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tv   News In Brief  PRESSTV  December 24, 2023 11:00pm-11:03pm IRST

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israel's bombardment of gaza has killed at least 166 palestinians. in the one day, the death tool now standing at over 20,400, mostly women and children, also nearly 54,ous people have been injured. human rights monitor says israel has turned gaza's schools used to shelter displace people into makeshifts and places for field execution. the euromate human rights group cited the killing of 15 people a school near the jabala refugee camp for civilian. were shot at point
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blank range. israely prime minister netanyahu says the gaza war has exacted very heavy price on the regime. he made a comments after the israely military confirmed 14 troops killed in gaza since friday. netanyahu said that israel has no choice but to keep fighting to achieve its goals. as senior hammas official has vout the movement will not allow israel to achieve any of its goals in gaza. he called the threats to eliminate the palestinian resistance empty. osama hamdun says there will be no negotiations on an exchange of captives until the aggression against the gaza stops. in one of the largest rallies in morocca since october 7th, people have taken to streets in capital rabat to express solidarity with the palestinian people amit the israely genocide in gaza. the protesters urged the moracan government to abolish its normalization agreement with israel.
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hello, i'm chris williamson and you're...