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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  December 6, 2023 2:02am-2:30am IRST

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two months into israel's ethnic cleansing of palestinians in gaza, more than 16,00 people in dead, 70% of them women and children, more than half of the buildings raised, infrastructure and ruins, few hospitals with inadequate facilities hardly operating, and that means all the four internationally known crimes have been committed in gaza in the past two months, genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the crime of aggression. iran and some other countries are calling for perpetrators. to be brought to
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justice. welcome to the spotlight. i'm your host najafi and these are a guests in this edition of the program. zakar, i'm a tamayet, attorney, activist, and politic analyst in johannesburg. daniel, academic and political commentator, joining us out of new york. all right, welcome to the show, gentlemen. uh let me start with the zakar you're you're a lawyer so uh iranian foreign minister others also world leaders are calling for perpetaties to be brought to just some of them are saying that these really war criminals uh of course you know they have committed all crimes they should be taken to the international criminal court so tell us uh what measures are necessary to be taken for this to happen well there needs to be a referral by the palestinian state, the
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problem right now is that there are pending dockets at the icc for the bin so that the previous prosecutor had presided over whether or not palestine could in fact a logic complaint and the determination, the preliminary determinations were that indeed palestine could move forward, however there is a duplicitous role that is been played by the palestinian authority, part of the oslo agreements that it would subject itself to the laws of israel and would abandon international law mechanisms and the palestinian authority and it's quite clear in the literature that they have been reluctant to renage on the undertakings of oslow. this has become the highly problematic and controversial aspect within the international law framework. however, the the best option and this has been utilized and explored by south african league. minds and there has
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been an aspect of lawfaire is to apply something called universal jurisdiction where a government can exercise its own jurisdiction to prosecute individuals that have deemed to commit international crimes such as crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide, the likes that we are seeing today, and charge them in terms of local jurisdictions, that's the more practical approach, because the icc has just become ineffective, you've seen how they drag their feet with regards to the united states, with regards to israel, with regards to great britain, and they have found it extremely easy to move on issues of ukraine and russia, we see the double standard and therefore it comes down to individual states to to hold israel and its support is account. okay, now daniel, in your opinion, what does it take for israeli criminals and of course the american and maybe european accomplices to be? brought to justice? i have absolutely
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zero faith in the united nations or the international criminal court, these uh bodies have never done anything to stop us aggressions and military interventions across the world from panama to iraq, from libya to syria to grenada and on and on. we're trying to educate the people here in the us, i really a moral level, a personal level, a spiritual level, i don't understand, many of my colleagues, friends, neighbors, family members, uh, when have we seen uh over 70 journalists murdered so far, over 105 un workers murdered in gaza as well, 1.5 million people displaced in a tiny ghetto that continues to be uh carpet bombed, this is not a political issue, this is human issue, but many people here are so afraid because we are attacked and we're docked. and we're
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threatened and they say that we're anti-semitic and we're anti-jewish just because we stand up against the genocide, against the holocaust of human life, 1.1 million children, have they had access in the past 59. days to water, to clean water, to electricity, to to, this is david versus the genocidal goliath, i personally am at loss to explain how us society continues to allow this to happen, right? and uh, zakar, let's uh get down to some legal details, what's the punishment for such crimes, for war crimes being committed, for crimes against humanity, crime of aggression, genocide, all the four crimes, the crimes. the crimes are are not in tandom over the punishment, the punishment is long-term imprisonment, we have seen sentences handed down between five to 20 years, i think the maximum that we've seen is approximately 30 years, but as mr show correctly states, we are watching a genocide
