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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  November 11, 2023 2:02am-2:31am IRST

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of welcome to spotlight: 35 days and counting since israel unleashed its onslot on the gaza strip. hospitals and civilian infrastructure remained the prime target of the regime's relentless air attacks. in its latest strikes, israel targeted the al-shifa medical complex in gaza city, killing 13 people. the total death tool has already surpassed 11,000 with many more still unaccounted for.
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meanwile the world food program has raised the alarm about the dire humanitarian situation in the ghaza strip saying all of gaza's 2.3 million palestinian inhabitants lack sufficient food and face malnutrition. joining us on tonight spotlight we have spokesperson of the masar badol movement khalid barakat is joining us from vancouver. of well gentlemen, welcome to the program. before we kick off the discussion, um, let's watch the un human rights chief who has held a press conference on the situation in gaza, in jordan's capital almon, volker turk has called for an immediate humanitarian assistance to gaza. immediate humanitarian assistance to gaza. samp hospitals, including al-kutz and al shifa hospitals have also received specific evacuation orders in
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addition to the general evacuation orders to all of northern residents of gaza, but such evacuation, as the world health organization has warned, is death sentence in a context where the entire medical system is collapsing, and hospitals in southern gaza have no capacity to absorb more patients. demands for civilians to relocate to an idf designate. it's so-called safe zone, are also very alarming. a so-called safe zone, when established unilaterally can heighten risks to civilians and raises real questions as to whether security can be guaranteed in practice. at the moment, nowhere in gaza is safe, as bombardments are being reported in all parts of the strip, stop the violence, guarantee the safety of humanitarian. workers
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provide safe access to ensure that assistance, humanitarian assistance can be delivered to all those in need, make sure that people have enough eat, clean water, to drink, medical care and shelter, the solution to this situation is the end of the occupation, and full respect for the right to self-determination for palestinians, as i have said time and again, for the violence to end, the occupation needs to. and un human rights chief volker turk there uh in a press conference in the jordan uh jordanian capital i'm on let's bring in our guests now uh welcome to the program to the both of you let's start off with mr. baracot in vancouver uh sir what do you make of uh of the uh international response to the uh gaza massacre that has taking place, the death
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toll has now soored to 11,000, many are still unaccounted for, most of those killed are women and children, and how many more palestinians have to die before a cease fire is implemented? yes, salam alaykum to you and to your guests and viewers, i think that the international community has failed palestine. many many times, this is not the first time, and when we refer to the international community, let's be clear here, we are talking about those power in the world that are blocking any kind of real assistant to the palestinian people, and these are not assistance, these are rights for palestinian people, when we talk about medicine, when we talk about food and water and electricity, they're not doing you know our people a favor
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when they do that, these are rights and they're preventing that and they're using it as a weapon and israel and the united states is doing so. publicly, in fact, when israel, you know, declare its war against palestinians in gazza, they said that explicitly, and no one have commented, you know, about this, not in washington or london, paris, berlin, they in fact they gave them a green light, and they were justifying these israeli statements, for example, the so-called defense minister in israel said that they are going to cut water, electricity, they are going to bomb hospitals and everywhere in the ghaza strip, they said that, and and they're doing that for the past, 35 days and the united nation until now
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are failing even tell israel to stub its genocide and ethnic cleansing against the palestinian people and reason also for that is the utter silence that we see from the arab regimes, particularly the egyptian regime that controls rafah crossing, egypt is failing in in its even international um you know responsibility let alone you know that they are supposed to be brothers and sisters to the palestinian people, but even from international perspective, the the egyptian regime is complicit in these crimes against the palestinian people, and it's really important to highlight that you know all of the arguments the the israels are trying to fabricate and market to the world that they
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are bombing hospitals because they think that the resistance have you know sites under the these hospitals, this is comp pleat and other lies, but they also against all international law, even if there is palestinian resistance top of these hospitals, publicly, israel have no right to bomb these hospitals, so let alone that the real actual picture is that they're killing people, and you know, by all accounts all these marters, and injured people are children, and patients today they bomb the intensive care unit in the jerusalem hospital for example killing people, how do people are where people are gonna go when they are an intensive care unit? they're already being treated in hospital and then they're being bombed again, but this has a
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political objective and what israel wants is to people that you have no where to go, we are going to destroy your homes, we are... going to prevent you from getting any medicine and you are going to face death and the only way for you is to leave uh ghazza and become a refugee as some of the israeli ministers publicly said they can go and live in the desert and that basically is what ethnic cleansing and genocide looks like since 1948 until today this is not the first time israel is doing what it's doing but this is the first but this is the first time that israel is doing it while defeated, because we know that no matter how many people israel is going to kill, that's not going to change the equation that israel is just making sure that it's telling the entire world that they are just a sionist regime who knows nothing but
