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tv   Bratya  NTV  September 1, 2024 2:15am-3:01am MSK

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and unhappy, i know everything, not knowing myself, knowing, always carrying, always without, olga kormukina, my favorites, thank you!
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there is no way around it, because ultimately everything we do, we do for you, because we love you very much, the academy of contemporary music, alexey belov, olga kormukhina, hurray to you and thank you.
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by the way, we forgot to brag, this year leshka and i are celebrating our silver wedding anniversary, and we will celebrate the whole year. thank god for everything, brother, come sit with me today.
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we will remember everything that was, we will drink one each, let's remember how once in that childhood war, brother after brother fought, we back to back, and it's useless to guess whose fault it is, the path through life is different, only the blood is one, for everything that was, once guilty. "forgive me, we grew up for a long time, here we live, sometimes, and guess, my brother, finally! yes, they were waiting for us there already, what,
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finally, i was looking for a gift, so here's a gift, a tie is needed for a shirt, he doesn't wear ties, but this one will, how beautiful you are, you are beautiful too, really, come on, great, here, it seems to me, it suits very well this shirt, how do you like it, really beautiful, promise that you won't take it off, all your life, oh, i like it, i give you my word. yeah, i have a toast, respected, thank you, kostya, respected colleagues, what's the point, colleagues, my beloved friends, i'm a little embarrassed, and i 'll be brief, i gathered you here today to make a sincere confession, i want to admit to you and to myself that i feel like the happiest person every day, and this is very easy to explain. after all
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, i have a favorite job, which in turn gave me you, my most reliable, the most beloved, irreplaceable comrades. i 'm a little embarrassed, i wrote a quatrain today, but it doesn't look much like poetry, i 've never written poetry, but today is a special day, about my native mur, i did n't think or guess how my career would turn out, i became a cop and i didn't lose, even though sometimes i look like a bull terrier, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, buddy, yes, how am i here, i won't leave you alone, late penalty, oh, listen,
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tomorrow is the pre-trial detention with vyrypaem, i don't want to with a sore head, oh, come on, bone, that's it already, listen, it's strange that he remembered his affairs from a hundred years ago, i beg you, please, let's not talk about work, let's not, really let's not, renochka, for you, thank you, pasha, for you, happy birthday, thank you, my darling, can i leave my purse with you, and let's go faster , you have a good partner, a partner, like a partner,
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why? i can't do everything. the doctor forbade it. it's strange. doctors advise the opposite. more often. i'm serious. i'm sick. sometimes you're sick, sometimes you're tired, sometimes
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you're not in the mood. what irritates me most is, that you have secrets from me, i won't even comment on this nonsense, what nonsense is this, i'm your husband, you remember this, you always have some secrets from me, i 'm sick, they usually don't talk about such things , they tell the husband, okay, the doctor said, in 2 weeks it will be possible, the doctor said.
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we pass silicate, we go to the intersection, don't turn off the radio, always be in touch, as i understand, over, there are connections, i hate these investigative experiments, especially after a birthday, how do you feel, ok,
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disgusting, damn, like they're transporting the president, and he, by the way, is the president among bandits, 15 years out of 40 served, and how many are you? hello, only five, nothing, the court will add, assuring the day after tomorrow is your birthday, and you are without a gift, he saw it for the first time. isn't that a gift, but a bucket? it would be better if they gave a cigarette, smoking is harmful, exactly, oh, how hard it is for me, but it will pass, bone, but here it is dug up, that's it, i'm going around. and hands on the dashboard, hands on the dashboard, i said,
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lock the car, out of stupidity, what happened, what happened, everything is fine. that's it, good, well done, now take the key calmly, calmly open the door, so over, over, attack, three. urgent reinforcement of the nosifier, what the hell, and
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the general, run to the car, faster, faster he said, don't waste time, general, everything is under control, yeah, ainur ainpur!