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this, we are truly witnessing the extermination of an entire population that is being live streamed, and the punishment of 5, 10, 15 years for the lives that are being extinguished is not conventional, therefore there needs to be a reconsideration of the global structure, and i think mr. show is rightly stated this, is that the world has seen that these international mechanisms have been ineffective, they have not been a buffer to the aggressions that have been meeted out by global powers and they have definitely not been a buffer. to the aggressions meeted out towards the palestinian palestinians by israel, so yes, this is the legal perspective, however, i believe that we are sitting a different crossroads now, where the global south has indicated that they are very uncomfortable with the current status quo,
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south africa has been one of the countries that has officially expressed it through our foreign minister naledipando and the african union and they have indicated that there needs to be a restructuring of the... entire global system, the veto power has clearly been abused to protect the genocide of israel by the united states that has been the big brother protecting israel from all forms of condemnation and international accountability, and this cannot continue, this cannot pusist. right, daniel, we had this report by amnesty international uh today saying that us made weapons killed 19 kids, 14 women and 10 men in israel attack on two homes. this is only one instant. of course, it was in wadi gaza in october 13th, and this amounts clearly to uh war crimes, so where are those western leaders, top of the americans who are always braging about human rights and all that jazz, that's exactly what
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it is, all that jazz, all that rhetoric, all that propaganda against china, against russia, against iran, against venezuela, but who are the true murderers, who are the true genocy there? who are the true human rights abusers and when we try to raise our voices here in the west, here in the belly of the beast, we are censored, we are threatened, our twitter accounts are are are are shut down, we're we're we're shadow band, we're a loss, we're in the streetss every day trying to tap into what humanity is left here uh in in the united states, we wake up with anxiety with genocidal anxiety, and the south african lawyer has laid out the legal base. is to prosecute all of these war criminals from herzog to netanyahu, to joe biden, to loy, to austin, to anthony blincon, in the role of cnn, and the role of msnbc, never mind, the the right-wing and and fox who do everything they can to cheer on this holocaust of human
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life, so we're up against very, very powerful uh enemy, and i think it's revealing to the world uh, just how sick, just how genocidally sick us capitalism in their bad offspring zionism, which they have weaponized now for 75 years to do their bidding in the middle east, because this violence is not just against 2.3 civilians in the ghaza strip in this tiny ghetto, every day whenever they want to, they strike irak, they strike syria, they strike lebanon, zionism in the us backers, they have a card blanch to do whatever they want in the middle east, so we're we're pleading with all of humanity, how can we stop this genocidal madness? natakar, unicep also saying, of course they they're good at giving reports at least, they're not able to take action, but they are condemning this, and they're also sometimes reflecting some facts like uniceff saying that safe zones that americans are thanking israeli forces for recently, because for
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giving warning to move to other places to safe zones, okay, safe zones, unicep is saying in their own war is there not scient fantasy, there has been clear footage that has indicated that the ledge safe corridor along salahdin road, the main road has been targeted numerous times by israeli snipers and tank fire, the attempt to portray safe zones or united nations facilities, anar was facilities within ghaza as places of safety and security have been rubbished when we look at the number of strikes, dr. gilbert the norway doctor was intro in south africa and provided a shocking statistic that 47% of
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those that were killed were killed in the south, the alleged safe zone, what is happening is a propaganda game that is played with the united states, we've noticed that very clear pattern that has developed, every time anthony blincon enters the region, you have escalation, increasing ferocity and a change in weaponry that results in the dismemberment, the death and the permanent ability of the palestinian people and skills that we have not seen before, so this is just a fantasy, yes there is no safe place in gaza, there was a old human rights report that indicated the same thing with the same title, no safe place, this is a tactic of israel, only this time israel has been given card blanch to proceed and exterminate the entire palestinian population, we have been in contact with the leadership that has been visiting south africa, both hames, hisbollah. jihad and they have all said the same thing that we are heading towards the the situation
