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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm IRST

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as hundreds of people have marked.
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that minds, a un agency says only one of hospital is now functioning in the northern part of the besiege gaza strip as israel presses ahead with its attacks on al-shifa hospital. us police attacked pro-palestinian protesters rallying outside the democratic national headquarters in washington making a number of arrests. also on our headlines, in the uk nearly a third of the labor party lawkers defy their leader to back the gaza ceasefire motion as a pro- palestinian demo is held outside parliament.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's half past noon here in the iranian capital, tehran you're watching press tv's world news, our top story for this half hour, the israeli genocide in the gaza strip has entered its of 41st day as the regime keeps pounding the blockated territory with air strikes, israel is now pressing ahead with its raid on alsifa hospital, which is turned into the focal point of its deby raids, according to the gaza health officials, israel army's bulldozers and tanks have destroyed parts of the southern entrance to... the medical complex, local sources said israeli bulldozers and tanks have also rated the complex's western entrance. the regime's military is confirmed that its raid on the facility which started on wednesday is still going on. hospital officials and doctors say the complex's water reserve has been nearly of depleted putting the lives of patients and people sheltering there at risk. they've also rejected israeli claims of delivering medical aid to al she saying the regime's forces are deliberately sabotaging the existing equipment. israeli forces to the complex
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claiming that it was topa military command center of hamas resistance movement. hamas however is categorically denied the regime's allegation saying israel lies about finding weapons at the complex. almost six week, six weeks have passed since israel launched its war on gaza, leading to the destruction and shutting down of uh even health facilities. a un agency says only one hospital is now functioning in the northern part of the besieged gaza strip. the one office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs says out of 24 hospitals and clinics in northern gaza only one is receiving patients. it says 18 hospitals have shut down and evacuated while another five. only provide limited care to patients already admitted, including el shiffa hospital. lack of power, oxygen, medical equipment, bombardments have been cited as reasons for their closure. according to the un, three hospitals shut in the past three days alone, the situation has left medical workers struggling to keep patients, including premature babies alive. un says
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even the palestinian red cross is unable to respond to calls for help to save those to remain trapped under the rubble. "the international outcry against israel's brutal war on gaza continues to grow with people holding new mass rallies worldwide to show support for the palestinians. in washington protesters and police faced off outside the democratic national headquarters. pro-palestine groups flooded the vicinity, the protesters were calling for a ceasefire in the gaza strip, police evacuated the area after making some arrests, an anti-zionist jewish group has accused the police of violently assaulting peaceful protesters, elsewhere in the british capital, london, protesters rallied outside parliament,
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demanding lawers back a ceasefire in gaza, carrying palestinian flags, the crowd criticized the politicians for their inaction, also in jordan's capital, ammon, security forces mobilized to guard the us embassy and hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters gathered near the facility, the protesters condemned israeli raids on al shifa hospital and uh as well as the us support for the regime's atrocities. in the uk, nearly a third of the labor party's lawers have defied their leader to back agation. the move further reveal divisions within the party over britain's approach to israel's devastating war on the gaza strip on wednesday 56 labor voted along with the scottish national party in favor of two ceasefire motions. at the house of commons, the voters included several high profile mps. labor leader kier starmer had threatened to sack any shadow minister who would support the motions. this came despite the fact that majority of the british people have been
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calling for an immediatefire in gaza. the motion put forth by the scottish party called for an end to the collective punishment of the palestinian people while demanding the government work for a ceasefire. the israeli military says that it has killed three palestinians near alrs after they allegedly open fire its forces according to the israeli military at least seven troops were wounded one critically in uh the palestinian shooting operation uh the incident took place a checkpoint guarding access to road tunnels linking the occupied west bank and algots the regime has intensified its bloody attacks on the west bank. more than 190 palestinians have been killed by israel's forces and settlers across the occupied territory since october the 7th. that's when the regime began its onslot against the besieg gaza strip.