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committing crimes against the palestinian people. our resistance in gazza is very strong and it's going to be victorious in the yeermani capitals sana uh the humanitarian crisis in gaza uh is uh getting worse by the second, it was already considered to be the world's biggest open air prison where the 2.3 million people are now facing, all of them are facing malnutrition amit israel's devastating sie and attacks, hospitals are being targeted, refugee camps are being targeted, schools and un facilities, there's no safe shelter for civilians, yet the international community still remains silent, when is it the right, when is the right time for the international community to act? mean i think we have heard this statement from the united nation in so many conflict, but at the
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end they haven't got anything that they can do, the so-called international community is actually controlled by the security council and we know that they are controlled by united states, uk. and other country who is actually who are actually supporting fully supporting this war, they ev send their battleships and war plane and supplies to israel, just imagine israel, they used to call it. the most powerful army in in in the middle east and at the end by fighting hamas, he he needed all that help that comes from this country, but to be honest with you, at this time the statement that comes as an example from the un security general and as well from some humanitarian aid in in gaza, it's still okay because they still say clearly what the palestinian need, but is body gonna gonna listen to them, i i don't think so, because as long as the united
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states and uk is fully behind this war, we've seen what israel is doing on the top of having one of the the largest open prison with bloccade with no electricity, no water, no food or medical supplies, we've seen that israel as well is has surrounded gazza city, northern of ghaza strip, they if when they said that south of gazza or south of uh wadi gazza is safe for people who go there, but we seen today that they have targeted civilians and displaced palestinian who were living with their children from north of gaza to the south, they have targeted many area in south of gaza, that's why i believe that israel main goal is is actually what they what they are doing is genocide is ethnic cleansing and they are not a shame to say so, they said that they need want to clear all of gaza, i mean they have been carpet bombing the entire
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of gaza, i mean of course if you is easy to kill, but can they succeeded? i think that palestinian and many uh people around the world, they are waiting what will the international, not the international community, the arab summit that will be held tomorrow, they should actually take a clear stamp, because if especially the axis of resistant, if they'... uh will uh let israel uh like you know attack gaza, destroy gazza and as well destroy the resistant in gazza, the next will be hizbollah and then after that will be syria, but we've seen that there are many attacks coming from hizbollah and as well from yemen, syria should actually take a huge step, because they have been been targeted by the israeli from the beginning of the chios and the terrorist attack on on on syria. and as you mentioned that israel actually what what their main now main target is to to destroy all infrastructure, to cut
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the power, they have cut the internet, they have cut as well mobile services, targeting hospital, targeting as well schools, because they they because the palestinian they did want to live, because they don't feel safe either in north or in the south, what the israeli has done, they start to target hospital or around the hospitals to surround hospitals, because they know that... 'if there is no public services, health services, this will force the palestinian people to leave, but they actually didn't, i mean they must know the israeli that the palestinian resistant, i mean they will continue the fight till their last man, i mean they know that if they let israel do so, israel is doing exactly the same thing, maybe less in in west bank, more than 150 civilians has been killed, i mean mahmoud abbas has recognized the state of'. israel, but at the end we've seen that is not about hamas, israel doesn't want anyone uh to resist or
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anyone who refuse to submit to the israeli occupation of palestine. barakat, the hamas officials who held a press conference in the lebanese capital, they've called on arab and muslim states to take practical action against uh israel, they've asked these arab countries to cut ties with israel and those countries um who uh had normalization deals to scrap those deals, stop normalization uh with the israeli regime, why aren't we seeing that type of collective action from these arab governments and how important and how sufficient can it be in uh opposing uh the the israels rattling basically israelis to get them to stop this massacre on ghaza? well, i think that... the press conference of our brothers and hamas calling for arab
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regimes to take actual and practical steps, they understand that this is call by all palestinians, the problem is that we also know that the arab regimes have no strength nor the desire or the will to do so, because most of the arabs regimes are complicit in this uh in these you know war crimes. i give you couple of examples, for example, the arab gulf with all the oil they have, they cannot even force israel to accept opening the rafah crossing to give palestinians in gaz strip their needs of fuel, and yes, there are all kind of economic deals happening between some
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these regimes, at the same time we see that arabs through experience. the arab regimes does not represent the arab people, so we know that for example in bahrain, is a regime that normalizes relationship with the zionist regime, but the vast majority of the people of bahrain are against these kind of normalization, and this is true in the case of all uh arabs and you know from from oman to morocco, but the the issue. is also here is very important to understand is some of these arab regimes starting to see their faith is very much connected to israel faith, they feel that if israel loses that they lose, if israel disappear, they will disappear, and so they're acting according to their own interest, let's remember that some
