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tv   Documentary Hajj Radwan 1  PRESSTV  December 20, 2023 2:02pm-2:31pm IRST

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on thursday, january 29th, 2004, a plane carrying lebanese prisoners landed at beyrut's airport, four years of indirect negotiations between israel and... the prisoner exchange had taken place and hezbollah had been able to free more than 400 arab and lebanese detainees from israeli prisons. this was a great victory for hizbollah. all regional media outlets were covering every single moment of the celebration, but at the event there was a
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empty chair, the chair belonged to the only lebanese prisoner who had not been released. the only lebanese prisoner who the israelis had explicitly refused to release. regretting it in the future only meant one thing, taking israeli prisoners again, it was a difficult and complex operation which the secretary general had announced to his jihadi forces. in front of the cameras of different
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news outlets and not in secret, the operation would be directly planned and executed by his jihadi deputy, a man who very few people knew, secret named haj radwan. he was born in 1962 in beirot's shiah neighborhood. his father owned a small restaurant and his mother who was pious woman would hold religious studies classes for the ladies in the neighborhood. he was the first child of their small family. he grew up and went to school in the same. neighborhood, he
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was 13 years old when their normal life was suddenly turned upside down. in 1975, a civil war broke out between left and right-wing parties. the war tore beirot apart in two sections. many of the people who lived in the neighborhoods where the war was being fought, left their homes and took refuge in the villages. he, along with his family, was forced to move to his father's ancestoral village in the south. this unwanted migration made him more familiar with palestinian groups. he underwent initial
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military trainings in palestinian camps and became an official member of the fatah organization. upon his return to bayrut, because of his intelligence and courage, he made great progress in fatah and became a member of the elite forces 17, an intelligence force at the heart of the fatah organization, which was responsible for the personal security of the leaders of the organization and combatting mosad's activities. he became familiar with imam komaini with the victory of the islamic revolution of iran. he, like many other muslim youths slowly became captivated by of amaja who had defeated the shaw of iran with empty hands. his concerned was the liberation of palestine and had made islam the basis of his government. on june the 6th, 1982, when
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ariel sheron gave the orders to attack lebanon, he had traveled to iran as the bodyguard of sayyad muhammad hussain fazlullah. they had come to tehran to take part in the conferences of liberation movements, but he also had a personal motivation, meeting among komeini. it was a dream that many lebanese muslim youths had in those days, but word of the israeli attack on lebanon cut the conferences short and the participants quickly returned to lebanon. he also went back to lebanon after meeting with imam komeini. when they arrived, the east of... beirot had been occupied and some neighborhoods were besieged by the israeli forces. in their first attack, he and a group of his friends were able to destroy an israeli tank and personal carrier. word of this attack caused the lebanese army to open up case against them accusing him of fighting
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israel. the case was filed under his real name, imad fais m. after the occupation, lebanon had become another country. palestinian fighters had been expelled, a pro israeli government was in place and the massacres of sabra and shatila had wiped away the courage of the people to resist. the days of absolute hopelessness and fear had begun, but in the fall of that year, an important event took place in the south. it was rainy morning when a white poujo 504 sped its way into the israeli military headquarters in the city of tire. there was a huge explosion and few seconds later the building housing the israeli forces came crashing down on them. in one day, in one attack, more than 100 israeli
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officers and soldiers were killed. the attack became the biggest anti-israeli operation in the history of the resistance. it was. after this attack which imad, as one of the main planners, began living in hiding. the 1980s were a difficult time for western forces in lebanon, and the name imad mughnia was word of mouth as the cause of these difficult days. even though during these days he had his own independent group and organization, he used all his power to establish, shape and strengthen hezbollah, and his preference was
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to fight israel with his own group, his own way and with a free hand. intelligence services from different countries were... after his arrest or assassination, a ghost who would easily pass the borders of different countries, but they were never able to pinpoint his location. he had dedicated his life to the struggle with israel. "when sayyad hasan nasrollah became secretary general, imad became the leader of hezbollah's intelligence apparatus and used all his experience for hizbollah to have the upper hand when it came to the information
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warfare with israel. this upper hand proved itself with the successful assassinations of israeli commanders and the leaders of the lahad army. but the more significant event happened in 1997 when he was able to decode the imagery of israeli drones and with that he was able to cause the defeat of the israeli special forces unit in ansaria village. the ansaria operation was the first time in israeli history that its special forces unit had been defeated. year after the ansaria operation, hajamad became sayad nasrolah's jihad. the deputy and chose the name haj radwan for himself, while maintaining his previous role in the intelligence apparatus, he also took over command of hezbollah's military. it didn't take long before operations against israel became more extensive and goal oriented. he
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used the years of experience he had in the intelligence fight against israel in military operations. he was a commander who would count on all financial and material. وضع السياسات اصلا وضع الاساليب والطرائق للعمل الاصل لكن الاصل الرئيسي هو الروحي الروح. israel withdrew from lebanese soil, this was the first time that israel was forced to leave the areas it had occupied because of
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resistance operations, and again haj radwan's name was registered as a leading role in israel's historic withdrawal. but the story didn't end there. there were still many lebanese prisoners in israely jails, something hezbollah could not ignore. even though taking israeli hostages was difficult and impossible, it seemed to be the only way to get the prisoners released. haj radwan was the commander of this impossible mission in the shebha farms.