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press tv's monocandial is joining us now from rom in the occupied west bank with all the latest on the recent israeli aggression against palestinians in the west bank. the israelilit. said that a palestinian vehicle arrived at the tunnels a checkpoint between bait lahim and al-quds, it's this checkpoint on the route 60 westbank road, this is what they call it, it's south alqs and it's this checkpoint is used to to allow the the residence of blahim and the israel said that they suspected in a vehicle, they ordered this vehicle to stop and immediately palestinians came out of this vehicle, opened fire at the israeli soldiers at the tunnels checkpoint, at least eight israels had been wanted soldiers of course and settlers, one them is in critical condition, the three
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palestinians out the shooting according to the israelies have been shot and killed on spot, the israeli military claimed that those palestinians were attempting to enter plants that were occupied in 1948, this is what they are saying and that they were planning to carry out an anti-israeli operation inside the lands that were occupied in 1948, however they were disc covered before they passed the the the the checkpoint and then the clashes had erupted the israels are saying that those three, those three palestinians came from al khalil, it seems that they are residence of the al khalil, and now all the entrances to both cities, b lahim and al khalil had been completely closed and the israels did not reveal the identity of those palestinians. up till the moment, we have to mention that in the last few weeks, israeli soldiers had been
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raiding palestinian areas a daily basis in search for palestinian fighters, in search for anyone is member of the palestinian resistance groups or even those who had been supporting the palestinian resistance, if those people and the fighters had not been killed, they had been detained today we are speaking about 197 palestinians were killed, of course those three are not included until the moment, israeli forces had detained over 2,600 palestinians from all walks of life, all across the occupied westbank in addition to the israeli military measures that palestinian se had been escalated in the last few weeks with the start of the israeli war on the gaza strip. the israeli military has been trying trying to tighten the grab on the
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occupied west bank because they were doing their atmost to fight there in the gaza strip, they don't want to have another fight between the israelis and the palestinians in the occupied west bank, and that's why areas, cities, villages, refugee camps had been almost closed in addition to the daily rates and arrests. all right, thanks lot, mona, that's press tv's monandil joining us from ramala, we're now going to turn our attention to journalist, columnist and author oria makho's joining us from lawhor sir, welcome to the program, first of all i want to get your broader perspective on the massacre that's taking place against palestinians in gaza, according to our correspondent uh who we spoke earlier said that this war the israelis are specifically uh and heavily targeting uh the medical facilities and the medical apparatus uh in the besieged gaza
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strip, which even points further to the issue that this is genocidal act that's being carried out against palestinians in gaza, do you agree with that? actually, normally there's a misnormal that ghaza is open jail, it's not an open jail, it's a concentration camp, and since the dawn of the history, we may conclude include. first world war, second world war, all wars, there has never been such a big concentration camp, in jail you have all the facilities like to meeting up your relatives or you have the facility to have the medical assistance, all these things, you are being provided in the jail, as far the jail manual is concerned, but the ghaza at the moment is an international concentration camp and there is genocide going on, you know, you know on 14th. of this month there was a big rally in washington for which there was the people have been asked
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will be paid 250 dollars per person and and all the jews organizations they gathered and they paid them and they they gather over there and they this for the first time that the rally was there in favor of war. never, never in the history it happened that in any country. people have gathered in in a square or in a place where they have they have sloganized that war should not be stopped and they they spotted the genocide at the moment almost almost five or six there are six hospital i think i have map of those hospitals in in gazza they are all basically besfa is basically the hospital which is very near to the to the coastal rain that's why the israeli and reach there or have access from the from the coast line, so that's why
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al shif is basically surrounded, the children were there in incubators or there in need of food, medicine, they have been denied all these things, this is massacre of the pharos, actually it was basically the tradition of the pharaoh to kill the children, never happened in the history that they did, but look, what, what's happening in the world, the the the leader of the world are in favor of israel, but the people of the world in are against israel, people of the world are in favor of everywhere. everywhere people on the street, people are on the streets, they are they they are against the genocide, they talk that israel should stop war crimes, but the leaders, why? why the leaders are there? the basic thing is that number one, israel want to vanish the hamas from that that that area, 2.3 million people living over there, two