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these arab regimes are have actually carried all all kinds of massacres against the palestinian people in jordan, the jordanian regime did that, you know, and in in many of these arab brutal regimes who carried all kinds of atrocities against palestinians, because they always feel that the palestinian cause and the palestinian resistance is a burden on them and it's a problem that needs to be removed publically. "they will say, you know, they will recite few a few quranic verses and they will say that they will support the their palestinian, arab, brothers and sisters, but in real way, in in on the ground, they are actually hoping and waiting
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for the palestinian resistance to be defeated, just like they did in 2006 when they actually were telling." ihood almer then to continue bombing lebanon because they did not want to see hizballah coming out victorious from the 2006 at the same time the arab regimes have complicted all kind of committed all kind of atrocities against our people in yemen, you know in 2015 they wished a war against yemen and some of these not just the the arab regimes and the... arab league uh waid this war publicly uh, including the so-called palestinian representatives then who stood shamelessly in cairo and support the saudi war and the united arab emirate war against people in yemen, and we saw the results of that war, you know, genocide and war crimes against our
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people in yemen, but at the end we also saw defeated. regimes and yemen came out victorious from this battle and now yemen not just only rebuilding itself but also contributing to the palestinian you know struggle uh not just through words but through actual help and assistant to the palestinian struggle so we have no faith in these arab regimes we don't ex expect anything from them, but at the same time we the resistance have no choice but to call on everybody to take on on their responsibilities in san are the resistance forces inside gaza repelling israeli attacks, they've been destroying the regime's tanks and armored vehicles, talk to us about the
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capacity and the capabilities of the resistance forces and parallel to that, not just the resistance forces and the... resistance front inside ghaza, but also uh the resistance front in the region, for example uh the yemeny armed forces, they've just recently downed an mq9 us drone that was hovering uh close to a yemeni territory, talk to us about the significance uh of that incident as well, i mean at first we've seen that the resistant in gaza, i mean still launching missile against israel, so even though israel now is have a blocade on gazza city, still they couldn't stop the attack from uh gaza, i mean many missiles. have landed today in tel aviv and they have been targeting exactly as the same at the beginning and i believe that the resistant when they did their operation the so called tufansa they did it and they know the
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consequences because i mean they know how they are dealing with they are dealing with one of the most bloodiest army one of the most army that has i mean conducted a war crime that's why i believe that they they are well prepared for a long war it could take months. two months, three months and what's actually will weaken israel is if the war uh will take longer time, because we know that israel in all its war, either with hizbollah or with egypt, it took one month, two months and that's it, they they are not actually ready for a long-term war, that's why and i believe that still hamas and other resistant group in gaza, they still have new attack against israel, but because they know that this war might take longer, they are actually using what can actually uh defeat uh israeli ev like slowly and on the other hand we see as well that the resistant like in in lebanon and in yemen israel shouldn't think that
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those attack from yemen or attack from hizbollah that it will be the same i mean yemen has still many options for for israel and as well uh but i believe that those two country like lebanon and yemen they should extend uh attack soon, because the sooner they attack israel, the more target they reach inside the design state of israel, this mean that they can end the war faster, they could actually save more life, and i would just want to add one last thing, what add insult injury is egypt, of course egypt have security agreement with israel, they are in control of rafah, but in that security is only they are not allowed to to to to let weapons come from egypt to gaz. mean what about foods i mean egypt should actually reopen the rafah port because rafah course abroading and they should uh even by force
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let food and medicine and fuel goes into into ghaza because now egypt is is a part of this blocade that's why i believe they should take a serious step very very soon all right thanks lot gentlemen barakot joining us from vancouver and hossan joining us from the yemen capital sana and a special thanks to you our viewers for staying with us on tonight's spotlight, it's good night for now and see you next time.
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operation al-axag took israel off guard. playing the victim, the regime called it an unprovoked attack, but did hamas really attack the regime out of the blue with no good reason? gaza stripped of life soon on press tv.
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hisbullah secretary general sayid hasan nasrullah delivered his first speech since the start of the gaza israeli entity war last week in which he blamed the us government for the conflict. in the occupied palestinian territories. washington is entirely responsible for the war in gaza, while zianist israel is merely a tool, sayid nasrullah stressed on november 3rd as he affirmed that the us is preventing a ceasefire in gaza. hezbullah is not intimidated, declared sayid nasrullah by the deployment of nearly dozen us warships to the eastern mediterranean, reminding the us government how their forces were defeated in beirot in the 80s and how the sons and grandsons of those who defeated. then are waiting to defeat the us now again. nasrullah sets rules of engagement this week on the mediast stream.
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