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tv   Mideastream  PRESSTV  December 26, 2023 9:02pm-9:30pm IRST

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morning the murders of the gaza strip, in palestinian christians will not celebrate christmas this year. the holiday rituals will be limited to prayers, which will also be hindered, especially in the occupied city of al-quds. zionist israel has turned the city of al-quds into military barracks throughout the year, currently. deploying its checkpoints and police forces in all alleys, streets and squares. this is accompanied by direct assaults by soldiers and settlers obstructing the lives of al quds residents, including their prayers without any freedom. palestinian christians have not only canceled holiday celebrations, but have also in recent weeks sent letters to all religious and human rights authorities worldwide, urging them to work to stop the genocide against gaza. at the same time, condemnations continue for the visit by the head. of christian churches in
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al-quds to the residence of israeli entity president isaac herzog during the holiday season. among the condemnations was a statement from the pastoral council of the ramala roman catholic melkite church, which denounced the meeting, saying such meetings do not represent us and are not related to us. targeting christians in gaza as well as in the west bank or occupied alkuts did not begin with the start of the aggression, but extends back before that. reference is made here to the... tags suffered by christian clergy early october prior to the al-aqsa flood battle from assaults by settler groups in al quds involving physical violence and spitting, in addition to attacks by occupation police forces. commenting on this incident at the time, the world council of churches in al-quds stated that christians of are facing persecution from zionist israeli extremist groups, criticizing the israeli entity government's silence on the matter, and adding, we feel persecuted as christians and for christian. as a religion in the
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country, there is israeli jewish persecution that is encouraged either through police negligence or through the statements made by israeli government ministers. now the harassment is not limited to determining the numbers of worshippers and the paths they take in al-quds, it extends to the collaboration of the occupation police with settlers and zionist right-wing extremist groups who roam the neighborhoods and alleys of the city. christian believers are subjected to insults and verbal abuse. on many occasions, the occupation police intervene and physically assault them in case of disputes with settlers who regularly spit at christian believers wherever they see them. now minister of national security itamar bin gavir defended those acts saying, there is ancient jewish custom to spit when passing near a monastery or priest, and you can agree with it or disagree. ben gavier then questioned, why do we turn spitting on christians into a... criminal offense. i
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know, it angers me too. spit back on the occupation and only then christmas will be marry again. welcome to the mid stream, i'm osman. in a show of of solidarity with the palestinians of gaza and the devastate. there church leaders in bethlehem and elsewhere in the palestinian holy land have asked local christians to avoid public displays of celebration and to instead intensify their prayers for the war's innocent victims. bethlehem municipal authorities to announce the removal of previously installed christmas decorations in solidarity with our people in gaza. to discuss this issue with us from damascus syria is father elyas zahlawi, a catholic priest. the church of our lady of damascus.
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father zahlawi, it's an honor to have you of with us, especially on these very tough devastating days with christmas being on the verge of these very devastating days. now uh, as you know, there is no christmas in bethlehem this year, actually there's no christmas in all of palestine, all of the region of west asia, with the us zianist israeli war on the gaza strip. festivities are off. this year. there will be no christmas in the city that is synonymous with the birth of jesus christ. peace be upon him because of the ongoing genocide in gaza. now as a man of the church yourself, what does this cancellation mean to you and to your parish? i wonder, what is the significance of celebrating the birth of christ to the world the most profound. i question what the
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celebration has turned into, regardless of religious observances, the current events have no connection to the birth. the one who carried the perfect image of god and humanity, whether they observe religious festivities or not, what is happening today, starting from palestine and extending worldwide, is unlike what christ intended with his birth in bethlehem, he came glorifying god, but what unfolds today from palestine across the globe reminds us of herod's actions after the birth of jesus christ, he slaughted children in bethlehem an attempt to eliminate the newborn jesus. today's events, heard and seen globally, including by all churches, notably the vatican, are unimaginable and unacceptable to both god and humanity. whether celebrated or not, jesus christ has no association with
