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tv   Eye on Islam  PRESSTV  December 8, 2023 6:02pm-6:29pm IRST

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israel regime's genocidal on palestinians the gaza strip has generated the wast humanitarian crisis in the blocaded territory, at least 15,00 palestinians have been killed in israeli strikes, most of them women and... children: now 2.3 million palestinians in gaza are facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis after nearly two months of relentles and indiscriminate israeli bombings. situation is there and the international community, especially arab and african countries continue holding for a permanent seaso to stop the israeli genocidal war against palestinians in the region. south africa welcomed humanitarian pause in gaza but called for efforts in seeking a long-term and enduring peace in palestine. now gaza borders africa and several african countries. have
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dispatched aid two palestinians in the beside region. now africa has a long history of solidarity with palestine, so in the current humanitarian crisis, what role can african countries play in trying to alleviate the suffering of palestinians? hello, i'm mubarak kenya and this is africa today. this week we are focusing on how africa can get involved in assisting palestinians in gaza, they face an unprecedented humanitarian crisis following weeks of israeli regime's genoc war on these besideged territory, so stay with us. and be part of the conversation by sending us your comments through our media handle appearing on the screen. africa's response to gaza humanitarian crisis. african nations have a long history of solidity with palestinians. africans and palestinians share a common struggle against occupation, colonialism aparty. now that palestine is facing with its worst humanitarian crisis amid a genocidal war waged by israel in gaza, african. nations are ready and willing to
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assist palestinians. president sri rama posa in of south africa as chair of the bricks group of nations recently convined a brick extraordinary joint meeting to exchange views on the cation in gaza and other palestinian territories as well as it spell over effects. now he called immediate unduable unsustained humanitarian truth leading to a situation of hostilities. ramaposa also said that the root cause of the current conflict is israel's occupation of palestine. "the root cause of all this conflict is the illegal occupation of palestine territory by israel as reflected in the un security council resolution 2334, which states that israeli settlements constitute a flagrant violation under international law. well, for more on africa's response the humanitarian crisis in gaza, we have contacted, he is a political analyst and host of the malcol'. podcast in new york,
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thank you for your time, sir today, thank you so much for having me uh, we also have ron curls, former minister of intelligence services of south africa, thank you for accepting our invitation sir, i'm very happy to be with you from johannesburg, south africa, great to everybody. okay, now let's start off with mr. madu, as you've seen there, south africa welcome the humanitarian pose in gaza, but call for more efforts in thicking long-term and enduring. peace in the decades long conflict in palestine, what's your take on this statement by the south african president? deeply appreciate this question, and my thoughts on this are, it is quite unsurprising actually, and why i believe it's unsurprising is because the of links between what's happening in israel and palestine run deep to what has happened in south africa, and we know that mandela has strong ties to palestine, and so in so much he said that our liberation. and freedom are
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meaningless without the liberation and freedom of palestine, so historically and contemporary is that link of those sub africa intimately, visserally understand what apartide is, and we understand that what's happening to palestinians is a form of apartide, countries supporting the israeli regime have lost much of their credibility during the regime's genocide in gaza, in africa and other parts of the world masses with the humanitarian. are rising up against government supporting the israeli regime. now let's bring in mr. now why will governments put themselves in such a dangerous situation to protect the apart israel regime? the people and the revoltion that's not going global, but at present certainly for those western countries the interests still lie with israel, and we must bear in mind.