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purposes, one is they want to have says like canal from from. gulf because aqba gulf is right at the edge of the saudi arabia's kulisian place from where saudi arabia and israel and jordan beat so they want to have and that why because gazza is a mountainous area and it's not sandy like swiss so they want one thing second thing is that the trillions trillions cubic feet of the gas reservoir is there and the israel's purchaser major purchaser agreement has been done with with you know egypt and that's why egypt and all other areas governments like jordan and and saudi arabia and they are silent because they have taken the shelter of abraham accord what abraham is that israel should deny the rights of coexistence of palestinians and
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their birth right to be the the place where they have born that they should live. there and they should have the right to the political freedom and political governance. what can you tell us about the uh the pro- palestinian slash anti-israeli demonstrations uh that have been taking place in various cities in pakistan. do you see these demonstrations uh piling enough pressure on islamabad to maybe want to take action uh against the israelis in the international arena? you know pakistan's policy is at the moment very look warm type of policies just like wait and see that let that let is israel murder the people and then will give them food then we will give them shelter then we will give them refuge this is very this is very shameful and i think the pakistani people are coming up in the streets the two
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three religious organizations they have coming up but the major political party tariken saw pti which you can say they have been stopped to take procession in the streets and the the palestinan flags have been slashed from them and they are not allow to allowed to come on the street because if they come on the street the streets of pakistan will be full against israel and pro palestinian so pakistan is is very very big i think if they will continue like this one day people will come and bulk on the streets and the government has to go then. sure, and uh, about the muslim countries uh response, uh, one avenue would be that uh, for example, a country like pakistan or other muslim countries, they could actually ask to invoke a commission of genocide with the icj, why aren't we seeing uh action in that regard, more collective uh response from uh muslim
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countries to pile some pressure on the israeli regime? you know the the... the the rulers of the muslim countries, i always think that they are the pro western and they are basically a demo of the secular liberal rulers, they are, i don't think that they are they are muslim rulers, because the muslims said, they are just one muslim as part of the entire body of the muslim, if some if some part of the body feels have have some some some pain entire. body will feel the the feeling of the pain all, no, they are not, they are not, they are prowestanized, they are basically completely under the umbrella the american hagimony, they are stuges of imf, the world bank, they depend their economy on that economic system, that the interest based economic system and even the loan based economic system, so right from the
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malaysia and the burnaid or islam, you know, really ashamed of it. that bolasia, indonesia and and burnai, they are they are near to philippines, but the catholic christians of philippine, they came on the streets in millions and millions and they showed solidarity with the police palestinian, look in the canada, there was there was a procession going on and canadian police tried to stop it, and there was a plenty of christians and other religion people, the sicks over there, the muslims started praying on the street and the christians and and other religion people they also followed that and they joined the the muslim prayer just to show the solidarity with the palestine. people, so all these countries, their rulers are different and the people are different, look at saudi arabia, look at egypt, look at morocco, look at algeria, look at sudan, look
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at all other other countries, you can, i appreciate the the the yeman hosis, they they declared war, even iran is helping to, the lebanon government is is in shake, but israel is afraid of the lebanon, but the jordan. and there is no concept of muslim um among the leaders of the muslims, it's only the people and i and think if the war continues, i am afraid that the leaders will have to go, so another issue um would be the is, the concept the israelis acting as if they are above uh international law, how can the status quo ever change, given the unequivocal support that they receive from the likes of of the united states, basically giving them a
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freehand to do what as they please with regards to the land grab policy, the settlement construction, there's just condemnation, there's no international action, there's no tangible pressure to get the israelis to stop. one of the foundations of that is the us support that the israel uh have constantly been. receiving, how can that status quo ever change? the only way to change the status quo is to get out of the international monetary system established by the americans and its gros, unless you do, this unless you do do it, it will not, it will not be possible for for having the first having the acceptance of america as hegemonic power, and then you are requesting them, you know the... the the the 75 years of russians and the communist rule, they were not part of the system, they were not part of this, even today the russia and other countries they
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are, they are trading in their own currencies, they are not, they are not even taking help in the international arena from any international body which used to help the even russians in 1990, 1992 onward, the only solution for muslim, look what muslim countries need, nothing. they have oil resources, they have 55 million army, they have nuclear weapons, they have mineral resources, the the the afghanistan is lithium of saudi arabia, saudi arabia, of lithiums, millions of there, gold mines, everything, you can have your own body in the world and you can show it to the world, unless the entire muslim um will decide, look what will happen, today is gazza, then it will be jordan, then it will be saudi arabia, then it will be uae, then it will be egypt, the map the israel is that on the two blue lines, one