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this holiday or its celebrations. that's my perspective. father zahlawi, knowing that churches were not spared, in the zionist israeli attack on gaza where christians who were displaced, displaced civilians who found refuge in the churches of gaza were targeted and they were martered inside of their churches. what do you think priests this christmas should do or should say to their pastoral in their pastoral activities, to their paris, to urge them to stand strong, bay me, to to support those that are faced. the war in the gaza strip and also in the occupied west bank because we have been seeing this kind of discrimination against especially the christian believers as well as the muslim ones in city as well. what is required from those representing christ
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regardless of their rank in the church? whether an ordinary being, bishop, a patriarch, a cardinal or the pope in rome. is to speak as jesus did out of love for humanity and in reverence to god. all denominations have remained silent today, especially the western churches. while it's true that the alaksa flood began on the 7th of october and the pope spoke on the 16th of december following the killing of two christian women in a gaza church, i would like to ask the pope and all western churches. two women the only ones worthy of concern among the human category, while thousands of children, women and men were modded in gaza? why did his holiness, the pope speak only after the assassination of two christian women in gaza? and neither he nor any bishop in the west or east spoke out
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about the killing of tens of thousands of children and women, why this silence? i wonder and openly pose the question a waiting answer. father zahrawi, we we saw that heads of of christian churches in al-quds visited last week the residence of the israeli entity president isaac herzog and they even took public photographs with the man while the christians of gaza were being killed under the rubble of their own churches uh because the israeli zionist bombings and the christians of al quds are being harassed they are being even spatt on by the occupation soldiers and settle. "what message would you send to those heads of christian churches after their visit to the head of the zianist entity? when i read the news about the meeting of latest from different christian denominations in al quds with the head of the
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zionist entity, i felt deep sorrow. however, i found some consolation when i learned that a priest from the catholic church in ramala..." protested against the project of the christian leaders meeting with the head the zionist entity, but i truly wonder about this silence. churchmen are not required to carry weapons, they are required to uphold the words of jesus. jesus's words are a defense of god, for god is love and justice. defending every human being, especially in the land of the christ. what has been happening there for 75 years is a complete denial of all that jesus christ carried for humanity, light, love, dignity and peace. i don't ask churchman to bear arms. i only asked them to say what jesus said. jesus did
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not carry a weapon, he carried words and his words changed the world. today, why do we submit in the name of money and power to authorities? that destroy the values of god and human values. it's time for us to wake up and trust that everything happening in gaza today will be the beginning of a change globally. as change has already started at the grassroots level. as for governments, unfortunately, even some arab governments have become entangled with zionism. however, the people have risen. we have even heard officials in america say that what is happening in gaza liberated us in america. i believe we are facing the birth of new world. father zahlawi, in less than one minute, uh, what could you say, what is your? message to the people of gaza at these very difficult times on christmas day, being in the church
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of our lady in damascus, i remember only this. 2000 years ago someone came to damascus carrying an absolute hostility towards christianity. in damascus, christ peed to him, transformed his heart and he became the greatest evangel. known to christianity, that was the fate of saul who became st. paul. today, i hope that from gaza new light will emerge, new direction for new world. i earnestly hope for it from the bottom of my heart, and i ask the allah, the god of the heavens and the earth, to bestow his grace upon all humans, even upon the oppressers, restoring their dignity as human beings. bringing them peace and love as humans, may humanity experience a period of safety, joy
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and tranquility at the least for a while, peace be with you. father zahlawi, thank you very, very much on this very special day for being with us from syria, from damascus, father zahlawi, catholic priest of the church of our lady of damascus, mayor christmas to you and to all your paris and to all the christians especially the christians of west asia who have been su suffering under the occupation in the occupied holy lands of palestine. thank you very much for being with us and for giving us a bit of your time on christmas day. ladies and gents, please stay tuned because next we will be talking about how the iraqi resistance is supporting our brothers and sisters in gaza.
