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that's an ongoing genocide that is taking place in the gaza strip by israely regime forces, 17,00 deaths and counting, there's also. at the cleansing that is taking place in the occupied palestinian territory to the west bank. the world is falling at, not able to prevent either. the us secretary general has invoked article 99 to see if that can really support seagfire, although not much hope is spend on that. meanwile the us has rejected the latest financial aid package which would have included $15 billion in aid for israel, although the president has made sure that israel has unfettered access to us military equipment. in this program we will look at this really unslot and and where this
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war is heading to. first let me introduce our guests. other and west asia expert joins us of from belfast. also joining us is shabir who's a political commentator who joins us from chicago. welcome to you both. stop the first out with you. um, i have to, i have to start with this because this is uh truly shocking. the latest count is now at 17,177 in terms of the number of people that have been massacred and murdered gaza strip, 350 were killed in the past 24 hours as the bombardments have continued, so we're looking a situation where if anybody had doubt that a genocide is really taking place, i think that is that is now sinking in, not to mention the fact that you have the very 10 to 1500 that are under the rubble which dead, and then you have 60,00 who are...
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if you look at the campaign itself is designed in a very evil and wicked way which is designed mainly to while they are genociding people killing people. to crush the most of them and cram them in the very south of gaza after they created this zoning map which is with the blocks uh over 600 blocks in map telling the people you have this is your safe area if you're a block eight go to block 25 and they keep moving the people on that way forcing them to think it's their own safe escape since what we witnessed even today in some give you an shelters which
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these shelters were designated by united nation and the coordinate were giving to the zin entity invading forces as this is zones will be safe. they bt snipers today this morning around area close to the indonesian hospital where there is a shelter in there and they start killing every individual coming or getting in or out so the they they target this this school there is around 800 people inside and they were sending it you know like sos calls for anybody to help them and they been picked one by one by lots, there is massacer, jazeira this morning published a video about the the the family was killed at nrance of that shelter, i tried to share it myself, but of course facebook straight away it's goes against their own community policy and stuff like that, you're not, they have they want to silence anything to to mention there is massacres of civilians of committed by invading force yesterday uh the
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united nation itselfish invoked article 99 of the un charter which is not used for lightly and wasn't used for decades, he is informing the security council, there is global danger from this entity and the war brutal war of genocide is committing nasa, he rang the bell in a big time, yeah as well the commissioner general of the philip lazarini war. international community and saying there's absolutely no safe place left in in gaza, the population is in gaza and there is not or any designated area by the israelis themselves as according to him, well let's talk about that article 99 uh in terms of uh the uh reaction that came from israel, if i may ask you that where israel has come out and said that uh gutarish himself and then the invokement of article 99 uh creates a threat to world
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peace, israel leveling that against guteres of and un, what do you think? yeah, i think it's certainly interesting, i mean since the the start of the aggression on on the strip, "i believe the the zionist envoy has asked gutierz actually resigned because of just the the bombing campaign that we've been seeing on the gaza strip, but i also do want to kind of recognize here that there have been over 65 resolutions passed by the un that condemn israel for this and that or ask israel to restrain itself or more or less just basically slap israel on the wrist is essentially what's happening, over 65 resolutions, every single one of them israel has violated, so the'. can come in and the unsc uh can come in and say hey israel stop doing that and sure maybe they'll stop for a brief period of time but the nature of israel will command it to continue to terrific war crimes over and over again that's just the fact that's what we've been looking at since 1948 and and something to consider here as
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well right a cease fire you can call it a ceasefire we can call it youce or whatever sease fire to the israelis is basically them adding defeat because from day one there's strategic objectives included the elimination the palestinian resistance, mainly hamas. now when the un comes in and asks israel to not do that, what it's basically telling israel in the eyes of the zionis is they're asking us to lose. that's just the way that they view it. now again, the cease fire isn't even a real cease fire because as you and i know we've been in in the same room multiple times, the israeli occupation is the violence, everything that we see that happen. to to design this entity is a response to the occupation, and so when you ask israel to you, acknowledge sease fire, never mind that you're asking them in their eyes to lose, what you're basically saying is let's just stop for now, let's not address the fact that the real crime in the room here is the occupation of the palestinian land, that the
