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tv   Glavnaya doroga  NTV  August 31, 2024 10:20am-11:01am MSK

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in the east of siberia the weather is close to ideal, in the irkutsk region it is sunny and up to +25. the main precipitation zone is still in the south of the krasnoyarsk region. similar weather in the southwest, from kemerovo to omsk due to rains during the day no higher than 12-17 °. in the urals and in the south of the tyumen region under the wing of the anticyclone the weather remains sunny, but also cool. the thermometers are not able to reach the twenty-degree mark. and in the european territory they still easily overcome this line, the first day of autumn will be indistinguishable from summer, in the middle band 25-30°, the middle volga literally a couple of degrees lower, in the south the sky is also actively clearing up, in crimea on the coast of the krasnodar region +30 and higher, the resort season continues, the rains are gradually stopping in the northwest, but the temperature here is already more modest, in pskov and veliky novgorod about 20°, also on the shores of the baltic in kaliningrad. in st. petersburg tomorrow also up to 20 heat, at night there will be more. temporary rains,
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but during the day already without precipitation, in moscow the heat is reaching its peak, during the day about thirty without precipitation. here you go, put it on, quiet places on roads, oh, oh, they only seem safe, people are hit by cars, it's expensive. how not to run
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into a pedestrian-scammer, this is the main road on ntv, i'm andrey fedorcov, i'm denis yuchenkov, hello, watch the program, attention, the children have returned from vacation, i was shocked that i was hit by a car, we scrape the asphalt, wow, handsome, great, no, i liked it, wow, no, well, let's go, we're going to the mountains for cheese, i don't need to disinfect the system, the bacteria will be happy, we clean the air conditioner, about this after the commercial, you don't must be flexible, unlike yours.
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bend the osaga to suit yourself on arrange it for as long as you want, even for a year, even for a month in just 3 minutes. flexible osaga, from renaissance insurance, this is no longer just osaga, so that's what you are, a cop, your father told you a lot about you, and what did he tell you? the main thing is that you are correct, a cop, you do everything according to the law, an excellent detective, you understand, we will find, what else, you love your job so much, detective. great boss, ivan petrovich, how do you do it, everything in advance knows, don't be jealous, jack of all trades, master of none, such a door is not a problem for him, you have golden hands, the best plumber in moscow, and a man, just fire, i don't need a moscow dandy, i need a normal man, strong, reliable, like bondarev, like sobolev, where you are, there is a woman, always, ivan kolesnikov, little by little, this is not my style.
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tverskaya new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. you are super, new season. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. formula ada dak motor oil takayama protects the engine instantly adapting to any mode of its operation. takayama, adaptive engine protection. are credit card debts attacking? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts on one holva, conveniently pay off 24 months, and also do not forget about purchases in installments. holva - simple installment techniques. it all starts with an impulse. modern technologies ignite a spark of inspiration, and you rush into the distance to new horizons in your unique rhythm. now that the course is set. you completely
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surrender to your feelings and strive beyond the limits of possibilities. exitex, art technologies. tele 2 represents. i have heard a lot about your tele-2 exchange, but i will show you what i will get first, discounts smartphones, smart speakers and tv set-top box wink, minutes are currency, exchange minutes smartphones and gadgets, orange live orange, cashback up to 48%, pyaterochka and perekrestok, ate something wrong, what to do in case of poisoning enterumin, a new generation enterosorbent removes toxins, we save useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning. favorite flavors of rollton noodles in a new pack. psb, what should a bank be like? a strong country, reliable.
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he must support the culture. build a sports future and be in sports. reach for the stars and be there in any, even the most remote daughter. psb bank of a strong country. mom, come on, this is go slaughter. kost, there is everything in the back. usb for rear passengers, safe fastening of child seats, modern multimedia. moskvich 3 from 1,700,000 rubles. comfortable for you yours.