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since october 17, 2023, iraqi resistance factions have been actively involved in the latest conflicts that broke out in west asia on october 7 known as al-aqsa flood operation as part. part of their role in the axes of resistance, these iraqi factions targeted us occupation military bases in syria and iraq with about 110 attacks, using bomber drones, grad and katusha missiles all the way to threatening to use precise, long and medium range missiles. more details in the following report. the islamic resistance in iraq threatened to escalate attacks with drones and missiles against us occupation bases in iraq and syria with the content. ation of the us covered israeli entity aggression on the gaza strip, a possibility for which
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washington says has prepared for by strengthening its missile systems deployed in the region. meanwhile, the islamic resistance in iraq announced at dawn on friday december 22 that it had managed to strike a target in designist illegal settlement of ilat. the resistance said in a statement, in continuation of our approach to resisting the occupation in support of our people in gaza and in response to the massacers committed by the userping and against palestinian civilians, including children, women, and the elderly, the mujahidin of the islamic resistance in iraq targeted the occupied um rashrash area with appropriate weapons. this came less than 24 hours after threats made by zinist israeli warminister yav galant, who declared on wednesday that israel will respond to any attack targeting the southern city of ilat, whether with missiles or other means. meanwhile, the israeli entity military spokesman announced the destruction of a drone that was sar targeting zianist israeli sites across the sea a few days ago, while the islamic resistance in iraq said that it
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targeted an israeli entity gas field platform in the mediterranean. the source in the islamic resistance in iraq explained that the vital sign that was targeted in the mediterranean sea was the kish gas field platform, stressing that the attack was successful. the resistance then explained that it shall continue to bond the strongholds of what it described as the enemy in response to the massacers committed by the israeli occupation in gaza. against palestinian civilians. it is noteworthy that iraqi factions, most notably, the islamic resistance in iraq, has launched hundreds of attacks on us occupation basis in iraq and syria in conjunction with war launched by zionist israel against the gaza strip, which has so far led to the martterdom of about 20,000 civilians, most of them women and children, and more than 50,000 were injured. us officials did acknowledge that these attacks have occurred, but said that the us army forces in syria and iraq responded to most of them, in addition to directing
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strikes in iraq and syria against sites the pentagon claimed were linked to iran. in the meantime, the islamic resistance in... threatened the us occupation that its bases in both syria and iraq are legitimate target for it due to the main role of the united states of america in the war on the gaza strip. to discuss this issue with us from beirot is mr. hamza khansa, journalist and political commentator. thank you very much for being with us, mr. hamza on this very early morning. now the iraqi resistance factions have been enhancing their missile capabilities and their expertise in the field of drones in a attempt to position themselves for major battle in the region. now the alexa flood operation on october 7th and the israeli entity war on the gaza strip, it imposed the first of in of its kind test for these factions, which are part of the axis of resistance as they decided to enter alongside hizbullah and other resistance factions to support gaza with their best ability. what
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has their involvement in this war so far brought forth for? today the resistance factions in iraq are working vigorously to demonstrate everyone that they are integral part of the access of resistance. regarding the operation of flood and the subsequent israeli entity aggression on gaza. these factions have proven themselves not only as inseparable part of this access, but also as an active participant. they carry out almost daily operations not only within iraq but also against us occupation bases in syria, underscoring the significance in supporting the palestinian resistance. the geopolitical importance of iraq, its presence of us forces and security agreements contribute to making the iraqi front strategically crucial. the internal political complexities in iraq
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amplify this importance, making it a vital and strategic front, especially considering the capability. the the noteworthy part and taken from what you just said is that why is the us occupation so far sticking to this strategy knowing that the iraqi resistance as you just explained they announced that they will expand the range of targets along for both