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blue line is of the yeufrates and second blue line is the night, they want to establish an international jew government on the throne of the david, they have your speeches are this that we are here to to develop an international jew government and that was that was actually agreed upon in 1970s b four agreement, so if you think that you will be saved after ghakar, you will not, it israel will certainly kill you after killing the the gazza. mr. john on november 7th last week, algeria called on the icc to hold israel accountable for its crimes in gaza, i want to read a statement that was uh um issued by the algerian president, where is: humanity and where is the global conscience that has become absent regarding the genocide being committed, that was asked by the algerian president, now colombia has announced that it
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would support algeria's case in the international criminal court against israel, what can you tell us about that avenue of the international uh criminal courts like the icc, like the icj uh, we recall what happened back in 2021 when the united states put pressure on the icc and said that the basically the international criminal court does not have any jurisdiction over the matter, so how can there be the uh accountability, how can there be consequences for the israeli regime uh with regards to the killing of innocent women and children, with regards to attacking hospitals and destroying ambulance convoys and attacking un run shelters and schools and etc. you know united states of america and israel both are not signity of the international court of justice. and israel you are, you are asking murderer that you should surrender yourself before the court, you will not to the court, the only thing is that the entire muslim
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should should basic really get of the fold of this international community, they are frough, they they they have been silent on kosovo, they have been silent on on chatnia, they have been silent on kashmir, they have been silent on on bosnia, when all the muslim population was almost in the process of genocide, they killed millions of the people and then they said, okay, call the milosov in the war court, and then milosovic was was given. life sentence, what happened, the the the what will happen, international court of justice will call the meeting and will go on genocide, unless the peace forces are brought to gazza, unless the united state, united nations pass an agreement that we are going to bring forces, everywhere you bring forces, peace forces, peace keeping forces, why not in israel, israel is above law, you know the thing is that israel is a blue eyed boy of...
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west and america and they basically govern the muslim world through through israel and the muslim world is basically the leader of the muslim world the stuges to the israel to the to the america and and from america at via america, they are basically sluges of the israeli hegemmany in the area. is there any credibility left in your opinion for international bodies such as the united nations? after 41 days of bombing against. uh the defenseless people of gaza, the united nations security council is just called for humanitarian pauses, many are asking what that even means in terms of uh an asymmetrical war that's being carried out uh against women and children uh in a besieged territory uh is there any credibility now left with the international bodies like the united nations when they sit idilly by and basically do nothing for 41 days at least 500
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children have been killed, where does this leave the united nations day one right the day one, the united nation was basically made as debating society, they have never been able to stop any war in any part of the world, have been able to stop the korean war, have they been able to stop the vietnamees war, have they been able to stop the wars in in, in latin america people with chiles and hontas ever they have ever been able to stop the revendant genocide never ever united nations credibility is nil from the very time of its inception so people who are basically demanding it basically don't think that they they they are demanding from the credible body at least if majority of the countries should leave the united nations the protest
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that we don't want to be the part of... the place where you are actually basically sanctioning where they were sanctioning the genocide, they have they have sanctioned genocide in afghanistan, you know in after 9:11 the the entire united nations allowed 48 countries to go into afghanistan like bulls, they were they were basically the the the hundaas which you can say the the the holigans of the world and they enter into afghanistan which... even not even regular infrastructure available there and they said that you you you made attack on america and now we are going to kill and we are going to to make you an example for the world, but thing is united nations no credibility, at least muslims or the poor countries they should make their own body in front, against the united nations. all right, thanks lot sir, journalist, columnist and author uh,
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joining us from lahore for those of you uh who are uh just tuning in uh we are keeping a close eye on the israeli war on gaza as the massacre continues for the 41st day those are live images from the gaza skyline as we can see black plums of smoker rising through the skies the incessant bombing and shelling of uh critical infrastructure uh basically what's left of the critical infrastructure and residential buildings uh uh are continuing uh just earlier in the day we had reports of a medicine and medical equipment warehouse being uh blown up by these raidies in al-shifa hospital in northern gaza we saw the massive plum of smoke that was created following that explosion and yet uh the world still remains silent the international bodies the international community with the united nations at its hel