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real crime is the occupation of the palestinian people, the call for seas fire you know is going to save lives, no doubt 100%, but the violence remains the... out of violence remains, whether that's in the gun strip, whether that's in west bank, whether that to zionist natives, right? uh, for example, have syria was, whenever israel decides going to constantly bomb, you have lebanon and so on and so forth. indeed, well, that's the million dollar question as how to get to this uh, and that conflict should be pretty straightforward in terms of the way that israel has been categorized even by the un and classified by the un as apartide regime. um, let's look at the way that um, advances have been made or not if you agree by resistance fighters, we had osama hamdan come out bay routes and talk about how there were a little over 24 or 25 military vehicles uh that were destroyed um you have over 80 israeli regime forces that have been killed and uh there was one particular incident yesterday we reported that we was widely
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reported we were one of them where in one instant uh 70 israely soldiers samsali regime forces were actually taken out we don't hear much about israel and its uh advancement towards ultimate goal of eradicating hamas. what what's going on there? how would you describe the advancements or the failures or the successes on either side? netan yaho told the israeli media and the zist public, they they are surrounding senar's house, the hamas leader in khan unis and this has been maybe over 15 hours now this kind of, why didn't they arrest him? what is the big leader? of hamas they claiming what exactly to show a sign of victory which is pathetic earlier today the euromed monitoring body said in a statement which is wildly circulated they documented storming of the design incubation
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soldiers many shelters in gaza and arresting lots of people with them doctors jourris academics and all people and i want to add to that they were arresting everybody above. for 15 and they striding them from their clothes and they blindfold them and they half uncuff them and they exterminate and execute some and they take some naked nearly to unknown places this to b to their own thirsty blood thirsty population we got hamas fighters they going into shelters safe areas they designated themselves united nation knows that euromed talked about that they killing a lot of people arresting lot of people telling their own people even in the move at the beginning when they were pushing people from the north of gaza to the south we witnessed rasheid street in gaza how many was killed and there is this one survivor a bike was filming and and a crying for help and the same thing they done it in salahdin road
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between the south and north and the south they were stubbing the displaced the force displaced people and picking their sons they took the head doctor of the shifa hospital. over 60 personals of shift hospital itself as hostages and and many so they want to lie to their own people, they they put they arrested hammas while on the ground they focusing. on the battle, he's spoke about it likely today, hanunis, there is huge gathering from design machinery war machines and brigades to fight the battle of khan, because this is the decisive battle, hanunis, hanunis city always the final is throw in any fight between the palestinians resistance and the zionist entity and always managed khanis to a massive blow to the entity ming up in in up mean today and yesterday and the they conducted
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unbelievable campaign of destruction and bombardment yesterday and the day before. wait, i'd like to get your action to something, thank you for shot. i like to understand from you uh, this um something that's not really widely reported on uh or or watched or viewed or even broadcast, and that is visit by the israely prime minister benjamin netanyahu to the northern part of the gaza strip - where he went there and he lifted either a piece of rock or something or another that i forget whether it was piece of rock or the uh soil there and said there's going to be future settlements that's going to be in this area. i'm i'm wondering uh what what is the uh goal of the god's trip when it comes to israel what does it we know it wants to eradicate hamas uh which is another story we can get into what do they plan to do they want the palestinians based on what saab said that the corn they've cornered the palestinians in the southern part of the gaza strip it looks like then they pushed them into raffa and it seems like they're trying to push them off into egypt, but what do they