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inside of us military occupation bases in the region and zionist israeli territories in palestine as well yeah. let's imagine the scene today in the ongoing aggression in gaza, without supportive fronts from lebanon, syria, iraq and yemen. the israeli and american reactions would undoubtedly be extremely harsh, possibly forming alliances to launch a broader ground invasion of gaza with multinational forces. the supportive fronts, including the main front in iraq, played a role in limiting the us response. for instance, in yemen, there are attempts to form alliances. to combat the yemani resistance, but american naval assets in the red sea and adjacent maritime regions remain inactive. similarly, in iraq, the us acknowledges that iraqi resistance not only possesses capabilities, but also the will and determination to expand the front and target american forces and interests. there's something very critical in what's going on in
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iraq, because over the years we've seen that after the iraqi resistance victory over daesh. and the iraq resistance factions uh operated in very politically complex situations and security environments, we have the presidents of direct us military occupation in iraq, we have an iraqi uh government that was at sometimes hostile towards the resistance like that of prime minister, former prime minister mustafa kadimi, we had severe internal political division and negative external intervention particularly from regimes in the arabian peninsula, do you think any of these challenges might hinder the efforts of the obstacles to benefit from in situations like today, aiming to prevent the formation of resistance forces or political currents in iraq, sympathetic to the region's causes. the
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us has worked to fuel sectarianism, support isis daesh and aid extremist takfiry factions with the assistance of neighboring arab countries, notably saudi arabia. today it continues to manipulate internal iraqi politics, fostering animosity towards any resistance movement or... those addressing the nation's concerns. the reality, iraq has been a tool for the united states, butsa flood and the courageous initiative of the resistance factions to open a supportive front from iraq to gaza, surpassed all these american obstacles. it proved that the added will power to the capabilities possessed by the resistance factions, coupled with sovereign and political decisions by their leaders, leap frogs all these impeniments. this becomes a strength. for the resistance factions and point against the us presence in iraq, which repeatedly tried to turn the country into a hub for conspiracies against the nation's causes and the various religious
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and sectarian titles. today, the strategic importance of the supporting front in iraq lies in solidifying iraq as a resistant country, with factions that decisively make strategic decisions, such as opening a supportive front for the palestinian people. from another perspective, this... significant decision by the resistance factions asserts that iraq will not abandon the nation's causes, whether it's aggression against our people in gaza, lebanon, or eventually facing the american occupation in syria. this is particularly relevant considering the issue the american occupation within iraq itself, as these factions have opened the file of liberating iraq from american presence and resisting political, military and economic pressures from the us. this truly concerns the american.
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resistance in basically just eliminating the occupation from iraq, i want to thank you very much from beirot mr. journalist and political commentator for joining us to discuss the role of the iraqi resistance factions in supporting - brothers and sisters uh in gaza who are under a genocide as the people celebrates sadly uh this year's christmas. thank you for being with us, ladies and gents, thank you for watching and please do follow us on telegram and on x and we always promise to bring you the latest from here from west asia on press tv's the mideast stream.
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french influence is rapidly eroding over its former colonies in africa. since the 19th century, french colonization had culminated a monopolized fear of influence in west africa. france is only using its presence in these regions especially the sahel region for its own benefit. to control our mineral resources. west africans are gradually rejecting french influence and they are blaming these former colonial master for the rampant poverty and in security in the region. الايرانيين
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بصراحه نفعونا في عده اشياء اكو اوامر من القياده العليا من سماحه سيد خمنائيطلب العراقيين اخواننا عراقيه في ادارهميدان باستشاره بمساعده باي شيء وزع الادوار انت لهون انت لهناك وهون اذا بدك فينا نقول حط استراتيجيه الشغل. النهايه تحدث حجي قاسم قال اذا قمنا بتحرير هذه المنطقه اكو منطقه شبه بيضاويه فوق الفلوده ستسقط الفلوجه اون انتقام کمتر از ۳ ماه دیگر اعلام پایان داعش و حکومت داعش در این کره اوکی. go to yemen, live, we
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have the armed forces. god will grant you victory, and make you stand firmly on on your own two feet in support of the oppression of the palestinian people who are subject up until now to killing and destruction and siege and hunger, the naval armed forces and the yamini armed forces with god's help carried out a targeting of a commercial ship at se united with the appropriate missiles and the targeting of the ship came after its team rejected for the third time the calls of the naval forces and also the warnings the repeated warnings.