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tv   Zakhar Prilepin  NTV  September 1, 2024 12:35am-1:01am MSK

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20,000 i remember, wow, yeah, well there were just drunk people, kind people, not drunk, kind, and what a system, 20,000 was left, you had to share with someone, with all the waiters, not with anyone, specifically you, well there was another girl with me , a waitress, we were kind of serving the table, she was like, oh, what are you doing, why are you throwing money around, like take it, i was like, come on then i myself, like that's it, took it, but what about blogging? well, in connection with admission and preparation, i didn't have time to shoot videos there, all that, i somehow left this social world, offline, yes, but i felt so good and free, and i'm so glad that i don't waste time, that's the most important thing, on watching other people's stories, because well, i'd rather discuss with someone in person than scroll through this feed
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or all sorts of videos, that's how it is, i don't sit, well, not in any social networks, lesya wants to applaud you, in fact, it was a hard path to get to this, well done, really, well done, whoever children aspire to become, bloggers, doctors or janitors, don't deprive them of their dreams, and life will write its own script anyway, it was a program the stars aligned, see you on the ntv channel. none of our reasonable plans for winning the world can be connected with the name of trump, because his name is simply not in this equation, victory is being done without trump, outside of trump, in spite of trump, thanks to trump, we will probably soon forget biden, that's all, there are no other advantages .
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aleksandrevich parakhanov speaks well on one matter that is important to us, he says so: if zelensky is so insignificant, if he is so pathetic, so ridiculous, as you always make him out to be... show him, why
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can't you defeat him then, the hat of zakydatnost' does not do us any good, what can we hide, at least zelensky cannot be denied scope and imagination, after all, what a beautiful idea it was, disgusting, of course, for us, but nevertheless, in the fall they promised us all summer, negotiations were supposed to happen, in ukraine they told us all summer there was no one to fight, in ukraine they told us all summer there would be a collapse economy, ukraine is in debt, like in sholkas.
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to itself, alas, a working option. another question, why did not our analysts in our special departments think of such a banal plan, which was brought out there in kiev or wherever, but you never know what kind, who we have questions here. yes, zelensky's plan failed, yes, they are still trying to attack, but in their original idea the plan failed anyway. this does not mean at all that they do not have another plan, they have. a shitload of all sorts
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of other plans. zelensky is completely without brakes, maybe he is pathetic, maybe he is funny, maybe he is an artist, a comedian, but he has no brakes, and a mad one.
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the fsb identified the perpetrator of the terrorist attack, she turned out to be a citizen of ukraine natalia vovk, who arrived in russia a month before the crime, the day after dasha's murder she left for estonia through the pskov region. they failed to catch her. only vovk's accomplices, former interior ministry employee ivan rybin, and unemployed daniil chouthuri ended up in the dock. they collected and transmitted information about the dugins through a specially created channel to unidentified persons, which concerns the kiev organizers of the customers of the murder of darya dugina, they continued their work. on april 2, 2023 , maxim famin, known as vladlen
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tatarsky, a journalist, participant in the russian spring, a militiaman, was blown up in st. petersburg, he died at the scene of the terrorist attack, oh, golden, working history, yes. on may 6, 2023, in the village of kerzhenets, borsky district, nizhny novgorod region , my car was blown up. a participant in the russian spring, a participant in a special military operation, a fighter of a number of special forces, at that time an employee of the russian guard, alexander poznoy zloy, died
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shubin. the perpetrator was detained, the organizers and customers in kiev continued their work. let us recall that this brutal work was and is being carried out. not only on the territory of greater russia, but also on new territories that are already ours in every sense, and we must not forget about these terrorist attacks either. on april 27, 2023 , in melitopol, as a result of a terrorist attack , interior ministry colonel alexander mishchenko, the head of the city police department, was killed. a little later, the chairman of the zaporizhia region court, vladimir polukhin, miraculously survived the terrorist attack. in may, as a result of terrorist attack received early. igor kornett, one of the key military commanders of donbass in 2014. the assassination attempt on him is in the same row as the previously committed, but unfortunately successful, assassination attempts on sparta commander arsen
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matara pavlov, somalia commander mikhail givi tolstykh and the head of the donetsk people's republic alexander vladimirovich zakharchenko. then, with unenviable regularity, assassination attempts were made on a number of former ukrainian and russian politicians, and the former chairman of the customs committee of the lugansk people 's republic yuri afanasyevsky, ukrainian politician and russian politician oleg tsarev, one of the key figures of the russian resistance during the kiev maidan. both of them, fortunately, survived. lugansk people's republic deputies mikhail filippanenko and oleg popov were killed . ukrainian politician ilya kiva, who fled kiev, and former mayor of kupyansk gennady matsygor were killed on russian territory. the customers and organizers of these murders in kiev continued their activities. in russia
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today there are quite a few people walking around ready to shoot, blow up, kill, destroy. their work has been prepared, they have been paid advances and are waiting. in kiev for results, all this has happened and is happening against the backdrop of tireless talk about the upcoming possible truce with kiev. these talks will sometimes subside, then again. resume with new force, it must be understood that as a result of this truce , these very inhuman beings who ordered and killed dasha, dugina, as well as all, all, all, named and unnamed, will apparently be demilitarized and denominationalized here, after this , these demilitarized and denazified inhumans will probably start a new life, however, most likely, in their former... workplaces, in their former positions, will they have working trips to