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want to do with the gaza strip? do you think that this will go against what the us has said where they said no, there will be no force display of palestinians? where is the us just putting out a lie out there? uh, i'd say the united states is 100% lying, to kind of keep it little uh kind of voter base at bay, of course they're going to say that we don't support ethnic cleansing, but what we see on the ground is 100% ethnic. from day one day one uh with the b of the strip, the israeli regime told the palestinians there, hey evacuate the north, while they were evacuating the north, they were bombing the main roads, the humanitarian corridors is what they called it, they were bombing there, they were bombing the ruffa crossing, they're they're pushing them into the south and bombing those locations too, we see very clearly that they're not interested in having the palestinians stay, and even after uh shortly after elon muss infamous visit, i'm going to call it uh to israel to talk to the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, what did they say that they have an interest in
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rebuilding the gaza strip? they didn't say for who, they just said that they have an interest in rebuilding it, and i think with this with this clear propaganda campaign that we see with netanyahu here is that he is hinting towards all the settlers that are currently looking at netanyahu and seeing a weak leader that he intends to finally solve uh you know he would refer to as a palestinian problem that he wants to take this all the way and not just... eliminate hamas, but eliminate the palestinian people there, be it through ultra violence by committing a genocide or through ethnic cleansing. these are the two options that are on his stable and he's and he's going to exhaust both of them to create a situation where the the the goza strip as it currently stands becomes unlivable, and so what israel can then say is while this place is unlivable, it prests security that to us, we're going to start cleaning this place up and taking the land for ourselves while pushing that palestinians out, this has been clear since day one, and i... i think they're going to fail at this, i think the world is watching, i think they're overplaying their
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hand here, it's going to become evidently clear uh if to the people who have not yet woken up uh that this has been the plan since day one, this has been the plan since 1948, and they want to use this opportunity to carry it out, but they're losing, so they're resorting to these uh these propaganda campaigns, these propaganda photo shoots, they're resorting to this horrific genocide the palestinian people, the resorting ethnic cleansing, and then last but not least they are resorting to... they always do, paying themselves as the victims and saying boohoo, this is the off thing that's been done to me, deserve this land. it's up toth, what about the us? when it comes to this, i said fact that the the kamal haris, the vp said we're definitely not going to redraw boundaries, borders, we're not going to forcibly have palestinians uh being displaced, iran by the way has come out said us should have no role in deciding the faith of the palestinians, nevertheless uh where do you see the us in terms of uh this aspect of it, the future of what the... strip will you see gaza exposed the weakness, the massive weakness in the
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united states of america's germany in the region with western allies as well, when the united states of america came to the ground fighting alongside with the the zianist entity with the british you know hovering over the skies of gaza and spying on the gazas and the name they are trying to locate prisoners and hostages as well and as well french backup, the german, the italians, all the west at the met gaza expose how fragile was that zinus entity for them, and they want to show up and strengthen their watch dog. in the region who protect the hegeman of the united states and keep the arabs and west asia subs to them, controlled by them, so all of this now they given the zinis entity, they say weeks to finish this job by christmas, so as he thanksgiven he gave some sort of truth for humanitarian purposes, now you want to
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give something similar around the christmas so they can have a christmas and peace, this is this disgusting kind of... attitude, but at the same time thes of america watching today, like if you can see putin yesterday was in the region today, president of iran in moscow, the chinese issued statements the last couple of days, so nobody in the international community trust the region to be controlled, hegemonized or even a broker between the palestinians or the arabs at one side and the ziist entity, since it's all exposed the... the the the main the main ones which is fighting the palestinian genociding the palestinian issuing orders is the united states of america with the western imperialist with it this is obvious now now gaza expos that now gaza saying the the americans in there they want to pushtinians out of gaza as a quick as possible and as many as they can that's why they they cramp
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them in rafa that's why there is manufacturing hungerbic. kind of starvation and pandemic as well, since there is water, no medicine, and there is nearly million and a half in there, so by doing that, they want them to force them in egypt and create chios between the egyptians and the palestinians, because that will threaten the national security of egypt, so the united states of america wanted out of that building the rebel, so can rebuild its own a project which is the line land from india to haifa against the the the the chinese project which is the sil so gaza is at the center of this global global struggle, but the chinese and americans and iran as well, they have to push more now to stop the united states of america. well, the ones that doing the pushing uh, i think comes in one form, on one hand when that's the fighters, who are actually very courageously coming out and
