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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  January 3, 2024 2:02am-2:30am IRST

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palestinian resistance fighters call him the martter of a goods, resistance fighters in lebanon, iraq, yemen, and syria regard him as their mentor and an anti-terrorism icon. general qasim sulaimani is known to be the main force behind reviving the resistance front in the west asia region. now thanks to his efforts and services, resistance fighters in palestine have bravely fought back the us israelity genocidal war for almost three months now, and resistance fighters elsewhere in the region have been retaliating the israeli crimes against.
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a with recalling the role that iran's general sulaymani played in reviving resistance groups in different countries in this region and also the fruits that you would now see in the performance of the resistance fiser today, especially the palestinian ones. you see, first of all want to send my condolences to the palestinian people and the whole arab and muslims people ' for losing the martur
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was assassinated just under an hour ago by this entity in beirot, that can show us they are after always assinating the leaders and the thinkers of the resistance access in west asia, especially in palestine as was from 1948 till today the same trend as they... they call it as mowing the loan, so in in west asia, the east leaders, especially sulaiman along with his brothers and comrades understood the importance of the united states of america's domination of the region and the importance of the zionist entity and from the us for its base with... is
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designness entity to dominate the region and sometimes to free the hands of the united states of america to go to areas like in china or around the world is vital so it's the hub of the importance of the the united of america's power around the world as number one superpower is the control of west asia and that control comes along with it unite the the zinis entity uh the... arab reactionary and islamic reactionary regimes, which you can see along with the arab reactionary regimes, there is turkey and nato and stuff and other countries like that, so this is gives the united states of america domination in the resources of that area, the region and the the transportation of that area so the united states of america from within this area by dominating the the energy at least market can't control the growth of
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china, so can measure how how competitive china will be against the western empire, and from there our brothers in the resistance understood how important to build what the, i will call it the the rockets wall around this zianist entity to shrink its influence and to by doing that they will weaken the united states. of america so the united states of america today lives on this region by printing dollar and by living for a free from the resources of the area and controlling other states the the the the intelligence of of leaders like sulaimani himself when they innew when they fighting daesh at the start in you they are fighting the... intelligence
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of the cia and the mosad and the others and in that in its own by defeating it in syria and defeat it in iraq and stopping it from go spinning over to libanon a protest. the resistance even in libaron and palestine okay, let me just shift to to professor wack king, professor, suleimani was moderate but his cause lives on and the fighters that he trained are given the uh israeli occupation forces the hell in gaza, so isn't it the same the case of also salahuri in lebanon, because he may not be there physically anymore, but his comrades will definitely continue his pass even more determined way, right? well, first, i would like to present my condolences to the family of commander salih and to the palestinian people for the martur them of this brilliant leader, but actually, whether
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it's been the case of salih or shahid qasim sulaymani or abu maahdi muhandis or other marters or anyone who indulged in such path. the path of jihad against imperialism, i believe that they have been awaiting such destiny, and they consider the martterdom as reward, but despite the the martterdom of highly qualified commanders over the past four or five decades, naming for example sayid abbaswi, the the former general secretary. many other commanders such asdeen or for example among the palestinian people, the abu ali mustafa for example, and many others of course, this has never obstructed
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the path of the development of the resistance and the accumulation of expertise by this resistance and the the the sharing of expert. is among the various resistance groups whether in iraq, lebanon, syria, palestine or yemen, so i believe that in this regard we can see how important was martter qasim sulaimani, general sulaimani, because he has played a pivotal role in linking all these... groups together, making them joint forces, share expertise, coordinate their moves and actions, in a way that made us see that all these arenas or spheres of resistance whether