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economic factor and that is that off the pales off palestine from gaza through to lebanon, as we know is this vast gas field. "and that's in western capital hands, israel has signed the contracts and gaza is in the way, so there are various elements, both political, historic, economic, global, that bring these people together, these powers together. on the 27th of october, un general assembly approved a non-binding resolution calling for humanitarian truth in gaza. african countries provided overwhelming support for this. revolution south african mathu joini, permanent representative of south africa to the united nations speaks here on the importance of humanitarian corridors in gaza. like many in this whole day, we are deeply disturbed by the harrowing images of death, destruction and turmoil
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which have engulved gaza as a result of israeli bombardment of civilians, essential infrastructure and places worship. as the intendent. international community, we must be united in calling for immediate, comprehensive scis fire. humanitaran corridors should be open immediately so that aid and other basic services can reach all those in need. we call on parties, all parties to exercise restraint and for all states to desist from filling this increasingly unjust war, including by supplying weapons to the parts. south africa urges the united nations to impose an arms embargo on all parties involved in this conflict, given the nature of the death and destruction we are witnessing every day. we
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have seen countries such as rwanda, tunisia, egypt and algeria officially send humanitarian to gaza. in terms of humanitarian support from the continent, i think it's it's quite. thing that you mentioned the african country support in the united nations because once again this has deep and profound historical roots in 1975 in which the un general assembly adopted resolution 3379 and it said we understand zinanism to be racism this was heavily endorsed proposed and supported by those african countries so we see once again those historical links between the content in the palestinian cause now specifically as to humanitarian causes, there has been countries from um west africa that have donated aid, rwanda is getting involved donating aid and several other countries have decided to send medicines and some form of donations that hopefully will go through the crossing of egypt crossing into ghaza italy, so once again we see african countries intimately
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understanding what colonialism looks like, what the effect it has on people and choosing to be the right side of history. the genocide perpetrated by israeli regime against palestinians in gaza. has resulted in a humanitarian crisis of unseen proportions, one ever thought that we could be watching genocide in real time where i infants are bombed or can't get access to oxygen and to die while government remain indifferent to such a crime. now this goes to mr. castrils, what's your uh take on these state of affairs? these guys because of the means of television and electronic communication and so on, we see it visibly before our hours, and when we try to go to bed at night, all those terrible images are locked in one's brain, um, so of course, it is a tremendous shock, but i say to all my friends and the people we speak to there in south africa as we mobilized, they don't allow that shock of
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what we see singing to make us so depressed that we feel we can't watch anymore, we must allow this vinon that we see to raise - anger and our passion and to call out against it a crime, call out israel and usa and the western countries who make this possible and mobilize the people against it. thank you for that, mr. castrils, we now take a short break, before we continue with our discussion about africa's response to the humanitarian crisis, stay with us. what did the palestinians do to the world? what is this global apprising for palestine? fashion lovers decorate platforms in public squares and palestinian pillars, musicians ignite stage with palestinian songs, famous journalists resigned because they were not free to report events about palestine, activists, cartoonists, artists, academics, drivers, trade unionists, young and old,
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people from every profession and every speciality you can think of are abandoning their silence and passivity and rebelling and shouting out into the world into the deaf ears of their own complicit governments free. palestine, infada returns as liberation this week on the meast stream. africa's response to gaza humanitarian crisis, welcome back and you're watching africa today and this week's top. topic on africa's response to the gaza humanitarian crisis that was brought about by the israeli regime's general
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law on these besieged palestinian territory now apart from governments we've seen some non- governmental charity organizations in africa in countries such as kenya, south africa and egypt collecting funds to aid the people. now mr. mamadu, tell us more about this are the importance of such acts of charity. now particularly considering that many people in africa are actually also needy. i would just... say that these shouldn't even be understood as acts of charity, because charity is not solidarity, and what this african countries are doing, despite they might be in perious economic conditions themselves, are recognizing that the liberation and freedom of african countries, imperialism and exploitation is inextricably linked the imperialism and imperial domination that israel is enacting on the palestinians and in the region as a whole, so whilst people might be, oh africa, it's no surprise that certain parts of the africa are precarious economic conditions, but rather this is not charity as we, it's an
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understanding that this is solidarity, and first foremost solidarity is not transactional, solidarity is a recognition that our struggles are interconnected. egypt can play a critical role at this juncture in marshaling aid from african countries for gaza through the rafa crossing. given the specific geographical location of egypt, egypt in terms of on the continent of africa. becomes one of the most key strategic points assisting a humanitarian help for those in gaza, so i would hope and there has been in willingness, but i think egypt can be doing more to ensure that this aid actually reaches those in need, and i think egypt should be leaving the charging this, it has to be fundamental and instrumental in this, given the way it's geographically located and it's history to the region, and i feel like it's deriction of... duty if egypt do not engage in this. the israeli apartide regime killed at least 15,00 palestinian civilians, most of
