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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm IRST

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or uprising in the west bank, what would that do to the z state? so that will be my last question to you, ali mala, what would that do to design a state? well, i'm sorry, to face all, face all, i'm sorry, face all, question to you, what, sorry, please pardon, yes, the question is, if you have that interfather happening in the occupied territories, what would that do to the zinanis uh regime as are? yester from toronto alimala said, yeah, i think the third intifada will be the biggest problem for the israel, because they are now, they are now during the 42 days until today, the they launch aggression against palestinian people in gaza, they they didn't, they have no yet achieved get achievement, there is no, or islamic jaad
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fighters they arrested or they kill and also they they even didn't find the tunnel and also the central command of hamas or islamic jihad and also i support if the this is the momentum for the palestinian people in the gaza strip and also in the west bank to launch the church intifada because the armed resistance uh is the only way for the... to achieve their independence uh from the occupation of israel. all right, thank you very much for that. we appreciate both of you. face usaf, journalist, author and activist from jakarta, and alimala, former vp of the canadian arab federation from toronto. with that come to an end for our uh of news/extended coverage. thanks for being with us, i'll be back at half past the hour with international news, do stay with us. that's
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just it, netanyahu's proxy war in a predominantly muslim middle east. so who has israel chosen as its proxy? that would be none other than the king of the west, the united states of america. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has long wanted a war with iran to the last american soldier. question is, can he dope the us into another forever war in the middle? east when its president joe biden finally pulled out of afghanistan just a couple of years ago in 2021. benjamin netanyahu's dreams are not new. he has held to two dreams for two decades, one to throw all palestinians out of palestine and into the sint desert and in jordan, and two to attack iran. well, actually to get america to attack iran, or at the very least to get a green light from america before it. strikes at iranian
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military and intelligence facilities itself and netanyahu will fight tooth and nail now in that he has one stone to throw at both. after 75 years of palestinians being brutalized, hamas made pearl harbor-like maneuver in which 1300 israels were killed, of of including over 220 soldiers. israel and affiliated western media pondits have been quick to set the stage for pinning it on iran. mortazamaki is an expert in international affairs. he told us why the israeli regime is trying to drag iran into...
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in my opinion, they always intend to weaken the access of resistance so that the issue of occupation of palestine by israel is marginalized by this trick. they portray iran of as a threat to the stability of the region and falsely present iran as a supporter of terrorism. with regard to the issue of expanding the war throughout west asia, they try to neither retreat nor expand the scope of the war. there is no d that netanyahu wants to have the support of the international community, the united states and europe, and in fact involved them in his confrontation with iran. he spares no pains to portray iran as a threat to the entire region. this is why the mainstream media, the us congress and the republican candidates always try emphasize the lie that iran is a threat to the stability of the region. their ultimate goal is to marginalize the issue of palestine. four of republican candidates for
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the 2024 us presidential elections are even riling up or trying to rile a public opinion for a military attack on iran, but even they have no evidence of iran's involvement, not that it matters with the kill first and ask questions later mentality, in parentheses, hamas is palestine's islamic resistance movement. to know more, we talk to dr. food eizadi of tehran faculty of world studies. this a good portion of that rhetoric came in the republican, recent republican debates, these people are not serious. foreign policy uh decision makers now, they are competing with each other to become someone serious, and they have to use this type of ratoric, because the audience they have is actually
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more foolish than they are, so there this is just rhetoric, but once they get into office, they will realize the facts that. previous office holders uh realized and so i think you should separate election rhetoric with actual policy making. look at the attack on iraq in 2003 in the name of weapons of mass destruction when and thereafter no weapons of mass destruction were discovered. although iran of today is a different kettle of fish all together, and attack even its infrastructure alone would be a whole different. kind of game changer in the world. this bears the question, is the biden administration just gesturing at striking at iran? this is muhammad qaderi, an iranian journalist and political analyst. mr. qadiri says all these threats are hardly more than saberling. متعددی وجود داره. there are many
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examples that show trump has not there to implement even 1% of his threats. for example, the whole world witnessed that after the courtly assassination. general suleimani, and after iran announced that it would give a crushing response to this american terrorist act, trump claimed that he would attack on 52 sites in iran, but he never dared to do so, after iran's irc inflicted a disgraceful defeat on the us hegemany by downing the global hack drone. we still did not witness any action that would mean a direct military conflict. the reason for this is very clear. well, secretary of state anthony blincon did w iran not to use what he called its proxy forces in the region to strike at israel or else, but then we are just months away from us elections when democrat president biden will have to show a firm hand next to the republicans. elections office, two keywords