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yeah, why are you sour, ensign, we've done a lot of things, who could have known? but you 'll have enough money for half your life, lykov, konstantin nikolaevich, keep your license and go, don't waste time, change your profession, surgeon, the interception operation didn't give any results, what can i say, kostik, it's bad, 5 hours have passed, what results, useless, lying somewhere, accomplices are lying low.
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what are you talking about, yes, yesterday i went through vnukov , can you imagine, plague, he doesn't know, apparently,
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chumakov petr danilovich, the crowned thief, yes, in the nineties he was number one here, only there was nothing to take him with, well, since he was number one, there were plenty of enemies, when the heel dragged on, he went to america, there they accepted him as a ten, but that was in america, and here we still don't have an article on him, good luck, how glad i am, how glad i am, do you hear? he got younger, it seems, you'll get younger with them, diet, doctors, basketball, sit down, in prison, yes, a county prison, a special institution, they won't let you die there, why am i feeding you fables, let's figure it out, we'll figure it out later, first business, i know your business, you want your share in 10 years, why is it nice to deal with you, ezit, you understand everything without words, well, you're my old partner, how much we've been through together,
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yes, but welcome back, flying... birds of prey, well, our club, the club, yeah, nothing, rebuilt twice, yeah, there was a fire recently, and you lost so much money, give me half, i i remember, i remember, the plague, no problem, you know i always pay my debts, you'll collect my share soon, very soon, yeah, well you for now... take a rest, and i'll organize everything now, i'll take a rest, yeah, easy, what other plague, oh sorry, i
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just didn't get it right away, how good, good, no problem, of course, we'll catch up in the chat, that's it, yeah, i'll send a car, of course, where would i go, come on, okay, the only thing we don't need now is the plague, yeah, hello, kos'ka, kos'ka, hi, it's me. she ran away, who's anur? i can't now, i'm nearing the end of my operation, wait, kos'ka, i i just don't know what to do, where to go, what lake to jump into, and i told you, kost, well please, i'll tell you, just like that, that's it, come on, okay, busy,
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no time to dial, and mishan, let's go, please, maybe not even one, well, as they say, let's go, a popular belarusian proverb.
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"i have no right, there is a doctor-patient confidentiality, after all, if she didn't tell you, well why should i, because i have the right, i'm her husband, promise that you won't use the information against the patient, listen, we don't have
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"it's going well". it's not going well at all, and i love her, you see, she has blocked fallopian tubes, and what is that? it's impossible to have children, why? because the infection was neglected. we treated it, but there are no results yet. and i think we'll have a baby, i don't want to give you hope, konstantin nikolaevich,
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be my russian girls, how did i miss you? excuse me, we have a closed event, you yourselves
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are a closed event, but take your hands off and don't point your snout at me, let me through, let this one through to me, don't be bored, fighter, for watch your hands, and come here yourself, i'll introduce you to good people, pussy bris, this is a man's talk. what's the plague again, a plane, and the plague, great, sit down, well, plague, accept a present from us, what is this, as you ordered, a scanner, a serious machine, any bugs. oh, that's good, we don't need ears right now, serious things are ahead, i haven't
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seen the boys for 10 years, i left, they walked under the table, nothing, we'll catch up on the missed, well guys, let's drink to the fact that you guys waited for me. nikitos, oh, why aren't you drinking, yes i am drinking, it seems, nothing is going well, it happened something, no, hey, i said drink, and now, listen, here, i need to get some voropai, so he's right here...
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while the american one's been spitting up, but for the success of our business, pour me a drink, jakub kolumbieska, len, my little white one! "take me with you, there in a distant land i'll be your wife, quiet, lin,
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what are you doing, and this is just a little something to cheer me up, give it to me, give it to me, what are you doing, i need to knock it out, i'm fighting!" you too, nes, we'll break through, and why are you sitting there like a poor relative, tired of me, but don't...
