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tv   Gaza Under Attack  : PRESSTV  December 10, 2023 12:02am-12:29am IRST

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to see and to listen to, um, more acts of barbarism, the israeli occupation forces away from the prying eyes of international media who are not allowed in, well you say that, but actually um, i'm going to argue that uh, more so now than before, you are seeing, there is no corner that they are hiding, that they can hide, any longer, the acts of atrocities, the act of of murder and and um violation of human rights and and war crimes against humanity uh, the... we're about to see now um speaks of such pain situation but one that occurs all too often um unfortunately i'd like to read it out um someone said that my mom spoke to her family in gaz yesterday and her nice said my uncle was fleeing with seven uh children on foot of and israely army called out to him hey you with the beard come over here many israel speak arabic fluently so they interrated him arabic he said he's been walking for many kilometers and he's just trying to get his family safety the israeli s just smiled and said here take this so you get too tired and
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it was a bullet with his forehead um in front of his family his family watched he had seven children and they walking tirelessly as you this particular story that is kind of stuff of they have been accusing the palestinian resistance of committing of doing the style execution yes that we just saw excellent point my my earlier point was that um is of under great amount of pressure. to keep up the lie that they are the victims and that they are simply defending themselves, when these kind of stories are emerging, that narrative, those lies they have to pedal have to be even greater, so they will exaggerate um even more the atrocities that they are claiming that hamas or the palestinian resistance are coming against the israelis, one such one uh was against um the uh recentlyted soul dr rifat the poet, the poet and writer and academic. um who was demarted
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yesterday, it was an precision, pardon me, it was attack uh that was targeted him and his family and meant that he had died uh uh that he was killed, pardon me um and one of the lies, the reason why he became prominent in in this discussion and why i brought him up is because there was such incident where uh the lies were against the palestine resistance said that they were cooking babies in ovens and his res was: oh without baking powder, what's the recipe? to make light of the to exaggerate um further the lies that that are trying to be peddled by this entity, exactly, but clearly he was gaining me too much prominence in in the message he was um sharing with the world about the palestinian causes and speaking of children, this war is having the most impact on the most vulnerable, the children who lost limbs and legs other their lives. the trauma that they
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will be bearing for the rest of their lives. what is your next story as far as that? let's have look at image that that we've prepared. my next story has to do with the fact that we of are looking at generation of palestins um that are having to bury their own siblings, children burying. i've never seen this in any history lesson. i've never witnessed this in any uh genocide or attack against the people precedent. this is... "this is new level of horror that the humanities hap um and it reminds me very much again to bring up the the late doctor, he he wrote poem which i think is so beautiful and something very much related to the hope that these children will have again, okay, and something that these adults in gazza wanted desperately um to instill you know in in the dying moments um of in the work leading up to their inevitable death and their inevitable martisdom." by
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design estate, they wanted to leave a legacy, and i believe this poem is going to be one of the legacy briefly if you can, if i must die, you must live, to tell my story, to sell my things, to buy a piece of cloth and some strings, make it white with a long tail, so that a child somewhere while looking, while looking heav in the eye, awaiting his dad who left in a blaze, and bid no one farewell, not even to his flesh, not even to himself, sees the kite, my... he made flying up above and thinks for moment an angel is there bringing back love, if must die, let it bring hope, let it be a tale, and it has become a tale that will be shared by millions around the world to keep this alive until the palestinians achieve victory. latifa, thanks for now, latifa will be back with more next week. now school and university students
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converged outside the uk prime minister's office this week to advocate for seaspire in gaza. they were also there to protest against king's college in london ostricizing those who spoke against israel. one question they asked was why freedom of speech is selective in the uk, we are demanding our university in kings to reinstate the student officers that were um let go due to the support of palestine and we are demanding that to case with the universities and to invest money into spread peace and helping the palestinian don't want to say anything about him but he he says our people and you is with israel but we're with israel people, that's what it is, that's our government, it's a social contract, you listen to our people and we keep in power, listen to your people, we don't want complete sify, we are addressing the british government, more specifically rusi sunak, we want to call for sease fire, a permanent seizfire, not just a temporary one, in order to suffering, there's a lot of support amongst the students, i know this for