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apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything most important gazprombank tv series ving a combination of talent and musical styles. always comes back to care for loved ones deposit in banks house rf with a rate of 19% per annum cashback 10% on the card dangerous bike back to
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school children returned from vacation forgot about the danger. here, and here a car was driving, drove through a hole accelerated, i was driving along there was a collision, i was hit right. tamir shdanov from chernogorsk was riding in the yard and did not have time to brake when a car jumped out in front of him. it turned out that the brakes on the bike he took from a friend did not work, and the woman who hit the child scolded him
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and drove away. no matter how i checked the bike here , whether the brakes work or not, i when he was lying, well... he doesn't assess the risks, he simply hasn't been trained to react quickly, make quick decisions and change his actions. children often don't see cars in the yard, don't understand how dangerous it is to jump out on
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a bicycle onto the road, all responsibility for their lives and health lies with adults, drivers and parents, children need to be taught the basic rules of the road and... develop their bicycle control skills. these guys from the capital's velotrial school have become good friends with two-wheeled vehicles, they are learning keep balance and overcome steep obstacles. a mandatory part of training is learning the rules of the road. our right hand is on the brake, that is , we are riding on the back, we need to show a right turn with our left hand. everyone has seen all the white luggage racks in the back, there are white luggage racks in the front , there are some on the steering wheel, they are only for cargo. it is forbidden to eat on a bicycle together. these young cyclists themselves can already teach their peers safe riding, you need to brake with only two fingers, holding your hand closer to the edge, and
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the handles, not sharply right away, like this smoothly, and why on the edge, because it works more efficiently and stronger, the kids know that before getting on a bike, you need to check that everything works, put on a helmet protection and never rush, for example, through... crossing the road, you need to get off the bike and walk calmly, do not ride, they start to accelerate quickly, and the driver does not have time to react to what is happening. damir is now reminded of these rules every time by his stepfather, parents should have more conversations with their children about the rules of the road traffic, well , they should teach this to children more intensively in schools, but drivers should also remember that... they can suddenly appear on the road, be careful in courtyards, slow down before pedestrian
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crossings, the cycling season is still going on, pedestrian set-ups, we are driving in a very unsafe place, and this is the most dangerous pedestrian. this is a courtyard, don't relax, you see a pedestrian, well, well, i don't see, yeah, and i don't see, but he is there, and he is a set-up man, and he can hit you, a driver's main fear is to hit a person, the range of punishments from 2,500 rubles fine, up to 15 years in prison,
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sees, better, hears, we will enhance your hearing, everything is under control, closed area, okay , so, yes, and now you will determine what will knock on you, a person or something else, let's go, uh-huh, uh-huh, oh, oh, well, it is definitely some kind of ball or some kind of object, but it is not a person, of course, you don't have to do that, guys, everything is fine, everything is fine, let's continue, there are more and more pedestrian framers, but
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now they operate in small towns, residential areas and other quiet, at first glance, places where they will not get into camera lenses, this is a common recent accident at an unregulated crossing, a minivan in the right lane slows down to let you pass. a free rein for scammers: it will run out of the blind
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spot, hit your car, fall on the zebra, and then ask you for money. when turning right, the driver, as a rule, looks ahead to the left, and the space to the right of the car is in the blind spot, the recorder can help, especially if you are lucky enough to stumble upon a one-man show, most often a comedy. we found ourselves in such a situations, allows you to record the event only in front of the car behind. auto-fraudsters, professionals, skillfully use blind spots. there is a comrade standing there, decently dressed and writhing in pain. he said that i hit him at the crossing. i am like, oh, oh, what a blow, well, what was that
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just now, a person, a bottle, a ball, i don’t know, but something very strong, most often the fraudsters. can hit your car at an unregulated pedestrian crossing or intersection, commit an attack, running out from behind another car or shelter, and then will use your fears and the myth that a pedestrian is always right, especially if he is alive. a scammer can very well and clearly sense a person who starts making excuses, especially in a state of fear, and he begins to crush him further with open questions and these emotional attacks. well done! so i drive, yeah, well, a ball, of course, or something like that, i agree, a ball, reverse, and what to do if suddenly, but in truth, there are no cameras, the dash cam didn't record anything, everything is simple, no matter what happens, call guy, yeah, and an ambulance, well, if a pedestrian is screaming in
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pain and injured, then by the way, the guy will definitely arrive faster, you're on a volkswagen transporter. i was moving, yes, i was moving. look, what looks like an ordinary accident at a pedestrian crossing is a skillful staging. the minivan did not let the pedestrians pass, but closed them, the substitutes from the victim, so that they could strike an unexpected blow. the victims of the fraudster, the traffic police did not call, succumbed to persuasion, the hit man skillfully manipulated their fears. well, after that we started with him negotiate. the final figure we agreed on was 65,000 rubles. there were six people in total, here they are, some worked on the road, others called the victims and introduced themselves as police officers, helping them agree to compensation, now they are being tried on charges of fraud,
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but this is a person, this is a person. and if this is not a fraudster, but a real pedestrian, it may be easier to negotiate, but a stingy person pays three times, a fine, for example, for stepping on thousands of rubles, a maximum of 2 from a thousand, for not letting a pedestrian cross at a zebra crossing, yeah, and if he is really injured will end up in the hospital, but here you have osaka, liability is insured by posag, it will pay 500,000 rubles for life and health, and for damage...