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it was after this operation that negotiations to... change prisoners sped up, four years of indirect negotiations between hizbollah and israel came to fruition on thursday, january 29, 2004. 439 prisoners and 59 marters were exchanged with a mosad officer and the bodies of three israeli soldiers. this left only one lebanese prisoner in israeli custody. this was why hezbollah secretary general promised more hostage takings in the ceremony to welcome the prisoners. it was obvious that he
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was counting on the capability and power of a commander who had spent his entire life fighting israel. haj radwan had to carry out the operation a time when the enemy had put its forces total standby. he chose an elite group of hesbollah's best forces and held difficult and clear cut training sessions for them. it was present for the trainings because he wanted to personally make sure that the operation would succeed. طبعا واحد.
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on the morning of july the 12th, 2006, hezbolah forces were able to pass through the border barriers and take two israeli soldiers hostage. هو الاسرى الموجودين عننا لن يعودوا الى الديار الا بوسيله واحده تفاوض غير المباشر. in an unprecedented event, the israeli prime
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minister ordered attacks on lebanon. israely fighter jets bombed lebanese cities and villages from the south to the north, then by relying on their spies, they targeted hisbollah's missile launch pads, not knowing that they had once again been tricked and fallen in the trap of haj radwan. he had allowed israel to identify centers where hisbolla had its missile. so that israeli intelligence capabilities would focus on these unreal targets. the general staff of the israeli military directly informed the prime minister of the destruction of these targets and congratulated him on winning the war. but exactly the next day more than 100 missiles were launched at israeli settlements. after that and for weeks the
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israeli air was bombing lebanon indiscriminately only with the hope of destroying hezbollah's launch pads and on the other side hisbollah missiles were targeting occupied palestine including hifa. this caused the commander of the israeli forces to decide to launch a ground attack on lebanon by counting under markava tanks. badhaj radwan and the other resistance commanders had already predicted the attack. hisbollah fighters used cornet missiles and roadside bombs to block the path of the israeli attack. in the end, after 33 days, the israelis gave into a cease fire without being able to get their hostages back or destroying hisbollah's launchpads. and this was how the longest war israel had fought ended in its
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defeat. two years after the 33-day war, the israelis were forced to release samir qantar and other prisoners that hisbollah wanted. haj radwan was not present on that day, but he had planned the hostage taking up. in such a way that the israelis were not able to know whether their hostages were dead or alive even after he was gone. on july the 16th, 2008, the prisoner exchange deal was implemented, an operation which was adorned by the name of murder haj radhwan, a man whose name is registered in history alongside
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israel's greatest defeats. we cannot permit a resource so vital to be dominated by one so... عندما هزم الجيش العراقي من الكويت راسا حصلت انتفاده في اسبوع واحد قتل المجرم صدام اكثر من 2000 شخص الامريكان كانوا واقعا يسمعون كانوا يشاهدون
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جاءت عمليه غزو الكويت وفرض حصار دولي جائر على is the price worth it? i think this is very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it. our war on terra begins with al-qaeda, but it does not end there. the israeli occupation demonstrates its hattridge on houses of the lord, this mosk
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was reduced to rubble by f16 warjet, the raid led to... the destruction of the houses around the mosk, causing the fall of martters and injuries amongst neighbors of the mosk. the palestinians did not stand on the romans the damas idly, but they created tempory amors that don't protect them from neither the cold of winter nor the heat of the summer.
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it speaks with me, the saint of the soil, from the blood and the ashes, it speaks with me the sound of the rain, from the battle and the victory, victory, victory, victory, victory.
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oh palestine, i free you, oh palestine, i free you, oh palestine, i free you, my every breath is a cry to my enemy, and i cry out, cry out, cry out to the evils and me, the flame within my heart will burn you, i cry out, and the thunder in my voice will deafhen
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you, i cry out, and the tornado within my soul, will hill you away. my bleeding wond once felt those onforgotten but the aching sorrow in me never gone. i raised it will my anger and love, love. of my land, anger at your deeds, raise it with my anger
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and love, love of my land, anger at your dead, wounded by hatred. i'm breathing, breathing, breathing, the magic perfume of my homeland, palestine, wounded in love, my hands turn around the branches of the olive tree, seeking peace, seeking peace, but as long as the pillows of our children are drink. in blood as long as you have the th crown of evil force, i'm a flaming thunder
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and tornado, and i cried out, i cried out. you, it is you, oh my son, i pray you, okay?
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en contra de la inseguridad.
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the headlines, israel is undermounting pressure to accept a new temporary cease fire in gaza mid growing condemnations, the gaza genocide and the regime's failure to achieve its war objectives. the political bureau chief of hamas says the palestinian resistance is still steadfast. despite 75 days of his rated genocide in gaza inflicting heavy losses on the occupying regime, and malaysia bands israeli own and linked chips from docking its ports as the israeli regime is facing more repercussions over its genocide in gaza.