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sure, i do know that lot of people are scared to speak up um in the university, um, i, i have many seminars, i do politics, i have many seminars, only one really we've spoken about it, the other ones there. and keep quiet about it and one of the reasons we're here today as well is that um the kids college union offices have been suspended because they spoke up about um palestinian rights and we're trying to say no we represent us and we believe in palestinian rights our country is giving israel more weapons to fight you know the weapons not going to bring the peace to bring peace we need to talk and and listen to them what they feel you know the their children the both of the parents are lost. 'the parents got kill and children are just on the street you know looking for the parents crying how come you know like we ignoring all this it's not nice every child is matter doesn't matter what the color background or you know the the religion we are all men being after all human being we should feel simp for them you know we should
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empathy for them is protecting themselves but they aren't they're b and they're saying theys and that's not protecting at least i think 300 children the're that there's a crackdown on freedom of speech is it's probably my motivation to actually come here, i think if if someone stops me from speaking, i'm just going to speak even louder, if if they tell me to stop talking or stop holding the person flag, i'll i'll talk louder, i will scream and i will and i will raise that flag even higher, children our age are being killed, so we have to protest for them because if you were living in palestine if this, this was this is happ this um be happen to beca so we because children in g are being killed like adults and children every like every single type is killed and there's so many international laws that say this isn't but everyone's ignoring it and they don't
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care about this our message is to all the corporations that profit of of of the massacre of gazen best b children and to our political leaders who like supported from who are the descendants of the people, my people colonize or or afghan people, caribbean people, and all the political leaders who like benefit of this who are silent, they are with with the oppressives and our we are against. now arab students have been particularly targeted for showing solidarity with the palestinian cause. we spoke to students who have been on the receiving end of islamophobia. as someone of those people who's been threatened by my university as an arab student at this time. my message is that you know this is not a stimulaus crime, this is not any type of neutrality, this is not
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um, there's no support for our students and our student and they cannot silence anymore and they cannot get away with their financing these war crimes, we demand transparency on where our tuition fees are. going, we demand support from our universities that we're investing, investing in, i demand our curriculums to represent this as well, i think in terms of the student body, there is support, there is a voice palestine on campuses, but we are being silenced by institutional policy, by institutional actions against palestinian solidarity, we've been deumanized, we've been institutionally, systemically, legally dehumanized for days throughout so many conflicts in the region, and that's has permitted all the atrocities taking place in palestine now and it cannot continue today i came to the peaceful protest uh in uh downing street and as i was peacefully protesting for palestine an white woman came up to me and racially abused me saying that i'm a terrorist and she called my
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uh jubba and address as i approached and asked her to uh say sorry she said no got to your country and obviously i came to do a peaceful protest for pakistan as you know so many people have been killed after 2000 perspective and a jewish person and told him i will get arrested and give a fight the police me and like the same as everyone else, i just came here for a peaceful pr, i forgive that old woman, you've tuned into gaza under attack, my guests are still with me, let me start with you, want to pick up a couple of things we heard those young men say out there, one was we want to see more trans parecy in terms of where our tax money goes uh we know for example the uk isting elbit
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systems that is the producer of weapons a lot of which are used against palestinians, the double standards as far as freedom of speech, if it comes to ukraine, it's a whole story, you get running the risk of getting arrest if you speak up for palestinians, your thoughts on that, because we said earlier that i think the palestinian cause has become a littest for many people in the country, that means that... litmus test extends to politicians, also extend the way which the people see members from their own community reacting, for a long time uh people were activists or of that nature have always been sort of sideline or beltled, it was sort of the image the tree hugger or in the in the wake of the the environmental crisis, those people are gluing themselves the road, but activism is now becoming part and parcel of people's identity in this country, and you can see that they're manifesting that... either through the way in which they are speaking social media, the way the whole weekend is based upon the the causes uh or participating