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saying, we're targeting you, we're targeting anybody that's affiliated with you in the babil mandate straight in the... see guess and they are noting that uh on the one hand on the other hand you have the obviously the front with hisb which is still simmering though contained uh do you think that this war will if israel continues with what it's doing um either elevate the situation with those two fronts to a higher level or have other players come into the picture? i think that just depends on what resistance on the palestinian front looks like uh both of these variables um play a crucial role in dismantling the... israeli regime as we see it right now, but i think that's ultimately led with the leadership of the palestinians, i don't think unless of course israel escalates its own uh own behalf to you ignite war with with hezbulah, which would be foolish its part because as we both know history, they've lost them multiple times, or if it decides to ignite a war with yemen, which is unprecedented, i don't see uh those
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two characters or those two variables uh operating its own uh to major escalatory level um now what remains on the trouts uh that's really interesting to me because as far as trade route goes mean unsar allah themselves have said as long as the aggression on gaza continues you can't use these waters and now the trade routs are are impacting israel to the tune of millions i like a trade route that would take them just few days is now added 18 days uh to the tips to go around africa and into asia i think it would be in israel's best interest she has you know spending millions and millions of dollar a day i think the last time we checked it was what what was it 50 million uh that number is only going up as more settlers leave israel as the workforce diminishes and their trade route suffer. i don't think it would be the zinast best uh intentions escalate any further especially with those two. um now on their own would they continue that escalation would continue that escalation would uh continue that escalation uh that is yet to be seen but i would doub it
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as they mainly work in lock stuff in solidarity with the palestinian people um historically the "the only response that has been get has created with the zinast state has been a response uh, the zianis invaded lebadon so hez responded, it's never been something offensive as just as with the palestinians, the the only reason why things escalate in the in the region, the only reason there's violence in the region is because of the israeli entity, they are the cause, everything else is the effect as well as the effect, is the effect, the palestine resist is the effect. all right, a subsot of conclusion, just minutes ago, now has issued a warning against hezballah of escalation and he said that israel must behave differently in southern gazah. it's a threat and this comes after sin was killed on the lebon order. where do you think that's going to go? this is just the past minutes this right was issued. netanya u it like gaza or khanunis, that's his his language he used, he is just
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this man risking the security of the region, risking the security of his own people risking the future of the sist entity in the region just to survive, because this man once this war end and stops, this man going to be taken for a criminal charges and for failure. of protecting this entity, failing as captain of a ship to steer the ship away from trouble, he landed it in a middle of a massive volcano, that's what netanyahu is afraid, he's afraid for himself, he doesn't care about anything else, okay, thank you very much, west asia expert belfast, thank you so much, political commentary from chicago, with that we come to end for this edition of the spotlight from the team, goodbye.
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he will be a target to the israeli occupation. the israeli occupation does not want the journalist to succeed in covering violation. the hospital was targeted with white. forest barms that resulted in huge fires. we were afraid we would end up burned alongside the patients inside the room.
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یک منطقه کمربندی تقریبا عمر آن ۱۰ تا. ۱۵ کیلومتر است. این منطقه هم اکنون زیر سلطه سداد یا دست نشانده اسرائیل است. في عام 1973 دخلت قوه اسرائيليه كبيره الى الحي الجنوبي من الطيبه ودمرت حوالي 14 بيت. الاسرائيليين هم اللي هجمونا على بيتنا وحاوطونا من كل الجهات ما استطاعوا الوصول لكل البيت. هلا في بلد طيبه. في عمليات قدمو هؤلاء الشباب بقياده الدكتور مصطفى شمران نحن محكومون بالامل وما
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يحدث اليوم ليس من التاريخ. headlines: over dozen palestinians are killed in the latest air strikes on gaza, the death poll has now surpassed 17,100. six palestinans are also killed in the occupied west bank after israely forces raid a refugee camp near nepolis, and rocketsland near the... us embassy in iraq as anger boils in the region over washington support for the israeli regime's war on.
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