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decent places only seem safe, we scrape along the asphalt, there should be a lot of a good person, but the more weight, the less maneuverable he is, and this is not only about people, but also about cars, each car has its limit, overloaded cars are dangerous, if you do not roll over, then you will break the suspension, fly off the road or catch someone, he knows how to handle cars, with ease copes even with vintage cars, i had to drive an overloaded car, here an overloaded bus, yes, it was quite interesting, then today andrey frolov is driving, an overloaded car, front-wheel drive, mechanics, and this, and you are ballast, you are ballast, andrey, here is your
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sports equipment, you need to get out and return to your lane, sasha, on the left or on the right? here on the left or on the right you will find out the last moment at the exit from that corridor, so get into the gate, go around either on the right or on the left, right, right, left, you are already confused, you are already on the right track, great, now mix up the gas and brake and we've won, wow, phew, the camera is intact, the most important thing is everything, we're loading the car. get in and you get in, and i 'm getting in, there's a little bit of ballast missing in the back, we'd like to add a little bit, and if we put a boy in here, dima, that's a boy, you one. hello, hello, my dear, maybe i should hug you, don't need us, that's, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, and that's a boy, well, if it's a girl, throw a stone at me, the weight of the driver and
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passengers is 544 kg, that's the maximum permitted load of our car, and not fast, yes let's try the maximum, how much it turns out, what let's try the maximum, he'll sit, let's go, well, everyone 's locked in, let's a... well, what speed? well, 65 it seems, well, not enough, as i understand it, sasha, go, go away from here, i'm tired of everything, maybe you'll show me yourself, of course, i'm also interested in what, what, with an increase in the mass of the car, the wheels react more slowly to steering wheel turns, the suspension also changes, the main load goes to the rear axle, and the front... the wheels rise, they begin more slip and slide in turns, the driver needs to start all maneuvers a little earlier, we're racing, racing, straight ahead, here
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we are leaving the corridor, i let go of the gas, the steering wheel, oops, straight ahead, your car will start to slide a little with its rear wheels on closed gas, i jerk it straight ahead again, you have to catch it straight ahead to dampen this swing, at the moment when the... wheels are straight ahead, you can safely press the gas, that's it, i understand the action, yes, try it, let's go, oops , straight ahead, straight ahead, handsome, excellent, with maximum overload, now in the trunk another 200 kg, i wonder if the springs and the bottom of the trunk will hold it, we don't stick our hands out the windows, if the car flips over, we cross our arms at... and why did you come in so madly , are you out of your mind, ready, no, let's go , that's it, we're going, it's late, it's late, why don't you speed it up, it
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's full of bricks, there are a lot of snowdrifts, we're holding on, your masha is ours, thank you, sasha, sasha, i hit my head. alive at a speed of only 63 km/h, the overloaded car was suddenly thrown into a skid, only the instant reaction of our instructor saved everyone from flipping over, the trunk lid couldn't withstand, the car became almost uncontrollable, overloading the car is really dangerous, well, it's funny with you, of course, cool, by the feel of it, when the car was completely empty, it was shaking much more, but with your lessons it went... more stable, more confident, the thing is that you started to use stabilization, these straight sections are what prevent the car from shaking. if you want to move something
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heavy, adjust the headlights, reduce the speed, increase the distance and no sudden movements, but it's best to hire truck, definitely watch the main road on ntv. krasnodar. flyer with a new abyss, no, no, no, no, don't do this stick, cook real cheese, the middle all the time you need to pour and dance with bears, we're going to adegeya, krasnodar, ready, no, no, well, let's go. warm, warmer, really hot, from the capital to russian switzerland with a breeze only 16 hours on a toll road, a little more than a day chug-chug by train or 2 weeks on foot. republic inside