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a broader context. in netanyahu's case, the war is his lifeline to keep in office and to avoid a prison term once his 10 year is over. embattled on. corruption charges at home, the failed politician became a wartime hero overnight, that is because he wasted no time attacking gaza right after hamas attack. he is looking to make it a long war to draw out so that he will draw in allies. but at what cost? in support of israel, the us has already armed it stations in the region to the teeth. namely, it has dispatched its most advanced aircraft carrier, the ford and number of destroyers to the... eastern mediterranean and it's beefing up other forces in the region as al-jazer put it, enough to start a world war 3. dr. izadi told us that in case of a military confrontation between tehran and washington, the israeli regime would come to an end. i think you can
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say that israel is want to have a continuous confrontation between iran and united states, that's. what they want, they want to resolve their difficulties with iran using american resources, but i think they realize that if there is a meritory confrontation between iran and united states, they would be the one the targets of that military confrontation between iran and us. yes, and given that fact, if there is serious military conference. between iran and us, that would be the end of israel, because iran is capable of engaging in military activities that would result in major israeli cities, military
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installations, other installations in israel to be destroyed completely, and since they realize that fact, they'... they also may be hesitant to see major military confrontation between iran and us. it's worth mentioning this piece is being written on red puppy day for all those of you. don't want to see our planet scorch yet again and so many good men go six speed under. iran both has enough long range missiles and regional allies to raise israeli cities if it wanted to follow netanyahu's lead a dirty war and to destroy us bases in the region. israel may have 400 nuclear war heads, but that doesn't make its nuclear sites any less vulnerable. republic of iran thanks to the eight year imposed war has achieved the deterrant power that the
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whole world, especially the united states is velover of iran's military power and the extent of its deterrant power. they know very well what the consequences will be if they make the smallest mistake and how any intention to confront iran militarily can destabilize the stability and security of the region. in addition, iran today is a regional power that cannot be ignored. the depth of iran's influence in the region is impressive. and the roots of this influence are not limited to military cooperation with the resistance groups of the region. in fact, iran's political, cultural and religious influence stems from a cultural and religious solidarity, which by itself strengthens iran's political and military power. there would be just one long-term win in a long and expanded war, and that would be for one man alone, for one man and his corrupted career, benjamin netanyahu. he's not alone or first in his policies. ariel sharon, once israeli
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prime minister, also known as the butcher of beirot to arabs, told the then us president george bush in 2002 that the right target was tehran, not baghdad. but netanyahu with total of 16 years as prime minister and his far right government, has come to a place where he actually said tehran must face a credible nuclear threat before his office corrected the record to credible military. threat, he said this most recently in september in addressing the united nations general assembly, you should distinguish between small conflicts, for example, iran hitting an american base in iraq, or americans hitting some iranian installations in syria, so these are managed low level conflicts. uh and then you you have major war between iran and united states. i think we never had any time
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period where a major war between iran and united states was actually serious option. netanyahu's lekhood party wouldn't let him get out of the war on gaza if he wanted to, true, but for them it would be no career goal. rather, it could bring about a repeat of history, the history of jews before israel was founded. in 1948, there are many angles to a war and why it's begun, another angle is energy, with half billion dollars worth of fossil fuels between israel and palestine, half billion back in 2011, well israel has no way other than the obliteration of palestine if it doesn't want to share, it most definitely doesn't, and this has been made evident more than once since its invasion of gaza in 2008, and to live to carry out this and free agenda, israel needs iran paralyzed by destroying its oil infrastructure, uav and
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irgc stations and a suspected nuclear facilities. do note threats to iran's oil infrastructure? if israel with complicity by the us bombs the country's oil facilities, iran will be off the oil market. that's one oil giant out of the way. this would also benefit the us, a country that drew russia into a war on ukraine. partly to take over the russian energy market. russian fuel has been boycotted by the us since the ukraine war. mr. mackey told us about the downside of this plot. 2015 شما نگاه کنید. we should note that in 2015 after the daesh attack on syria, the massive influx of migrants into europe had wide ranging political and security consequences for them. they were really worried about how to solve this problem. this example is only the tip of iceberg and the... problems that instability in this region can cause are unpredictable, therefore, despite
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all the anti-iranian slogans that we hear from the us and its european allies, we must not forget that they are deeply apprehensive about the outbreak of war in the west asia. for how long are we going to fold our arms and allow israel to kill? we need action, we all to cut ties with israel. we're going to withdraw our embassy, dinous israel exists because of the support of of america, so america is the main protagonist and is completed to what is taking place in gaza.