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of a complete eradication of the population of ghaza and this will lead to a regional war and not just a regional war but a global war. this is highly problematic and this is exactly what it is, propaganda and it's being exposed a daily basis by media houses such as yourselves, press tv and the alternative press. right now, uh international organizations, the rights bodies, including doctors without borders, who, they're calling for something, obvious, for protection of civilians, medical staff, journalists and of course, there are warning against force displace of the people, what could justify the king of these people, journalists, doctors, nurses, paramedics, is absolutely no justification, all of these humanitarian organizations for 59 days straight have been warning that this is genocide that we're watching in in in slow motion and accelerated
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uh genocide. i mean, all we hear about here in the west is october 7th, hamas, now they're using all of the uh colonial anti-arab tropes that hamas are rapis, they presented basically very little con concrete proof, yet we hear from the palestinians who are. uh being released from israeli prisons uh that they have endured uh sexual abuse. um, certainly huge part of war is is is is is the informational war, the media war, but here in the belly of the beast in the united states, who owns cnn, who owns the new york times, who owns msnbc, who owns brightbart news? who owns the full gamet of corporate uh media outlets, so we don't have a way. of reaching people, if this is not censorship, what is it? if this is not fascism, uh uh,
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what is it? but the whole world is watching, how could any citizen of the world, the eight billion people of the world, from nigeria to the philippines to to algeria to the middle east to south america, who can very plainly see, this is david, who only has slingshot in the in the bricks and stones from the rubble that is crumbled down on his head, on the heads of how many tens of thousands of to say that 16,000 or 17,000 palestinians are are dead is ridiculous, there's not one hospital that's been left functioning or orstanding, it's very clear to anyone who studied any amount of history that the zionist plot, the israelly plot is the extinction, it's the extermination of all life in gaza so they can expand greater israel, and why isn't why aren't our people speaking out about this, what does it take to tap into the humanity of people? exactly and zakar, ghaza is being
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wiped off the map practically, so what's the purpose of israels earth policy? do you agree with what daniel said? definitely, i think we are traveling in the same direction in both our thoughts and our emotions, the principle of israel is that of ethnic superiority, and the only way that israel can establish. that is to eliminate the palestinian population, the ethnic principle is based on demographic control, and by eliminating the gazan population, that is why you see... the graffiti that is being spread by israeli soldiers, we are returning to ghaza, we are going to reestablish, these are the types of genocidal messages that are being shared, the attempt right now is to push the palestinian people into the sin, trying to bribe egyptian authorities and the egyptian leadership by
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wiping out it's deb, i think it's about 160 billion, there's attempts to do the same with turkey for 100. billion and this is to buy their silence and to buy their consent, this will not be allowed, and i think this is the problem in the analysis, this will not be allowed by islam, the resistance access, it will not be allowed by his, it will not be allowed, it will not be allowed from the brothers of the pmu, popular mobilization units and i highly doubt that the islamic republic of iran will remain silent on this and remain on the... guidelines, yes they haven't been on the front line of the attacks, hazballah has been pmu has done what they had to do and i think that it will inevitably draw the entire region to a massive war, and yes already we are sitting a global war scale, the united states, the uk, germany, france, everyone is part of the war at the moment, so i think that's the
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direction we're going to head, that's all the time we have, thank you so much, attorney and political analysts in johannesburg, daniel shaw, academic and commentator in new york. thank you for watching this episode of the spotlight. i be your host behr nafin and i'll see you next time. خلوني اسوي؟ا ل الله الله حبيب الله. احنا نواسي الكفاح.
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وين الناس يا الله عمه عمه شربيه لاخوكي شربيه ثاني شربيه خلصت اجيب لك ميه حاضر. the ceasfire is over, we can already hear the bombing and i'm a hospital, there was a hit about 50 m from here, this is the bigger. still functioning hospital in gaza, it's at 200% capacity, yes, this is hospital, the health system here is overwhelmed, this hospital simply cannot take more children
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with the wounds of war, there are children everywhere, these children are sleeping, there was a bomb literally 50 m from here, i cannot overstate how the capacity has been reduced of hospitals in last seven weeks, we cannot see more children with the wounds of war, with the burns with the shratnel littering their body with the broken bones, action by those with influence is allowing the killing of children. this is a war on children.
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