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krasnodar krai, where the sun shines 7,200 hours a year. hurray, it's better to throw the evening in hotels, there are slightly less than a hundred of them here , you can immediately try the adyghe cuisine, shchipsli, the legendary sticky khalush, similar to cheburek, but it is not customary to call it that here. kholeshiy, real adyghe cheese. an entire republic, a region. these are only two cities, there is practically nothing to do at the foot of the mountains, everything interesting is higher up, guides will quickly bring you to the peaks in quad bikes or suvs. on the road to maykop there is a huge stone, and of course we stopped here. it turns out that this is the largest, separate real stone block in europe. this block is called devichy stone. a boulder for the unmarried according to legend a young man in love had to climb this stone on a horse. then the parents agreed to their daughter's wedding. modern heroes are no less. no, i won't do it, i can , i'm strong, i'm a self-confident person, no, no, no, no, don't do it, palych, do it, do it, do it, you can do it, i believe in
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you, no. yes, no, yes, no, sky swings, rock climbing and a minute flight over a toothy abyss, this is a fashionable zipline over the abyss, fire, what can you say, tell you, they say something like this when they come to the ridge of nakos, translates from dyghe, go and be afraid, there rises a mystical devil 's finger, wow, it really looks like a finger, that's it, what's wrong? then unique artifacts, even a haven of ancient man, here itself, a nursery, probably, an entrance hall, very close, almost a citadel with carved, high towers, what kind of structure is this in the mountains, similar to a castle, indeed, at first glance it seems that this is some kind of historical fortress or a castle, in fact it is a former kilns quarry, but it has a very beautiful name, the fortress of mion, just half an hour from the man-made fortress natural creations of stones, inside they hide stalagtites,
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stalagmites, stalagnates, a record for diving to the bottom of a mountain river, a man dived here to a depth of 15.3 meters, and the locals, by the way, jump from this ledge there, rafting with experienced instructors is much safer, tired of extreme sports go ahead for sweet emotions in the park, let's dance, like afonya dances, show me how you dance, well done, my handsome, handsome,
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ordinary visitors are forbidden to feed the dancers, it is better to cook food for yourself, to cook adyghe cheese, they teach this in the republic, do not let it boil, you have to pour it into the middle all the time, now, too lazy to cook
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, go ahead to the market, cheese, the most popular souvenir, can you imagine, this piece is huge, this bag of braids cost us only 200 rubles, we still have to spend the same amount. ovation, this is no longer just insurance, a very good fashion that has captured buyers, both retail chains and bakery owners, this is so called healthy bread, the grain of truth, everyone , to the delight of nutritionists, uses both coarse flour and bran, can bread really be healthy, i still want to check, is it really healthy, complicated relationships, pathological fear of cooking even has its own name. makeirokophobia. what are eating disorders. and this is not the only example of a bizarrely strange relationship between people and food. and can they be overcome? i probably screamed for an hour or two help. live eat malozemov. today in 11:00 on ntv. tverskaya - from monday at
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20:00 on ntv. attacking credit card debts? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts on one holva conveniently repay 24 months. and do not forget about purchases in installments. holva, simple installment techniques. tele2 presents. i've heard a lot about your exchange. tele2. but i'll show you what i get first. discounts on smartphones, smart speakers and wind tv set-top box. minutes. this is currency! exchange minutes, smartphones and gadgets! grandma's sweater, yarn sweaters, mother's hands after separation, the warm sun of the summer beach, support of the best friend and correspondence through the distance, long nights that were, old photo with all friends, this warmth that we have preserved, rolton 25 letem teplo, fix price almost for nothing, colored paper for only 59 rubles, scissors for only 69 rubles. a set
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of felt-tip pens for only 99 rubles. fix price for everything low price. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children. this is clean air. they talk about switching transport to methane. protecting nature, but it is not only about this. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer. the methane engine works perfectly. installation of equipment within the framework of the project people's fuel. i also converted my car to methane without investment. being practical is beneficial for nature and for you. choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. every 15 minutes the game hunting. your chance to change everything. the main trophy from 240 million. hunting. test your instinct. baltika 8 non-alcoholic. shake the bottle before filling the glass to the end, all the facets of the impeccable wheat taste will be revealed. oh, meat-grinding stradori. yes, for her, meat is a ruby large. large-meat-grinding, creamy-meaty.