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no, no, what are you saying, no, you're having fun, do you want to go to another club now? come on, i'm not one of those, i'd like to manage, you know, i won't let any of zida's people near me, no one except you, because you're a guy, it's not a wet job, it's written all over your face, i don't understand, why are you telling me all this, and so on? i trusted you, now i'm waiting, and the same for you, and what about me, i'm always for it, girls,
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hello, kostya, hello, we need to meet, i told you, i can't, where are you now, at your place on petrovka, let me come over now, i'm already home, and what about home, you, i didn't understand, what are you what are you hiding from me? don't push me, kid, okay, come on, just not for long, i have some other things to do, you understand, i just need to consult with you, you're my brother, well , let's consult, where are we going, let me come now, you, no, nikita, just not at my place, lena's sleeping, let's go to the cafe near the house, remember, we were sitting there once, yeah, i remember, good, good, that's it. enough already, go
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and rest, good boy, have you gone crazy, vertuhai, what do you need, you and i need to go to the box office. let's go grab some guns, do you want to get caught, your documents are clean, not a fly has sat there, and the guns are fake, you'll go first, you don't trust, okay, no problem, you're the boss, bank, now we'll arrange a friendly swedish family, wow, how many floors, you're cool,
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well... bugs, bugs, your reserve. thank you,
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great, what's wrong with you? i know that it was you who took her away, and the phone too, what phone, who did i take away, what are you talking about, did you get drunk or something? what are you butting in for? no, saynur, everything was fine, we were going out of town, but when i arrived, she was gone, no things, nothing, everything was scattered, that happens to women, they say one thing and do another, maybe at home, what? why was it out the window throw it away? i don't know anything, i know it's you, she would have called, i'll get her back anyway, got it? you have anya, a family, a son, well, he's an adult already, and aren't you afraid that uncle kanat will saw off your head, no, i'll talk to him like a human being, it happens, kostya, i understand that it happens, to go to your brother's mistress, and she'll be fine there, she 'll be fine with me, that's how she got you, listen,
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niki! if you get her back, i'll do everything so that she's not here. i'll kill you then, you bastard. and you try, follow me, look, look, i have to be.
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and what from yes i hear i hear, nikita, got drunk again, probably drunk, how many times have i told you, turn off your phone, how much longer can you ashot, sleep sashenka, i beg you to sing, where are you going, hello, and what?
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mashad to you, lord, the only good and unmalicious, i confess the sins of my brother, i fall down to you in opian worthy, i have sinned lord, i have sinned them, we are worthy of being raised to the heights of heaven from the multitude of my iniquities. lord, grant me tears of tenderness, the only one, good and merciful, i, when i dismiss your name, will be cleansed first from ... the end of every sin, this piece of soap is no longer my brother, he told me to my face that he would kill me, and you say to reconcile, repent and find peace, so let this ram repent, konstantin, you
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must forgive him, no, damn it, i said no, kostya, i ask you, for god's sake, i beg you, i am ready to act as an arbitrator, only at... your mother, will i ever rest or not, as they say, we only dream of peace, and where is the second, in the tenth, the guys are interrogating, i can imagine, no, everything is fine, within the law, so to speak, he has the documents
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fake, passport, why, it 's obvious, they rolled their fingers, yes, now they're going through the database, he assures that he's sinitsin, nikolaevich, that's it. great, dig out, sit down, and you too, verkhin's groom, i'm new, i told them 100 times, i'm sinitsin, and they, dig out, dig out, what kind of normal groom climbs through the windows at night, yes, you understand, we wanted to have a drink , averka took the key while on duty, the devil made me do it, we called her, they'll bring it now, why is it so dirty, well, our water supply isn't working, there's an accident, there's no water, oh well.
