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tv   News In Brief  PRESSTV  December 29, 2023 3:00pm-3:03pm IRST

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top stories here on press tv: israel's fresh attacks have killed dozens of people in different areas of gaza, they include the southern city of rafa, as well as several. refugee camps near the city of deral bala. total death total since october the 7th is 21,320, tens of thousands of people have been injured as well. un special reporter on palestine says what israel is doing in gaza is the monstrosity of our century. francesca albanese says israel's bombing areas in gaza that it designated as safe zones, wiping out entire families. she also criticized what she called western complicity in the war. the
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united nations children's funds described 2023 as the deadliest year on record for palestinian kids in the west bank. uniceff said more than 120 palestinian children have been killed in israeli attack since start of the year. a un human rights official says the regime has in bolden settlers to ratchet up attacks on palestinians in the occupied west bank. aj sungai said lack of accountability and impunity has also led to a spike and violence there. and new pro- palestine rallies have taken place throughout different parts of the world. yemenes filled the streets of sana and saada demanding lifting of the siege on gaza. protesters in israel's tel aviv and the us city of new york call for an immediate cease fire in the besige gaza strip.
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