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tv   Documentary Purim 1  PRESSTV  December 10, 2023 5:05am-5:29am IRST

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this is the abraham shami synagog on palestine street in tehran. the history of judaism has been firmly intertorned with iran's history as they maintain an unbreakable bond. jews make the oldest minority in the country dating back.
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there is a great number of historical evidence proving the deep interrelations between the jews and the dwellers, but the book of esther is the one with the biggest portion devoted to the history of ancient persia, the setting of the story of purim and narrated in the book of ester is the reign of the achinet king and has the awarus. however, the story and the count in the book of ester subject to controversy and it's the focus of critical analysis by historians and researchers throughout history. in ancient times there was a king named ahazirus india to ethiopia. covering 127 provinces. in the
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third year of his reign, ahazirus threw a big feast and invited governors and leaders of all the nations under his rule. the gathering lasted for seven days. at the end of the seventh night, king asked his wife vashdy to display her body and go nude before the guests so that they would see her remarkable beauty. queen bashi however refused to do so and did not attend. party enraged by the wife's defiance, the king summoned religious leaders and astrologists for consultation to set a tough punishment for her wife. they said she had to be replaced with a person who deserved that status. the king embraced the idea, thus dispatching all envoys under his command, tasking them with finding the best young women and bringing them to his capital in shusan, so the king would choose one of them as the new queen. mordechi was a jewish
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had been rescued by cyrus from persecution under the king of babylonia. at first he of resettled in persia. he decided to introduce his cousin esther to the king, an effort to make her the new queen. mordekai asked her not to tell an about her religion. the selection day came at last, and it was esther who stod out in the eyes of the king. among all the other gorgeous women, she was crowned as persia's new queen, that provided the chance for mordekai to gain a senior pion in the palace. haman was viceroy for king ahazirus and served as his top confidont. indeed, anyone under the king's rule would bow to haman as well, except for morkai, who would not do so. he believed no one but god in deserved that level of respect. a man got
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extremely infuriated and was pushed to the edge, he decided to retaliatekai and his fellow jews, setting one specific day in the 12th year in aahaz. his rule for his ominous plot a man choose the killing date on the 13th day of the jewish month of adar. haman initiated the plots by pursuing the king, persia's scattered community of jews had to be exterminated and asked the king to issue an order on the complete annihilation of them. the king agreed and hand him his ring, which is the royal seal and signature. he said he was free to do anything deemed appropriate. the word reached mordechi and he found out about the ana's plot on the slaughter of persia's jewish community. esther also heard about it. she ordered someone to go and mordekai about the reason
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behind his anguish and restlessness. mordekai reported everything that had happened to esther and handed over then order on the killing of jews issued by haman to inform esther. 'mordechi asked esther to urge the king to have mercy on the jews and spare their lives. in response, esther ordered to bring together all the jews of shusan and fast for three secative days. mordechi immediately did what esther had instructed him to do, and asked the people to repent and pray for the community's deliverance. on the third day of the fasting, esther went to the king, weeping and expressing grief while praying god for the salvation of the israelites. the king was strongly touched by the scene and decided to hand her his golden cane. esther moved forward and held the king
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and asked the king to invite haman for a dinner involving the three of them. "the king and herman went to esther's banquet, at the table, while drinking wine, the king asked esther to make her demand known and pledged to give her whatever she wishes even if it cost him half of his territory. esther said, now the time joy of his majesty, i'm asking for my safety and that of..." "i'm a jew and someone has plotted to eradicate arble. the king wondered who that daring person was who thought of a ruthless plot. this sinister man, haman is very enemy of my people," ester
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replied. the king immediately ordered his man to hang hamana, his 10th sons. now esther went back to the king once again, exciting. turn that the threat still existed and asked him to issue another verdict, annuling haman's early order for the massacer of the jews across the nation. she said, how can i witness the massacre and eradication of my people? the king gave ister full authority to issue an order and seal it with king's ring. the day of the order by hamman arrived when the enemies of the jews were expecting to kill them off, but... things completely changed and was the jews who achieved triumph over their foes. under ester's order, the jewish inhabitants in all of the empire came together and massacred anyone who had previously planned to kill. in capital
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shushan, some 500 people died as a result while death toll throughout the persian empire, which 7500. marday recorded everything that happened and sent copies across the persian land to reach all members the jewish community. he asked them to celebrate the 14th and 15th the month of adar for the deliverance of the jews from hands of the enemies. the holiday was named purim, denoting the jews were in luck.
