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tv   News In Brief  PRESSTV  January 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:03pm IRST

5:00 pm
are claiming the lives of the innocent people, it means that they have other ways to attack a country like iran or iraq or other resistance countries, and since they don't have any other ways, they just attack the people, because is the easiest and the most covered way, doesn't need any courage, doesn't need any tactics, doesn't need any difficulties and complications, just something that they can claim n, thank you very much for that, political commentator from tehran, also like to thank mahar salom, thank you, mahar, academic and commentator from beiroot, with that we come uh to the end for our rolling coverage for now, we're going to take just a couple minutes uh uh break uh before we um recoop and gather all our information or to bring to you the latest with the unfortunate death doll uh there um to have risen a couple to 73 and over 170 others injured based on the terrorist incident that has taken place uh in the islamic republic in the hometown. sulaymani
5:01 pm
um in kerman uh, so do stay with us, we'll be back very shortly, let's bye for now.
5:02 pm
he was like the people's person like he he knew what the people wanted, he didn't post about what he was doing, he didn't have any pride, and it shows that when he passed away, there were many process, even some people died because of stampeds when they were transporting his body across the country show, it shows that the people loved him and that the people supported what he was doing, he he lived such legacy that that everybody just wants to follow in his footsteps giving their lively their lives to the cause of this fighting this um zinusm evil that the palestinians have endure since 1948. i think being the lead collaborator of lot of the resistance forces and lot of the plans that the resistance forces followed through with.