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there's plenty more right after a quick glance at some news exerbs. hello and welcome back to news exerbs from all across the world. now first stock with netanyahu is drawing the us into war with iran. the israeli prime ministers persistent obsession with the islamic republic may finally drag the us into another disastrous region. war, al-jazera risespies his bluster and bervado, netanyahu could not and would not attack iran without a green light and support from the us, but the bloody attacks are a game changer, giving the israeli prime minister the perfect opportunity to realize his fantasy of krash and iran by tricking the biden administration into war. now, toxic
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netanyahu could drag biden down in his fight for political. survival, the us president now owns this war. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has no exit strategy, and if he gets the long conflict he wants, the us may be drawn ever deeper. according to the guardian newspaper, it's no exaggeration to say he could drag biden administration down with him, after the initial shock brought them back together, the two leaders are again on diverging paths, far from. doing deescalation, netanyahu is predicting a long war. in fact, it seems that's what he wants. now, iran's foreign minister, that is iran's former foreign minister warns of israel's plot to drag us into war against iran. iran's former foren minister mohammad javad zarif warns that israel is bent on expanding the
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war, it's waged on gaza. iran front page writes, zarif noted that the number one goal of... tel aviv is to drag the us into a war on iran, which he described as the israeli regimes long time dream. mr. president, don't let netanyahu drag us into world war that third. biden's overloffed speech tried to connect israel and ukraine, but there are very important differences between the two countries predicaments. the new republic rights in israel, well you know, we have a corrupt extremist double dealer. who has spent the year trying to destroy one of the pillars of israeli democracy so he can stay out of jail. if benjamin netanyahu is capable of that, then he is capable of taking actions here that draw the us deeper and deeper into this conflict, especially given his rising and rampant unpopularity in israel right now.
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and another item: netanyahu dragging us into war with iran to save. his political career, security experts says sputnik writes, the sudden escalation in the israel palestine conflict is spiraling out of control socking in nations across the region along with the us and uk. michael malouf, a former security advisor to the us secretary of defense office said that was what israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu wanted. that's it for me, thank you so much for being with us and bye-bye. the physical. spoils a war aside, america needs all the hearts and minds it can get these days to further sideline russia. also, it doesn't have extra troops and arms to spare, what with its support for ukraine on the one hand, and keeping an eye on china on the other hand. in terms of international relations, countries like russia and china
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realize that they are dealing with rogue estate, because they shouldn't be attacking iran. and so that could lead to a world war, a world war in the sense that russia and china realized that united states shouldn't achieve it schools when it comes to iran, so they may get involved in terms of making sure that americans are not successful in their in their ventures, so it's going to be quite serious, and because of the very heavy cost of attacking iran, i think americans would have to be very careful with how... they look at that case and for the last 40 some years they have realized that they shouldn't be doing that, so if they are thinking about
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attacking iran, the simple answer is don't, because the they can start a war, but they're not going to be able to finish it. israel doesn't even have an exit strategy from the war nominally on hamas, but actually on palestine, the palestinians and beyond, and during... in its very recent bombing campaign on civilian gaza, us bases in iraq and syria have been attacked 14 times by iraqi militia men. of course, israel wouldn't have an exit strategy. netanyahu wants the war long and engolfing. he will try to provoke iran or pin any sin on iran to draw the us in. to mr. mackey, it's beyond netanyahu's capability to use the situation against iran. within israel, netanyahu lacks the power to build a consensus to expand the scope of the war in the region. this also holds true about the us. the anti-israel demonstrations that we
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witness in europe and the us these days are unprecedented. israelis always play the victim with regard to what happened in the second world war with the aim of drawing the support of public opinion for the jews in palestine. this policy however is becoming obsolete. therefore, the expansion of the war has created a deep rift inside the united. to the states and despite the harsh positions of the republicans, the white house is extremely worried about the expansion of the scope of the war. the recent trips of anthony blincon, the us secretary of state during the last few weeks at the regional level are indicates of the very same concern about the consequences the expansion of israel's war against gaza. the china-taiwan issue alone has meant stationing us forces in the south pacific to round up enough forces against iran that is u.s. forces alone could take months and iran is major player in the middle east. it is a hundred times bigger than israel with over 85 million people, several million of whom will