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in yemen, lebanon, iraq or syria have taken part in the struggle going on now between the palestinian resistance in gaza and the... zionist entity, so this is where we see the importance of qasim sulaimani, especially that his task was not only limited to fighting israel, but his task was also to coordinate the efforts of the resistance movements against the zionist us plans to divide and redraw the geopolitical map of the region by enticing trouble and discord in especially in the arab east and by by promoting and sponsoring terrorist groups in lebanon, syria and iraq, after the invasion of iraq by by the american forces in 2003, so that's that was the reason why the in the
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united states that uh were desperate in in trying to block the development and further strengthening of the resistance groups. reverted to a desperate measure by assassinating qasim sulaimani and his companion abu mahdi muhandis, by the way, few days ago i was in iraq a visit and i saw the preparations for the celebration of the fourth marturdom, fourth anniversary of the marturdom of qasim sulaimani and abu mahdi muhandis and i saw and met actually some top resistance commanders who were... launching operations against the american occupying forces in iraq and actually this reflects how strong have the the the resistance groups in iraq become even after the assassination of
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marter qasim sulaimani which is an evidence of his pivotal role and how important he was. and still is in passing on the expertise to these resistance groups okay now back to belfast this terrorist attack that happened. against the lebanese office in beirot in which the will last the hamas official mr aluri uh this is not only assassination, it's also attack against sovereign nation called lebanon, isn't it? yes, yes, indeed, indeed, salahuri, was guest in lebanon along with other palestinians in there, and this is... definitely attack on the a sovereign state
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and this is what the united states of america and the z entity don't respect any sovereign states, they didn't respect the sovereignty of iraq when when trump gave the order to assassinate qasim sulaimani and muhandis and they are leaving the airport of baghdad, the same thing they when they assassinate palestinian. leaders, as brother was saying professor wakim, they they from the 50s, 60s and they any any leadership in political or military or scientific field, they assassinate design entity, we seen this is developed even till the civil project of nuclear project in iran, they were assassinating their the the the iranian scientist the... thing that happened in egypt, those guys, the the united states of america and the its tool in the region, the
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function state, the zist entity, they are, they came from north america and the ziist entity, they got its gangs from west europe and east europe and planting them in the region and they came to loot the region and they act in there as thugs and thiefs and they behave like they are rolling the international arena. united states of america, but actually what they doing, anybody stand in the face to preserve the resources of the the region as the iranian revolution did when it's broke away from the american hegemony with the islamic revolution, the united states of america thought is it's lost the biggest milking cow for them in the in the middle east and their own policeman who was overseeing the the the dominance. the united states of america in in the gulf region and the middle east, the same thing the sign entity today, when they see
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commanders likeuri, or the martyr sulaimani and abu mahdi muhandis, build this ring of fire around that zist entity to shrink in it and to as the the alaksa flood brove, these guys are not that strong, these... build their power a propaganda and in technology which the intelligence of leaders like sulaymani or laruri and the other palestinian fighters brove they can tackle and destroy, they don't want the resistance to get bigger because that means they lose the resources, they lose the power of controlling the oil and gas and the and slaving the countries and in from that perspective the united states of america. always sending the zianist thugs or its own marines or its own armed forces to
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attack and to assassinate the leaders who try to break this region free from incubation and domination. now jamal, there are some other resistance fighters, they were also inspired by iran general sulaimani, those in yemen who performed anti-israel operations recently, as you're informed, so let's talk... about how effectively uh the yemini maritime operations could impact the israeli economy that's already in shambles? well, first general sulaimani has been very important in passing over not only expertise but also the way of manufacturing actually arms with limited resources by the various resistance. groups whether in iraq, lebanon, palestine or yemen,
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now the yemenis are positioned in a in a very important strategic region that controls the babel mander path, and we know that much of the trade link coming from the east towards the west passes through the red sea and the swiss. starting with with the babilmanda path, so the yemanies by targeting the israeli ships and all ships that are carrying israeli cargo have inflicted heavy blow or directed heavy blow at the israeli economy, they have paralyze the uh port and they have
