persia had been torn up and that the persians would be guaranteed the right to freely determine their own destiny. soviet russia declared that it was renounced all concessions acquired by the russian empire in iran and forgave all debts of the shah's government of russia and
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transfers all property that belonged to russian concessionaires in iran to the shakhty government. it was on these foundations that further relations between the soviet state and iran were to be built, all these principles were implemented in the soviet-iranian treaty signed on february 26, 1921. at the same time, the treaty of the twenty-first year contained the well-known fifth and sixth articles. the fifth article included a clause stating that both contracting parties would not allow the creation on their territory. aimed at fighting the other contracting party. in turn , the sixth
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article of the 1921 treaty granted soviet russia the right, in the event that the soviet state was threatened by any danger from the territory of the iranian state, to introduce troops into the territory of iran. it was the sixth article of the 1921 treaty that would serve as the legal basis for the introduction of soviet troops into iran in 1941. in august 1941, soviet and british troops carried out a joint operation. they entered the territory of iran and again divided the country into zones of influence. the americans very quickly built the trans-iranian highway, a railway and two ports, after which iran became a transport corridor from the caucasus to the indian ocean, which the allies used for lend-lime supplies. holding a conference of allied leaders in 1943.
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close to our border, stalin categorically refused to fly by plane, wherever it was, our delegation arrived by train. rozviy agreed with this, cheschel also had to agree. well, besides, the fact is that roosevelt, the president of the united states states, was restored in the soviet mission, it was safer, also says a lot, that is, we controlled the territory of uranus to some extent and it was the safest. the last iranian shah pihlavi, who hosted the iranian conference from the forty -third year. ruled the country then for more than 30
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years, until the islamic revolution of the seventy -ninth year forced him to leave the country. relations between the soviet union and turkey deteriorated immediately after the second world war. to the soviet proposals to change the status of the black sea straits, ankara responded rapprochement with the united states. and in 1952, turkey joined nato and became one of the participants in the cold war.
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hello, this is the ntv news service greeting you, yulia bekhtareva in the studio. ukrainian nationalists have attacked belgorod and the belgorod region, the region's governor reported.


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