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i don't want to wake him up, he was having fun for 10 years while we were doing business, risking our lives, and now you see, give him some money, and how much is his half, fucking half? i didn't appreciate it, he's an ezit, understand, the plague has a lot
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of buddies, a lot, and not only in russia, and i smoke for him myself, but i screwed up with our joint business, in short, what do you want from me, he's hanging out in your club, hanging out, well, that means you can come up to him, i can not only come up, i can sit down, sit down at the table, talk normally, like a human being, he told me that i have a decent mug, that's it exactly decent, and inspires trust in people. that's why you have the cards in your hands, what cards? what is it? can you put it in food, drink, whatever you want? just a couple of drops and the motorman will stop forever, what do you mean, didn't get it, what didn't you get? make another 15% of the club yours plus yours, the same day the contract, here's the ready one, read it, everything is chocolate there, don't be silly, you got something mixed up, i'm not wet, i manage the club, do i know how you manage the club, damn it? either my money will disappear, or there will be a fire, but
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no one will suspect you about the plague, it's such a tricky thing, it's excreted quickly without a trace, concealment will show heart failure, and the plague has always suffered from it, you've got something mixed up, isit, i'm not wet, got it, i'm telling you again, got it, okay, 20%, don't ask for more, fuck you, i have no choice, nikita, two people know, he knows with... me, your brother, mend, and i don't want to risk it, nikita, hi, hi, why aren't you sleeping, i'm waiting for you, why, i told you, i'll be home late. and i decided to wait, and you're not here and not here,
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yegor and i are always alone, we miss you, i miss you, anya, i'm very tired, i'll give you a massage, what the hell massage, i'm telling you, i'm tired, i want to wash up, go to bed, i have a lot of meetings tomorrow, you have a lot of meetings every day, but give me at least half an hour. as a wife, i have the right, you have the right, but that's all for tomorrow, are you drunk or something, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow you'll come again, no one, you come every day, no one , come on, tell me, what is she like, come on, tell me, who is she, who is she, who is your girl, what a beautiful girl, what are you talking about, legs from her ears, yeah, what are you talking about, i say, yeah, legs from your ears, yeah, how many, 18, 20, be here, what are you attracted to young people, yeah, i don't have anyone. open up, i don't have anyone, i
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'm telling you, yeah, where did she go, i don't know, i don't have anyone, i'm telling you again, don't yell, you'll wake the baby, it just didn't work out today, and she didn't let me, that's why you're in such a lousy mood, shut up, mom, dad, what happened, nothing happened, egor, go, we'll be there soon, we'll be there soon, open up. your mother, your mother, here, well, you found a place, and a normal place. be careful, bol, yeah, what, do you hear, bears,
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there's no one here, there is, well, and you. were afraid, here you go, cool, what's this? there should be another one, now,
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oh you, bitch, bitch. wanted to kill me, happy birthday, get out, yeah, hello, nikita, this is. ainur, ainur, where are you, i 'm home, i can't talk for long, such a thing happened, father found out everything, i know, i know, i know, kostyan snitched, there's no one else, listen, calm down, my good man, calm down, now everything will settle down a little, and i'll take you, do you hear, i miss you so much, i miss you too, pussy,
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don't cry, don't, don't cry, please, i don't like it when you cry, i can't find a place for myself, do you hear? run quickly, i'll be there soon, you're at it again, i forbade you to take the phone, i 'll gali for a minute, ainur, what's going on with you, gali, in moscow, ainur, you've disgraced the family enough, you're still going on, i'll kick you out of the house, slut, lyalin and i have another version,
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he ran away so abruptly, got scared, it means, of the plague, yelled at his godfather that he had important testimony in the bucket case, bribed the controller and off we go, off we go, we're taking a long time to get there, konstantin nikolaevich, we're dragging ourselves along like a cart, well i have a day before the reprimand, well then get moving, step up the search, why are you always feeding me with promises, here's another thing, boys, since... a daring, daring dangerous criminal, i give you permission not to take him alive, all his health is in america, maybe it
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's the plague for you, well, so that for the general tone, i don't get a hangover, it's wrong. now here the shugi-pugi will pass wishes and what with my questions i don't know somehow what i should answer you to them the whole body yes go to hell i told you i look you know what serious girls i have for myself i picked one natalia what a man is worth bykhalya. should i give you some speed, well yeah, well the thing is that you get turned on right away, oh, you won't be performing yet, get out of there,


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