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myasorubskoe starodvorye delicious-meat-grinding. pash, look, what magic. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything. their technologies are of the highest class, the taste is pleasure, i love it, i recommend it, sportmaster discounts up to 50% on children's products. formula ada dak motor oil takayama protects the engine by instantly adapting to any
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mode of its operation. takayama - adaptive engine protection. tv series wing. i am now a producer. we will sing concerts. one , two and i want. moscow, and then the usa. i want, so that everyone knows our songs. premiere combination on september 6, only on wink. no bite, in the old courtyard without luck in any way, here is an arc. brings luck. and it bites, pecks, pecks. take an arc for luck. cash loan and cashback up to 10%. it is not necessary to disinfect the system, the bacteria will be happy. we clean the air conditioner, about this right
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now. mold in the air conditioner. you are guaranteed a ped party. the bacteria will be happy, breathe in the chemistry, no alcohol is needed, something smells of dampness and mold, it's time to clean the air conditioner, even if you periodically turn on the air conditioner in winter for lubrication, watch for refrigerant leaks, condensation still accumulates on the evaporator, it mixes with dust and becomes an excellent environment for the reproduction of bacteria, laziness, you can not clean it if you like. sneeze cough, i recommend washing the air conditioner every year before the heat. according to the instructions, the foam is supposed to be filled through the drain hole on the bottom, but for this you need a lift or a pit. it is easier to get to it through the center console.
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on this nissan, you will have to remove the trim on central tunnel, it is held on by two bolts. disconnect the drain pipe and insert the spray hose into the heater body. do not insert it too deeply, otherwise you will have a poor party. if you do not want to get covered in foam, insert the hose to its full length. pour the foam into the air ducts as well. then buy a new radio. the instructions for some cleaners recommend pouring the composition into the deflectors. we do not advise taking such a risk. aggressive foam will leak through leaky air ducts and can damage the car's electronics. it is not necessary to disinfect the system. the bacteria will be happy. but i will add another disinfectant to get rid of the griples completely. we add the composition 15 minutes after the foam has dissolved the dirt. it can be sprayed into the ventilation deflectors. just a little, take care of the electronics. start the car,
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turn on the air conditioner, close all the windows and breathe deeply. inhale the chemicals, no alcohol is needed. turn on the air conditioner and recirculation, blowing down to the center, and the blowing and heating speed to maximum. after 10 minutes, turn off the engine and open all the doors. do not change the cabin filter. you are unlikely to feel the cleaning effect, that's all, do it well, bad will happen on its own. in the next program: to turn left, you need to go right, or go straight and look for a u-turn. or cheat, make a sickle turn,
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what is safer and cheaper, about this in the next program. good morning, live food is on the air, i am sergey malozyomov and my medical education helps me understand the heap of scientific research on which products are useful, and which are not, that's what i'm investigating today. seeds, bran, sourdough, what makes bread truly healthy? here in the composition. sugar and water, what supposedly dangerous
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gluten and bread without flour at all look like, unhealthy relationships with food, why are people afraid to cook absorb objects? these were pencil leads, how do doctors explain this, and also sprat oil has learned to be used for environmental benefits, new data has been obtained on the dangers of sugar and the benefits of fiber, the latest news from the world of food science. and as always in the finale of the recipe of the week program, something beautiful and original, what exactly, you will see very soon. a very good fashion, which has captured buyers, both retail chains and bakery owners, is the so-called healthy bread. everyone, without exception, to the delight of nutritionists, uses coarse flour, and bran, and various seeds. but still want to check, and is it really healthy?
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the organizer of the hikes ekaterina ovseenko, if the journey is long, takes flour with her. unlike a ready-made loaf, it does not spoil for a long time, even in the rain, and to cook delicious bread in nature, it is such a pleasure. the dough is the simplest on water with olive oil, you can bake it directly on the ugu. or wrap it around a branch, the bread is ready, unroll it, a very cool thing, because it is prepared quickly, easily and at the same time satisfying, to quickly refresh yourself, olive oil also gives its own twist, this method has been known for a long time, this is how soldiers cooked, they smeared ramrods, rods for cleaning weapons with dough, and this bread was called: shompolna, we, of course, are primarily interested in
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the benefits, let's try to compare it with bread with different compositions. together with nutritionist marina makishey, first we came to a small bakery, where everything is, let's say, not cheap. the bread here is without a detailed description, questions about the composition should be asked to the seller. psychologically uncomfortable, you start to feel like a bore at such moments, but health is more important. i think that health is again a wallet, i want to know what i 'm paying money for. the head baker of the establishment ruslan proudly told us that almost all the bread here is not made with dragees, but with sourdough. and how is sourdough bread different? taste, texture, uh, shelf life. the first time, when i tried this bread i thought, this is bread, well i mean bread can be so tasty, well as a separate dish. this is really true, because the fermentation process lasts longer, by the way. there is a study that shows that due to such a long...


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