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this is the western iranian city of hamdon where the shine of ester and mordekai is located. the original construction dates back to around 11 centuries ago, but in the 13th century during the elkhaid era, masiums renovated.
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یه تومار خیلی بزرگ تا مثلاً دو ساعت بعد باستیم اونو بخنی که گرفته میشه مثلاً غذا داده میشه کمک به افراد فقیر میشه اون چیزی که به عنوان قانون شرعی هستش توی این روز.
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that forim was celebrated on tell avive streets in a quite different form, so it
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wouldn't be a jewish holiday if there wasn't eating involved, and one of the things that we love eat on forum, our hamintan or haman, literally it means the ears of hayen, and what we do is we take a cookie dough, we fold a triangular uh shape, and inside you have poppy seed or poun or chocolate, whatever you want, but always good. "and that's why we get drunk and form, we have to get rid of our intelligence, we have to have a direct connection to god between our souls and god, and we really tell our intelligence sleep, and that's why we drink. so everybody should have a great poem and everybody come close together. the solem religious event, which was once celebrated for gratitude for god has now turned into large street carnivals totally away from the original form of tradition, overdrinking, dancing and bizar costumes are among the newly developed
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rituals that make up what is today known as purem in israel.
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مردهایی داره بسیار شباهت داره به معادل اساطیری خودش در اسطوره های بابلی یعنی مردوک استر بسیار بسیار شباحت داره به ایزد دیگه بابلی ایشتار هستش جالب اینکه بهتره بدونید حتی هماهنگی و پیوند بین استرومورتای در عین حال یادآور کاملاً هماهنگی های بین مردوک بیشتر هستش وجود شخصیت هایی با نام هایی مثل وشتی مثل
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حدسه مثل استر مثلخای. مثل هامان امثال این ها الزاماً غیرمکن نیست. چیزی که غیرمکنه و احتمالاً کار رو یه مقداری به این سمت می بره و یا سوق می دهد که ما نتیجه بگیم اون روایت موجود در کتاب است گزارش تاریخی نیست این است که در واقع پیوستگی مطالب به گونه ای که یک روایت منجم تاریخی رو بسازه ظاهراً منطقی نداره تو اون کتاب در هیچ کتاب در هیچ منبع ایرانی در هیچ رشته ایرانی حتی در داستان های گفتاری ایرانی چنین. رویدادی رخ داده و ذکر نشده ممکن نیست چنین چیزی اتفاق افتاده باشه که بالاخره در یک کتاب ازش یادآوری نشه چون در هیچ جای چنین یادآوری نشده این داستان یه داستان جعلی می نماید که معلوم نیست که این رو این جعل رو تاریخی رو کرده؟
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this scroll of ester was written in 1686 in the city of amsterdam by a man named rafael montalto. the scroll tells the story of the salvation of the jews from a plan to annihilate. in persia in the 6th century before the common era. most hebrew books of the bible are not illustrated. however, the scroll of esther is perhaps the most notable exception to because book does not contain the name of god anywhere in the text from the beginning until the end, vinic authorities decided that it would be appropriate illustrate the ester scroll. the book of esther is unusual, it's unusual because
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there's no mention of god in the book of esther, it's a narrative about story, and some jews and some even christians question whether it even should be with the bible, because it's not really a religious book at all, there's nothing about god in it. استر بخشی از کتاب مقدس و تدوین نهایی تعلمود ۵۰۰ میلادی است اون نه تنها در مورد کتاب در مورد سایر کتاب مقدس هم صحبت میشه نحوه ای که حالا تدوین شدن و چگونه در کنار همدیگه قرار گرفتن و اصلاً این در خود کتابم هست تو استر عملکار ثبت کرد ملکه هست بر اساس دیدگاه یهودیا چه گفتم مورد خیرچه استر مقام نبوت داشتن انبیای یهود شناخته میشن الله
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gaza strip in this statement, the spokesman for the yemini armed forces yaya sari, warned all ships and shipping companies against stealing israels. dozens palestinians in killed and scored more wounded in fresh israel strikes on the gaza strip, including the cities of hanjunes and raffa. meanwhile the us has vetod a un security council resolution which called for an immediate humanitaries.
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