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still fight for the government. assembled forces are already up to million men, and a war one is a war on the ground. if there is major war, us attacks iran, iran attacks american installations. and israeli installations, iran and others that would confront us and israel, if iran is attacked, iran has some friends in the neighborhood, if that happens, it's going to be more damaging to israel than iran, because iran is much bigger country, and so it it would say. damage iran, but it would destroy israel, there is a difference between serious damage and destruction, complete destruction, and given the fact that zionists are occupy other
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people's land, given the fact that these people generally came from europe, unlike iranians that have been living on on this, in this part of the world for thousand. of years, the israelis will go back to the places that they came from, because israel is not a real country, it's basically an army that has some people living in their facilities, that's what they are, it's not a serious country, to make a dent in iran, america would eventually have to come in by land and sea, which would require forced entry. across of arab states, but that's only if iran's missiles don't obliterate those american destroyers first, and as far as
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missile and air strikes go, there is no telling arab allies of america will allow their air space for attacks on iran. ما الان در منطقه مناسبات جمهوری اسلامی با هم جمله. today in the region we see the improvement of relations between the islamic republic of iran and neighbors including saudi arabia, in the recent arab summit in riad and gaza, please note that the only official who was personally welcomed by mr. bin salman was mr. raisi, the iranian president, and the rest of the guests were welcomed by other members of the saudi cabinet. on the other hand, the status of netanyahu and his cabinet in the international arena is on the worge of collapse and their crimes in the ghaza streep have caused various political movements to unite against him. there's no doubt that netanyahu. is concerned about the things that may happen in the political arena after the end of the war on gaza. of course, he will no longer have a place in the political arena.
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they have more readily done. so during the days of former president trump and his living son-in-law and senior advisor, but they're not so susceptible to scare mungrings against iran and promises by the prince of lies anymore. israel's war on gaza has in just one month claimed the lives of over 11,000 palestinian civilians, including some 4,500 children, that is more than civilian lives lost in the russia-ukraine conflict in 19 months. "the child death toll in gaza is over eight times that of the russian-ukraine conflict, or rather the proxy us war. with a change of position comes a change of rhetoric on the part of politicians. hillary clinton, former us secretary of state for one made sense for peace. i think there needs to be new leadership of the israelis and palestinians in order to have any chance at some kind of peace deal," she said. it's a clash of light and dark as wars mostly are.
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there is an aggressor and an oppressed. in the case of palestine and israel, history is too present to forget. in fact, arial sharon himself was born in what was mandatory palestine at the time. benjamin netanyahu is the only israeli prime minister to be born in what was later recognized by the powerful as israel. now can these people blame and make game of regional supporters of palestine. dr. ezedi said that what's happened. in the occupied land has its own moral lesson. they this is a miscalculation, they think they think they should be doing something, they think if they they stop now, that's going to be loss for them, and the the problem they have is that if they continue, it's going to be a bigger loss, so they have difficulty choosing between losing and losing more, and
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as we speak the losing more. um, you, that's that's a lesson that don't occupy other people's land, because they're not going to be happy about it, they're going to defend the rights, resisting occupation is a right under international law, and people that are occupied are going to use that right to defend themselves, so the moral conclusion is that people who came from different european countries should... just go back to the places they came from. that's all for today. thank you for watching from the whole team. please do tune in same time next week and each week after. don't forget to send us your comments and topic requests. you can also follow us on facebook, instagram and twitter via@erantoday show. till next time, take care. the u.s. pushed one-sided mark of a
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ceasefire announced in northern gaza comes as a direct result of the failure of the israeli occupation army to achieve any significant battlefield accomplishments that could be used in negotiations. this suggests that the israeli regime may soon be forced to reconsider its objectives to align with the outcome of the battles on the ground where they seem to send in their soldiers and they never return. nevertheless netanyahu and his cabinet are still unwilling to agree to a ceasefire before achieving success that would alleviate the accountability they expect to face at the end of the war in the aftermath the heroicsa flot operation and the failure the grand operation in gaza. displacement or death this week on the mediast stream.
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the headlines, un agency says only one hospital is not functioning in the northern part of the besieg gaza strep as israel presses ahead with this attacks on alsrafa hospital. group of experts in the un say that there is evidence of israel's quote increasing genocidal insightment against the palestinian. people and resistance has carried out new strikes against israel's military positions along the lebanese border.