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russia after the truce, will they come to the graves of those they killed? how do you imagine this world? does anyone have an idea of ​​it? because i don't? for some reason , there is a vague confidence in russia that trump will help us? trump, by the way, was also almost killed. trump is red-haired, impudent, hates biden, trump tells everyone that... he can easily come to an agreement with putin, our trusting heart secretly melts, this american boy, he can do it, look at him, like syroeshkin from the adventures of elektronika, in short, what can i say, trump will not bring victory to russia, only its army can bring victory to russia, trump only loves america, trump does not need a strong russia or a strong china at once, trump only needs a strong one. none of our reasonable plans for winning the world can be associated with the name of trump,
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because his name is simply not in this equation no. victory is achieved without trump, outside of trump, in spite of trump, thanks to trump, we will probably soon forget biden and that's it, no other advantages are foreseen. biden seems to be gone, but has anything changed, it's only gotten worse, because. america has a different logic, behind the external noise and all sorts of public shows there is a hidden meat grinder, it works 24 hours a day, it eats people on all continents and feeds on these people. all of trump's peace initiatives are a regime of merciless blackmail, which he will turn on at attitude towards russia, so that trump could then say, you all saw, i offered them peace in exchange for the kherson and zaporizhia regions, for example. for a real conversation with trump , we have only one regime, this regime is called, well, north korea, a la north
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korea, like north korea, this regime looks like this: we are russians, complete scumbags, we are like north korea, but a thousand times worse, we are worse than cuba, venezuela and china, taken together multiplied by iran. zelensky, with his antics against our background should look like first grader, israel should look like a prep school kid against our background, but we don't want that yet, we are decent people, we are a civilized country, we are europeans, more than all europeans put together, this is definitely our path, we definitely need all of this, now many have remembered the russian national epic, the brilliant poem, the tale of igor's campaign, in connection with these delightful lines , they often recall this epic: and my kuryans are
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experienced warriors, swaddled under pipes, nurtured under helmets, fed from the end of a spear, the paths are known to them, the ravines are familiar to them, their bows are tensed, quivers, open, sabers sharpened, they themselves jump, like gray wolves in the field, looking for honor for themselves. to the prince of glory in 1185 it is written: every time you are inevitably amazed at how huge our national history is, how motionless everything is inside this history? after all, we are the same, after all, we are at the same point of existence, and yaroslavna is still crying the same, but my bitter sorrow is everlasting, you know what igor, prince, but...
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and then the crimean tatars passed, and the mongols did not reach novgorod, the crimean tatars did not reach, therefore one part of russia, the northern part of russia, preserved the epic, preserved the memory of another southern part of russia, trampled and burned, and our epic is that, it is about how russian princes sit in kiev, and russian heroes travel between novgorod, murom, chernigov and kiev, but my god, the child of future... times, if we leave everything as it is, if our children do not forget how to think, although we are diligently working on this, so, the child will inevitably rack his brains, why is the past of his country in another country, but why? that's what they did to us in 1991, they not only
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took away our lands, they took away our past, our the past, our historical memory, our epic about strangers. prince, you are in captivity again, princess, what language do you speak now, my soul, i don’t know how it is with you, in my soul there will be peace only when chernigov and putivl, when the russian city of odessa and the russian city of nikolaev, when the capital city of the ancient russia, kiev, will return their rightful place under the sun, under the sun and on the map of my fatherland, i know where it rains, where it is clear, i know... that, not knowing myself, the academy of contemporary music of olga karbukin and alexey belov, in the apartment of gen tv, it's been 2 years, as i
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there is such an organization, called the free russia forum, it meets twice a year year in vilnius, there, apparently, is a place for the freest russia, it is not difficult to guess who they imagine themselves to be, they imagine themselves to be the government of the future russia, well, when free people, of a free country will overthrow the tyrant. along the way, they will break the country into 8 regions, or at least into 2-3-4. the organizer of the forum is chess player, politician and professional madman gary kasparov.
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well, in general, there is a great company there, very indicative. before that, they simply collected money for the armed forces of ukraine, organized auctions to help traitors who are fighting against russian army. the deism of all their meetings was the victory of ukraine, and now it has reached the point that when the invasion of the vysovk began. "we welcome the breakthrough of the ukrainian armed forces into the kursk region, which demonstrates to us that the course of the war is by no means predetermined. the local successes of putin's invaders in ukraine turned out to be only a separate episode of the war. now the initiative has passed to the ukrainians, which inspires us with hope that ukraine's victory in this war is not only possible, but quite." incredible. we also remind you that we have consistently supported ukraine in this war with from the very beginning. we perceive the armed forces of ukraine as our natural allies in the fight against
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putin's tyranny. and so on. there is much more said there. you quote and wonder how your tongue doesn't dry up from saying such words. but now let's remember who is participating in this very forum. so, andrey ilorionov, formerly first deputy director of the working center for economic reforms under the government of russia, head of the planning analysis group under the chairman of the government of russia, advisor to the president of russia on economy, the president's confidant in the g8, and so on, there are many other regalia. alfred koch, former deputy chairman of the russian government , deputy chairman of the main committee of the russian federation for... state property management. leonid nevzlin, former member of the federation council, first deputy chairman of rosprom, rector of the russian state university for the humanities.


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