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in boycott, sanctions movement, so the my my reaction is that this has has created spirit within people that are now thinking differently, 17, massacred individuals martur shouldn't have to be the price for that opening within civilization, but we've seen as... civilization has changed grown over centuries and millennia, sadly it's taken causes like this to be able to do that, it could have been the ending of slavery, it could have been the the right movements, and we've seen that these in moments where it has thrusted these causes and taken humanity at large to the next pedestal of its consciousness. i feel like this is the sort of we living potentially within this moment if we continue it, tomorrow they may end their genocidal movement, the united states may say that you know the we've been found out. and let's stop the bombing in a permanent cease fire, what will change on the ground? going to ask you that, how do we, if
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this is a tipping point, how do we maintain this momentum? exactly, this, this is a question that needs to be raised in ourselves, because if tomorrow a permanent cease fire is raised, you've got a humanitarian crisis, you've got a health crisis, a rebuilding crisis, and you've also got the crisis of people that are going to be traumatized for generations to come, as well as the specter of the occupation. continuing what's changed, we can't go back to that, we can't go back to that, so actually this needs to be the the booster moment where we actually say fine, we've achieved this phase the movement, which might be a permanent seasfire, whatever you want to call it, but that should be the the liftoff to the next phase, which is to remove the occupation and actually to dismantle the occupying state all together and put it in the dustbin history, and this is what the conversation be as well in all platforms, so be it sermons, be it academia, on the streets, that's the next phase of the conversation, the next phase indeed, kill the reuters videographer six
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other journalists in south lebanon nearly two months ago, were an apparent deliberate and direct attack on civilians, which two international human rights groups have said must be investigated as a war crime. the investigation by amnesty international and human rights watch was released sanitaneously with similar investigations by reuters and france's international news agency agens which said two strike. that were 37 seconds apart targeted the journalists working for international media outlets near the village of alma al on october 13th. have look. our months long investigation into the two israeli strikes on group of journalists on 13 october in south lebanon indicated that it was likely the strikes were likely a direct attack on civilians and must therefore be investigated as a war crime. all the evidence that we collected show that the israeli military either knew or should have known that the group of journalists were civilians, amnesty international found no indication that there were any fighters or military
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targets in the vicinity of the journalist, and once again fahim muhammad is back with the sequel to her first stint unpacking the coverage of the gaz genocide, vahima starting with the holocaust guilt is believed to be the reason why the german police and government are clamping down um palestine solidarity, yes and it's good that it's highlighted by um iris heffetz who's an anti-zian. jew um israeli psychoanalyst, so her video highlights the specific sort of incident in berlin where she was actually holding up placard and she was also questioned and threatened to be arrested. hear what she has to say is acting according to the primitive art of guilt, of having guilt, they try to substitute us with new jews and the new jews are the germans, they will tell us what is anti-semitism, they will go, but they are not us in there, so they are trying, we call it in, this is the printive
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way of of dealing with guilt to undo something and to say, okay, muslims, these are the palestinians, they are the bad guys, we know already we are clean, we know how it is, yeah, i mean guilt for the holocast in the past, but also taken over to blame the muslims and the palestinians and doing another sort of genocide as well, i would say, we go to more on the um conscientious objectors in israel, people who don't want to join with israel's gidal campaign, yes we had students saying they don't want to participate in this kind of like government system that they are already living in in israel and we've also got the um anti jewish prisoners now uh because they're refusing to join the army so they're brutally handled well and the video will show you when they are actually protesting against this we to
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understand there's a clear distinction. between the religion, the state, the agenda, and i think that's where you know lot of people, the mainstream media calling antisemitism, and we need to see, see more of this. speaking of media, if you're a western journalist, no matter how good you are, how high profile you are, if you speak up for palestinians, if you push back and israeli narrative, you might lose your job, yes, he's just his job to try and be impartial and push back in question, an israeli spokes person we've seen several times and he was fired for questioning in this way. control the images coming out, have you seen one picture of a single dead chamas terrorist in the fighting in gaza? not one can control information, you're right, but i have seen lots of children with my own lying being pulled from the pictures khamas wants you to see exactly