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obliged the israelis to divert their trade roots away from babal mandab which have increased. the cost of transportation and with it the all the the cost of or the expenses and the cost of the commodities, imported commodities and this affected heavily the the israeli economy, so that's why i believe that the yemen's role was very important in in... obstructing the trade, the israeli trade and in inflicting heavy casualties and damages on the israeli economy in support of the palestinians in gaza and the occupied territories, and this is exerting heavy pressure on the israeli economy in a way that is increasing and
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mounting the israeli opposition against the government of benyamin. netanyahu, so the the yemenis are now affecting the stability of the israeli government in such a way that would help the palestinians in gaza in in resisting of course the pressure of the israeli occupation forces on them. okay, and sab shaz, iran's anti-terrorism commander, late general sulaimani, was also named by some us magazines. was the world top defense thinker at 2019 and and he used all what he had on his power in terms of a strategy, military training and all that, and he just reached out to resistance fight in the region, somewhere else in the region that we did not mention was syria, he also did play a big role there, leading the resistance fighters there to get rid of the scurge of daesh terroris, let's have your take on that
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too, you see uh today uh... we can find the daesh only confined and these terrorist takfiry groups who are the are made and manufactured and it trained by the cia and the musad, they are confined to the the the area which is b kaman and the t part of the syrian desert which is these two are the main bases of the united states of america or other areas which is idlip under the control of course of the turkish and and other military group supported by the turkish and united states of america, so this two third of syria were under these groups control before, the the the the the the state of syria, the army, syrian army with the help of the hazballah with the help of the resistant thinking and support like general qasim
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sulaymani managed to cleanse all of that, we remember the major fights which is uh on the in areas bordering syria and lebanon, which is stopped the spillover of daesh to lebanon at the time, because that's what they wanted the united states of america, a ring of these takfiry groups around this entity, so they will push the resistance away from there, they failed today, the resistant axis controlling from straight of hormos to babel mandab, to palestine, to syria, to iraq, they are. the ring around this entity and america's interest in the region. okay, that's all the time we have, gentlemen. let me thank our guest, saab shas, author and west asia uh expert in belfast, jamal wakim, professor of international relations at the lebanese university in beirut. and thank you for watching this episode of the news of the spotlight. with me, your host. i'll see you
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next time. يا جماعه الخير من شان الله.
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قمر غفا والشوق فينا لا ينال ودموعنا في الليل تصنع والسلام والحزن غلف كل قلب عاشق. عاشق المحروم حتما لا يلام هنا الف ذكره ودروب عشق
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لم تزل ترزوا لقاء هنا الف عبراء الزواجه تقعين to repossess gaza, to reconquest gaza and to uh convert it into an israeli area, but this
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is pure madness and it's utterly illegal. now it's not new, because force displacement is the main trade that characterizes israeli occupation in the gaza street, the west bank and east jerusalem. it has gone through 56 years. not to mention what has happened before, but now this, i mean it's so cynical to call it voluntary migration and continue to evoke as the only possibility for the palestinians in gaza to survive, to move somewhere else, to the sinai or somewhere else in the arab region saying that the palestinians are arabs, this is like saying that italians can go anywhere because they are europeans, this is so racist, but plus it's force displacement, it's a crimes against humanity and... not be again, it should be, should be stopped, it's shocking to see the silence of the international community in the face of these of these unfathemable ideas, some 20 million,
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that's the estimated number of followers of the islamic movements in nigeria. so join me as i talked to the founder and the leader of this movement, sheikh ebrahim zak zaki, if there have been no islamic republic of iraq, those resistance in palestine will not have been able to do what they are doing, but we'll discuss the message that led to... its growth and what it has in common with the palestinian resistance, so make sure you join us right here on hidden files at press tv.
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the israel regime assassinates the deputy head of the hamas resistance movement saw the alarari in the lebanese capital beirot. hamal strongly condemns israel's assassination of the movement's deputy chief in beirot as a complete act of terrorism and violation of levanese sovereignty and people in the iran and elsewhere commemorate the fourth assassination anniversary of anti-terror icon and commander haj qasim sulaimani.