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them women and children in the first 50 days of genocidal war on gaza. opposition to the bombing of gaza has been seen in massive rallies and protest marches around the world, especially in europe, the us and africa. julius malemma, leader of south africa's economic freedom fighters party says no one could claim to be a true pan-africanist without supporting the oppressed. this nelson man there you celebrate for 27 years he was in prison because he was a terrorist, what crime did he commit, which the palestinians are not committing, his crime was to fight for the liberation of the people of south africa and the oppressed world all over, including the people of palestine. at the age of 9 years, the poor's walked into my house and turned everything ups and down, stripped my mother naked. when i see what those children of palestine are going through, i can immediately relate that this what apart
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looks like, we cannot be pan africanis if we can't associate with oppressed nation, our pan africanism is based on the basis that we are an oppressed nation ourselves and everywhere else where we see an oppressed person, that person is our sister, person is our mother, "that person is our father, because we are not free until the whole world is free from imperialism and colonialism. now our last question goes to ronnie castrils, now the gaza genocide and humanitarian crisis has changed the world tremendously. now do you envision new world order after the october 7 operation? do think that we moving towards a change internationally. use your phrase new world order, it won't come about
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immediately, but in fact even before this huge general crime, it was already taking place um because of the contradictions that the western imperialist countries face in their attempt to control and organize the world according to their detect because we've seen people and countries refusing to cat tower over many decades, in fact from the time of the vietnam war in the 1960s, 1970s, the anti-colonial revolutionary of... struggles of africa and elsewhere, including my own country, into the 21st century we've seen tremendous conflicts of course in iraq, in syria, in libya, elsewhere in the world, but the the world and the land is shifting
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under the feet of the imperialists and in terms of the resistance that is erupted from palestine, placing palestine into the eye of the storm in the fullest sense, it has shocked imperialist israel, it wants to control the region and its main supporter, the usa, which is why they persisting in this vicious bombing, but i don't believe that they are going to succeed as the resistance and as world public opinion raises against them. well there you have it, the resistance forces and masses across the world are rising to block the evil plans of imperialist powers. i like to thank our guests for their insight today. now we now a short break before our last segment on art, culture and science scene in
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africa. welcome to our new africa rising section that will be focusing on interesting events in africa from innovations, achievement, science and technology to literature, arts and culture. today we are starting off by introducing an interesting book titled the history of the usa in eritrea. from franklin d roosevelt to barack obama and how donald trump changed the course of history. we contacted the author of the book, mr. emmanuel. mariam. thank you sir for joining us today. thank you for having me. now first question to you, mr. mariam. can you tell us, what message does the book try to convey to the reader? the history of
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the usa and eritrea is about how the united states. after world war ii entered africa and how the united states entered africa uses in eritrea and ethiopia and it was part of much bigger strategic uh position that the united states wanted to play at that time, which means that the formation of israel 1948 and the presence of the united united states and eritrea and asmara, the united states had base in eritrea starting in 1953 and and also the good relations that at that time or the control that at that time the united states had with iran, which makes a triangulation meaning that the united states was created a triangle a triangular position that in the
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median sea on the red sea and on the straight of hormose, this trangulation gives the washington one of the most important strategic upper hands in a region that's full of resources and very very strategic trade r the world. now mr. bed mariam, thanks lot for that. now can you tell us what was your main objective in authoring this book with such incisive and comprehensive historical perspective? the main reason is to educate young as about their history. how the federation of asia and ethiopia, how they created the federation program, why the united states was interested to come to air and to africa at that time in their mindset, and that is, and what happened because of that to eritrea, and what america's strategic
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position was and over the years, how it played out, not in the favor of the united. because became independent and andra has taken the position, the united states still does not what to be independent, and so they have played role a negative role that tried to undermine eritrea's existence. now, mr. ben, can you tell us how was book received in vitria, especially in terms of decolonizing young minds and spreading the message of across africa the uh the history of received extremely well because needed a lot of the kids, kids especially, their parents would tell them the stories, but they don't have anything written to go to refer to order to be able to write about their schools, to be
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able to to tell their their teachers to be able to really written documented evidence on how things developed, so it was received extremely well, kids would put it for their... programs school programs i have had kids interview me in zoom explaining to them what happened and this kids will in turn take the zoom meetings to their classrooms and so it's been extremely well received by lot of air trends and it has encouraged me to want to do more exploration lot more writing about how the united states came to africa all to thank our guest today, mr. manuel bademari for his time and to our viewers across the world, you can share your stories on how africa is rising in terms of innovation, technology, science and art, so we'll be
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waiting for your stories to share with our viewers and that brings the end of this week's edition of africa, it's always great having you watch the show, you can send us your comments through our social media handle and you can watch this episode and all our previous episodes on our website thanks lot for watching and goodbye for now.
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esta es diferencia entre el nuevo gobierno, así al 14 de enero.
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press tv's news and brief israel has carried out air strikes a nosider refugee camp in central gal killing 20 displaced palestinians shot. a house there, the regime also bombed areas in the north and south of the gaza strip. over 17,100 palestinians have been killed since the war began. palestine's un ambassador has criticized the international criminal court for failing to prosecute israeli officials for committing crimes against palestinians. riyad mansu described israel's deadly onslot on the gaza strip as barbaric aggression. the military wing of hamas says.
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