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the pictures, you accept you've killed children, would you deny? no, do not, do not, do not first of all you how those people. those two first of all we don't want to say it's out by you know denial not taking responsibility and accountability and even when the evidence is there not just from journalists but people reporting on the ground in ghaza this is what the respond is so it's really you know and even also talking about what was alleged that was which was these uh calendar that was just there and they made it out to be some sort of military um sort of like assignment or something like that so even that question is like no we haven't evidence for that we haven't seen that and that's the response and it's acceptable. all right, thank you. let's continue the conversation with my guest in the studio and on skype. next question to olga, lot of people are saying, rightly so, i guess, that this is benjamin netanyahu's war, on the palestinians. he was used to be called mr. security, he's fighting for his political
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future. how long do you think netanyahu will drag this war out to get what is supposed? aims are: you know that is been already charged within israel by his co-citizens, that in fact what he is raging is is neverending war. of course it cannot actually be never ending, but what they mean is that he is hoping to that this war will get till at least november. 2024 when there are the next american elections and he is hoping that having trump again as a united states president, he will be able to do something analogous concerning gaza that he did at 2018
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when i'm sure that ' "if it wasn't for donald trump, it wouldn't be easy for him to make the so united jerusalem, the israel capital, to draw out the basic law that makes the state of israel a state only for jewish citizens and not for anybody else, he wouldn't be able to make an unflus with the syrian golan." height and the on where the american put an end stopped him was when he announced that i if i remember correctly on july 1 2019 he would join one third of the west bank to israel, only because you know
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that there is very serious talking concerning new nakba, the israeli agricultural minister although already said that today we are living the 2023 nakba. and this is how things uh will finish and of course quite interesting the second neck way is already happening because millions have been moved from the north of gaza and forced why still being bombed uh to to move to the south lot them on foot. i'm going to squeeze one last question to to the sheikh and that is your vocal, you have been speaking up about what's happening there, but correct me if i'm wrong, but your appears in the uk, not exact vociposed on their part, why do you think that is? "i think that there is an environment of fear as to how their views will be taken, as you said earlier on, journalists who speak out, they are targeted,
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teachers who facilitate conversations, they are targeted, people in universities are targeted, um, it's like i think wackamol as you was saying earlier off screen, where someone raises their head, they whacked, and that's the end of them in in most cases, lot the scholars are also fearing this sort of reaction as well that in. might be the charities commission that comes after them or be the police that comes after them, so often the mosques or the churches or the synagogues that are employing these individuals crack down on them out of fear of losing their license or whatever freedoms they have been given, so the the the outcome of this has been in many cases, not only the scholars quiet, as a result even their congregations don't how to be able to raise their voice in the right way. where do i think this goes next? i think that if can show the way if actually people can give example of how to um either if you want to remain within the framework of the law or if you feel like now
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there's civil disobedience when you see people being massacred 17 of them no longer can we just sit quietly and only give sermons there has to be next step what is that step? i think these are also conversations that are being had behind doors as well because the scholars are very frustrated that not all of them are able to speak the way in which they want to be able to speak and it's important for that leadership to be. there because young people looking to their leaders for direction, otherwise those people, they no longer have value, if they're supposed to be leaders and others are looking to them quiet during genocide, where is your value as a leader? exactly, we're going to have to leave it there. um, with those comments, we're going to wrap it up one more time, many thanks again to my guests for their contributions, gaza under attack will definitely be back next week with more. until then, continue to keep palestine in your hearts. goodbye.
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your headlines on press tv, the yemen army says all ships for israel are legitimate targets unless the needed to the medicine are allowed into the gar. more 17,700
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palestinians most of them women and children are killed in us by genocide in gaza and huge grouser from
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